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Jacked Ramsays Live: Post Trade Deadline Analysis

Join Danny Marang & Brandon Sprague for a live show reviewing the NBA Trade Deadline, the lack of action across the league and with the Trail Blazers, what that means moving forward and how the post all star break is shaping up.

E What’s going on everybody Welcome to Jack Ramsey Danny mering Brandon sprag Friday evening Super Bowl Sunday it’s a great time to talk basketball that’s exactly what everybody’s talking about it it’s the Talk of the Town man basketball every time I derailed the entire week with Dusty to talk

Basketball he just kind of looked at me like you’re a monster why would you do such a thing uh we appreciate you we love you like great VI subscribe help us grow the show uh we we are back to the Grind uh not only uh post trade deadline

Which we were here to talk about uh but I’m back to the land of living for the most part I think I’m probably only going to cough twice during the show so baby steps shout out drugs uh all right we are post deadline post falling apart to the Detroit Pistons

Post uh injured uh five of seven five of your top seven a lot of things going on uh where do you want to start Senor spring I I I want to start with the most obvious I think we can touch on the injuries where they’re at right now

Healthwise um I hate to be honest with people but waking up at 4:00 a.m. I just sometimes cannot like stay tapped in they were up 23 when I went to bed boy did I wake up to a surprise they lost an overtime and hand left hert I was just

Like what a nice surprise to wake up to I I think we start though let’s start with a trade deadline it was yeah a massive thing I I I said this on the radio show and I I want to get your thoughts on this very quickly if I would

Have gone back in time Doc Brown pulls up the boran’s there I’m going back in time to September October and I catch d mering outside of the the Blazer practice go hey hey and you think it’s me like yo this is February sprag telling you I can tell by how white you

Are Yeah well yeah that’s a great observation pale white they’re not going to make a real move at the deadline I what would your reaction have been just in that moment I know a lot has changed we know the landscape of the league based on what the deadline was but what

Would your reaction have been at that point I it depends on when you got to me if we’re talking talking like post like if we’re talking like a week after day before media day I say if we’re talking a week after media day it would have been different because after it was

About a week after media day that I had a bunch of discussions with people around the team and kind of understanding of like what was happening we’re still kind of trying to figure out like immediately post Dame trade guys weren’t even in town yet like Mal wasn’t

Even in town day of if I remember right I think he was yeah he wasn’t there the next day it was Da got there right away because it was just Arizona it was easy um I would have been surprised on on no movement or very little movement with

With Delano Bandon um but if you would hit me up a week later after all the discussions and like no they’re going to keep Mal and they like him and um they’ve got a bunch of young guys that are trying to figure out I would say that they didn’t make a move

Particularly with where we were with the CBA then I wouldn’t have been shocked I would have had a mild surprise at a lack of action but if you told me kind of like what shaped it it wouldn’t I don’t I don’t think it would have bothered me

Or or made me like what like if we like the year before yeah obviously because of where they were like contractual standings but right um six out of 10 level of shocked okay yeah I think I put myself in that scenario and I think I would have been

An eight just out of the not knowing what the draft was kind of at that point versus what we know more and more about this the you know the landscape of the the CBA and how people are adjusting with the cap and how like that’s a an underrated part I mean the biggest

Player traded yesterday was either bonovich or buddy heel depending on your perspective of it so it clearly wasn’t a massive trade deadline but a year ago it you know where they were a year ago where they’re at now Delano Banton coming in you mentioned that um you

Heard Joe Cronin he had his press conference what did you think of the comments uh what I expected I I thought that was probably the most buttoned up and like professional that we’ve heard Joe as far as like keeping it on on track and I mean we’ve we’ve gone over

The whole you know uh trade deadline and then into into the draft uh quotes last year that I think if they would could go back and do it over again they would um not because I don’t think they wanted to but because by putting it out there they

Put an onus on themselves that put them in a bad spot I I don’t think anybody would disagree with that at all um his two worst moments Danny are that press conference and the draft press conference yeah that’s I’m sorry I said I said uh post-draft yeah or pre-draft

But the post-draft yeah and that’s that’s when I what you know kind of went at him was like how can you justify trying to play these guys all together like that doesn’t make any sense um that was the whole 92 minutes this thing you know um

But or 96 Minutes EXC me make my math right um I thought it was the fact that there was nothing that really came out of it shows you that he’s is getting more used to being the more buttoned up GM more than anything else I think the one comment

The one question that kind of made him pause was mine about the CBA and whether whether or not they what he should or shouldn’t give away there I think everything else was kind of like a prepackaged uh point I think there can I can I throw

One point there was I so I listened to it and and there was one that did stick out and he was going through just kind of his evaluation process of like how he’s kind of viewing this and he did I I think he said something to the effect

I’m paraphrasing here because I don’t have the exact quote in front of you I’m paraphrasing something to the effect of and we want to figure out our style of play yeah he was talking about bouncing back from that road trip where they got slacked he I remember he said I’m really

Interested to see what our response was to that and then I think we still need to do a better job of exp of uh exploring or expressing our identity there something along those lines um because I think they’ve started to show a little bit of it but I think

They’re right I think they still do need to be better about who they are with an identity for sure I think the tough thing hearing that though is just to the year three and look I I think that the the hard thing about this conversation we talked about this before the Pod is

Is nuance and disagreement and kind of just overall as basketball fans media whatever philosophy and viewpoints of this stuff that one was a weird one to me and I I certainly get the response from the road trip that obviously was a bad road trip they certainly arguments

The worst in franchise history yeah I mean they’ve they’ve I they lost last night unfortunately for them and to the worst team to lose to but they for the most part when they’ve had their guys they’ve played better basketball I just was that one still kind of the way I

Heard it was just like year three Chanty we’re still kind of like doing the whole identity thing and and again might be more context to that but that one kind of caught my ear and I wanted to throw it at you because I was wondering how

Much more I think it’s more context as it pertains to this roster I think that’s that was at least that was my interpretation of it I think I I guess that’s all in the eye of the beholder like how you hear the question sure it’s like uh when Jake

Fiser said that the he heard yeah I I know a lot of people got sideways with it my interpretation of it was like oh yeah they they don’t want to be a team that doesn’t have vets yeah like that was the like the only way that I was

Reading it where other people took it more literally you want to be 23 and 26 and be the 11th seed and have Dylan Brooks on your I’m like no I I don’t think they meant it as like a direct one to one Apples to Apples comparison guys

I think they just wanted to say this is a young team with or a team with a bunch bunch of young guys on a couple vets that kind of put it all back together uh but as far as the identity like even talking to the players uh this season like they

They’ve said particularly over the last couple weeks probably over the last month they’ve been better about getting their identity across and like the version that they want to be yeah which is getting guys more involved at certain spots like finding ways to get da integrated um finding ways to get the

Young guys involved um the aggressive and getting downhill and getting towards the rim like those things are kind of where I think that’s kind of where they were going through it at least all right that’s how I read it how did you read it well I just it’s I didn’t read it as

Like the most negative but it was just like when you’re in the third year with a new regime it’s um there’s an element of maybe hearing it at certain moments and like i’ I’ve been up and down with this stuff man like I I joke I you know

Jokingly would say it and I I meant every word of it we weren we’re not built for this and I’m kind of throwing myself in that sometimes like it’s Danny it’s not easy I’ve seen you I’ve seen you pull back I know you have it’s not

Always easy to sit here and watch this team and you know you kind of Wonder I’ve been throwing this out for a while I don’t think the West is all that stacked outside of the first four and I’m not saying they’re going to be in the playoff next year but that was an

Element of the pressure that I was thinking about was going through my head of they kept vets for now we’ll see what happens in the summer but is there an aspect of this build and I I think we’ve either asked Joe this or I’ve wanted to ask this like the Team Building Concept

Cannot be simple for a million different reasons one of them has to be you’re always kind of flexing and bending with what your information is telling you and it’s funny like for years it was like can we just get Dame some help we finally get two really good vets on this

Team and malc and and Jeremy and they want to be here and we’re in the middle of the restart and they’re two guys positionally that we would want yeah it’s just crossing at the wrong time so a lot a lot of that is luck kind of but

But real quick let me I just I wonder with the no movement and we we I think it’s fair to assume that that market sucked and that’s okay yeah are they recalibrating a little bit and maybe this isn’t baby Blazers for x amount of time maybe this you know that

Thing that we talk about that’s what it is I I I knew kind of where you were going to go with this in my discussions with people that have talk to the team and my discussions with the team it has been made very clear that they don’t want to do the [ __ ] they

Did before they don’t want to and I think the Joe the professional GM speak what Joe said yesterday was we don’t want to build a team and short circuit it I’m trying to remember what he said and get to the playoffs and get SL slacked or

Get blown out or get bombed or something like that I can’t remember what what what verb he used but um I think that was his way of at least of sliding that in there of like we don’t want to build a fake playoff team just to say we made

It to the playoffs don’t want to be a seven seed an eight seed get in the play Beat the play go oh maybe we can cause that yeah no the goal isn’t that that I let’s see what they do but behind the scenes they have been very

Clear but that is not what they want to do now the GM speak was um a sustainable team which I think means don’t do what the Hawks did when they stumbled into the Eastern Conference Finals because they played nobody you know they had the short circuiting Nicks and then uh Ben Simmons

Forgetting how to basketball uh or the Phoenix Suns it was at 20 15 when they were like yeah with the blood so and then it was yeah like just you don’t you don’t want to do that like that’s there’s a there’s a gap in there that teams like

Chicago are looking to fill right well Chicago is really proud of being in a 10 seed or a nine seed and you can just like book them for that and I think organizationally I if they go down that road and this I’ve been called a mouthpiece for Joe

Cronin and shill for the team and blah blah blah when they traded Dame and you know this Brandon what did I say I’m going to give this franchise two years of like cart blunch okay you’ve got two years to put this together beyond that if if it starts heading down that

Again then I start you know drilling away at it mhm because I didn’t when Dam’s rookie year Dam’s first three years Dame’s fifth year I’m not I wasn’t killing the franchise because they were still trying to figure stuff out especially after Lamarcus left like yeah you screwed that

Up but let’s see where we go now right yeah and I think that my brain is wired like if you I see OKC’s getting brought up in the chat from the top time that they dealt Westbrook and George until now that’s five years that’s five years they just dealt Dame six months

Ago get four and a half more years till you’re on the same timeline yeah if that that’s the timeline you’re gonna point to that like that everybody keeps saying Okay C they did it so quick they did it so quick they traded Paul George and Russell

Westbrook five years ago that is by the way side note insane it’s been five years I do feel like that was two years ago that’s what I mean like because of everything that just it it’s just I look at where things are and yeah I want them

Now I don’t I don’t want to cover a bad team that’s it’s not fun like I don’t I have to invent new ways for me to watch games sure because it gets like last night I think went about seven eight minutes in the fourth quarter I go oh

Than are so they’re going to lose this game MH like you could just you could see it coming the second the second ant went out in the third quarter I was like oh this is not getting good and then they closed the third quarter and I was

Like okay okay we’ll see where this goes and that’s I think that’s kind of the season it’s like you’re like all right let’s see where this goes but you have the you have the wherewithal at least for where I’m at and how I’m analyzing things where I’m not living and dying in between

Each game I’m looking at 82 but I’m taking look at this 10 game segment this 10 game segment who’s doing what here who’s doing what here and you mentioned it we were talking before the Pod somebody uh somebody tweeted at me like analyzing five game segments like how

Increments of the season do you break them up into bulk amount Terry STS used to do that Terry STS used to take take the game in five game chunks he’d do five game chunks mhm that’s how they Le like hey let’s tackle five games at a

Time five games at a time and then you just kind of go from there and you just kind of take a look at what they are doing now they started out a complete [ __ ] show then they kind of they got really injured then they started to get it together a little

Bit then it was like hey this is a fun Plucky Team all right and then you get in to Mid late December and like this 10 game segment is the worst basketball I’ve ever seen mhm and now they’ve gotten out of that and they’re in like

What the last 10 games well last last 13 they’re five and eight because they were six7 had they won last night which is kind like I I started to pre-write something like they’re six and seven like I’m like guess I shouldn’t have done that

Um I think you had a couple I think you did have one that people were like oh this aged so oh yeah no I was talking in fact that tweet all double down on it absolutely I was talking about the veterans yeah because the the Pistons

Were rudderless and I was talking to the Pistons Riders after the game last night and they were like yeah we haven’t seen them do that all season like apparently Cade went into the locker room and chewed the everybody out of that game last night yeah at halftime wow and just

I took whatever step was necessary and and the you know the vacancy was filled or the vacancy was there there’s no vets on the team so K decided to fill that that hole and which good for them but that as cute and fun as all that is

You can draw the straight line for when Anthony went out mean they were up what 18 20 went something like that yeah I think when he got hurt it was around 18 yeah and then it just like you like literally the ESPN graph shows you when ant went out and just craters

Um and if you don’t have 49 from Jeremy last night you might have broken that record for how many points they would have lost by I mean the they had nothing yeah and he gives you 49 on 50 50 90 shooting you know and I look at that and I go Jesus

You know what is what does this season look like if it’s you know that your process Sixers level so if if anything that re it reinforced for me the value of veterans last night so I think my fear and part of the why part of the

Reason Danny why I come back and forth on some of this cuz I I totally understand from a logical standpoint this is not going to get rebuilt quickly is even though people you know confuse OKC with a 2-year rebuild and not like a 5-year rebuild my only thing in my hang

Up on it is because I heard you say the process Sixers I worry about being the Kings I I I uh the plan certainly has changed things for a lot of teams that maybe aren’t ready or or as good and you know that gives them a little motivation

To to make that leap but I think the tough thing for me is OKC comp is fine certainly going to take some time they got Shay in that deal and and and I I like some of the players on this team I don’t I personally don’t

Think we have a shay yeah I don’t know if that that that guy is there there but also at the same time when they made that deal I don’t think that they knew he would be a top five player in the NBA well you know according to Doc Rivers he

Was telling kawhai you should just keep Shay we don’t need PG uh one in five Doc Rivers was saying that on a podcast once and I about laughed but look it certainly was a risk for them but it was a good swing because it’s a young player

On a you know he’s a good athlete he’s plays an important he project he projected to be a very good player but top five anybody who says that is they’re lying to you and pre yeah I I don’t disagree with that but pry was smart to get that in the deal and many

It’s like when the Knicks get Brunson and it’s like yo he’s actually maybe First Team all NBA type Talent it it changes the math and I think that’s the hard thing about the rebuild is we point to OKC they have a first team all NBA player I we don’t have that and that’s

What makes rebuilding difficult is like the part of that yeah well here’s the thing you have to kind of go through the desert for a couple years to to see if you have that guy if scoot turns into that guy if ant turns into that guy if Shaden turns into that guy unfortunately

With Shay’s injury and having a surgery today you don’t know that like did you did the Thunder know that in year one was Shay no probably not no no did they know it in year two no probably had a pretty good idea of like what this looked like of like

What he was going to be but I think they also had a clear table of understanding when they made the separation when because they got rid of Paul George they got rid of Russell Westbrook and they got everything that they needed in that and then they bring

In a guy like Chris Paul a veteran to help stabilize things and it was kind of funny because Shay wasn’t playing on the ball endlessly because you had a Chris Paul MH and he brought him along a a little bit for all of the scoot needs

All the on ball reps do you think Shay you think SJ got all the on ball reps alongside Chris Paul Chris Paul a never Chris Paul Ain never been off the ball I tend to believe people pointing to certain rebuilds don’t watch a lot of those teams during the actual rebuild so

They just see it they see the final product or the product that’s progressing and they go well that should be us I I will push back on one thing there though I think don’t we know an like I I know an has been banged up and I felt

Really bad that he left yesterday he was having a good game but like we know A’s not SGA sure but my point was just like to go through these processes you have to you have to go through that Wilderness and they haven’t even got through a year post yet and I think

That’s that’s where some difficulty could lie for Blazer fans I know we’ll get to a lot of things tonight including update on some injury stuff and we got some questions we’re going to answer but I think that’s the element for me is was evaluating this right we’ll get to

Shaden but Shaden might be shut down for the year I know when he comes back it’s somewhere about the 13 games remaining Mark I don’t know if he’ll play we’ll have to wait and see on that 32 games the year 32 Scot 19 it sucks it dud

Sucks sh this is this is an underrated element of the Season Danny is 32 games is an awful sample size for a guy at that point of his career and it’s terrible luck scoots 19 you’ve highlighted before how many times it’s hard to evaluate and and fully come

To any conclusion whatsoever in a 19-year-old ants been banged up here and there and it’s it’s been tough like I was really evaluating is the most positive thing if you took Jeremy and Mal out because timeline wise it might not match up for many is the most

Positive thing from the season so far Jabari am I wrong on that if you from a consistent from a consistent thread I would say yes but I would also say I think even with ant being banged up he’s a 25 and five guy like we’ve we’ve we’ve seen it now

The consistency of like when like his dips and he’ll tell you flat out that’s the thing he needs to work on the most for sure that is the one thing it is the consistency of like there’s a difference between being a near star or star and being a superstar right Superstars are

Capable find a way to do it every night or close to every night you know sometimes you just you don’t have Knights but those are the rare occasions they they they aren’t 25% of your games that’s the step for ant but I think that’s that’s where they’ve been

Robbed with his injuries is whether or not he can put together strings of that right eight games seven out of eight here eight out of 10 there like that’s I think that’s the kind of thing where you’re like okay is he on the same level as the heroes of the world which are

Really good players or is he above that but below the superstars right like the Zack LaVine level I think is kind of where he’s at right now where like if he takes one more step like his high end is super high but there’s this you know kind of vacillation offensively

Like that dude can absolutely murder but when when on those nights he doesn’t have it it hurts you because you you rely on him to be that guy and I think that’s the question with an is can he take that next step up because if he can then he’s

A guy you build your offense around and then that answers one of your questions about your foundational building blocks is it SGA no but you kind of know which way you want to go at least for the next two years and I don’t dis yeah I don’t

Disagree with any of that but I think what makes that difficult is you still have another point guard on this team that’s 19 still figuring his thing out and and as we mentioned with Shaden we’ll get to the injury 32 games like I don’t know what you go to a whiteboard

With your personnel and say how do we evaluate this like it’s such a tiny sample size I mean it’s awful news but also you know the deadline comes and goes still have the Vets on this team I know they’re banged up what does this mean for the summer I know a couple

People asked that question but like what this now means I know we got to get the rest no I’m already starting to look there myself um I don’t and barring some pretty drastic change within the roster I don’t know how you can come out of the summer with Malcolm on the

Roster I don’t I think that’s a big change that has to be made unless you’re somehow trading one of scoot an or shayen because you just you can’t have four guys that need 28 to 30 minutes a night like it’s just the math isn’t there what about Jeremy is Jeremy in

That for you on the summer is it just Mal just Mal the Jeremy is not prohibiting like I said unless there’s a major unless they they draft unless they draft like Alex SAR and alexar is a guy they look at as more of like a jiren Jackson playing more of the four yeah

Then maybe you can have that discussion of like yeah Jeremy’s kind of in the way of that development or he’s now SAR is going to split time between the four and the five and that’s kind of how you you have them kind of playing both which

The Grizzlies have done a little bit and obviously jiren played more five with the Olympic team which didn’t go well but like I think that that’s that’s the way I think you could kind of sing like that kind of change but I don’t think that there’s a Jeremy needs

To go edict from me at least and it’s not because I want to see M go I like mil but there’s there organizationally you can’t sit there and try to force Four Guys into that positionally there’s just not enough minutes it’s the same thing that

I said to Joe or the question that I asked to Joe on draft night how can you get three four guys that need 30 minutes when you’ve only got 96 yeah and that hasn’t changed now the only reason why I relented is remember I got k killed in

The beginning of the season when I even mentioned scoot coming off the bench and lo and behold he comes off the bench and it ended up being beneficial for him I don’t think you can go into next season I think number one you can have

Scoot come off the bench next season I I think that’s actually okay until they figure things out because again he’s just turned 20 five days ago mhm you you’re okay there but he has to be the third guy it can’t be well it’s either him or M no no no

There the way I’ve always looked at this in I’ll use aony as an example when ant was developing behind Damon CJ nobody will you can’t find audio of or video of me anywhere saying you need to clear a runway for Anthony Simons in year one you won’t find it in year two you’ll

Start to hear me say it Midway year three that’s when I was like you know I’d like to see ant get out there a little bit more year four when I was like he needs to be out there sure that’s but that was kind of like I like to bring guys along

Slowly and show that they can handle what they’re given and if they haven’t if they can’t I mean you can ask I mean ant’s been open about it he’s talked about it in multiple articles I’ve talked about him telling me about it where he questioned whether or not he

Could play in the league and people are out there on Twitter at the same time like why isn’t Anthony Simons playing you know it’s like this it’s this strong contrast where ant’s like I don’t know if I can play in the league while fans are like why isn’t Dair STS playing ant

So it’s like there you know I mean it’s such a wild contrast when you like really know what’s going on behind the scenes and that’s hard I mean look I I’m not trying to defend every no no no I I get it I get it I feel bad for fans they

Don’t have that information no it’s the same thing with like Ryan last night like I love I love Ryan you will not find a bigger suppor of Ryan out there than me Mike schmidtz well that’s true that’s his baby um but as but it as

It look I am not the biggest chony Bel support on the face of the planet but the one thing I will give him and his staff credit for is that all of the young guys have gotten opportunities when they are ready you know what I mean like this is

Like we didn’t think Shaden was going to play at all Joe crin flat out told me last year that Chanty had the green light to red shirt him oh yeah I remember doing a thing with hiking on the radio and we talked and we you know

We we’re dumb Not Die Hard NBA people the way that like you and hiken are sickos and we’re me and dirt were like yo we want 12 15 minutes and hik was like I don’t think that’s reasonable I think it’s gonna be like six and like the first maybe he’ll play yeah and

That’s it was like that was because behind the scenes Shaden showed that he could handle it and this year tanii and Jabari like doop Chanty and his staff have shown if a guy is ready for it they will give them that opportunity to sink or swim yeah what

They won’t do is put you out preemptively to fail the people before people say well scoot in Camp everyone and I mean everyone told me in Camp that scoot was balling his ass off and I think the reality in the bright lights of the NBA a little bit of

Pressure got to him and it was like sure gotta confidence can come and go for young guys just kind of pull back it’s it was a little but I like what they’ve done with scoot I like what they’ve done with two I like what they’ve done with [ __ ] uh Chris

Chris is Chris is such a great kid Chris Murray is such a fantastic kid he was so shell shocked when he first got here he looked horrible in summer league he was struggling out in in preseason he was so hard in himself and talking to him last

Couple weeks man he is so such a different person yeah not just confidence in his game but confidence in his personality in like just being more settled here being in a routine being more comfortable he’s such a sharp thoughtful kid yeah and and talking to

Him you can see like uh he he had a couple stretches where or a couple games in there where he’s like I talked to him after the game after a poor shooting night and I was like how you doing man and he some some version of like I’m

Just I’m struggling but I know I know I know I can I know I can do this I just got to stick with it and if I keep sticking to the things that I know I’m supposed to do I know it’ll come back around like it’s and it wasn’t like

Coach speak and it wasn’t like he was like speaking into existence that’s how athletes talk how they operate they have to do that stuff and it it was 100% honest it wasn’t lip service and he goes you know when I’m going I know I can I

Can really get it going you know he had that game where he went like five of five from three and he was like yeah no I know I can do that and last night he did that pump hesitate drive go finish and I was like holy crap then he gets

The left-handed block on Ivy on the spin move like he flashes these little things that let you know like oh there’s stuff there but and I think he played almost 28 minutes last night but the staff is not going to like johy after the game I asked him about rotations because

Everybody was so mad about you know Brian not playing or Chris not playing and whether you agree with chony or not his justification or his reasoning for what he went with was like he goes look man I already have Jabari out there I already have um tumani out there I

Already have Ashton out there like I had to have one other guy I could trust so that’s why I went with matis and he he said he flat out said look Chris was going but like I have to put somebody else out there I can trust and I think he mentioned look now

That we have that on tape even though they made mistakes I can go to them and go see this is why you need to be ready this is why like I think that was him basically saying I need to be able to trust you Chris I need to be able to

Trust you Ryan I need to be able to trust you bajgi in these situations if you want me to put you out there so when I put you out there over the next couple weeks I need you in these situations when I put you out there to not make

That mistake that we talked about not making and I think that’s the world that they’re in right now when it comes to development and I’m not giving them all the leeway in the world but with what I’ve seen I’m willing to at least give them

That leash to mess it up is that is that is that fair no no that that makes sense I I think okay so here’s a followup for you okay and and there’s some other things I want to get to so what what is your read like what is Danny marang sitting here

Right now today I tell you they get through the summer the usual guys that you count on youth wise are all back for obvious reasons Malcolm and Jeremy are on the team at training camp I’m GNA be pretty pissed okay I’ll be honest like we can

We can clip this one for later I don’t if Mal’s on the team next year and there hasn’t been a pretty fundamental change in the roster unless he is saying no I am really I’m okay with being like the fourth guard and I mean like I I don’t I don’t

Think a Sixth Man of the Year is going to want to be the fourth and that’s what I’m saying like it would take a very fundamental change in who he is and I don’t know if you’ve watch Klay Thompson and accepting his imortality um these guys don’t do it yeah it’s taken from

Them you can you cannot I mean I I got I’m not a warrior fan at all and I just I felt for clay watching that Locker Room video okay then then let me follow it up with the deadline nothing major really happens some teams make some moves I actually love the Knicks moves

But like largely the deadline’s kind of a dud how now should we be evaluating trade packages upcoming CBA when it as it pertains to the summer likeu gonna change is this stuff gon to change back you think and look I whether you’re right or wrong is not important

To me I just what you read is somebody that’s going to these games every single home game you’re going to practice you’re talking to people do you feel like this changes once people get a hold of the cap Capital the 24 draft kind of sucks so we get past that like does it

Get back to normal or are we in a different world now I’m going to split the difference I know it’s kind of cheating I think it is going to be different from what it has been in the past I think it’s going to be I think this deadline you

Saw very reserved and people thought I was full of [ __ ] when I was seeing it coming into it that everybody I was talking to all said the same thing it wasn’t scared it was C cautious cautious nobody wanted to do anything too big yeah because nobody really knows the ramifications for all

The levers yet Danny I was shocked that bogey went for two seconds yeah I I was talking to Pistons this folks um they they’ve got to be the most clueless franchise in sports right now they had they had a real first and a player on on offer last

Deadline summer last deadline and the summer and they Shez I mean look man the the the Bulls had I I know of offers that the Bulls had for Caruso this deadline that they didn’t take that made me go you sure about that well yeah because they get to

Fill the United Center they have the biggest arena in the NBA and all of these people yeah ex that’s all I mean like I hate to say it but that’s what the name of the game is for that franch Rin dorf has made no made no secrets about that

Um but I think teams that have salary slots between like 15 and 25 million okay are gonna be in a good spot to make moves and I’m not just saying that because Portland has them because I I in discussions Executives that I’ve talked to around the league has told me that

Those like the above mle slots those are the ones that I think that contractually and this is what I’m really interested to see is is the middle class coming back to the NBA because right now you have so many big contracts and you have so many little contracts and then you have your

Ml there’s no more weirdly enough there’s no more Evan Turners there’s no more Myers Leonards there’s no more more 7s yeah like the the 20 like the the the guys that were in the 15 to 24% range right of the salary cap not the 35 the 30 or

35% and I think the new CBA is going to push some contracts there I think some GMS are going to have some conversations with some agents like look uh I know in the past that you thought this would get you a Max or a near Max or like we’d be flirting with

It that’s just not the way we’re going to do things now and if you want to go somewhere else cool but I don’t know if you’ve looked around the league nobody has cap space so you can sign a one inone with us or you can sign for

Extended money and we’ll this is the new deal yeah and I and I think there’s going to be new slotting and new pecking order that’s my read on how things are going to go which initially will stifle player movement but I think because of diversity of contracts exists that will

Be H like perfect example Donovan Mitchell and all the rumors about him going somewhere else where’s he going to go I’ve never understood the narrative and frankly what makes me hate the NBA media I’m like who has the money to sign him right everybody says the Knicks and

I’m like why do the Knicks need Donovan Mitchell not only that they don’t have the cap space he can’t leverage oh I’m gonna go to fre agency no the Sixers are the only team with cap space that doesn’t sound like Miami or New York to

Me and do you want to go to a team with cap space because now the rest of your team sucks well what’s the what are the Sixers do Maxi in that situation like but I’m saying even just in general like if you take like just a cap space team

Sure you got your money but now what if I had to if I had to put money on it I would put money on Donovan Mitchell resigning with the Cavs I would agree with that yes and I like I don’t I think the player Mobility era is going

To come to a screeching halt over the next 36 months now the top like Lucas of the world he’s the next one he’s the next one everybody’s eyeballing he may be able to force some action because he’s one of the third best players in the world or three yeah

Until he gets an ownership stake in a goddamn casino and he’s never leaving Dallas again you know yeah you’ll be a billionaire here you’re bigger than the Cowboys right now don’t go anywhere I I think I think that’s just it’s interesting to think about when they didn’t make much of a

Move I know banton’s here now so we’ll see what is as a prospect but just kind of thinking now with what the deadline was and where we’ll be at come June July August when the Summer’s here and it’s like my understanding is the Blazers will have the Blazers will have effective

Ammunition to make deals and the the date that I’m circling is the draft because they’re they’re a team that number one has an extra lottery pick five picks this year right with the extra pick well yes but but the if the as long as the Warriors pick stays in

The lottery doesn’t you know go top four and they have their own mhm the Blazers have options in the sense of like can they put those let let’s say that they stay where they are they have five and 10 yeah and they’re like hey Detroit the top three guys in

The draft are all bigs you have bigs what if we give you five and 10 for number two or hey team x uh is there can I interrupt that like when I hear you say that I know you’re just giving me a hypothetic but is this that draft we’re trading

Five and 10 to move up to get is there a is there a player I think if there’s a guy that you you want look look if I’m the Blazers I i’ I’ve been sitting on this I just need to push publish on it um that’s why I’m trying to push your

Fad ass doing it right I need I need to push publish on my Draft preview godd damn it um look I I there are three guys I think that profile incredibly well for the trail placers going forward they’re all front Court guys in and if let’s say they’re

Just out of the range but they have something to go do that with yeah then yeah then like or team X hey you’ve got this you know 24 year old wing and you’re in a weird spot or he wants out and we’ve got the necessary salaries in Robert Williams and Malcolm brogon

But also Lotto pick right you know and then you can start pushing some things around and now you’ve got another guy in there you know I mean I just I think they have options now what they do with them that is the big question and that’s

Why I think I look at the summer and go if they come out of the summer without making some pretty impactful changes that’s that’s a problem okay um I want to talk about Shaden we need to get to the questions I just want to briefly uh get to this uh the a piece

Done today post BL you know Blazer trade dead line not much happening uh interesting stuff on da I I know we haven’t talked about him in in a couple pods but uh basically a reference that da has uh let’s see this in Portland were defined by part and

Tantrums according to a team Source writes Jason Qui have you heard anything on da there’s an aspect of this that actually want to take this it’s not just about da but have you heard anything about that I thought that was a little bit Miss characterized I don’t know a

Little weird we talked about da really in December it’s that’s not a secret you know he had some personal stuff like we’ve mentioned on the podcast I think three different times it screwed him up and it made things problematic for him behind the scenes like we’ve talked

About that like um whether or not but it comes out now you can understand how you read that and it’s like that’s what I thought like I haven’t heard anything about him like he’s a number one overall pick that avered 18 and 10 that left Phoenix in

Frustration do you think that guy was available because he’s like entirely normal I don’t think any of them really are no look da is insane like this walking into that locker room after game sometimes that dude is like screw I’m gonna mention this so postgame Dia is getting ready we’re getting ready to

Talk to him and we’re just kind of back and forth shooting the [ __ ] and he’s getting he’s putting a chain on okay and I’m like damn DA that thing sounds heavy as hell he just I mean this chain is chainy okay white gold diamonds yeah and

Uh he he goes yeah and he like holds it up and like hold it he like puts it in my hand he goes That’s a kilo and he drops like what I can only imagine is $300,000 in my hands geez and I just looked at him like it’s a house dog

Like my house is paid off let me take this right now but like at the same time people saw the clip I want to say from like a week earlier of him being asked about Phoenix yeah and like he just didn’t want to talk about it he doesn’t

Want to talk about Phoenix it’s clearly it’s it’s a sore subject for it well you get pick number one you start out good it gets turned around and then you’re to blame when something doesn’t happen because you couldn’t guard Nicola joic like I could understand the sentiment there my point being like he

Vacillates between like goofy kid and irritable like that but is he this horrible person in locker room or problematic no was he a basket of cats in the month of December yeah okay but beyond that I there’s nothing like I haven’t heard about like any like suspensions behind the scenes or or

Fines or the coaches really having to go after him in fact more often than not I’ve heard that like look I think DA got a bit of a a worse rap in in Phoenix than he probably should have is he a is he the model citizen

No but have you talked to Da you went up there talk about dominating his first five minutes here yeah he was pitching merch as soon as he got to that table he’s just a different cat dude but as far as like being disruptive and tardiness and the Tantrums like the

Tantrum thing I don’t I don’t really that’s the part of it I don’t understand like okay I don’t I don’t know of any instances that were singled out as Tantrums um bristley I think you could call Da bristley when he doesn’t want to talk but Tantrums I haven’t never run

Into them all right well part of this that I wanted to take it now is and we’ve touched on the summer the no deadline stuff but part of the rebuild and rebuilding a franchise up is evaluation and unfortunately the Blazers announced that Shaden sharp is going to undergo abdominal surgery uh he’ll be

Re-evaluated in six weeks if he good to go Danny we lined it up that’ll be 13 games remaining I’m not putting a lot of eggs personally in that basket so mentally for me I think his season’s done again if he’s if I’m wrong cool but if he’s done that’s 32 games I

Just how do we evaluate this like what’s the takeaway Shaden sharp another season but unfortunately really not much of a complete season yeah how do you think they’re evaluating shade now um selfishly this is the thing obviously I wanted to see how ant Shay play together

Scoot and Shay just kind of how they things fit together down the stretch um getting some an irritating injury kind of squared away and seeing how he could you know kind of figure things out um talking to the folks in the organization I mean hell I when I talked to Shay last

Like I want to say like a couple days before the announcement came out he told me just you know it was still lingering but he was hoping to kind of get back and then he’s ramping up and it just wasn’t wasn’t there so it wasn’t like

This thing where it was like Dames where was like that’s that sucks or GPS was really bad nazes they just kind of found in the offseason they’re like ah let’s go ahead and address this with Shay I was told like if it comes to the point of where they’re going to need surgery

Or he’s going to need surgery um we will go down that road we’re not going to mess around with it because this is the year to do it um in that when he comes back if he can play Everything Green Light all the way down because there’s

13 games remaining on the timeline they would give him the runway because Dame Nas GP all of them all of all of them has said the same thing with this you need to play through an uncomfortableness to heal like you there’s just like this uncomfortable thing you kind of have to push through

In order to really get back and if they can do that with like five or six games remaining I think that’s something they would look at but they’re not going to force it unless he’s 100% okay uh I just I thought that was a big bummer I didn’t it wasn’t shocking

To hear that or read that announcement but it’s just it’s such a bummer because we all know that like part of the rebuild is is real good analysis and evaluation and I just 32 games to me I don’t know how you oh that that sample size is non-existent man yeah it it’s

It’s not really fair to him let’s get to some of the questions from the listeners here through to these uh all right here let’s start this one uh odds Portland move what oh waits to be the two uh okay I think this is a draft related question odds Portland moves

What seems to be the two lottery picks there we go I can read now basically would they would they use the two Lotto picks to go get player and I don’t think that they would unless some under 25y old player came through and made sense

That but I don’t it’s hard how big how big is a young player you’ve mentioned this before how big is that Young Piece whoever that is if you’re talking about moving both Lotto picks but comp no well that’s a seriously impactful player well I’m more just curious like if they move

M or they move draft Capital like how important is the young player versus the assets right OKC gets mentioned OKC has a million draft picks where’s their read on younger player that kind of fits more the timeline versus having the draft Capital um from what I’ve heard they’re perfectly good okay with

Like with where they are in their draft Assets Now if somebody came along and off of them like massive draft capital for something I think they would take it but I think that what they were what they’re targeting are I would imagine like Wendell Carter Jr or Patrick Williams or Jaylen

Williams is probably too good now because he looks like he might be all NBA God I wish but let let’s say like last year Jaylen Williams like um Jaylen Johnson uh Patrick Williams is an interesting one to me but yeah like those like you don’t have to squint you

Don’t have to squint to see this guy being good you know what I mean like th those are the kind of guys I think that they would Target as far as guys to build with going forward right you’re not looking at and I I think those guys

Are probably on the younger scale I think those guys are all like all 22 23 is that the best like just in the top of your head that’s the best like in your mind generally of what we’re talking about here’s a Patrick Williams a Wendell Carter Jr like when we talking

About getting a young player that’s the Avenue if you’re talk if you’re talking about like the what would they move for like Malcolm Brogden and that and like the Warriors pick yeah I think that’s kind of what you’re looking at like you’re looking at a guy that’s is good

But also Young and the contract slot makes a ton of sense like the talent level you’re like this guy can clearly be better like like this guy’s good but he projects to be an above average starter I think that’s kind of like what because Malcolm Brogden if he’s a

Starter is an above average starter like his per 36 his entire career is basically 25 and five like he’s he’s a very good player so be like if you’re looking to like make those changes and you’re looking to get somebody younger because Mal’s older you add the additional pick

To it and that’s I think kind of how you would balance it out but I think those are like that’s the kind of player that you would be kind of looking at are those kind of guys at least somebody uh is asking us not to use the

Name I’m not using names here but there a random sentence to just throw in please don’t use my name I I okay hope you’re not cheating on a podcast I don’t know uh how do you see this team as a contending team in a few years I don’t

Think we have any future Superstars and we have a pad owner how do you see it panning out I just don’t see it maybe not a lottery team but not a contender I think that’s far too easy to say because it’s easy to say it like I I

Don’t see it I mean I don’t see this team’s path to being a title winner but I don’t think anybody saw the Knicks path to a title win title window a year ago I didn’t see it four months ago and hey maybe there’s an Avenue here like if

You told me the Knicks were in the NBA finals this year like I wouldn’t be shocked I don’t think I’m shocked anymore like as long as if that team’s healthy like that’s a bunch of dogs and that’s you have to do everything you can to prepare to be ready to make a move

And then don’t screw it up and that’s the thing is more often than not number one most teams don’t make it number two the teams that try to make it screw it up and so it’s like there’s a lot of luck involved and nobody wants to say

That but there’s a ton of luck involved yeah I mean yeah there that go you think do you think the Knicks getting OG and an Obi do you think the fact that he would came from Toronto and they just happen to have a Canadian star in RJ Barrett

Who if he was traded to literally any other team would be devalued I mean there’s luck in that there’s luck in that the Raptors can go sell a bajillion star J Barrett jerseys for a guy that doesn’t mean anything to anybody else right so it’s like there’s

There’s just dumb stuff like that lines up when like the Warriors getting a massive cap spike in 2016 ha Kevin Durant you know like this one uh the Blazers don’t have a young Superstar yet shouldn’t the losing Seasons yes plural continue until a superstar is landed question mark and

Ends It capture the flag with the two G’s for future Blazer capture the flag’s good I like that I like Capture the Flag a great motto for if they’re GNA suck next year again like this bad or Worse Capture the Flag might need to be the

Motto that’s better look I had sag for flag I think capture the flag is better that’s fantastic it is and also so like you can turn like the F into like a little flag yeah like a little golf flag I like that yes see yes now we’re building we we

Need we need to trademark this [ __ ] now um we’re just gonna steal it from somebody at trademark it thanks we own that now yeah TM it’s called LeBron Taco Tuesday baby Taco yeah know um so his it’s basically the question to refresh uh you don’t stop doing this until you

Yeah you can get lost in that sauce man you can get lost in that sauce and then then when you get that guy it’s not a guarante that’s process sixer stuff yeah say ask ask Philly right now they’re looking at Joel and be’s body and going oh God

Why yeah that’s um that’s I think that goes but like you don’t want to go too long somebody says in what ways do you see Portland maximizing their chances at building a contender what mistakes have you seen them make oh this interesting one what mistakes have you seen them

Make at an attempt in the last year how long of a timeline do you guys think it will be for Portland to be a true top four team in the conference and or a contender four years I think is the earliest be top four because it takes

That long to get there doesn’t matter which team look at Boston look at Denver look at the Clippers like the Clippers had all this talent but they just were injured for years Denver they had to figure it out Jamal Murray’s KN blows up Michael Porter Jr’s back it

Disintegrates you know they figured it out with Aaron Gordon it takes a very long time to be a sustainable top four team every now and then you’ll luck into it and you get top three like you get the W Wesley Matthews year where they end up top three but um mistakes I think

The mistakes for me were not picking Sid sooner on what they were going to do both Dame in between Camp yeah uh the two timelines uh but I think transactionally I don’t think they’ve made a ton of mistakes nothing that I would I would kill them for like maybe getting one

More guy in the CJ deal but they they they ended up needing the exact amount of money there to make the Jeremy tpe work so you know I I guess you’re kind of splitting hairs I think I think I think there’s an easy one here I like

The gp2 one was bad yeah the gp21 is bad at hindsight it was like it’s not altering your your your vision or your fut I don’t think that move itself is bad because like the idea of gp2 was great and he was vouched for by people

In his camp and in the Warriors camp and guys I talk to but like if you talk about like was it a mistake hell yes yeah um but I think the biggest mistakes were the pr battle I think those were the biggest mistakes you know going PR press

Conferences were too loud with the Dame stuff about wanting to chase that I think that’s probably those were mistakes and I think they’ve learn I think they’ve learned from that I mean look at Joe’s press conferences since then yeah I thought last night like no

Matter if I cling on to one little thing agree disagree whatever the fact that it wasn’t memorable was kind of the point I yeah that that’s what I was going to say is most of his answers were pretty to the point and quick he wasn’t lingering

Much uh why do we hear about needing vets to not be Houston Detroit but okay Orlando are doing fine without any pretty much question mark Chad Kon jdb giddy banko Wagner Suggs Anthony are all doing fine without needing their hands held why aren’t those two teams the

Model aside from SGA being MVP level LOL yeah let’s go and throw that last part out because apparently it doesn’t matter that’s the [ __ ] point also how did SGA get to that point PA Chris Paul holding his hand yeah like what are we doing here and as

Far as Orlando goes Orlando’s eighth in the East right now and they’re struggling because they don’t have any vets because they’re having to lean on kids and Anthony Black’s out there eating up minutes that team’s healthy and they’ve got everybody yeah you know I was surprised that team didn’t go get

A vet those it’s the one team that surprised the hell out of me because they were they were talking about guards so much yeah they’re talking about guards so much and they didn’t go get it and I like that team and I think they would be they’re a team that needs a vet

And what’s funny is everybody’s out there right now talking about OKC going and getting a veteran big to stabilize them yeah that was another surprise for me I was surprised they didn’t do it but again what is everybody saying that that team needs y they need experience ESP

With playoffs I mean they got it with Hayward but he’s not going to contribute but again what did they go get yeah and so and like I think that’s that’s kind of the the point is that it all these teams they all need it they aren’t they don’t not have

It uh this one says what happened to Blazer fans we used to be intelligent and more common sense fans now we overreact to every little thing I I’d actually like to start on this one so we had a YouTube chat uh going this morning on the radio show and and somebody had

Text in because I can’t always keep up with the YouTube chat and basically was just like I can’t there seems to be some uh toxicity going on and I know social media is kind of designed for it but I’ve largely tried to stay out of this because I’ve

Noticed this and I’d say this dates back for me I’ll go maybe the year Neil got fired they ran that team back and it feels like from that point the discourse has just been pretty wildly back and forth of like you’re dumb no you’re dumb no

This is how you build it no this is how you build it and I I’m certainly open to all kinds of opinions I can be wrong and tell you hey I was wrong but I’m I’m kind of with this of just it just feels like everything is the biggest deal I

Mean to what you said of like you have people coming at you about Ryan ruper why is Ryan ruper not playing 8 more minutes tonight and it’s like yeah they want that but is that that big a deal right now is it gonna make or break his

Entire career so I just I don’t know I feel like context and civil discourse in General has uh kind of escaped eroding no a little bit it is it is frustrating it’s like I want to enjoy this the build process and and letting guys get opportunities part of that is just having

Patience and there’s been almost zero patience across the fan base and it’s like guys we should have made t-shirts Danny we should have made t-shirt say we’re not built for this and so people could just buy them and be honest with themselves and like it’s fine but just

Admit to yourself that you just want it now we’re we’re not in a society that allows for that anymore and maybe that’s the me being the old guy or whatever but like I I wasn’t kidding when I said I turned my brain off to like the immediate gratification stuff with this

Team and like demanding that they win it just I don’t know how here’s my only question uh as I also in this same podcast tell you I’ve had moments where it’s been a struggle for me but it’s it’s the it’s the it’s the reacting to everything on a public basis of just

It’s the worst thing of all time hey this thing’s actually closer to being ready now they lose oh it’s the worst thing of all time it’s just and it there’s 82 of these yeah and that’s the thing it’s like man just just you think for a population

That is so high all the time we’d be a lot more chill about [ __ ] well it’s it’s tough man I think a lot of fans are still going through go uh go go get your Michael bé on and uh last one m to do some mushrooms and that cres is

The wildest thing man oh it’s so good uh last one because we’ve answered some of these questions uh I got a lot of good questions but we kind of run through them if Chris Murray keeps playing the way he has and keeps gaining confidence as his offensive upside while also not

Being terrible on defense start to put him on an even or ahead of two with two being so limited on offense I don’t think so I don’t think so because I think it’s different and it’s not it’s not it’s not a shot at either one of

Those guys I think they you deploy them differently I think Chris Murray is your Swiss army knife and you’re starting to see he can knock down some shots he can guard Wings he can guard guards uh he can be a switchable Defender he can attack a close out he can put the ball

Down he can kind of work in the middle of the floor like is he going to do all these things at like this high level no is he going to do them like above average pass level yeah he 6 fo8 guy that’s kind of a chameleon that you could just kind

Of figure things out with I think is I think it’s a very very very cool thing to have and I’m I’m wondering I’m wondering I I I think that he’s going to end up being like a highlevel role player two-way role player whereas two is a guy that you

Deploy as a defensive stopper and as long as he’s a guy who’s like a 36% 35% three-point shooter like you going to have him just be like I’m going to shoot threes or attack a close out that is my offensive principle Chris is gonna

Be I don’t I don’t want to put this on him because he’s too too good and I think he’s criminally underrated lesser Boris di like wow this guy is really just whatever you need him to do he can kind of give you that I mean Boris di was

Good absolute contributor to a pretty damn good run in San Antonio you told me you get discount Boris di so there’s still some impact there and somebody you can trust like yeah I’d sign up for that yeah and that’s what I think like and I think people would hear that and be like

Poror steo I’m like poror steo is a hell of a player like the yeah being a guy who can like work in in dribble handoffs who can not necessarily be your playmaking Hub can be a secondary Creator a guy that you can trust to like he’s shown he can knockdown Corner

Threes he’s show he shown he can attack Closeouts he’s shown defensively he can play against bigs and Smalls he can you know close ground defensively from one side to the other um he can work in the middle of the floor making a right read he can put the ball down now he’s super

Left-handed yes he is there’s nobody more left-handed in the league than Chris Murray and he might need to kind of tweak that a little bit but like the the idea of of him that’s that’s the it’s not a one for one with Boris but I

Think that’s the vein that I kind of see him ultimately being in okay all right well that’s uh that basically does it because we we went through some of those questions and answered them without asking the question first so that’s uh that’s all I got I do want to say very

Quickly thank you guys for the questions we enjoy going through this stuff I know it’s um as we just went on there big ran our old man rant it it is a weird time it’s not always feeling the best um but we appreciate everybody that’s been tuning in and asking these questions

Following the season like it’s it’s fascinating for sure on how they’re building this the way they’re building it the patience part of it like all of that to me is uh it’s very interesting so I just want to say thanks again to all the great questions that we got and

Everybody that’s tuning into the Pod no thank you we appreciate you guys like I get frustrated at times and I yell and I scream but I love you guys um most of you at least the ones he doesn’t block yeah right uh that that even includes you rip

City Reddit that’s how it goes um but again no seriously this development seasons and and rebuilds like they’re different and this organization really has not been through one of the modern era it’s been kind of like these weird resets with injuries and stuff like that but a clear like

Delineation is this is the first time it’s happened and people are reacting to it in their own ways and Roy Aldridge is one right cuz you’re getting out of an era and you had you had to start from somewhere yeah but they they didn’t really even getting out of that era

Lamarcus leaves and after Dame gets here and then Dame and CJ like there’s even the jail Blazers too brand and LaMarcus it wasn’t like they intentionally sucked they just sucked because they just made a lot of really bad decisions like and then Pritchard comes along and saves

Their ass you know kind of a situation so yeah um this is just different and it’s especially more different in today’s NBA and how you go about doing it so uh we appreciate you guys being here along for the ride uh we will start pivoting or particularly me will’ll

Start pivoting more and more and more to draft coverage as we start getting closer and closer um you guys can uh if you haven’t already you can come or sign up already you can come join Dusty your ey or ISAC and Suk uh at the ex golf uh

Locations in twon and Vancouver coming up here on February 27th and how come you’re not at twon Oh you mean how come I’m like an hour or 40 minutes away and not an hour and 40 minutes away yeah I don’t really understand the log log because the afternoon crowd is very big

And that’s Isaac and Suk at the bigger location uhuh okay I still don’t remind me again where does Suk live yeah Isaac’s right next to I5 seems like maybe put them in Vancouver me and Walton not that I’m angry about that where does Dusty live yeah

Exactly hey but sign up 1080 f come hang out uh and then we will make an announcement here very soon about uh upcoming uh situations for the NCA tournament for March Madness oh hello oh hello Clarice uh that’ll be a lot of fun

And then we we can uh we can do some joint Jack Ramsay slash teny to the fan uh young player watch party discussions and and things of that nature so uh other than that remember you can catch uh I’d say his co-host but his co-host is still gone for another month uh BR

Spr every morning from 600 to 9ine with a rotation of uh colorful characters on ten the fan until uh until dirt and little smudger are back on on regular schedules you can catch me and my co-host uh Dusty hero noon to 3 every day as well like rev subscribe public SC

The show at Danny bank at Brandon break Jack dramy Jack dramy like r view subscribe we appreciate you we love you have a wonderful wonderful night take care talk soon


  1. When u study "successful", winning,. & championship level teams,
    They Have Experienced VETS, as well as several YOUNG P's they develop
    and plug in , here & there… #M.P.JR w/ Denver, JA,. Reeves, Maxey,…..
    if we want to Build A WINNING Culture & Mindset We HAVE To Keep Our VETS on good contracts , While developing the young potential stars!!! ;
    It;s NOT 1 thing or the other!!! You CANT Trade away Grant,. Brog,. Matisse, etc.
    and give the car keys to "10 yr olds"… unless u WANT a crash & burn!!!! ;
    We Need To TWEAK & Make Moves 1 thing at a time to IMPROVE the Roster!
    NOT destroy it, just so every1 can be the SAME Age!!! ; )
    Who Says Teams Have to all be the :"same" age or timeline…? ;
    Again WINNING Teaams Do BOTH At The Same Time & Joe Is RIGHT to do that
    if he indeed is paying attention to what WORKS vs,. what doesn't… ;
    we dont have to be S.A. or Houston the last 5+ YRS…
    We CAN Do Something Different Than That & Create a winning roster QUICKLY
    and Make the playoffs our Goal & step by step get CLOSER to the Prize!!! ; )

  2. What do you think about the Jason Quick article calling out Ayton? What do you think about the stuff he said about Cronin?

  3. Lol, I can't believe people are buying what Joe is selling. This is clearly a fake playoff team at best to use Dannys terminology. No way a team using Ant, Ayton, Grant, and MB this much is competitive for anything other than play in. We ARE turning into Chicago West. And as for the OKC comparison, look at their records- they had like 2 down years- Blazers are now on their 3rd and next year looks like mostly the same roster.

  4. 1: I think Reath has been the biggest surprise value. 2: 4-Guard offense would average @27 minutes per player- Scoot 27PG, Malcolm 21PG, Ant 27SG, Shaedon 21SG/6SF.

  5. I would say we had a stealth rebuild going on for 2 years, not 6 months…since Cronin took over…I know it wasn't 100% rebuild, as now, but we got Shae, Scoot, Walker all in the so-called pre-rebuild time….

  6. Does anyone have any insight into how the Blazers can structure their moves while staying below the tax? Right now, accounting for 5th + 12th picks and keeping Reath, they’ll be almost $7M over the tax. If they win the lottery, suddenly they’re a few million above the 1st apron. The few options I can think of are to trade Matisse into a team’s MLE, trade Brogdon into the Sixers’ (or other team’s) cap space, or trade a draft pick for future picks. But it feels like they project to be far enough over the tax that we’ll have a repeat of the 2022 deadline when they were out-leveraged by teams who knew they had to duck the tax. It seems like the new CBA would have made it especially prudent to trade at least one of their guys at the deadline for expiring money since salary flexibility has become even more valuable. That’s the main thing I have a hard time reconciling

  7. Wait! So Joe didn’t move brogdon because no teams were looking to buy but yet, there was a great deal on the table for Caruso?

  8. when you say that joe doesn’t want to build a “fake playoff team” but then also says he aspires to be like the houston rockets (currently not even in the playoffs) it makes you wonder if the guy in charge has a mental issue where he constantly contradicts himself? or he is just a compulsive liar and gets joy out of edging the entire state of oregon

  9. Joe Cronin has no direction. He constantly contradicts himself about young talent and competing/relying on veterans. He is not GMing to build contender, he is GMing for optics.

    If anyone is confused about what I am saying and is happy with what is going on you have to think more than one move ahead. You need to look 5 yrs into the future. You have to try to THINK…

    Please use our vets to aqcuire assets and give our young players more playing time, especially the guards.

  10. blazers are nowhere near comparable to OKC rebuild, for one OKC have an actual GM in presti that makes savy trades while cronin stays complacent as shown in the off season or the trade deadline. Best case situation is the houston rockets rebuild who needed several years, roster and front office changes. By default the blazers if no changes are made next year will put the team around 7mill in the tax… for not even an playin team thats just outright bad, there's gonna be some very interesting choices to be made come off season as grant,thybulle and brogdon dont fit the young core timeline and the entire league knows it.

  11. I think the biggest issue atleast that i feel is how underwelming scoot has been. U didnt expect him to he a immediate great player, but hes been one of the worst players in league. Rough chamge of expectations from arguing over if he could get ROY over wemby to if he can shoot over 33% and learn how to use his off hand.

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