Golf Players

Tattar’s BRAND NEW WHIP | Best Courses on Tour | Players Meeting Episode 1

A jam packed first episode. The guys discuss Tristan Tanner winning the Maricopa Open, Kristin Tattar picking up a new sponsorship with Porsche, and Juliana Korver picking up PDGA win 250.

We dive into our predictions for the Disc Golf Pro Tour All-Star event! So many options with Calvin Heimburg, Isaac Robinson, Gannon Buhr, Ricky Wysocki, Matt Orum, Kyle Klein, Anthony Barela, Cole Redalen, James Proctor, Ezra Robinson, Aaron Gossage, Eagle McMahon, Missy Gannon, Ohn Scoggins, Holyn Handley, Ella Hansen, Kat Mertsch, Hailey King, Catrina Allen, Sarah Hokom, Macie Velediaz, Jessica Weese, Ali Smith and Henna Blomroos to choose from.

WHAT ARE THE BEST COURSES ON TOUR? These dudes break down their 5 favorite courses on tour. See if you agree or disagree with them!

The boys share their opinion on CALI DOUBLES and a STANDARDIZED BASKET FOR PRO TOUR EVENTS! They even debate if step putting should be outlawed and removed from the game. Once the audience gets involved, questions are answered on what player will have the best luck with their new sponsor and what player will struggle, plus insights on limiting the number of discs in a players bag for tournament play with added check-ins before each round.

Don’t miss the video of the week as we witness something we have never quite seen before! Episode 2 will return and be available on Feb 20! Subscribe so you don’t miss any of the action!

0:00 Introduction
2:10 What’s Poppin’
18:58 Top 5
35:35 Straight Shooter Sessions
53:56 Wheel of Debate
1:04:05 Courtesy Violation
1:25:48 Weekly PickSSS
1:38:57 Video of the Week

Um and as far as the checking stuff I mean I’ll use my bowling background uh when we go to bowl big tournaments especially like the National Tournament something like that you had to have your balls weighed you had to was coming I’m going bowling baby lowest common [Applause] denominator [Applause] Hello everyone and welcome in to our very first podcast the players meeting where we talk a lot of pro tour disc golf so excited that you’re here with us I’m here with the main guys we got the one-time world champion Chris Smith Smitty and of course the step pup Master

Himself the zero time world champion Mr Ronnie unre how you guys doing tonight I’m great man I’m I’m looking forward to doing this I think we’re gonna have a lot of fun and I we’ll have to see where it goes I guess yeah I’m excited this this is uh

This should be a good time uh talking Disc Off with you guys should be some fun I’m I’m I’ve been looking forward to it yeah kind of stepping out of our our normal localish scene and talk a little bit heavier into the disc golf world so

I’m excited for this as well if you’re excited for this just keep in mind that we will be doing these weekly Tuesdays at 7M they will drop these won’t be live these will be post-produced you’ll find them on the disc and Deals YouTube channel make sure you check them out

There’s going to be a lot of different ways that you can engage with us some ways that you can also be on the show so make sure that you stay locked in through this whole entire thing and look for ways that you can also be a part of

It without further Ado boys let’s jump into our very first segment what’s popping and it’s just what’s been going on around the world of disc golf well I think obviously the uh the first thing we need to talk about which it might be a little bit in the past by the time

This drops but Kristen Tatar and the Porsche deal I mean what it all entails I I don’t really know I did some research and tried to look but the main article I found was in in uh Estonian and I’m not fluent in that yet but I

Think it’s pretty cool I think I think that’s a great thing that she’s got going there yes yeah I saw someone saying that you know it was it’s a lease deal or something like that so it’s not that big it’s a big deal I mean that’s a

That’s a sponsor I mean it’s a sponsorship by a you know one of the most prestigious car manufacturers on the planet whether it’s just in anonia or not dude that is that’s big time for disc golf and it’s big time for her and and uh yeah I couldn’t be happier for

Her that was that that news was awesome and I can’t think of a a more perfect person from our point of view from what we see to represent any company man did you did you guys see the pictures of her by the car yeah yeah yeah she looked

Like a dadgum princess standing by that thing that dress hair yeah I mean she has she has the look right you know and and from all everything that we can see from the outside in right I mean she she personifies class you know at every opportunity she has so yeah awesome

Awesome for her that was that was cool that’s that’s something you don’t see in disc golf so that was that was a good that was pretty cool news I’m interested to see how this translates to other companies looking to sponsor because you because you know this Ronnie from from

Traditional golf the sponsorships are how players make their money in golf so I wonder if this you know trickles down and we see more bigger companies jumping in I mean is now with Paul MCB Beth I mean that’s a strange relationship in itself it’s already kind

Of happen in our sport right I mean the guys the premier guys in our sport now make the majority of their uh of their income via sponsorship rather than than tournament earnings right I mean Ricky and Chris and have both I mean Isaac I mean they’ve all crossed six figures uh

For a season in in tournament earnings but I mean if you look at the big contracts the big contracts you know far outweigh that and even and even you know that trickles down to even your your upper you know your upper tier Pros maybe you’re not your a league five or

Something like that but I think that until you until you get down the list a little bit I think that’s fairly common and and it is something that does kind of translate from from traditional Ball Golf where yeah I mean those guys make millions of dollars in tournament

Earrings too but they’re making tens of millions of dollars in in endorsement deals the guys at the top well I think the way that uh this and are a little different is neither one of them are disc golf related you know Porche has nothing to do with frisbee golf I think I heard an interview maybe the guy play dis golf but you know once we start getting sponsors from outside of this golf then then you’re talking like even these dudes who are making these six figure contracts their their main money is coming from disc

Golf so it’s coming from within the sport yeah what’s gonna happen when somebody like I mean they’re like Paul had an Adidas sponsorship and I don’t really know what it was you know maybe shoes or something like that I know eagle has a shoe sponsor but wait until those companies that have

Way more money than disc golf companies you know invest and find or return of investment for their their Buck I mean you guys you guys know me I’m a huge Anthony Bella fan no that when is that new well the folks the folks watching

May not know this right but I am I’m a huge AB fan and imagine imagine a scenario when AB if AB started winning a bunch could you could that’s a that’s a person that you could see a sponsor from outside of disc golf Nike or something

Like that just sinking a ton of money into him right he’s got the look they’re looking for he’s got all the swag in the world and if he could translate that into some wins on the disc golf course that’s someone I could see that could that could really maybe get one of those

Kind of sponsorships we’re talking about yep yep absolutely abs definely say that yeah he’s not going to win though oh yeah he is wait until he wait until he pops that bubble and then I mean I hope so I definitely hope so the most talented guy out there

Outside of uh outside of Simon in my opinion I mean I think I think he’s got the most Raw Talent Eagle I mean those three guys are the most talented guys on the planet yeah I will say AB is lowkey hilarious too if you haven’t watched his

Videos just hilarious as well so he’s super dry I love that though so he’s super dry yeah all right so what else we want to talk about in this what’s popping so let’s talk marope open speaking of ab I was uh in the past you know there’s

Been some uh coverage of that and I I’m a big disc golf nerd obviously so I watch just just about every bit of coverage I can find and you know I think it’s awesome when Terry Miller does his coverage it’s it’s not a big production it’s here it is watch

It and here’s the commentary and you know I I wish there we could have seen that because this was a big win for Tristan Tanner big do you guys know how many wins that dude has in his career no many entire disc golf career take a guess three exactly three okay good

Guess Ronnie three wins and uh this is his second open win and his first thing a tier bigger so you know for the number 62 rated player in the world to only have three wins is crazy but you know why he went straight from like intermediate ranks to

The hardest level to win the you know yeah dude and that dude you talk about somebody that’s got a lot of skills that guy can Mash a frisbee his his arm speed with both spins are are are are absolutely off the charts right I think he’s he’s one of the only guys

That has has the speed of like like a Barella or a or McMahon or something like that I mean he’s talking you’re talking about elite elite top of the top 1% of 1% distance the dude just never it’s never translated um to tour success with the exception of let’s not forget

That dude was in the mix to win a world championship two years ago he was leading he was leading the World Championships from from the be poool he was leading the World Championships so um yeah I mean cool for Tristan and yeah I wish we’d had some coverage that’s too bad Terry’s over

There in Thailand at least we’ll get to see that but the way that thing ended looked like it there was it was high high drama for your mama there at the end so I wish we could have got to see it and from what I’ve seen of the course

And just you know Snippets here and there from from interviews and one of them was Tristan himself on uh Nick and Matt I think or stagger stance he said it was the the golf the course didn’t really fit him he said it was a not like

A pro tour course it’s a course where every single person has a putt on every single hole so and for him to win in something like that over some dudes that weren’t Chumps you know there there’s some good players there for him to win on a course

Like that has to be has to build confidence for him going into absolutely the rest of the tour yeah what what did that top three or top five end up looking like Lucas I know AB was right there mared was in the playoff somewhere in the mix

Yeah um I don’t remember the the final but AB was right there I think he was third but yeah I I just want to talk about how and I’ve been saying this multiple times on my weekly wrap-ups but how big and how impressive dga’s pickups have been I mean Tristan Tanner Parker

Wel they both won in Arizona um you had Co rallan win this last week as well I mean it’s just looking good for a really solid DGA team I’m just saying if Tristan did this with maybe one of his first rounds with the company I mean

This was pretty recent um the news with him going to DGA I don’t know if it’s just translating if he’s just found a disc that he likes or a putter he likes right because it sounds like he did it on the green I didn’t see the stats on

It just looking at the scorecard man it looked like I wouldn’t call it a pitch and Putt because what those guys play as pitch and putts is not the same as what we play as pitch and putts but I mean it was yeah those guys are throwing less

Than maximum distance on almost every shot and they’re always getting to the green I mean those scorecards were littered littered with birdies I mean I think AB had a 15 somebody else had a 15 I mean it was just it was a birdie Fest and that dude did it putting the

Frisbee um and you know the whole DGA thing it’s it’s it’s not too dissimilar to Parker wel yeah Parker’s already had a disc golf pro tour win but that dude picked up dga’s plastic and the next weekend went and won the Shelly Sharp which is a big a tier that’s not that’s

Not a nothing a tier that’s one of the the bigger early season tournaments that’s not a pro tour Pro Tour event well you know uh another thing that could be a a reason for those guys early success is I don’t know much about where Tristan wintered in the past but

He was in Arizona this year so think about the dudes that are living in Arizona playing I’m assuming playing with each other hanging out with each other you got Tristan Parker moved to Arizona you obviously have AB you got Drew you got Rick uh I mean just I saw Jacob Curtis

In a few videos cupcake so just imagine all those dudes playing yeah if you look at their socials those guys are all out there chopping it up together on either Fountain Hills or Vista every what seems like every day so they’re playing against they’re they’re play they’re one

They’re playing every day in a warm climate through the winter and they’re they’re doing it against you know some of the best talent on the planet it has to translate to success you would think right I mean and you and I aren’t that caliber by any

Means but when we play around my number one goal is to beat you you know so imagine that with those five or six dudes yeah oh that’s Go I mean every putt is got to be full just complete intense tournament mode and I think I think some of those dudes Are Gonna Make

Some Noise this year well you got I mean Goose that’s another one that’s out there doing it with yeah Tristan Tanner 108 rated shot final round 1057 he shot 1041 for the tournament you think there’s not some good golf going going out there and and

I don’t mean to bring it back to AB again but I but I you know obviously I follow him close that dude is averaging 1050 for those two a tiers and hasn’t won there’s some golf going on in Arizona boys yep no doubt about it yep

No doubt about it let’s talk our our our last little topic we want to talk with this whats popping segment in New Zealand there was a tournament TPO classic but we had Juliana corver in attendance and she got win number 250 it’s crazy and she had a huge break

From the game didn’t she at one point yeah from from basically 2007 to 2020 so about 13 years she played uh less than five tournaments each year and most of those were you know uh a women’s event that was you know more ceremonial probably for her and yeah it just didn’t play a

Lot of events but then I mean up until that point she was playing 35 I mean in uh 05 she played 20 events and that was kind of the start of her backing off but then yeah she just 17 she played one 18 she played none 19 she played two and

Then in 20 she played one event 21 that’s when she kind of came back on the scene and started playing more so had she not taken 13 years off she would probably be possibly pushing Brian schreger for the most wins well well yeah doubt no doubt and

The difference between and look I’m not knocking weby schwe is one of the best disc golfers to ever play the sport in my opinion but the difference between what SCH weby does and what Juliana was doing and is doing now is there there aren’t as many wins to be

Had right I mean she could go out there and play great every weekend and maybe win you know maybe get lucky to win once a year now she she’s not out there playing the a tiers all over the country if she wanted to do that she could go out there and win every

Weekend right so yeah yeah she could and she could in yeah she could do that in open not not not not to mention if she wanted to play against her age group you know so if she wanted to do that if she wanted to go

Play a tier she could be she could have been close to 400 wins by now if she would have done that throughout that whole that whole period but right that hits our that hits our little Wheelhouse in time pretty good you know when when I was really playing a lot Juliana was you

Know she was it yeah dude and um her main competition was probably Dez she I mean she pretty much took over from Elaine and then Juliana won hers before Dez got on her role I think but yeah I mean it’s just crazy how many wins this gal could have and yeah on top

Of that she’s like a phenomenal freestyler with World titles and freestyle yeah so if you haven’t if you haven’t watched that uh catch video with Brian aart you you gota watch it her the amount of spin she can generate on a Frisbee and not Propel It Forward is

It’s ridiculously insane I don’t know how the heck she does it man it’s awesome well yeah that she does some ridiculous catches and and Spins and yeah I mean the people that can freestyle that’s something I really wish I could do I wish I could freestyle it

Looks so cool yeah and I I kind of get the feeling that uh she likes freestyle more than golf but there’s I’m guessing I don’t know how big the freestock community is I think I would guess it be have to be smaller than disc off but it’s probably not not much money to

Be made there can’t really make a career out of it yeah unless you’re like red panda and can do it on a 18 foot tall unicycle all right well good on good on Juliana Juliana I mean that’s impressive to say the least with a 13year stint of not playing and still getting

250 let’s move into a new a new topic boys let’s talk top five so every week that we’re on we’re going to do a new top five segment top five can be just anything if you have suggestions on a top five that you’d like to hear from the boys please let us

Know but this week what we’re going to do is we’re going to do the top five courses on tour and so y all thought of this ahead of time you also sent me what you thought the other person would think so we’re gonna make a game out of this too

So if you get one of them on the list you get a point if you nail the exact spot that it was you get two points okay okay and we’ll just see who kind of turns out up Victorious who would like to share their list first let’s do this

Way let’s do it this way you do number one then I’ll share my number one and after I share my one I’ll share my two and you can then share your two and then three so just kind of bounce it back and forth you cool with that okay like like

Snake snake yeah I think that would be fun that way we can I think that’ll work well starting at the top or starting at the bottom uh let’s start with number five there you go yeah agree okay I’ll go first number five I got now this one’s

Not I don’t know if it’s on tour or has been on tour um I’ve got Milo MacGyver um I want to play Portland golf so bad um I’ve never played it but it’s but it’s on my list of ones I want to go to I love watching I love watching the tour

Players play that Golf Course Daddy got Smitty had that as number five for you are you kidding me he did I’m already I’m already sniffing Shenanigans no it’s not okay so my number five is also in the Portland area and I went with a Glend deir for the Portland

Open I think just the boys playing in those ginormous trees is just H it’s it’s just fun to watch and I bet you those holes feel like they’re so far when those trees are five times bigger than any trees you’re used to Lucas saw my list I had Glen deir is

My honorable mention yeah just for nothing else but it’s probably the most beautiful course that the guys play all year I agree I I love that course okay so then uh number four on my list I went with Milo mcgyver is that what it is is it Milo I

Just Milo what I call it yeah um and I don’t care if it’s the two courses I don’t care if it’s the combined course I don’t care what it is man that place looks awesome yeah so could you can you imagine that that place Glend deir and Blue Lake are all

Within like 40 minutes of downtown Portland how awesome that be yeah yeah Milo’s out there a little ways Milo’s out there in the sticks a little bit H okay my number four I’ve got hornet nest Charlotte is that on tour anymore well I mean that it definitely was up until

Last year they were playing the Tour Championship there until last year I don’t know if it’s still on the tour this year but I mean that’s one that you go look at and it’s like super tight technical anybody can win I love those kind of courses I love those kind

Of courses for the tour players um so that’s that’s my number four is uh horn Nest number three Shenanigans oh was it was it not is it not on tour enough for I don’t think it is it’s it’s only one of the most you know popular courses in the world well keep

In mind I will say Smitty you did put a hey quiet course on okay it’s not on there number three I’ve got Nokia the Beast um Euro tour um Championship who doesn’t want to play that golf course I didn’t even think about that one and how good and how fun

Is it to watch what happens on that golf course I mean look look you don’t have to look any farther back than last year it all comes I’ve got a sneaky obsession with Anthony Bella I think it’s a little scary it’s not sneaky maybe it’s not so sneaky well you do have his

Jersey I do have his jersey uh but I mean look at last year what happen look what happened last year uh and the the the unfortunate things that happened to him with a couple left to go when he had a when he had a major championship right there for the

Taken love that course yeah I I didn’t think about that course I don’t think I would have put it on my list though because I think it looks awesome on coverage but from the reviews that you get from the people that play it it seems like it’s the most like you go

Over here and play three holes and you go on this side of the apartments and you play a couple of holes it’s just like I me know but wouldn’t it be awesome to play there with all those people God dang that’d be sick well world uh Master’s worlds May uh may find

Its way there here in a couple years so maybe that will cool that’d be cool so my number three which I’m sure is on your list tobogan ah it’s not idiot are you kidding me no I don’t have wow man that’s I haven’t been there but God

Dang it looks good foolish that that’s definitely one right that’s definitely one that uh it wasn’t even in my honorable mention to be honest with you uh but yeah that’s I mean there’s so many good courses on tour though I mean it’s kind like for sure you’re just

Picking your favorites really yeah well and a lot of it I think comes back to what has happened on that course so I mean every year it seems like it uh Great Lakes are something awesome that happens eagle shot from his flick from the road to park it um when

He that that alone right something weird gonna happen on that hole every single year Simon last year throwing it OB on purpose so yeah y all right so my number two this is definitely a point for you probably not a probably not a direct hit but it’s 100% a point uh Maple

Hill you have sunk his Battleship that is Direct Hit That for number two for you yep y Maple Hill what of course I mean throwing seven gazillion feet helps but I don’t think you have to to win there I mean Bradley Williams he throws far enough to compete he doesn’t

Throw as far as those top dogs and he’s won there and he was wasn’t he in the running this year or not um no mtio won by a few he might have been up in the he might have been up near the top I think mattio was first and and Goose was second

Ohio mtio won and started partying about 20 minutes before they finished yeah they they hadn’t even they hadn’t even put it on 16 yet and MTI had already taken eight thousand selfies on the 18th green so drinks he didn’t want to get disqualified awesome I’m not drinking

That I don’t want to risk getting disqualified uh yeah so Maple Hill obviously that’s another one I don’t have on my list but not because I don’t love Maple Hill but there’s just so there’s just so many Great Courses right I don’t know that you’ll with number two either for me um

Win gold oh dude right I unlike Smitty never had the opportunity to play usgc um kind of the one thing in my career that I feel like I I missed out on was was not getting a chance to play the US championships but uh I know I

Love watching it oh it’s another one of those places that just every year man it comes down to those last two hes so good and I hope that they don’t move it off the property you know there’s talk of moving to that ball Golf Course man or or uh even move into a

Just a different uh a disc golf only facility and I hope they don’t because there’s so much history on so many of those holes that would just be I mean it would just be history at that point and gosh dang so cool I tell you what I I almost had a

Heart attack the first time I walked up the whole 17 it was and then I did have a heart attack when I threw a b three times in the tournament our sport doesn’t have really anything close to you know Augusta or the Masters or something like that where

They go there and play every year they played on the same Golf Course every year but that’s about as close as it gets um to that and I hope I hope that doesn’t change the the you know we already the Masters Cup isn’t as big a deal as it used to be

At de la which is a shame um I hope that winr does not go by the wayside for the US championships because that would be that would be a that would be hurtful to our sport I think yeah yeah and it oh man it’s so much fun that was like the

First tournament I went to where I felt like I was uh like in a real sport I got out of my car and they picked me up in a golf cart there was a Hospitality area that you could just you could just chill there all day and eat and listen to

Music and hang out and that was uh that was in 200 four maybe five long time ago I can’t imagine how awesome it is now yeah I just want to go as a spectator now you know it’s cool I mean now I just want to go as Spector the the

Days of dreaming of playing it as a competitor are long since over but I uh I’d still like to go watch that’s another one though that throwing far helps and throwing far is always going to be advantageous and discol but if you can keep it in the ropes and make

Putts you can score there you can definitely score I think I can do half that which half keep it in the ropes depends on the day right all right all right am I up for my last one number one number one I got a two for one at the top uh I took

The complex I mean you can’t I mean it’s number I mean other than winthrip gold it’s number one on my bucket list I need to get to Vermont and and play those two golf courses and and just so much fun to watch so much fun to watch yep well let’s let’s let’s reflect

On our picks so what was your number one Smitty same thing Smuggler Notch Smuggler Notch yeah Brewster and Fox run so I mean as we reflect on our our picks if there’s one thing that you and I like about disc golf it’s trees because outside yeah outside of wi every course was

Had some technicality to it yeah the only one the only one I I have on there that I would consider maybe a little bit of a bomber’s paradise is is Nokia and you still I mean there’s a lot of rope there you can’t just throw it wherever

You want to yeah that’s the kind of golf that I prefer you know I like to watch I like to watch guys make shots because that’s what that’s you know to me that’s what’s fun I’m with you I’m with you I mean if you’re there in person 600 foot bombs

Are pretty badass but pretty cool to watch Lucas what would be your number one I don’t know I didn’t even I didn’t even think about it um I would be along the same lines as you guys though is I don’t enjoy any of the golf courses um on tour I just want

I mean I can see people throwing far every day on any social media platform I want to see someone make a shot too so when you can bend it around something when you have to get creative when you’re in stuff I don’t like roped off stuff I like natural OB I like something

Where you have to shape something and if you don’t hit that perfect shot and you’re on the side on the edge of something you have to get creative and I think that’s what makes disc golf the most fun for me to watch is when people have to get creative and it’s not the

Same shot every time so yeah any of those that you named I mean I think Smuggler’s notches I don’t think you could it’s hard to pick against that course or those those courses yeah yep I think they have everything everything all yep that was fun all right boys that was that

Was um but there was a contest here and it turns out that you guys both got one nailed on the head and that was the only one you got so you both earned two points and you’ve tied but we both had Smugglers right so we both got three points we you didn’t you

Didn’t oh I nailed I nailed uh his very first one didn’t I no you said Green Mountain that is Smuggler’s Notch oh that’s what that’s the same thing okay that’s the tournament that’s the got you got you so we couldn’t just have a tie could

We yeah I apologize this is on me um Smitty won four to two um and he also said both courses on yours for your number one he said the whole complex well I put smugs on his you did on number three so you did get a point

Four to three I think we need to have me learn how to do math as well the math is not mathing very well from our host and uh so because of That won by Landslide Smitty Smitty W congratulations Smitty knows Ronnie more than Ronnie knows Smitty look at that shirt Ronnie’s wearing I know he looks good in that man yeah let’s uh hold on I got I gotta do it backwards here we need to uh plug

This the the wind dummies we have merch now um if you would like to uh grab one of these wind dummies te’s uh Smitty’s got I don’t know if he’s got a whole lot of them left but he does have some we’ll probably be getting some more in

Uh but if you want one of them hit him up and and he’ll let you know if you want to support the show we’d uh we’d sure appreciate it is it just that or is there something on the back hey man we got a little something on the back we

Got I think I think somebody of uh people before wow yeah that looks good yeah I to get you on I can’t wait to see some of those bouncing around out in courses and whatever it be a little weird it’ be cool man it’ll be

Cool it be super fun y all right boys let’s jump into our next segment we have the straight shooter sessions and so let’s talk about what we’re going to be doing here really all it is is I’m going to give y’all both just a a couple different topics and I

Just want you to talk about it okay now again for those of you watching at home if you have an idea of something you would like to know what these men are thinking about give their opinions on it they have lots of dis golf experience and they have lots of opinions so please

Let them share they would love to share so the first one I want to do give us a compliment right there was that a compliment I think think so what a jerk might have been backand that’s how I give that’s the that’s how I give Compliments by the

Way so I want to talk about C doubles okay so I actually was reading something online and I thought this might be a fun thing to talk about so we know when we think of C we think okay you get an extra shot on that hole that’s how we’ve

Always played it here well apparently in other PL in other places people play it differently so different clubs different regions play it differently I’ve seen where it says C is one Mulligan per par three two Mulligans per par four and five and it can’t be used on the same

Lie so I’ve never heard of it played any differently and I thought maybe this would be something fun to talk about I don’t know if in your guys’ experience if you’ve ever played Cali any differently than than we’ve played here locally um but I thought this would be

Fun to see what you think in Charlotte um they allow players to do a double Buy in and get two shots at every lie so that’s another option um that I hadn’t heard of before either what you guys thoughts we’ve the second option there were you buying twice

That a few years ago I don’t know if they still do it but at milbrook glow League that was an option that you could buy in and get uh get two shots Um H I would if I actually you know what I probably wouldn’t mil Brook Brook because even with two shots per hole somebody always comes in 15 16 17 down and I probably wouldn’t I don’t think I would buy two i’ just do the normal Val yeah i’

I’ve heard of that one before right so i’ obviously the one that we’re all familiar with you get one extra shoper hole um but forever you know we always played California rules where everything was a part three so it didn’t you know it didn’t matter it was always that way

Um but I’ve also seen the the last option of the double buy and I’ve seen that in a few places where you could do that but as far as the multiple extra shots uh on a whole where it’s to me it’s always been one extra shot or you

Got a full California there’s never been a a hodge podge of the two I’ve never really I’ve never really seen that before yeah I’m out on I’m out on the first one because I mean let’s be honest are this golf client sometimes aren’t the brightest people right so and also let’s be honest

Sometimes they’re not the most honest people right so now you’re allowing people to you’re expecting people to know that whole Seven’s a par four and whole 10 is a par five so now you get an extra show throw on seven you get two throws and you get three on this whole it’s man

It’s G to get screwed up and I’m out if I show up to your league and you’re saying Billy’s getting C and he’s getting extra this many shots I’m saying you’re not seeing Smitty at this league anymore either so I don’t I don’t like mud yeah muddy in the waters where it

Doesn’t need to be muddied and yeah it would probably be a I’d probably be a one one and done on the old uh multiple Cali shots I mean yeah I’m out on it I don’t like it either C reg normal California full California I can get behind either one of those don’t don’t

Don’t come with me where I get 110 shots on a five par but I don’t get them on a three par I’m out I don’t like that either well well let’s take this twist to it as well you get three shots but you Lucas said you couldn’t go twice from the same lie

You couldn’t take two of them why not if it’s a par five and I want to throw all my Mulligans off the tea because there’s this super cool shortcut I can take why can’t I take all three of my Mulligans on one hole kind of hard to use three if it’s a

Par five now that I’m kind of if you’re not if you’re using so you basically have to thr Two Shots every time yeah that that I didn’t even think about that that’s that’s convoluted I don’t like that now I like it even less so I just want to let youall know

Do not go to Charlotte no Charlotte was okay where was it it was somewhere else Charlotte was the one that said you could buy in twice Charlotte was cool I remember Co that I don’t I don’t mind that I’m probably like Smitty I’m probably gonna take my chances and and see if I

Can’t uh 2x my my profit I I’ll just I’ll just take the one extra shot yeah I just I never yeah I just had never heard of C playing any other way so it was just such an interesting thing to read I’m like huh is that even cool and I needed you to

Make my opinion thank you so much now I now I know I don’t like it why is it Cali too is it Cali because it originated in California yeah that’s why call with everybody when I first started playing everybody said who’s the California but I I’ve never seen any like rules on it

Like I can’t find anything online that says hey this is this is C rules for doubles never seen anything so let’s go ahead and name that first version of it nebras so play that bad way we call it nebras for knowledge okay Lucas can you get stats

To see if we have any Nebraska followers and if they drop us yeah I I I don’t think we have anything to worry about we track our Nebraska viewership and lack their following the podcast I think I have Anita Jackson will still follow us she’ll be a fan of

Us so we’re good it’s the only Nebraskan we need all right we’re gonna move on to a different topic and this one completely unrelated um to doubles we’re talking about what do y’all feel about having standardized baskets the same baskets on every tour stop um so that it’s the same

Regardless think it’s a cool idea or do you hate it tell me your thoughts I I personally I mean I can kind of take it or leave it I guess I don’t mind the different baskets on different courses I uh you know Ken clo I saw him

Do an interview and it must have been a usdg um when he was talking about H holding speed and and and I think that’s a a real thing should be more of a real thing in dis golf I don’t think the baskets should be these catch all if you hit the chains

It’s an automatic they’re not magnets they’re they’re they’re disc catching Contraptions right and I think everybody if you had it if you left it up to the tour players they would do that 100% they would take the disc the basket that just sucks everything in and we’d use

Those at every event I don’t mind that they go to Emporia and those things spit them out at them every once in a while don’t putt so hard you know when push come to shove I I think maybe it’s okay if it’s going to be a disc off Pro Tour

Maybe they should do it but it doesn’t bother me that it’s not if I’m honest um I’m along the same lines as Ronnie I can I can play on any basket I can I’m not gonna change the way I play I don’t I put it firm but I don’t fire it I

Guess is my deal um I on the pro tour though I don’t know that I wouldn’t mind seeing uh the same basket every event that way we don’t have they could they’re the best so pick a basket learn how to play on that one basket um you don’t go to

The Masters and play on a a bigger hole than you do it Tory Pines you play the same hole everywhere um I do think that would uh open up some good uh sponsorship Avenues you have 18 Billboards there instead of the Koozie if they did one of the baskets with the

Band I bet people because right now if they’re disc catchers they’re Inova you know inova’s getting that sponsorship there if they’re veterans DDS getting you know that sponsorship opportunity that would open up 18 different so but can you imagine that that would almost take another trailer just to move all the

Baskets yeah how how do how do you yeah that’s what I was gonna say how do you uh what’s the logistics of that look like when now we have to have a tour facilities manager that now tears down and sets up all of the the baskets every

Week um has to and how do they get there in time to practice right for because you don’t want that though man I don’t know that that gigantic zuka sign pops up every tournament it does but it’s that thing traveling around you know they don’t have to have it there

I would like that if it was out in the middle of a fairway and they had to throw through that son of a gun I think that would be cool no I’m serious dude on some of these holes that are just throw 9,000 feet put that stupid thing

Out there at 4,000 feet and say get through that before you go there well we’ve we’ve talked on several occasions my thoughts on Clown’s mouths and I don’t really care for them and it looks to me like if you know if we go back just [Laughter]

You know we talk about that’s the one place where I don’t mind it two course he we all know it’s gonna be there but we all know it’s gonna be there and it’s been there for a long time right and it’s not but it sounds I

Mean they had one out there at that tournament they just played in in Arizona and it decided the golf tournament seems like it so I I don’t know I I also sent Ronnie into retirement once with a bunch of hard stuff like that this is a fact I have

Not been to Cherry Street since I love that place that was one of my favorite places in the world I have been there since he quit disc gol for like three years true do you remember um I don’t think this was on the tour but this was on coverage somewhere where Corey Ellis

Made that Putt and it SLI through the bottom of the basket afterward was that a tour stop deow I’m pretty sure that’s what I mean like that kind of stuff is like you can’t have that happen at a Tour event you can’t Milo oh maybe it was Milo because it was

Kind of a it was an older it was a Pro Tour event though yeah yeah yeah yeah he hit and fell right through that dude I mean there was a string there where he had the worst luck ever and but you know something like that that that could never

Happen if if his putter fell through that basket somebody else’s putter has fallen through that basket previously and it’s a known thing and there’s no way that should ever happen yeah that’s that’s a whole different topic yeah fair enough and what’s crappy is that costume a stroke too what coste everybody saw everybody

Saw it fall right through the bottom but yeah that’s that’s another that’s another story but yeah yeah so we’re in agreeance I believe that we don’t care one way or the other but hey but but but I but I will say like I like I told you when push comes to shove I

Think if if you if you made if you made me decide one way or the other I would say do it because these are the best players on tour they’re playing for the biggest purses every week and if if they think that having a a ardized basket would make the

Competition more fair or or evened then I say go for it sorry unmute me I’ll I’ll put my pen down sorry pal that’s my that’s my ADD it was just getting tough to hear him so I just trying to be kind about it oh my gosh uh what would you pick as

The B basket oh that’s a good question I think this craft produces the best basket which one the the one that’s out on all the golf courses not the I think you’re thinking you’re thinking Inova you’re saying disc catcher I think no not disc catchers disc catchers are fine too I’ll

Tell you what we’ll put it this way how about we do it this way as long as it’s not a dynamic disc basket I’m probably be pretty cool with it don’t put a I don’t think I don’t think those things are that bad I think they’re terrible I

I have sorry Jeremy rusco if you’re watching but I think the basket’s awful they’re not um they’re not the best but they’re not they’re not horrible so no no there the disc craft baskets are the mock X is like what we have at Oak and then the mock 7 which is what we

Have those are those are DGA same thing well they are but they’re not I don’t know if I played on one you’re talking the red one the Red Top disc craft yep I don’t know if I’ve played oner it’s a what’s the name of that basket Lucas

Mock it’s not mock anything gosh dang it dis catcher is the in OFA basket I know a disc catcher is an in of a basket chain star chain star thank you chain star the new that triple chain chain star dude I think it’s I think it it’s

Narrow so you don’t have this giant catching apparatus but if you hit it in that one you’re G to make it more often right if you get a half a disc in the chains you’re gonna make it if you don’t get a half a disc change it’s probably gonna

Kick it out and and a disc catcher is not you know wholly different I just think there’s some I think there’s some areas on a veteran that it will not catch from which should be some of the best places to hit it in the basket um yeah pulling

Out all the baskets are way better than the best baskets were 25 years ago so none of them are awful have either of you uh put it on those Prodigy baskets with the squares I don’t think I have I I have either that’s what kale has at his place right yeah I think

Probably I just I you’re probably playing on a bunch of uh Gateway stuff right now I played today I played today I think they’re called I don’t know what they are so they’re super wide like like the basket itself is really wide but the chain apparatus

Is kind of small what do you mean the top part’s wide no the bottom the actual tray is really wide but you’re kind of narrow at the top so it’s almost like a it almost seems like an oversized uh marks Marksman yeah I can’t believe there’s not super heavy chains crazy heavy

Chains can’t believe not standard on that so but there I don’t mind them yeah there’s quite a few courses over here that have those uh that have those up in St Louis in case nobody you know for people who don’t know I’m I’m in St Louis right now

So boys cool all right that’s good conversation appreciate you let’s move into another segment that we’re going to be calling the wheel of debate how this is gonna work is I’m going to spin this wheel this is going to choose the topic that they are going to going to debate from there I

Will then spin the will again and one of them is going to spin for getting the proide of the conversation of the debate and then one will get the con side of the debate and they’re just going to go at it they will get to one minute to

Debate the other person will get one minute to debate and then they’ll explain how they truly feel about the matter after the fact boys any questions before I spin this wheel got it let’s do it okay here we go tacos or burritos it’s going to be banning step putt all right so let’s

See Pro or con so this is gonna be for Smitty whatever this falls on this is going to be what Smitty gets do you want to ban step putt or do you want to keep it Smitty wants to oh he wants to keep it you do not want it banned Smitty okay

So let me get a all right so who would like to go first I’ll go go ahead sir okay Smitty you’re gonna get to go first one minute on the clock and go um I see no real reason to ban step putting it’s been a a part of disc golf

For as long as I’ve play disc golf um it’s a skill that people develop by practicing and you know using it to their advantage uh I’ve known a few people who would rather be just outside of the circle versus on the on the circle itself or inside the circle because they’re more confident

With the step butt um if performed correctly it’s 100% within the rules as long as you have have a point of contact touching the ground uh at release what you do beyond that point doesn’t really matter outside of the circle it’s just like throwing from 150 feet out in the Fairway long as

You are behind your lie and point of contact at release you’re good to go it’s part of the game it should remain part of the game that’s pretty good pretty good swiy all right good work all right Ronnie you get a chance to counter that argument with your one minute starting

Now the old guy’s gone crazy step putting jump putting whatever you want to call It’s gotta go away it’s garbage you’re gaining an advantage I don’t care it’s it’s been a part of the game for as long as the game has been around but obviously you’re gaining an

Advantage or else they wouldn’t tell you you can’t do it inside of 10 meters so I think you got to do it do you do it by just saying you got to stay behind your light all the time I’m okay with that you do it by having a second Circle

Right and saying maybe you can step beyond that but 10 meters to 20 meters or 30 meters or whatever it is get it out of the game these guys that do it obviously they’re terrible Putters or they wouldn’t have to do something like that put some spin on a frisbe

Get your butt behind the disc throw it in the basket and move on okay all right all right I love it I love it that was amazing so before we get into how y’all really feel about this I want to ask you all watching who do you think won that debate don’t don’t

Think about your personal feelings just think about that debate in itself did Smitty win or did Ron went would love to hear it in the comments all right phis tell me how you really feel um because I know some of you might be itching to uh switch sides on

This get out of here with this get rid of Step buny stuff it’s it’s like Smitty said and and I don’t know if he believes it or not but I do think it’s a skill right it’s not something that’s uh just I mean you don’t just

Have it or you don’t have it right you learn how to do it it’s within the rules they they put that they put that rule at 10 meters for a reason and as long as they’re going to keep it there I’m Gonna Keep on step putting yeah I I have no problems with

People step putting um you know the the biggest argument you hear is that they’re in the air before they release they’re beyond their lie which you know until they allow video evidence which might be another topic for Wheel of debate at some point allowing that until that is allowed I mean we’re

Talking micr seconds milliseconds we’re not you can’t catch it with the human eye and you know I don’t care I do it I don’t do it from the edge of the circle like Ronnie does but I’ll do it from 45 or more or if it I need to get more zip

On it to get you know a more penetrating putt versus something I can put a little float on but yeah and do you think you get closer when you do it Ronnie do you think your release point is closer to the to the basket than just a stand

Putt um you be on is your are you beyond your lie because I think we are I think I am certainly but I’m also probably beyond my lie when I’m just I’m releasing the Frisbee beyond my lie when I’m just standing behind it as

Well right I mean my arm is only as long as my arm is you know what I’m saying it so am I closer sure but here here’s when when I hear people say you can’t do it and you shouldn’t be able to do it and all that

Kind of stuff look a three-pointer is a three-pointer as long as you as long as you leave from behind the uh the arc right I think to me it’s a similar analogy um I I I just think I think it’s I I I I just don’t find it to be all

That dissimilar you know it is what it is and you know and you’ll hear other people say that well I don’t even know why you do it anyway it’s just adding another mechanism to the to the Putt and all this kind of stuff well then good

Don’t worry about how I do it just right go get it out of the basket for me right you know go ahead Lucas I’m gonna say I’m a huge huge step P I’m I’m right with Ronnie like I want to be right outside I would say if I’m just inside I feel a

Lot less comfortable it’s just how I putt I don’t have the same pop when I can the thing that the step putt does for me is it helps generate my legs which I don’t do in my normal Putt and it helps me um now I do agree also with

You Smitty that it’s very very tough to call on it like if you see it it’s it’s so tough and I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone really truly legitimately call someone on it and I’ve seen some really bad set putts you know what I

Mean um I practice M NF where I feel super comfortable with it it’s bang bang and if it’s not close then it’s not good for me like it has to be my timing has to be like where it’s perfect or I’m not hitting it right so um it is one of

Those bang bang things and it it is definitely one that’s always up for debate where do the big boys start or start step putting I don’t think I don’t know very many edge of the circle guys are there I can’t think uh I mean KJ definitely is

KJ USA I mean that dude one inch outside that Circle he’s you think so 100% uh Drew’s gone to be the same way Drew gonna absolute Edge and that dude is filthy with it now he’s good he’s one of the best on he’s one of the best in the

World AB does it too AB really started doing it I don’t know where he starts though he’s got he’s moved it way closer just in what I saw from Shelly sharp there was a lot of those that were like you could you could see the uh uh the

Little Feather or whatever you want to call it in the ground right there next to his lie he’s doing it now from the edge of the circle where he was doing it more at like 50 60 feet before look and that’s want to say if if it if it didn’t make that putt

Easier those guys would those guys doing it for a living wouldn’t be doing it yeah but you look at a guy like Paul Paul Paul can stand and stand and it and I think it all comes from how you generate spin on the Frisbee when you

Putt right Paul could stand there and or Ricky or those guys those guys could just stand there and put it from 75 or 80 feet and not even not even Flinch I can’t I can’t do that yeah I mean I have nothing against step putting I if people are making

Putts with it I love it I even if it’s you’re ugly but making one on me I love it dude there’s nothing better than seeing a a long putt just bam chains and in it’s it’s good that’s good if if it’s helping people make them do it so

Agreed all right so again if you have ideas of some topics uh that we can talk about out for the will of debate put it in lots of things that we want you all to get involved with uh so please make sure you let us know we’re going to move into another

Segment this next one is going to be called courtesy violation because we’re trying to have a show that y’all are asking questions and you’re talking what we’re trying to put um so this is courtesy violation our audience questions we had a few come in that were

Pretty cool topics and I really want to get into these we kind of hit with these last minute so I know you guys didn’t get a chance to really think this over but one of the first ones this one comes from Travis Bailey he says which sponsor

Move will have the biggest positive and negative impact on a player so we know a ton of different moves happened this offseason who’s going to have the the most positive impact with their company and who’s going to maybe regress a little um I’m gonna throw out a guy

Who’s already had success Parker Welk I mean that dude has all the talents in the world um I don’t know that he necessarily went to a better a better manufacturer by any means but I mean if you can do that and make that much of an impact right away I

Mean maybe there’s something to it there’s a couple guys there’s a couple other guys out there for sure but I Parker W’s one that comes immediately to mind he ended up 11th at the Maricopa so he won and then right outside top I mean he’s he’s playing well so it’s a good

Pick Ronnie go ahead SMY sorry about that no that’s all right I’m going to say the uh the person who the change is going to have the most positive effect to or for we haven’t seen him play yet and that’s Ganon Burr I I the dude is already amazing

And he’s now gonna have a lot more disc options and more readily available discs that he wants to throw and his I’m assuming that dis Manny is gonna work with him and I mean this dude he’s he’s one of those once in a lifetim that you know that we’re lucky

Enough to see and he’s going from trash can Lids to to real discs now so I mean I mean and not to say that Prodigy’s total garbage but like I mean Isaac and Ezra are proven that that it’s definitely not garbage but they’re Pro they’re also throwing like uh special

Runs that are hard to get and you know collector’s discs and I just listen to again and talk just in the few interviews I’ve I’ve heard he’s really excited about having a great uh Fairway game now so I think I think the change is gonna be super positive for him and I’m with

Ronnie Parker wel he was good too but there’s another one going from Prodigy to somebody new y you got another one I’m sorry you got another one in that same group you know and and it’s funny that we’re going all these Prodigy to somewhere else guys but

Alden Harris I think is someone that if you don’t already kind of know who that dude is you might want to strap in this year because I think he might be he might to me I think he’s the guy that can make the biggest jump of any on tour

I mean that dude might that dude’s gonna that dude’s going to put some podiums up this year and uh I I really want to see that dude with some other classic yeah do we have do we have a whole concert going on what’s what’s happening anyone else hear that or is that just

Me I don’t hear it I I heard I heard like some Bas for like in the background but I thought it was you two clowns okay I thought it was coming from you Lucas oh yeah hang on it’s my kit he have practicing his trumpet not kidding is he

Really I thought he was serious gosh dang it want to be need to cut all this but now I want to keep that I know I know I was I was like I’m ready to cut it we not C it not oh my God who’s going the other

Way who’s who’s the change G to be uh adversely affect their play so got one yeah I got one so I actually think Eagle might take a step backwards so I don’t know if you’ve heard about this but when people go to MVP and I’ve heard this

From Greg Renfro who’s you know the biggest MVP locally like he has thousands of discs but you have to start throwing the disc differently I just think he’s going to start the year very slow I think he’ll get there but I I don’t think he’s G to make a big buzz

Early on and and watch and see if I’m right I mean I know Eagle is one of the most talented players we have on tour but I just think he’s gonna struggle a little bit at first with MVP I think out of the I don’t that doesn’t seem out of

The realm to me but it’s Eagle yeah that that guy he’s a frisbee player he’ll be fine and jam James has had no problems Simon is arguably James took a second too though Simon took a second well Simon pretty sure James won a World Championship his first year with MVP but

That was towards the end of the year maybe out of the gate he might he might start slow I mean I I could maybe see that but the dude’s up say oh he’s he’s disgusting but that’s that’s who I that’s who I’m going with I do think on

The other side um I think we’ve already seen Tristan Tanner if that’s not the hugest confidence boost ever for him I mean that’s that’s that’s got to be huge brand new sponsor Big Win huge numbers for him I hope he makes a splash this year that we haven’t seen from him since

You know his world’s run got mine Carter erens oh he he went he went DD to Lone Star yeah yeah yeah yeah I really like that actually that’s a good call well that guy that guy made a few splashes last year he was we saw him a little bit on coverage

And he had a tremendous Arsenal to choose from at that point and you know we’ve got Emerson Keith that won with their plastic last year one time Lone Star um I was my down yeah going to Ino and I’ll tell you why because I think that dude really

Needs a specific type of frisbee to be good um which is overstable um he leans so hard on that overstable flight um and I just and and this is so it’s twofold it’s it’s the it’s the change and because now it’s a second mold it’s a second mold to learn in two years

Right second a second manufacturer and I just think the guy has deteriorating Talent anyway um he’s really not a factor on tour much other than he sprung up and won one what he won uh did he win Frisco did he win OTB last year yeah I think he won

OTB um you know but outside of that he was kind of off the radar as it was and I think he’s just someone who’s kind of maybe already reached his his Pinnacle in the sport and uh you couple that with another change um I think that that that

Was who came to mind to me as someone who I could see having a having a a worse year than last year I can see that but the way you started that conversation made me feel like you’re saying the Inova doesn’t have overstable molds no no no not not at all but that’s

To me I when I I mean all my experience that I’ve ever seen with Lone Star that’s all it is it’s all just just just ridiculous I mean you’re throwing the most overstable I mean it’s like throwing a Gateway disc right you can’t you can’t do anything with it other than it’s like

Throwing tilts but all tilts I think the best players can probably find something in that lineup that they can use if they’re willing to uh grow and adapt with the plastic I think that that they can do it um I think the one slot that Emerson will

Misses Ina doesn’t have anything like a uh a Justice or whatever lone Stars version of that was I don’t think do they no that I mean they got the Toro or or a gator or something like that I mean it’s not too dissimilar well I guess we’ll see but

Yeah and then GNA throw that but he ain’t gonna throw that Boston Bruins thing anymore he’ll just he’ll just uh stamp something else with it Toro or Gator three I don’t know inova’s lineup that well I I kind of just have an idea of the molds I think I

Think even both of those have more Glide than a Justice or whatever they do they do from you know I I don’t that’s not a slot that I have in my back I don’t I don’t throw that don’t go anywhere disc well you should you keep it out of the creek on 13

Man 13 at milbrook is costing me plastic in butches you know pretty hard hole it’s like 20 feet another DGA pickup that we didn’t talk about yet is uh Macy badz I’m pretty sure DJ picked her up late here they did they did and so that’s

Another one I mean I don’t know that it’ll affect her game much but that’ll just be another fun person to watch for DGA she’s a pretty solid player she is she’s not going to be this year I mean she’s pregnant um she’s gonna not tour half the year you know

What I mean so she’s not but I will tell you and I I talked about this in my sponsorship news but DJ also picked up Ellie Ming who is from the other side of the pond uh longdistance champion she is going to go tour full time this

Year and watch out for her I’m just going to say that right now she’s from Europe cool yep can’t putt so can’t putt don’t care those girls there struggle with the putter don’t they it’s hard to watch because I you know I hin is one of my absolute favorite people to watch

Th I mean she absolutely is a rock star for 82.5% of the her round and then the rest of it is hard to watch I have to go get popcorn every time she gets to the green so I don’t have to watch it is uh it does make the stomach churn it’s like

Every time I feel uncomfortable for her yeah I feel bad I feel bad for her because I’ve been there man I’ve been trust me I’ve went I went through stretches where I didn’t think I was GNA never I was ever going to make a putt again like uh I remember remember a

Tournament playing one time it was it it was me and babett and Ron Converse and I the only the only putt I had that day was the wish Putt and I wasn’t wishing hard enough dude I I did I it didn’t matter what I tried I could not get the

Frisbe to go in the basket you know laying up from laying up from 15 and 18 feet that’s the most demoralizing thing in the world yeah 100% I do it in the wind he doesn’t understand that I laid up once and lost a tournament true

Story wow I was H I was on the lead card and we were playing at uh crowle Texas and it was really windy and it was cold also and I didn’t I mean I probably didn’t miss a putt the entire day I was I was playing great we came down to

Whole 18 and there was a little bit of a a death putt behind it and I laid it up from about 25 feet and uh what was his name um Paul dores from Tulsa beat me from the chase guard this is where live scoring is so

Nice is it though that was kind of fun back then too so that was good you have another courtesy violation yeah yeah we got one more here um this is from Andrew mlin he wants to kind of just talk about limiting the number of discs in a bag

For the Pro Tour and checkins like having check-ins for each Pro Tour stop for every event I don’t care how many discs you carry if you want to pull three carts in a train I don’t care do it right because that’s uh I don’t think you’re gaining I don’t think you’re

Getting advantage on me by carrying more frisbees than I do I carry I don’t agree I don’t agree really no and and and I’ll tell you why and I know why Andrew’s so it is a rule in go it B golf you can only carry 13 clubs right and the whole reason behind

That is because you’re going to have to make do with those 13 clubs I you know at one time when I was really playing I had nine wedges but if I was going to carry all the rest of my irons I could I had to choose from three

If you want to get real fine with what you do I don’t know what the number is I don’t it doesn’t matter to me really but I think that at the tour level I I would be in favor of a limitation of discs I think I’ll Trust the guys enough not to

Be throwing illegal Frisbees and they’re professionals let’s hope that that’s not going on but I would be in favor of of of a maximum allowable I can only think of two really good players that carry a crap ton of discs and they’re both not the top dogs anymore Ron Converse

Carries one of every disc made by Dynamic disc wests side and latitude in his bag every single time and sometimes three of each of them I mean that dude has so many discs and the other one is a Dave felberg huge bag man but still you watch those guys play they’re they’re relying

On six discs to play around then then then a 15 or whatever it is shouldn’t be a problem right but it’s going to live it’s going to make you hey this is what I’m putting in the bag and I think a 10 or 12 would be actually pretty you could make it

Four for me I and i’ figure out a way to play around right I you know but I would be in favor of that because yeah this is what you got to start the round with you’re GNA have to use your practice in a in in a better

Way to be more selective with this is what I’m using this week I don’t have 75 discs to choose from this is what we’re rolling with if I get in a spot I’ve got my pickle disc you know I got my get out of jail free card um but I I I actually

Would be in favor of something like that weird I I’m just the opposite I just don’t care but I carry a lot of discs too I guess maybe that’s something you you don’t your bag always has empty space yeah how many how many discs do you carry usually Smitty I I can’t tell

You I can just tell you they I don’t know how many discs I have I just they in a certain spot so I’d have to count what I had left to right I do you think you have more than 20 yeah right now right now yeah but I and Ronnie I know

When we talked before when we did your journey journey you said a lot of those discs are are there so so your bag didn’t blow away right yeah I mean that’s I mean I’m I’ve got right now in my bag I’ve got six discs that I really

Use for the most part there’s there’s a couple of other ones that are going to be situational and everything else in there is simply backups or for me to be to throw when I’m practicing right um for in the middle of a round because I’ll have two two molds

Two molds take up 70% of my bag just and that’s Undertaker and a putter just different wear and tears I’m between 22 and 25 discs in my bag okay okay yeah so yeah that would be to to limit that to 13 do you think that would be something that you could do

Smitty and just with what you actually throw yeah I’m good enough right now I carry a Ballista Pro I carry two ballista pros and two Raiders and I could easily combine those into I could figure out which one was going to work I feel like I can flick the

Raider better and I never never backhand it and I only backhand the ballista Pro and never flick it but I feel like if I had to I could go one way or the other on that um I carry two felons I could throw one out and make one of them

Work I carry uh three emac truths two of them are interchangeable and one of them is you know newer which is almost the same as my verdict so I could throw out I mean I could I I could do it I have I have three of the exact

Same Putters in my bag just because you haven’t played very many practice rounds with me Lucas but no I’m probably the most annoying guy in the world to play dis golf with because I put at least three times every single time I’m out there playing so that’s good practice though

But I think I mean just from you breaking that down I think it would be truly interesting on the tour level to to limit some of those numbers of discs for players just to see what would happen it’s definitely an interesting topic yeah I like I like like I said I

Would be a favorite and I uh I like the question from Andrew that’s a that’s a that’s a good question um and it’s far as the checking stuff I mean I’ll use my bowling background uh when we go to bowl big tournaments especially like the national tournaments like that you had

To have your balls weighed you had to you knew it was coming I’m going bowling baby lowest common denominator no but they they they would you know all your equipment had to be checked in and like I said I wouldn’t want to see them doing that on tour just

Because I’m GNA trust those guys and their professionals but uh but it’s it wouldn’t be out of the realm either you know I think with the check-in process track and field my background when we would go to the big conference meets and bigger all of the uh throwing implements

Had to be checked and weighed and even at State Track they do that now and not only did they weigh them but they’ also check them for wear and tear you know like if a if a discus has a Nick out of it that gives you a competitive Advantage probably dig your

Finger in there or whatever I would assume um disc golf though art disc it may start at 175 and that’s going to you know lower I don’t know how much get shaved off by hitting trees and nicks and whatever but some of those are your best discs

Man those ones that are just demolished and so that would be another thing they would you know is this disc legal because of wear and tear maybe so and I think that’s something Andrew even put in this yeah he was like he said check weights on each disc um not just

Stickers but scale every disc and all of these different things too so and he would 100% know how many discs are coming that are overweight because he’s stamping those suckers all the time and he probably you know he probably checks them if if he feels like one is heavy he

Probably weighs it or maybe they get a box of that dis unlimited and they marked you knowell or something here thought around it was putting more pressure on the manufacturers to create a more quality product get rid of factory seconds lab seconds all of those types of things and just get good disc

Out there I think that was a big reason for this topic was also the higher quality manufacturing interesting stuff yeah yeah all right I think let’s get into our final topic our final segment our weekly piics PS pics pics why’d you spill P that way yeah so three s’s that’s weird um

Because what we’re going to do with our picks and there’s no tournaments coming up um but we do have the allstar challenge coming up soon so with the three s’s on the picks we going to choose someone a player that’s going to shine a player that’s going to

Stink and a player that’s our sleeper all right and so we’ve written this all down beforehand so we may end up with some of the same players we’ll find out how do we want to do this how do who do we want to start with you go first

The okay let’s just start with uh the shine I think it’s gonna be Isaac Robinson I think he’s going to pick up right where he left off I don’t know if you saw his tournament just recently but this dude is just otherworldly I just think he is going to

Absolutely knock the socks out of everyone out at this challenge chalk chalk I bet you like one seeds in the NCAA T I can’t help it the one seeds win a lot this this is not inaccurate um I’m gonna take Kyle Klein I think he’s uh I think he’s primed

To uh maybe start a little bit of a of a run and maybe it starts this this this coming up uh event at the all stars okay that guy doesn’t get enough love man he is freaking good I think it’s his face the first I I think he’s an all right dude

Too I just don’t think he’s uh there’s just something about him that doesn’t gravitate towards people which too bad because he’s great he’s good man he’s good uh all right my shine Mr consistent Calvin I mean we both like one seeds uh results don’t lie right this

Guy top of the top of the leaderboard nearly every single week um number one player in the world isn’t he is that his current rating I think maybe if not he’s he should be up there uh the dude’s good the dude is phenomenal and he lives in Florida he’s

I’m sure he’s been chillaxing and playing dis golf a lot so and I think Kyle lives in Florida too you guys you guys got the one and the one a right you guys got the two Alphas the two guys that are beat the tour up last year so I mean who can

Fault you for picking those guys see I think your dude might have fallen in a different category for me so maybe he shows up more than once in mine oh maybe okay I didn’t I didn’t pick him but I would have if I would have thought about him Smitty why don’t

We start with you this time you pick uh pick stink or sleeper I’m gonna go stink okay who’s gonna stink not gonna believe my pick it’s my dude man my number one Eagle I’mma pick him at stink not because because of what you said that he

Has to learn how to throw the plastic differently he’s going to play left-handed he is at the allar V oh is he do do we know this for a fact guarantee I saw an interview where he said where he confirmed it now whether he follows through with it or not no he

Is he 100% is I guarantee you I mean he’s got too think if I had this Insider information but how are we going to how are we going to quantify that because if that dude finishes is I don’t know if it’s a snake oh he’s gonna finish he’s

100% gonna finish and he’s gonna if he beat if he beats anybody he’s he’s the shine he’s not gonna beat anybody if he beats anyone though that player might quit he’s not gonna beat he’s not gonna beat any of them but I mean didn’t you guys watch him throwing uh his discs

With he his dad and yeah his his left-handed putt was amazing I would die for it and we’ve already seen him throw left-handed at European open he he threw no flicks and what what he said the interview I the interview I watched they asked him what his rate what they thought his rating

Was left-handed and he was like what’ he say like 940 or something like that he’s like but if I practiced it for two days two three days like two three days he for two three days like I think that could be around a thousand I’m like

What for 25 that’s when you know that’s when you know you’re one of the best in the world when you can say stuff like that three days so yeah I mean and that’s that’s a good call though yeah yeah little bit of the obvious pick I’m

I’m gonna I’m Gonna Keep with keep with my theme and go a little bit a little more off the radar with who’s gonna stink haly that’s not off the radar though she’s a she’s definitely a roller coaster um someone with all the talent in the world unfortunately she fights

With some demons um from a mental health standpoint which is unfortunate but um you just I mean she’s got a little bit that Keen and forward in her she’s an A or she’s an f and I’m just I’m just going out on the limb and saying this

Week this weekend is going to be the f I don’t think there’s enough pressure for it to be an F it could be yep I see that yeah but you’re right it could be it could be bad or it could be amazing because that chick is good she’s

So good the talent’s undenied yeah when she’s on but you’re right a to F it’s that’s a good call my stink is Macy vas new sponsor and pregnant I just don’t think she’s going to be feeling it it’s nothing no offense to her but uh me and K Kendra have been

Going out recently playing some disc golf while she’s pregnant she just ain’t feeling right you know what I mean so that’s that’s my pick we’re just basing this all on the uh the baby in the tummy yeah I’m I’m looking at the uh the women’s field right now

Right and there’s no ttar there’s no page basically there’s I mean you got Missy own Holland as your your top dogs right now at that I I just don’t think she’s gonna stink I mean there’s there’s other what you mean stink based on what she’s capable of or stink compared to the other

Girls yeah I would say stink based on her level of like what where she’s at typically I think it’s going to be tough you that I I think with with these women I just think any of them like I just don’t think it’s going to be this is bad

To say but I just don’t think it’s gonna be too exciting on the women’s side of things and they don’t need three cards yeah that’s what I think this just maybe did too much yeah they don’t need they don’t need three cards me for the sleeper huh for my

Sleeper I’m going with uh I don’t know how much of a sleeper first of all how they sleeper if they’re an Allstar uh but this guy is one of my absolute favorite people to watch disc golf an it’s not Anthony Bella and it’s not even it’s not it’s not it’s not even uh

Aaron gosage who I also really like to watch Play It’s the Proctologist James Proctor that dude is a super star it’s another one of the guys that just needs to needs to feel that win one time and I don’t know how you keep him from winning all the

Time he’s good man it’s it’s a good pick dude honestly I went between James brocker and the guy I’m G to choose which is again I’m kind of with you where how is this dude a sleeper but Cole Rolan is still a kid right so he’s

A sleeper I think he’s GNA shine in this thing too he’s he’s just such such a mature kid too I love him I love him he’s one of my my favorites to watch right now I think you both made pretty good picks my uh my problem with them is they’re both good

And you expect them to do good at least I do you know I think those two are going to be they’re GNA be up there all the time um my sleeper had a terrible terrible into their year last year I mean bad two-time world champion sucking eggs missing cashes couldn’t do squat Katrina

Allen uh I saw some uh videos of her throwing into a net and it looked good I mean she changed some things good yeah yeah her her backhand Drive looked great I mean it looked awesome I will say I don’t think there’s anyone that works harder

Than Katrina just like I mean she is always grinding right always that’s what we’re that’s what we see yeah at least I mean and I went with her because I think at the end of last year I think she was in a bad bad place for herself and her career

And like I said looking at that women’s list I think she can come out and if she’s hitting on all cylinders I think it could be it could be a real good kickoff to her her season it could get her going the way she needs to go so bad that’s a

Good pick all right well that is our weekly picks and before we go I want to talk about a Survivor League that we’re going to be having kind of a fantasy disc golf type situation um Ronnie if you’d like to explain that for everyone yeah sure so we are going to

Have a Survivor League um we’re looking for 12 of of you guys out there to join us um it will be a $10 entry we are going to be picking one person to finish in did we say the top 10 top 15 what are

We doing I think top 15 top 15 yeah your player has to finish in the top 15 in an event um if if your player finishes in the event you move to the next week the next tour stop um can’t just like in a in a football Survivor pool you can’t

Double up on so once you’ve picked Calvin heimberg you keep picking Calvin hyberg right you’re going to have to come with somebody else on a different week but yeah so we’re gonna we’re going to do that and run it for as long as we can run it and the the odds are we’ll

Probably have opportunity for some more folks to join in um my my guess is we probably do a couple of these as the course of the season goes on um but yeah so we’re looking for 12 of you uh if you want to just reach out to probably just

Reach out to Lucas and say Hey I want to be a part um he’ll he’ll hook you up uh and we’re uh we’ll get that going starting with the championships yeah yeah absolutely so yeah just reach out to me need 12a first 12 to reach out hey your spots in and

Then again $10 to enter and then Winner Takes all so whoever’s The Last Man Standing the Survivor hey you got 140 bucks coming your way 150 that’s how math Works my fault um but you’re going to net 140 other than that boys um we are at the end of the episode

Before I sign us off anything you’d like to share to anyone watching or to each other no that’s that’s aw anybody that made it to the end thank you you didn’t like the eyebrows Ronnie this uh I think this might be a little bit longer than our normal

Episode but we had we had some stuff we wanted to chat about uh yeah just looking forward to talking every week throughout the season man it’s going to be uh it’s going to be a good time and and thanks for everybody for watching and and uh can’t wait to do it

Absolutely and so we are going to sign off by giving you the video of the week if you have any video submissions you’d like to see in our podcast please send them over to me be happy to share them anyone whose video gets selected as the

Video of the of the podcast I’m going to send you guys a uh a wind dummies sticker in the mail for uh for participating appreciate it okay I love that that’s so good this one’s going to be from Tyson if you would love to follow Tyson if you would support Tyson his Instagram

Is lucky13 disolf he’s putting out some fun content and this video is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before it is crazy have you boy seen this one it’s made its round I think I think disc golf pro tour shared it yeah I think it was

Even on joez at this point yeah but this is an awesome video and that’s how we’re going to end the show thank you all for watching thank you Tyson for submitting the video catch you on the next one see you guys next time oh my God oh my God [Applause] [Applause] yes


  1. Great episode guys. Can't wait to see where this pod goes! Thanks for using my question. I think the main heart of my "check-ins" question is implement it at the DGPT level so it eventually trickles down to the C-Tiers and PDGA League level. The more "seriousness" we see from players doing the right thing, the better for the sport. Keep up the great work!

  2. Didn't figure you could go an hour and forty and not degenerate into lame land…but it was a lot of fun and you covered a lot of cool topics. I actually watched most of it

  3. Chainstar is similar to a Mach 5.
    Difference is the rings. Mach 5 has 2 rings where a disc catcher has 1 ring.
    Anthony lake has the chainstars.
    The red band ones Ronnie is thinking about are the newer version of Chainstars. I think they are 28 chains now like the new Discatchers.
    Attica has Latitude 64 Pro Elite baskets. I got the galvanized chains because the stainless steel are too slick IMO. Every basket spits out somewhere. I will say I’m not a fan of the T1 prodigy baskets that I’ve played on. My preference tho

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