3 Backswing Keys For Max Speed At Impact

If you want to maximize your speed and control of the club at impact you need to understand how the trail arm loads properly in the backswing. In this video, I will walk you through the keys to get the trail arm to bend properly, creating the energy you need to unload into the ball. This unloading sensation will create maximum speed of your handle and clubhead through the impact zone when you strike the golf ball.

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0:00 – Intro
1:09 – Why is the trail arm so important?
1:40 – 1. Pinned Trail Arm
5:02 – 2. Locked and Loaded
7:45 ‐ 3. Push Pull (Fully loaded now)
9:10 – Unload it into the ball

If you want to maximize the speed and control of your Club at impact you need to understand how the trail arm loads properly in the back swing so in today’s video I’m going to walk you through the three keys on how the trail arm bends properly in the back swing and how those

Movements are actually controlled by the trail hand not your body so if you’re new here my name is Ethan Bramble and I’m one of the lead instructors here at claw and effect and the purpose of this channel is going to be educating you on the importance of the hands in the golf

Swing you know the things connected to the club they’re kind of important and we’ve studied them a lot and during these studies figured out some of these key cause and effect relationships that just aren’t being talked about at all in golf instruction and by not understanding these relationships you’re just making

Golf harder than it needs to be so if you like this content and you want to see more go ahead and subscribe and throw a like on this video it would really mean a lot to Us Okay so before we get into these three keys I think it’s just important that we talk about why is the trail arm so key for creating this proper speed and control of the club at impact and the easiest way to really understand that is that the trail arm is really the driving

Force that’s accelerating the handle in the club through the Impact Zone so when we spend all this time and energy winding it up in the back swing it’s to really get that proper unwinding sensation giving you the handle and Club stability and speed that we’re looking

For okay so the number one key to getting the trail arm to load properly in the back swing is getting the trail arm pinned underneath the lead arm at the setup position okay this is so important because as we’re coming into the golf ball we want that trail arm to

Feel like it’s underneath the lead arm because this is going to create the proper gear effect of how the club head is going to release down out and away from your body so really important that we get that right if the trail arm gets too on top you’re going to be having a

Tendency to want to close the face too much lead arms going to break down chicken wing a lot of bad things that can happen so just getting this proper kind of wall built with your lead arm here with a nice strong grip with your lead thumb on the top Trail side of the

Club really allows that trail arm to just kind of pin right underneath here so now from here we can get the proper connection of Trail Palm to lead thumb knuckle and then once we get that alignment that automatically will pin that trail arm underneath the lead arm

See you see a lot of people talk about how you want to have your palm towards the sky and elbow pointing up and yes that is true but that’s more of the effect on getting that proper connection of that Trail Palm and lining that Trail Palm up to that lead thumb knuckle at

The address position so I got a really good drill for you actually to make sure that you get this Trail arm pinned correctly every time and it’s a really simple drill that you can even do this like sitting in a chair on a couch but what we’re going to do is we’re just

Going to get into our dress position with our nice strong grip really build this kind of wall okay the club is going to be vertical at this point and now from here what we’re going to do is we’re just going to Pivot the club to where it’s parallel to the ground okay

Lead thumb is on the top Trail side of the club lead arm nice and braced now from here we want to feel that same connection of that Trail Palm to lead thumb knuckle that we were just feeling when the club was on the ground but now we’re feeling like we’re pushing more

This way and you can see I got to really get my tree arm pinned in here in order to get that proper connection Point see if I go this way too much not making the proper connection so it’s really forcing you to like feel like that at the

Address position so once I get that kind of clamped on there you can interlock overlap baseball doesn’t matter but you can see I’m really pinned in here almost got this little kind of window here between the lead arm and the trail arm from the downline perspective and that’s

Again so so key when it comes to coming into the ball and getting that proper gear effect and we’ll talk about that in a sec from here all I’m going to do is just kind of pivot and then point down and I mean look at the look at that

Trail arm because I’m concentrating so much pressure here with that Trail Palm against lead thum and then just curling those fingertips getting that good hook like we talk about in our content that’s just painting that arm under there and when I was watching the PNC with tiger and Charlie they’re doing this exact

Same thing with getting that trail arm pinned under there getting that hook with that trail index finger so it’s hidden in plain sight and it’s just going to make your life so much easier if you just get that first initial step correct okay so the second key of

Getting that proper loading of the trail arm in the back swing is is going to be as we initiate the back swing how the trailer arm is going to go from its pinned position to its fully extended position and the reason that is is as we

Get this Trail arm pinned in here as we begin to push down out and away from our body to initiate the back swing you’re going to see how that trail arm is fully locked at this point as we get the handle stretched about 5 in outside the

Trail leg here okay so this is really establishing that proper width in our golf swing and you can see I mean that trail arm is nice and locked here we’ve also have a little bit of clockwise rotation as well which is really important for ensuring that we’re going

To get the proper rotation at the top with the hand and arm and we’re going to get to that in a sec but the same pressure I’m applying with that Trail Palm to lead thumb knuckle at the address position is just what I’m feeling as I start the back swing I’m

Just pushing down out and away and you can see this with all really good players again tiger and Charlie were doing this at the PNC you can see it their arms are just like fully locked at this point in the swing there’s no bending there’s nothing artificial happening it’s just pushing with the

Palms down out and away from the body and when I’m doing this again the grip pressure isn’t too tight I’m not I’m not squeezing the club or anything like that I’m just really feeling like my Palms are pushing down out and away from my body as my fingers are just kind of

Curled around the grip and that’s why the claws are so important because it allows you to concentrate this pressure down in way from your body I mean look at that width there this width is so important because it’s what’s going to allow me to get that proper shallowing sensation and then proper acceleration

That impact so we could do that same drill that we were doing boom boom now see see how pinned we are here now if I just go boom and just extend that trail arm really feel that push of that handle away from the body that’s how you really are going to be

Starting the swing and getting that loading sensation of that trail arm got to get it started right and that’s where Trail Palm get lead thumb knuckle maintain that pressure that’s what all the great players are doing okay so here we go so third and final move we got a

Great address position with Trail arm pinned we got great great extension with that trail arm stretching away because of that Trail Palm pushing against that lead thumb knuckle now we’re just going to maintain that pressure with that Trail Palm against lead thumb knuckle still feeling like we’re pushing down

Out and away from our body as we pull up and back at the trail shoulder with that like Trail index finger this is what we call the push pull sensation and the key with this is It’s really taking that trail arm from a that locked position

And creating a nice Bend here where at the top of the Swing we have a 90° angle between Elbow and shoulder and that’s like the full kind of windup that we’re looking for I got a great drill for you actually so I’m want to use the claw

Ball but you could if you just have like a range basket or something you can just put some balls in it um to help simulate the sensation but um really what we’re going to try to feel is almost imagine that this is like a bucket and we’re

Filling it with water and as we go to the takeaway we’ve kind of gathered all the water in the bucket and now we’re going to take that water and throw it up and back over that trail shoulder and you can see when I do that if I take my lead

Hand off that’s the full 90° between shoulder and elbow you can see that blade is pointing up and back at the trail shoulder almost like an arrow indicating that you’ve got that proper twist and push pull sensation but yeah the claw ball is just perfect for this

But if you don’t have a claw ball again you can just use a range basket but you should probably get a claw Ball but here we go guys I mean we’ve got the trail arm into a perfect position now it’s fully loaded now let’s unload it as we’re coming into the ball

Okay we’re just going to focus on maintaining that grip keep that push feeling with that Trail Palm against lead thumb knuckle see you’re always pushing we’re always pushing with that Trail Palm against lead thumb knuckle whether it’s in the takeaway whether it’s at the top as we pull the club up

And back at the trail shoulder now as we’re coming down we’re just pushing down and forward feeling that butt into that club really going towards the ball as we’re doing this we’re getting that trail arm into a position where here we are just like we were at the takeaway

Where we’re slightly pinned the trail arm isn’t as bent as it was here because we want to begin to feel that trail arm going from bent to straight because now this is where we want to apply all that energy and really feel that full acceleration of that handle through the

Impact Zone to get that catapult of that club head down out and away from our body and by getting that trail arm into this money position like we had it with the takeaway I mean look at this wall here it’s just like a total brace now

From here we’re just going to feel that trail arm going from bent to straight and at I feel that I’m still keeping that cup and that trail wrist though because I need the stability this thing’s going to unwind pretty quick and if I don’t have that cup in that wrist

That toe is probably going to turn over too much going to Al or deviate down too much just going to cause a lot of low Point control issues so as that trail arm goes from bent to straight keeping that cup and then if that lead arm is

Properly braced that lead thumb is still on the top Trail side of the club you’re going to get that full treatment that full gear effect and then that’s really the money move right here you could just do some drills just like this just feeling handle ahead of the club head

Till it gets to like the kind of inside of the lead thigh and then just full acceleration feeling that cup it’s just like working around this like brace right here this is like your pivot point the trail hand is just pivoting around that point but I mean this is a

Total workout guys um and you could use the club ball for this as well put the water back in the bucket boom here we go got the ball right in here you can see Trail arm pinned underneath the lead arm now if I just took that ball and just I mean release

It right down the target line you can see getting that full whip speed don’t hold on too much then it’ll go to the right don’t come over the top too much it’ll pull left so drive that ball right down the range another great use for the claw

Ball all right guys it’s time to hit a ball I mean I feel like we’ve done a great job with getting that proper loading of the trail arm in the back swing and understanding how it unloads through impact with that trailer I’m going from bent to straight let’s do it

I’m ready to hit a ball I’m going to go through my little drill here boom pivot it parallel to the ground pin it under there boom full extension boom all right here we go eight iron here I pushed it a little guys I hit it well though yeah I hit it really

Well 165 with an eight iron I mean that’s that’s pretty typical I did push it a little bit my alignment might have been off but boy did feel squishy I felt like I really gave it that full treatment down at the bottom with that trail hand I mean it’s fully loaded if

You fully load the trail arm in the back swing you’re just giving yourself a way better chance to get maximum speed and maximum control and it’s all controlled by the hands again it’s cause and effect or causeing Effect


  1. I’ve watched so many videos in the last year I could never count. This is what made me turn the corner and make huge advancements.

  2. Hi, just discovered your channel–thanks! Is there a trigger to determine when to straighten your trail arm on the downswing, or does it happen naturally?

  3. Great video! I lightly push on my top hand through the swing. Also keep your tilt over the ball through the swing. Like a baseball swing you need to be relaxed through the swing if not it will slow down your club.

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