Golf Players

Steve DeOssie is this week’s guest on UnAnchored Boston with Bob Lobel and Mike Lynch!

Steve DeOssie is this week’s guest on UnAnchored Boston with Bob Lobel and Mike Lynch!
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Well hi again everyone welcome in to unaccurate Boston with Bob lell I’m Mike Lynch and as always we are brought to you by Cold Springs RV up in we New Hampshire your spot for everything RV and by our good friend the big wheel we call him George Gray at George Gray’s

Lexingon Toyota we’ve got a great show today we’ve got the pride of Don bosow Boston College Dallas Cowboys New York football Giants JS Jet Jet Jets who else you play for uh oh of course in New England Patriots yes the one and only Steve diosi and is always Steve because

LEL is older I defer to the older people LEL gets to handle the introductions soby take it away all right well you know the minute I see diosi I start smiling because of all the funny things uh you and I have kind of done together

Not all of not of them all of them are on TV no true I can just okay I tell the worst story first we were down a Tampa for a game I don’t know it had to be BC why else would we be there some b game or

Something right and across the street from our hotel lynchy was this establishment called the dollhouse with the dollhouse just say you’re familiar with what I’m talking about you know maybe maybe okay well there’s a FR it must be a franchise in Florida or something but I know there’s one in

Orlando and I’m I’m not trying to place all of them I know I’m just saying right it was like an Lazy Afternoon I’m talking afternoon it’s not like he went there for lunch but we went there just AC just across the street what are we going to

Do yeah it was the closest place to grab a bite to eat closest place so I’m with I’m with Alan Miller or something whoever I think was with at the time producer Alan Miller it’s his idea by the way okay to go there so we walk in

And who comes in at the same time Mr tasi came in from different directions uh I got the call from Allen it was really it was very funny it’s just okay that was and then we then St we saw last week lynchy when he was the

Uh snap Long Snapper on the in studio field goal by vinet ter oh that was awesome yeah lights lights forget the lights he almost took my head off kick was good that’s what he said kick was good I knew it we you know Steve we could never do that again if we

Tried I talked to shauny about that he said that was the best sports final show ever because you could never get a guy like V Arian a day or two after that snow kick and have you and zorak just line up as Snapper and and holder and Snapper well

What are the odds against that happening that’s right and I I totally forgot it was it was very quickly after the uh the snowball I forgot about that completely and then it was Sunday night the snow thing was Saturday yeah yeah it was unbelievable that and and Adam was a a

Good sport about it oh my God he was fantastic and and uh yeah you know maybe the teams wouldn’t allow you to do something like that nowadays not chance not a chance he was in a pair of penny loafers on a a slick tile floor I mean

The worst could happen right the sheet down to look like snow and it made it even more slippery we were very we were very creative back in the day there’s no question about that that was out of believe because you guys were on your way to Pittsburgh to play for the AFC

Championship game and there really were no days off cuz that was coming after 911 and and uh there was like all work all the time how did you possibly have the time to go into the studio and do that well the U actually that was my

First year out that was 96 season was that 96 that was my first year out Jo was still there uh and uh and of course Adam was was still there how they got out uh they just they just said they had their normal uh sort of media responsibilities and and nobody say

Anything about it until until afterward when they when they saw it afterwards there was there was a little bit of a buzz about it but uh uh no they uh they just they just acted like it was like yeah normal normal uh uh media responsibilities that’s all they pulled

It off it was great I don’t know how belich was the coach then right I don’t know how that uh yeah he had to be because that was a tuck RU game the same game well tuck Ru was no it was was the 01 right um 96 who did they beat to get

To the Super Bowl uh the um Jacksonville right Jacksonville that’s right that’s right Pittsburgh they beat to get into the New Orleans Super Bowl in New Orleans right that’s yeah yeah because I remember my son was a ball boy for the Patriots for those two years the first of the the

2001 and 2002 season but the snow game was the tuck roll game yeah yeah that’s right so it must have been 2001 and that it’s amazing how it it’s slowed down a little bit but it’s amazing how many times now you see random people saying uh uh when their quarterback gets sacked

Or whatever they they’re sitting there oh oh that’s the uh uh what they called the Tuck Rule Tuck Rule tuck was I was in a scarl yesterday watching the games and uh one of guys it was it was close it looked a little bit like it but what

What even close that was that was that there I know exactly the player you’re talking was Lamar Jackson yes it it looked like he I said the same thing to myself I that is almost like the tough roll which never happen which doesn’t exist anymore right and was that the

With that was was the NFC championship game or the it was against Oakland here okay but imagine those two Monumental things that uh happening at the uh in the same game those things will be those will be game is in the stadium yeah yep yeah that’ll be uh that’ll be a legend

For for another 20 30 years just the Tuck Rule and the vinary kick and and all that stuff and and Viner is one of the there not a lot of guys that left the Patriots and did great there were a few of them Richard Seymour did well uh

You know a few other guys did well um the uh um you saw that uh of course Viner killed it when he when he left to Indianapolis it was one of those things and he was he was always I remember him in training camp that one year he was

Always just a very intense individual in terms of his work work ethic in terms of how he wanted to get things done how his his routine and uh a couple times it was it was annoying but I was like he’s a kicker I I don’t care let’s do what you

Got to do and he was he was prob the as mentally tough him and Matt bar were the two most mentally tough kickers I’ve ever come across and do you see how it happened what was the story that you told me about Matt bar parcel’s oh the uh uh it was U

Um oh parcel of the when they’re uh getting ready to uh um uh line up a for a field goal at the end of the uh end of the first half I think it was uh parcel and he knows he’s miked up you know that when Parcels is miked up he knows he’s

Miked up and uh uh uh he uh he he comes over to me he goes hey uh your boy your boy Bar’s uh uh little under the weather he yeah he’s got an upset T stomach he goes tell him to hold it in and and uh

And kick the ball that’s all I need him to do and M Matt was right there and I thought I saw a bit of a smile on on parcel’s head but Matt was like I’m because he he’d already thrown up a couple times he was just it was you know

Like I was I was more worried about zolak at the time because zolak would have got thrown up on if he was a holder went wrong so that would have made that would have been video for the ages right there yeah it was but you know there such a long history of uh

Just tremendous coaching and playing and stories and uh even uh uh things you never expected in terms of guys like uh Edelman or something coming out of nowhere to be as great as he was P State’s not nowhere come on let’s get this straight right if you live in an Ohio and Central

Ohio Northern Central Ohio yeah it’s a big deal I know Boston College Harvard I get it okay they uh uh it was you know just it was it was just amazing the amount of guys over that 20 plus year periods uh uh period that uh uh was was guys that

You never Rob nikovic another guy they he was struggling to stay on the practice squads in I think it was Miami and New Orleans at some point and he comes here and he’s a good player he was he had he played very well for the Patriots another guy they didn’t know

What to do I think they picked Pittsburgh picked him in like the fourth round or something like that and uh they didn’t know what to do with him belich brings him here turn him into a a defensive uh stalwart and a touchdown catcher I mean it’s just great stories

Over the years and and and uh uh you know I go I travel a lot for golf mostly but you just hear people all the time you know just complaining or they were complaining back in the day they don’t complain anymore because the Patriots are way down the ladder but uh the guyy

People were like ah it’s it’s not fun anymore watching them win I’m like of course it’s fun you you and and you know me I’m more of a I’m more of a a Giants fan than I am a Patriots fan love the Patriots grew up here in Boston it’s

Great but I had my best football won a Super Bowl in in New York and uh played my I started for for a number of years there uh and uh just it was the Giant and then my son going there for 13 years uh but I I never understood the idea of

How can you look at what the Patriots were doing and not appreciate for its uniqueness and its efficiency it was it was i’ never seen anything like it you know having watched the NFL forever and and uh I I don’t think we’ll see anything like it uh to in the near

Future at all hey see did uh did Parcels give you the nickname beach wall it was great it was uh it was my first year with the Giants and uh I had the long long flowing mullet blonde hair and I I had I decided to put a little uh

Sun in to make it even more like BL the back of the helmet I’m like oh that’s that’s 1989 which even then it wasn’t that cool of look but it to me it was like yeah whatever it’s cool so then I made the mistake the day before training

Camp uh uh I did that two days before training camp then the day before I went into a chlorine pool so now my hair has a little green tint to it with a green tint to as long hair and then the first uh first pad practice I

Screw up somehow and parcel’s uh uh come comes over and starts yelling at me I take my helmet off and those helmets the old helmets they were so tight that you had you like I a blue Blue Streak right here I had the red sunburned face and I

Had the light green hair was like you can’t do and he’s like he looks at me he’s like what look look at you what you look like you look like a goddamn beach ball round and multi I colored look at you it stuck for he was so proud of

Himself about that it just stuck forever even even when I was one of the guys that uh uh uh that spoke at a Hall of Fame banquet for him uh he he immediately brought it out he was just it was just great matter of fact this

Past summer I talked to I talked to him U here and there and uh so I uh I called him and he he kind of giggled when he answered the phone I realized you know every time I call him he giggles and finally I like coach what why do you

Giggle every time I call you he goes your caller ID says beach ball come on come on I loveed it a grown a grown ass man like that just having fun with a with something like that was great just great yeah you had a great relationship with them and I I know a

Lot of guys did too but I think yours was really special well there was something there that uh um he had been telling me for a number of years while I was in Dallas we played him twice a year and uh and I was always one of those uh

In basketball they call it a gym rat I was always out on the field an hour and a half before the game you’re only out there warming up a half hour 40 minutes before the game I was always out there throwing the ball around and whatnot and

Parcels would come over and just and I wasn’t starting at the at the Giants I was playing all the Special Teams and a little bit of goal line and short yardage and you I might have started five games in five years in Dallas and parcel would come over to me and said

Listen I’m gonna get you out of here whenever you’re available they don’t know what the hell they’re doing with you they don’t know how to take advantage of what you can bring to the table and and then when Jimmy Johnson came in he wanted smaller faster

Linebackers so he I got on the uh trading block and parcel stepped up right away immediately and uh and traded for him and uh and then it was that just turned out Harry Carson just retired so if Harry was there I wouldn’t have seen the field of course because Harry’s a

Hall of Famer uh but Harriet just left and I ended up winning the starting strong inside backer job and parcel’s gave me a fair a fair shot to win it and I did I came into camp and won it and what what you know there’s so many

Reasons to like the guy so many reasons uh for me to be appreciative but uh what it always comes down to is uh that the guy was honest and he never lied and he wouldn’t tell you something just to make you feel good about yourself or he

Wouldn’t tell you uh something that he didn’t believe and uh that’s all he want is from a coach you just want the coach to be honest with you and most guys most guys are honest with themselves about where they are in the league and how they fit in and with whatever team

They’re at uh you know that’s all you want from a coach and parcels and even belich was like that all the time it’s just never it was never you you always knew where you stood no matter what with with both those guys who are what are

The other coaches did you was it bnell did you play for Jack at BC Jack bcell at BC and um the offensive coordinator that then for Doug flu’s offense was Tom Coughlin uh and then Tom Coughlin left there to go to Green Bay then but then I

Come to um when I come to the Giants Tom Coughlin was it well first off at the at the uh uh Cowboys it was of course the legendary uh Tom Landry and Jean Stallings who after the After Jimmy Johnson came in and took over the Cowboys he went to Alabama and won a

National championship there and uh just I I played for Pete Carrol for half a year who was a very very smart coach Bill bellich you know just a lot of very very good coaches that uh that I learned so much from I I I thought I knew enough

About the NFL uh in Dallas and I probably knew enough to get by but I get to I get to New York I get to the Giants I learned a whole new a whole new world of football and I didn’t realize that there was more to it than what I’d

Already known I just thought I’d been in the league for five years and and I was like okay I kind of got this sort of figured out and uh he come to the Giants and was different it was different then when Parcels took over the Patriots he

Brought a few of us up there that played for him with the Giants uh to sort of get the uh the mentality going with uh uh with you know instead of by by rule you you can’t ask you can’t demand that the players come in before nine o’clock

And they have to leave by either 4:30 or 5 o’clock but one one of the first things I noticed with the Giants is I I’d show up at 8:30 thinking I was early and there’s already 20 28 29 30 guys in there watching film uh and and doing

Whatever doing whatever they had to and then staying after practice You’ send a rookie out this before door Dash so you send a rookie out to go get 400 chicken wings and you s till till seven o’clock at night uh and that’s that was just the

Way it was and parcel’s brought most of us along up there to sort of teach the mentality of Championship caliber football and to the uh uh to the to the guys on the team there most of them caught on pretty quick they they saw what we were doing they they uh and and

The other the other thing they they told us to do is do don’t do it all the time but every once in a while wear your Super Bowl ring uh into the locker room just to remind these guys you know why you’re doing what you’re doing why

You’re coming in two or three hours early why you’re leaving two or three hours late uh and uh and it worked it worked the guys were very receptive and guys uh appreciate it it’s just it’s one of those things one of those little things because you can’t tell a guy you

Can’t tell the players as a coach you can’t say you need to stay till 7 o’clock or 8 o’clock watching well let me let me ask both you guys Steve and Mike both of you yeah that’s just bringing bring in a talking about coaches influence over the culture I

Mean aren’t you talking is that what you’re saying that coach is creating the culture of the organization in the locker room I’m going back to the Baltimore game yesterday and the Harbaugh I’m not I have no opinion whatsoever on John Harbaugh but I’m just saying they imploded I mean they did really stupid

Things they did they did you know I’ll start with the taunting uh I mean I just don’t get it things like that well the I I can tell you what what they what Baltimore seemed to be doing almost immediately uh they’ve they wanted to reestablish the

That Thug defense or that Thug team that uh uh that they had back with Ray Lewis and and all those other guys uh they they’re not that good they’re’s good they’re a good defense good talent but they’re not as good as those defenses and they thought that they were you know they were

Undisciplined and just did all sorts of crazy things offensively and defensively uh that I mean the first one the first thing with Z flowers he go he turns around and and uh uh R moves the guy’s arm out that you almost understand because the guy was holding on to his

Leg that’s fine but then you drop the ball and the ball hits him that’s automatic penalty right there there and then you’re getting over him doing the taunting I get it you’re a rookie right he’s a BC rookie right you would expect that you understand you can’t make those

Mistakes in these games you just can’t do it and they kept and then he goes over he he likes to Triple down on the on the stupidity and goes and smashes his hand on his helmet or the bench or whatever that’s I think there there’s a fine line between getting guys fired up

To play and allowing guys to remember that they still have a lot of responsibility and they have to still act in a certain manner to be able to be successful you can get a team all fired up and that’s what it kind of looked like we saw a few Scruff a few scruffs

In there there was a couple times where they were pushing and shoving after the play come on you you’re you’re a good team you know Baltimore’s a good team you didn’t need to do that stuff was a lot of that stuff I mean they had a really they just shot themselves over

And over again all the time and and and that’s that’s not being prepared and the closest one I saw to that was uh Dallas when they lost to Green Bay they didn’t look as bad as Baltimore did but they just looked unprepared for that game and uh and I

Think I think Baltimore thought they were gonna come in and just push that team around and and and hit him and try to out physical him and all that stuff they they and they they make so many dumb mistakes you can’t overcome that many dumb mistakes it’s it’s virtually

Impossible that’s that’s the position they put themselves in that’s just uh and coaching has to be part of it coaching has to be the biggest part of it leadership on the team has to be part of it the leaders of the team have to remind everybody we gotta be fired up

But we got to play smart know it was like they they spent more time consoling these guys after they made their mistakes I know the bench on the bench with her arm around them yeah yeah I mean you just you just uh made a a

Stupid uh uh play that you got a penalty for uh and then you go you go to the bench uh and you smash your hand you’re doubling down on stupid I mean it makes no sense uh that you’re doing something like that but he’s a young guy and

Probably got caught up even easier in the you know we’re the the hard ass Baltimore Ravens and we play hard and tough and and uh you know I mean I how much is a flow is he 200 pounds I mean you’re you’re flexing you’re flexing on a outside linebacker come on again

Coaches team leaders have to be the ones uh uh that that put a stop to that before it even happens that was his um that was as I can’t recall a game of that stature where the team uh just completely spit the bit do you think do

You think the guys do you think Harbaugh like overs sold it or the assistant coaches oversold it or what do you think lynchy what do you think happened started right before the game and when with uh you know the um I think it was the DBS might have been Jing with each

Other think be separated yeah um then the what’s his name all his kicking tees were down in the in the Kansas City End Zone and and um it was it started early and it’s just it’s crap that you just you see from losing teams you don’t see

It from winning teams and you you want to you I’m pretty sure that uh Lamar Jackson’s going to win the MVP votes already all in but uh um regardless of the loss yesterday was U um it’s still you’re you’re not getting over the hump there’s uh there’s Buffalo and other

Team they’re not getting over that hump you you’re in you’re you’re mentioned every year as a team that could go to the Super Bowl for the last four years same thing for the last two or three years with uh when Lamar Jackson was actually playing you know we had to sit

Out that one time uh they were contenders uh but you can only have so many years of contending and not getting over the hump even just getting to the Super Bowl is part ways over that hump they they just can’t do it and part of it’s Kansas City part of it’s themselves

Uh you know just kicking themselves uh every time they had a chance to do something they’d find a way not just to not do it but to add something dumb to it did you ever have any interaction with Andy Reid I have yep yeah Andy Reid’s a wonderful person uh absolute uh

Tremendous guy I met him at the uh Pro Bowl that my uh son was in and uh you know uh and we known each other briefly before and just s had a great conversation with the guy the guy’s just a a very likable and and sneaky smart uh

Football guy he’s he’s got a a wealth of knowledge about uh about the NFL and about football and the history I wouldn’t say is the we all know what kind of historian check is of the NFL Andy Andy Reed’s got a little bit of

That in him too but uh uh he’s just a good guy that’s the one guy on Kansas City that I I’m really happy for a guy like that yeah where you think pich’s going to end up it’s you know I would say I said it right when the this thing came down uh

That right now the trend in the NFL is you get that young hot shot offensive coordinator who’s aggressive uh and can start scoring a lot of points they’re doing it everywhere the problem is there’s not enough of those great quarterbacks to go around when he started talking to uh Atlanta at first I

I was I was it was interesting but I’m thinking what’s your what’s your quarterback situation there you’re you’re going into a very similar situation uh that you had in New England so uh I I don’t know I can’t there’s what there’s only what two three spots

Left uh to two I thing to yeah to open yeah and it’s you know it’s one of those things he is he’s an old guy now and a lot of these teams a lot of these owners will sit there and listen to a a GM who’s probably 30 years younger than

Bill bich and say you know we got to relate to these young kids kids and whatever is there truth to that maybe maybe but you give me you give me the opportunity to be coached by the greatest coach in the history of the NFL I don’t care what kind of young hot shot

You have that’s uh running up points in the game I’ll I’ll go with the The Proven greatest coach in the history and what about TV let’s say he doesn’t get one of these jobs he’s not going to the UFL I’ve gotta believe that’s not happening no that’s a Vince McMahon

Thing right Vince McMahon say always says some great stuff he’s he’s the understands that business as well as everyone but um he I think you bring him as a studio guy uh I think he’d be incredible I mean we saw him on the I think that I wonder if NB I’m sure those

Guys have at least some some somebody in in some room boardroom had a conversation about well who are we G to take out gronowski are we goingon to put belich in are we gonna you know blah blah blah yeah well then all you got to

Do is look at the uh uh the two things one thing you did with uh Parcels remember that the uh what was that 30 for 30 I think it was and then the thing they did about the greatest 100 players in the history of the NFL you get him

Talking about that and I learned that early on when we were interviewing him every every Monday uh for 15 16 years uh I realized that if you could get if you could find a way to frame your picture in terms of of him being able to teach something about football or him being

Able to uh show something the history of the NFL or how things are done and we done and why they’re done he’s he’s got a great knowledge of and and he’s done it in over what how many years he been a coach 40 not head coach but 40 years

Mike what was he like with a ballr you worked with them steevie worked with ly on the whatever at first we we had a um a 10-minute sitdown with him and we split into two five minute segments but it was all conversation and it was really like watching paint dry it was

Just awful so then we said what do we what is his strength and his strength is diagramming play so the first thing we brought out a whiteboard and he was you know and I like okay this isn’t bad we’ll talk to him for five minutes B up

Then went to the board and then we got uh we got a telestrator and he was in his element I said bang get a home run now a view a viewer wrote in and said why don’t you call it the Bell istrator so none of us in the media came up with

The idea was just some viewer you know like it’s like Steve from Randolph you know said call it the rator I never know who the guy was but that guy should get the credit it’s still to this day it was called the bell istrator and that made

Things and then he get into it like I would think he is he we would come in on a Wednesday morning and he would uh already have four tapes and have them all queued up in the machine ready to go and he had done that work himself and he

Really get into it that was you know his fourth and you you’ve been with him in in in defensive meeting Steve and you know how it is with that St yeah 100% the he’s uh he’s he pays incredible attention to detail but he’s also capable of of absorbing and holding an

Incredible amount of of details and the one thing that I uh that was unique uh to any coach I’d ever been around I’ve been like I said I was around some very very good coaches uh when I first got to uh to the Giants and won the starting

Job back in ‘ 89 I remember being the first meeting and uh and bu belich we’re on defensive meeting and bill bich says hey Steve what do you think of such and such I’m like yeah coach whatever you whatever you need stop shuts the light off turns the

Film shuts the light on turns the film film off what do you mean what do I need don’t try to tell me something you think I want to hear all right you you’re not able to do that tell me I asked you a question about what you thought of

Something you have to be honest with me you have to tell me how you how you feel and if you’re capable of doing what we’re asking and if you’re not not uh then that’s that’s fine by us we’ll figure out something else that works he’s one you wer going to be penalized

For telling him you know coach I’d rather maybe take uh uh take him on with my right shoulder instead of my left shoulder that way I can stuff the the beap with him and blah whatever you know something simple like that he was it was the first coach that I ever was around

That actually wanted my opinion now granted he wanted Lawrence Taylor and Tom Brady’s opinion a lot more but that’s thoroughly understandable uh but be and when I asked in one of our weekly radio sessions I asked him about that scenario he said I could watch a million

Hours of film and I’m still not going to see the field the way you guys see it out there if I can get some information from you guys about what I can’t possibly see on film uh then that could help the the my my uh I could learn as a

Coach and maybe help help the team win he just he looked at it in terms of how do I get an edge on whatever how what what can I use uh to become a better Coach and and make the players better and that’s that was unique uh in in the

NFL back then you know so I used to have this conversation with him I said I said Bill how how many games are won Wednesday Thursday and Friday before you even get to Sunday at 1:00 he says you know he says uh a lot he says a lot of

Games you know are won by practice what we see in film and what we have going in did you find that to be the case yeah absolutely and fortunately uh in the the belich and parcel’s years uh the we were always well prepared and it was and even

If we even if we saw something I don’t I I can remember very clearly um the first game that I uh started for the Giants and I mean for the Giants and we uh we figured out you know the whole game plan we got the game plan is only 20 25% of

The actual Playbook so they pick and choose what they want to use after one series they they they went like like five plays 25 yards whatever Bel comes over gets the defense together and says okay everything we studied scrap it right we’re going back to this this this

And this like and lt’s like lt’s like that’s a record nope usually the best I saw was was two series he just he just uh threw away the whole Playbook on the after one series but he also understood that everybody there was capable of doing that of of

You didn’t you didn’t practice any of these uhuh things uh but you had to you had to know it I tell you the other thing that belich did remember we we always talked about the next man up that’s one of the phrase that that’s been used around the Patriots for so

Long he was the first coach I I noticed it early on uh you you know in your limited practice time you don’t have a lot of plays for starting offense or defense to play so you got to let your starters do as much as you can Bill

Found a way to make up for that he would he would put pressure on because you know he would put pressure on guys by asking him the questions in meetings so a backup player now all of a sudden just can’t sit there and say you know I’m a

Backup player I’m not going to worry about studying or whatever he you had to know that Playbook as well as the guy uh that was starting it wasn’t even a question and because Bel would ask you questions about the game plan ask you questions about of the offense you’re

Playing guess it was just smart smart football little things like that that don’t sound like much but you put them all together they add up let me let me ask you this Lawrence Taylor um what would what would you say his punctuality rate was for meetings I got there a

Little later in his career I was with him for the last four or five years uh and uh um there was a point where uh you know you’d be in the in the meeting room and you’d have the the basic wall on the film The the sorry the video cameras

Back here and you got the big white screen up here LT like to sit down in front of the white screen uh because that’s where he would sleep so so my job was to lie down next to LT and if he started snoring I had to I had to give the

Elbow and it was actually acknowledged by a couple coaches you know hey good job keeping Lawrence awake good job you know but he he was he wasn’t bad he wasn’t bad earlier in his career he might have had some scenarios he did come he did come flying into uh uh into

Uh the stadium uh at uh it was a one o’clock game he came flying in about 125 police everything and that was that was innocent enough because there was an accident he was coming from his uh uh from his home there was an accident and

He got stuck up so the the uh as well as they should have done the New Jersey State Police did they uh got him got him in the uh uh his car wasn’t working soly they got their priorities in if it’s if it’s me they’re like yeah

We’re gonna send a tow truck you’re good Lawrence Taylor Get Him to the game you know great but he was he wasn’t bad the last uh few years that I was with him there and but but I try to tell people all the time uh he he was a great

Teammate I know he had his issues a lot of us did and that’s just more uh it’s it’s more a little more not not noticeable when you’re a Lawrence Taylor you know if if Steve diosi gets busted for smoking weed like I did and no wasn’t that big a deal but Lawrence

Taylor does something like that and uh and actually they might have they might have appreciated if it was only if it was only uh weed but the uh uh the fact is he would do anything he could to help a teammate out he would help an offensive lineman out the guy who’s

Having trouble and uh work with him after practice he would uh he would you could always turn to him in the game I would I there were a number times I would panic in a game because stuff was happening so fast and uh Lawrence is like relax I remember that 1989 when I

Got the uh when I won they told me I was a starting inside backer and uh belich comes into the meeting and goes Steve you’ll be calling the Huddle like right I’m like all of a sudden I went from sitting like this to now I’m like what yeah I’m calling the Huddle I’m

The so we come out of the meeting like two hours later and uh I’m talking with pepp I guess Bill kind of kind of uh trust me with this responsibility and he goes yeah I guess or none of us wanted to do it I’m [Laughter] like put you in the camper here Steve

And then I she’s got a big question for you after this I don’t want you to overthink this but before we do that we have a couple of pictures to put up here and I’m gonna ask her producer uh wall to do that when she whatever she has available and get your

Comments on it so uh there it’s it’s up to them when they want to put them up there you go oh look at look at the mo awesome that was you I was I don’t I didn’t think I could be happier about football when I won the

Super Bowl with the Giants but then when my sun wins one with the Giants that it was even better was the strangest thing it was put that up again that looks like your middle fingers right there oh it’s a video camera is it that’s video camera

I can tell what it is but I’m just saying yeah I just want a Super Bowl I’m allowed to do whatever I want that’s true so but that was uh um that was during the first Desert Storm uh uh it was January of 99 just yesterday I think

It was and uh um no they weren’t allowing any uh cameras no one could bring cameras into the stadium the only cameras were in the stadium were the network cameras the thing so on Saturday the walkth through I uh um I uh um took the uh camera out took a few uh videos

Of the of the walkthrough and then I was like you know what I’m just G to put this in in my locker I wrapped it up in a towel put it in my locker coming in halftime I’m like you know something’s going on here this is you know wasn’t I

Wasn’t saying you know hey we’re gonna win this game I know we’re gonna win but I was like this is something’s going on so I asked uh I asked Eddie Wagner if I could put he’s our equipment manager if I could wrap that in a toel and put it

In the uh in the uh equipment box and when I came off the field I grabbed that camera to line up for the field goal and I videotaped the entire field goal and all the uh the celebrations and that and it just was it was amazing at that point

You know but before you read the commercial uh but I want to tell him something about uh people may not know about it the Steve Sun Zack Zack went to Philips Handover and was a quarterback and a damn good one too I saw him play a

Number of times Y and but on defense he played middle linebacker he did which is unbelievable now I you know a lot of us were quarterbacks and we we want no part of tackling anybody at all except even when we throw an interception if we can tack from above the eyebrows were happy

But Zach was like dick buus as a middle linebacker then he was a quarterback and he was the Long Snapper as well he went to Brown and yeah had that same job but like I I can never remember a quarterback being a middle linebacker yeah it’s and he it was just about doing

Whatever he can to to help your team win that’s that’s what was that game Steve that Zack with a picture of Zack that’s the uh I think that’s the Patriots wasn’t it because I Tom Coughlin was there that was the super bowl2 I don’t remember that might have been the one in um

Indian was that the yeah or yeah um yeah Giants were white was he on both Super Bowl teams Steve yes he was all right so they wore uniforms so one was in Arizona that was the first one the second one was in Indianapolis yep his rookie year was Arizona yep uh yep and

That was uh that R is that picture Arizona was that I think it’s hard it’s hard to say one I he came on with us after the game we couldn’t get any Patriots come on with us and right we were down the other end remember he came

Down I think he did you know you and me and a couple other stations uh oh after he did his dad of course yes and then uh but uh yeah what the only thing that was out there for us to interview after that game in Arizona well the only thing that

Was because none of the Patriots were coming out no was thank God I knew Tom coffin’s wife I mean there with her daughter yeah in the end zone and I asked her to come over so I could talk to her I thought it was a

Pretty good get even as it was you know the head coach winning coach’s wife yep but that’s all only familiar face we knew yeah and she’s a wonderful person too she passed away recently just yeah she did yeah she a great girl yeah she

Was awesome yeah but but the uh uh but I actually snuck down I think was I think it was Indianapolis um I snuck down and uh I had my press pass to go on the field after the game uh but they make you line up almost with about 12 minutes left in

The fourth quarter so I get down and I see uh a number of NFL Executives who were about to just walk straight out into the field and I knew one of them so I just fell in stride with them uh at the beginning of the you’re unbelievable start talking to

Him he he’s a Don bosow guy you know listen nobody said anything it was all good probably couldn’t get away with it now now I’d be you know mobbed and but and I remember sneaking behind the Giants bench like my son’s turn turns around he goes

What I think you’re gonna win go get get out of here but that was again uh I mean I know 2007 was more unexpected uh uh than the 2011 uh but they but Tom C is a brilliant coach and what he did was he

Had in 07 he had uh he had four very good pass rushers and he basically told them get off on the get off on the ball and and uh and we’re gonna force them to want to run the ball because we’re gonna get after Brady nonstop and if you know

We can get we can’t win a shootout but we can we can uh uh we can maybe win a ground war against the uh Patriots that’s the way they thought so he just turned uh strayan and Tuck and OC and another one they and they were in Sprinter stances the whole game just

Getting off on the ball and and if they stopped the run it was it was by accident that was for the linebackers to do so it was uh yeah that was just an amazing game plan all the way around yeah we’ll ask about the key play with

Rodney Harrison on the one end and uh Richard Seymour on the other end I mean two two Hall of Famers potentially on either end of that play and neither one of them could make the play yeah and it was bound to happen yep and and I think

Think even then I think that if it was a regular season game they might have called in the grasp I there was all the reason in the world to you know but uh uh but sometimes they let you play a little bit in the uh in the Super Bowl

Uh the refs don’t want to get in the way so you know they don’t want to be the ones that you know made this call that everybody remembers the game about you know so but that was and then to to complete that pass I guess to the uh uh

To receiver he was a number four receiver too it’s not like he was you know uh plaxo burus or number four receiver with zero catches yeah it’s and you know what it takes freak things like that for a team like the uh Giants to beat a great team

Like the Patriots you have to have a few freak things happen here and there kind of like this is a freak thing it’s a commercial that’s so I have to I have to put this we have this question for you Stevie hang on here number 99 have to figure out who picked that

Number for you you can I’ll ask you that question later this is about camping I don’t know if you’re into this Stephen but you we want you to beach get ready for 2024 with a new RV recreational vehicle coold Springs RV is the latest and they call them popups travel

Trailers fifth wheelers and motor homes when you need an RV or service on an RV get the Cole Springs RV in we New Hampshire which is just west of gtown which they just named after Jared golf golf rather now go town and it’s north

Of D drit so if you need an RV or service on one Cole Springs RV in where New Hampshire is the place to go check out the all new winter Bago access travel trailers now on their lot I don’t forget to tell Moi and lynchy sit so

Learn more kold Springs go online and figure it out and now Steve diosi number 99 first okay where did you get 99 and then Lynch’s got the question my uh uh my high schol buddy at donos was a this crazy little we played linebacker

Together I was I was 6’2 230 pounds he was five seven about 155 pounds backer and he was one of my best friends him uh Doogie and lumpy linahan were my two best friends in uh in high school and do lumpy okay I got it lumpy

And lumpy linan is a uh half asian half Irish guy which is another and anyway that’s another story I’ll tell you about that I can’t do that here but he uh uh but I wanted toi wore number nine so I first wanted number nine because I I

Just love the number and then they told me number nine nine won’t fit like uh and tank the equip manager says how about number 99 I’m like yeah that’s fine that works here’s the problem the first game we played was at Pittsburgh when they had Marino and Randy McMillan

The tough tough running back and I get into the game they the tank screwed up and packed the number 66 Jersey not the number 99 Jersey it was another freshman Tony Jones who happened to be this big monstrous uh Italian left tackle from uh I think it was from

Syracuse New York somewhere like that and and the first play first play of my one of the first plays in my college career Randy McMillan’s coming around I go and I hit him perfectly ball hops pops up in the air we were cover it I’m

Just going nuts and then we go we go down the that night that was a one down that night to MaryAnn’s which was standard and uh we’re watching the game on video and uh uh they Keith Keith was it Keith Jackson yeah Keith Jackson in that great voice he starts calling me I

Don’t I don’t understand what Tony Jones is not doing there playing at linebacker listed his offensive tackle and but completely forgot my uh uh number and for uh for the rest of the season uh uh my teammates all call me TJ a great play and and who doesn’t want

Keith Jackson to talk about you course got the right name all right here are the dealers campers we’re talking about I don’t want to read this again we’re talking about RV camping trailers which is gonna segue into Mike’s question all right so here we go Steve um since since

We don’t we’re a lowbudget show we don’t pay our guests but we don’t pay our hes right but remember that John Madden had a Madden Cruiser because he was afraid to fly yep So Cold Springs RV is building a Lobby Cruiser a Lobby lynchy Cruiser all right when it’s finally

Built we’re going to let each one of our guests take it cross country from Boston out to the West Coast we’ll fly you back but you have to pick one person to ride shotgun with you somebody you want to talk to riding across country now could be somebody um alive someone deceased

Someone past present sports figure entertainment figure whatever you want so who would you want I to spend I don’t have to actually spend that time with I just who I want to spend time with yeah who you want who you want to sh in and either have a conversation with for for

Five or six days or or listen to or to who you think would be a good company okay good I’ll think about that want me you want to answer right now yeah sh let’s see I would say who’s that no no uh I would say um probably either Charles Dickens

Or or uh Agatha Christie really yeah two my favorite authors I just love I mean I I well I don’t read books anymore I listen to them in the car which is a whole lot easier yeah but uh yeah I would or you know what or there’s other great authors

I mean there’s so many good authors out there that I would love to pretty impressive I you know I you know just to know what they’re thinking how they come up with these ideas I mean it’s just it’s just amazing to me that someone can put pen to paper and come up with

Something magnificent like uh you know the the the works that they’ve put out it’s just it’s just amazing and uh you it’s I’ve I’ve thank goodness for uh father Kennedy at Don bosow I used to read all I used to read all the time but I read in encyc opedia I just

Sit at home and read the encyclopedia but I never read books until father kellerer at Don bosow freshman year started reading Irish this big Irish Catholic priest starts reading from The Hobbit and his between his accent and his excitement I’m like oh my God that’s awesome 13-y old kid I’m like oh that’s

Awesome that’s when I actually started reading a ton and now I’ve I’m never without a book or something so yeah I don’t think I would think Agatha Christie just because I I just love the the her work and I love the the twists and the turns it’s fun y wow

That that that’s fabulous yeah or my brother or my or my brother he’s a dumy but that’s fine stick with Charles Dickens if I were you that was quit while you’re a head sa yeah that’s right I agree I agree so yeah it’s one of the one of the really

Great lines from the late w mcdna we were at a it was like a book signing party for ML car and McDon as only McDon can say you know as he was he was the MC of the event andl was there he says and then of course there was ml Carr who actually

Wrote a book before he read one which was obviously broke everybody up do you want a feel for fluty in the in the past no I wasn’t I was a uh I was a rookie in Dallas I thought so I thought you were gone by then plus if I was there miam

You would have scored that many points what are you kidding come on or maybe they would have and I’d have been running in circle so but that I just I’ll tell you where I was I was at a uh uh a sneaker store in a mall in

Dallas and it came up on the uh on the TV they had that I’m like oh okay sat there for five minutes the last five minutes of the game like that was ridiculous that was yeah I was you you play you played the day before on

Thanksgiving Day right y yeah I was at that gameb always did y yep and flew back the next morning and was in the in the studio when it happened yep and um that was that was wild that was such a great time at BC I mean you could F the

Feel the the The Surge coming during your four years you know and um good and we had a bunch of guys and I could see it from guys that uh came in the year before I got there and then our year we had a bunch of guys that just wanted to

Uh you know that had a chip on our shoulder and wanted to you know beat the crap out of someone because you know they you know get Clemson coming in or Penn State or I mean I might see year I think we beat Alabama Clemson and Penn

State not bad yeah then I think we lost to recers I’m not sure but uh it’s it was just a great time it was so much fun and and uh uh it’s it’s again it’s those the I’ve got maybe two I’ve got two total text chains of different guys out there the guys

From the uh Giants and the guys from BC and uh and we’re constantly uh going back and forth and watching and stuff and we disowned uh Z flowers yesterday from the BC Brotherhood just for while just till next year so but we uh uh yeah

It’s it was great it’s just a great time good good gu I go right here just came up uh prob it say Gallop s Barry Gallop wants to know if Joe lamb was goingon to get the harm job like I have a clue but

Uh he want he wants him to get the job you know because he knows his dad and everything he knows knows Joel but uh Barry Gallop was one of your coaches and uh he was U my hero growing up in swamp Scott we I was his water boys ball boy

And his Bat Boy I want everybody wanted their son to be Barry El yep Barry I without Barry I don’t go to BC I never even want to take a visit I mean remember two years before that they were 0 and 11 and and KCK was not a

Personable guy at all there he was uh but I didn’t even I never even took an official visit there I visited Notre Dame Miami uh where else uh North Carolina um couple but the U um but I I wasn’t gon to talk to BC and and uh when I found

Out that every school in the country looked at me more as an offensive lineman that a linebacker I kind of talked to Barry about it and uh and asked him I said listen if I come there and you know because back then if you if you signed up and then changed your mind

You had to sit out a whole year you know you couldn’t it’s not like it is now so I I talked to him and and uh and he said uh uh so we can do that but even then KCK tried to I signed with them and KCK

Tried to uh um tell me I was playing offensive line so that’s why I called Harvard that’s why I end up calling Harvard Joe Ric was tremendous man like if I’m gonna have to play offensive line I’m might as well get the best education

You can you know it was was just one of those things then Barry Joe Ric actually got in touch with Barry and and you know they came to the conclusions that I should probably play linebacker for him so uh but without Barry I don’t go to BC

Just it’s without him and and I tell him every year you know thank you for sticking with a uh a punk who was full full of himself back in 19 that was back then but how many of you guys would have been in the transfer portal right now uh

I wouldn’t have been because I started right away my freshman year so I I you know I was uh I wouldn’t have gone anywhere because I’m already playing and I loved it and it was great but there would have been a ton of guys no doubt

Uh uh trading out but most of the guys that you hear about some of the bigger names if if it happens like the Ohio State quarterback didn’t he train yeah like that but most of them are guys that you know it didn’t work out wherever they are uh and now they’re

Gonna give it a try somewhere else uh and more often than not it’s maybe a little lesser level of uh uh of competition doesn’t matter you’re still playing division one college football it’s great you I’ve always I’ve always thought that the early you can play the

Better the better off you are no matter what whether it’s whether it’s I’m not even talking about an NFL career I’m talking about uh just enjoying your last four years of football uh if you can start right away uh why wouldn’t you you’re not you know but a lot of guys

Aren’t honest with themselves especially you know I did you know it was going to be your last four years of football when did you realize BC was not going to be your last four years of football probably uh uh my junior year about halfway through the junior year uh

I people had mentioned it but I didn’t even I was absorbed with what we were doing and then all of a sudden I started talking to some Scouts uh here and there that would come to practices and whatnot and so I thought I like okay that’s

That’s good and I didn’t even realize it but but you know when I look back on of course it makes sense you’re you know you’re you’re leading a division one team in tackles for four years and you’re you know you’re all over the place and why wouldn’t they give you a

Look but at that point I didn’t think like that I just like I just want to play football and if it happens how did you become a Long Snapper what did that what was that was that just a smart move on your part to learn another skill or

What was that all about no I just did it I just did it because nobody else could do it I did it in uh I did it in high school because nobody else could do it and I did it in college because nobody else was as good as I was at doing it

And uh and that just that just evolved into thing and then the whole thing with with uh the Cowboys changing uh uh how it worked and in terms of uh I didn’t even know it I got tricked into it they asked me if I could snap and still have

A blocking assignment and I just figured that’s how they did it in the NFL I’m like okay so now two days later and 300 reps later I realized that they were devising a whole new system and uh I’m like I I’ve I I don’t know if uh uh if

You need want me doing this because I’m more a linebacker and and the Snapping I’m good at it but not I don’t think about it I said well maybe maybe good because you don’t think about it it was uh yeah so they changed so now you could

Always keep the Gunners out there like Matthew Slater you know guys like that you could keep them out there no matter what you showed if you showed uh you know nine guys in the Box 10 10 guys in the Box it didn’t it really didn’t

Matter uh you could if as long as I can make a blocking assignment uh then we and Bel talk talks about it he’s talked about it a few times in his press conferences too I think he’s just trying to wait eat up some of that 15 or 20 minutes he’s a bad

Hey what what what about the the current situation we we get gerod mayo a guy that’s uh liked by by everyone but you know he’s only been a coach for assistant coach for five years no head coaching experience um boy the guy he’s got a tough tough road in front of him

Agreed I mean and anyone following a legend is gonna have a tough road but uh knowing Gerard haven’t spent a little bit of time talking with him and watching him more importantly watching him when he played he was always a smart player a very smart player and I think I

Think that’s one of the first things why belich wanted him on his staff because he was a guy that was calm Under Fire and uh and thought about football in a very uh straightforward but thoughtful way he would he he could add a lot to the conversation he doesn’t have a uh

What do they call that the coaching tree he doesn’t have a coaching tree uh you know there’s some guys out there that he knows that that come in and whatnot you still don’t have a quarterback you still don’t have a a decent offensive line your receiving quarter is average at

Best defense is okay not great but it only look defense looks better because the offense is so bad so uh it’s gonna be tough but uh uh he’s a guy that uh he’s a guy that uh doesn’t care if it’s tough It’s he’s gonna work work and work

And he’s also a a just a very smart guy you could see in the way he coaches and the way he played that that this isn’t he isn’t gonna be in over his head uh but he might be threading a little bit at some point so uh but I I wish him

Luck it’s just it’s so tough to follow a legend and that’s you’re following the greatest Legend ever so yep that’s for sure uh he needs a quarterback obviously it’s a quarterback League you don’t have a quarterback you don’t compete with anyone right absolutely correct and that’s also

Probably why the trend now with new coaches is that young U aggressive offensive coordinator uh that opens it up a little bit but even with those coaches you still got to have a quarterback that can do it you know I mean it’s uh so that that’s what kind of

Was interesting about when he was talking to Atlanta you know Atlanta doesn’t have a good quation either so uh it just it just seemed strange that they would that they would be interested in them or he’d be interested there which I don’t think he really was but uh yeah

It’s it’s it’s going to be it’s going to be difficult I just hope the fans are patient I hope uh that uh the fan base uh supports him for for what he’s already done for the organization what he’s going to try to do next what your son Zack up up to now he

Uh he always worked uh he did when he was in the offseason he was working I think it was Goldman Sachs um you know for four or five months out of the year and then uh uh then he did that when he uh finished playing for a couple of

Years and then he got recruited by a uh and don’t don’t uh uh hold phrases I I use it’s a uh small business hedge fund blah blah blah blah blah whatever so he’s uh he’s in the financial end but he uh he smart he made a move that got him

Out of the city and now he his office is right in the town that he lives in in New Jersey so yeah he he knows he understands the idea coaches his son in flag football and he’ll do all the sports with his other son and and uh

Yeah it’s uh he he’s he understands quality of life versus uh how how big your pile of money is right right good for him we don’t we don’t dislike money it’s just certain certain things are a little more important we just never had any when we’re growing up good point

That’s why that’s why we snuck into the MDC pools yes you did yes did I I bet I refereed some of your high school basketball games too because um what’s his name was the a coach who was on the Boston school committee right um basketball oh I know what you’re talking

About um yeah ah I think he coached Joe Joe Amo when Joe was there yeah that was probably about 10 years after you got out probably yeah yeah it was Joe I got out in 8 1980 Joe got out in 95 I think no no like maybe 8 85 no maybe 88

Whatever the uh uh it’s a shame that it went went under just because it was a great option for inner city kids and uh you know it’s you know all the normal normal schools are great but there’s a there there’s a room for Tech schools in there and they were college

Prep and Tech so yeah it’s a shame I I have a lot of buddies that did well coming out of there in the tech side so but I loved I loved I talked to Joe emo about it all the time too I love the uh

I love going to Don bosow in the great place and then I get to college and I’m talking to guys who play in who were playing in Ohio in front of 35,000 people on a Friday night and I’m trying to explain to them that we didn’t have a

Home field we never had home games not only that we didn’t have a home we didn’t have a practice field we had one that we use most of the time down at Science Park but every once in a while we had to go get on the subway and go

Somewhere else you know it was these guys that guys are all the guys that they were getting recruited out of mhler and and all these other you’re full of it there’s no way all right it was you know it’s one of those things and we down the end of Tremont

Street right uh yeah right right on the other side of the uh used to be the music House Music Hall yeah the uh the uh music hall yeah right on the other side that that garage right there nice pool nice gym I don’t think there’s a blade of grass within within 12 blocks

Around there right I don’t think so there’s coulees in a park right across the street but they look like they’re just holding on I loved it I didn’t you know I never even thought about growing up in the city I never thought twice about it we

Were we were riding we riding the green line by the time I was six years old you know my mom like I missed out on a whole educational process going in Ohio where they had grass no traffic and things like that that I listen there was no such thing as a

Green line there was no such thing as a prep school PR school was like going to vocational College Prep like going to Y formator School yep oh yeah come on it’s just it it was has been wasted with the MTC pools um when I was probably six or seven I

Think we’re were still in the uh in the housing projects and Fidelis way um my mom would give us literally give us a quarter because we could take a dime take the uh uh the green line from Washington Street up to the top of Cleveland Circle walk down into the uh

Get a transfer you gotta get that transfer right walk down to the MDC pool and pay 10 cents to get in and you had a nickel to go over to Arthur’s Penny Candy right across the street and I was like that’s nobody grew up in swamp SC for Christ

Sake that was Thug Central back in the day right one of those things I don’t swamp you don’t even think about it most of the time it’s like it was it was great it was it was fun and where did Travis Kelce grow up he grew up in Ohio where

Did Mike Vel grw up he grew up in Ohio where did learn his all this stuff he grew we learned it in Ohio yeah I’ll shut up I’ll just start there and then I just w get a chance to talk to too many people

Here that you know he what I have to say here’s one for you yesterday’s of the four teams in yesterday’s game Harvard had one in the 49ers two on the Lions oh my go one on the Ravens one on the Chiefs Five Guys from Harvey were playing yesterday that’s right yeah yeah

No kidding amazing you know what you don’t want to go down this road Mike it’s a football Factory no you don’t want to go down this road right now football Factory and one BC guy yeah flipped out for for Baltimore that’s right that just reached out a little too early George Gray commercial

Mike oh yeah George Gray Lex you wouldn’t have to worry about taking the green line of George Gray at Lex and Toyota because you know if you in the market for a new car or new used car go with lobi and Lynch been going for years that’s George Grace

Lexon Toyota at 409 massav in Lexington we’ve been customers for years and you know why we are because he treats everybody right and if he knew Steve deos was taking the green line he would have sent one of his Camry’s down there he would have sent you know his

Highlander down there and all you and all your buddies would be grinding to the MDC pool in style on a George Gray Lexington Toyota he’s one of the best and uh he’s a big friend of BC football and uh I know he’s be uh he’s a

Stockyard guy and he’s a guy that’s been following you guys for years y y so what you think we had enough how much that no you keep you’re from Ohio so you have the last word only from Mass slower in Ohio we’re not slow horses we’re not

Quite that slow I go to I go out to Columbus every year I play in uh uh Jason DA’s tournament out there he lives in Columbus Ohio nice really that’s how good is that that’s great and uh Chappy’s daughter you know Kevin Chapman uh yeah his daughter I think she’s I

Don’t know if she’s still at Ohio State or not U where she’s just about to graduate so we used to take we used to ride out there play Golf the whole way in the in in the uh Springtime we’d drive up there play golf whatever and

Then pick her up and drive back and then in the in the fall we drive out there and play golf on the way back drop her off play golf on the way back and in there a bunch I love the area just talk about Edgar Allen Poe on the ride back

Uh no chappy he was uh he was trying to chappie was trying to figure out his next role on what movie and how he’s gonna get his way in there did pretty well you know well Steve uh it was great it was awesome as always uh great thank you

Guys very much you know I love you guys I I appreciate everything you’ve done helped me out you know anything you need for hey you did it you know it wasn’t you know you showed up at the dollhouse at the right time from what I hear the one in Orlando

Is better than the one in Tampa all you know what I heard for from a friend all right friend rightone of them compared to the ones in Dallas so you like to I think it’s important that you know that this conversation actually took place I’m walking into this dollhouse in

Orlando I was much younger then much younger and much less responsible much walking in there and some guy said hey it’s Pablo Bell you know it’s the last thing you want to have something and I said no I’m Mike Lynch [Laughter] yes hey before you ago I BC was playing

T Lane and I wanted to broadcas in the game so I went down on a Friday had a lot of guys uh you know my friends of mine they were big BC fans they said hey come on meet us down on on Bourbon Street and I said well I I got a

Production meeting I’m not getting out till 8 o’ so meet us at this place I go to the place to meet them and they’re with their wies right but it says men dressed as women no inside so I walk in you know I had a a beer for 15 bucks you

Know I said I got to get out of here I walk out and I I park these beads just like this I hear Mike it’s father moaning oh nice president of Boston College oh he’s with Margot and Bill Carnell two of my parents best friends of course and

I’m like I’m Going H I there was nothing I could say good oh yeah hey hey there they get it y I hope I do hope your parents found out though to see a grown man more reveals in this show this is good we better get out of before we get

Into more trouble see we’ll see you Steve thanks a lot thanks guys thank you very much I really appreciate it anything it’s great to see you anything you need let me know all right check us out at uned


  1. Great conversation, guys – BTW can u tell Lobie that I occasionally see Steve Burton at my local YMCA on the pickleball court?

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