Balance the Forces in your Golf Swing for more Power and Consistency 4K

Buzo Timeless _ Artlist


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Today I want to talk about balancing pressure balancing the pressure that your body rotation will be creating on your arms and hands in the downswing by using your arms and hands to move against that pressure to hold that pressure through impact and through the golf ball to the Target why is this so

Important well the problem is that if you don’t actually equalize the pressure of rotation that your body is creating in the downswing you are going to struggle to get the golf club on plane and through the golf ball dynamically and indirectly put pressure onto the golf ball what I’m talking about here is

Something which maybe isn’t on your radar but if you actually hit a few shots and really try and get the feeling from the top of the swing of doing nothing with your arms really kind of letting them St hang hang a little bit like loose SP it and just turning

Dynamically towards the target what will actually happen is your arms will kind of get pressed into your body your Trail elbow might even disappear behind your body and you’re going to have the feeling of kind of having no space this can be a real problem and I know Rory

And an awful lot of golfers kind of talk about sometimes the feeling of the club being kind of Trapped behind them happens is you clear so hard and you create so much lag but just you just leave it behind you can almost feel like a little bit of like rewi on the weight

On just a like a little like remember how like KJ Choy swung it where he s went like this and then he sort of re widened it yeah just as like a feel MH the reason that this happens is because you have to apply pressure away from the

Body as you start the rotation in the downswing that means as you are going into the transition starting to rotate back towards the ball and the target you are actually creating inertia in the golf club which is resisting this movement and in order to do that what

Will actually happen is your arms will actually start to move towards you and behind you this is going to be set off however by pressure that you should be applying from your hands and arms in the downswing I don’t know if you’ve seen a lot of golf was recently um doing

Fitness videos where they are actually slamming a medicine ball into the ground here behind them they will take the club up and as they start the turn they slam the medicine ball down onto the ground and this to a certain extent is teaching their arms and hands not to be passive

As they start the down swing but on the contrary to equalize the pressures which are being placed on the them by the club because of the rotation of the body in the downswing so you want to have the feeling as you start the downswing of actively releasing the hinge along this

Kind of deviation that direction in the downswing from the back camera you’ll see that that is actually kind of moving the shaft behind you but obviously the rotation of your body is going to be bringing the club in front of you so you’ve got this kind of releasing and

Pressing the club away from you as that’s happening I said this in a video last time your lead RIS should be going into flexion which is helping the club to stay behind you despite you pushing out now I know there’s a lot of golfers out there who really aren’t rotating

Their bodies on the contrary they are releasing this angle in that direction so they’re basically keeping extension in their wrist and releasing as if they had an axe in their hand this is obviously not what we want you to do however the feeling is a bit similar instead of the

Wrist going in this direction the wrist is going in this direction by doing that you get flexion and you get the pressure is then equalized between the pressure of the rotation and the pressure of the hands so if you are actually starting your downswing dynamically with the body

Going into a lot of EX of of of forces and twisting into the ball then you’re going to have to use a lot of forces in your hands to actually contradict and balance that out if on the contrary you have a more passive start into your downswing you’re not as aggressive in

Your change of Direction you will have to have a more passive action with your hands re reacting to the pressure of the golf club cut trying to move back towards you holding it off but at the same time trying to equalize the pressure from your hands with the

Pressure from your body it’s very important to get a feel for this and it’s very difficult to get a feel for this but at this time of year before the season really begins it might be a good idea to get out there and play around a little bit with this feeling the feeling

Of holding the club away from you in the downswing creating a wider Arc in the downswing than maybe you have had before and actively pushing the club away as far as actually the rotation of your body will allow if your body stalls and you do that then obviously you’re going

To go into an early release however if if your body is active and you’re turning dynamically through the golf ball you really do need these Contra contradicting forces from your hands in order to keep control over the golf club through the ball hope it helps you if it does smash

That like button I’ll see you very shortly with the next One


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