Golf Players

How to Swing Smooth Like Chris Kirk

Chris Kirk is a six-time PGA TOUR winner, and has a golf swing that many consider to be one of the smoothest in professional golf. In this video, George Connelly from Scratch Golf Tips breaks down Chris Kirk’s golf swing, and discusses what you can learn from it to improve your own golf game.

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Hey everybody thanks for tuning in I’m George Conley with scratch golf tips today we’re talking about the golf swing of Chris Kirk if you follow professional golf at all you’ve likely heard the name fairly recently he’s had a pretty long career 38 years old and recently won the

2024 Century last year he won the Honda back in 2023 a lot to learn from a golf swing like Chris Kirks so let’s break it down the first thing that I always notice when looking at Chris Kirk swing is the into toout path Chris Kirk hits a

Very pronounced draw a lot of the basic drawers on the PGA tour LPGA Tour they hit a fairly tight controlled draw that’s kind of what they like to turn to with Chris Kirk he really plays his best when he’s hitting a very large pronounced draw the beauty of it is

Chris Kirk is so so good at this draw this in toout path really allows him to get those hands through the ball if his wrists can stay active and close that club face down he he definitely draws the ball more than most but because he’s hones it in so well and he’s so

Controlled he can certainly pull it off and win professional golf tournaments also if you look at Chris Kirk’s positioning in the setup you may notice that his entire body kind of stands open to the Target and this is something that his coach Scott Hamilton worked with him

On and they basically understood that he has a pretty dramatic in toout path uh you know swing path through the golf ball and they decided hey let’s not change that let’s not make that more neutral let’s just open up the body a little bit during our setup so that

Naturally through the ball Kirk will be a little bit more neutral now this is something that a lot of people can learn from it’s not always necessary to completely change your swing or you know overhaul some of your mechanics when there are some fairly simple things that

You can do with your setup your body alignment your grip posture there are a lot of different things that you can work on and work towards without changing any of the technicalities or any of the Motions of your golf swing this is a great example of it another

Very notable aspect of Chris Kirk’s golf swing is the tempo and the move at the top some people say Chris Kirk has a full pause some people say it’s just very slow whatever it may be he has a very very smooth and deliberate Tempo there’s a great quote that Chris Kirk

Said to Golf Digest many years back where he says I’ve been told I have a slow tempo I don’t walk fast don’t do anything fast and my swing shows that I love Kirk’s demeanor on the golf course he just seems like he’s out for a leisurely round even when he’s playing

With the lead on the back nine on a Sunday in a big golf tournament he does everything very deliberately he doesn’t rush anything he takes his time walking from shot to shot he takes his time thinking about a shot and of course within the golf swing he takes his time

Taking that club back for many golfers they could really benefit from having a slower takeaway the longer that you take that club away from your body and bring it to the top of your back swing the more time you’re giving the rest of your body to sink up a lot of people get

Really quick and they kind of spin out their upper body and begin the downswing too fast and when you do that your upper body starts to get at the ball while your lower body and your hips haven’t finished rotating you get disconnected all all kinds of bad things can happen I

Additionally think that many golfers can really benefit from just walking a little bit more slow even if you’re in a golf cart when you get out of the cart take your time looking at all of your options and making your Club Choice making your shot selection I think that

When a lot of golfers maybe hit a ball out of bounds and their backs up against the wall all they’re thinking about is how do I make birdie how can I string together a bunch of pars to really save this round and they get ahead of themselves mentally and often times if

You get really ahead of yourself mentally you’re going to do everything a little bit faster so just work on slowing things down even if we’re not talking about the golf swing walk a little bit slower just be more calm the more calm you are between shots the more

Calm you’ll be over the golf ball and the final thing that I want to mention about Chris Kirk’s golf swing that I think a lot of people can benefit from in looking at his career is Chris Kirk hits that big draw as I mentioned earlier better than almost anybody he

Turns to it all the time he has great command over that ball flight however when he came out onto the PJ tour and the pro scene fairly young you know this was probably 14 15 years ago he really tried to work a little fade worked a work a smaller draw and he over

Complicated things and he really lost his swing and he lost his results he was not playing good golf because he was trying to force that fade so if you have a good ball flight and you can consistently rely on it feel comfortable with it and it’s consistent stick to it

Don’t try and over complicate things if you have a really good ball flet you can continuously turn to it on the golf course I hope you learned something and I hope that you can use some of these fundamentals that have made Chris Kirk a really big professional success you know

Six PJ tour wins is nothing to scoff at he’s had a great career hopefully he’s got a couple more ahead of him please leave any questions or comments in the comment section down below as always thank you very much for watching play well and take care

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