Golf Players

Florida Gators Updates: Senior Bowl Update and Recruiting

We catch-up on the Florida Gators football team, basketball, and baseball teams, while discussing the Gators in the Senior Bowl.

What does the SEC-Big 10 alliance potentially look like for the NCAA?

Finally, We talk Florida Gators football team’s public relations and interactions online.

Football team in the SEC Conference we’re going to build the best football program in the SEC Conference you have now arrived at stadium in the kick it’s been BL again it’s again it’s going to heat one deep down the field it’s going to be to

The goal line it’s going to be G it’s a touchdown and the g up once again Cleveland I can’t believe just dropping back to throw pumps and fires the ball over the middle got to touchdown got to touch oh man D’s got a touch down Amar black and his final game is a

Gator takes it all the way home and sends Urban out the winner you have now arrived at stadium and jail boys and girls ladies and gents welcome to another episode of Stadium Miguel it’s your favorite uncle silk it’s Dan and delor same Corner same time Monday morning how was your weekend

Fellas man what a weekend what a weekend um got uh got finally play golf for the first time in a few months shot really well I think it’s one of those things when you don’t golf like every other weekend or so you start to overthink it so this time winning cool calm relaxed

Shot of spectacular round one one that uh one for the ages one for the ages boys so coming in hot on a Monday morning you said spectacular round then you said one I was like wait he’s spectacular round he’s going to start telling us his score and his score

Starts with a one that’s not great I I’ll give you a shot by shot on every hole spectacular round 112 okay spectacular round no uh really fun round uh we finally got Sun all day and Tamp it’s just I mean I think we talked about it’s been a weird winter right so uh

It’s like raining here right now it’s cold windy but it was a beautiful day on on Saturday how was y’all’s boys weekend well so we never got an update on your golf experience oh man it was it went okay for for considering that I’m not you Tiger

Woods I was I was lion Woods I wasn’t Tiger Woods I was like Cub Woods or some [ __ ] like that man but I drove the ball good yeah considering you know like how of and I play I thought I drove the ball good short game was trash uh and I just

Started you know faking like I was making a lot of those putts as everybody else was going to the next hole you know I started a little bit but I I enjoy myself I gotta get out there more give me Dan yeah yeah good good right 25 that’s

Good right yep good good good we’re good right right kind of hit it as everybody turning their head you just slap it with one one hand and pick it up real quick all right next hole fellas but I want to get out there more man I enjoyed myself being outdoors that’s my

Bag and this time of the year I think it’s better than like the summer months that’s when I kind of fall off of wanting to get out there and golf but I definitely enjoyed myself last month that was no that was like December right yeah tea times tea times in South

Florida are more expensive in the winter peak time yeah here too and then you have to you have to play at the right coures some of these places are obviously trying to make all their money uh during the winter time Snowbird season so they’ll stack them you know 6

Eight minutes apart and it just it can it can be be a very hard day to get through if you’re in one of the the later T times but um it was weird there was a uh a weird fog that was over Tampa until about 9:30 9:45 so uh we had to

Tee off where you couldn’t see anything they had a ranger out there he would point you to where he thought your ball went and for the first like two holes we were playing uh it was like we were playing in Jurassic Park just low fog

The whole time but uh so saw a couple huge alligators out there felt uh felt one with nature back again on the uh on the golf course so Nick you do anything spectacular this weekend before we get into the show no no I got my got this

Hat shout out to Josh uh Dave’s freshly used Ben Chase and I went downtown and had no idea what was going on all of a sudden there was like no parking ton of people down town we turn a corner and there’s like a vintage market so Ben and

I walked around got this hat go cop it check out Dave’s freshly used shout out to Dave yeah Josh Josh shout out to not Dave Josh yeah yeah um it’s my last weekend my last free weekend so I gotta figure out something to do go do

Something for the Super Bowl who do we got in the Super Bowl yeah who you guys got in the Super Bowl I’ve got I’ve got a theory So Hard Knocks that that Mentalist guy Oz o yeah Oz he um he had me Cole Hardman uh come up mle

Was on the Jets and he did a Super Bowl prediction and the Super Bowl was obviously the Jets are going to be in it because he’s filming it with the Jets any Jets fans in the comments let us know how you guys are preparing for the Super Bowl so he asked Mico Harman

Who do you think you’re gonna play in the Super Bowl he says the 49ers and and Oz has the 49ers on on his little board that he’s pre-prepared he said what’s the score 31-21 he turns it around it’s Jets 31 Niners 21 M Hardman is now a member of the Kansas City

Chiefs uh there might be some Wagers from me placed on a 3121 score uh for the Chiefs to win shout out to all of the Gators the Michael peryan Trey Dean Jaan Taylor Tommy Town caderas Tony still hanging on don’t know why he’s still sticking around but apparently he’s back at

Practice and everything else he’s active again shout out to that I told my friend who’s a huge Giants fan when they drafted him I’m like hey man he’s really fun but you should unfollow him on all of his social medias just like Joker baby just don’t watch him he beats to

The marches to the beat of his own drum and he did not listen he still sends me he’s still mad as hell at cadarius Tony and how it ended in New York and still sends me stuff Dar Tony does I’m like man I told you four years ago don’t

Follow this kid on social media you’ll be a lot happier fan yeah I mean that’s that’s kind of my rule of thumb for a lot of of play I mean obviously I’m almost double some of their ages but uh but yeah no it’s you know it’s not content for me so yeah

Yeah yeah I enjoy it what that’s I enjoy it man like like you got to stay hip to what’s going on bro you got to follow these guys to know like uh you just can’t get emotionally invested in what they’re doing on there and take it personal but

I don’t follow now they don’t do that well I do that I don’t follow the high school recruits or anything like that but once the kids get on my professional team roster or my college team roster I’m g hit that follow button if they’re interesting they don’t use the app then

I’m not gonna follow them but C Daris Tony was one of those kids that used it and it was fun watching The Joker get his Shenanigans off his RS you know yeah I I mean I liked him I liked him he uh like I said marches the be his

Own drum I met him he’s still in high school um talk to him every once in a while just an interesting kid man for sure hey smash that like button while you guys are here shout out to fragrance journey in the comments we appreciate you smash that like button it don’t cost

Nothing to show love hit it it’s a thumbs up if you’re watched and and don’t know what’s going onal media world so hit the Subscribe button too silk uh let’s get a prediction out of you who do you guys have in the Super Bowl

I’m go 49ers man before I was a Jag fan before the Jag uh as a franchise guy started I was a 49er fan so I like lowkey cheer for them whenever my team’s doing terribly so I’m go I’m gonna go with the 49ers and I’m just tired of

Like it’s just Taylor Swift is just too much at this point man so I don’t want to see her happy Sunday oh that’s wild the swifties are going to come for the podcast are you out your mind swifties if you found this clip I disassociate with everything that Silk Uncle Cory over

There I’m choosing violence we got a new album coming happy happy Monday morning to the four-time album of the Year Grammy winner Taylor Swift and her fans dropping a new album after winning song of the year um Harrison well say what have mother year as well uh terrison Sanchez a noted Taylor Swift

Hater in the comments that’s wild they’re gonna come for you up terrison um dude it’s not her fault it’s not her fault the NFL is using her she’s out there just supporting her boyfriend who will probably have an entire album created about him in a year or two um

And the NFL is like hey we can reach an entire New Market put her on TV as much as possible she’s not asking to be on TV I mean let’s let’s let’s be clear here we see more Taylor Swift than the players at this point well I I think she

Was on for 44 seconds last game right so I mean is what it is is what it is but uh so she’ll be there I think she’s gonna be in Tokyo I think they said when you got money that’s crazy she uh she flies she flies private she’s she’s got

A tour date to start her International tour in Tokyo on February 11th and they’re 17 hours ahead in Japan yeah so she I think she said that they can make it back for a few hours before the game if anything we know that Taylor Swift will be the carbon footprint champion of

The super well she’s got she’s got four dates in Japan so she’s flying from like Tokyo to Vegas after the game like back to Tokyo for three more shows yeah that’s crazy money that’d be that’d be wild like hey what your I for the next couple days oh Tokyo Vegas Tokyo yeah

It’s nuts there is a rumor Drake and J Cole were in town here in Tampa this past weekend on Friday and Sunday performing a word on the street is they rented out the entire addition hotel which goes for about6 or $700 a night for the most basic room all the way up to

$25,000 per night for the um Corner Suite down there so why would you why would you need a whole hotel I mean you got big entourage big group of people man you yeah yeah yeah why not me give me the top three floors in the service elevator

Seems pretty private I need um can’t turn up properly man I need every floor can’t turn up properly with three pen houses no I also need I also need the the custodial Closet in room 111 yeah so Taylor Swift when she was here last year stayed at that hotel they

Didn’t rent out the whole thing but they did rent out like the corner Suite in that that Flor most of the floor that she was on they have security that will stand in front of everybody’s doors as they shuttle somebody in because there’s a a service freight elevator area next to the

Restaurant they’ll shuttle you in through the restaurant up the elevator but they’ll make sure that like nobody’s on the floor uh when they’re in and out so just completely wild completely wild I need somebody to hop in the the podcast DMS though if you’ve ever been and planning a tour um these concert

Venues everything else we’re trying to figure out how much money the artist makes based on everything compared to like the arena to the promoters to to everybody in between right so usually I think the artist sets their deal up uh you know most of the time like somebody

Would like host these tours right and they would get paid the contract should exclude cost right they’re just in like taking on the profits or I’ll do certain amount of City tour for a said number and that’s it they’re not worried about the cost if if Rock Nation Live Nation

Whoever may be putting this the the the concert on they they absorb all those costs and and deal with profits and loss uh with ticket sales and whatnot from my understanding it depends if you’re independent probably probably works a little differently but I heard uh Mahomes dad called a DUI just to avoid

Being in the same booth as the swifties that’s what the sh is saying don’t drink and drive man most importantly enjoy your Super Bowl respons do not drink and drive get you a uber uh catch a ride but do not get behind the wheel and drive just not

Worth it no Jackson’s Tik Tok about that um yeah no uh Public Service announc I had a really good friend of mine died from a a drunk driver hitting him uh so yeah please do not drink and drive Uber lift even the old taxi cabs have apps these days and certainly if

You have that kind of money you need to uh to stay off the road if you’ve been drinking uh or impaired so um well guys let’s get into the uh show a little bit let’s do a quick shout out to our friends over at Lucy go visit

Lucy. for stadium to up your nicotine pouch game uh right now they are pushing there it is right now they’re pushing the breakers they have a little H flavor breaker uh ball that’s in the middle there you you break it with your tooth you are with your teeth you have I don’t

Know probably you know double the amount of flavor expectancy I will say if you’ve used other products this product is very flavor forward uh come in 4 milligrams or 8 milligrams if you’re looking for the just traditional pouches they come in anywhere from two all the

Way up to 12 milligrams of 100% pure tobacco Apple ice espresso mint mango all different flavors that you can get with Lucy so again go to lucy. Stadium you’ll get 20% off of your first order and you will always get free shipping here is the fine PL Lucy

Products are only for adults of legal age and every age is age verified every order is age verified warning this product contains nicotine and nicotine is an addictive chemical all right gentlemen um hey shout out to Dan in U in the comment said quick internet search twift makes 13.6 mil per

Concert that’s bonkers you gotta think they have um for someone like her she’s probably getting uh a cut of sales cut at the door and then whatever merch merch SS 100% her Sessions hey we’re getting getting product sponsors like it goes crazy she’s doing fine yeah no we were

We were trying to do some quick math at the bar on Saturday um you know two nights at amily Arena probably 20,000 people each 40,000 we said ticket price 200 so we start you know $200 each so then we are starting to go in and all

The amount of money how much money does ARA take anything else if anybody ever has worked in that industry it’d be fascinated to know of all those ticket sales and everything else how much like a jcole and a uh a drake might make but uh downtown Tampa was popping this

Weekend because of it looked like a incredible show so all shout to Taylor Swift really putting Travis Kelce on the map Travis Kel shout out to him like know your worth King [Laughter] I was listening I was listening to their podcast and Travis was kind of talking

Like don’t know how many more years I’m gonna play I’m like yeah you sign you signed up to the Best 401k ever you don’t need get you don’t need to get your head smashed in anymore what you do with these cute little chicks is what she probably tells you what are you do

With these do you cash these what are these honey i’ I’ve got the Chipotle today Travis what’s this loose chain you have hanging around the house oh my gosh I think what Travis Kelce signed what a $30 million deal no maybe more than that let’s see Travis

Kelce a few concerts man yeah that’s how many how many Taylor Swift contracts fiveyear $ 46 million contract was his last one so like quick math is what three concerts for all T Swift four so she she literally has four con Concor in Tokyo around the Super Bowl she’s making that’s nuts she’s

Making his she’s making the entirety of his contract that he’s currently playing on over the next week yeah what’s what’s super about this boat this this is your check what’s super about this bat he got he got 70 thou I think they get like $70,000 for making the Super

Bowl like that’s going to fuel her jet to get to the Super Bowl in back yeah uh bmax hey we about the gator we sure are we are in what’s going on right now so quick shout out Gat overtime win against Kentucky uh come back uh play Texas A&M

On Saturday blow a 12-point uh lead lose by one some very wonky uh refereeing there in the second half I think it was what 20 to2 at one point for free throws in the second half some weird home cooking calls but the Gators do lose to

Buzz Williams in Texas A&M can’t seem to get the monkey off their bat of of rattling off victories when they need still one and seven in Quad one wins uh still very much a bubble team probably right outside the bubble right now did you guys get to watch that game at

All no I didn’t get a chance to watch totally fine totally fine so uh casually watched it um I thought okay so the first story was I for I’m blank on the kid’s name now I thought it was hilarious um I was like oh man why the

Day before why is this kid playing and day after he gets arrested I look into it I don’t know that if I don’t know that if you’re driving a car you should be charged for evading police when those police are on bikes like hey man I wasn’t evading I was

Doing 20 miles an hour and then all of a sudden they were gone I I think it’s one of those things that if the police are coming after you then get your biking game up you Lance Armstrong on the bikes in College Station um don’t know what he was

Getting pulled over for anything like that but like I I wasn’t virtue signaling like hey this is egregious like he he got arrested he paid bail I don’t know what the details are maybe the details AR we got some got some details here so uh fled uh two officers from a lawful

Arrest or to the defendant on December the 3 around 247 spread past two officers on bicycles in the Northgate bar District in his Dodge Durango Radford um smelled marijuana coming from the car run 45 minutes later the Durango was pulled over Radford told law enforcement that he had not been driving

When the car uh was originally uh considered for evading after further evaluation surveillance cameras um they determined that he lied about being the driver who fled the scene warrant was issued Radford was arrested Friday morning on Saturday um he was playing in the game Buzz Williams the head coach said I’m

Not supposed to talk about anything legal but I’m completely aware of everything that’s going on and have been I love boots I guess is his nickname and I love his parents he also is coincidentally one of Texas A&M’s top scores yes and he went off on Saturday

Texas A&M as you will know is also a bubble team so scored faster than your drives scored FAS to then he drives not a great three free point geez free throw shooter but other than that he went off Gators do lose uh they will be back against Auburn

They have a yeah they have their midweek buy this week so they play number 16 Auburn in Gainesville at 3:30 pm. so you can watch the Gators as they try to write their uh loss off from the other day uh got learn they’ve gotta learn how

To play with the lead better um it l like a lot of these games look like Mike White where like you get a lead and then there’s a six minute scoring drought and all of a sudden an 18-point lead is now a tied game um so you gotta learn how to

Be a front runner at some point and to stay hot and and end games when you’ve got double digit leads in the second half yeah and the Mike White when he played Mike White it was like a battle of who going Mike White the most yeah

Like Mike nobody out Mike shout out to Mike White for Mike Whiting that uh that loss for Georgia not my problem Mike probably looked down the gym was like hey man I’m I’m trying trying to lose this man like come work with me I feel

Feel right home back in back in the oome try trying to put on a nice homecoming what are you doing over there Todd chill out we gotta get Eric fer or one of them guys to come on and kick it with us to talk some basketball shout to Eric he

Was in Spain I was going to have him on the last two weeks he he and his wife are out in Spain living it up nice what what do you think if we if we don’t make the tournament this year I know we’re like a bubble team right now if we don’t

Make the tournament what’s your feel on Todd golden yeah I mean I had I had one big booster tell me that Todd was not brought here to brought Tod was brought here to elevate the program and that Mike White never missed the tournament twice so um and listen I don’t know that

Boosters aren’t making those decisions um that would be the ad that would be the president um I don’t know that Scott I’ve said this about football Scott Strickland won’t hire the next football coach in my opinion um I don’t know that he’ll hire the next basketball

Coach and I don’t know if they’ll fire Mike I think two years to fire a coach or Mike Todd I don’t know if two years is enough to figure it out but like basketball probably this is this isn’t like a long rebuild like these are all your dudes from the transfer

Portal last two years yeah you can flip a roster fast in basketball and he has so like the the excuses and the the leash in my opinion in the basketball world is shorter than football just because you can flip rosters quicker yeah so yeah I I don’t know um what you know

I would imagine that he’d probably get a third year um you know they they have some some talented players on the team and you know you pull off a win your first first road win against the top 10 team since 2003 and then you follow it

Up with you know a 13-point lead or 12-point lead and and ultimately lose that game and I know losses are going to happen but you know right now Florida’s record is inflated by beating the teams they’re supposed to be beating uh and then losing to the teams that uh that

They should be um grabbing a couple more wins again so you have Auburn this weekend Gator need to get it back and figured out but uh but right now both the state of basketball and football both look um more Bleak than uh than they have in in quite some

Time all right let’s see um do want to give a shout out Nathaniel Rogers mentioned it here uh the gator did um uh two announcements here to make one is the passing of Alonzo Johnson uh he was um one of the best linebackers in in Florida Gator history two-time all-

Americ in the 80s 1984 1985 uh member of the uh second team Florida Gator all Century team member of the Florida alltime team member of the UF athletic Hall of Fame was drafted by the Philadelphia Eagles in the second round of um of the draft there so um

Played under the the Charlie pel and gayen Hall years uh but but very you know saddened to to hear of his loss the loss of Alonzo um Johnson uh on on February 1 so he was 60 years old uh also the announcement of Bill Carr who

Was a former Center for Steve sper um when Steve sper was a player Bill Carr was an All-American um and was also the athletic director at the University of Florida in the 80s he helped build the O oome and he helped expand uh the swamp during his tenure uh at the University

Of Florida so certainly uh best wishes to the family of both Alonzo Johnson and and Bill Carr um Nick I know that you had some uh some baseball stuff baseball starts what next week right so February 16th 11 days okay so give us uh what what’s going on on in the world of

Baseball that we can uh chat about um we’re kind of just chugging along they scrimmage uh four or five times a week just in our squads um yeah I think Florida’s going to be really good they’re ranked anywhere I mean there’s like nine different baseball polls anywhere from like two to

Six but a pretty consensus top 10 team um and um yeah I think there’s nothing new to report from baseball but it should be uh it should be a good team they’re young oh my God I’m dying um they’re young uh they’re young on the mound um I

Think the Saturday guy is someone that fans won’t know right now but uh they’ll come to like Le Liam Peterson um baseball recruiting is different like these kids commit when they’re 12 years old or not 12 14 years old freshman in high school um Peterson was committed to

Florida for a couple years and I didn’t think he was gonna get to campus kind of like one of those arms that you just expect to get drafted not show up take the money um that was my thought he gets to campus I see him pitch uh and I’m like still

Don’t know why this kid’s here this kid should be getting ready for spring training somewhere somewhere this year um so it it’s su’s not afraid to start freshman um Logan Shore started pitching on Fridays as a freshman uh and I expect leam Peterson to start on Saturday with

Kate Fischer on Friday Liam Peterson Saturday and jack kagle on Sundays and I think the reason why a lot of people probably just expected Jack to pitch Friday um starting a baseball game is tough on your body and you still need Jack to hit between three four five two

Two to five in your lineup two to four in your lineup uh and play first base twice um so leaving him on Sunday gives him a rest you can DH him on a Tuesday midweek game or a Wednesday midweek game to get him off his feet a little bit um

And I think that’s why you leave him on Sunday so it’s a strong rotation I think Jack’s pitched a lot better um more consistently in the strike zone than he has been um I guess the one thing that watching the team right now that concerns me um is defense um

I think Luke haymon’s gotten better behind the plate but he’s not as good defensively as BT ripel um the best defensive catcher Tanner Garrison he’s a transfer from Coastal Carolina just like BT was uh and Dale Thomas he’s really good defensively I don’t know how much

He’ll hit and if you don’t hit you’re not gonna be in the lineup uh and then Brody D who might have more power raw power than Jack Cagle is the third catcher um very raw behind the plate um but he his Bat will keep him in the

Lineup so DH first base something like that um Kobe Shelton this transfer from Alabama freshman All-American hit 23 24 homers last year 25 something like that um he’s not Josh Rivera defensively he just not um yeah so right up the middle I think yeah there Sean right up the

Middle I think that you always want to be strong defensively up the middle Kade klin’s good second base he’ll he’s back for his sophomore year I just don’t know that this will be one of su’s better defensive teams and and I say that knowing that they’re always top 25

Defense um uh but I don’t know that I’m going to be accustomed to the kind of Defense we see and you’ve got a couple guys in the Outfield who just aren’t good defensively but hit so this team’s going to hit they might have to because they might have more errors than they’re

Than we’re used to watching like a Big 12 Football Team all off no defense yes nice I like offense and baseball though man you know I’m I’m a buns Mark Maguire era kid so I’m used to the offense how do how do we face or how

Do we match up vers Miami March 1 I know we going down there to that game to check that out yeah I think I don’t think Miami is supposed to be very good this year um if they’re ranked they’re ranked in the bottom 20s um new coach

Gino uh he’s been there me Gino played there he’s been there 20 20 plus years um that’s a great trip just to make it if you’re that Stadium I was telling somebody because it’s kind of a dump now um but that Stadium when it was first

Built was like one of the jewels of college baseball and was like state-ofthe-art one of the best places to go watch college baseball um Alex Rodriguez gave him a bunch of money and I think all they did was build like some sweets on either side of the Press Box

Um university Miami Athletics you know footb and baseball stuck in 2001 you know this one’s stuck in 1980 their stadium is is stuck in the 80s it was really really nice um but now it is what it is but they they’re a smart baseball crowd um probably because all the all my

Cubans are down there uh down in Coral Gables um smart baseball crowd it’s a fun fun series to go to um it gets heated though it gets heated those Miami fans Dan do not like Florida fans I need Dan with a megaphone is that that one outfielder still there or did they uh

No I can’t I can’t remember you were just calling his number he was heckling him like Elite levels the kid kept looking back and like acknowledging every eror he had a rough day yeah he had a he had a rough day out there on the throwing anding ER yeah and he also

Had like four plays go his way in a and I think that there was multiple he was he was rattled we had the we had the whole was that right field heckling him yeah so burm right at the BM so EXC shout out to Vari VAR was out there

Heckling with you Vari was out there yeah shout out to Lion he was out there Silk’s kids were out there that was uh no Vari showed up no it wasn’t it wasn’t wasn’t it was Val it was Valen yeah Vari was not there two different people you’re getting your

Mixed people mixed up they they are not the same people Nick they I can see the mix this is embarrassing right on the Twitter timeline right I see mix all is not very VAR all right bar lies about Jacksonville no yes that’s not who I ran

Into yes you did was yeah yeah I ran into Valen he was with a a member of the opposite sex I don’t think that dating anymore so we’re not going to blow a spot up um but yeah so no great uh great time uh let’s see Smokey Gator who was

Very very excited that we were talking baseball said Liam Peterson has his stuff you can rely on as a freshman like Nick said he should be a low class a professional this year one and then he also says he was be as a DH emergency catcher yeah like shout out to Brody

Because he he wants to catch he wants to put in the work um he can he can hit the ball catching is the Dickens he C he can catch he can hit a ball 500 feet he’s 6 foot five and he has on baseball they do

A uh an 80 grade scale 80 is like Hall of Fame Elite best of the best he has a legitimate 80 grade arm um i’ they’ I’ve seen him throw the ball from in a scrimmage from catcher trying to throw a runner out 95 miles an hour from home to

Second like he has arm um major league teams are going to look at him with the power that he hits and his arm and say then watch him catch and go hey man you’re you’re an outfielder that’s you’re You’re Gonna Play in right field putting him at first

Base is a waste of his arm um you just got to teach him to play right field unfortunately I think he didn’t get the opportunity to practice there in the fall because he was hurt um Smokey pop time’s not good because he doesn’t have good it’s all

Arm uh he doesn’t have good fundamentals he doesn’t have good footwork um he doesn’t really received the ball very well um he’s he’s just a if he wants to stay at catcher he has a lot of work to do um but I don’t see a major league

Team like Bryce Harper was a catcher in high school and Major League teams are like hey that’s cool we’ll let you do that for a little bit but you’re way too valuable right offensively to have you catch yeah when those when those paychecks start coming you got to do

What they what they say right now you can have a little I think a big reason why he came to Florida was like when he came on his visit he was talking to Mike Rivera and I think Mike Rivera being on the staff was a huge reason why he wanted to come

Hey I can come work with this guy um Mike Mike was about to get called up to the majors just he’s told told me his body was just like not there anymore he’s like I I could maybe go up for a year um but like my body’s just giving

Up on me um knees back hips droing down Dr down like me stallion for like years and upon years wear and tear on the knees man yeah they don’t do those KNE Savers or anything else anymore so you can’t you can’t no no you can’t wear the

KNE Savers that’s no I mean you know what I’m getting that though it is my knees still Creak from Catching when I um when I when I squat down my knees pop still you still but catching is tough I mean at 18 years old I’m still good uh like you’re still young

You think you’re fine it was ice on both knees on the way home lay sit down in the shower to have hot water hit on the knees then get out of the shower and and like ice back on the knees and that was a daily routine and my knees Still Still

Click clack when I squat up and down my brother was a was a catcher for a long time I know he still deals with the uh the same stuff so my brother too my brother too yeah uh so we’ve got uh you said 11 days right Nick before 11 days

Um I think single ticket sales are available now um yeah just getting ready for for a long season I think people keep asking me I think Florida’s a I don’t know that there’ll be a a top eight seed a national seed um there’s a lot of

Projecting that uh you need to get you you don’t need the Freshman to be spectacular you just need to them to pitch to what you think they’re capable of um guys like Philpot McNeely um and then your sophomores you need them to take a jump as well uh specifically Kade

Fiser who only made two starts last year is going to start opening night probably Friday um so there’s a lot of projecting going on it’s a young team they they are a little bit older in spots I think they’ll hit they’ll hit a lot um but I

Think it should be a regional host I just don’t know if they’ll they’ll be a top eight team you got to stay healthy as well there’s definitely some luck involved and um and who makes it Omaha and who eventually wins in Omaha by staying healthy all right all right well

Let’s uh let’s get into football before we do that let’s give a shout out to our friends over at HomeField apparel go visit HomeField apparel use promo code stadium and Gale at checkout you’ll get 15% off of your order about 20 different shirts for the University of Florida

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There was the Senior Bowl this past week and like most bowl games we saw a lot of of opting out of the game including from Florida Gator top wide receiv receiver Ricky Piera but before he did that he checked in at 6 foot uh just a hair

Under uh 6 193 PBS with a 30 and 3/4 inch arm length uh but um really did a spectacular job at the Senior Bowl uh tryouts or practices and everything else uh I know that he was one of the guys uh that uh was was praised for the entire

Week uh Daniel Jeremiah who’s on the NFL Network said he’s quick and fast been impressive as a route Runner he’s been able to separate you see it with double moves when you watch his tape at Florida quarterbacks can go or can also just get the ball in his hands and let him run

After the catch so right now the NFL mock draft database has him ranked as a consensus early third round draft pick with the number 73 overall ranking um what do you guys think of Ricky peera highlights were all over the timeline on uh on Thursday yeah I text A A scout

Asking about him uh before the game I was like hey I haven’t seen anything about Ricky he like oh he left after two days he said he left after two days I’m like why he goes he came he saw he conquered and I was like okay yeah um I

Saw some um there was a woman journalist who put out a list of players who had opted out of the game and uh people were like mad about it and like the game is the least important thing for the guys there um some guys don’t need to even

Practice like they’re just there to do interviews all 32 teams are there Scout general manager head coach somebody’s there and they do interviews throughout the night uh in mornings before practice after practice that’s for most guys that’s what they need to do you’ve got four years of tape they know what kind

Of player you are they don’t need to see you practice um they need to talk to you before they start investing money in in a draft pick into you um the game is is just an opportunity to te your ACL three months before the draft um so uh I think

It’s a smart move by Ricky um to go in torch some DBS and get out while the game good do your interviews and get out um Pro Football Focus just released a mock draft that has him going 33rd first pick in the second round whoa that’s

Friendly I got I think’s I think he’s a great day two pck second third round yeah third round is where I got it depends on what his 40 is I want to see you know how he he competes and and you know what’s his numbers at the combine

But he did what he needed to do separate and practice reps vers you know other NFL guys but he definitely made some money and the Senior Bowl is just an opportunity for a lot of those guys to to make some money and then sometimes you see I know Jarvis brownley from

Louisville he was eating this year and we seen some former Gators that ate at Senior Bowl but you start seeing some of these guys development start clicking right before they go to the NFL right and it’s like depressing sometimes like man he didn’t do that none of the time

He was at at our school now he’s starting to look good but Ricky definitely made himself a lot of money what do you think his what do you think I think he’s like a 444 guy like he’s a mid four4 guy if he hit four four 44 I

Got him in the second round I mean he he he moves he he can run yeah he does yeah he can run and and he’s now gonna spend the next has already spent a month the next two months before the combine or next additional month just focus solely

On form and getting that 40 down oh by end of the month yeah okay so so two full months where almost every day he’s working on form working on that speed working on running that race and I think that Ricky gets in the four fours there yeah van Jefferson was another Gator

That made I know he did well at at Florida just like Ricky piol did but when he got to the Senior Bowl he was Bob baring guys and yeah he extended the draft board at the same weekend so shout out to Ricky for making his money and

Saying all right I’m out yeah not much he can do at that at that game to improve his draft stock uh anymore Kingsley a guacin was also there he did play uh in the game checked in at 6 foot three one or and a quarter inch 300 PBS 32 and 3/4 inch armed

Um did did okay um you know in the game in practices uh you know seemed to be impressive did play uh in the game did not allow a pressure or a sack in the game um a couple of noted plays he had a a sliding

Zone block on a second and 10 run pass option that allowed uh Sam Hartman to hit Luke mcaffrey uh on a slant rout for a first down so according to the NFL mock draft database his ranking jum jumped from the 58 86th player to number 237 which would make him a seventh round

Projection as well so probably the only two uh players that will get drafted um in this draft class from the University of Florida uh and like Nick said the NFL combine does start on February 29th in IND uh that same Scout I talked to both

Of us have the same opinion I don’t know why um Kings Le declar for the draft I didn’t think he needed to back to Florida but I think he needed to come back to college yeah whatever college but yeah he missed you know obviously numerous

Games um you know this season and he was limited in four in 2023 as well so uh definitely uh some injury concerns this year hopefully he gets the opportunity to uh to get drafted or at least not get if he doesn’t get drafted get an opportunity where he might be able to uh

To get an opportunity to make a a staff so or make a team pardon me so uh again those are the two uh names to watch and Ricky peaw went and did his thing in Mobile Alabama all right let’s see what else do we have um Josh Pate uh everybody’s

Favorite college football opiner uh yesterday I believe uh put out a ranking of current secc program Power Rankings uh this is a three-year snapshot of onfield performance Talent acquisition stability and resource pool uh he ranks the University of Florida 13th out of 16 that order is Georgia Alabama Texas LSU

Oklahoma Old Miss Tennessee Texas A&M Auburn Missouri South Carolina Kentucky Florida Arkansas Mississippi State and then Vanderbilt what do you all think about being ranked 13 out of or 13 of 16 over the last three years last three years bad yeah need need like to do last five

Years get you some new year six bowls uh in that it’s just wild to me to look at SC anyone’s SEC Power Rankings um even like living through the last three years and seeing Florida behind Kentucky Missouri and South Carolina it is cool to see Texas and

Oklahoma in there too though um but yeah wild to me yeah um so onfield performance Talent acquisition stability and resource pool uh yeah I mean the last three years obviously as a Florida Gator football fan has been tough uh obviously Talent acquisition business is going pretty

Well uh for Florida not as as good as they want obviously and then you know the thing is is if you finish I think Florida’s 10th right now in the recruiting rankings you have six seven SEC teams ahead so even if you’re doing better compared to everybody else uh

You’re still uh kind of in the middle uh there so obviously Florida is not a Bastion of stability right now obviously there’s a lot of fans that want to change at the head coaching position at the University of Florida uh resource pool I don’t know how you judge that I

Think Florida’s resource pool is obviously quite high but onfield performance six or three six win seasons in a row uh puts Florida right there uh is that where you guys would rank Florida uh over the last three years I mean seems a little accurate to be honest with you just it pretty much

Boils down to just winning games and we haven’t won games uh even if you go like the last overall all those different things that you put in if you go more years even to the new year six games if you’re talking about player acquisition stability you know all of that stuff I

Don’t know if we that much higher if you include the new year bowls and stuff because of everything that they’re considering um but I mean the overall you just got to win football games and we’re not winning football games you know and we definitely haven’t been stable in in a long

Time yeah I mean but like Dan Mullen won as many games in a single season as Billy is won in two what season was that didn’t they go didn’t they get 11 with the bowl game the Cotton Bowl year no combo was 2020 maybe not yeah what else what else is new yeah

No it’s just uping wrong yeah yeah yeah no I think Florida went what eight and four that year yeah I mean some great games beat the tail off of Georgia Kyle pittz Kyle TR rest of the team was looking good uh Nick if I don’t know if you remember correctly that season soall

Yeah 2019 everything I was right 2019 2019 Florida went 11 and two no you’re 2019 Dan Mullen was the coach and the Florida went 11 and two that’s as many games in one year yeah your factual error was there you said 2020 2019 you just got a little

I first said and then you and then when I was given perplexed looks I tried to throw a year out there 2019 it was the Orange Bowl year they went 11 and two that’s one year that’s was confused you know threw wrong year to be fair with

Dan like if if it wasn’t a CO year that next year and we play our regular schedule like who knows what happens with Kyle trash going crazy and you know Kyle pittz That season cadarius Kyle Pitts out against LSU you know I don’t want to talk about it man

What we got 2019 seems like 20 years ago ain’t that the truth Harrison said come on guys my therapist said you aren’t supposed to talk about the shoe let that go no we gota let that shoe go please everybody needs to let the shoe go like Marco did let the shoe

Go no he needs to let it go as well because he takes his shot like with that shoe thing he’s been on content bringing it up let the shoe go it’s time to move on man like people that still Troll and mad about a shoes just all right do your

Thing I don’t care what I’m sorry let’s see um Nick this just hit the timeline final SEC stat leaderboard for yards per punt your Jeremy CAW leads by 1.3 yards 48.9 so shout out to him he edges out Matt hayball the punter for vanderbelt where if I was a punter that’s the kind

Of school I would go to gr mer leads the SEC in completion rating so a couple of fun little stats uh for you guys to end the year uh Jeremy croshaw uh I am a voter for the most prestigious award uh certainly college football may be an all

Of Sport the ray guy award um despite Jeremy uh being one of the best punters in the country in terms of net yards net average um hasn’t punted enough to be considered for the award in each of the last two seasons yeah so lots of

BS lots of lots of stalls 40 yard line you know lot of those um here’s the hoping that next season it doesn’t qualify him either it it wasn’t interesting a lot of touchdowns you know I I said that to him what an interesting life nobody other than your close fans and close family

Fans are happy whenever you’re playing football he’s just got I’m telling you second you get into the game everyone’s like everyone’s angry not at you but everyone’s angry sometimes onto the field and they’re booing at the situation the play calling or something that’s happened nobody’s happy when you’re playing football I’m locked in

Because I need him to pin them deep so I am like man that that series was terrible you know why we try that triple reverse there but I’m also like all right we need to pin these guys deep and get the ball back so I need Chris not to

Put this in the end zone bro what do CJ CJ has like a CJ d um that’s like he went to the mall numers mom took him to the mall and he got one of those got one of those professional photos taken personality pictures damn throwing throwing personal

Shade on on the boom and onion you know it’s a joke all right let’s see uh and what other news do we have here gotta pull this up from uh nick uh Missouri received a $62 million donation from an anonymous supporter 50 million will go to Memorial Stadium Renovations that

Would cover one8 of Ben Hill Griffin’s renovation cost right now the rest is gonna go to fund program Scott said 400 million is a starting point so not 1 18 it would start the jumping off point the jumping off point is one8 um so the rest

Of that money will go to the tiger fund so 50 million to the Memorial Stadium 12 million to the tiger fund program um what’s the tiger $62 million anonymously is you know those are big boss moves right there I mean listen if I’m donating 62,000 my name thing attached to that

Mind donating $62 names getting attached you know yeahp I bought a new chin strap he put my name on that player’s chin strap so I can see it on Saturdays why didn’t we get that five star I donated $62 to the to the collective That’s My Level wild and that

And that’s that’s crazy so you get uh I don’t know what Renovations they’re doing I think they’re doing at Missouri we were last there they were talking about the where they have like the rock M they were gonna be doing I think like closing that that side of the stadium

Um but yeah they’re not going to get rid of the Rocks I so it was senior day for them these seniors on Miss’s football team get to take home a rock from them as part of their senior day tradition get a rock there’s one thing that I know that

I would Tyron Hopper got a rock from Missouri shout out to Tyron Hopper uh probably the only memory that he would want from Colombia Missouri um maybe they’ll raise the stadium from being underground you know Missouri stinks sure does sure does uh let’s see there’s a question in the group chat

Here uh we are still very much getting into uh what’s going to happen in the 2025 recruiting class but Jeremy Morris said who’s qb1 Hill or Montgomery so that’s fourstar quarterback from Warner Robbins uh Anan Hill he’s the number seven quarterback in the country number 76 overall Prospect and then Ryan

Montgomery from Finley high school in Ohio he’s the number 19 quarterback uh Antoine Hill was on campus on January the 13th and Ryan Montgomery just wrapped up his visit yesterday I know Ryan Montgomery is being uh looked at by Florida Georgia South Carolina uh but uh

Right now it looks like it could be a Florida South Carolina battle and it does look uh like he said that he might be close uh to making that decision uh here pretty quickly but uh if you also look at on three from Chad Simmons he wrote that the Gators were trending for

Anan Hill as well so gentlemen not sure if youve done a ton of research Antoine Hill versus Ryan Montgomery who do you think is your personal qb1 I like Antoine Hill um can’t go wrong with either one of those guys I think both of those guys are really good

But if I had to to look at either you know of the Huddle links you know in the film I like Antoine Hill what he brings to the table more um he fits what we have on campus as well very similar not not as as talented in my in my opinion as

Lagway but similar skill sets yeah previously committed to uh Colorado uh offers from North Carolina Georgia Alabama Tennessee all of the schools that you could want and hope for uh the RPM the recruiting prediction machine on on3 has him going to South or to North Carolina pardon me don’t think

That that’s going to probably end up happening uh but uh but right now uh Florida is potentially trending for anine Hill I like him a little bit more I do think Ryan Montgomery is good obviously trying to get a quarterback to follow DJ lagway um you know can be more

Of a challenge than if he uh was not committed to the program uh but Billy’s been able to bring in some good quarterbacks been able to recruit really well at the quarterback position and obviously develop uh those players as well I saw with grem Merz obviously bringing in DJ lague obviously you had

The issue with Jaden rashada throw that whole thing in um he’s obviously recruited quite well at the position so hopefully Florida you like to get your quarterbacks committed early hopefully Florida’s able to grab uh one of the two uh here shortly Florida is also looking at kelan Russell out of Duncanville High

School in Texas Matt zers out of Royals field Pennsylvania uh as well so likely one of those names uh but again we are uh still on the uh beginning part of 2025 recruiting uh looks like in the group chat there’s a lot of um folks

That say anwan Hill uh so we will uh we will see um in other news in the recruiting world the Gators did uh pardon me land uh an RPM pick uh for a fourstar uh offensive lineman um pton Joseph uh he was Keith neber put in a prediction for him he is

A interior offensive lineman from Houston County uh in Fort Valley Georgia uh the number 123 overall player on the on3 industry ranking average 6 foot3 280 pounds his offers from Florida Georgia Florida state Alabama a number of other schools uh in there as well so just getting started on 2025 recruiting but

Nick there has been a couple CLE of questions will Billy and apier be doing a national Signing Day presser this week I know Flor is not expected to sign anybody but do we know if that is going to happen yes we will speak to Billy on

Wednesday at some point but I don’t okay I don’t think FL is signing anybody uh which means plenty of coaching changes to speak on yeah deantre Robinson also is going to be in that recruiting class uh Jamar Grim or jir Grimsley viously transferred over probably talk about uh

The both of them obviously you make numerous changes at special team strength and conditioning the defensive side of the ball uh still waiting to see if there’s going to be any changes on the offensive side of the ball so far all of the coaches that had what we

Thought were expiring contracts as of January 31 are still out recruiting uh so again there still could be changes new coaching staff’s being put into place in the NFL coaches could potentially leave there uh but right now it’s not pronounced Houston County is it hon County I don’t know um just going

Off what it reads so uh hon Street New York City Houston and Texas so correct me appreciate you Jeremy for letting me know always trying to get better uh on this pod so uh anything else you guys want to talk about before we head out of here oh sure Marcus Castro Walker no

Longer employed by the University of Florida Nick you want to shed uh some light into that uh yeah NCAA is investigating Florida uh for the Jaden rashada thing Marcus Castro Walker was heavily involved with Florida’s name image and likeness program um and was a member of the university Athletic

Association um according to NCAA rules you can’t negotiate numbers so looks like NCAA is investigating and Florida is making proactive moves in that department y um and now there’s a rumor going around that this happened back in the fall it did not happen on the fall I

Do know that he was on administrative leave uh as well uh during that uh during that time so he was on he’s been on administrative leave since August um was fired last week yeah he uh was very tied into a lot of happenings uh with nil at the University of Florida was

Very tied into the collectives at the University of Florida uh as well so uh Marcus Castor Walker certainly wish him the best uh of luck in his career he came over to Florida from Nebraska I believe previously at Texas or Arizona State before that uh finally SEC Big 10

Uh announced an Advisory Group uh to look at the future of college football uh you guys have any thoughts there you guys think that we’re starting to inch closer to a a breakaway here by the two big Power two conferences yeah yeah it’s going to be a

Big jumping off point so like the and I saw a lot of people being like how is Tennessee doing this they agreed to the rules and the NCAA is just enforcing the rules that the schools agreed to yeah well the landscape has changed uh drastically in the last three years and

We really haven’t put any new rules in the NCAA has been running to Congress to be like hey don’t let any of this stuff happen and Congress said let’s look into how legal your entire operation is and the NCAA said don’t do that you guys have fun with nil let’s wash our hands

Of it and keep making money off of these kids so they’re NCAA is just losing court case after court case Congress is telling them absolutely not um I don’t know what benefit the NCAA runs postseason tournaments and then the power five said ah we want to do our own

Thing with football so the college football playoff is now separate to the NCAA right running that tournament um outside of running sports that don’t make money uh and really like Florida only has two sports that make money that operate at a profit football basketball that’s the case for most schools some schools will

Make money their baseball program I think LSU uh baseball operates in the black um but like three two two sports fund the other 19 um oh by far yeah outside of running the track and field championships or the water polo the equestrian championships like what do the what does some of these

Schools the schools in the Big 10 what do they need the NCAA for um other than being a punching bag when like things happen uh publicly I don’t know and I think the the schools that are in the Big 10 and the SEC don’t need the NCAA

As much as the NCAA needs them and if you’re going to get into a point where the NCAA is now looking at schools to punish them for the bare minimum of what you need to do in this nil landscape to get kids to come to campus yeah um you kind of glossed over

It but don’t you think that that’s kind of the biggest point of the NCAA I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on this silk too right is like now you have an enforcement body that we can say hey this isn’t our our responsibility our fault right that we’re passing off our

Ability to tell on other schools to have some sort of enforcement I you know I think a lot of times the NCAA gets in trouble because they’re doing the job that the schools want them to do right I think you separate some of the nil stuff and and everything else

You know from an enforcement and and how do we accurately do that but doesn’t the NCAA exist as part of what these schools want from an enforcement body and an ability to deflect to an institution and rather than themselves yeah but I think we’re moving towards the point of these

Guys being employees um I think that we’re going to be in a few years we’re going to be collectively bargaining um between the players and the schools um they’re not amateurs um in football they’re still gonna need a shield they still they’re still going to need even when they start

Negotiating uh Collective bargain the players unionized they still have to be a governing body to be the buffer between the players in in in the school I don’t think the NCAA goes anywhere I’m with I think they’re just running the rules like when the schools get mad NCAA

Is like cute to me because it’s like bro you guys pay them like to enforce the rules that you guys agree on it’s like a buffer between the schools so NCAA why they catch a lot of flack they’re just really just enforcing this the rules that all the schools have agreed

Upon yeah yeah I think that that I think that that’s the hardest part right with any you know even take this out of college football right like with any unionizing of you know athletes I mean there’s there’s unions for motor workers there’s there’s a lot of union jobs plumbers electricians there’s unions

There there’s still governing bodies that oversee that there’s labor boards there’s there’s all sorts of protections that are in place from a govern you know from a governing perspective even in the outside world so that’s where I’m curious to see like even if the SEC and

The Big 10 break off and start their own organization there’s still going to be a punching bag organization from an enforcement perspective because nobody likes the enforcement part of the NCAA right that they like that all of these prec all of these tournaments happen they like that all the events happen and

Everything else they just don’t like schools get mad when their school gets enforced on but at some point there’s got to be there’s going to be another body that replaces it so even if it’s the SEC Big 10 advisory commission there’s still a group that’s going to

Oversee them this not a wild wild West and schools as we’ve seen can’t self-report and self-govern themselves or there always going to be what rules you want to play in and how black and white and what gray area that you want to play in and we’ve had Linda

Teler we’ve had our athletic directors you know on this program and they operate in a very black and white World obviously you’re seeing with Tennessee they’re operating in a very gray area right so every school is going to be different so I’m curious to see even if

They break off how different a governing body is going to be uh for that particular uh sector and I do think that one day you are going to have split off divisions for football compared to the rest of the the schools because I I don’t think it’s fair that Oregon has to

Play Ruckers ruers in volleyball on a Wednesday night you know what I mean right like I don’t think that that’s fair I don’t think SS crazy I don’t think that the swimming team having a tournament against Florida state from Cal is like fair to those those athletes

Right know you know it’s not fair when when you send those you send those those girls who are swimming guys and girls who are swimming for USC and they have to fly to New Jersey in December to go swim at Ruckers it’s like excuse me what

Are we doing here yeah so so I don’t I don’t know that I mean I think that that’s part of the hardest thing right now is I’m curious to see what happens out of this Advisory board or whatever it might be that they’re creating what the future college football looks like

Because I think if you look 10 years from now college football the way that we know about talk about it obviously A lot’s changed over the last few years but the way that we talk about it’s going to be drastically different I think that you’re going to start to get

Into Revenue sharing uh and everything else but but it’s curious obviously this was somewhat expected um and then certainly the FSU lawsuit against the ACC now has North Carolina tied in uh to some other legal potential legal action or them wanting to get out of their grant

Of rights I think Tennessee was brought in as a as a plaintive against the NCAA with this the state of Virginia as well so a lot of happenings uh in the state of college football and state of College athletics right now so will be interesting to see uh What uh what does

Happen there quick question fellas yeah quick question do we get sanction at the end of our investigation what do you guys think yeah yes similar similar like FSU yeah I think you get a couple scholarships lost you you you you have the Fall Guy uh you maybe have another

Fall person or two maybe you have to distance from certain booster or certain organization obviously obviously the gator Collective has is no longer an entity um as a collective so we will uh we’ll see what happens but I do think the Florida gets sanctioned what do you think

Silk yeah yeah I think we get we get our Dome tap a little bit for sure for show with it I think you know they gonna find something if Florida State got hit with the the shenan shenanigans they got hit with um I just don’t like the Vibes of people saying or

If n NCAA is moving with we’re GNA make an example of somebody I don’t like that Vibe especially with how gray and you know no real direction from NCAA or anybody when nio dropped so to get super aggressive about making examples out of people I think that’s that’s like

Nonsense with with how all this was released a lot of these programs everybody’s just been it’s been wow wow West as of now so to to want to drop the hammer I think is it’s extra as hell but do you think that that will happen not to us but you know they got

Those that that that Vibe out there for Tennessee why I hate Tennessee I just don’t agree with the energy of all of that bro you you let it be wow wow West and then want to say yeah we let it go crazy a little bit but now we’re gonna

Make an example out of somebody that makes no sense to me yeah I think Tennessee is firmly in the ncaa’s radar right now especially with the uh the lawsuit that they uh that they filed as well as the uh the very bombastic uh commentary by uh the athletic director and uh president or

Chancellor of the University as well talk about glow up though you you got caught cheating a few years back C caught cheating by stuff and money and McDonald’s and Chick-fil-A bags right now we’re cheating on private jets a glow upow up Tennesse glow up for that jet stuff could get tricky man

Yeah it could get tricky all right it’s not a bad life though you know what I mean not a bad life getting flown around in the PJ you know PJ PJ DJ you know don’t be Dr snitching D what the allegations were I don’t know Nico personally um I I don’t hate it

Though you know I’ve had the opportunity to be a private jet uh twice now and uh I mean if you can if you can do it do it you know what I mean so um I got one more got one more before we get out of here yeah so we was talking offensive

Coordinator what do you guys feel about Rob sale blocking half the fan base he’s blocking people I mean the line’s not blocking anybody so he’s taking up the slack a little bit hey that’s good coach that’s good coaching bro I think you got to read the room a

Little bit there like I think the blocking of people PR wise like they have to get on the right page with that type of stuff like you can’t care that much to be searching your name and blocking people I just think four coaches deactivating their entire Twitter account yeah like this staff’s

Involvement and caring about social media I think is just over the top right there man you got to have a little bit more awareness you know yeah I mean I had some staffers unfollow me um I did too man same I didn’t want I didn’t want to throw me into it you know

What I’m saying thank you thank you Nick listen I get sassy I get sassy on Twitter though um and I don’t need I don’t need the staffers to follow me man I was called a sunshine pumper and these guys un follow like bro I’m it like yeah

I mean we’ve been called I mean we’ve been told we carry water for the staff that we’re the microphone for the staff I’m dropping the water I’ve never said publicly anything negative about anybody on the staff and I noticed a couple of unfollows over the last few months I’m

Like well you know what I don’t want to follow you either yeah well damn we do we do keep we keep the follow numbers down um so that did help me it did help me I think I stole that from you I don’t know how many I’m following right now

We’re probably getting close going I know for sure they’re unfollowing they’re unfollow following former former players I know this I’m not going to say any names but I know they’re doing that and and like just think about how fragile that is bro like if if a said

Player was to say such such and such coach unfollowed me I’m a legend like that’s crazy to me you know like I haven’t said anything back about think that’s terrible PR you gotta have more better awareness man so I just want to bring that up I know we looking for OC

And these guys haven’t been uh great on the pr train in a while no it’s been been tough been tough on PR um but yeah no I also do agree uh yeah but don’t harass players don’t harass coaches um you can speak critically without being harass him but you got to

Be aware enough to to stay in good cahoot with your with your Sunshine pompers Yes know carrying your water yeah like okay he he’s lying for us a little bit and spinning for us like stay in good cahoot with with this type of guy but it’s kind of guy I need to be yeah yeah man the brighter side of things a

Lot yeah do we do often find that sliver of light behind that North Korean news silk just pumping out highlights during a four- win season yeah propaganda man propaganda silk bro I got positive propaganda any him Jung silk over there all right share this man this is this is good this

Is good therapy um all right so let’s uh one final shout out to our friends over at Alumni Hall go visit them on Archer Road right off of I75 there or visit them at alumni let them know Stadium Gil send you anything that you’d want accessories apparel tailgate

Supplies uh anywhere from young to old men to women anything in between Alumni Hall has got you taken care of they’re always up to date with the coaches polos all of the t-shirts and everything else that you might want from an SEC Championship a national championship

Whatever it might be go check them out oh also the probably one of the largest supplies of uh of golf polos and golf accessories as well so go check out our friends over at Alumni Hall let them know stadium and Gale sent you and we

Will see you guys next week uh is it Nick your your song of the week last Nick went last week all right so let’s see um why don’t we do a fun Bop um there’s a new song by Jonas blue and Sam felt called the rest

Of my life so we will play that one as we head on out gentlemen was great seeing you same Corner same time next week and I’ll be reporting to you live from Canada next week so we’ll see you guys next week


  1. DUI usually implies drinking alcohol. DWI usually implies drugs. I'm going to guess dude had weed in the car

  2. Nick, blow your nose before you start the podcast…..maybe something in your room you are allergic too,….but nasty listening to you snorting like a pig….

  3. Texas a&m, Auburn and Missouri and south carolina, all have been worse than UF by criteria set. A&m has 1 good recruiting season. Auburn and SC has been worse than us. We beat Mizzo in 2022. Lets really break it down.

  4. Josh Pate is nothing but a scUM suck up blow hard. Watch any of his coverage on scUM the past 3 years and you’d think they were a playoff program dominating the nation. He’s nothing but a joke

  5. 2019 was one of my favorite Gator seasons that was not a Title or SEC Title season. 11-2, only losses were to Top Ranked GA and LSU, won the Florida Cup beating scUM and FSU, won the Orange Bowl (Gators don’t get down to the OB as often as one would assume) and the emergence of Kyle Trask.

    As a Miami Gator, that season will always be special for me

  6. Any thoughts on Mcastro Walker bungling the JRashada deal only for JRashada to then end up at AZ St where Mcastro Walker previously worked?

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