Discmania Swirly Cloudbreaker Review | Will it Make the Bag?

What’s going on yall! I am doing a disc review and deciding will Eagle McMahan’s last discmania manufactured disc be added to my bag! I am looking for a distance driver that will hyzer flip for me but hyzer out. The first creator series cloudbreaker is currently in my bag but is very flippy so is mostly used for big panning turnovers and distance rollers so I need something that has a little more stability than that without being too overstable to get a full flight. Thanks for watching!

All right what is going on guys it’s Raul here we’re back we’re doing another disc review we got Eagle’s final disc Mania disc um it’s the cloudbreaker the Creator Series so it’s the same M as the Horizon cloudbreaker and the original Creator Series cloudbreaker so I’m going

To be doing a review of this one and kind of a is it going to fit in the bag um is it going to fit in my bag does it have a slot I’m thinking that it’s going to because I need kind of a flippy driver and I think that’s what this is

Going to be with a little bit of stability at the end is what I’m hoping for so I’m going to compare this with the Horizon Cloud breaker and the original Creator series sine this and this this one’s brand new it’ll be my first throws with it so it’ll probably

Be pretty stable um this one I’ve thrown like three times and this one I’ve thrown a handful of times but not too many times so it’s still pretty fresh and it flies pretty true to how it did when I first got it to start it off

We’re going to throw we’re just going to throw it in order so we’re going to start off with the special blend sline uh Creator Series so it’s all the same mold just different Plastics um but they fly pretty differently this one I’ve noticed actually feels a little bit

Different in hand the rim is a lot um lower profile the other two have a little bit more of a concave to make it I think a little more like have a little more late stability and then this one this one on top is very low profile

Slight dome but it kind of just turns and holds the turn a little bit more than the others um but we’re going to compare them directly today in the video right now the wind’s down a little bit but we have a little bit ahead right to

Left wi so just keep that in mind I think once they turn over it’s going to be hard for them to fight out but let’s see how it goes just going to throw it out there a little bit of Hiser gosh that thing’s flippy so I threw it

Straight out there a little bit of heer some good height flipped up turned over got all the way over started to fade out and actually hit that tree on the right now we’re going to throw this guy I think this will not flip over at all but

Let’s see it’s a freshy so you never know yeah so I threw that thing on a really good line slight Hiser straight flipped up barely I think I even threw it a little bit flatter but it flipped up barely and then just faded out left the whole time really really good flight on

That thing that might straight up go in the bag it wasn’t in the bag before but I think it might now we’re going to go with this one see how it is I’m hoping it’s somewhere in between those two because I want something flippy but that first one’s just so flippy it almost

Just burns over all right so I kind of released that one a little bit left um it flipped up and started to turn a little bit but I didn’t get the same power on it as I did the other two so it does seem like it has a little bit more stability than

That first one but we’ll give it a few more goes and see how it is the first one or I don’t know if they consider it a run or whatever but I’m just going to call it run for the sake of distinguishing which one’s which first run second run Third Run

First and the second one went around the same distances but this one was way right this one was way left this one hit the tree so it probably would have gone a little bit further but um the tree took off some speed but it got that full

Flight you know and it was starting to fade out so it definitely it’s going to fly the furthest on that same same angle just cuz it’s going to get the turn if it doesn’t burn over and then this one was kind of in the middle it got a

Little bit of turn and faded out but it was just short cuz like I said I just didn’t get as good of a throw on it so I definitely want to get a better throw with it and now we’re working with a little bit of tail left to right wind

But this guy is kind of right in my area so I’m going to throw some sidearms out there on a little bit of Hiser since I can for sure put it out there Let It Fade Out to the right we got a left to

Right wind so it’s a good win for it so we’ll go with this one first see how they fly br oh God all right that thing is flippy flippy I threw it on Heiser I guess I pulled it off my line a little bit but I

Threw it on Heiser and it just flipped and turned so that thing is like legitimate flippy cuz I thought I could heer flip it but no so I’ll try the cloud breaker now okay so yeah even that thing on a little bit of Hiser with the forehand stands up

A little bit and Fades out it’s actually a really good forehand disc though because it flips up but doesn’t turn over so you kind of get that extended distance on it because it has a little bit of flip I think this one will probably be closer to the first one but

I’m still going to throw it on the similar angle to see if it actually turns over or if I could throw it on Heiser and have it flip up like this Horizon one but we got a bunch of dogs in the Fairway try to get it out

There little heer see if it turns over or just stands up a little bit yeah I mean it’s definitely a bomber it definitely stood up and turned over so I wouldn’t really use it if I needed to get right because it still wanted to flip up and maybe if I didn’t have this

Wind it would turn over a little bit more but the left to right might be pushing it right at the end but it flipped up even turned a little bit and then faded out unlike the first one so it’s definitely somewhere in between those two discs would be a good higher

Flip to turn like a distance sidearm disc and probably for backhand too but it’s not that reliable overstable disc that you might be looking for I’ve decided to slightly relocate apparently that field is place to bring your dog and let him roll around all over the grass in

So nothing wrong with that um so now I’m just going to throw some flat shots as flat as I can try to get a consistent release out of all of them even if that means the first one’s going to burn over I just want to see how they

All fly flat and compare to each other in this wind we have a pretty much straight Tailwind from here so yeah just going to throw it straight out there in the field and see how they go we’ll go with the same order so the original sine first try to throw it flat

I think this thing might burn over or with this Tailwind might Glide out a little bit we will see yeah nice and flat a little low so it definitely didn’t give it room to fight out maybe I put it on a little bit anheiser but you see that that thing’s

Pretty Flippy and definitely wants to hold the line so it’s good for what it’s good for but it’s not really like a wind Fighter by any means Horizon is driven and [Applause] flat yeah pretty much same line just went dead straight and then faded out so that thing does like the direct OPP

Opposite of what the first one does all right so what we’ve seen so far out of these is that the first run turns over the second one Fades out let’s see which side this one leans towards I’m hoping the stable side but we’ll see I like it it’s very neutral it just

Went straight for a while slowly turned and faded out at the end so it’s a perfect balance between those two as of now I definitely think it’ll have a slot in my bag I just like that that flight having something that can turn a little

Bit but then fade out right now I kind of just have stuff that’s either too flippy or a little too stable so I like how that’s fine so far all right we got some beautiful scenery out here uh so for that one the Third Run actually went

The furthest because I got a flat rip it got the turn of the first one but the fade of the second one so it’s consistent um a nice balance between the two I definitely like how it turns and is stable at the end that’s kind of what

It feels like like I said it has that a little bit more concave rim and a little bit more of a aggressive Dome on top so seems like it will have a little bit more late stability than this swing is very low profile so once it gets going

And it kind of holds over and then this one is just you know pretty beefy Rel to these now we have a straight headwind so we’re going to try to just use that headwind throw on a little bit of anheiser and give it some height see how they go I think this

One’s probably going to burn over again or maybe turn into a roller but that’s what we’re here for is to compare how these discs fly so that’s okay I’m going to throw out there yep turn into a roller there it goes yeah that thing does not have integrity especially into

The wind once it gets going she ain’t coming back this one could have potential to be the furthest flyer in this wind and on this line just because it does has the have the Integrity but it um it has that Dome so it’s going to

Want to stay in the air and just fight out of it so let’s try to give her a good rip I think it went into one of those trees back there that was definitely a good rip I got it high on some angle out of the hand and Jesus that flew forever I

Think it hit a tree before it stopped flying but that was a bomber I think in this wind this might even be too flippy so this is when I would either pull out that cloud breaker if I decide to bag it or Destroyer but I mean we’ll see if

This thing stays in the air then that’ll be nice to know it has some Integrity but I don’t know that it will oh yeah it’s just too steep of a headwind to see that Horizon Cloud breaker turn over and hold over as much as it did once you get the the height

And the nose down into this wind it just pushes hard to the right and the Horizon one just barely had enough Integrity to fight out of it so I kind of figured this one didn’t and it didn’t like at first it pushed and then it slowly start

To turn but once it got to like this angle it kind of just drops straight down so it definitely won’t be like a headwind bomber fighter but that’s not really what I expected it to be but now it’s good to know how they fly into the

Headwind at least all right so a first run and the Third Run both burned over into the headwind on The High Line is a pretty steep headwind so once it kind of got to this point then it just pretty much got smacked down the Horizon one

However did fight out of it it hit this tree so it didn’t get to see it finish the flight but it looked like it was going to pan out maybe skip back if I had a guess but it’s not really what I think that’s not really what I thought

These would be you know useful for they’re kind of just flippy distance drivers and this one has that little bit of consistency to trust that it’s going to fade back but um let’s just see how they fly on a poweriser with a little bit of height just to get that

Consistent flight but see if they want to flip over or heer out I’m curious to see what this one does with some height so yeah I mean it’s definitely the bomber I threw it on Heiser with height and it stood up turned over and then finally

Faded out in the end with a decent bit of Tailwind so without Tailwind I bet it would have turned over and held to the right even more so if you want to throw something on Heiser and have it Fly maybe a little bit right then that could

Be useful because it’s going to get the full flight even on some Heiser but this thing is kind of what you’re looking for for the power guys are getting something in the middle yeah I was able to throw it really hard flipped up a little bit and

Then faded out they’re not super beefy but you throw it on Heiser and it’s never really going to turn over it flipped up a tiny bit maybe I threw it a little bit flatter than intended but I gave it height and and it faded out right in the

Middle like I said let’s see what this thing does we got a little Tailwind see if it turns over a little bit or if it wants to stay on Heiser my prediction is it turns a little bit at the top and then Fades out in the middle yeah so I definitely threw that

One lower so it turned a little bit more than the Horizon one but it stood up just went straight I wouldn’t really say it turned it stood up went straight for a while maybe turned a little bit but pretty much just went dead straight from the Hiser flip

Up and then slowly faded out and landed flat so it could be really good for those shots that you just need to go straight and then land in the middle and get you a little bit more distance opposed to the Horizon one that’s going to heer the whole time this one’s going

To push a little bit straighter which I actually like because you don’t have to turn it over you just put it on Hiser goes straight and then lands flat without having to throw a flat shot which is a little bit harder than throwing a Hiser so I like it all right

That’s it guys that’s the review of Eagle’s last disc Mania disc the cloudbreaker Creator series Third Run I guess you could say um final conclusion this thing is very flippy consistently flippy so that’s that’s why right now it’s in my bag because I could use it for big turnovers and distance

Rollers this thing is not in my bag right now it’s not going to go in my bag right now just because I have some destroyers that are similar stability and a little bit flatter so I can use them forehand backhand so maybe it’ll go

In my bag at some point but right now it will not and then uh the new guy I think will be going in my bag because none of my destroyers have that controlled flip up that this has I like that I could throw it on Heiser it’ll flip up maybe

Turn a little bit if I throw it hard and flat um but it’s just very neutral so if you put it on some angle it’ll hold it if you put it on Hiser it’ll fade out if you throw it flat it’ll turn a little bit forehand little Hiser will turn a

Little bit uh you could get to flex or stay on Hiser but push so yeah I like it it is going to go in my back right now uh I think I’ll use it a lot just with controlled distance shots I could throw it with a little bit less than full

Power and still get it to flip compared to some of my Destroyers I have to throw full power to get to hold a line so I think it’ll be a useful tool in the bag so that’s it thanks for watching guys we’ll see you in the next one


  1. Gateway Ether don't sleep on them, you'd be surprised, I got 7-9 new ones to bring back to the beautiful state of California hand selected from the warehouse. You can give them a rip, maybe do a review?!

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