Golf Players

Boilers Crush Outmatched Hoosiers

Purdue didn’t need to play particularly well to beat IU earlier tonight. BUT, Big Zed hit a three.

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One more little sip all right hello everybody it is Saturday February 10th at 10:15 the bell’s just timed for 10:15 Purdue has improved to 22-2 over the Indiana hoers by beating them 79 to 59 I jumped on here right away because I’ll be honest I could I could start

Setting up uh going through the the different things I do before I I do a post game because this game wasn’t much of a game at all um it was uh if you’re a Purdue fan it was stress free was fun it was easy if you’re an IU fan I’m

Guarantee it was frustrating it was um it was not fun you may have given up on it early um Pur played bad basketball for for big chunks different parts of the game first they shot horribly to start I haven’t even checked the stats at one point they were shooting uh well under

30% uh even after a little bit of a flourish from three they were still shooting the ball poorly it’s pretty noteworthy for team that leads the Big 10 and three-point shooting shooting over 42% as a team um so they were shooting the ball poorly um IU did a really really good

Job in the first three or four minutes back dooring Purdue uh making screens away from the ball Purdue was not on the same page defensively Purdue did not look cohesive and so the game started off kind of slow and then all of a sudden Purdue just started marching away from

Them before you knew it Purdue had a big lead and in the second half extended that lead a little bit more got a touch chippy for a minute nothing too bad for a rivalry game but just stupid just kind of dumb stuff from IU um looked like a kind of a

Stupid a stupid foul and um um and then Edie took issue with it when the IU player kept talking I’m sure he’s frustrated in his defense I’m sure he didn’t picture it going this way nor did Mike or uh uh I mean I use in trouble I use in a lot of

Trouble they’re they’re um they’re the the I don’t want to get too grandiose here but that’s that’s a really really badl looking basketball team right now and I know I talked about I tried to talk spin that as positively as I could coming in the winning two out

Of three was a big deal but they got crushed by Penn State they were down big at Ohio State and then they came into puru and after a couple minutes of puru just kind of patiently waiting Purdue started pulling ahead and Purdue like I said did not play a good brand of

Basketball didn’t play with much offensive flow didn’t shoot the ball very well and it was more than enough to beat IU handily uh Purdue called off the dogs there’s no doubt about it painter um took it easy on IU uh it’s a ton of fun uh puru is uh they’re just like last

Year um after they well last year was a little different I think they played IU late they played IU in the last eight games they played them on with nine or 10 to go I think that’s right uh and IU beat him and puru was 22 and two well

This time after Purdue wins Purdue is 22 and two um and Purdue won I don’t think I I don’t know if I said it 7959 if I did I apologize but um not much surprised me other than not much surprised me other than I uh um I I

Didn’t think it would not be contested it all that early it just felt like the game was completely out of hand and IU couldn’t do anything about it and that’s that’s a pretty weird thing that’s kind of like um Purdue coming off a six- day

Rest uh six day break they shot the ball like a team that was coming off a six- day break they weren’t very crisp they may have been fresh legged but they weren’t really dialed in mentally um the highlight of the game I think everybody will talk about more than anything

Obviously Edy getting right you know getting over 20 I think he had over 25 points and 13 boards something like that I’ll look at in a second um but he hit a three and he banked it not a thing of beauty at all but he hit the three so

Let’s look at the thing statistically I don’t I mean I think I’m I’m four minutes in and I don’t have a ton to say I don’t have a lot of fire about this game I think it were closer if I would have been more lit up about this one uh

Maybe I’d be in a little bit different situation um I’d have more to say but I don’t have much to say on this and uh I enjoyed it thoroughly I didn’t have to I think I talked if you if you watch my quickcast I talked about my problems watching Purdue play basketball my

Temper my inability to keep it cool um and today I was cool as a cucumber just like you were probably I’m guessing um it didn’t take much the only I’ll say the biggest failure of the day it was Fox just dropping the ball it was like

The the uh the producer went to sleep um and forgot what he was doing and we got a reprieve from Gus Johnson at that point I cannot stand listen to Gus Johnson call a game I didn’t listen to him much of it full full disclosure I

Listened to Varsity AB I listened to uh Blackman and Rell um and they’re great um but I said if PR got up by 15 I would turn the audio back on as a favor to the people I was there with and I had my audio coming through my phone we matched

It up with the pause button I think there’s a way you can do it so it works out well um but so I turned it back on get to say okay we’ll just listen to the normal tele telecast with Gus Johnson and uh didn’t have to it was silent and

Then we saw some rainbow bars with NBC on them which I I’m sure somebody here there’s some tech techn technologically minded person watching can tell me why the feed was an NBC feed it must be a deal where they swap uh some you know the signal comes from somebody

Somebody buys the signal from them I guess I don’t know doesn’t make any sense to me but what does make sense to me is that uh Purdue wins a resounding game at Macky Arena it was a blackout in Mackey um the place sounded good didn’t sound like it needed to be historically good

There was a video going around before the game which I loved it was of the 1994 puru vers IOU game when I was a freshman some of you were in similar age group of me and that was a noteworthy game for a lot of reasons but I is that

Freshman or sophomore year when I think that’s 1994 January of ’94 for Martin Luther King day uh we still had school but it was so cold on campus they canceled classes and still had the Purdue IU game on national TV and I think that’s the same game where it was

The most electric atmosphere I’ve ever been to uh even to this day maybe close for me another one right after it was puru ver Ohio State when Hummel and um the darn it Ohio State shooting guard who was a player of the year they were just going back and forth I think Purdue

Lost that game but that was an incredible environment it was really loud really electric um if I’m I may be getting these cross but Purdue I went to two Ohio State games in a row with the baby boilers puru one one and lost one if I remember correctly and I might be

Out of my order order but those were both incredible atmospheres and this uh 94 was incredible Purdue did not need that atmosphere today to put them over the top they did need that sort of electricity in Mackie but um didn’t stop the paint crew from being dialed in they

Just didn’t need to be dialed in all right so let’s look at everything together uh uh Renault uh fouled out with 7 minutes left and I I tweeted out that’s it IU the fork was already in IU they were done but Renault who they IU really

Needs him to be good renew however you want I I looks like Rena to me looks like a French be a French pronunciation um finishes with six points um and that’s that’s a big deal if you have both Renault and wear not playing well and on the other side uh Ed

Doing whatever he wants wear had 11 points for IU um Galloway has been a hero quite a few puru Wu games the last few years and Galloway was coming off a hot game versus Ohio State where he scored 27 points I think uh he had 10 points everybody was bottled up um

Purdue’s defense after that first four minutes after they settled in Purdue’s defense was brilliant and maybe we’re seeing a theme form maybe I don’t know if I can go that far yet but but we said the Wisconsin game Purdue’s defense was stifling it was excellent the offense wasn’t great this game uh Purdue’s

Defense was excellent produ offense scores 79 points but it feels a little bit disingenuous to say that was a good offensive game to me and I’ll look at the numbers here and I really didn’t look at these at all uh before getting on here I didn’t look at them on my

Phone during the game other than that the three-point numbers so Purdue ends up shooting the three-pointer not too horribly 38% making 38% of them uh Gillis carried them though in that hot streak he goes three for six um and I think he hit if I remember correctly hit

Two in a row tried to do a heat check on the third he missed it but that was nice to see because Gillis early in the game I think he pump faked or or or decided not to take a shot and it ended up mattering um Lance Jones awful game

Offensively way off his Pace what he had been he had been on that hot streak for five games in a row where he was really defining prod success um and that wasn’t the case at all today Lance Jones one for six from three only one for seven

From the from the floor seven points just one board uh any assists zero assists and two turnovers puru turned the ball over nine times and that was one thing if you were looking at this coming in if if there was a way for IU to beat Purdue it was going to be Purdue

Turning the ball over too much that’s the one thing that I looked at um and Purdue really a couple of those turnovers by the way they had won the first half for instance where Smith made a great place uh got a got a rebound I believe as it was going

Out of bounds tried to it was produced third chance they weren’t hitting shots at all in the first half and he grabs the ball tries to throw it up to the top of the key it kind of slips out of his hands goes out of bounds and I think

Purdue gets the credit for the turnover there Smith gets the thre credit for the turnover um and it was just a hustle play and it’s kind of a shame because he was trying to extend the play yet again like I said three chances three looks at the bucket uh and Purdue still couldn’t

Score and that was kind of typical in the first half um Purdue got better they started hitting shots but they were not hitting them early in the game so um let’s look at that real quick rebounds Purdue absolutely crushes IU 46 rebounds 31 and they were going about half speed

For 10 minutes of the game um and I mean late in the game it just felt like okay it’s over let’s just get this thing triple zeros um what else happened um okay free throw free throw shooting Edie is still struggling this is a thing I

Think you can say this now um Edie is struggling he was 11 for 16 from the line he got a lot better as the game went on I don’t think this is nerves I think this is mechanics painter touched on this in the last week if I remember

Correctly where he said the ball will kind of roll out of Ed’s hands when he’s not stroking the free throw correctly it’ll just roll off the side of his hand and uh that’s what it looks like it’s still doing to me he’s really trying to overcorrect it

If you look really trying to flick his wrist hard um to try to get the rotation going and to keep the ball in in place um hopefully he can get that squared away Purdue is now oh this is another fun fact Purdue has now won their eighth

Game in a row I think this is their longest winning streak of the season that’s kind of a big deal if you look at Rhythm and numbers and how things are going next up they have another home game versus Minnesota I believe that’s in five days so a nice another long nice

Break so is this a good thing or a bad thing for br to have this break and a chance to have two two just two games in 11 days I think it’s a great thing I think it’s something that it’s really good for these guys to keep fresh as

They get ready for the battles the battles are coming make no bones about it of course Illinois lost today um and uh just as I thought they would I think they’re going to lose one or two more before they play Purdue and I think they’re going to beat Purdue in

Champagne that’s the way I think it’s going to go but I think the Big 10 Championship will already be in hand for Purdue so we’ll see we’ll see if that I just kind of feel that like that’s going to happen um Illinois showed how susceptible they are uh to losing how

It’s a weird team that team looks like they have more Firepower than anybody on the Big 10 to me even more than Purdue when you look top to bottom that starting five is as good as anybody um and they’re also deep on top of that and

Purdue I think their depth comes to play but Purdue starting five isn’t as talented as theirs and they aren’t as old that’s a big deal so uh let’s see let me go through the points again I keep derailing myself TR man Ren only has seven points seven boards and two

Steals and I say only because it felt like he absolutely was controlling the game early in the second half or about a third the way in the second half it was his game it was awesome he was doing everything right um let’s see he was only one for four from the free throw

Line he’s shooting the free throw like he was back in the beginning of the Season I’d really like to see these things get tightened up if you’re going to get real nitpicky this is what these are things I’d look at but that said if I got a trade Trey Kaufman Ren

Absolutely being a dude with his hair on fire going after boards doing everything right or hitting his free throws if I have to choose between those two I’ll take this Tre Coffman Ren the free throw shooting will come but man uh really really solid effort but from Kaufman Ren

Even though it doesn’t show too much in the in the in the uh box score Um Zack Ed 26 points 13 boards so I was pretty close uh four assists two blocks a steel um just uh one turnover and one massive three-pointer um Braden Smith 19 points four

Assists nine rebounds four steals just two turnovers and make no bones about it he was playing All-American basketball in the first half as he waited for Zach Edy to kind of settle in and he waited for Purdue shooting to start coming around for Gillis to come around and L

Still didn’t shoot that well he was one for three but he had a big three as the game was closing out already he was already out of hand he hit a three with the it was a great possession let me let me um stop interrupting myself and I’ll continue with the Smith thought

Um Braden Smith played a heck of a game he played an All-American type basketball game in the first half and he didn’t really need to do much more in the second half but again 19 points nine rebounds four assists four steals just two turnovers excellent game so lawyer

That that one play I was talking about it was important because it’s a it’s a big play in that okay the shot clock is winding down it looks like Purdue might be in a little bit of trouble um Purdue was very patient as the shot clock was winding down they didn’t Panic finally

The ball ends up in lawyer hands out near left side top of the key hits a three he’s fouled he missed his free throw which with when you’re shooting 63.6% of your free throws you’re hitting that many guys that even hit most of their free throws are going to be

Missing them lawyer was two for three from three uh from free throw pardon me um Lance Jones his one strength was free throw shooting Off the Bench we had some points uh good to see uh Mason gills nine points five rebounds uh two Steals and let’s see overall he shot 500 from

The field uh three for six from the field three for six from the three-point line uh culvin is another good subplot if you guys are into it culvin didn’t get a ton of minutes I don’t have the minutes yet they’re not populated here on this site cvin uh played limited

Minutes in the first half as puru was struggling from shooting three a lot of people on Twitter saying this would be a good chance to see culvin I agreed it did he came in bombed a three hit it right away and then Purdue to end the

First half if you want to see some Keystone Cops garbage basketball look at the way Purdue played in the last 20 seconds of the first half it was absolutely deplorable Pur had all this momentum I think they were up by 15 or something like that right before that

They had a bad possession and they they backed it up with another bad possession um and then I’m trying to remember what happened in that half oh yeah they then they tried to inbound along painter got very angry at the officials during that time because there was some pretty

Uh pretty physical play I think culvin got fouled there was no resetting the shot clock or something for the ball grazing the rim he was upset he was hot he didn’t get that hot with the official but he was mad at him and then uh Purdue

Tried to throw a longcourt pass hit the back of the backboard IU got the ball out of bounds underneath the hoop couldn’t do anything with it um so it didn’t matter how ugly Purdue played um IU was going to be uglier okay I’m going to join you guys in the comment section

But before I do it let me do something I haven’t done I’m way out of rhythm let me thank our sponsors let me thank the good Folks at HomeField apparel head over to HomeField grab a t-shirt sweatshirt they have a whole bunch of new stuff right now they

Released I think they released five or six new products they’ve got um a black hat with the basketball script with this script on the hat in Gold it looks great uh grab some things put them in your cart in are boiled 23 check out you get 15%

Off and then when you’re on campus I was not on campus I did not have an opportunity to go to the game I don’t know if I’m going to get to another game I’d love to go to another game but when I’m on campus the first place I I say

We’re going to go if I’m if I’m in charge of the group I say we’re going to AJ’s we’re going to AJ’s we’re going to head right towards the fire station like my dad says we’re going to AJ’s on vine when you when you’re in there you’re going to find the friendliest people

You’re going to find delicious Pub Fair burgers beef and beer that’s AJ’s they are great at what they do so uh sorry for the that’s unusually late sponsorship plug but those are those are good people they they’re good partners So Adam P is loving it I was on early

Adam was on right away he was he was chomping the bit just like I was Chris Harter says love the shirt I’ve got a Nike shirt on you cannot get that at home F field apparel this is I think last year they put this out right before

The tournament and it’s like my favorite shirt I’ll be real honest I should buy two or three of these but uh I anything with the produced script I love uh but this shirt especially it’s it’s just really nice um Ted berky says uh Edy with the range just having fun yeah that

Was that was awesome to see uh Jim Ron says Hey Boer Dad how are you Jim Chris R Boy Over the F up uh he actually spelled that out he went classy on it uh hope lawyer’s okay looks like it was just a cramp to me um I think he’s okay

I hope everybody’s okay after a game like that that’d be needless to walk away with anybody injured Ted bery says uh puru with uh two and a half game lead in The Big 10 yep good point didn’t talk about the Big 10 Race other than uh kind

Of tipping my cap at Illinois’s loss all of a sudden this is what this is what Purdue was supposed to do all year but they dropped two relatively early and um the schedule is funny uh because Wisconsin looks like dog meat now I mean they they look horrible um and it’s it’s

Crazy so Wisconsin There’s No transitive property in sports we all know that but Wisconsin gets beat by Michigan and Michigan had uh Doug back in the lineup because they were at home Michigan goes on the road today um I don’t know what the final score was but at one point it

Was 45 to9 they were down in the first half um just just weird uh and I know he’s a good player but he’s not that good he’s not that good and Michigan is totally broken um Isaac isri says the ice sounds better when the Jew juice has a darker

Tent yeah today’s today’s juice if you in case I don’t know if you care but um it’s uh it’s called The Senator and it’s a it’s a six-year Rye Cask strength it’s good stuff um I usually won’t spend that much money but what a local place uh

Closed last week or they were going out of business and I found a bottle that I wanted to try so that was my celebratory drink today and it does look and sound better agree with with a with a brown liquor in it I agree uh Kevin and Albuquerque says that was pleasant to

Watch it was a nice evening was it not it was a great evening uh Andrew Lincoln says saying bolt start style out of the gates for boiler Dow yeah I’m ready to go focused flying we’re doing big things we’re getting there we’re getting there early uh I don’t think Usain Bolt ever

Had a false start that in a major race I know he had some in lower races I may have been given the false start because I was I was ready to go I was ready to start this thing I actually thought about going cuz cuz some of you guys

Have asked about I’ve talked about this with a twitch live stream and I was like okay I got to talk about the game for a couple minutes as it closes but uh I I made my mind up too late uh Pat goshal says Patrick goshal says boiler up felt

Like we didn’t play a great game I agree uh shows that India is uh is really bad they suck uh Brian Schmidt says IU is Ceno Soo I get the I get the reference uh their state in neom um it’s a tough joke it’s a heady joke but I don’t know if

It’s Soo okay um Keith uh clut says what a fun game that was I think again I think you’re GNA find mixed results when you talk to your I a friends they’re not going to think as many happy thoughts as you have right now you should text them

And ask them just check in on them see if they’re okay see if they had a good evening uh Jimmy Jones says Ed is going crazy wow it’s an honor to have Jimmy Jones here uh need of being versed says the ed3 was a religious experience for

Me yeah that was fun it was fun to see the the Mackie crowd was just like having a great time I think right after first tried to hit a three if I remember correctly and he missed it but the crowd was so ready to see backto back big man

Threes I know first hits threes so does tkr it’s not a big deal but Edie just taking it I think I think he only has CR I think that was he gets credit for that’s his first official three if I remember correctly I think the other one he took didn’t

Count cuz his toe was on the line I believe that’s the case you guys can tell me if I’m right or wrong H&H Productions prod says Zack Edy with the three Todd schester says not an instant classic not at all Todd uh but I’ll take it same glad covin got some run same

Here Jim Ron good to see culvin playing Brockton Davis oh no Fletcher hopefully nothing serious he’s fine Jimmy Johns again uh first 2020 win since 33 that was a good stat it’s a good stat by Jimmy John’s 1933 1934 season it’s the first time Purdue has beaten IU by 20 plus in

Both games since that season it’s a long darn time and um yeah that’s that’s that’s a lot of fun um it shows how far apart these programs are right now I got bad news for IU it’s going to be really rough the next couple years too I know

You can say that this is all the Zach ETI show you can claim that all you want it gets no easier for you clowns so you better do something um let’s see uh brockson Davis says a big shot by culvin always ready he’s always be ready and he

Was um Preston banck says 3D Matt Loveless says boilers Ed Albany I was actually feeling sorry for the IU coach Woodson I thought painter would pull the starters with five minutes left I did not feel sorry for Woodson or anyone else on IU’s Ben I’ll be real honest I

Don’t feel sorry I I I i’ I’ve admited I like Galloway like I like the player I think he works really hard he would have been good at a Purdue in a Purdue uniform he made his decision I don’t feel sorry for him this isn’t life or

Death it’s nothing like that I’m sure these guys are all happy with Coach Woodson is a millionaire from the NBA and now he’s a millionaire again from IU his Alma moer feel sorry for No One everybody made decisions the decisions are have consequences no reason to shed

A tear in your uh in your water or adult beverage this evening for IU or their uh their players or coaches uh Ed albanes uh okay and in Colorado says hard to believe it hasn’t happened since 1933 34 um double 20 plus victories I agree Nate Anderson cheers um let’s see who’s

Johnny said coven looked good he did and and I would have liked to see more uh he looked he looked very good he’s a good player he’s a good player but there’s there’s got to be some lesson being taught that’s all I can think and I’m

Going to trust payter on this thing I just don’t think it’s that big of a deal to get hung up and there’s only so many minutes colvin’s a good player uh I’m not going to go any further in thinking that there’s anything else to think here other than there’s something being

Taught and I hope it’s a good thing I hope coven’s learning and I hope he is an absolute mother next year and just lights the world on fire I hope he does it this year I’ll be honest there’s a lot of basketball to be played and there

Is a chance that Purdue needs a dead eyee shooter to come off a bench in a big game down the stretch why not why not cvin why not miles covin right um let’s see uh nolm 23 says who is this colen kid yep I haven’t seen him in a while he

Looked good Adam P says not uh much surprise you free oh my gosh Adam very good point thanks for bringing this up free chicken Ed three 20 plus Victory margin okay let me go through the points you have many points here in your comment free chicken that I I don’t know

It’s only happened once this year I think this is the second time free chicken is a surprise um IU shoots free throws I think relatively poorly um I don’t know if it was the guy that transferred from Ball State who missed the second free throw but yeah uh Rob

Blackman had fun with that every time IOU step to the line so that’s awesome congrats to all who have a ticket get your free Slim Chickens because it’s very very good chicken I’m a big fan um Ed 3 I don’t know if that surprised me I thought this would happen sometime down

The stretch it reminds me a bit of like whenever you have a great player in All-America and you have a game or two that’s kind of special atmosphere Glenn Robinson had the game I think versus Illinois where he just I think he scored 49 points and everything was going in

Everything was going right I think there’s another one of these coming from Edy and I don’t even think this was the the game where everything was going right I think it just got the three tonight 20 Point Victory margin the spread was 17 and half 18 points I don’t

Bet you guys know that if you watch just show regularly so I’m not too surprised they beat the spread I actually thought they’d beat the spread um I had a friend ask me about that I think my son asked me about it so I’m not too surprised by

The 20o victory just because I think IU is not very good um who Johnny’s lawyer played terribly he did on offense uh I really didn’t pay much attention to him on defense but he may have been the guy getting lost early in the game everything tightened up everything

Worked out okay I’m not going to jump on that bandwagon lawyer’s been playing pretty damn well too but lawyer and it’s pretty amazing think about that this part of the reason the Optics are so bad on this game you have both lawyer and Jones play poor games offensively in the

Same game and Jones really didn’t play a very good defensive game either and puru still walks to Victory pretty noteworthy Matt B says that’s relaxing and fun agreed boilers 012 says uh love LJ even when he’s not stuffing the stat sheet he brings the energy yep L Jones is the

Dude man Andy in Colorado I was glad uh to be cool I hate it when I get mad and start yelling at the TV same here um John Fry says I kind of like the period of time without the announcers still get the court noise feels more like you’re

Actually there okay I said this to my my pals at BS and I said this to my son I used to travel a lot internationally with my job I don’t do as much now um but I used to go to China a lot and we were just board one day we had Factory

Visits one day and um another V another day we were just in the hotel looking for something and we found on a International Sports Station a feed of a Duke basketball game and it had no graphics and nobody doing play byplay and I don’t even know what that feed would be called but

That’s what we saw today and I got to tell you it’s pretty darn refreshing isn’t it it’s pretty fun and I agree if that were an alternate station so like let’s say you know there’s so much the ability to do this with streaming services right now is easy peasy but

They could do that and I think you might have people subscribe just to watch a game in peace I mean I watch it with the mute button because that’s how I do but um getting rid of the graphics was kind of tough because I actually I was like

Okay what’s the score right now you know what’s the you know that sort of stuff we we’re pretty addicted to that if you got to go back to being my age pretty much or maybe a little bit younger to remember games that didn’t have the graphics package always on didn’t have

The bug on the screen but yeah it was pretty great to just have the sound of the Arena without Gus Johnson ruining insulting your ears Kevin and Albuquerque says I you seem to have a game plan for about three to four minutes agreed it was very effective um

That was working in particular on the offensive end and then uh reversion to the main yeah they they reverted hard Uh Kevin pass says nice chill win Todd Scher says back in the day Jimmy Oliver banked in all of his threes from any angle Jimmy Oliver was one of my favorite boilers

Underrated boiler not a lot of people talk about him good reference you had Jimmy Oliver and Chucky white were a one2 punch Oliver would go high off the glass incredible he had a short NBA career too good player both those guys I mean if you’re just going to look at

Dudes from Central Casting that look like basketball players Chucky white holy moly uh great great Beast of a basketball player could just crash the glass but I love both those guys I love that reference thank you for bringing him up um let’s see I’m I’m going to

Skim down a little bit um where am I have I did I go backwards here oh I think I think we got the same message twice a couple times Adam says woo Adam got to be in the house tonight a lucky boiler hadn’t in the game in a little

Bit and so he got to go to the uh you purdo game Albuquerque boilers says nice Gathering of boilers in Santa Fe tonight couldn’t have asked for a better result my college roommate Albuquerque boilers is in Albuquerque actually and I don’t think think uh you I don’t think you’re

Being koyi here and this is actually him but my college roommate lives in Albuquerque or in the Albuquerque area I believe um and um yeah I it’s great to hear boilers getting together far across the country I’m glad you’re tuning into here uh to tune in here to be with us

After the game Motor City boiler by by the way says winner winter chicken dinner yep right on um Matt B I think I missed this one says uh yeah he said somebody about something about the IU sucks chant um it was valid it’s always valid to do that um London weathers says

Uh did you see the Coleman Hawkins whining as MSU went down for a five on four three-pointer yeah I saw that he I know he got teched up today and Hawkins I’m always sad when Coleman Hawkins gets has a bad day because he seems like such a level-headed good

Dude um but yeah uh he’s he’s he talks a lot and you know I I in his defense I probably would be like him if I were a BigTime athlete cuz I would get in front of the mic and say stupid things I mean he’s I don’t know if he’s 20 probably

Right he’s been on campus a couple years I don’t know how old anybody is anymore because of the screwy rules and the transfers and the covid Dead period whatever I mean I I really don’t know sometimes guys feel like they’ve been there 100 years and they’ve been there too it’s legit

They’re freshman sophomores Juniors but I think Hawkins is actually a legit Junior I don’t know I really don’t care I’m not an Illinois fan uh but yeah um he’s he’s tough to like um he is annoying Matt Harrington says three 3at 3D 3D yep that one’s hard to read but I I

Spelled it out t hre d y just my way to do it mon Steve says losers uh Nate Dolan says Uh there’s a lot of Nate’s in the chat agreed um I think we’re Dustin Briggs says uh what was up with Gillis walking away frustrated right after

Hesitating on his first three he didn’t even finish the play I I think to me if you look at that play it looked like he was just frustrated himself for not just pulling the trigger that’s what it looked like to me I don’t know I don’t

Know if we’re going to find out I don’t know if a post game um uh comment is going to be made on that uh I I like you guys I will watch the postgame pressers see if there’s anything to glean from generally there’s nothing to glean from those things other than like body

Language and how people are doing and I would love to hear somebody ask or somebody talk about cvin and painer did that last week or the week before talked about all the guys that don’t play guys like Heidi I think Heidi had a good couple minutes right where he had a real

Strong finish in the second half he’s so good he doesn’t play very much so that’s tough um let’s see uh where is Judith um Judith Johnson’s on here and so is my hog I didn’t read you guys’ comments I’m sorry uh there’s so many I just want to

Get through it and not be on here an hour and a half um but I appreciate you um uh Michael hog says I wonder how many Koozie watch lists are kicking themselves for not including Braden have a good night hammer down boiler up yeah um I don’t know if those Koozie watch

List people care I I wish I wish they did Michael I’m with you and and Braden has shown his value and shows he’s he’s one of the top 10 guards of the nation but if you get into that muck in the comment section of of different places

Whether it’s on YouTube or Twitter you can find people that really believe Braden Johnson isn’t good my assumption is they have not watched him play and I hope they watch him play tonight Purdue had a lot of eyeballs on them tonight because they had the big stage on Fox

Fox of course wet their pants as they had the chance to do something big but Braden Smith did not dick still wagon says uh watching my grandmother my rain uh please say hi there Marine hello boiler up hammer down glad you’re watching that’s awesome um uh I I never know exactly what the

Demographic is but I appreciate myene being here uh Dylan cun says uh uh how about them boilers how about you Dylan being here it’s a boiler maker right there taking a break that dude is a hardworking guy he’s he’s I don’t know if you’d call him a Rancher but he does

Ranching type things he looks like a a guy that’s wrestling steer and horses and things I don’t know Dylan you’re a macho guy um let’s see um Dylan [ __ ] Al also says uh Purdue hockey going into the second period right now tied at zero against IU Dylan’s a big big Purdue

Hockey guy um I’ve been trying to feed that as much as I can I don’t know much about hockey I I don’t try to talk about things I don’t know much about I love seeing them succeed it sounds like the club team’s trying to get to the next

Level I don’t even understand that but it’s great it’s great and my college roommate who lives in Albuquerque is from Maine I tried to adopt Maine hockey during college and I never got there so so it’s a great sport though honestly um John best says Purdue had two

Commercials did anyone else see an IU I don’t remember an IU commercial I remember the Purdue commercial where the guy was taking the picture of the girl um and it was on mute in my house and I made fun of the commercial um and I don’t know if it’s a good commercial but

I made fun of it it might be a great commercial but she was doing a lot of stuff and um I assume me that she her dreams something big was going to happen afterwards after her graduation but she was was on the Salt Flats going about 30

Mph it looked like on a moped and um I don’t know if that’s going to get any speed records uh Henry Wier says do the students still get chicken despite chanting the forbidden phrase yeah they get it they get that chicken that counts regardless of what they chant Nathan

Harman says uh Lance change uh changes the overall attitude of the team for the better uh the confidence absolutely but Henry’s reference referencing IU sucks of course I I I’m positive student did us all service by really letting now you have it um I I am a big proponent of the

Students chanting it I don’t chant it I’ve said this before I don’t chant it students have at it good for you keep the Rivalry warm any way you can because IU isn’t going to do their part um Nate Benner says also for the broadcast where can you hear the fans and not the

Announcers beautiful time to watch it was um all for all for a broadcast working it doesn’t exist I don’t think I wish we could get that feed um but we can’t Nate uh so there that’s one of the 15 NES too um I think that’s it I think

We’re going to call it a night been great hanging out with you guys uh hope you enjoy your evening um Purdue is 22 and two uh we can look ahead the schedule but right now it’s just Minnesota in five days at Mackie Arena I believe that’s right I

Can double check it real quickly but I think that’s true um UE is on their eight uh an eight game winning streak yep it’s versus Minnesota Minnesota is a prettyy interesting team I’ll tell you what if you want to get really dig into the weeds of the Big 10 right now ruer

Playing good basketball they’ve got a new addition to their team somewhat new and they beat Wisconsin by a thousand today in the rack um I think that’s right I think it was that and interesting team if nothing else U how many Big 10 teams how about this put

This in the comments put your thoughts and why you believe this how many Big 10 teams are going to the dance something we can talk about um I think I think only four have earned their way in a as of right now but I think a lot

Can get in and there’s a lot of basketball still to be played there’s a lot that can happen in these next seven eight games if you get into the tournament even more but that a lot A lot can happen um let’s see there’s a lot of talk over here um Jean was at

Judith Johnson Jean was at the game Jean Katy was at the game he was on the TV he was at the game that is uh that is awesome um great to see Jan Katy and I and I’ve said it before I will say it again reiterate it Purdue getting the final

Four to me is important I want Jean Katy to see that this is his culture that’s that painter has continued to play with painter has made it different made it a little bit better the offense is better than it’s ever been under painter but the culture is Jean Katie’s

Culture he built this thing and I know there were coaches before that and I know there were um great players before Katie but the way Purdue looks and the way Purdue is perceived is Jean Kat’s program and I would like him to see that final four I’d like to see a final four

I’m not going to make this completely selfish I’d like to see this final four I’d like my dad to see a final four but I’d like to see a final four too but I really like Jean Katy to see it so um and that’s it I mean it this time God

Bless you hope you have a great evening it’s 10:55 you got plenty of time to go out and enjoy yourself um hammer down we’ll talk to you soon see you


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