Golf Players

Fascinating Lexi-Maxfli Deal, Pebble News & PGA Show Reax | Fully Equipped Ep. 226

What stood out at the 2024 PGA Show? Fully Equipped’s Ryan Barath and Gene Parente provide a full breakdown of the gear lover’s paradise. With Jonathan Wall, they talk about all the latest news in golf equipment.

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And welcome back to another night edition of fully equipped I believe this is going to become a regular thing boys and this week when I say boys I mean Uncle Jean in RB live from Pebble for everybody that out there that now knows hopefully you know fully

Equipped is now on YouTube and we are are uploading all of the episodes to the new fully equipped YouTube page so if you’re watching this you’re seeing RB and Uncle Jean inframe together at Pebble I’m very jealous boys how we doing we are great we are really great

We’re not staying together by the way we’re this is a couple inquir want to know but come on there’s there’s there’s only so far but we want to show that you know to our regular listeners out there that two opposite sides of a discussion can get together and break bread so you

Know and maybe drink some wine it’s wine which may be coming shortly if my brother comes into frame because he has no idea that we’re uh recording this I may have to like just wave him over just to get a little wine just to keep me going 100% gotta gotta gotta keep Uncle

June lubricated um anyway all right we’re gonna get to the pebble talk but there was a lot going on last week PGA show Arie and Uncle Jean were both there and listen I I think we need to at least recap the PGA Merchandise Show because I I will be I’ll be

Frank I I have I have blasted the PJ merchand I show in the last couple of years I me personally I don’t see the value and I don’t know I I talked to some people there on the grounds it sounds like the show’s making a comeback uh maybe I should change my

Tune what what say you guys what was what was the seen like in Orlando it was busy and I I feel the same sentiment from a lot of people um the floor was was busy it was a couple I would say like 20 2019 was like the last

One where it was like it felt more spread out and they’ve definitely from like an organizational perspective cut down on floor space like 100% like it is they’ve I would say it’s probably 2third what it was like five six years ago but what is in that for space is all like

Really good stuff like they tried to fill it with pickle ball a couple years ago and yes there was like a pickle ball court there still and like I know nothing about pickle ball so I can’t comment if it was cool or not I have no

Idea but as far as Golf and what golf like what we concern ourselves with there was a lot of people I think a lot of people thought that it was a a good place to be that that week uh I was only there for the Wednesday it’s always the

Busiest day the first day after demo day floor was was packed it was it was great to see the way that they had organized the show there was an area for for new product that was specifically showcased the oems had their own spaces clothing companies had

Their own spaces and then where Jean was at the end of the range like that was another again another Total Space on its own and considering how many times I’ve been to the show at this point which I think it’s probably it’s probably four or five probably probably at five now it

Was it was busy it felt busy it felt like there was a bit of a buzz people were excited and whether that’s because like you know to be very Frank business is booming as they say um but there definitely seem to be a positive direction and another thing too I think

There was a lot of people who were like really serious about this again this sounds really bad or like you know a phrase I don’t like not about growing the game because I don’t think that’s a fair sentiment but there there was a lot of people there

Who like focused on things outside of just like trying to sell people something about whether it be organizations or different presentations about bringing people into golf or those kind of things like there did seem to be a lot of that as well which I think is something that probably was lacking uh

You know before that I’d seen it this year well you know it’s interesting getting feedback because uh to your point jwall everybody especially a lot of the you know exhibitors a lot of times they can be Doom and Gloom about oh is this worth it Etc and a lot of them were really

Surprised that I talked to and they’re like attendance is up and it’s kind of like the economy as a whole everybody’s been waiting for this recession right and there’s just been this recession recession recession and it’s probably been going on for two or three years and all the economic data keeps coming back

Saying no we’re not in a recession and you know people are purchasing and it’s the same thing with golf everybody keeps waiting for us to return to the kind of the median or the mean meaning you know just to get back to historical averages and we’re not I mean golf is still

Booming the the one thing that I noticed that’s really interesting is the show seems to be deemphasizing equipment and emphasizing technology more there were so many launch monitor comp there were so many yes that’s I didn’t say that yes that’s that’s a very good point so many launch

Monitor companies and you know automated does does that seem like that space is big enough to to give everybody a piece of the pie it it it there’s going to have to be a ShakeOut there has to be and but everybody wants to get into it um and also golf entertainment you know

Callaway’s uh you know top Tracer Booth was bigger than their equipment Booth you know to show their top Tracer technology so um golf entertainment simulators I mean that’s that’s big business and that there’s there’s a strong emphasis you know it’s still kind of interesting I think it’s what is this

A third year tailor made is not been there at least you know they’re not they’re not coming back they’re not coming back I think it’s by four or five least five years actually I’ve only been to the show Once when Taylor Made was there and that would have been close to

A decade ago yeah so I and I and I think it’s not and this is no offense Tor we love tailor made but like nobody missed them but everyone from an equipment perspective to your point people know what’s going on with tailor made like they don’t need a booth and

Like I talked to some reps from some omem I will not mention any names because this is more than one and I’m not going to put anyone under the bus here but they were like we’re here because some of our Pros are here it’s a

Good time to get face to face but like we’re not really selling anything we’ve already sold them everything like we’ve already done our sellings whereas the clothing companies they were doing bookings for the fall right right they’ve got Booth set up they got appointments set up they are doing

Booking so this is it is this unique situation where all of these companies and I talk some I did talk to someone on the record like COBRA they were like look our Booth’s different it’s more open it’s more experiential because we want people to like experience our brand

But we’re not here actively selling we want to showcase stuff but no one’s walking around booking appointments to like sell 50 Putters like the goal is just to have people come in and experience it and have fun and like see what the product’s all about if you haven’t seen it already because that’s

Why we’re here it’s it’s almost like it’s becoming instead of a sales thing a marketing uh you know the I’m I’m thinking I swear so uh foresight hired me to bring my mobile robot uh they are introduced or have introduced the GC quad Max which I

Teased a couple of PODS ago with RV because it has a swing training aspect you don’t need to hit a ball so you can do speed training on it and so um I was able to highlight a lot of the technology of the GC quad Max it’s a really interesting unit it’s a

Significant upgrade and it’s worth looking at but the thing that I got a kick out of was I must have had 50 people come up to me with their iPhones hey I’m soand so from something and I’m like I have no idea who you are and you

Know here’s 30 seconds with the robot and I’m like how many people you got really following you and watching this but I mean you know we know some people love the robot yeah well people love the robot because you know it’s just just it’s something

Different in in a sea of you know kind of the same thing yeah but but what was more fascinating was I it seems like you know to what RB was saying about Cobra it’s almost like a marketing uh exercise at this point to get the word out to get

You know the brand out so that you know people are interested and it’s at the you know the front of their mind when they start making their purchasing decisions in the next month or two yeah for the most part I don’t think that you see anything new and I’m

Speaking specifically to the to the Gear front you don’t really see a whole lot new I know although rbu did post a couple of pictures ping I know had some had some forthcoming irons that were were on the show floor so there there is a little

Bit of new and I think that’s that’s mainly the the reason if you’re a journalist if you cover gear for a living like we do that’s maybe the reason why you go but let’s be honest I the stuff that you saw on the floor I

Saw I saw it I saw it at ping headquarters so it’s it’s it’s out there but I I think to your point though and it’s a good one maybe the what people are coming to the show for is changing and maybe that’s why I feel like I’m

Changing my tune a little bit is you know it just feels like if I were to go to the show now an RB you were there and I think you’ve kind of said a little bit to this point which is it’s more to just see the people it’s it’s more to to

Catch up in person we we correspond with a lot of these folks via email and zoom calls it’s not so much to get product downloads by the time RB shows up in Orlando I mean he and I have have already cranked out a whole bunch of writeups we’re we’re deep into to

Prepping for Club test in the magazine we’re on to producing and and getting things ready for robotic insights it just the Cadence has changed it’s it’s no longer that we’re going to the PGA show to see new product for the very first time we’ve already seen it we know

What it’s doing there’s still value to it don’t get me wrong I just think that that maybe from my perspective it’s like I need to stop looking at it just simply as like what’s the value of going to Orlando there is a value there it’s just it’s changed for somebody like me

Whereas others are getting to experience the gear for the first time and that’s pretty awesome I I I I totally agree with you I don’t think it’s about the gear I think it’s about running into people in hallways running into people you know at at you know the bar at the

Hotel across the way and just catching up and getting kind of you know industry information and you also get people that are out of their kind of environment you know so you guys jump on a zoom call like I do or you go to an HQ or you know

An R&D facility and when you’re sitting there one-on-one with people number one you get to know them and you’re establishing relationships but number two you get some good dirt sometimes you know as to as to what’s really going on and and and it’s uh that’s that’s what I

Find and I’m always like surprised at how I mean you know uh telec Communications via the Internet is amazing but there’s something about being in person and just seeing someone’s reactions and you’re able to uh kind of there’s an intimacy there that information is exchanged more freely

Than it is in other forums I found yeah was there anything that you saw during your time in Orlando that that impressed you surprised you something that you you didn’t expect to see when you showed up again it’s it’s not it’s not gear like I but let’s look at like non-gear RB I

Mean was there anything else that that like piqu your interest Puma’s got some really cool shoes like they got some new like classically styled stuff that is going to appeal to more of the traditional which I don’t think we’ve really ever seen before but they still then they got

Like a chunky dad shoe with with spikes in it and I’m like these are pretty sweet and I think um saw the malbon booth they were doing they were doing some bookings they had some like limited edition Putters I don’t know who made them but it was like

Interesting to see did they have a Jason dayline out yet uh no not that I saw 90s Cardigans and the jenos and the the whole shebang I was I I spent a few minutes in there uh I didn’t really say didn’t like talk too much I just kind of

Like browsed took a couple pictures but um I do think that like Golf and I and I say this to someone who you know smugly or non-s smugly or very self-aware belongs to a country club with a dress code where like I can’t wear certain things and

It’s like man that’s like half my wardrobe like I’m being serious and I hope some of that and you know what I hope some of this does filter down because it is it is one of those things where I hope that there is like I I understand tradition I understand like

You know etiquette and all of these things but there is a point where there has to be some merging of two things and you know I would say like four four or five years ago I would say a lot of the clothing geared geared towards like younger people or even women were let’s

Say on the borderline of like I don’t want to say inappropriate but like you know pushing the envelope like really far and it’s been pulled back a little bit and I’ve seen brands that have really uh like again I sent stuff to my wife I was like like this approaches women’s fashion very

Differently than you’ve enjoyed using like you’ve you’ve like interacted with golf stuff because you know what you would see on Instagram isn’t something you could actually really wear to the golf where someone is wearing that because of like you know they’re getting paid to wear it and then you know

They’re looking to get clicks on Instagram be very you know very self-aware of that stuff but to me I think the idea of like there is this evolving Trend now I say it from a the standpoint of quote unquote a younger person who’s nearly 40 in the

Golf industry right so what does that look like for someone who is actually 20 or 25 or 30 who is trying to get into the game who wants to approach the game and have a lot of fun and just do things a little bit differently and I believe

That that’s really starting to change I I hope that it’s starting to change because you know the the stuff that’s the big baggy or like you know the traditional golf clothing it has a place it always has a place just like a tuxedo always has a place as far as formal

Attire is concerned like no offense you can’t wear a tuxedo at some point you’re never still never going to be able to wear a a tuxedo t-shirt to a state of the union dinner right you you never know maybe never know someone know off but I do I just think there is this

Movement of like forward that’s happening it’s slow it’s golf it’s always going to be slow I don’t want it to be slow but I want to see change I want to see this development of things being a little bit more approachable and side note I got this sweet sweet sweet

Sheamus head cover that looks like the Costco logo from their Booth I looked I went and got it for myself I paid Cold Hard Cash for that thing and uh you know seeing stuff like that is just it’s it’s fun to be there in person and know like

Hey I was at the show I was able to buy that it’s pretty neat that’s awesome all right well I think the the overall the consensus here is that the show is changing and it’s it’s moving in a good direction and I like to see that I you

Know I don’t think that I want us to live in a world where the PJ Merchandise Show isn’t a thing I think there was a point during covid where I think everybody wondered if the show was going to come back and if so what would it

Look like because when it did come back it it was it was not the same show the juice was gone a lot of Manufacturers were pulling out you weren’t quite sure who’s coming back so it is it’s nice to see the PJ Merchandise Show having a little bit of

Re of a Resurgence and and hopefully that continues going on in through this year and to the next show next year um all right couple things that I did want to plug before we talk about Lexi Thompson and maxfly golf balls I can’t believe we’re gonna talk about maxfly on the

Podcast um but two things one so you’ve heard us talk about the 2024 Club test that that golf does we have our our Proving Ground which is our player testing and then we also have our robotic testing and we’ve started to release this week all of our Proving

Ground writeups we have a couple left I know RB is going to be pending one on his testing experience with pxg for the following week but we have up on the site right now miss we have we we have Zio Taylor Made Callaway ping all basically a lot of the

Major players all getting oh there’s Jean in his wine and RB with a beer I was about to say if RB’s drinking drinking wine I I was gonna be a little bit surprised he seems like a beer beer man to me but anyway go check out our Proving Ground

Writeups it’s where our our editors and writers offer their their takes on testing all the latest gear we still believe in player testing feedback you know we’re not emphasizing it as as much as we used to because we believe that the robotic insights are extremely important and again they offer an

Unbiased look but we have a a wide range of handicaps and it is really fun to to see our testers offer those takes and and pick out products that I mean look Connor federo when he went to Ping and I got a lot of [ __ ] for this

For and maybe it was just for the the flagrant headline you know Conor gained if if you if you’re looking at at total I think he gained 44 yards on his on his previous gamer driver by switching to the the Ping g430 Max 10K and I did

Highlight in the story for those of you that didn’t just read the headline you know Connor was at 4,200 spin with the driver and it wasn’t like he was playing an old driver but it is fun to to have these stories because it highlights not just the importance that

That new gear can play in your life but the importance of getting fit and I think that’s that’s one of the things that you’re going to see from a lot of our testers not just Connor but but a few others they they learned a lot about

Their gear I mean James colan is another example one of our uh big game James from he had a putter that was like I think it was seven degrees a loft he had no idea that it was just completely jacked up so again the importance of getting fit and and you

Can learn more about all the new GE on our our proofing ground writeups and to the point of being fit like I I know we I I think it was posted today Tuesday so if anyone seeing this like I hear golfers make excuses all the time and I

Broke down on our on the website of like why people make excuses the most popular excuses that I’ve ever heard and why they’re all wrong yeah why you need to go out there and just better understand your gear and Conor is Connor is the best example because look he’s he’s the

He’s a mid-level handicap he has access to equipment he has access to like getting fit but he just really never went through the process and making assumptions about your golf game and knowing more about your golf game while having a third party look at it and it’s

The same with you’ll hear in my fitting as well when I talk about it is I fit and build golf clubs like I know my ins and outs of of golf clubs but I’ll tell you I love getting behind in front of a launch monitor where someone else is is

Doing the feeding me equipment very similar to The Fitting that I did with Aaron Dill I didn’t look at grinds I didn’t look at sha and the goal was to figure out what was best for me and at the end of the day I found out that in

Most cases a lot of the stuff that I had was exactly what I needed but there was a particular club that needed a different grind and to me that was the Showcase of not looking at the product not looking at it and saying wow I didn’t think that because of this

Preconceived not oce and I deal with a lot of golf equipment so imagine with someone who really has very little knowledge of their own equipment what that can do and I think that’s why fitting is just so important and we continue to focus on why robot data is

Applied to fitting why player feedback is obviously in a fitting environment and all that comes together to help inform golfers to make decisions but also still hopefully push them in the direction of finding a fitter they can work with and feel confident about their

Gear you know to to World it so uh my brother who’s up here with me we uh and he’s in the background pouring his drinks right now so shout out to Paul thank you um we uh uh we played Pacific Grove Golf Links today and I think one

Of the guys was in his mid to late 70s and the other guy was in his early 80s but they were out there hustling they were walking and when they teed off the ball didn’t get more than four feet off the ground like you know a really

Smoking t- shot got 10 or 12 feet off and I I just I I’m not you know unless somebody asks me what I do or probes me I’m just not gonna say anything but I just walked did do you know who do you

Know who I am you know who I am uh but I walked by and looked in their bag and one of the guys had a nine degree lofted driver the other guy had and I mean these guys they’re swinging at like 65 70 miles an hour right just shake shake

Some sense into them tell them the hell they’re missing but I was telling my brother about this I said they don’t know any better that’s my point is they are just they this is a driver and this is the driver that you tee off with and

You know I was telling my brother I’m like they should be playing and you there are some drivers out there that you can get that are up to like 14 degrees right you know but they needed you know somewhere between a three and a

Five wood to get the ball in the air and the game would be so much more enjoyable for him because they’d hit the ball another probably 20 yards further as and it was really wet out there so we’ve done that test Jean yeah I know with your robot driver versus 3-wood and

There are it’s just fascinating to see you know like we’re we’re doing a great job with information and we’re doing a great job educating but man there’s a long way to go you know what’s what’s the what’s the old the the old saying you can lead a

Horse to water but you can’t make him drink I don’t but like for these guys I don’t think they get the information you know and and they belong to the Pacific grobes Gro men’s club and they play two to three times a week and you know I mean they were they’re you know

Technically sicko golfers as far as but that just like their knowledge of equipment it was just fascinating to watch and I think that more common than not as as to you know what this is but it’s the same thing with fitting and things like that they will spend the

Money to play and be out there but you know I looked at all their gear and it was probably 15 20 years old and that’s fine I don’t care the age it’s just get the right gear that helps you you know to make the game a little bit more

Enjoyable we’ll get to some takes on amateur gear at Pebble in a minute yeah I’m sure I’m sure RB does have a a couple of spicy ones um the other the other thing that I wanted to plug if you didn’t listen to last week’s podcast um go back and listen I’m biased

But it it’s it it is a really fun free flowing interview with Scotty Cameron thank you to those that that have reached out and and all the positive feedback that you’ve sent my way on that interview I had nothing to do with it I just asked the question questions but

Scotty told some incredible stories we we we’ve tried to to plug a few of those a little bit more than others but the one about tiger and the putter the trellium putter that he that he kind of moved the neck back on that tiger had bent during the the 99 Buick at

Tor listen I’ve I’ve heard a lot of stories over the years but not as many as G as Jean but I’ve I’ve been grateful to have been in the room with a lot of really important people not just tour Pros but but the guys that have actually made the made the

Clubs and the Reps that have worked on the gear with the pros I I don’t know man that story Scotty told might be my my favorite and that’s saying something it was it was so good anyway go listen to the podcast if you I’m just that’s my way of of teasing

It heavily go listen to last week’s pod with Scotty Cameron it’s well worth your time it’s O it’s over 90 minutes but listen to it listen to it on your ride to and from work for a couple of days I used to have a 45 I used to have

An hour drive to work that was a that was a full podcast anyway that was a good one I liked it I listen to I actually listen to it on the the airport because I didn’t hear it I I’m like it you know as a as a golf nerd I was I was

Curious to hear it you didn’t you didn’t give me any inside access to early listening so I just listened to it when it dropped I need those we need those listens man even even even if it’s us just patent our own podcast we we need those listens

U anyway all right we’re gonna we’re gonna save Pebble towards the the end of this pod because I do want to discuss Lexi Thompson and her new golf ball deal with maxfly so I mean when when was the last time do you do you think before this week that maxfly was

Relevant back in the 90s I said daily because I know we actually had this discussion behind the scenes but daily I worked golf retail so that was like whatever a long time ago now and the maxfly maxfly kind of maxxfly had the noodle for a long time and then uh they

Ended up with the maxf fire and the maxf Fire tour and the maxfly Fire tour which according to every source that I was able to talk like talk to and understand was the max F Fire tour was the same ball daily used it was a urethane cover

Golf ball but what was very interesting is it was a midlevel Price Point golf ball so I think at the time it was about $35 Canadian so in the states that was probably like $29 or $29.99 at the time when most let’s say Proby won was $

39.99 so that was a good value golf ball and I we played those a lot a lot of the guys I worked with big box store we played those golf balls because because they were cheaper you know we’re all work all kids work in retail like you

Know it was a good it was a golf ball that spun it went far but it was cheaper than the other options and it was it was a really fun golf ball to use I actually think I have a couple kicking around my in my shop somewhere um it sounds like the precept

Lady no three it was three-piece though the lady was only ever two-piece right like but but I’m just saying like it’s one of those golf balls where where it it feels like it’s you’re it was a cult golf ball you’re getting some you’re getting some performance ins out of a

Golf ball that you know it’s it’s not it’s not the high you don’t have to pay a whole bunch for it anyway continue yeah and so that like to me that was like the last time maxfly did anything and that was kind of it and then it

Became um I know golf work like golf works like w r k s the the golf equipment supply company they would sell their golf bags and I think is the reason they do that is because Dix owns the maxly brand now which we’ll get into yeah but they also bought golf works as

Well as a as like a component supply company so I think they do they use that company for distribution to their stores for repair their repair shops as well as to Consumers as well and we have a version of that in Canada so like you can find maxf stuff online but you can’t

Find it at any other stores unless you cross the border and go to like a Dick Sporting Goods but that’s it like they didn’t have anything else um and that I mean it was kind of like daily and they tried really hard and then they just kind of

Fizzled out but you can still buy the noodle but the noodle which used to be the maxfly noodle is now just the noodle because the same not the same ballor made owned for those who are listening like does it have the fairy dust anymore it’s gone the fairy dust is all gone um

But yeah so noodle is the noodle brand is owned by Tailor Made twopiece golf ball sold in like 36 packs and it was the maxfly noodle but they sold the maxfly brand to Dix Sporting Goods but they kept the noodle sub brand as its own brand and I’m sure as far as tailor

Meting concerns that golf ball makes a ton of money for a lot of people Jean do do you test or did you test the the max flyball that Lexi’s playing did they bring yeah you did I kind of figured you did okay so let me give you let me give

You a little background uh this to me isn’t shocking at all maxfly is one of the kind of the the secrets in the industry in that uh people just think oh maxfly it’s a house dicks brand it’s not they have their own R&D team dedicated and I’m gonna be honest

They’ve spent a lot of money with me over the years making sure that these balls are right and there’s a guy named Dave Michaels who is in charge of um researching development and he is very very dedicated to making sure that these balls compete and um are equivalent to

The top balls in each category um and he succeeded and they have they have made good golf balls it the max fly line is pretty extensive within dicks and they’ve made good golf balls from Top to bottom for years and I had heard things that you know the next step in the

Process kind of her legitimacy was going to be to get a tour player so this is not surprising to me at all and it’s not surprising that she signed and is playing it because the golf ball tests as well as some of the top golf balls in the industry so it’s

Um I I think that this will cause people to look at maxfly a little closer and when they do they’re going to be surprised by what they find in in that these are uh these are performance golf balls without a doubt it’s it’s interesting that you say that because

That’s all I’ve been hearing about when I ask when I ask insiders about maxfly the quality is good quality control yeah is is really tight yeah and and the performance is there but again to your point which is the exact same one that I would have made Jean which is

People look at maxlight and there’s this stigma of it being a big box brand yeah and so automatically you just discount it you you go back to the brands that you know and you would never dare play maxfly golf ball but I think that what maxfly is trying to do is

Brilliant because they’re they’re bringing back the golf ball with like they didn’t go to the PGA Tour and try and pick off some big name that would that would they would had to spend a lot of money to do that why not get one of

The big names on the LPGA tour at the end of the day we we’ve said this how many times guys on this pod if you want to look at a setup that you should be playing or what kind of gear should should you consider playing you should

Look at what the ladies are playing look at what the LPGA Tour Pros are playing those girls could kick your ass on a golf course but their gear setups are more closely aligned with the average recreational like single-digit handicapper because they’re they’re similar swing speeds so look at what

Look at what the LPGA Pros are playing I mean yeah sure it’s fun to look what the PJ tour guys are playing we do it every week but this is a really smart move on their part because if you look at it closely it’s like all right it’s it’s a

It’s a LPGA golfer but I mean Lexi if if you’re on the higher end of the the speed Spectrum for a recreational golfer you’re probably swinging closer to like Lexi speeds and if she’s liking this golfball maybe that gets interested in it I mean there’s been enough chatter

About about the quality of these balls now you’re now you’re attaching a pro to it and it’s not just an any pro this is a really fascinating story because when it when I found out about it prior to the announcement I thought really Lexi Thompson and the first the first thing

That I thought about was man people are going to see this and they’re going to think this is Bubba Watson and vulvic all over again and that that whole deal just blew up in everybody’s face Bubba stopped playing the ball before the deal was even over I I heard all kinds of stories

About the inconsistencies that he was seeing and he just he had to go back to his his prov1 this is this is not the same story Lexi has vetted this ball thoroughly um even like look Alan basol who in his day job for he he

Runs the show for a website but Allan did a story where he spoke to to Brett fof who is Lexi’s agent he’s been Lexi’s agent since 2020 and he he laid out the story of how this all happened so Lexi’s deal with Bridgestone she’s been a bridgstone

Stafford for a while now her deal was supposed to come up at the end of at the end of last year and maxfly approached Brett and said hey would would Lexi be interested in exploring a deal with Dick Sporting Goods to play the maxlight ball and and Brett is on

Record as saying he told them absolutely not there is no way that we’re even going to consider playing this golf ball and lo and behold Alexi gets a hold of some some golf balls and I mean Brett said it like we were all in shock it was better than

Anything else that she tested it was a nice match it was a good agreement I’m sure she’s getting paid well and that’s sort of set in motion this whole deal with Lexi Thompson and maxly I think she finished 16th in her first start with the new ball she said it’s it performs

Really well in the wind it’s actually even a little bit lower spinning into the wind which she really likes so I again I think this is we were looking for it we were looking for that one gear signing that was going to actually make a little bit of noise and I told you

There wasn’t a lot out there this is it Lexi Thompson and Max Fly is going to be that big gear story to start 2024 and and to that point and this is what I think goes underappreciated and like look I don’t mean to sound like a it’s

Gonna make me sound like an idiot but like I’m out here walking the range at Pebble this week there are 60 what no uh like 70 players in the field okay so it’s half it’s a small field top players in the world now look I can walk around

As someone who watches golf pays attention to golf knows the names of professional golfers and I can go who’s that again and I got to walk down the range I gotta look at the front of the bag and I’m like okay okay okay because first of all a lot of male

Golfers on the PJ tour do not Market themselves they don’t even use social media they don’t use social media to like present themselves they don’t put themselves out there they’re there to play golf they take they take the golf is like the thing that they do and they

Don’t worry about anything else and to that point sure it’s great like you make a great living playing golf but beyond that like you are not a name that like anyone is g to know like my dad who watches golf he always ask me questions about on the weekend like he

Would go who’s who won this past week in Hawaii and I’m like oh Chris Kirk like he’s he’s like he’s legit tour play he’s won six seven times like really good player right no idea like he doesn’t know know who Chris Kirk is right most

And a lot of average golf fans know who Lexi Thompson is and if they don’t know even like you know they couldn’t pick her out of a lineup they’ve heard the name so now you’ve got a recognizable name using a new product that is a story from a marketing perspective they are

Getting way more value paying her x amount of dollars than they would get paying a a 25 to 75 or even 50 to 100th rank player in the world whose agents going to ask for a lot of money to switch to this product and yes it might

Do well in like a story but at the end of the day how much further is that going to go right if this person never wins and has because we we talk about the Tour all the time right there’s there’s not as much turnover at right at

The top and that kind of lower level there’s a lot of people that just kind of float in and out they’re very very good I’m not I’m not saying they’re not good but like Harris English could walk through the crowd at the Pebble Beach and like people were going they wouldn’t even

Know who he is unless he had a name tag that said I am Harris English I play Ping golf pubs no offense it’s just the case it’s just the it’s just a fact that’s all it is and like I come from someone who’s in golf and I have people

Who like fans on the Range come up to me and they’ll they can’t see the front of the bag and they’ll go who’s that how does that talk when it comes to marketing people know who loves proms people recognize the name she played in an LPGA Tour event last year or she

Played in a PGA Tour event nearly made the cut like people know who she is they’re getting great value and not only that they make a good product so it’s it is it is a brilliant marketing move by Max Sly again this is not all about the

Marketing it’s about the product and it is a really good golf ball and now it makes me wonder if Lexi wins if she does win with this golf ball it’s great she I think you start I think you start to see some other Pros start to consider it I hell I I even

Think you could maybe see some tour Pros I mean that’s what they were going for there have been some interesting stories about what maxly was trying to do to drum up interest in in the ball out on tour um they ended up signing Lexi instead of instead of trying to go the

The heavier marketing route but yeah I could see some other players kicking the tires on the max flyball if if she wins with it or hell even if she just starts you know playing really well and starts top 10 in every week well I mean the the the the important takeaway here that

A lot of people their eyes are opening to is uh maxfly has an R&D Department within dicks and and they devote a lot of time and resources to testing and making sure that these golf balls are highly highly competitive with everything else and uh you know I know

Because dicks is a massive organization and when they make claims these claims have to pass legal and I mean you know so they don’t they don’t cut Corners that’s that’s what I’m trying to say they you know when when they have an objective and they reach the objective

And then they State what the performance characteristics are you can take that to the bank and I just think that there’s going to be especially if Lexi wins or you know she starts making a splash with this golf ball there’s going to be a little bit of

A paradigm shift as to wow dicks actually makes really good golf balls in the maxfly brand and that’s that’s gon to be wild to watch because it’s like you know it’s like the Kirkland story it it’s it’s just coming from a different angle that we’re not used to seeing and

It it I don’t know it makes it makes the golf ball World a little bit more exciting makes the gear World more exciting I think a little bit a little bit of a contrarian in amongst the the gear Blue Bloods a lot well it just it just shows

You that there’s there’s different ways to approach it and I won’t go into like proprietary details but you know who they work with who they design they’re doing stuff that’s uh right up there with the big boys and it’s um you know that’s but it’s it’s been this secret you know people have

Known about it but because they haven’t they haven’t had that marketing Splash everybody just goes oh maxfly that’s a that’s a house brand for dicks and and I’ll tell you this I test a lot of house Brands and they literally are you know some manufacturer in China they’ll just

Stamp their name on it and they’ll come and test and they’ll be like you know it’s a role of the dice like if it performs well hey they run with the test results if it doesn’t perform well they they don’t talk about it so I mean I I

Do that all the time but this is a completely different story this is this this brand has a R&D Department behind it and dedicated resources yeah I’m glad you pointed that out the R&D team because I think there were probably a lot of people out there who are assuming

That this was just some random golf ball that they picked up out of Asia and you know stamp stamped a stamped a maxfly logo on it and called it a day it’s it’s it is not that all right Pebble time one of my favorite weeks of the year I I do

Not like I do not like the proam part it’s notore it seems like say it seem it seems like an absolute beating for the guys I I think that’s that’s why now being a signature event you get the opportunity to to see some real some real quality golf there this week at

Pebble RB you were out there today can be out there tomorrow what’s the take I you mentioned a couple of gear changes but then you also mentioned some of the amp stuff which which has me interested yeah um so as far as as gear is concerned and and

Like Pebble Beach is concerned I’ve been someone who has repeatedly said you could play X gol course for like a thousand times or you can play Pebble Beach one time look I’m not going back on that take okay you know just because you’re I’m here I’m not going back on

That take but I will say it is a very cool piece of property it’s a very cool place to walk around similar to um and my wife asked me this actually today um kind of walking on the golf course stick you went St Andrews last year like how

Does this compare right and like you just at Pinehurst like how does this compare gosh that sounds so smug um to say you had nice little stretch listen I paid I paid full ticket of my own ride to St Andrews okay like I’m not oh I’m

Dying to hear the second part of this s when you just Dr that anyways to like when you walk around these places that are like historic it’s nice to be able to give him [ __ ] in person sitting right next to him there we go and you see like that’s where like

You know cam Smith hit a pot from here around that bunker on 17 or walking up I think what is it three four like f five or six like that’s where like Jordan Speed was standing over the cliff and then you’re watching you’re like wow that was like he was actually very close

To that like he’s very close to that cliff and let’s be very Frank you know the as everyone says TV doesn’t do it justice that’s a long way down and it is it is a real drop like that’s a real drop down to that beach okay you’re

Going to die at that drop yeah like I I I I get that so like when you walk around and see like this is where certain people hit shots Gary Woodland shipped from over here on 17 to win the US Open like all that stuff it’s very

Cool but from like a from an out I was I don’t consider myself an Insider in the game of golf and I know that that again that sounds very odd but like it’s so bougie it’s it it when people talk about how you know golf is not welcoming to

People of like you know people of color or um people that are getting new into the game as someone who’s like seen a lot of golf courses I it feels weird like it feels weird walking like everything’s like very expensive and I don’t know like where to go so I get

That feeling a little bit but so it’s like this it’s like this weird thing where it’s like yeah I’m here it’s very cool but like you know I don’t know how to act around some of this stuff because it is so it feels so fancy but as far as

Like the golf course is concerned it’s amazing the practicability great the hay is dope it is such a cool short course it is like I asked I was like can I go and play but they have it blocked off for volunteers all the volunteers get to

Go play as much as they want which I think is is like a great set is such a great setup so like it is really fun to see that but anyways enough of me like talking about like my own like personal opinions and stuff but like as far as

Gear is concerned it is a little bit of a slower week naturally but we are still seeing more players get into sm10 Aaron Dill is working like a mad man out there that man is everywhere he was in San Diego you saw him at Tory Pines I see

Him at the at the PGA jayall didn’t see him because jwall was in his hotel room the whole time because of the rain again was I to say I I I didn’t want to to regil people with that story I I just oh you guys laugh because I was sending you

Videos from my from my hotel room in downtown San Diego as I was watching the storm drains start to spew water out the other direction manhole covers with the water popping out anyway that’s that’s my story but yeah that Monday was was biblical rain in San Diego I I see him in orl

Now I’m here I’m seeing him again the man is everywhere um JJ Titleist was working with um Windam Clark who still noted TSI Player working into TSR uh he knows it’s as as he said like he knows it’s a faster driver um just yeah he’s way behind the curve playing TSI I mean

It’s like so they’re they’re working into it actually very funny little moment on the Range JJ walked over and as soon and the first Drive web hit he probably slowed his sing speed down to like 80 miles hour and like intentionally topped it and he goes yeah this one just isn’t

Working it’s really funny these guys do have a sense of humor out there um but again a lot of sm10 Titus guys were busy um ping guys were out there working with Putters uh Dylan was out there like grinding with a number of players just kind of going through some stuff tyus

Guys were kind of working with a few players um I got to shoot and talk like a tiny tiny bit with uh Nick Dunlap his bag that’s cool what’s what’s Dunlap like he’s nice guy he’s a tall lanky kid that he’s got how much does

You weigh do you think well I don’t want to say how much I weigh but no how much does he weigh I didn’t ask I know but I’m trying to judge I’m trying to judge he’s a he’s a strapping lad I’m sure’s strapping dude I would say he’s probably

Close he’s I would say he’s probably close to like 195 really he’s a he’s a big he’s tall he’s tall I know I know he’s tall but he looks skinny he know but his shoulders are big a broad shoulder dude yeah yeah yeah um so one of the Reps from True

Perina knows them really well um although they went to different colleges that’s the whole they bug each other about that stuff but um I got to go up and shoot his bag pretty like I I don’t want to say generic stuff but like you know pretty a bag you see of a good

Player he’s got the ls driver from tailor made did we did the what’s in the bag the the Winner’s bag um on the site but the one thing which which is really interesting his Potter is beat you don’t see it and I got pictures of it I post

Actually it’s posted on on Instagram um it’s got a black finished shaft on it and you know I hear amateur golfers all the times like I don’t want to Nick things up I don’t want to ding things up from halfway down the shaft to the head

Of that Golf Club there are chips Galore there are there is layers of the coating stripped off that shaft and he’s just like I’m rolling with it man like he doesn’t care and I think that’s kind of funny because you know these guys find a

Golf club and they stick with it and a putter is is a perfect example of it um made the six-footer do the six foter make him well he didn’t make himself any money he made him he made himself two years of made made made himself a pro

Off of that true you know that was that was such a ballsy up and down too that was awesome it was such it was so much to watch I I don’t I don’t sit around I know we didn’t talk with last week because we had the interview but like I

Don’t sit around and watch a lot of golf like I mean I do like on Sundays I’ll kind of be like okay who’s who’s winning where’s the leader at and then like check in and I I follow it like I very much follow my we don’t talk dayto day

About the results and shots that were hit and all that stuff so I don’t really like sit down all the time I’m like not that I’m calling my kids in because they really care but like we finished dinner and I was like honey I’m gonna go downstairs and like watch their rest

This golf because this is like this is a big deal this this is this is this has not happened in 30 years this is really cool to watch and my kids like coming downstairs and like in the basement where the TV is and watching golf after

Dinner if it’s on and they’re like was that cool and I’m like I’m like excited I’m like sitting on the edge of my seat watching this go down and I said this putt like this putt could change this kid’s life like legitimately changed this kid life and he made it not didn’t

Make it he poured it right in the middle and then you know two weeks later like this lumpy guy on the range from is like holding up his putter taking pictures of it you know flipping it over and getting pictures of lead tape on the bottom and all that stuff

So uh it it that was cool to see um but you know he’s still he’s still one of those guys like you know his first time being out on the whole range he’s like talking to people and like they’re showing him Putters he’s talking about like what he likes about his Putter and

Stuff they’re just because it’s an older model um is that that only non he’s got a couple he’s got a couple of non- tailor made clubs in the bag right yeah he’s got a ping 3-wood and um a strix on utility ZX utility okay with a with the big beasty hazardous

105 um I wonder that’s feels like a Scotty sheffler special it’s very similar it is like a thing like they lot of you have to you have to tell your Scotty sheffler story because that’s a good one so we’ll get to yes but but but

But before we get to that I do want to say it’s going to be interesting to watch Dunlap you know like if he has that kind of sophomore slump and I know that sounds really weird because he just won a tournament I to say he just won a damn

Tournament cheat give a minut me out nobody knew his name going into that tournament well I mean they knew his name he won you know W he was a noted college player but nobody gave him you know any chance of anything higher than maybe what a top 25 you know and and the

The the point is now RB is taking pictures of his putter like he has a lot of time uh commitments now that he didn’t before and that um that requires an intense amount of focus that requires a really good team to you know separate and say okay you get x amount of time

And then the player stays focused and that’s a lot for a young kid who just like was thrown into this so it’ll be inter I mean I’m rooting for him and I want him to succeed but it’ll be interesting to see because he’s a Flatout player he he won a PGA

Tournament as an amiter that is amazing but now he’s been thrown in the Lion’s Den like everybody wants a piece of him everybody wants to talk to him everybody wants you know something from him and can he maintain that Focus while you know he he gets that kind of um uh

Exposure um and I I think at some point you know even if he stumbles a little bit he’ll write the ship just because of his pure talent but it’s just like it’s it’s just so weird you know I remember seeing a quote I was actually down in

Palm Springs that weekend and I remember like you know going online and seeing Justin Thomas saying something about can’t believe that you know some college kids competing you know on on Saturday and suddenly he wins a thing on Sunday and it’s just a whole new ball game for

Him I mean the guys that he played with on on Sunday oh was nut couple of couple of decent guys who just played in the ryer cup Justin Thom yeah I mean Sam Burns is right there it’s man anyway incredibly impressive from from Nick Dunlap but also Center

Shaft to Putters RB I don’t want to I don’t want to steal any your thunder yeah yeah so like two two this will this will trans the last like kind of thing I saw but you know I was thinking I was watching so I did watch the last little

Bit of Tori on Saturday and uh Matthew pavon hopefully I pronounced that right um um we do have French Canadians as well so like I’m I’m trying to verse myself um but he uses a center shafted Putter and I was thinking about it I said well it’s not quite a center shaft

I know it’s slightly different but like from a visual perspective it looks C shafted Grayson Murray W with a lab putter recently and as I’m walking the range today I noticed that basically every company even Scotty Cameron who has definitely shied away from it at

Least on T again this is a T part it’s not a it’s not a part available for retail has a center shafted model now pxg didn’t have a um a putter bag out today I know they’ve got Center shafted models odyssey’s got Center shafted models Bard’s got Center shafted models

I took pictures of kind of almost every Center shafted model on the on the green and I started thinking I was like they’re kind of making a bit of a comeback you talk to a lot of highlevel Fitters and they don’t necessarily like them for average golfers but if you give

These these these tools to players that are very aware of face angle and alignment and all those things I think that’s way more important than saying like it’s not as forgiving or face angle control is is more difficult because you’re talking about the best players in

The world so it is an interesting thing to see and I think that we’re going to see a few more players kind of probably maybe looking at them they do kind of pick them up once in a while um and that goes into the fact that there’s a lot of

These older and a lot of the putters now that are Center shaft that are older like pavon or um McKenzie Hughes another ping guy basically I think he kind of plays a very very similar putter with the TR GR in the whole bit so I don’t know it’s I think to me it’s

A trend that I really want to follow because I can think of a number of years ago people asked where are the center shaft Putters where are the center shaft Putters and they’re starting to kind of filter back out again I think oems are hearing that I think some players have

Gravitated W it even just from an alignment perspective so that is something that I want to follow but as far as Putters is concerned and this was like the big one today I got a lot of pictures I’m trying to figure out how I want to share this story like from a

Written perspective it’s it’s not like something that’s really super easy to digest um but Scotty Scotty Sheffer was out there today uh Logan Olen from olssen manufacturing now look they have not announced anything official but if we are going to play detective this is all open information

Okay he has worked with a lot of tailor made players so far Ellie Corda is one of them uh Scotty Sheffer obviously people have talked about it a lot um C’s not playing the putter anymore though I mean we’re no she they showed her testing and all that stuff yeah that is

She she’s back to a Cameron for those and just one recently over in in that playoff on the lpj event um on the lpj tour recent event but he’s out there and he’s working with T so anyways open information if you go to if you get like a newsletter from

Logan Olsen like it says the address and the address is Taylor May’s head office address now so look you guys connect the dots all right it’s out there this is public information oh yeah my my my buddy bought one of the the like first batch the number one um batch that just

Came out recently and he mentioned that that he had reached out ask question and it he was directed to a to a Taylor raid email address so yeah I mean yeah exactly like you say connect the dots so he’s out there he’s got he waited around I talked

Him for a little bit during the day and just like talked about how he got into putter making just like you know where where you got into like getting into this stuff and then he’s got some Putters under some head covers I could not look at them I respected the fact

That he would not let me look at them at the time and that was cool um but he was he should at least let you look at them I mean you’re going to take pictures but well I looked okay I L that I didn’t take pictures let’s put it that way okay

Good I saw them good and then he worked Scotty comes down to the putting green he’s got the whole Entourage he’s got Ted Scott carrying the bag fishing golf balls out of the hole he’s got Adrian from Taylor Made he’s got there’s a social media guy there they got Logan

Olsen there with like five five Putters including the one that like Scotty’s gamer and then Phil Kenya is chicking around too Scotty was Scotty testing he was testing and he would looked like it looked like yeah they did not convey information but I was within 15 20 feet

Of them he won a damn tournament with that new with that new Olsen putter he was conveying feel talking about sound this one feels heavier this one feels softer so maybe feedback on on some other stuff that might talking about Moi talking about alignment and what was

Really neat and this is something that I think I could probably approach I got some really they’re not they’re not like grainy pictures but they’re zoomed in pictures because I could not get in to like take pictures of it stuff but they were using dry erase marker to see where

He was hitting it on the putter face now on a personal note he is down a rabbit hole that I am uncomfortable with but it is very interesting to hear his feedback talking to this because Logan is giving his feedback on what goes into making a putter what goes into like you know

Changing these different design elements of Putters the alignment but there’s a lot going on here man like in my head I’m like all these other players there a lot of players on tour John ROM week before the I don’t know Ridder cup they hand him a

Putter and they go John this is the AI putter from modesty like what do you think it’s the same shape that you always use and he goes out there puts freaking lights out is the star of the show and he doesn’t think twice about switching this Putter and and Scotty’s

Out there he’s got five guys around him trying to figure out this stuff I’m like man you need to just like I’m sh again I’m sure a lot of people have the same opinion you need to get out you need to chill you need to get out of your own

Head just go back to that party you w the masters with and go have some fun there you go but it was very interesting to watch that process uh I will share some pictures about like kind of that what was going on um but it was it’s

It’s very interesting I think I think the reason is again inside industry but like no knowledge is like tailor M’s head of product for Putters had recently retired and I think they’re looking for someone to really be a liaison with the tour players and Logan is that guy he

Knows the ins and outs of manufacturing he knows the ins and outs of talking to people uh I watched him communicate he’s very good communicator talked to him today um Bucky does a good job but but and listen Bucky does a really good job but what Bucky does is he focuses a lot

On spider that man knows the ins and outs of work in those damn spider Putters insane like they don’t even really carry the the TP Reserve Putters out on tour because so many guys love the spider that it it’s harder to kind of work with guys with it cting out different inserts now

Too yeah like they they’ve got Bucky’s out there working his butt off and he’s a great he knows the ins and outs of those spider Putters so much but I think for players who are looking for the other option that’s where Logan comes in and for sheffler who is you know the big

Tailor man guy other than Rory they’re trying to help him out they’re trying to figure this out what about the big big guy who sits out there what do you mean tiger well there’s Tiger but Tiger’s with Tiger’s you got a Scotty he’s not changing he’s Scotty’s driving around

His some truck fixing it in the back of a parking lot when he won the Buick 20 years ago right that’s what I’m but anyways it is it’s like it is watching some of these guys go through equipment like physically dive into the ins and outs some guys pick

Stuff up love it don’t even think about it yeah other guys like Scotty watch him go through that process it’s as fascinating as like an outside Observer as it is as a golfer I’m like man if he was my buddy I’m like listen I’m going to be like listen

Listen dude we got to go out there we’re going to forget about all this stuff we’re just goonna have some fun and hit we’re gonna have an intervention we’re gonna have an intervention but it’s it’s it’s time it’s it’s 100% time for but to watch the process is fascinating because

Know they the put as a guy who builds Putters he’s like yeah he’s kind of like part he’s like psychologist right like what are you thinking what are you seeing what are you feeling like it’s deep in the weeds man that’s deep you can get very deep in the weeds at the

Putter G’s about ready to fall asleep so why don’t we wrap this pot up no no no no no I’m awake I’m awake I’m doing all right okay but we have we have covered a lot I was we have we have covered a lot did we cover the AMS before we wrap this

Pod no we haven’t but I’ll tell you there’s a lot of like old gear kicking around in bags and I love it because these guys no offense it cost like 80 grand to play on this thing these guys aren’t lacking money these guys aren’t lacking status cost it cost 80k to play

In the pram yeah I think it like last you have first of all you had to be invited well yeah it’s it’s like it’s like if you you know you have to get a spot to be able to to earn the right to pay 80 grand well the but I thought they

So and I’m gonna probably stumble on this but they got rid of all the celebrities you know the ones that mean they got rid of the Bill Murray’s the ray Romanos and they wanted to go more athlete focused yeah po gasou playing with K morawa yeah and i’ I’ve seen PA out here

Before he’s not a good golfer great basketball player not a good golfer I mean he rolled in a decent putt today but the the but like you were you seeing like the tech icons and the you know saw I think I saw some tech guys um Josh

Allen was out here Josh Allen’s been out here a lot and he doesn’t want to be out here Hees he was Super Bowl but that’s another story um but no it was like it’s it’s um like people are building clubs for him like Josh Allen pretty good golfer

Like there is from a celebrity perspective there’s a lot of guys who like just and it’s kind of one of those things we talk about all the time and you mentioned it right off the top when we talked about equipment is there are people who are just not tuned in and

They just they’re just like hoping that the person who’s like communicating with them is is going to help them find gear right and again we’re seeing I’m seeing golf bags from like the top private clubs all around the United States and like some logos I gotta look up like

That’s that’s where I’m at here all right um but to to watch these guys work on the Range like it’s still interesting because like some of the oems are talking to them and do you need anything do you want to try anything and you know some guys are seeing stuff that that

Does work better and I think it just goes to show that you know even people who get play some of the nicest golf courses in the world and get access to all kinds of stuff like they’re still looking for an edge right and they still don’t know where to

Look they might be the the golf is The Equalizer right it’s not like it’s not like a celebrity basketball game where someone like if I go to you know do a layup on LeBron James I’m Gonna Get Smoked right but if we’re playing a part three course like we’re on equal ground

Right like we all have we all have an equal playing field when it comes to the game of golf because no one’s trying to tackle us it’s us against the elements it’s us against the course and on that level I think it is this like interesting perspective where you’re

Watching people who have access to lots of stuff and they’re still learning about the game because they like everyone else wants to improve on it and why they’re grinding we and look this I think one of the greatest benefits of this tournament if you are someone who

Is lucky to play in it and I realized I’m talking to like you know so many people in this program and none probably none of them listen to this is that they get free rain a pebble like it’s Tuesday afternoon there’s no practice around the pros are

Going out they’re doing their a little bit and I just watch a pro walk up or not a pro and am walk up and say oh is there like is there room to go out now and they’re just you know out there with their their significant other and their

Caddy and whoever and they’re walking I’m like look the tournament’s cool but like I got pebbled in myself there’s no nobody no Marshall up my butt telling me to play faster that’s the coolest part of this whole bit I don’t want to be on TV on Saturday or Friday or whatever I

Want to be out here with with like my friends and family walking around this private piece of property that’s just like the coolest thing um but they’re grinding they’re they’re out there working real hard and I think it’s kind of fun they want to play good I know we

Talked about we actually there was an article on two top tips for people who are playing in in prams and they’re good ones like I think one of them is play faster and you know just have fun because you got to enjoy it it’s a pretty cool experience to be able

To do that and here to be able to do it I think is even cooler yeah it’s a good place to wrap episode 226 fully equipped Gan and Arby get to spend a few more days at Pebble rain tomorrow caning they’re canceling the practice around tomorrow we have What’s called the Pineapple

Express coming through and it’s going to be like biblical rain tomorrow really yes they well they’ve canceled for the public um yeah it’s it’s enjoy the rain boys it’s going to be messy it’s going to be like San Diego Part D I heard I heard the back end we I was

Talking to the guys at Tor on Tuesday once the rain had subsided we didn’t realize we were going to have to break out an arc but yeah they were saying that the back end of the week at Pebble was supposed to be pretty dicey so yeah hopefully hopefully they get in all all

Four rounds because I’ve seen I’ve seen way too many Pebble events where it was it was a shortened 54 it’s it’s that’s never fun nobody wants to see a log out there orb before before we again I I said we’re going to wrap I did forget to ask you this did you go

Take a peek at Cyprus no I didn’t no I haven’t I haven’t had the chance I’ve been so busy I haven’t had a chance and it’s G to be biblical tomorrow you you should really if you can no one will be you got you

Got to go to that spot you just got to drive by it was funny there’s a parking lot right there just park you can look over the fence believe it or not and so it was funny my my brother and I we played Pacific Grove and we I said

Let’s go you know let’s go have a drink at the uh in at Spanish Bay and 17 Mile Drive they said oh by the way everything’s closed you know because of the tournament you can’t go well of course anything everything wasn’t but just if anybody’s in this neck of the

Woods on 17 Mile Drive the bunkering at Cypress that you it’s such a interesting golf course because there’s so many holes that are right off of 17 Mile Drive that you can see but the bunkering is some of the most interesting bunkering I’ve seen on a

Golf course and it’s just yeah it’s it’s it’s an Inc but have you played have you played Cypress right Jean no I’m not okay yes I’m the only one on this podcast have you so you played it huh so I told I told RB where where the spot

Was that he needs to go there’s there is there is a a and it’s like I don’t want to just like again we don’t this podcast isn’t that big so like who really cares and I mean you’d have to make a trip to Cypress to actually experience it you

Gotta pay $12 to drive 17 miles if you if you are in the area off a 17- m drive there is a an outlook for fame Shell Beach okay and it’s just off it’s just off 14 before you cross the street to go to 15 yep and you can park there and I

Mean seriously all it is is just a just a metal a metal railing right there between you and you and Cypress you and the the 14th hole Cypress and there are some gnarly trees on that hole it’s a par four and I mean you can hang out

There and all I mean seriously the the walk to 15 is is like a Stones throwaway yeah no it’s it’s roll roll roll the dice you know if there’s nobody there just go just go you’re not encouraging trespassing we not we’re 100% not- encouraging trespassing although I’ve heard plenty

Of stories they they shut the golf course down um one day a year I think it was I think it was Thanksgiving or was it Christmas anyway one of them and they they I to talked to a couple of guys that said that they started having to get security because

People that day would just start trying to go to 15 and 16 to hit shots yeah well it’s mostly 16 but 15 is is a very underrated part three what’s what’s so interesting is when you drive by the entrance there’s no security gate nope it just says it just says Cyprus

Private C private golf course members only you know it’s a very understated Clubhouse yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s my favorite that that and that and Pine Valley and this and this is from a humble brag that’s played Augusta too so I have I have played the trifecta but

Yes Cypress for me man it was have you played have you played Pine Valley I have I played Pine Valley oh I hate you I really hate you you now like I said I’m the outside I’m outside yeah i’ I’ve I’ve played I’m I’m one of the lucky few

That has played the trifecta and consider myself incredibly grateful to have done it but Cyprus was was amazing the the whole day like Chamber of Commerce day weather could not have been better um the company that I had for the round like the best we had so many

Laughs it just cool day cool experience but the golf course it lived up to it and more and I can’t I can’t say that about every golf course that I’ve been super excited to play but definitely Cyprus again that’s that’s the end of my humble brag let’s wrap the

Pod that’ll do it for episode 226 fully equipped as always check us out on our social channels we are at fully equipped on Twitter I will not call it X and we are at FIP golf on our new YouTube page and also on Instagram thanks as all for listening we’ll see you next



  1. Regarding center shaft putters, I don't believe Lydia Ko was mentioned. Over the last couple of years I've seen her use different iterations including PXG and now a Scotty Cameron SSS TG6. All which seem to be unfortunately tour issue only

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