Before Hitting Your Driver Do This For More Distance! (CHEAT CODE)

If you are looking to optimize your driver swing and gain more distance, then this is the how to video for you! Milo Lines and Henry Fall are back at Cool Clubs in Scottsdale, Arizona with Jack Gilbert to uncover a cheat code that many of the top players and club fitting specialists swear by to help amateur and professional golfers alike achieve their best driver numbers. While we are all for increasing your clubhead swing speed, it can be just as powerful to use what you have and simply dial in your equipment to increase ball speed and distance. With a proper driver in hand, you can see upwards of 10, 20, 30 extra yards without even swinging faster. We hope you enjoy this episode!

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Hey everybody Milo here along with Jack and we’re here at cool clubs and today we’re going to talk about how to hit your driver farther than ever using this cheat Code what do we have on the screen here it’s like the crazy hot chart there’s good places to be and bad places to be on this left hand side here you’re going to be looking at how fast the ball is traveling okay on the bottom axis we’re

Looking at your angle of attack and that’s the uh the secret Source how fast is your ball moving with your driver so play speed somewh between 180 and 190 that was pretty good right that’s your fade yeah pretty good that’s what you want number 112 2600 that was pretty optimal right there

Let’s put your the top end here 190 cuz I think it’s going to have a bigger effect let’s say for instance that you made a really bad golf swing and you hit 10° down on it oh man that would be that would be embarrassing you’re going to

Launch it around 3° with 3500 RPM and this light green color correlates to 325 y okay is that anywhere near where you normally hit your driver it’s a little shorter but like I fly it usually right around there 325 so now we are basically

We can milk this out and see how as we travel across this chart where do you get to well if we get you to the darkest green color and hit all the way at the other end of the spectrum it’s 10° up so you’re going to launch it 17 1 12° with

1,800 RPMs and now all of a sudden you’re at 375 yards that’s 50 yards of distance yep just with an angle of attack change I don’t think I can hit 10° up so trying to break it down into a little more usable data for you specifically most people can’t hit this

10° up or 10° down finding this mid-range here you’re somewhere maybe between 2 and 4° yeah fairly level just 2 to 4° up so now we got a pretty good concept of what bull speed launch and spin can uh do to your distance yes we also use trackman during our fittings

Okay it has its own Optimizer feature and what I love about this is It’s really specific to that one swing you just made it doesn’t try and put you in a pigeon hole as a specific type of player we say how much speed did you put

In what was your launch and spin and where does that need to be to hit your optimal window okay what we’re going to do is look at some your existing equipment we know that Loft might not be in the right spot for you and then once it’s fitted how much distance you can

Benefit from getting the right Loft in your driver awesome okay so Jack we’re going we’re going to hit a few shots now I have a pretty good golf swing so I don’t necessarily want to change my pattern I’d prefer to make the golf close

Kind of more or less fit me now is that that’s not always the case some players patterns don’t exactly function correctly but I’m pretty level through the ball I actually hit up on it slightly a piece of equipment could really help me or hurt me and in this

Case we actually took my current existing driver and we turn the Loft way down so it’s it’s not what I would actually play it’s it’s even lower it’s a s degree DW yeah it’s a 7° driver and it was we found it was too low when it

Was at 9° now it’s at 7 so this is just going to show show everybody that it doesn’t fit right I mean when you come to cool clubs we are Club fitting Specialists we’re really not looking at no swing that’s your job right we want

To fit you for the swing you have to give you the best possible result the most consistent as possible we’re using this as an extreme to demonstrate what people do walk in the door with lots of Loft that you lots of clubs that haven’t got enough loft or way too much loft and

The knock on effect of that ruins your job people that see no Loft in it they try to figure it out and they make bad golf swing after bad golf swing just to get it right so just going to hit a a stock shot with this driver and we’re

Going to find some interesting things I think yeah and what would I do to make the the ball fly better I might actually like make some adjustments to my swing that I don’t need to make and that could possibly hurt things well I think that’s

The great thing so make a swing like you would we’ll see the ball flly and like any golfer does you immediately react to that and we don’t necessarily understand the golf swing enough to make the right reaction to that and in this case we’re hoping that the equipment is just going

To fix it but the rabbit hole whole people go go down is I’m going to start hanging back or you can tell us your thoughts on what you would do as as a good golfer to fix this and see where we end up okay so here we

Go oh my goodness it didn’t even get to the screen 2.9 degrees of launch in 18800 what you do to my driver well a worm burner yes saw it it only flew 245 yard with 184 ball speed and you know the interesting thing there is if people were talking about you know

Efficiency well you got 1.51 smash Factor so you turned all of your Club head speed into ball speed but your ballistics your launch characteristics are so disastrous that you carried it the same as most average golfers that’s funny okay let’s try again so I now know immediately what my brain’s going to say

To do is I’m going to hang back a little bit and throw a little more Loft at it to try to fix it not only is that bad for your uh your golf swing it’s probably pretty bad for your back yeah so that’s you know that

Ball it went pretty far I I managed to hit up six yeah and get some decent launch conditions actually but that golf swing I was well you saw where your weight went right yeah you fell on your back foot you doed out the way of it immediately what I how I would rack

Though because of the lack of Loft yep my brain would say well you got to hit it in the air so then I’d start making some weird compensation and for a guy like yourself you know you might like to hit a fade and you start hanging back

Well you either hit the cut cuz you don’t get the face in there or you hang back and you flip it and you start hitting hooks so not only does it affect the height of your shot but you’re going to start spraying it as well let’s make

It easier okay so to give people an idea we had this thing at 7° of Loft with a pretty decent setup in terms of flex and weight and all those kind of things this is a 10° driver so we talk with 3° more of Loft and you know again good good

Balance of flex and weight and length okay so 3° Loft adjustment now yeah I feel I can look down there and I can see there’s Loft so immediately inspires a little confidence I don’t feel like I’m going to have to help that ball go Airborne so let’s see what we got I want

To thank cool clubs in Scottsdale Arizona for hosting us today and allowing us to come in and use their awesome facility do yourself a favor and get fit check out their website for a list of locations that wedge is going to be crispy now full speed launch spin can do to your

Distance 13 degrees of launch 2500 rpm yeah so not bad I didn’t hit it very solid no well you didn’t get as much energy transfer but so you had higher energy transfer on the very first shot you hit yeah and carried it 245 and with

That one you didn’t hit it as good but you carried it 316 the ball’s traveling in the air for sure that was a lot better awesome let’s try one more nice maybe 14 de 13 Dees of launch a little higher spin but you will find in

The golf course every day yeah I I actually don’t mind hitting a little bit of a spinner like that I didn’t hit that one dead solid on the face but it was still pretty good launched a little high it’s SP a here much yeah but dead dead

Straight yeah flew a lot straighter and I think people are afraid of spin nowadays there’s been so much negative chat about spin in the industry and products golf ball driver heads they’re all aimed at lower Spin and people come in I want to spin it at 2200 or whatever

That might be even for you swinging at a crazy 124 mph there 3,000 spin still puts you well over 300 yards and gets you on the golf course and I think that concept is something that we need to break into the average golfer yeah for

Me spin is my friend I don’t like like to see it drop down under 2,000 right 3,000 is more than I like but on a mishit that’s not too bad no absolutely mishit exactly right we talked about gear effect earlier on that is just a byproduct of gear effect yeah Mrs have

Camp out there and everyone I think in the industry thinks that they don’t hit their driver oh sorry I think they hit their driver too high but when you come in and you run through the optimizer you can see that that golf B 90% of the time isn’t high enough yeah taking advantage

Of how that ball flies through the air is huge so this Optimizer is for that one swing you made with the uh the tailor made the first driver you hit we can see here that you your ball speed’s way way above the good Zone great cuz there’s low Loft it’s springing off the

Face but your launch angle is far far too low spin rate is far far too low and therefore your height is far too low only got 2 5 ft High 25 ft off the ground it’s impressive that even carried 245 at that height yeah that’s this

Window gives you an idea of where you should have been and this line is where your bfly actually flew you could go hunting with that one oh yeah and this is where we got to with a 10° titless driver you can see there your uh your loft is a little higher your ball

Speed’s down so you didn’t hit this one quite as well in the face but because the launch was up there and the spin was right in the go Zone your flight wasn’t high and you’re actually on the higher side of the optimal but the carry distance is 70 yards further that’s a

Lot we could see that both of them were kind of similar on attack angle but because the one the the first club didn’t fit very well I had to make some major swing adjustments to get the launch I wanted which was hanging back and feeling like I was actually flipping

At it which wouldn’t be good for my body so I would say once once you’ve got a swing that kind of is doing what you want it to more or less then you want to get fit up for the driver to create the launch conditions we want we don’t want

To try to create those launch conditions by doing funky things with our body for sure when people come in and they’ve got a fit in and they they’re either end of that scale over here on the optimal chart let’s say they are a long way down or long way up sometimes I actually

Recommend going to see a coach first to help them get that golf swing in a in a in a space that’s usable and from there we can fit them to a driver that really optimizes that so it’s kind of a chicken in an egg situation yeah sometimes a

Golf swing could be so far out of whack that it’s almost impossible for the fitter to even fit yeah to get an optimal if someone was hitting down on it 10 degrees or you know even six or seven degrees it makes it really hard to get optimal ballistics and you know that

There’s something else going on with that golf swing in the same vein if someone’s hitting up on it 10° that’s also really really hard so it’s finding that balance of get your uh your go swing into that neutral position you’re talking about then take advantage of equipment based on speed we want

Different Dynamics as well so a player who’s a little slower might actually want to hit up more than a player who’s faster 100% I mean uh other than extremes we’re talking about in long drive you will normally see people on the LPGA Tour sweeping at the golf ball

Taking advantage of hitting High bombs people on the PGA tour you see the average angle of attack with a driver being down because they’re hitting it so hard they’ve already got distance and they’re trying to hit very very narrow Fairways so it’s different for everyone what’s optim varies based on Dynamics

Dynamics and it literally is swing for swing that’s why I love this Optimizer you can’t come in and say hey what should my spin be I’m like let’s swing one and see what it is from there so hopefully you found this interesting I find a good driver fitting is quite

Important in being able to drive the ball well because we don’t want to be making massive compensations in our golf swings so come get fit here at cool clubs they’ll get you dialed like they did me today make sure you hit the like And subscribe button and come join

Molines where we can help you learn how to swing like an athlete and get your driver swing dialed so that you can make the most of a good fitting

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