Unveiling the Success of Jayden from Pin High Golf Apparel

Meet Jayden, the fun, good bloke behind Pin High Golf Apparel. He’s a family man, good golfer, and the brains behind this successful brand. In this video, he shares his story and the journey of Pin High. Get a behind-the-scenes look at his inspiration, challenges, and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. Don’t miss out on this exclusive interview with Jayden!

Welcome back to another episode of chatting with chaffie we’ve got Jaden from pin High we had a high atus done there’s no chance it’s not going to grow but do you want to talk about it or not hey Legends welcome back to another episode of chatting with chaffie we’ve

Got Jaden from pin High how you going man good mate good how are you doing great how’s your day been uh steady steady yeah doing a few bits and pieces around the house but um little Hiatus of golf after yesterday’s round which I told you we wouldn’t chat about but do

You want to talk about it or not um oh I’ll give a brief overview if you really want stick in go for it um one well I haven’t played outdoor golf in a while I’ve been on the Sim so that’s no excuse though 102 off the stick uh a 10 a

Nine uh three balls lost on the third hole and that sums it up that sums it up tell good balls um no I was definitely not bringing out good balls good I like that I’m not a pro one or tp5 man anyway I use bridestones myself so hey

Bridgestone are good I um I actually tried to get some they were asking for testers the other the other week on some sort of um forum and I pop my name down I like yeah every single Bridgestone that I found along the way I actually

Keep it for quite a long time and play really well with it so I I don’t actually know why I don’t just shell out Andy buy box or something like that but yeah I’ve uh I’m sort of I just I actually I actually have some balls from

A company called P they’ve got some really good good balls I I have seen them going around yeah are they are they decent quality they’re actually really good quality balls like they’re very very good I I the first one I I hit on it it was just a dirty snap hook just

Went flying I was like oh I don’t know about these things but um they’ve got two topes I think they’ve got the tempo and the tour pro uh the tour ball and I was I think I was using the tempo so the tour is is much more suited

To my game so I was actually enjoying that a bit more but yeah look um I’m probably the same as you I just flick around balls I just open up the pocket whatever’s in there is in there I just grab it exactly exactly that way if you

Lose it you don’t really care you don’t want to be buying $85 boxes of provs and you lose half of them on the course in one day that’s a bit heartbreaking yeah look it wasn’t it wasn’t great but yeah there wasn’t a box of balls going around

That cost me bucks so we’re all good that’s it so you you said you haven’t played outdoor for a while um what what goes on in the Sim Sim match for you talk to us about the Sim matches um I actually have quite preferred the Sim of

Late it’s it’s been very hot here um sort of high 30s 40s um of late so outdoor golf’s probably not suitable um I I don’t do too well with high heat low 30s I can handle but anything higher than sort of 34 35 it’s it’s a bit hot um

To get the air con and just sort of relax I feel the Sim it squared me up a bit more because obviously you have to actually aim at a spot and and whatnot so down at big swing in boron I’m connected to Drumm and golf down there their Sims are it’s not like

Anything I’ve played on um so you get full video feedback of of contact and um it’s all sort of lines it up for you so you put your ball down under a under the sort of camera and it it lines yourself up with with the pin and and all that

Sort of thing so it’s pretty pretty Hightech um but yeah more just avoiding the heat yeah is is probably why I haven’t played outdoor too much and then we obviously had the Christmas period and and New Years um yeah and that but yeah moving forward I will be be playing

A bit more trying to play a few new courses and um there’s a few a few things with pin that um that are coming up which is which is good can’t to have a chat about it soon um but yeah there is a few things coming up and uh yeah it’s exciting awesome

Let’s talk about pin High Jos Let’s uh had to get started how long’s it been going for and yeah just talk us through it it’s probably been a bit over 18 months now in discussion um it it wasn’t it wasn’t an idea that we had for

A while it was myself and my my brother-in-law um we were having a few beers at home we’ I’ve recently moved we used to live right next door to each other so um we used to have quite a few beers um multiple weekends so we were sort of sitting there and and chatting

About uh I think we’d been into golf box or drumming that day and we were looking at shirts and and shorts and pants and whatnot and I I pulled out a what I pull out I pulled out a rain jacket like a three4 z rain jacket and I

Looked at the price and I think it was $490 um in golf box which I couldn’t I don’t know where anyone can justify paying that much um so we kind of got onto that after a few beers and we were like well why don’t we look into

Making our own um you know we weren’t really too keen on any of the patterns or designs or whatnot that um that were in golf box or Drummond or anything like that um and we went yeah let’s do it and I I took the front lead so I I tend to

Do all of the sourcing and and and um all the Social Media stuff uh is my domain um he plays off 12 I think it is at the moment so he he’s more the golfing side of things as I said before I’m definitely not the golfing side I

Just a social golfer I call myself um so yeah we ran from there um and then we got the business name we we sort of come up with it over a few nights um it’s pretty simple golf related um it but it can be transitioned into sort of

Casual wear as we have now with our 19th whole collection as you’ve seen yes um the old logo is on this hat actually so we we’ve transitioned from the Hat logo to the Polo logo which is a bit more modern which is nice and then we went from there

Um we we managed to get some some samples done and they were pretty poor quality um which is probably our doing anyway um it’s a bit of trial and error which we knew we were going to we’re not going to get the best or or what we want

Straight off the bat um traling there a few different factories and those sorts of things and now finally uh yeah 15 18 months later we’ve we’ve got what we want we’ve we have released polos previously um which weren’t probably there I probably yeah probably shouldn’t have

Got them out there but we we were Keen y it was very close to what we wanted um just a few Minor Details um in sort of stitching work and that sort of thing um but we’ve got that sorted out now um so the polo that uh will be ordered

Tomorrow I think we’re ordering them which is exciting our first our first drop of this year so uh once they get ordered they’ll be straight out there and uh I’ll be I’ll be getting yourself in one of them I’ll tell you that much I wore one yesterday

In our round at the sample that we got and um yeah it was it was hot I was sweating um and you know how you generally get those uh polos where you sweat and it sticks to your back and and then it gets yeah so I had none of that

None of that that was one of the main awesome main sort of prerequisites that I was looking for very particular in in what I’m want um so none of that which is exciting um but yeah it all started sort of over a couple of beers um which

Is which is just us um the company is is not all Glitz and glamour um it’s it’s just us playing golf making clothes that we are happy and proud to wear um and that’s that’s basically it um we just put things out that we’re proud of and hopefully that transitions into

Customers and and people buying our stuff being proud to where and and comfortable to wear what we make really yeah that’s awesome I like that I love the I love how cruisy it was for you to get started just over a couple of drinks

And and that sort of stuff it’s a lot of people that I’ve spoken to they sort of start their Journey off while playing you know oh they’re like oh you know oh this shirt that I’m wearing is crap oh we should start our own brand but just

How I like actually how you’ve just done it over just chilling with your brother-in-law and that sort of I think that’s really great plus you’ve also done your research and you’ve looked into and you’ve ordered samples and you’ve gone that’s not good enough we are we’re here that sample’s here like

It’s the quality’s got to come up because we expect Perfection and we’re not going to give our customers half so that’s that’s really cool I I like that yeah I mean it’s um in saying playing we we do play quite a bit together um it’s generally as I

Put that for that reel out today um which you probably would have had a laugh about that’s my other brother-in-law um my my wife’s brother um he comes out with us he’s uh he’s only just started sort of 12 months ago um and yeah it’s always good to get one

Of those swings on the on the GoPro or the phone um when we get out just to uh remind him that he’s not quite there yet um but I mean I didn’t have much of a leg to stand on yesterday after yeah the you can’t be saying much the r but

Um there are a few other videos coming soon of of my misdemeanors but uh yeah friends the link will be down below make sure you have a look at Pin High we’re going to have a good laugh give them give him some love give him some

Comments um and make fun of Jos here at his brothers-in-law so get go for it all the comments anything just shoot it as I said we’re uh we’re all here to have some fun at the end of the day and that’s it we make some good stuff but um we have fun doing

It and that’s that’s really the main thing that that’s what I love um I don’t I don’t like the seriousness of some places you got to have a lot of fun while you’re doing it otherwise there’s no point in doing it so I really like that you’ve brought that

Up now what’s 2024 got in store for you boys you you sort of led into a little bit of a sneaky there do you want to tell us what’s going on rest of the year got any more drops planned uh so we’ve got we’ve got our polo drop which um will be should

Be February we drop February um we have just got to navigate uh Chinese New Year oh yep which is the 1 of February so um as long as we can uh get it out of the country before that starts and everything obviously shuts down um as everyone

Should uh sort of be aware of they shut down for the good part of three weeks um and just enjoy themselves as they should they work hard over there so um so long as we can we can get it to Australia um before that shuts down it’ll be sort

Of mid February um otherwise it’ll be sort of late February start of March which um is is fine as well but yeah over the next sort of month or two we’ll be we’ll be having our polo drop which is good like I said um I tested it

Yesterday and a few other times and I couldn’t be happier with it um if I wasn’t happy with it I wouldn’t be putting it out so perfect um apart from that um we’ve got a little bit it hasn’t been announced yet um but we have managed to uh get ourselves into a country

Course probably about uh hour and a half south of Perth where we’re located um down in we managed to to get ourselves on a a sign down there and working with the members as well um to to broaden our um I guess Reach awesome there’s a lot of

Uh a lot of people down there that play golf um really nice course so I’m Keen to get down there and play a proper round down there in March I’m due to go down there um but that ties in with a few other things um so the signage down

There we’ll hopefully broaden that and then yeah we’ll work from there um to go from there we’re not trying to break any any records with dropping loads and loads of stuff we want you know just sort of we’ve got our 19th whole collection which is which is online now

Um a bit more casual where that side is and then our polos will drop for the golfers um and then it will go from there we’ll keep restock in our polos probably throughout this year um and then maybe look to add another design later in the year but we’ll stick with

We’ll stick with just the one for now y um we don’t want to sort of flood the website um and sort of over I’m not a big fan on over producing and then getting sort of hundreds and and hundreds over and then just having sort

Of sitting in sitting in like my shed or my wardrobe or or or something like that um I like to sort of order smaller once I sort of get towards the latter end of of those quantities I’ll I’ll get some more in um which is why our 19th whole collection

Is is all made on demand um so when when uh obviously a couple of guys have already got into them once once the order goes through it’ll go straight to our our fulfillment center and then um it gets made and sent straight out to you guys so um I don’t like things sort

Of sitting around and and taking up one space in an already Full House with a couple of kids and and all that um and two um obviously materials and and fabrics um being used which might not need to be used and sort of down the track so that’s something that I’m pretty keen

On um yeah sort of not not over producing um and yeah I like to work it that way so y yep so you spoke about the family there how do they feel about all this they they all like right behind you obviously um they they allow you to go

And Source all this stuff play golf edit videos how’s all that go down uh they are very supportive very supportive so my wife um is very supportive of of everything that we’ve done um and her sister um so my business partners partner um they’ve been you know behind us throughout this throughout the

Process um from the start they were sort of in on the conversation that we were having and and they had their input as well you know um we weren’t sort of just going off and saying yep we’re doing this um kind of deal with it type thing um so they’ been

In it from the start with the the business side of things and editing I I don’t tend to do that until probably you know the kids have gone to bed or um they’re off doing something my daughter goes to to daycare one day a week so um that’s generally

The time where I’ll go play golf um and not leave both kids at home um she’s getting to the age where I can probably take her now uh she she’s two two and a bit now so um as long as I take the iPad or or something to keep

Her occupied for a while I’ll be able to get a nine in or something like that but um yeah pretty Keen to get her out soon hopefully um get her in the cart and just uh just get her Outdoors so awesome but yeah everyone’s been super supportive um and it’s pretty much got

Us to where we are Now by having that support um and just the network around us to to be able to give us just not so much the support but more just the confidence that we can actually do it because a lot of people obviously you get to that sourcing

Stage we had probably three three sample Lots which weren’t up to scratch you know and some people might turn around and say am I ever going to get one that’s you know up to the Quality that I want but you know with the support that we had and and the

Confidence that was that allowed us to have then uh we’ll we’ll break through that and here we are now we’re we’re almost ready that’s awesome man I’m so excited for you guys like this is gonna be awesome you guys are gonna I’m actually keing to to get you in a polo

And see what you think because you I’m a stickler for quality and I just want to see where we’re at soon as it gets in my in my hands mate I’m gonna throw it on and I’m out on that course I’m going to do up a nice little video for you and uh

And I’ll be honest uh as we spoke about earlier we’re all about honesty if it’s not suited for me I’ll just tell you but man I I think it’s going to be awesome you guys are this is going to be great because I can just feel how uh how

Pedantic you have been about this whole process because at the end of the day this is your baby and this is what you’re giving to Australia and if it’s not perfect in your eyes you’re not going to give it and I really like that I think that’s fantastic um leading from your family

Um it doesn’t have to be golf related or anything like that but what motivates what what motivates Jos what what motivat you to get this done uh uh we didn’t growing up we didn’t obviously have a lot of lot we had what we needed

Um but in in that sort of things it it’s more allowing um probably having that family here um and I’ve done a lot of work away um from family so I I did a lot of fly and fly out work um so being able to be home

Each night and see them is is probably the motivation to get to where we go um and then on top of that sort of just being able to make sure that with everything going on in the world at the moment um no one’s stressing around here

Um so the mo ation sort of for for me is to is to make sure that the three that are just outside this door here actually um and just comfortable um I can I can go to work till the cows come home and and all that but um you know I’ll I’ll

Be probably my happiest if uh if my wife doesn’t have to go back to work again um and she can watch the kids grow up um and and that sort of thing so that that’s probably the biggest motivator um just making sure that we’re comfortable and it’s not it’s not all about

Obviously cash flow and those sorts of things um we have to have fun along the way like we’ve said we enjoy playing golf no matter how bad the round is or how good the round is um so that’s that’s a a positive in itself we we’re

Making a product based off what we enjoy doing um it’s not a chore to go out and make these videos um it’s not not a chore to spend hours on on the computer trying to Source things or or talk to people about you know trying to get our

Products or just uh sponsorships in in places it’s not a chore um which is nice and it’s something that I enjoy doing so yeah the motivation definitely stems down to to the family I have here um and probably the extended family um with my business partner obviously

All all one family here so as much as it might sound cliche um the family as you probably know yourself um is is a big motivator to to why we do it and um yeah just to be able to once they get older um the kids to show them where we

Started where we are now um because as I’ve said to you before there’s no way that this is not working out and not uh and not getting out there um we don’t want to be the biggest um we don’t want to be you know um producing you know as big as your kns

And those sorts of things we we like to pride ourselves on the quality that we give um and from that we feel that it’s going to grow um people come back for the quality um I know I’ve certainly come back for the quality of of companies out there um golf related and

Non-golf related so that that’s where it all stems down from if we provide quality then we’ll get repeat return customers as well as referrals from those people and and then it just stems from there so yeah family is a big motivator um but doing something that we

Enjoy is is motivating in itself yeah Perfect Mate mate that was that was there was a lot of emotion in there I like that you’re you’ve um I don’t know if I don’t know if you’ve ever been asked that before that was really that was really good well when we first had

Our chat um when when you asked me to come on here um and you said sort of you had some questions and and you mentioned a few and and one of those was a motivation I I actually took um a bit of time and it wasn’t just sort of an hour

On one day it was sort of over consecutive days to to really think about why why we do it for one um why we started why we do it and why we continue to do it they’re probably the three things that WEA need to regularly ask ourselves

Otherwise we lose track of of where we started for one and where we want to go from here um so obviously the Yesterday’s Gone um you know today’s gone it’s about what we do tomorrow um to make the company better um to make ourselves better and and our our

Products the best they can be so I don’t like to dwell on the past or you know um I like to look forward to where we’re going and you know we might feel that we’ve got the best quality today but tomorrow something’s going to come out

Or something we might find um in our searches tomorrow is going to be you know just that step above and then you know the day after that it might be a step above that so um what we bring out this coming month um is we’re really

Happy with it um but in you know 12 months time might be a new innovation that that comes out and and that elevates us to the next next level um we jump on that pretty quick we don’t sort of sit here and accept substandard um which you’ve probably yeah noticed so

Far in our chats so I love that mate that is yeah you’re you’re on you’re on the ball there um yeah I got no doubt you guys are just going to explode into the scene as soon as soon as we start getting some videos out we start getting people

To really come to to you it’s going to go office office rocker so I’m really happy for you man like I really am it’s really um you’ve you’ve you’ve you’ve hit me in the heartstrings actually with with what you’ve sort of said because it’s um one one way I was thinking about it

Is our motivators are not just about why we do it it’s about how we get to do it as well because without those people uh believing in us and accepting that this is something that we like you know are really passionate about we don’t we

Can’t do it you know like so if we if our families are I know you can’t go and play golf for a month you know we we don’t we don’t get to go and do what we love and get to entertain people and I

Don’t get to talk to you or any of the other people I’ve got lined up so um yeah that sort of made me think actually while you’re answering that it’s not really about the who motivates why it’s about the how we get to do it so um very good I like that

You’re uh you’re going you’re going to go good man um I’m just going to ask you a couple of questions we’re going to go into what got you into golf in the first place uh I I got into golf well my my parents got

Me into golf when I was little um I had lessons and and all that sort of thing um and if we when we eventually uh organize something and and and meet together you’ll you’ll realize I have quite a it’s not as big anymore but

Quite a large scar on my cheek um so I well have my lessons as a as a kid um and you know I felt that uh you know cuz I was I was doing the lessons and I was getting I was getting all right at hitting the golf ball and whatnot i’ I’d

Give the lessons to the we used to live on a CER sack when we were little um and I used to think I could give the lesson to some of the other kids in the CAC um and one of the lessons I tried to give this this uh young boy

Was don’t swing until I’m out the way um to which he did not listen uh and a probably a very quick John Ram back swing oh yeah um put the wedge blade straight through so um that will instill in my mind for a very long time if not

Ever um so I started young and stopped for a while we we moved around and whatnot um sort of didn’t really think about it and then I took my first job away I moved 7 650 700 K away from Perth um to the east y out in cal gy

Um wasn’t too much to do out there a couple of the guys at work played golf one was off 12 one was off scratch I’m very handy golfers to start yeah to start with um picked up a cheap set uh and went down had a hit on on one of our

Breaks and um it really hasn’t stopped from there um just I haven’t had any lessons as an adult um so I I don’t think I ever will I don’t intend to get down to single figures or anything like that I just enjoy going out and having

Having a hit and and having a couple of beers on of course um I’ll let my brother-in-law be the better golfer um I’m quite happy with that so um yeah it all started a couple of the work guys um when I moved I was about 18 19 um picked

Up another picked up a set a cheap set and um it just went from there upgraded that set I’ve still got that upgraded set now I’ll probably hopefully get a new set um maybe next year but again it just depends on how much I play I can’t really justify

Spending all that money um for you know around every at the moment it’s probably once a month um maybe once a fortnite but yeah it’s I can’t justify all that money so they work I’m probably I’m missing a pitching wedge at the moment so we something’s going on out there but

That’s cool um mine’s going off too I can hear oh God but yeah um the guys at work got me into it and just haven’t haven’t stopped just enjoyed it again um and so long as I’m enjoying it I’ll be playing it good man I like that what’s your handicap at

The minute or have you got uh 24.8 24.8 oh well that’s it’s pretty good like you’re know the worst player in the world 102 off the stick like that’s pretty damn good yeah I mean I as I’ve said to you before it’s um there’s not much difference and I don’t feel there’s much

Difference between me going out and hitting 102 or coming out and hitting 92 um you know two holes there probably drops from 102 to 92 so yeah that’s that’s what we spoke about with you know you take that that 10 I I’m not sure if

It was a par or a power five but if you just turn that into a bogey like you’ve already shaved that into the 90s like and like I I play in the N the you know the the mid to high 90s a lot and then I

Have a blow like a really good round and I I like I broke my 86 um sometime last year sorry I break the 90 the other other month with a 86 um so like you can you can just blow up like I haven’t I haven’t played in

The hundreds for a little while but like from 98 to you know 97 down to like that low 9s that sort of seems to be my figure and like I don’t I don’t really I’m the same as you I don’t really care if it moves um obviously when you’re

Having a good day you sort of St you’re sitting there on on course going oh jeez I’d like to keep this going but then um yeah it it just blows up in your face so yeah your your 10 and your nine that you had easily brings it into the um early

9s which you know that’s still a damn good score for 24 yeah well even mid 90s um I mean it’s it’s a funny game because you have a double a double on one um and then a par three on two yesterday and put that to

Three feet puted for birdie so I was one over through one and then lost three balls on three so um that that’s just golf in a sentence right there yep you got that right that that is just golf that’s just God it’s just that water it

Just seems to attract yeah I’m the same I hate water that’s in front of the tea box I absolutely hate it I don’t know why it freaks me out you think any day of the week I get it you know 200 plus and you think yeah that’s good and then

You look down and there’s water 2 MERS away and you’re like it’s going in there you might as well throw it in there because you know it’s going straight in you just gol The Yips but we love it oh I play it for the rest of my life I can every day favorite

Club um at the moment wedges 52 56 nice so you’re a wedge man I like that only of recent only of recent because I had um obviously I’m six3 so I played plus an inch yep um I bought wedges standard and just sort of left them for a while and

And I’ve recently got them lengthened Y and since since I’ve got them lengthened um it’s yeah it’s it’s crazy how much just an inch will change um a swing of a club so of recent wedges before that probably eight on yeah right that’s pretty cool I’m a what do I like six on

I reckon I don’t know why the long IR tend to I don’t know they just tend to be a bit harder for some reason um if my day is going well it’s definitely the driver but God I have one good day with a driver out of 10 if that

I just it’s either a slice or a haulk excuse me very rarely straight ones but then I can have days where I hit seven to eight Fairways in a row and you think this is a good day and then on the back nine it just changes and you think

yeah I put mine away yesterday so well that’s it and and like so here’s a good one for you I um I’m not sure if you saw some of the earlier stuff that I’ve done early this year but I played with a PGA uh tour pro in

Australia um in Keswick and I just sort of watched him go about his business and my driver just wasn’t behaving itself and then I was hitting these irons really well you know the fours and fives and he goes why don’t you just put your driver away for the day and I was

Like oh never really done that and he goes well if you hit every iron shot the way I’ve seen you hit the last 10 you’ll hit dead straight t- shots like you know he thought it was like golf’s easier from the Fairway mate like there’s no point in being

250 on the like three Fairways over because you’ve sliced the ass out of it yeah wouldn’t you rather be you know 170 190 but you’re dead straight and then your next shot’s you know 150 with a six or seven IR yeah you’re right so he said just give

Your your driver you know two or three holes and if it’s just not feeling right just put it away there’s no there’s no shame in it so um so yeah I’ve played a few Club comps recently which has been pretty cool I’ve never done that before

And I’ve I’ve gone into that with a with a nice smart attitude rather than try and play Hero golf where you try and you know you try and play a fivewood from 230 you might as well just go a a six on and put it back in place where a five

Would could do the same as your driver back you know hook or slice so that’s been really good for me that especially talking with him that was that was really good what’s the favorite course you’ve ever played oh um probably wa Golf Club here um we

Played a two ball event with the golf rour um oh yeah yep yep last last year um and yeah just the course conditions um just yeah how maintained it was um difficulty um yeah I’m I’m glad we were playing two ball that day um when you’ve got PA 3es that a

180 190 yeah and you have to take sort of I took four IR off the te and put it to two feet I’m not too sure here but um that was the first two holes and that was before we even had handicaps um so that was so the golf War tour obviously

Has the two divisions and and your non-h handicappers can play as well which is good um yeah that’s great so yeah we played the wa golf club that’s probably my favorite so far um yeah it’s I’m looking forward to playing some new ones um but yeah the the

Conditions of that was yeah just insane yeah it’s awesome those big courses like that they just prepare prepare so much like so well that you just Gob smacked when you get there um so speaking of courses if you if you got an invitation in the mail tomorrow any course in the entire world

And they say Jaden you’ve been invited to play where is it um oh let’s see this is this is the sort of question where you can just name like 10 um you’re making me choose making me choose one um I know L you’ve got your obvious ones um

I’m probably going to pull one out of the bag a little bit here um and say I probably wouldn’t mind playing Bandon Junes um I’ve played it multiple times on Playstation um and I do play a lot of a lot of courses and the way that the games these days are

They’re exactly and they play exactly how they play and all that sort of thing um you know you can you can go out there and every time I go to the Sim I’ll play St Andrew’s old course um which is probably you know I like that nice big

Wide Fairway so it’s it’s nice and and that sort of thing and then you’ve got your Pebble Beach and your austa those sorts of things and I mean everyone wants to play them but yeah an obscure one probably yeah Bandon Junes or um there’s one in New Zealand

Um I can’t remember what it’s called now but a brain fade um it’s right on the cliffs sort of down there yeah right well we’ll Google I’ve had a yeah I’ve Had a Brain fade um a lot of questions been thrown at you I’ll probably uh I’ll probably

Remember it soon so we’ll get it in there just just throw it in when you remember oh it’s um it’s cap kidnappers yeah right okay I’m going to give that have a look at it have a look at it yeah yeah he just we might go there together

Yep let’s do it we’ll need probably about I I’ll need probably about six boxes of balls um we’ll get some we’ll get them we’ll get them off P we’ll get we’ll get P to get us some they’ll look after us they’re good Fellas who’s your favorite tour professional

Uh we’ll have to go local boy minwoo Mino that’s awesome we have to yeah I mean I’m I’m five minutes from Ro Freo where his home courses so where him and Mii grew up and played so um it’s literally yeah five minutes down one street from my house so that’s

Awesome everyone says tiger so I’m glad you’ve pulled out an Aussie I really I really am Liv or PGA um PGA for the fact that you have to play for the cut yeah I like that yeah yeah Live’s good and entertaining I I actually do really

Really really like watching it um but uh had another conversation with a fell about it on the last interview and I um I I I agree with you I actually enjoy the fact that there’s that challenge of well if you’re not good enough for two days you don’t compete in the in the

Final two rounds where the money’s made so I uh I agree with you on that one for sure yeah you can go obviously to live play your three days and then you guaranteed x amount of dollars I don’t know what it is or however much it is

Cont yeah win so but obviously the the biggest guys who even started the game or or are still playing now um they all played based on if I don’t make the cup I don’t get paid and if I don’t get paid then there’s a chance

That I might not be able to make the next weekend in you know this city which is you know it cost another three or $4,000 to travel there yeah and then you know if you don’t make that cut you’re not getting paid again so they are all

Obviously done that but now we’ve got Liv which will just give money for you know I think there was one there where I think one of them was like sort of 10 or 12 over for the weekend and was you know you still guaranteed 40 or $50,000 or something like that

So I’d shoot that and take that money for sure which you know financially if we were scratch golfers we would probably choose live but oh yeah absolutely well you look at you look at Lucas Herbert you know not saying he was a terrible um PGA Pro or anything like

That but now he’s gone over to live and you sort of can’t you know not be happy for him because now he’s just he’s guaranteed his family’s wealth forever where as you said if he’s continuously fighting to make the cut and he’s not you know making those sort of um you know 50

60,000 every single event he starts to you know go backwards because then it’s another two as you said two Grands to fly to I don’t know fly to New York and get a um flight Motel you got to pay your caddy every time like you just go backwards where now he’s like right

I’m just got my100 million for 3 four years we’re set like we can do whatever the hell we want for the rest of a so I can’t really like you look at John Ram’s contract you think do you really need that much money for I don’t

Think we wouldn’t say no to it but I don’t think we need it no I wouldn’t say no to it but um yeah you saw I wouldn’t mind seeing a and I know what been said before um but like a rer cup format live

PGA and know I said I said a lot but I think I think it’ll happen I hope it happens um because it’ll be good golf um and the teams will be I mean the live team will be just as strong as PGA team um hands down so I wouldn’t mind seeing

That um just the just the format and live versus PGA but yeah we’ll we’ll see we’ll watch that space well you sit there and you think you know like even though the live guys getting paid regardless um You’ think there’s there’s a good there’s a good reason why you

Could get lazy and you know not perform but like you you look at the Masters the only excuse me the only events that lives allowed to play in in the PGA calendar you think Brooks kepka almost had the Masters um he won the PGA Championship again so you think you know the live

Guys aren’t too far away like they’re always there at the at at the ages so um I even though they’re getting paid regardless they’re not getting lazy about their golf which is good um did you happen to go to live Adelaide when it was here I did not no I I would have

Liked to go this year but I got a few other things um happening I’m back playing footy so um we we’ll um sort that out but yeah I wouldn’t mind going um again or not again I would mind going um to watch yeah yeah I was I was invited

By um The Watering Hole podcast and um the uh the the the weekend falls on my daughter’s birthday so there was no chance I’m getting there yeah um maybe maybe if adelade goes well enough they might um they might bring a second one down oh that would be so cool

They um you think about the courses we’ve got in Australia they they’d be so lucky to roll but you don’t know what um whether they had tried certaines and landed on Adelaide because you know like they going to I don’t think Royal melin would have allowed something like

That um but you think you know like there’s awesome like Kingston Heath and you’ve got you know 1th Beach and that sort of thing that would have been pretty cool but um yeah I wonder whether they tried to organize it with those big courses and they all said no and then

Adel was like we’ll take it and then yeah you look at the success they had like I still watched the videos of um Chase kers um hul in one like yeah from differents of theow and I just think that was really really cool um yeah it was a good thing to have have

Going on and it’s great for Australia I think I think if I win I’d have to I’d have to just park up on on the party hole um which you know maybe just one day maybe do a day around the course and then one down on the party

Hall but I mean if they’re going to bring one down I mean you feel that like Sanctuary Cove up that way your palms your Pines course yeah would probably be beneficial cuz you know it’s it’s up that way party Wise It’s it’ll sort of flow into into town and that sort of

Thing I mean they can bring it to Perth if they want we can we can uh we can host it Karen up Karen up or wa golf club or something like that that’d be nice but that’s it it’ be perfect they get Ron Chopper to come up and do some

Funny stuff that would be awesome yes yeah all

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