Golf Players

How This 1 SIMPLE Move Will Change Your Game FOREVER

This was on of the most enjoyable lessons that i’ve given in recent times, Barry came to me wanting some help with his iron play and in less than an hour we were able to completely transform his golf swing and shots.

Barry had some patterns that many of you will i’m sure be familiar with, he was hitting the ball with too much curve, not achieving the kind of distances he felt he should whilst also not seeing any consistency in his shots.

We made two relatively simply changes to his golf swing which resulted in a completely different swing shape and ball flight and in this video you see exactly what those changes were and how exactly we went about integrating them into the golf swing

Hope you enjoy this insight into a real life lesson and id love to hear from you so drop down into the comments and let me know if you like this style of video



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✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.

🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.


00:00 Introduction
00:37 Barry’s Swing
04:40 Key Backswing Move
05:56 Making Swing Changes
07:54 Creating The Perfect Impact
10:57 New Swing Vs Old Swing
11:28 Adding The Speed

In this video I want to share with you a recent lesson that I gave to Barry Henderson now Barry came to me struggling with his IRS he was hitting them a little bit too high little bit weak strike wasn’t great and they were moving left to right and Barry also

Didn’t feel like he was getting the distance that he felt he should from the ISS we made some massive massive changes I was really impressed with what we did in this lesson so I’m going to share it with you and this really gives you an insight as to how we go about changing

The goling many of you will know that you have certain faults and you need to change them how do you actually go about making those changes and making them stick well that’s what I’m going to show you in this live lesson with Barry so let’s jump straight into it on average

Your carry is a lot less than what it should be based on your speed so that’s like you sitting in a Ferrari yeah putting your foot in the accelerator but you’re on an ice ring it’s just like you got the power but you can’t get it down

Onto the onto the golf ball so what we’ll do today is not about distance but I think you might pick up a bit of distance because what we’re going to do is just try and give you a slightly better more consistent goaling on that particular shot there which is the one

You just hit the end result was good okay nice shot landed on target your Club traveled about 10° to the left when you swing to the left the only way you can get the ball to finish on target is to open the face what happens when you open the face you

Add Loft so the balls going high because it kind of has to that’s the only way it can ever get back onto Target so we need to look at why the club is traveling left and we then need to look at kind of how that relates to

Ball strike delivery and that kind of stuff you’ve got two or three things which are working very well together to give you a decent result but it’s those two things that are actually creating these inconsistencies the general pattern from here through the golf ball is that

You’re backing up a little bit so you can see just how much of my red golf bag you can see there versus you know setup there we go see he completely hidden at setup but on the way back you can see it’s kind of here you can see your left foot’s kind of

Coming off the ground because your weight’s on this on this back foot so you’re sort of keeping your weight back at impact then we look at this angle so left arm is to vertical and as you start down the club is vertical over the top okay now this is where we

Have to look at the goaling and we say okay we can’t simply just change one of those things my club moves around my body on this big circle okay so let’s say my circle is aimed pretty much towards where I want to go so it’s a decent swing shape the club would probably

Land pretty much where that board is okay so if I was to put the ball there and I have a fairly neutral Circle I can get some sort of decent shots when that Circle isn’t straight when it’s twisted to the left like yours is or it could be twisted to the right

What happens is the club lands later or if we have the opposite Circle it would land earlier so what happens is you take a setup you have the all in a pretty good spot relaity stance you make a back swing where the arms too high you come a little steeper

Where is the club going to land relative to the ball forward so your club would land too far to the Target so what do you do to make sure it doesn’t you back up so you swinging over the top and you backing up actually really they kind of

Work together they help you if you swing over the top and I looks you swing from face on and said you’re backing up let’s get you to shift more forward you’d swing over the top shift more forward and you’d like dead top it because the club would land over here and you’d go

That’s terrible Chris so the fact that you back up at the moment is like key to you for you to decent shots for you to kind of really develop both have got to change we’ve got to change a little bit of where you are at the top and if we

Can change a little bit of your downswing shape we can then get you to move more forward and it’s that is going to give you a better impact so you know can we can we completely change it today I don’t really want to I just want to

Make it a little better and just move a little closer okay so the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to try and say okay can we get the top of the back swing different okay because where you are at the top of your back swing this lead arm

We’ll call it vertical you’re always likely to have this so over the top move okay I’m going to keep you here so imagine you’re looking at the golf ball okay you’re going to make a back swing and try and get your hands to hit that wall there you go okay that feel

Different y okay perfect same again there you go feel it bit more of a stretch y yeah because you you’d want to go kind of up up here and upwards is generally less resistance that’s going to feel easier than than trying to get to that wall okay there you go so allow

That to soften a bit there you go now that is actually kind of where you need to be you’re not on the wall but that’s that’s pretty good okay okay just do a couple of those just just go ahead and try and get the head as if you’re looking at the ball

But just try and feel it you reach that wall there you go good love it there you go where does that feel different everywhere down there good okay okay so I’m going to put a grip here you’ve got to miss this so you’re not going to swing you’re just

Going to do me a back swing beautiful this time I want you to do your back swing a little quicker so a little bit more momentum but just go hands behind my grip okay so there got to go more here there you go feel hands go behind you hands behind

You okay relax what’s never nice in a lesson is to do something which feels hard strange weird and difficult and extreme and have the coach say that’s perfect because you think I don’t want it to feel like that you know I want I want it to I want a good swing to feel

Good and it’s not the case I mean that is great if we want to change your down swing shape the easiest way to do that is to change where it starts from so you’re going to go ball on the te you’re going to make a back swing and

Stop trying to search for that point okay once you’re there and I say yes just go through going hold it again you’ve done great great good it’s fine back hold it again good so that’s positive for me because you got into a pretty good position every time then without me having to

Sort of move you good beautiful love it good excellent good okay one more good excellent so you had high in deep and you balance that with moving back so this Balan with that and we got an all right result of those two things we’ve changed one so we’ve affected that balance which

Is why the results have been a bit indifferent because you’ve taken a balance which you’ve kind of figured out over the last 18 months you’ve kind of made work and we’ve changed one side of it so it’s now gone complet ass syn what we do now is we we balance the other

Side so this time you’re nowhere near me so don’t worry when you swing through you’re going to go forward the hips feel like you miss that bag clip the T and go all the way through hold it go through there you go that feel different okay back swing hold it okay

Good good you make a change to what the swing does and you generally increase a bit of tension I’d like you to relax a little bit but I appreciate it’s hard because I’m giving you stuff which makes you kind of second guess what you’re doing good good love it relax hit the T

Go through there you go okay Z again actually hold it good good sub Mach without a board isn’t it yeah okay back hold it good beautiful loads of people ask like is the ding more left hand more left arm is it more right more right arm

Is it whatever it may be and the answer is they both have equally important roles but for certain golfers focusing on one can can be beneficial for you left is the one that’s going to want to drag and drag okay so for you right would be a probably better feeling for

You because if you think what the right’s going to do it’s going to be more likely to sort of Swing the CL down and actually kind of release it release it past feel it’s like maybe more right hand and then you’re going to feel like you just kind of it through

Okay okay I like it good ah now we’re talking now we’re talking it’s one of the shortest ones You’ hit that’s fine cuz I ask you to do that but you swung the club five degrees correct that’s 15° different now that’s not where I want you to end up

Because I want you to be close to zero but that’s pretty much what we’re trying to do great back hold it love it now we’re talking now we’re talking love that love it love it really good that one landed about two to three inches before the ball okay in practice if you land

The club before the ball you don’t react to that if you hit 10 shots and six of them it lands before the ball you react to that so I’d rather you react to patterns rather than individual shots because you’re going through something changes you’re going to get the odd the

Odd weird one okay bit more there right hand go through ah so good mate that is so good good go through so good though that’s so good I mean Club shaft is through your head yeah then it goes kind of outside your head I mean that is like so much

Better it’s like a that’s a different golfer I mean that’s so good that’s right through your hands now so now you can start to shift onto your left foot and we should do better so your back foot’s up where again it kind of wasn’t before it was correct yeah the back foot

Was I mean your balance was spinning you spinning on the back foot there you go oh tell you what tell you what you were so close if you’re going to hit any decent shots your Club has to hit the ground yeah okay what we’ve done in terms of your swing

Shape means that your Club is likely to hit the ground earlier which is where all your your bad shots are coming from so in a way if you hit a shot like you just did where the club hits the ground early yeah it’s not a great result but

It gives that okay I’m swing changed he’s good then you just go out in the shift oh close close close close oh I like that that’s a good swing you’ve actually closed the face too much but I mean as a as a go swing it was only the face it

Was closed but I mean that’s great what you’ve done there is is really good that was very very close oh hello that’s a goling right there so good that is zero there speeds up that’s so good that’s so good oh God that’s so good I mean a little drift right but

Again so good in terms of what he did best one maybe that’s that’s like so good compared to where you were your launch angle is still a little bit high so your ball flights a little bit on the high side and your attack angle which is basically how much the

Club is going down as it strikes the ball minus 1.8 it’s slightly down which is fine you could afford to have that club going more down which would lower the ball flight however I wouldn’t want to change that today because you basically got what I call kind of a sweet spot change like

You start here I change it a little bit and you kind of golfing brain goes yeah all right I’ll I’ll have that think you change it a bit more if you change too much in one lesson your brain just goes like I can’t do that everything’s so different easy

In a lesson to try and do too much and then you just you get lost and you almost kind of you’re not where you want to be you’ve forgotten where you were at the start of the you’re in this kind of No Man’s Land of I don’t know what to do

Now what we’ve done here is made some really good changes you’ve taken it on board phenomenally well you’ve demonstrated all the skills I want you to demonstrate great let that settle in then you can go again


  1. Saved this ….I really need a lesson to work on these exact issues….going to try and repeat this….have you got any videos on how to generate power…?

  2. He is going to be on the course and hit the first snap hook of his life. He will wonder what you did to him! You teaching pros have a very difficult job 😂

  3. Well done Chris he did very well there its hard to feel a different position in the swing but its starting slowly and then speed will come later😊

  4. By just looking at Barry's reaction through his progressive swings…..HE LOOKED VERY EXCITED!!
    Good job Chris!! I love it towards the end of lesson you told him that you want to not confuse him but work him slowly into the swing.
    Great video👍👍

  5. Keen to get your thoughts on this style of live lesson video, do you prefer this or the more tip based vids? Thanks 🙏🏻

  6. he looks so happy and excited on the inside when he begins to strike it well towards the end of the video. i am excited for him

  7. Chris is the best coach on social media by far. Everything he explains makes perfect sense, unlike other coaches who just confuse you. Awesome video Chris, very helpful. Cheers.

  8. Great video Chris! You're really clear in your instruction.

    Fancy giving me a driving lesson? 😂

  9. Love these types of videos.
    Great teacher/student, impressive he was able to change the club path that quickly.

  10. This was great, is it possible to book one of these lesson with you Chris? Mid handicap trying to get into single figures, a pull off the tee is my nemesis at the minute. Thanks, Alex.

  11. Loved this Chris! Great to see the tweaks and adjustments being made to someone we can relate to. For me, a mix of this lesson style video and the general tips videos would be great.

  12. Man! I wish you were in our area. It is so difficult to actually find and connect with a good golf coach. I really like your demeanor and approach.

    As far as videos like this; yes! Absolutely! We may have similar issues, but different people learn differently. What you say and/or the drills you present to one person may not necessarily connect/translate with someone else because they hear, see, and feel what you are teaching differently. We can watch dozens of videos that claim to correct an over the top swing, but what works for one person may not work for someone else. Again, CONNECTING with a good golf coach is key!

    Thank you for the drill; reaching back and getting my hands to touch the wall.

    I’m right there with you Barry! Keep at it!

  13. Do you guys never see the sun. Every time I watch your clips , you guys are wrapped up. Enjoy the clips though Chris

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