Golf Babe

Man Vs Woman I Got Hit by Both for Science!

In this episode of Bro Labs, I Test The Strength Between Men and Women! Who do you think will hit harder? Sadly YouTube doesn’t approve of this experiment but sometimes that’s the price I must pay for my hard hitting science.

This video is intended for educational purposes and is provided for informational and illustrative purposes only. The activities demonstrated in this video may involve practices that are beyond the scope of a typical home environment and may require specialized knowledge, equipment, and safety measures.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to replicate or carry out any of the activities shown in this video.




Hey 3 two one Holy balls oh men and women have biological differences but these are not absolute and there is variability between each gender well said that was the most politically correct thing I’ve ever heard you say thank you thank you to determine which gender would inflict the

Most physical pain and damage an experiment involving physical attacks from my assistant Mark and his wife Amy will be conducted what about emotional attacks I don’t want to do that experiment from my experience women are pretty good at that and now we’re not politically correct however it’s important to note

That this experiment should not be recreated in any fashion just learn and be happy with the knowledge gained here’s how this very political correct experiment is going to work got Mark and Amy over here they’re looking great both in lab coats Mark doesn’t even have his mic attached okay and got bushed all

Right they’re going to hit me with a variety of attacks it’s going to start with a slap going to go to a kick then it’ll be a baseball throw then we got this bamboo stick here and last but not least an aluminum bat that used to have

Legos glued onto it what are your thoughts um that Amy is a very strong woman they don’t need no man that needs a man um my thoughts is is I’m here for the woman I cringed up versus Slack we have Mark doing the honors should we do ladies first well the ladi’s better

At slowmo you can go first and she said you can go first what a lady yeah um man first three slaps as fast as he can 100% power last last one was good yeah I don’t think the last one was your best one yeah oh that stung pretty good it

Stung for you as well definitely definitely good sting though it’s a good start uh I’m GNA say I got early predictions here okay I think you’re going to win this one but I think Amy might win the kick I do have bigger hands so it is a slight you got more

Surface area covered okay MH and I’m not here to say about all the biological differences but hand size is probably one of them yeah mixes up for a lot of things we’re g to move on Amy before Amy goes take a look at what Mark did pretty good not bad you know it

Looks bad but for my angle it looks like it didn’t hit you that hard was that not full power Mark I tried my best well I mean that’s all we can hope okay he just kind of only did like a half line back on those you know I think

We need uh Jake versus Mark uh pain competition in the near future that’s why he’s doing it because Jake can talks talks a mean game behind the camera and now you know it could be a good competition it’s going to be a tie Amy you’re up three

Consecutive full power slaps to my other chesticle chesticle chesticle yeah says chesticle chesal I say chesal okay um any thoughts I’m nervous you don’t need to be okay this is like we’re we’re all friends here you know you I know consent I didn’t consent to this you ever hit a man before

No that’s a lie she’s she’s kicked me before off camera really really hard you wanted it though don’t say it like that you needed it maybe I was a little little under the influence okay and I wanted to know how hard you could kick okay I’m not weird you’re weird so three

Consecutive oh my gosh so I never did your Bo before that was weird see just don’t touch it gently just go you ever play wack-o yeah it’s wacka not on Houston’s boob it’s a testicle not a boob stop flexing I feel like it’s I’ll give you a

Mine was fleed y see I got to he’s right I got to keep it consistent that means I have to touch your boom yes slap it okay three in a row Che three in a row okay that was pretty good that was pretty good wow ow impressed Amy

Wow she she put a lot of beans into that I think we just got to switch rolls from now good job those are like half punches half slabs you see she kind of she was kind of getting her wrist into it is that what you’re trying to say I’ve never I’m

Taking it I’m taking it we’ll move on to kicks and let this Fest her a little bit I’m glad some of her data came over into my you’re right her fingers were She was That’s My I’ll I’ll review the footage before I give my final verdict and he’s a really

Good soccer player Mark play soccer 2o he can kick a ball pretty good uh I would say Amy is a more accomplished soccer player but I am not allowing them to do like a soccer kick I’m going to be standing so it’s more of a martial arts

Fighter kick it’s got to come around a little bit more we’re both yellow belts perfect so they know nothing uh we’ll do two backto back full power kicks to the side of my leg Mark your up two kicks side of the leg very painful area to get

Kicked I’ve never done a marshall art kick well I what happens don’t judge my form oh everyone will they will that hurt that hurt my god that hurt too oh that hurt you I felt your like it band or something yeah you did that was weird y wow wow you got a lot

To beat there Amy oh I’m not going to walk straight oh God it’s not very visible yet you can kind of see it’s very deep but I’ll tell you what uh I felt that one in my bone Mark had a nice kick there you got a lot to beat Amy I do but

I believe in you so let’s see what you got two full power kicks back the back 3 two 1 oh oh those are good I think it comes down to a weight difference here for sure Mark could put a lot more weight into his kick those are some solid kicks though

Still like ow you hit lower though you hit a bit lower Mark was a little bit higher here I don’t know if that makes a big difference but I feel like that it band’s a little bit denser here in this middle of my leg but this is a two-fold

Challenge I got to inspect the dam damage later M I’m going to give Mark this one on the pain yeah it was kind of a tie on the slap so moving on to baseball throws and here’s the deal I won’t react at all for either of the throws and everyone has to

Like the video I definitely didn’t make this deal prior that wouldn’t be me it’s a deal as I was saying baseball throw test all the precautions are in place helmet riot shield on my back reverse KNE guards why do we have all these precautions well Mark’s practice throws

Were pretty inconsistent I’ll have you know I played baseball in seventh grade struck out every time that does not like fill me with confidence more of a legs guy okay let’s see what happens swinging a Miss great again done deal good throw thank you good [Applause]

Throw Amy you got my left hamstring best of luck all right let’s do it oh you hit the same spot as Mark someone has wor at least I Hit It First it’s like literally the same spot as Mark it’s funny someone has worse name than me Y no he don’t well we’ll try

Again and that doesn’t count as reaction it was just funny to [Laughter] me you throw like a girl good one wow I mean uh girls can throw pretty hard I think it’s okay I slap like a girl so just trying to save yourself now what’s that even mean yeah what are you

Trying to say what do you mean yeah what are you trying to say Mark what are you trying to say Mark I’m actually curious myself what is Mark trying to say huh what are you trying to say mark huh could you uh tell us what you were

Trying to say when you slap like a girl I support all things I think I’m going to have to defer to the damage on that one although Amy hit mark spot so that may mess up the date a little bit everything is in favor of Mark I feel like my my fingers

Were over here on him honestly I’m giving the slabs to you I think uh but this is a two-fold experiment pain damage moving on to bamboo stick bamboo stick Two Hits full power lower thigh okay you hit Amy you hit Amy you hit it I broke

It damn damn we’ve never done that yeah that’s a Channel first yeah nicely done good accuracy too yes wow been going to been going to the gym in accuracy school okay youve been double whammy there huh yes strengthen yourself and improving your accuracy yes that hurt but I will

Say uh watching it fly back and hit Amy kind of made me forget about myself for a second she gonna be able to use it she can no we’ll get a new one well I got more oh good good come always prepared H I wasn’t necessarily prepared I just

Bought him in bulk like five years ago so you’re prepared for I don’t think Mark was ready I got one hdden we count it we count I was so excited it’s okay it’s okay you’re actually wasn’t as good as marks there you have two different marks that may skew the

Damage I’ll be honest cuz Mark’s I don’t know how he did that that’s an impressive Mark feet right there but on this side there is some Scar Tissue so that might result in bigger bruising all right that’s skew data I’m going to count it good hits last but not least aluminum

Bat one hit upper th full power this is a bad one I I this is bad you’re the one that suggested it Mark suggested it and I was like yeah that’s a great idea let me break the Legos off this real quick I’m an idiot no you’re a great guy

Thanks 10 to one Houston drops I I’m not good at B want Shake on that 10 to one a $10 bet what was the BET Houston drop not 100 one a $10 bet he’s not going to drop $10 bet he’s not going to drop he

Pay me 10 he’s going down he’s going to go the ground like fall all the way you’re just going to take a knee I ain’t going to take a knee ain’t got to take a knee he’s going to take a KN he didn’t with the Legos and that was full power

Come on Mark hit him like you never hit him before legs weakened do I get [Laughter] half in the head oh man Mark’s winning five bucks if he drops me okay you bring him to his knees God damn it this is a bad idea come on Mark let’s go Mark Okay you can hit me now Amy I’m fine he’s fast it he’s fast he absorbed it you know why I yelled to automa ially transfer all the kind of I just trying to distract my mind yeah so I saw as soon as I saw the back swing

I was like I’m going to yell I think there’s some psychological thing to it I don’t know if it didn’t know if it would work but I think it did a little bit there’s some theory behind also he broke skin with that hit holy pulse that’s a

Tough one to beat Amy good luck thanks Mark had a good showing there Amy so you need to put a lot of beans into this one he did yeah a lot of beans let’s go now Amy what’s something you hate me how thinking it toing it Marcus silly face is aim below the

Scar Holy balls oh she broke skin too okay that one might be a draw as well for pain ow well Mark it’s your turn a I’m like oh I get to go again no it’s your turn to get hit I mean I think we make this nice and easy and do bamboo

Sticks onto your back I’ve never got hit in the back yeah that’s a new one that’s fair that’s going to break and we can go first Houston’s going to kill me all right Mark what are your thoughts about what is about to happen we got domestic abuse being filmed with consent with

Consent this is for you guys to own this beautiful event on bike okay woo woo now Amy I expect you not to hold back here oh I’m not no I won’t if you hit me harder than you hit him she hit me pretty hard I went all out also only one

I did we did two on me we’re doing one on Mark just remember I buy you nice things I by myself okay you want lower back that’s what you wanted where did she hit turn around for me oh God oh God is right that’s what I’m Feeling I’ll hit upper back sure it’s all going to hurt this is a good uh case study to prove my my hypothesis I think there’s more nerves the lower you go down in the back so I’ll hit you a little bit higher and we see the difference yeah you’re like 10 times

Stronger it’s well see oh don’t see you’re being misogynist look at these look at women are just as strong as men under hitting oh my God oh my God holy sh balls it went across my whole body did it break yeah cool all right that’s unfortunately not to four

Pieces it somehow like came around and hit my tit oh my it just was just like what what good hit your arm and then hit your tit your I I we will need to do a damage report on Mark good thing it’s not summer for six months I think I won that one Amy yeah I’ll give it to you you deserve that one you know it doesn’t hurt anymore but like solid 20 seconds you’re just like what do I do with myself yeah it’s uh this one is very different than like your kick like I’m

Still feeling your kick like your kick is like aching but this goes away fast it’s a very big stingy pan I I don’t know curving bamboo martial artist from the bamboo curver well let’s do a quick review chest slaps were first right now can’t tell much of a difference but

Keep in mind the slaps were a while ago can you guys stop she start he’s weird moving on next was a kick you can’t really tell but I’ll have you know Mark’s kicks on this side have been festering and I can’t really Bend this leg without severe pain

So that means something to me Amy’s kick was a bit lower very painful in the moment but doesn’t have that festering pain next was a baseball throw I can’t see him so I left the well keep in mind Amy hit that one twice it was help too

All right no well there’s a little well on this side a little okay okay so some slight differences right now then we have bamboo sticks Mark hit the same spot twice which will probably yield dividends in the damage report and then uh we have Amy who did two separate

Hits which I think will change the results last but not least we have the bad hit Mark monstrous hit here beautiful beautiful welt blood Amy as well great hit blood welt we’ve seen marks damage I need some time to look at the footage review collect my thoughts I’ll

Come back to you in a couple days for the consensus on man versus woman pain and damage woo who won Amy or I Amy Amy I think I won I had a good hit there you’re [Laughter] obsolete see you later it’s time for the man versus woman physical pain and

Damage Daya review 3 days after the experiment I had minimal damage from the slaps however I think I could still see Amy’s fingers imprinted on my chest for the kicks baseball bat in bamboo stick mark caused a considerable amount more bruising and swelling on my left leg

With the kick specifically causing me to limp for a few days while Amy’s hits on my right leg caused a decent amount of bruising ultimately the swelling in bruising was much less severe lastly the baseball throw was the most surprising upset of this experiment with Amy appearing to cause a larger bruise than

Mark in total Amy caused more damage with two of the physical attacks while Mark caused more damage with three given the size Advantage Mark has I can’t say I’m surprised by these results but Amy had a very impressive showing nonetheless however to get a more accurate result I think this experiment

Would need to be conducted with a much larger sample size than just one married couple regardless I would love to hear your thoughts on this experiment down in the comments also be sure to check out my patreon by clicking the link in the description to see deleted scenes for my

Videos thanks for watching and remember the domestic violence scene in this video was consensual which means it was all right I Hope


  1. HAve you ever tried Kata before an experiment? I would love to know the results and what sort of data comes from a leg stricken without previous breathing compared to one post kata

  2. You should make a slide, then go down there and put sandpaper on the slide. Then after you have the scratches put vinegar on the scratches, then go back down the slide with the vinegar on the sandpaper and then do it all over again three times

  3. You should do a test to see if yelling before getting hit reduces pain, kinda like what those monks do before they do some crazy stuff like laying on spikes while someone breaks cinder blocks on top of them.

  4. In the previous video testing what science burns the data points the most I realized that we didn’t compare sodium, citric acid, to crystalline dicarboxylic acid aka malic acid.

    Would be interesting just saying.


  5. Hey Houston, I have a few suggestions for self defense weapon testing. Kubotan: A small, lightweight self-defense keychain tool that can be used to strike pressure points or sensitive areas on an attacker's body. Tactical Umbrella: A sturdy umbrella with a reinforced frame that can be used as a makeshift weapon for self-defense. Self-Defense Keychain: Keychains with built-in self-defense features such as sharp edges, pointed tips, or knuckle dusters that can be used to strike or fend off attackers.

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