Golf Players

JV SOFTBALL (Scrimmage): Fredericksburg at Buda Johnson

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Bees shotgun snap oh he’s open there he is has one across the middle pass is Caught and there’s a big swing by Huey BL stop that ball from coming over here see coming back Behind Dyan Kennedy checks in for the jacket what a putback Aly you from green to Schulz working it inside like coach Brookshire says but Burnie with the [Applause] Rebound running the last leg uh leg that could be gold and a gold and a gold yeah it’s over in the third brings another one there’s another ground ball to Short Stop fielded by Herber who fires it over to First pace for out number

Three oh she got a hold of that one gone that one is gone there you go wow what a hit it didn’t take her long no Juan Garza welcome to another Billy’s live production find us on your favorite social sites and apps like subscribe and get notified when we go Live Well all righty welcome welcome we’re going to be starting here with the I guess JV game here we’re going to start out with JV playing just started a few minutes ago welcome yeah let me go through the lineup real quick before oh looks like we’re already there aren’t we uh this is

Jolene at the plate um to a look I had written their positions down get my bearing stra yeah Jolene will be leading off here and she is um pitching then we got JC hitting in the two hole at first base Michaela will be at third base Elizabeth at second Lily

Will be catching today Stephanie is in left Liliana ner in center and Liliana Sanchez and right all right there you go take one on the hip perfect easy bag I guess a two- hole is someone else other than JC yeah I don’t think the rights are planning to come to this

Game so I’m going to have to figure out how to keep this score see if I can get that going here all right look like good pit little rise on that one taking it for ball one runner on first for JV billies that’s Kyle tribes by the way

Folks the legend yeah actually yes so it goes I missed it missed missed this weekend with you guys head back now here we go here we go absolutely glad to be back first one of the Year huh yeah yeah yeah absolutely kind of like what you were saying uh Saturday it’s kind of

Tough with these kids when without a number on their back yeah good watch good watch High outside I think that’s three and 0 but I’m not 100% uh pretty sure you’re right on that one sir so Jolene reaches on a hit by pitch and uh as I mentioned this is JC no

Looks like the batting order oh Cadence so Jolene is at Short Cadence is pitching I’m sorry I had all that backwards I need to make some adjustments to my list here all righty yeah so we had a hit pitch uh Jolie moves to Second and uh on a steel and then Cadence’s walked

Cadence’s had a walk and she’s on first now we got Jai up here in uh in the in the Box on the wrong side now on this sport man that’s the right side the correct side I should say and it’s the right I guess from our perspective

Too I don’t know the classifications of all of these girls JC’s a sophomore is that right yes sir I had Matty r as a senior last week and that was wrong last game missed it by him touch that’s okay and Cadence is a freshman I believe Jolene is a freshman I believe so

Believe that is correct also watching them she’s ball upstairs huh trying to just leave them just a little high on all of us I think that got Cadence on the bag and I think ja’s had three High also oh three okay it’s a lot to do to keep track of all this

Little foul ball they first baseman steps over saves Old Coach Sherman over there coach serman in his first year as the head man here at FHS and of course uh coach Sahar down there this is her first as well this a JV coach assistant coach yeah we have

A whole new coaching staff this year and a lot of new girls oh yeah the Freshman de class brought up a lot of kids which is which is really good we have a lot more to pick from a lot more to take uh okay that’s going to clear the count and

Load the bases right yes sir all right and coming to the play this Michaela I believe she’s playing Third Base okay yeah you’re going to have to keep me straight on Nam I I’ll try man I’m I’m I know a few the returners K uh Michaela is a sophomore as

Well Kayla kind of got a little small there you know kind of kind of get tight on that and try to make some contact just to move some players around anything outside the infield is definitely going to be two runs we got got some pretty good wheels on second to to make that

Round get that extra 120 ft on and ball up yes sir yes sir oh high one and one to count there it is there it is little pop dinker and nice play Third goes way out yes little soft back at the pitcher and she’s a or is that the shorty I think

Shorty stepped up and grabbed that one if I fired to third for the double play M so man we went from Bases Loaded no outs to two outs Runners of first and second I I honestly I kind of feel pretty good on this if I would make a call I’d send

Cadence uh especially on that first pitch might have been a fake bunt and I would have gotten Cadence on three cuz she does know how to move I’m telling you well you’ve already done more coaching on the mic than I have so I don’t feel bad anymore oh I’m

Sorry that’s great I had to bite my tongue most of I got was the time when I’m on the mic yeah a lot of love for these girls I’ve coached a lot of them all the way from uh coach pitch on and uh that one dropped right in there count one1

Or 02 uh two two one two one two one ball two strikes he helped us out there he must have heard me yeah he heard us wait you got one more kiddo stay in there this is the one you’re looking for right here I think it’s just two and two twoo two two

This is going to be that one look at this ground ball to second first and time for the out it’s all right it’s all right I don’t believe that okay trying to keep up with everything okay that was a pop fly double play and what we had there we had

That little dink up uh Short Stop stepped up caught the pop fly and uh didn’t tag up on third I’m going to run some ads be right back Hello friends this is Shane Franson From the Inside Story we’ like to thank you our fburg community for trusting us with all your

Home decorating needs whether wood or tile floors window treatments or wallpaper vinyl plank or paint for 43 years now you’ve made us the number one rated store in the area and we couldn’t be prouder to back our billies right here on for choosing the Inside

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Chevron Products St and offers 509 South Adam Street Fredericksburg call 830 997 4382 check them out online St we are back and real quick before we uh get going here Jolene aosen will be at Short Cadence wner pitching J tribes at first base Michaela queeni at third

Elizabeth Sanders in second base Lily Hickman behind the dish Stephanie Velasquez in left field uh the Liliana there we go Liliana ner in center and Liliana Sanchez in right that’s how the bildes spread them out here on the defensive M all right that’s going to work out just fine

For us I think we’re going to be all right here good little field Set uh I believe this is one of the first games that the JV has played all together is that right I missed the first set of scrimmages we had something else that was in town is

That the one you were uh that home oh I might have been Hayes County stock showing no you were I think that’s what was going on you were but yes uh so we uh yeah they played a few of them a few of them got some field time uh were able

To get between the foul lines and make something happen uh but yeah I think this is kind of going to be their first debut so we’re all seeing it here together Cadence in the circle and who’s her battery partner there behind the is that Lily that’s L hman I believe

Absolutely and varsity sitting over there can you pan to the left and show them what those girls are up to yeah cheering on there b Billy sitting over here and got a got a few parents and grandparents over here on our left and uh yeah this is a this a great field

Great Stadium it is fantastic I’m in a really nice spot here as of a wind blocking the wind yeah I had you up here on the perch to my left and then uh as alen and I were setting things up was like whoa wait a minute no he’s going to

Blow cold on my ears yeah my nose get cold but all right uh yeah here we go uh you wouldn’t happen to be able to have any of their lineup you sir I don’t yeah black Jersey leading off all right black jersey number one right-handed black Jersey leading

Off feel free to push in Kyle now that you’re there I was leaving it wide um so if I wasn’t sure what time you’d come scooting in okay so you can so you’re going to have to forgive me at home if you are watching that’s probably if I

Miss a really good play it’s my fault all right yeah you got to watch through that big screen that’s the key but I got you kind of roped off don’t oh we’re good we’re Golden good pitch there no idea what the count is do you know uh should be a two balls one strike I believe I believe that’s what we have here yes two and one thank you sir that’s another good one two two yes 2 two good pitch inside she’s definitely

Swinging hard at him i’ probably try to Planet there L need to get a glove on it we don’t have a drop third speaking of cadence Warner thank you Werner electric for being our title sponsor in this young season thus far appreciate it Dwight and Carmen Carmen their support of these batling

Billies on Billy live oh Dwight Dwight will do anything for them kids tell you what he’s good supporter of the kids ball four she Runner takes her base she gets there a little quick like she wants to maybe try a little something that’s what I was kind of panning here think about

Rolling see if we have a little Action Brad Holland gave the thumbs up so I’m guessing oh he says audio and video is working oh little dink off the helmet there that’s why they wear that protective gear mhm where he use the head so first and second no outs we had loaded no outs and ended up not scoring

Not having a lot of work she going go got to be ready girl good job backing up good back up so a double steal puts Runners at second and third with no outs and was that a swinging strike or was that a ball I believe that was a ball okay another one

Oh that that was a good good off speed right there yeah that was that was a good off speed change up action Runners coming on the wild pitch almost got her M good Hustle by Cadence coming in so first and third the wild pitch will put a runner across for the

Jags on the corners I’m going to look at first over there and I can kind of see she’s going to definitely go that a good Sol stroke oh oh no way come on right get the ball in all right so ball hit well to Jolene Jolene

Made a good stop on it flipped to the second baseman yeah wasn’t wasn’t quite ready for the for the double play but uh the runner to first to second definitely she uh yeah I think we were anticipating that ball being thrown to First and that Runner

Was Trucking too so the runner was there the runner was there before the ball was there so she would have been safe even if Liz would have caught it so inside stopped it good stop by fielder’s Choice there and then she’s able to take second

On the uh ball that deflected off of her into right yeah that that runner on uh going to second I think she had that steel sign that’s why she was there so early got one one I think so this game is an hour and 15 minutes as I understand it and the

Varsity to follow is an hour and 45 okay and there there’s a maximum of four runs per Inning on uh on both games question I don’t know I believe so there’s a good swing all right two two count so they can take some Liberties in these uh scrimmages in order to flip the

Rotation get their defenses in and whatnot tag pretty well the third down the third line right into the Dugout yeah another good pitch by Cadence she attacks it and Bulls it again down that field line here we go kadence come on KD tried the little change up

Flop hey that was a good uh good return by the catcher there on that pass ball get it flipped back to Cadence in time to keep the runner there all right I believe we got a full count okay ball four and another wild pitch so she’s going to come across and the

Runner that walked is going to take second on the defensive indifference there so second and third another Runner across that’s three 0 I think okay so if we have that four run we’ll hopefully get our outs before that fourth one comes across I I’d like

I’d like to see that be a good pep for the kids and uh she’s coming oh okay so that’s the fourth round I believe that’s it and then here we go yeah okay y switch it up all right we’ll be right back after these ads thank you folks oo man you’re playing

Like a new player since your hip surgery I’m telling you Texas Hill Country Orthopedics and Sports Medicine has changed my life I live with the pain of that old football injury for years never thought I’d walk right again they did this minimally invasive procedure thing really sped up my recovery faster than I

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Goals give us a call or stop by today we would be honored to help turn your Texas Hill Country dream into a reality go billies co all righty welcome we are back man we are back we are here coach chairman Making Tracks first in the beautiful be of Texas beautiful the Jaguar softball

Stadium not I wouldn’t call this a field no no no no no definitely not a feel I mean we are literally encased in uh netting we’re safe here this place is really nice if anybody has opportunity to come down and watch the kids play either baseball or uh softball down here

In bu definitely tennis I mean I’m looking around there’s oh tennis I do know that the uh I remember JC playing volleyball even the inside is yeah really so in the background there you can see a very modern hospital it looks like it but that’s actually the school that’s how well put

Together this campus is it’s a nice place impressive very very well put together all right up the middle got some air on it got to drop go to go to watch coach here we go and we are down and safe oh we’re on turf turf you

Really slide a long way you got to watch start sliding about halfway there yeah you got make sure girls are used to playing in the mud you can tell well that was this past weekend you could definitely see that the slides were sticking Lily with the lead off double

To Center that’s a good shot L yeah all right girl step I believe if I’ve got if I’ve got the line up right uh our left fielder I may have missed somebody but oh got to be keeping score too and I’m totally not H it goes

And uh it’s a good throw boy that was nice wow I didn’t know if the rake was going to be in time or not but but umpire says we got her that was impressive JV catcher’s got a pretty good Wing I thought she’d get there okay does she step forward to get across

The batter I don’t even know if the batter backed out or not top half of the second one out sorry y’all um this is why oh good hit right is so valuable over here to the left field drops a a one bouncer in front of left text

Leer there that was nice base hit to left put the runner up first the uh left fielder had no option other than to just uh play that bounce mhm we had a ball there yes sir I was a little low inside okay I need to get big out working here

He’s sitting beside me getting how your how’s your eyes not good he’s just looking at you yeah he’s just looking I haven’t had somebody stare at me that long in a long time so that tells you his eyes aren’t working real good most people can’t stand it all

Right we got we got one out runner on first um two count 20 count I believe oh squares great bun bunt lays down B nice bunt nobody’s there kind of shift a little bit to uh play by the Yeah defense third base coach over here is like you should be

Seeing me by now that bag was open that’s all right I mean I’m going tell you what the uh the best practice you can get is playing these girls will definitely uh be able to go home and oh reflect watch a little pass ball Runner advances the third anyway we’re on

Third and I think this is Lana uh Sanchez yes yeah that was narot that just hit okay yes sir it just laid down and look at this look at this another leer to the right oh she made it she’s at first R all the way through that guy man three hits in this

Inning great uh run in sacrifice bunt bunt was a great bunt by the way was a good bunt last year we uh had a handful that actually went to the ground and were good bunts and this year this past weekend we had a bunch of good bunts and just

Now okay rner first the bun looking for Christy right out there if you happen to spot her somewhere let me know okay this is too much think we could that’s why we have a whole trailer full of people most of the time Jolene oh look at this look at this oh

Good flip this girls looking sharp the Jags okay so that was a six to four on the fielders Choice put out and that’s going to send us back to ads all right thank you my name is David Smith Fredericksburg FBO this business has done now five large metal buildings

Through Dy Ray he is honest enormous L competent in the matter of metal buildings he’s been doing metal buildings for 35 years service is excellent the work is reliable and they’re fast now these are the qualities that will come through and deliver Value hello my name is Greg nebin with 4N Cattle Company I want to talk to you a little bit about J for trailer in my experience so I was looking for a new cattle trailer stopped by talk to Josh customize what I wanted I own a local

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Mine it’s a highfly ball back deep at the wall it’s a nope short and caught for out number three no one wants to come up short especially with your retirement plan plan have you practiced the soft toss enough to smash the home runs if you don’t have all your bases

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Well ladies and gentlemen C tribes welcome back that sounds crazy yeah welcome back we’re going to be uh going into the I guess the bottom bottom two bottom of two here 4-1 biles were able to plate one yeah had some great hits a couple really nice Good Hits

And let’s see one two oh three three good hits she tried to wear that one Turf helped us out right across the toes Just a Touch low inside K look like she’s trying to make some adjustments there and give me another one kid there you go there you

Go some early softball but uh I talked to Coach Sherwin a little before the game and there are nine teams as I understand it in the Jags uh Johnson’s District nine teams really or there may be no there may be 10 teams nine other teams so all

That to say is they start District next week cool can you imagine well you got a you got a lot of people a lot of games to play and yeah you have a lot to take care of right away it’s so early like we’re still early February here they’re talking

About playing games already we’re still stock showing so yeah exactly kids speaking of you’re is it this weekend yeah this weekend we’ll be out where are yall headed San Angelo Texas San Angelo all right what just happened there at a inside pitch uh had a batter

Hit and takes first and now steal second uh looks like Lily decided not to not to go down with it way to pull that one back Lily good stop good snag is it 2 canly there’s a hack there’s a hack 21 can’t wait till Christy gets here

Need more fingers running those it is such a big help oh here we go foul ball over here towards the tennis courts far right actually made it onto the court all right we’ll we’ll take that pop fly and make her tag up keep her on

Two yeah tutu just got a glimpse of his hands there oh Runner going she’s going to be in there easily ball in and out of Lily’s glove she went to throw it and it was bouncing on the ground so Full Count I Believe full he tried to snow con to hang on to

That one keep the runner there goes to the inside all four ball four runner on the corner tell you what Cadence hadn’t given up yet and she’s fighting real hard and that’s nice to see that uh girls don’t have quit you know it’s nice to see that early

In runner takes second on the defensive indifference there let’s see this JB game I think I may have mentioned earlier but in case you’re just tuning in uh they’re going to go an hour and 15 minutes with this one and the varsity will play an hour and 45

Following and uh I’m going to guess they’re going to be a little warm up time in between probably not super long but probably big hit kind of quick oh oh wow soccer Jolene no no too late gobble It Up Hit Lily hold on to that guy hold on

To that ball oh that’s what I was afraid of thank you co little Mercy their third base coach is like no no no just stay there so we can play instead of scoring that batter cross get everybody a hack yeah absolutely all they score what two there

Or two two runs yes two runs okay two runs they had a runner on second and third and uh had that hit uh I think short kicked and uh second picked up yeah it hit real hard it it LS there and deflected off of her glove and then

Across the field Jolene was moving toward the bag but the ball shot past her and got away with this Turf I tell you what blocked there by Lily kind of like mini golf yeah that ball never stops Plinko you’re probably too young to remember that game oh yeah no Price is

Right hey there you go M oh Bob Barker I think it’s 2 maybe 21 oh three three three is the count runner on third so we’ll have first and third MH and still no outs right yes sir no outs uh yeah I believe if I if I

Remember right Price is Right came on at 10:00 Channel 7 oh yeah that’s late well that was right before right before my grandma’s stories came on then we had to go outside young 1980 model what you were yeah really absolutely man I’m not that much older than

You good block boy Lily’s getting a workout and she’s doing she’s handling it well yeah she’s doing very well back there helping out and keeping this uh keeping that runner on third mhm oh that’s tough softy toward Jolene oh comes up and sails one that’s going to

Allow that quite enough to score little bit bigger one she would have to be super tall they’re kind of holding the ball there lilio didn’t know where to throw it but um it’s their fourth run so I think that’s it anyway it really didn’t matter yeah the Umpire showing

Her that it’s the fourth quarter in the basketball game so with that Kyle send us away yes sir all right well appreciate it guys and we’ll see youall in just a little bit pay some bills it’s grilling time at Hill Country Propane Inc and we’ve got the latest

Models of stainless steel grills made in America our showroom is full of grills by Wilmington AOG Fire magic and Phoenix we offer Primo ceramic grills and pellet grills by smoking brothers summertime is the time to celebrate grilling for family and friends come on in today and let our experience team demonstrate

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Two gadd’s pasta and pizza is always hot and ready and best of all they eat even do the dishes gadd’s Pizza Highway 16 South across from the Fairgrounds welcome to Creek Street dentl where we strive to treat our patients with compassion kindness and care we utilize the latest Technologies in our commitment to your family offering cone beam technology cosmetic dentistry and sedation dentistry so you can sleep through your appointment stop by and meet our newest edition Dr Monica

Montgomery from the fredburg high School class of 2014 Creek Street dent on the corner of Creek Street and South Adams in Fredericksburg all right and with that we’re back all right we’re kind of doing some adjustments here as the sun’s going down third baseman definitely getting an eye full of of the Sun Here Comes the Sun and I believe this would be our SEC two better was that

Yeah believe that was Cadence and she had a good one that was a nice nice tag toward the short stop who made another nice play to her left side come up firing first uh looks like they switched the third baseman in shortstop I believe okay I don’t have numbers yeah they

Bound to be doing I believe I remember the short stop earlier with the necklace on so set South Paul ja walked in her last AB as did Cadence right before that see if we can get old Turk on mhm use that use that stick there there it is hard hit one second

Perfect field yeah right to her 4 three so the uh Cadence had a nice tag to short pulls it up and thrs it over to first as their first out JC hit one straight to second baseman and uh she pulls it up and I believe Michaela what

Did she do last she had that line out to the short stop that ended up being a double play we had Bases Loaded okay and off the bat took off Jolene from third to home to score only to realize too late that that ball was was actually

Caught yeah lined out to the shorty and then she threw it to Third and doubled her up okay so we’ve actually had some some good bat action U yeah we’re swinging the bat well bats bats are moving they’re getting out but uh bats are moving sorry y’all I’m going to lag on

This scoreboard all night long through this JV game can’t wait to see Christy right show there’s a strike there we go yeah just uh caught that inside that’s not Michaela though she didn’t like it I think she realized it but wait for one a little bit better she took that

Inside pulled her hands inside and tight a good hard hack if I’m not mistaken you’re not going to be with us Friday cuz you got to be in Friday I’m going be in Angel yes sir but we’ll have the return of your PNA oh we’re going to

Have a Brad Brad Holland we’re going to have a Brad showing yeah man like old times and he doesn’t know it yet but he’s also going to be Manning a camera so now he knows it now he knows it we’ve got uh congratulations bro I don’t know whether it’s that game I

Think it is but we’re we’re kind of spread out so yeah that was a good pitch I’m glad she she tried at it and fouls it off but I figured the old anything I can do you can do or anything you can do I can do

Better is that how I go so Brad will have his opportunity to pull a Kyle yeah yeah Mr cameraman commentator Brad’s a little better at this camera and talking and he has one or two games on you zooming he’s got about four years on you

Okay give me a four years H that’s right I’ll be right up there no this is great uh I said I believe if I’m not mistaken yeah another good good inside pick Kayla takes a bag had a one strike go past her she uh fouled three off I

Believe and ended up with a with a walk that’s great eared their way on ball hit right back toct a little routine yeah that was Liz Sanders but I believe every kid that came up all four of them put a bat on it so send us good to see

All right as girls take out the field we’re going to go to a commercial Security State Bank and Trust is a proud supporter of our local athletes whether it’s on or off the field game day or any day they’re here to help you succeed and Tackle your financial goals for personal and

Business banking to Mortgage Services or Trust Services Security State Bank and Trust can support all your banking needs helping build communities we call home since 1941 Security State Bank and Trust proud sponsors of batland Billy Sports let’s go billies member FDIC Equal Housing lender support for the billies comes

From kop Healthcare and votive hospice familyowned by Fredericksburg natives kops currently has fredericksburg’s best star rating on Medicare we’d like to thank the people of Fredericksburg for voting Us best of 2023 in the newspapers Readers Choice Awards kops won a total of five categories including best nursing home best assisted living and

Best visit phical therapy votive is proud to have won best hospice we’d love to help you when you need us call chisha at 83928 9956 canop healthare and vo if hospice smalltown heart generations of care yes sir yes sir all right welcome back welcome back we did a little bit of

A change here we’re going to change up our pitchers we’re going to move Jolene over here uh into the circle and Cadence is going to go to short uh believe that’s our only adjustment that I’m noticing as of right now uh like we’ve been talking before

Already that uh it’s a little tough we don’t have numbers and uh and we got two teams we’re learning extra names and uh like I said that freshman class came up and definitely brought us a bunch of girls to uh participate in this softball program here at another big group coming

In next year I believe you’re correct talented group I believe that’s another uh like five or six maybe yeah five or six girls so yeah definitely going to be great we’ll change up to the program I don’t know how many years have we only had a varsity do you uh I think

It was four four years yeah mty’s freshman year was the last JV team okay that would have been she was a 2020 grad so 2016 that year in 17 no 17 18 19 20 yeah 17 all right so this is definitely a step it up here get our

JV JV program going would you point that camera down just to smidge my my friend mhm a little bit too much light up there yeah it just messes with the contrast I don’t have it on auto but every little bit helps yeah yeah any anything for you sir

Oh well in that case burger and fries all right here we go Steak and Ale so so the last time this batter was up I believe oh took that one on the top of the cranium ow ow serious don’t rub it don’t rub it oh like really seriously he took that

Right he has no protective helmet on no he doesn’t have a helmet he’s just got a uh cap just his cap and elastic band over there oh he looked down as the pitch was coming and it deflected right off the top of Lily’s glove and right into his

Melon oh well I you want we take a little break here and we’ll get you all right back get up poor guy it’s not fun since 1974 Hill Country Refrigeration has been bringing something extra to every residential customer besides a cozy and comfortable home it’s built into every heating or

Air conditioning service it’s part of every estimate you’ll feel it in our handshakes we carry it with us in our trucks and it’s forever in our hearts it’s our deep love for this community and of course our batland billies nature and Beauty along the fairways at

Ladybird have a way of slowing life down while the front nine features significant elevation changes and the Tranquility of Lio Creek the back nine stuns with its panoramic vistas of the surrounding Hills as the home of the fredburg junior golf foundation and the fredburg middle school and high school

Golf teams all of us at Ladybird Johnson Golf Course are proud to support our community’s tradition of Excellence ladyb Bird Johnson Golf Course practice play your way Arrowhead bank is celebrating 100 Years of serving the Hill Country their goal is to greet You by name when you walk in the door and

Provide you the banking help you need today you’re guaranteed to speak to someone you know when you pick up the phone Arrowhead Bank wants to thank all the employees of Fredericksburg ISD good luck to the batland blies in all activities this school year Arrowhead Bank 502 South Adams 83099

9300 check them out online Arrowhead Bank well the Umpire needed an arrowhead there wow unfortunately he had a catcher’s head yeah he uh man definitely took one like we said he doesn’t have a J’s calling that stepping forward pulls it in out number one wow

I’m glad he’s okay record that one yeah absolutely yeah the blue is not wearing a helmet or uh anything other than the elastic on the top of his head and he looks down rise of pitch was coming oh he looked down to see it go in her glove and

Unfortunately right off the tip of her glove and right off the top of his melon oh another great pitch that was a good little spin that was a good pitch right there oh I’m supposed to be keeping them oh man slacker okay there’s an out there’s the

Strike guess that’s all I got to remember little pop fly over to three over here to three J JY pulls it in Christy where are you remember that old I don’t see her yet Tom Hanks movie Wilson christe all right helping us out here tried

To grab that top right corner and just a little high all right do you have any idea what this uh batter did last round uh this is a right-handed hitter in a black Jersey okay that’s the second batter of this any yes first one F3 to

JC this one’s looking at a 31 count I believe believe that’s right there you gops to J J back squeeze that thing oh that was a tough one she was looking for The Dugout that step down right there at the Dugout Mm see if I would have been a good camera Panner I would have caught that yeah you would have she was there trying to catch it even closer than the coach was when I finally got over there into that Dugout don’t think I haven’t been racking my brain here going could I show

Kyle how to do the computer between games and then I’ll on the camera we can learn anything that’s a ball four Oh I thought that was takes her takes her bag I followed the runner on that one guys guys at home I’m learning something four years left

All right well blue looks good he’s still standing he’s black and blue I didn’t see any uh on his head no air support coming in so we’re in good shape the sound it made was more like a clack you know like like it got hit off

A bat but it wasn’t a bat like a dead bat clack There She Goes takes her down oh good good backup there yeah that was good backup is that Liz out there yeah second and Cadence H short and that was a ball I believe huh yes

Sir we got an out touch outside we did we do have our first out yeah first out of the game yeah on the F to Turk see we get some more follow it up I’d love to see her throw one down on her and get her out that to change up

That the base running a little bit that outside pitch makes it easy for Lily to deliver over there to that third base corner just got to reel it in just just a little bit 3 0 count again another outside pitch Runner advances to Third and one walks to

First so this one started a couple of minutes before 5 and it’s going to go to 6:15 I think we’ll have a little break and then the varsity will come on after and that one’s supposed to go an hour 45 hour 45 yeah I don’t I I don’t see that break lasting

Very long early uh I believe it’s said to be at 6:30 the game starts is that right correct yeah so it’ll be just enough time for each each side to take a little infield and that wind’s still blowing oh I feel great I really do I know you’re inside

In the warmth again like uh always uh not not always not always there was that one time oh yeah no you still remember it my favorite memory I think of doing a billy live broadcast was at a tournament somewhere and it was frozen cold it was

Just over freezing it may have even been right at 32 it was wet it was was just gnarly and we’re parked in my I think it was a Tahoe out left Center yeah in foul territory in left uh in the parking lot where we could get somewhat of a straight shot

From a camera that we put on the dashboard it was John Robinson JD Rose and we were we were streaming the game out of out of the Tahoe country boys make it work that was we’re trying hopefully J’s listening and watching right now he’ll know exactly what game

Was yeah he probably would and speaking of I’m behind here okay 10 count one out that was just a little elevated I think they’re going to trying to remember where that tournament was it was it wasn’t like it may have been the college station tournament I don’t think

So but wow it was blown blowing wind was blowing he gets brutal in College Station I’ll tell you that not not a tournament you just a little up and inside on that two balls no strike like we were talking a second ago that definitely uh anything on the left

Side of that field is got the sun’s beting like right there that’s going to clear the bases bases were loaded in no outs and that young going to get a triple out of that and drive three in down triple and uh got three runners in that was a beautiful hit I heard a

Mama out there saying beautiful hit yeah no that was that was a good placement hit will the answer to to question is yes uh Big Al and I were discussing that third baseme I believe she was from Davenport uh we first time we played here Kyle um third baseman from I

Believe it from Davenport broke her leg in WoW there it is there it is Lily come on good Hustle the runner I think it was a good hustle she went to make a either a throw down or a a line drive catch came down and the runner was

Sliding back into her helmet right into her shin bone and yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t do like broken stuff very well oh good hustle make play oh tried to make the play at first got her safe and the runner goes and that’s the fourth run yes that would be number

Four actually thought she was going to come up with that little as a little catch little pop flly catch right there when the that been a nice little double crashed right there pretty hard yeah that been a nice double play we did record an out yes that inning so that

Was the first out for a JV team in FHS in some years so in at least four years we’ll go to the top of the fourth and we’ll see you in just a minute and the score 12 to one we’ll see you in a Sec One phone call to be Creek was all it took and our speeds Crazy Fast bcreek Communications always on high-speed internet when it comes to managing your financial investments any idea how much of your money it takes just to cover your Investor’s fees my name is Eddie Kramer certified financial planner

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99775 let’s go hey guess what we’re back all right welcome welcome back again we’re making our adjustments with the camera the sun’s going down and I’m going to tell you it’s going to get chilly tonight out here but what a beautiful field this is gorgeous I think they just finished

Painting it right before we got looks like that do it all right who we got here is this Miss Lily our catcher yes I believe so looks like Lily and uh she got a double up the middle last time cracked it well oh she she squares the bunet she

Did little sneaky she’s uh she’s quick too though she can definitely run know she tried to I think she tried to steal second to third maybe in that second inning and uh not quite in time that catcher popped up and drilled it over there but uh but hey

That’s good that’s good practice that’s why we do these games is it one two or two1 I couldn’t we two one right now I believe we have a two1 count oh a little elevated there okay it’s hard to tell from up here up here yeah we’re bleachers have a pretty good rise

On them here and 3-1 count I’d like to see Lily make another hit like she did not do a walk there you go uh foul ball is where she fielded it ni pick by the first baseman goodness yeah that was a I think they’ve played on this field

Before just kind of kind of know the B L thought she was out but didn’t hear the foul ball call sure do you know if this is a five or 6A school I’m going to guess six is this a 6A school yes okay oh look at this hit look at this look at

That hit we’ll take that gets past the center center fielder overran it on that bounce looked like it had a little and she’s going to get down and stay there kid look at that great hit Lily double and a triple double trip two plate appearances five bases already and one more notch on

Your brightness what is it are you at 12 DB at in the white uh the little screen no no no oh at the little screen 15 15 DB okay and you have no filters on right I mean no indd filters the yes bottom we’re at Clear there okay lights will

Hopefully start helping us out moving forward but uh no Lily’s at a great night uh she’s been getting her exercise behind the plate uh blocking a lot doing very well our pitchers are definitely getting some practice tonight uh like I said I believe this is their first

Showing as of a full JV team and uh we’ll be able to definitely use this for our advantage and make make some make some seven years first first JV game in seven years wow I guess in six years years so no this is great I’m I’m glad

To see the girls out here and uh no one’s you know no one’s slacked off everybody’s still trying to fight as hard as we can and and uh this is wonderful this is wonderful and watching the girl slide on the turf that have never slid on Turf before they’re going down and they’re

Just them BB’s are taking them on on through the bag so so a great hit by Lily oh back door oh no oh wait I don’t yeah try to uh snap throw over the catcher came up firing the third and Lily thought she could take off to home

And they were wise on the play and MH made it look pretty easy feel like they’ve practiced on this field before yeah is it one1 21 I believe we have a 1-1 count I believe it’s a one one count go down never mind that would have

Been a 31 count 3-1 count I’m telling you well this is I’m not very good at we’re not getting much help on the Umpire I’m good at tracking Christy right though I’m looking I’m looking I’m looking oh yeah the Umpire is not doing a whole lot of help either on things

They got a they got got a play going and short stop looks a little confused on what was going on but we’re square a bunt and pick it up in foul territory yeah know uh and our little coach coaches and parent meeting coach Sherman definitely said that we’ be playing some teams that

Are uh salty yes yes definitely on the upper grade and playing some uh larger schools uh he feels that’s that’s going to be our ticket and totally agree let’s let’s play you know let’s play somebody we’re going to have to play up to a level I think we’re going to learn a lot

More boom here we go looks like it’s going to drop Fair territory look at that oh that’s rough like she’s done this before goodness wow can’t win for losing that two outs or that’s two outs be two outs yeah that ball dropped in there just right but our runner at first

Was that uh she going to catch it or is it foul or Stephanie um yeah Stephanie I believe you know she thought it ball was going to be caught so she kept it planted and then we get a force out at second so what would have been a single goes down

As a fielder’s Choice nine to four nine to six actually swing Miss there this is Liliana Sanchez believe if yes Believe Miss Sanchez has2 s right in her last that bat 02 count thank you I’ll make the adjustment right quick probably going to need to bump up one more notch on your

Brightness getting two outs had Lily on Third and uh yeah catcher came up snapping over to Third and Lily pretty much had no choice but than to uh try something yeah put her in the hot box there and uh strike three third out and retire the sides oh good I

Just heard from Miss Christie she said yes she would be here to do the next game oh well a’t that sweet of her yeah be right back arizola Plumbing your full service Plumbing provider for the Fredericksburg community and Beyond we have the tools and experience for comprehensive residential and commercial

Plumbing including everything from water filtration to drain services for new construction or even remodeling have an after hours emergency no problem don’t settle for less than the best or online at arizola or give us a call at 830 998 4336 Hello friends this is Shane Franson

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Chevron Products St and offers 509 South Adam Street fredicksburg call 830 997 4382 check them out online Str we’re back K welcome back girls technology man right in this we are miles away from fredburg Texas and it’s in your living room or in the palm of

Your hand palm of your hand that’s even across the globe how is it possible it’s the international net oh you know who invented that don’t [Laughter] you anyway moving on before I get in lots of trouble can’t have those conversations on but again welcome and uh

Yeah you know anybody or want to hang out we’re going to do the varsity game be about a 15minute break between uh yeah tell a friend tell a neighbor knock on the door and watch some Billy’s live definitely want to say thanks to Warner electric for helping us out thank you MH

His daughter is out here in shortstop mode that’s a six hole is that right yes that’s the sixth position on the field position okay yeah and uh appreciate to them yeah wouldn’t be here that’s on and right on the net right against the rock wall behind Her Sun definitely Dr down we tell folks the good news of the spotting in the stands we had yeah we found in the break we found a Christie so we’re going to be a little bit better put together people will actually be able to keep track of the

Game looking at their scoreboard yeah I’m sorry about that so we got some rookies everywhere here and yeah well we got a a veteran in the up in the Box running like four screens right now for you guys so I appreciate it left tip uhhuh she didn’t she wasn’t too happy

About it either I I wouldn’t have throwing that $500 bat though as a parent it’s kind of as a parent you see that kind of thing I remember the first few times I saw Olivia and I think yeah I think it was Olivia but uh cleaner

Shoes with the bat yeah heard dink dink dink it may have been mad I don’t remember but you know it doesn’t really hurt him but at the same time you’re looking at that P yeah paint job and a paycheck all at the same time going that’s price of Joy girls play

Soft all right we had a uh uh hit batter VES her to First and they did a pinch Runner she’s going to go no she’s not wow swing in a Miss set tight strike one sacrifice swing I believe that one was pretty elevated it was a little high and Runner didn’t go

Sh look at that look at that action on the camera great snag by Caden keeping it from going over there to uh short or even heading towards right and uh good job Cadence coming up good throw by Lily he’s in the he’s in the area that’s that’s that’s great

That Runner definitely had a leap on her oh man helmets have been a vital piece of equipment today yeah wow hips and helmets see second and third we got a timeout are we getting close yep seven minutes last batter maybe what seven minutes seven minutes I bet they’ll get a few more in

Le we have another injury timeout or something that’s all right here we go Runners at first and second let’s get that let’s get that so when the runner was on first he did one fake and then uh and then went drop ball she’s going that is’s going to hang

On something like that if you throw it that Runner is going to probably round that bag minimize the damage right she was there already anyway So oh oh at least she tried to dodge that one on hit one last last B oh I heard somebody say something about last batter you might be right I think they did start Just a Touch early there were three minutes to go and we had a batter at the

Plate it’s all right so they all that to say is it hour 15 time yeah okay there it is ball game ball game ladies and gentlemen we’ll see y’all back in just a little bit what was our score here Paige uh close score was nailbiter we got one

Out defensively yeah we lost 12 to1 all right after what three and a half Innings three and a half Innings all right ladies and gentlemen again we’ll see yall back only moving up from here MH I’ll see y’all back uh in just a little bit 6:30 I believe is our

Game time uh put your little uh subscribe and notification on oh speaking of look at why not on on command there it is there it is subscribe and uh and it’ll do a notification and let you know that we’re back on there for Varsity there you go

Here in bua Texas go billies good [Applause] Night [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] he [Applause] Now

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