How to Grip a Disc (Backhand) | Maximum Power/Distance

One of the first questions any first time disc golfer will ask or should ask is, how do I grip the disc? I know it was one of the first questions I had and also that the way you grip the disc is critical to how well you are able to throw said disc! This video breaks down the ideal grip for the backhand power shot, I hope y’all find it useful! Let me know what tip you want to see next!!!

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Connor O’Reilly

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Have you ever wondered what’s the best way to grip a disc off dis to get maximum power and maximum distance well this video is going to show you how what’s up you guys Conor O’Reilly here and today we’re going to talk about about what’s the best way to grip a disc

To get maximum power and therefore maximum distance and to me disc golf is one of those games where you know it it isn’t exactly perfectly mechanical to where every single person’s going to have the same exact way to do things at Max efficiency but I think it’s pretty close

And for the most part without these rare cases of players just making it happen with whatever grip they kind of use the classic four finger power grip is going to be the best way to get maximum distance on the disc and therefore have the most fun right cuz we

All want to throw far so let’s talk a little bit about how to set it up I’m a fan of what people talk about as The Bona pain grip where to line up the disc you kind of put it to where the rim is sitting between your index and your

Middle finger and then from there what you’re going to do is curl your hand under the disc and that also when you set your fingers on that Rim there what that’s going to do is it’s going to naturally lock your wrist in a slight downward position helping us achieve the

Slight nose down launch angle that we’re really looking for on all of our powerful shots and when you look at any of the best players in the world they’re throwing a slight upward trajectory but the nose angle of the disc is going to be slightly down on average aage and

That’s how they’re going to achieve those fast distances and be able to keep the disc low to the ground and keep it moving forward even though it’s so overstable so put it between grip it nice and firm and for me thumb placement wise I think there’s a number of

Different things I’ve seen you know Eagle is pretty deep with his thumb I’ve seen certain players maybe a Nicholas antila a little closer to the rim so I think as long as you’re getting enough pressure throughout and you’re getting a clean release you know whatever really works for you

At the end of the day you know if you’re winning championships and you’re a top level player you know it’s it’s a you got a little more give or take but if you’re trying to be a better player and you want to maximize yourself I think putting your thumb where the flight

Plate in the rim of the disc meet and pressing there to me allows you to get a little bit of almost a pocket created where you can generate some more kind of friction and create some more Force there with your thumb so I always try to put my thumb somewhere where it’s going

To be able to press into the top of that flight plate and also kind of dig into that Rim so that I have maximum power and maximum grip on the disc because at the end of the day we’re not actually releasing the disc on a powerful shot

And disc golf our hand is closed and the disc is getting pulled out of our fingers as we come through and as the disc is hinging it rips out of our fingers and our hand remains closed so knowing that theoretically the tighter our grip is the more we’re going to be

Able to generate Force um I also like to use chalk to help that disc slip out of my fingers a little bit knowing that you know sometimes having too much grip could cause some kind of a grip lock or some trust issues I want to have good

Grip but a little bit of chalk to help the dis slip out of my fingers and uh I’m gripping it firm I’m not necessarily gripping it so hard that I feel like I’m flexing my bicep and my tricep and all my muscles are engaged but I’m gripping

It hard enough to where I feel like kind of everything between the wrist in the elbow all those forearm muscles top and bottom are pretty rigid and uh the disc you know you would have to work pretty hard to get it out of my hand also with

The positioning as we look from this angle ideally there shouldn’t really be any space between your hand and the disc here but if you are trying to set an anheiser angle sometimes you can drop the edge of the disc down a little bit create some space and create a little

Bit of pre-t returned Wing angle and that can help you to hold on those big long turning shots especially if you’re using an overstable driver like the new silver back from gorilla performance discs now my good friend Aaron gosage he grips the disc power grip two fingers

That’s part of how he gets that massive snap you hear on his fingers and his poor little fingers over time I I don’t know I I think the more surface area we can get on the disc the more power we can create and to me also when the

Conditions get a little adverse when it gets wet more surface area of the hand is typically a little bit more comfortable uh and that’s kind of why if you like to throw forehand and backhand you notice in the rain forehand gets a little sketchy and I think part of that is

Having only a smaller amount of surface area on the disc and relying on those smaller pinch points whereas when you have the full four finger power grip you have a pretty nice spread area of squeeze onto the disc and that can help you in adverse conditions um like I said

Three finger two finger if you want to try to rip it one finger I don’t think you’re ever going to win the distance Championship but if you do it pretty good and your little finger doesn’t fall off you know you swing away but you want to be your best self and you’re looking

For that good distance let’s try a four-finger power grip line it up the way I told you guys and let’s let this one fly show y’all what it does I’m going to go for max distance try to get up to the Top If I can clear

Up to the flat Landing over there that’s a 500 plus foot shot and a little bit of a right to left head cross mom’s away oh I love the turn on that come on fight out fighting out fade back for me let’s go y’all that was one of my

Best flights that I’ve had out of that Silverback yet I don’t know if you guys just watched the Silverback review or not but if you didn’t go back to the last video check out the Silverback see how it’s flying if you want a quick little riew that one was the

Clutch plastic a little bit softer this is the Savage plastic a little bit stiffer and why not throw one more bombs away for you guys that’s it for our Ted Talk today on how to grip a disc and here’s a example on how to rip a

Disc f it oh wow silver back has huge distance y’all there we go figuring those things out hold on I’m going to we’re going to range it to the bush over there cuz we just pretty much got to those holly bushes probably released it right about here’s where I’m seeing my little foot

Divots you know what I’m saying solid 460 and aead right to left cross you know not the biggest distance but that’s great golf distance and that’s a lot of times all you need to score even on the hardest courses controllable out to 500t or so try out

That power grip and see if it helps you gain more distance on the course I’m Connor O’Reilly for team Lone Star dis team gorilla discs team OTB and team discology all my codes and all my info is in the description below so go check it out I’m going to be dropping more of

These tips on how to be a better disc offer throughout this season and you know I’ve been doing a lot of private lessons but I keep having people tell me Conor you got to give this knowledge to the people through the channel and so

Here we are let me know what you want to see next and I’m going to make it happen I I appreciate all y’all go show this to a friend tell a family member that they squeeze it they going to be it who are we lying to I brought a

Bayonet up here and I’m a boy and I just threw two long shots and I’m going to see if the bayonet is longer than the Silver B check it out bonus content hey oh fight bayonet fight four y’all well I hit the building but I think that thing was a bomber about 470

Turnover sorry tin roof


  1. Love this. Throw upward trajectory with nose down is difficult. I find it easier to throw low line drives but can’t get the big distance that way. Will try this

  2. That "pinch" between the index finger and thumb made a big difference for me. Took me from 350 – 425 with my Lone Star Curl.

  3. Nice vid! Are we getting form tutorials too? There are lots of conflicting information nowadays

  4. This is exactly what I needed to see in depth! My grip was a bit off and not generating the spin/power needed! Keep em coming!

  5. Thanks so much for the breakdown. I was a bit off, likely contributing to my noise up throw. Can’t wait to try this out.

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