This Is Like Cheating Its So Easy! | Senior Swing Perfection

As we all get older, making sure your golf swing keeps its speed, ball striking, hip rotation and good contact is essential for lower golf scores. In this video I share easy tips to improve your senior golf swing.

I hope you enjoy!

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This video gives you great detail on how to hit more greens, hit more fairways and lower your golf scores and ultimately your handicap.

We look at 3 things:

1. How to improve your club path
2. How to improve your ball striking
3. Help lower your golf scores

and I hope to do all this with simple understanding to create a simple easy golf swing.

I’ve got three little tips here if you’re a senior golfer that I promise you will add some yardage to the big dog we’re getting older we all getting slower that’s the harsh realities of life if you’re hitting the gym doing a load of stretching working out might

Come a little bit slower but I promise you you are getting slower so today I want to do a little video on three tips that are going to allow you to move a little quicker with the driver first up I want to allow you to use your leg a

Little bit more effectively to allow you to rotate your lower half and your upper half one of the things that I see quite a lot of in my lessons is short rotations with people’s golf swings as they start to move back and and as they start moving back the shoulder rotation

Gets shorter the arm swing then starts to get higher and before you know it the golfer is hitting too much down causing an angle of attack to increase and cut the golf ball out to the right if you’re new to my channel I always have the four boxes up angle of

Attack club path face angle and face to path these are the four boxes that you need to be most intimate with so as we get more shift to the right we get shorter in turn and we get more arm lift now one of the things that I actively promote is leg length now

When you’ve got some leg length going on it does make it a little bit more taxing on the old hamstrings and as we’re get getting a bit older getting a bit tighter the old hamstrings do get a little bit shorter so here’s what I want

You to do I want you to set yourself up to the golf ball and I want you to increase your knee Flex just a little here then what I’m going to get you to do is make some back swings and then feel like the leg length gets a little

Bit longer so you start a little bit more flexed and then as you make a back swing you’re then going to lengthen your right leg just a little bit more and you’re almost going to lengthen the right leg to the point that it was previously so so add a little bit more

Knee flex and then start to lengthen the right leg which will start to allow the right hip to move a little bit more opening the lower half up and opening the chest up will then start to allow you to feel like the arm swing can then start to get a little bit more

Around you which will then start to flatten off the golf swing and when you start to flatten off the golf swing and start to flatten off the arm plank what you’ll start to impact is your angle of attack angle of attack went from five down to

Two up path went from across to inside out and I got a little bit of a draw even though the face was open those of you that have got a Keen Eye will know that I hit that one slightly out the toe But ultimately more knee Flex more leg

Length in the back swing particularly the right one will then start to open your lower half up which will give you more chest turn in at number two what we’re looking for is less stress on the arms we need to understand that the more we make these arms

Straight and wide in our back swing The more stress we put on our shoulder joints which will then put more stress on the chest so what I’d like you to do one is is take the golf club to the top of your back swing and just press the handle on your

Shoulders and just feel how much more back swing you can make because your handle is now placed on your right shoulder when you then push the golf club away you’ll find a sticking point where you go I can’t go too much further that is now your new radius that is your

New width in your back swing take all of the width away to encourage more rotation which is helped by the lower half then push your arms away and you’ll find your new width this will make your back swing a little longer and hopefully it will make you feel like you can get a

Little bit more speed through so the the idea behind this is that the arm swing then starts to free up your lower half the arm swing freeing up your lower half will start to then free up your upper half so you get this layer approach that

We start to mobilize the lower half we start to mobilize the top half because of the arms and the byproduct is even more shoulder turn so if when you’re at the top of the back swing you now start to feel the arms are a bit more

Bent that’s all good baby we don’t need to worry about that there are plenty of golf swings in the world that have bent arms at the top and if bent arms at the top allow you to hit shots like that I’d 100% go with it so the bent arms at the

Top bit more knee Flex down at the bottom and the last tip that I want to give you is understanding how we can make this golf club swing a little bit more so I want you to take your left thumb pop it on the top of the golf club

And I want you to feel how the club can swing around the Pivot Point of the butt of the golf club which is the left hand so this feeling here of the club being able to move around you now you’ll notice that the club face is not turning

Down when I’m doing this the club face is looking at the TV screens in front of me it swings Around It lines back up and then it swings back behind me this is the Sensation that I want you to have with a club head down through strike so

That we get the feeling that the shoulder the hand now has an opportunity to let go the club head can let go and what this will start to do is really start to free you up down through strike so that we can start to get a little bit more angle

Of attack hitting up on the golf ball and the more you do that the more it will start to use narrow to wide we’ve made it slightly more narrow with the softer arms now we’re going to make it slightly wider with the forearms down at the bottom and that hinge point

So we go narrower wider on the way down which will start to create that more angle of attack now what you need to understand is that if we’ve encourage more hip turn encourage more shoulder turn encourage a little bit more narrowing of the back swing that will create more leverage longer back swings

Now we need to make sure that we get rid of that we now need to make sure that that Golf Club can unload success successfully down at the bottom so those are three tips for you senior golfers out there that looking for a few extra yards with the driver and a bigger smile

On your face I think you’re fine that’s good coaching


  1. ……thanks Stu. Will definitely work on this. I do have a question for though. Should I be applying the exact same feeling of the pull of the handle out and down around to the left ,that has been working perfectly for my irons, to the driver? ⛳🍺

  2. Don't know your definition of "senior golfer,' but it's great advice for those who, maybe aren't current seniors, but very close (like me), Cheers.

  3. 76 year old golfer here so definitely a senior. I usually swing my driver 78 to 82 according to my Swing Speed Radar unit, after trying these tips I actually was swinging 84 to 88, looking forward to playing Monday and seeing if this holds true on course.

  4. Bro, I finally got to a course today and everything you teach is helping me so much. I'm just having trouble making good contact every time. I fat it or thin it way too much. I don't understand

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