Golf Babe

If You’re Offered A Seat On A 🚀 Ship~Don’t Ask What Seat~Just Get On 💯

Join Us For Laughs And Fun! ❤️

Stop He Success the be Maker hello hello hello H look who’s here I am here B but I’m in bed so I’m going to keep my camera off cuz I’m it’s all dark and I’m I’m like have my eyes sh shut in you’ve been awake all day I I don’t know how you’re amazing it was like me

The other night I just couldn’t sleep you did great today you were like all over the place I was crazy BR it’s lovely to see you again my darling I missed you I miss you too tricky how are you Johnny hey Johnny how are you johnnyy what’s up crazy braty I’m

Sucking my th Johnny hey D I saw that you like my uh my latest short did you like that that was [ __ ] brilliant man the Looney Tunes is the bollocks bro I love Looney Tunes yeah it work [ __ ] awesome man a hey you should go see you should see the

One I did was uh with a little Stewie you know Stewie from the from Family Guy right yeah well anyway his mom and his sister’s looking through a poo right hey and Stewie says and Stewie says what the hell is this going on what’s going on

Here and he and and his mom and and sister said oh we’re done here so he goes and looks in the hole he goes bing bong and it’s me Johnny in there gu I love Johnny H hello how are you beautiful Richard how are you the Cucumbers me dish you a cucumber and

When I knock or ring the doorbell V you die and leave me the 1.3 billion no listen yeah that’s the foreplay this fing was drop dead during for play and leave me 1.3 billion I’m in hello Christine how are you sweetheart um thank you for reading the thumbnail

Richard I like this okay homegrown where’s your ass she’s like yeah yeah I’m here yes yeah I know I know you’re the man calm down I know looks so good in black no you should have seen him the other night he came on her morning I don’t know what

The [ __ ] time it was he came on to [ __ ] Lincoln’s he had like this Sports shirt on and his hair was like just what I was like [ __ ] is happening to me right now I like everybody just stopped he just I mean he’s always handsome but you know

What I’m a look at those cute little lips those little lips he’s been a crazy boy today it was all over the place I love it I’m not naked so there’s no there’s no fre a Bom Bomb but I’m going to leave the screen in case I roll over and my

Ball bag hangs up I just want to say hello I love you I’m still here I’m just going to turn the camera off I love you it’s not it’s not somebody else is really is tricky look it’s really you thank God no I know it’s you look at you

Uh D hey B B Dell says that he had a dream he was in church with you oh is that when my dildo flew out and I was drinking the martini uh is that it I had a dream I was in church with bale listen don’t we always think about sex

In church like when I’m in church all of a sudden sexs me I all right well call you at Community B Bale you think of sex no matter where you’re at uh no but Church it just intensifies all right judge me Fu you the community 20 years up

Line I love it yeah you had a great show hey DC how you doing homegrown coming up Joe Ziggler how are you nice to see you as well so Joe how are Joe how are you feeling are you out of the hospital did I know he was in the

Hospital oh [ __ ] yes yes I just wanted to see so crazy Brett and Bill V did you guys like uh that that band that we had there yesterday um well we didn’t hear them play you know what they had such great personalities and Jamie sitting there with his long ponytail the other guy

Walking into a [ __ ] fridge it’s like he he looked like he made his house into a bar I was like damn I like this yes Johnny it was an amazing show I’m sorry you had technical issues but I yeah me me and crazy me and crazy brat heard him

Play at first it sounded good but it sounded good but it just yeah yeah wait did they play a little bit they played a little bit okay all right okay um I I uh they’re very lovely they’re very nice they’re welcome here anytime Johnny you

Know I’m not into heavy metal I love any kind of music but I will support anybody you support I love and adore you and they see very genuine and nice you know and they just want to you know get out there well I got a well I got I got

Something I want to say to you right now he just told me today that he wants to come back and he’s gonna do his rap he’s gonna rap instead of heavy metal yes all right yeah that I’m into it I’m into it Johnny I’m

Yeah he has a he has a song out there that I played uh uh last week on my show by Felicia hey turbo he yeah I had a he was on there um he came on as a matter of fact Outlaw played it on my show and he said bye

Felicia oh bye Felicia you know I it’s cute but by Felicia is like so 1990s I’m way past that it’s like [ __ ] you [ __ ] I mean that’s where you got to go these days it’s [ __ ] you [ __ ] it’s not by Felicia [ __ ] you you know what

I’m saying hang on hang on just a second Joe I’m glad you’re home he said he’s home after 38 days in the hospital I’m glad you’re home Joe Joe I’m so sorry I I maybe I drank something and I didn’t remember I’m sorry hey everybody got to be careful too uh crazy

Brat tricky everybody’s gota be careful they got a new they got a new disease out there it’s called fungal no candid us fumble fumble who have you been funling with Johnny no one say it was we what PG I think it’s candid OST is that’s infection candida is a yeast

Infection you get it from touching they say you can get it from touching tables now they say you can get it from uh and it sits on the counter for two weeks it sits on the counter for two weeks well what you g touching with your dick touching with your dick goddamn

Keep your tongue in your mouth yeah pant you’ll be fine don’t look the counters tricky I don’t know but tricky we uh um Johnny was on the show I don’t know if you got to see oh I haven’t done too many lately but Johnny was on what a

Couple of shows ago was hysterical between him and PC they could open up a [ __ ] [ __ ] ring store they own so many [ __ ] rings and they have so many [ __ ] [ __ ] ring stories like uh pey went to the DMV with a [ __ ] ring on he got

Stopped at an airport with a [ __ ] ring on uh Johnny was running down the throughway of his Carnival trying to get the [ __ ] ring off like I I’m loving this it’s like it’s a [ __ ] ring Festival it is Bill yeah have a [ __ ] ring Festival that’s what there you go bill that’s oh

[ __ ] ring there’s that’s one where’s the metal tricky have one does tricky have one I’m sure he has a a [ __ ] uh what is it called a is this really is this really homegrown uh oh yeah it says authenticity it says it’s homegrown [ __ ] it if they show it well I

Mean homegrown I sent him the link homegrown text me you [ __ ] text me I think it’s homegrown you know me ticket or toe I I I’ll take the chance what do you think no all right we’ll wait M I don’t know usually homegrown homegrown would show his face yes um

He’s putting his Daisy Dukes on and he’s gonna do the D oh look at the beautiful Shelly Ray hey Shelly Ray doing hello hi how you do how you doing there there’s all right it is okay Daddy’s in I had to be safe had to be safe

Hey tricky how you doing I’m good man how you doing bro I’m dying now I’m gr I’m [ __ ] I seen him at 8 o00 this morning at 11:30 this morning there he is man now I’m hungry and lazy I land B of home I land the whole

Bottle of V down M Gregory PE lot oh [ __ ] oh here you go son there you go there’s the clock I saw you had a show on today tricky and I missed that [ __ ] damn man I done a panel bro afterwards I sort of force fed into it do a panel do

A panel and I ain’t doing that some [ __ ] will P bom me and I went [ __ ] it let him P bom me I’m going to pull B myself and been [ __ ] it no one me I felt left out to go in but was oh thank you turbo for the

Respect I was going to go in respect BBY and tricky brickies yep yep I was going to uh I I didn’t know uh I thought before the show I seen him still on I was like hey you’re still on I’ll pop on uh but he ended so I didn’t get there in

Time you know Belle’s always late for everything I’m just saying um oh there’s shell Ray Shelly how you do why are you behind your camera what’s happening right now you look gorgeous yeah I need to change my Vader too I can’t seem to do two things at the same time even

Though I’m very skilled at lots of things hey Canada RV how you doing how you doing like what tricky on here LOL he looked rough on his no he was just tired listen he’s a he could he plays Let him play um you know what I’m saying

Right Mingo not Roth just tired I think there’s two different words should I say hi to him hi Bing all day listen he he’s entertaining everybodyy uh hey beautiful stormmy how you doing look how you what’s what’s homegrown making back there I want to know what making where’s the daisy duk’s

Homegrown I’m looking oh he’s getting a smoke where oh what H I want to know I’m loving every minute of it SM smok was last minute I decided to have smoking in the boys room smoking in the Johnny we need to play the song Welcome to my house tonight I’m I’m ready for

Music I want okay let me know when you’re ready hey Daniel how you doing sweetheart sh’s just gonna stand up and sing go ahead sh go just I hear a song I just sing it Barber and hit it I’m like oh sa hey how are you

Beautiful I love your 80s I love your 80s shows oh my God that’s what I grew up in whenever you want to listen to it let me know oh you can put it on whenever you want sa I’m gonna come visit you do you

A sa if you do a live is it is it gonna is it gonna um like make the Stream stream stop no um that that they share re look I ain’t even monetized now do I give a [ __ ] um oh oh they’re re re rized yeah I’m educ top again they they share

Something but no you don’t get in trouble I commute it take it out or leave it it really doesn’t [ __ ] matter I ain’t playing ACDC and [ __ ] you know it doesn’t we’re good so Johnny play your [ __ ] heart out [ __ ] and let’s ring those [ __ ] rangs let’s just swing baby let’s go get

Go this house yeah rock this house say I love this song he made me love this song but SLE yeah your 80s mixing [ __ ] is Bomb I love hey Bill V I just got pz just told me to ask you would you like to have your own personal [ __ ]

Ring um a if it’s my [ __ ] attached to it yo’re gonna order it for you you’re gonna order it for me I mean my CP ain’t that big but gonna say that I’m oh want one too oh [ __ ] ring everybody my pinky and you get [ __ ] ring and you get

A [ __ ] ring and you get a [ __ ] that’s what I was gonna say he’s Oprah you get a [ __ ] you get a [ __ ] you get a [ __ ] you get a [ __ ] you get a [ __ ] [ __ ] I’d probably turn around and run I’d be like okay let’s go your boyfriend with

My boyfriend shave that thing crazy bre has a boyfriend I wasn’t aware of this [ __ ] what’s happening right now what I’m not I’m not aware of that either everyone knows Terry M’s in your DMs come on Jimmy he does hey told me before that crazy a fine piece of

Ass who said that Terry you’re a fine piece of ass oh look at that laugh ter oh yeah yeah he’s he’s my Washington mine arel is coming oh you’re coming it’s coming what I love I love that Johnny’s just so gay and beautiful say hello sweetheart yes sorry what

What’s happening [ __ ] and I are twins we look exactly alike wow somebody oh no it’s 100% true but somebody asked me was it homegrown when did you ask me yesterday today imagine there’d be two of us or some [ __ ] like two of me two yeah I don’t

Think that the world can handle two Bells homegrown oh man that’d be something else man his [ __ ] R before hey might be able to handle it but I don’t think I could poor he’d be [ __ ] muzzling me with a pillow like Ruben pillow over the bitch’s head hey

Matt lingo how you doing how you all right hang on a minute I’m hanging what do you want me to do what else all right I love this song Let’s Go Johnny this makes Johnny happy makes me Happy love you jimy I hope coming back with a shot in your M sh I’m glad you brought your Friend got M too hey R welcome to my house to cuz these are my people and this is my L my this is what we pray for and this is God’s plan if you ain’t from here you won’t understand this is my country this I am I love welcome to my house Welcome to my house come on Johnny why you hiding B zip it [ __ ] leave me Al stand better believe it cuz today won’t be your day I can guarantee it you should turn and walk away and get leaving oh I let this 12 G do all my speaking don’t push me on

The I’m aiming for your head boy I see is red boy Bo I told you not to cross that line I told you not to cross that line I’m giving you a chance boy giving you a chance see the devil in a GL for it devil in knock you out your pants

For I told you not [ __ ] F Lord have Mercy y was coming in now you’re backing now now you’re backing now it’s hard to talk me with a shotg in your mou sh I’m glad you brought your friend watch it go down I got M too so welcome to my house cuz these are my

People this is my L this is my this is what we pray for and this is God’s plan this God’s if you ain’t here you won’t understand you this is my country this is who I am I am welcome to my House sa I love SA hey wait what do you want from me what what you’re in my house what do you want you want from Me come on Johnny I got a baby girl inside this house and right now she’s s asleep so it’s probably best for the both of us if you just turn around and leave cuz if you come in this [ __ ] house and you twoo going to go to sleep I promise you

Boy don’t play with me I pray to God my soul to keep especially this day and age got to handle [ __ ] our own way with a 30 30 12 G behind this door your hell my old lady she rid through picking up every shell case moing up these blood

Stains but she ain’t seen a damn thing most of my people are convicts hardheaded No Nonsense so please approach with caution you never know who’s watching you never know what’s on the other the side of that front door and you knocking my step out like [ __ ] get the drop all the

Neighbors heard was the dog sparking the sun was down it was getting dark and I told the sheriff it ain’t no problems man I was just taking out the garbage so if you don’t mind please excuse me I with the family trying to watch a movie

Sure you got better things to do so I’ll let you go get back to now you’re backing now now you’re back it’s hard to be with a shotg in your mouth shot in your I’m glad you brought your friend watch it go down I got M

To so welcome to my house to cuz these are my people this is my L this my this is what we pray for this is God’s plan God’s if you ain’t here you won’t understand this is my country this is who I am am so welcome to my house Lord have Mercy I love you John Lord Lord Merc we all be fine Lord Johnny get these people will come and see Lord Mercy I’ll get them where are they I’ll talk to them Lord have mercy so welcome to my house Lord have Mercy I love it yeah that’s a long song oh I I love it welcome to my house that hey Cowboy have you heard American flags by uh Tom McDonald no no I haven’t well go to you if you’re on you when you get time go to

YouTube push in push in Tom McDonald and push in American flags you’ll love love that song bro I bet I will I’ll check it out Tom McDonald Tom McDonald yeah okay I’ll do it I will do it yeah I love that song Johnny that’s a great song it’s a

Great video he but the same guys that you guys were just listening to the same guys that you guys were just listening to he had he sings a song about a preacher boy about a preacher and a small kid and and it’s so and it’s so

Touch it touched it touches my heart and I cried like a baby yeah why haven’t you played it well I don’t know I I I don’t know if you wanted me to play it or not bill this is your show this not my show this I like the American

Flag hey beautiful listen John you what you want um I love you I enjoy you and I love some [ __ ] listen I ain’t into a lot of that heavy metal but some things just like rap Eminem I love and H Kanye there’s some songs like um what is it

Let’s chairs to the douchebags that’s one of the best songs ever with his little tiny dancers going let’s cheer to the douchebags hey Bill look what look look what look what uh look what uh um um pz did for me I have the lyrics of that song right

Here see it says welcome to my house i’ like run I [ __ ] can’t Dro he’s funny though oh my godric me oh my God that was I got the lyrics right here to walk to my house I love that Johnny I love you and that’s why I love playing it and

You actually listen when it comes to music I it doesn’t matter what genre if it just hits me and it could be one song and I may never like anything else you make and uh when I first heard the song I knew there was something but the the

More you I just [ __ ] fell in love with that [ __ ] song I thank you the song is three years old the song is three years old it’s great yeah it’s great but you’ll love that other song Bel preacher and the little boy play it I want to

Hear it play it okay okay give me a second I’m giving you a find it I gotta find it my hair oh yeah know about constipated yeah I know about all about constipated TMI TMI no well no it’s a funny joke not a real oh yeah oh no

Constipated what the [ __ ] like you think my [ __ ] is is constipated what it’s not that bad stop it okay so so I posted it i’ posted this before constipated emotional or spiritual blockage caused by having to deal with too many [ __ ] in one day male or female [ __ ] oh the pronoun is neutral

You could be a [ __ ] male or female listen I uh Shelly and I I’m gonna [ __ ] say it we went on beers and cheers the other night Johnny tell me when you’re ready honey uh we went on beers oh uh yeah yeah okay there and guess what this morning I

Jumped into Lincoln and uh Jesse’s like oh Belle I’m sorry look I could take the C and the [ __ ] and with you but he started using the RW I was completely just he didn’t he just wouldn’t stop busted I was disgusted it was I we won’t you know the

R word guys just not a not um no don’t say the word but somebody who’s mentally challenged and watch this say right watch me Bill okay yes like I understand but Johnny uh yes homegrown uh and the guy was going on and on and I actually Godless and I didn’t know Godless

Because he looked pathetic and I stood up for him Captain Sabo here I am and uh God uh all of a sudden Godless must have said something I know Captain Sabo I’ve got issues [ __ ] I mean I don’t know what you all want from me um but

Um what what who was I talking about oh oh Godless okay so I was this [ __ ] says something I don’t hear it hear it but Shelly now we’re we’re on a panel of all men right and Rich who’s the Queen’s man he’s on Ice he’s ice

You can’t really hear him I’m not upset with him at all but all the other nobody said anything’s like [ __ ] you I lost my mind I got I got triggered okay there’s nothing I hate worse than that [ __ ] and some laughed at me because Belle does

Not rage quit I never Rage Quit so today somebody laughed at me that’s very close and they’re like oh you rage quit you [ __ ] but they understood they said I said no you you class equit yeah I that’s it I class equit but like so when

I woke up I said to myself what was the I mean answer but what is the difference look I go on lincol you have some guys they like oh Belle you got droopy titties did you ever see them I mean yeah they’re Droopy just because I tell

You I I I have to be 100 but you yeah that’s just because you say that but it’s not true right right but you you know and they think like it gets I’ve seen them it’s they’re yeah I know you’ve seen them they’re not at well okay they’re fabulous they no well they

Crossed over and got all tangled but um don’t tell nobody um too late and I was I love you sh so it was it was okay until he used the artwork and I realized and I said before you said to no no I realized that but I’m different than you Shelly

I’ll go up and call them well I was defending you I was defending you you you were and then when he started using the RW homegrown I just was like ew like e like he wouldn’t stop the only that’s like one of the three words he knew yeah that was it and

Then today wait a minute hold on who is this Godless ja God Godless didn’t say it but he supported it Jazzy it was Jazzy and then Godless um Godless was feckless who I I defended uh said something I didn’t hear it Shelly it and said Belle was defending

You no she [ __ ] wasn’t you know what [ __ ] you’re on your own next time I could give two [ __ ] you could be choking on a golf ball or a dick I ain’t coming to see that’s it a [ __ ] ring could be stuck in your neck I ain’t coming yeah B gag gag no

I I don’t know who that is though I don’t have no clue he’s like a woman Godless he’s whenever crazy is ready Queen I got he did take care after we left he took over and just raged on what who did I emailed linol and said Jeff don’t won’t be back

I mean Jeff just sat there with a smile was not dead chivalry was not dead but it was it was pretty much dead except for except for rich beers and tears yes beers and tears oh okay okay okay Johnny here you go all right go ahead guys I’m ready for Johnny John

Everything for me so I’m always ready for you Bill he’s ready for you B One Sunday morning after church a preacher was shaking hands a little boy walked up and said can I please s to your Preacher Man said my daddy left my mama and me and it’s been a couple years and my mama’s boyfriend don’t like me much especially after a couple of

Be sometimes when hits me I close my eyes real tight and I wish that place you always talk about was real with all my might is heaven real I can’t wait to go I can’t wait to know how Heaven feel is there a place where there’s no more pain or D [Applause] Joh you’re killing me right now well the preacher man didn’t know what to say and before the little boy turned and walked away the preacher say son would you like like to pray right there the little boy hit his knees and he cried out Lord help me

Please cuz I don’t know how much more pain I can take and he looked up for them tears in his eyes he said Preacher Man I don’t want to die but I just want to know if there’s a better place on real I can’t wait to

Go I can’t wait to know how Heaven feel there a place where there’s no more pain or D pain D no more need for cry I can’t Wait later on midnight the your man got a call little boys in the hospital doing bad and a mama’s boyfriends running from a la when the preacher walked in the boy’s hospital room little boy whisper can you see to there’s an angel standing right beside you preaching man now I know

Stre and I can’t wait to get there I can’t wait to get there way to know how Heaven feel I’m going to a place where there’s more pain man crying I Can’t now I know real place Johnny that that is a that is a great Johny send it to me please send that song to me please that’s a good song yeah that is a great song Can you he will you I sure will Bill all right motherfu thank you for

Making listen when music could move you to the point of tears and it doesn’t always have to be said guys um music has gotten me through a lot in my life yeah and it doesn’t have to be sad it doesn’t have to be uh but yeah when you feel it

You feel it I understand the words the lyrics the meaning I understand everything of it and and Johnny I love you I adore you I’m always here for you and uh yeah I understand why you cried you just made me cry thank you sometimes we

Need to cry you know you know that song means me meant something to that song me something to me that little boy did not deserve to get [ __ ] put by a grown ass man a little boy does not deserve to get his hands put on at all yeah Johny me neither that could

Have been a little girl me neither I was in the same kind of position as you so I understand and and I’m so sorry for the pain it’s a lot to get through you know and uh you’re right no little boy no little girl deserves that Matt Matt

Wants Matt wants us to play uh can we play the wheels on the bus to liveen this joint up yes the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round are you saying that I’m playing with my crayons leave me alone [ __ ] leave me alone let me have

An emotional moment yes let’s play a good song what song can we play Dan what what song do you want me to play me what song Can we dance to even crazy brat can play them too I mean I’m not I mean oh no I know of course I would like I have

Noidea look at her [ __ ] making fun of me this [ __ ] okay I love her so much um I I got some sushi here guys but so wait a minute uh who wants play wants you to play Matt wants you to play because I got

High oh God I got a great meme at made you know that know that song Johnny cause I got high CA I got high cause I got high afan that’s who sings the Afroman oh Afroman but I don’t know that from Mississippi you’ll know it B when you

Hear it okay well I’m waiting I don’t know and look at homegrown I love homegrown is he from Mississippi I think I met him I was in Mississippi crazy BR you got this you want me to get it crazy brat oh go ahead go ahead you got it I

Don’t wna be I don’t want to be blamed for nothing crazy BR okay here we go you got it okay Afroman Because I Got High I I saying the wheels on theze me what the [ __ ] they gonna do to me that’s what you got high on what you

Do to me because you got high what um on life I’m too old for other [ __ ] medical marijana that’s it I’m in other than that well never say never but you know what I’m saying I’m not getting Al take a to hold smoke it sounds like

Merily what the [ __ ] oh I that was good all right I don’t know what you’re doing but okay I’ll be quiet whenever you guys are ready go ahead I’m ready I’m born ready I was born yeah Clean my room until I got high I was gonna get up and find the broom but then I got high still messed up and I know Why I was GNA go to class before I got high come on y’ I could have cheated and I could have passed but I got high I’m taking it next semester and I know why I got because I I was gonna pay my child support but then I got my paycheck and I Know I wasn’t run from the cops but I was high I’m serious man I was going to pull right over and stop but I was high now I’m aick I know why I got I got because I got I was GNA make love to you but I

Got was going to eat your [ __ ] too [Applause] Turn because I I lost my kids because I say what say what say what now I’m sleeping on the sidewalk and I know why He sing song because I’m I’m singing this whole thing wrong because I’m it I know I’m high I’m high I’m high are you really on are you high put hands up in the chat if you’re high even if you’re not live if you’re not high lie just put the

Hand be Johnny was good I mean Joe who am I thanking crazy Brown who the [ __ ] came up with that Matt Matt Matt that was a great song Matt brought that you song it wasn’t me it wasn’t me on the counter it wasn’t me in the shower Shaggy Shaggy

Shaggy I Shaggy Miami live yeah Shaggy is great oh [ __ ] my glasses no Shaggy is great I love that song and um before Matt’s a troublemaker no listen we love it tonight I just want to break all the rules let’s go toe I’m ready to toe baby let’s

Go okay let’s go bill this is for you Bill thank you honey this is for you Bill gonna dance this is for you he’s apractic serial killer clown who says women love his sexy smile let’s find out if his charm will’ll work on Sharon Sharon contestant number one I believe

First ever so let’s say you were to come over to my parents house and have dinner with me and my family tell me what you do to make that first impression really St let’s see well I have to think about it I might show up in a talk but I doubt

It I’d probably just show up naked like I always do and look your mama in the eye and tell her [ __ ] you hurry up [ __ ] I’m hungry I smell spaghetti i’ pinch her Luffy ass and tell her get my food ready your dad would probably start

Tripping and get me pissed I’d have to walk up and bust him in his [ __ ] lips it’s inner time we’re hearing Grace from your mother i’ pull a 40 out for for your little brother I’m steady staring at your sister I’ll tell you this you know for only she got some big

After and only time I put the 40 to his chin after your mom does the dishes and the silverware I try [ __ ] till I sh in my [Laughter] under a Johnny now let’s meet contestant number two he’s a psychopathic direct like thatn that was great I

Couldn’t dance to it but that was great thank you I Lov it the wordsy that group was called Insane Clown posy oh yeah clown posy Crimson love you okay people we need a dance tune tell us in the chat what are we doing yeah I’m sorry that that came

On after I got high so no don’t be sorry you could be high all you want I love we all I’m not Bill I’m not high I got five years underneath my belt Sunny B show we are high no I’m so proud of you Johnny congratulations no I know you you’re

Just high on Coca-Cola what the hell what what the ICP that’s oh good song but what is what are they talking I have no clue what you’re talking about honey Dale said play clown walk okay what’s the clown walk slow but good Matt Matt says Careless Whisper

I lost my virginity over that [ __ ] song about you took me all night long You Shook Me All Night Long no all the woman had to go is whisper home grown whisper virgin it whispered right on out her name was Brandy oh see you never forget who you lost your Virg

Never I’m SM cigarette I’m GNA go smoke cigarette Bell hone that’s fine um I love me up before you go that’s a good song too crazy bre the new DJ Now wake me up before okay honey wake me up before we go oh wh I love that J I

Forgot what the name of the song is though yeah wake me up okay well I’ll play that real quick you want me play that real quick for you if you want if you old your if y won get silly there’s you know we can do uh um what is it

Culture Club um I’ll tum for I’ll tumble for you I’ll tumble for you tum for you I tumble for you oh yeah let’s play it I’ll tumble for you I’ll tumble for oh my God yes for you it brings me back to the 80s oh my God I’m getting hot now

All right yeah this is coming off right now cuz now I’m getting hot um yeah I’ll tumble for you oh man Club days I love yes the club days the lime white the cafe I gotta fix my right uh Cafe Iguana uh SOS was um the best lesbian bar you could ever I

Mean well Julie was number two and the townhouse which is still there actually they’re still there the townhouse um is for men and Julie was next door for women but SOS was like the hot chicks like it it wasn’t like you know no I I can’t even say there’s

Somebody on YouTube running around looking like a man and I won’t say who they are crazy but you know who they are and uh that that’s what you’d find can I wear can I wear can I have my hat on yes put the hat on and uh like that would be

Like what is it call readers readers oh my God I can’t remember right now but yeah guys it it listen difference between and Li lipstick lesbian definitely I’m lip I like lipstick lesbians but um so B yeah so B you have some music on here you have like uh

Here’s a quarter by Travis trit you have let’s let’s go party Casey Sunshine ban that’s a good all the Casey songs are that that’s a real good song right there all right play it for homegrown let’s do it my nose is run [ __ ] me I just

Hadi I’m G to make sure this volume is up I’m showing my age but hey I want to see your ass homegrown show me your yeah yeah I ain’t drunk enough oh my God I love youzy [ __ ] T out funky then it changes oh no no no no this ain’t the warant

No No it is a good song but um it’s not the One no Joh you know let’s part let’s it down you know let’s let’s it down dance dance with Mo let’s it down let’s you know let’s it let’s it down Happy as we let St you know let’s let’s go get down let’s go you know let let’s go get down let’s go you you let let’s get Down all right hold on go ahead and pause it I pause it okay that that wasn’t he’s got another song that it’s the same title and I think it’s called do you want to go party do you want to go yeah that’s the song do you want to go party no never

Mind they don’t listen I I don’t mind these songs but yeah we need some what’s a good 70 song even xador Let’s Get Physical how about how about Sugar by Maroon Five sugar it’s a little bit hard to dance to though like well I mean well

Not well well Sugar’s not I know I know but 70s was in my mind okay but this is good let’s do it my are pulling out let’s go what do you want sugar just some Pour Some Sugar On I seen de leard in concert they’re [ __ ] I need I need it now when I’m without you I’m something weak you got me begging begging I’m on my knees I don’t want to be needing love I just want to be deep in your love and feeling me when your way oh baby cuz really don’t care where

You are I just want to be there where you are and I got to get one little T yes you come not on me right here cuz I need little long littley yeah you show me good loing make it all right need a little Sweetness in my life you Yes come my broken pieces you pick them up don’t leave me hanging hanging come give me some when I’m without you I’m so insecure you are the one thing one thing I’m living for I want to be NE in your love just want to be deep in your love

And feeling me when you’re way baby don’t care where you are I just want to be there where you are and I got to get one little T sh yes please don’t put it down on me I’m right here cuz I need let Al love my little

Sympathy yeah you show me good loveing make all right need a little Sweetness in my life you come put it down on me yeah I want that red velv I itless I got there Ain no other way cuz girl you’re sou California day I don’t want

To play no games you don’t got to be afraid don’t give me all that sh [ __ ] no makeup on that’s my sugar yes please come down on me here here I need I need a lot little Sy show good loveing make all right need a little sweetness

Yeah yes yes pleas you come and put it down on me down on Yes right here I need I [Applause] need show you good make it all right need a little Sweetness in my life you down down me down me wo From the 70s to oh Maroon Five oh hey Jimmy how are you my brother oh I’m hey Jimmy everyone like that my brother I’m sorry not bad not bad that I ain’t gonna lie I’m exhausted Beyond exhausted this work is work it’s work honey yeah I believe it he started a new

Job a couple of weeks ago so you know when you go through learning all that new [ __ ] oh yeah yeah that [ __ ] you gota go some training and all that your hair looks great jmy it’s getting grayer it’s getting grayer by the day with this so

Hey cubby look cute I got to tell you I apologize I meant to answer I just uh it’s not you please don’t take it personal I just it’s it’s fine okay honey hey oh my God Nick is here I thought he was dead my cubby is here he usually doesn’t

Visit BBY homegrown and the sexy cougar wait wait hey Belle Johnny homegrown and the sexy cougar all right Jimmy you’re a sexy cougar I love it I love it oh God you guys are great it’s so good um listen I thought I was the sex coogar what the [ __ ] what’s happening in this

Joint I this ain’t BV show no more it’s over it’s over over it’s you’re the sexy cougar listen you’re a listen no you are that’s we go now no you are no you are no you are you are no no you are no you are make let Jimmy be like okay girls

The Daddy stop it stop SLE down I know are but what am I you’re a [ __ ] that’s what you no you are take your iPhone away I’ll take your iPhone away back then and be like I’m gonna take your Tetris away you [ __ ] I’m gonna take VC away I’m

Going to take your [ __ ] text 23 letters to get to a phone way I mean these kids these days think think that they’re suffering we had to go through a lot we only had like a a Tetris which was like a [ __ ] tennis racket there boink boink boink I mean that that was

Our entertainment guys but then again we had a lot of great 80s um uh movies right Breakfast Club St emel’s fire [ __ ] it oh man um ridgem high oh there was so much 70s was Grease We had some great [ __ ] [ __ ] going on there all right now I’m

Cold Johnny got me all hot and bothered with all and then now now now I’m frozen yes go ahead Jimmy sorry now she’s cold I’m pretty stoked at tomorrow night’s daddy daughter dance what um is it Junior or Elementary High School element it’s elementary elementary yeah we’ve been going every

Year since she’s in kindergarten so oh how cool it’s kind of a big event big event of the year so what is it that you’re doing Jimmy I missed it the daddy daughter dance oh fun those are so fun a hell yeah he’s so good because he

Takes them like to every Out of My Head Soccer practices baseball practices he takes them everywhere oh I’m sorry I was dancing I was singing Katie Perry forgive me I mean yeah that takes over somebody I can understand it does it it takes wife me I would have I would have

Been a good daddy if I had a girl I sometimes you know I wish I had a girl I you know she’d be stuck to me yeah she’d be stuck to me like oh no no no no tell me I have three girls you don’t want

Girls I want girls Okay hold it down please girls oh high maintenance woohoo yes can you play Instinct all I want all I want it’s okay all I want I do want to say pull he thinks all I want pull it up Johnny okay hey Paul pull it up Johnny I’ll

Pull it up hold on hold on okay I will say this I I Samra is my girl just not biologically I I shouldn’t yeah Fu Samara yeah she’s my little sweetheart yep uh Johnny when you’re bringing up Instinct does it a [ __ ] ring on somebody was talking about

Something you have to do it the right way like this um I do believe that um when girls yeah men I I think like they want boys boys but when the girl comes they are wrapped around Daddy’s [ __ ] finger man that’s their little [ __ ] princess yeah yeah yeah you’re right yep to women

You know uh when I was younger I was like oh yeah I want all girls girls as I got older I was like well if I would ever have one I I wanted a boy that in the end I would have wanted a boy excuse me but um I I understand

Um uh the men thinking male male and then all of a sudden you get this little baby girl and like oh [ __ ] she stole my heart what the [ __ ] like you love her more than anybody you know what I mean it’s wonderful when you’re a good dad

You know what I’m saying but Jimmy and I have spoken and he’s bringing to sports classes and stuff after school and all this kind of stuff um if you want to tell you could tell how many kids you have or that’s your business but Jim you have you have one child or I

Got three hence the more gray hair I have so ah um all girls or boy I two boys two boys and a girl oh okay well and girl I say something my better not I was going to say the girl is the one that makes him nervous the most you

Know my my grandfather he said are you I’ll go aad and say he said are you mad enough to have a boy oh [ __ ] wait what did he say you what are you man enough to have a boy oh let’s [ __ ] nuts man but guess what if

Really think about that question are you man enough to have a boy are you man to raise another man that’s a serious question I don’t take it as a bad thing are you man enough it’s like a woman are you woman enough to raise another young

Woman yeah but that that is yeah look at me well it’s like my son my son’s a a a mama’s boy like it’s funny yeah yeah they like their Mas and and all my family the boys like the girls you always wanted to be tougher on because you never want them

To rely on a man so you’re like come on come on you are son and then the boys we treated with KES and I say we get grown woman then we you got to email it to me I guess I don’t know how to do it I

Don’t know how to do it um what’s happening Johnny I’m he wants to ma email me a picture or send me a picture but I don’t know how to bring it up on when I’m not on my own streamyard so oh I don’t I yeah I yeah b v yeah what song

I’d have to I got it for you for it’s called Dr by Back Street Boys Backstreet Boys oh God this is a long time ago what the hell you don’t know back a oh that’s beautiful listen I am a Justin Bieber and we know I’m a Swifty

Guys don’t judge me I don’t give a [ __ ] if you do I love Taylor Swift Beyond listen that girl uh and and and she I’ve never seen her so you know what I hope we don’t break her heart I have a feeling but uh she’s with the Chiefs guy

From the football you men would know and uh he looks the most happiest she has ever been I don’t care what e you I’ll go to tellor Swift show you know what I looked up tickets [ __ ] people buy them they’re like $5,000 you can’t get a less than a

[ __ ] thousand I mean I understand it and I’m like back in the day I I don’t remember back in the day I’m talking like early 2000s there was a group that stood firm and they said that I’m not going to allow people to buy tickets and like double quadruple the price because

Excuse me like look at I see Seline Dion the [ __ ] next to me third row Center I paid $1600 each ticket two of them it was Titanic I I cried you know Rose jumped off the [ __ ] yeah she jumped off the [ __ ] Robo that’s what I would do for Jack I

Mean that’s what I’m saying and I remember my little nephew I watched I was babysitting and I uh I used to it would come on and watch it I’d be crying why you crying I said it’s a s movie he goes then why are you watching it I was

Like oh you’re so sweet innoc never to go through this but um so I needed to see Seline so I I was standing up she was all in white she was great I was taking pictures I was doing everything I brought my sister with me I brought it to all my concerts [ __ ]

Share [ __ ] um uh whatever we we so many people B Jo so many people anyway um even Johnny Depp I love it but um I stood up and this [ __ ] behind me just like in Johnny Depp cause we had front row and this guy who was a [ __ ]

Was like oh sit down I said next time buy better [ __ ] seats the [ __ ] sit down this the security guard looked at me and started laughing and he’s like yep you you got I was like yep tell this [ __ ] back here like sit down not that I was standing the whole time but

You know there’s moments that you do stand because I realize you want to be respectful but the minute I stand up you’re telling me to sit down so I did I turned and he had no response I said five better seats next time I was front

Row what do you want [ __ ] deal with me so um anyway I don’t know what I was talking about but uh oh Seline Dion so I stood up and some other [ __ ] behind me and I went listen I had my second knee surgery and I was

Actually uh they brought me down to the bottom I think I had crutches still I’m not 100% it was only a couple of weeks after my surgery I was going I didn’t care if you had to push me in on a [ __ ] bed I didn’t a wheelbarrow I

Could give two [ __ ] what you push me in on and um I stood up and I was like oh my God cuz she was singing Titanic of what’s that song and it just makes me cry every time Minds Michael too she was singing it this [ __ ] behind me

Is bitching I said look I spent $600 on these [ __ ] tickets I’m Gonna Stand sing jump I’ll go on the I’ll do whatever the [ __ ] I want the woman next to me and the guy a couple and they were being nice they went they looked at me they’re like third row

Center they’re like we paid $75 I said wait what what what see the problem was back in the day if you didn’t get to we don’t not that I have it anymore Ticket Master you had to go we had one down the street if you were there early enough you could get good

Tickets if you don’t the people buy them up we all know it they sell them like second third Market they double triple quadruple the prices it’s horrible so you try to buy the tickets later getting closer to the concert but there was a group that was going against it I I

Don’t think that that’s right like there’s people who bought out hypothetically and I’m just making up a number let’s say $200 guys they’re buying $200 Tor Swift tickets and they’re trying to sell it to me for a thousand plus more and it’s like is that right and and they really can’t stop it

They really that’s what they do hey can I say something real quick Bill yes yes today is today we have someone today is someone’s special birthday today it’s pz’s birthday happy birthday happy birthday pey we need to play a birthday song yeah he uh he He Turned he turned 34

Today oh my happy birthday God happy birthday I 34 oh God he he’s five years older than me wow happy birthday to you Richard wants cucumbers yes let’s sing Happy Birthday to You Baby Hold On he’s not out here yet wait till he comes back out here

Okay all right but no really guys think back to when you were [ __ ] 34 oh [ __ ] and you know what I haven’t got there b i I haven’t hit 34 year don’t don’t ruin it for me I’m sorry I’ve hit it I’ve done it I banged it I [ __ ] baz it I

Done everything to dirty for but you know I look back and I’m like all the [ __ ] I used to worry about I don’t worry about now I wish I didn’t worry about then like it was a waste of time like I think women are their most sexiest I

Mean as we get older of course we get more sexy in different ways but for me I think most women are sexiest in their early [ __ ] 40s late 30s going to the early 40s 45 46 47 I really think that they found the confidence and the face

Matures it’s not baby anymore and it’s just gorgeous I don’t know that’s just me guys and men just age gracefully you [ __ ] [ __ ] you all oh bu [ __ ] yeah it’s you you look in the mirror and you’re like oh what the hell is that that what the hell is that you’re like

What who am I what am I turning into you know I Know like I said when I hit 50 I was fine when I hit 54 it just slaughtered me well I hit menopause too but um it was like there’s more time behind me than ahead of me and I and I’m not trying to be Debbie Downer it’s the [ __ ] facts you’re

Like I don’t have another [ __ ] 54 [ __ ] years I have 54 [ __ ] behind me what did I do with them where where did I go wrong how do I fix this there is that 114 year old lady out there yes you’re right there yeah I’m praying I don’t wait what she’s

114 yeah oh yeah sh’s 100 foot yeah she was M no not me no no bill okay I’ll take no well I thought you were trying to say you look good for your age what you do CU you look like you’re [ __ ] early no she she was telling you there’s a lady that’s

114 oh I only had the eldest woman I had was years so she would have been born in 1904 Y no no no no no no no I don’t know whatever 19 00 that’s fine close enough early 1900 oh no that’s got to be that’s

Got to be well let’s see no yeah that’s right um I don’t know I don’t know when she would that but I will tell you we had a woman 109 110 and she swore by she was Albanian she swore by yogurt she was in our hospital she swore by [ __ ]

Yogurt n 10 years old and and she had her mind with her her body started declining but damn imagine 114 I want everything tucked sucked everything you have to wake up wonder if you’re gonna die today I would never want to live that to be that old uhuh you would out aot of

Your family and friends most likely 114 years old oh my God but no I can’t even imagine that okay but listen guys I have 90y old patients cardiac who male and female still playing golf they’re still jogging they’re driving they have their brains together so if you’re 96 and

Somehow just saying guys you make it to 114 and you’re still able to drive a car or you don’t even need to drive a car but your physical you have your brains you get up you walk around you could play sports you’re not in pain 114 is great

I’m just saying I’d be the hotest 114 year old though I’d have everything T I need to go to the doctor yeah I bet you do at 114 on 114 year old I’m just saying of them look good because they took care of themselves when they were younger they just eat

Maybe we can have all new stuff so that’ll work put on new parts it’ll be real easy or something like that I do agree crazy brat no of course you can’t Envision 114 when you are around the patients that are in their 90s I yes 114 is a bit extreme

But that’s crazy 100 I really have hands to God I’ve seen patients 96 997 they’re like yeah I’m going to play golf tomorrow the [ __ ] I’m like I’m lucky I can move my shoulder from one place to the other in the morning and you’re going to play golf that I mean I love

Them golf is addictive yeah that’s what Joe Biden says too oh does he see they might go to the golf place but they ain’t playing no golf hanging out the bar looking at the younger women or something at the Country Club I got to tell you though that um I don’t want to

Get political but and we’ll just leave it at there I think Trump’s gonna come back because too people are nervous I think Trump’s coming back guys Trump 2024 I think I think Trump’s coming back and he’s gonna shut the [ __ ] down and I gotta say not that I agree with everything but I

Take care of your own first take care of your own first that’s right right there it’s obvious like common Sense to me I we don’t have to get deep into it but yes take of your own first then we’ll take care of [ __ ] everybody else [ __ ] you’re living off of all our taxes and stuff and we’re helping you not much these days is it EBT I I

Think I heard I think I heard somebody say that the some school and I don’t know where it’s at I can’t remember but they were taking the kids out of school and making them do uh school at home so that the immigrants C immigrant grants I

Can’t even talk can go to their school and and they have a place to go to school now what the hell is that that’s trying to get us to fight with each nuts well our education system’s just gotten dumber and that’s the reason why hes schooling’s gone straight up

That’s a whole yeah but having I think it’s hard I think it’s hard for kids to do homeschool yep it is because I I think that they just they isolated they well they just want to goof off they don’t want to do school right no think that there’s

Kids I think they have nobody to talk to nobody to play with their age nobody to communicate they may have siblings you don’t want to be around siblings all the time well I have I’ve seen two families that have the homeschooling going on and I walked in and those kids were at the

Table studying really that mother had yeah that mother had them down I yeah good so and and I asked both of them about it because I was really wondering about my son and um my son didn’t want to leave because he was wanting to play

Football um but uh they do have I didn’t know this but the the uh homeschoolers actually have a organization to where they do have activities you know football soccer whatever whatever I did not know that and it’s gotten really big down here huh well that’s good yeah it’s

It’s uh really gotten big down here in Texas so to take a class or two to be able to play on the team listen I’m not saying I think there’s I’m sorry there’s some people who homeschool who shouldn’t be most people who do I think it’s okay the

Problem is when you speak to majority not all I’m not saying everybody who’s homeschooled that there’s a problem but majority say they missed out on meeting let’s say other children from different cultures and languages whatever the [ __ ] you know just being around children except their own siblings to me I rather

I mean don’t get me wrong if my child’s in danger your ass is out of school I I’m homeschooling your ass but we’re making a lot of play dates you know what I’m saying um they usually meet up with their kids their AG yeah but some don’t Shelly unfortunately don’t they’re not

Planning that [ __ ] and and these kids are just they they only know that and um but it doesn’t you know people like oh homeschooled no it’s not a bad thing child not me my poor [ __ ] I said the minute the sperm met the egg we all be in [ __ ] therapy it a

Time I liked going to school but yeah but it was a different time back when we went to school too yeah yeah me too even College I was telling crazy back the only yeah the only thing that I do worry about is the social part of it

Really that’s the reason why they yeah but they do have the activity so that helps yeah you gotta have you gotta socialize and I mean I don’t care what age you are [ __ ] you get cin fever exactly you yeah if you’re stuck in your house all

Day long and all night you’re going to go stir crazy well me and a whole bunch of the kids used to walk home from school I mean blocked I mean blocked yeah you you’ll never see it again no sleep storm it didn’t matter we had ours up

We go ahead Shelly sorry what’ you say I was just saying he was going through the snow miles and miles and miles thank you turbo me too man yeah yeah I never forget I never forget being behind a behind a bus on the country roads out here a their house was um you

Know they had a long ass driveway and the mother came and picked the child up on what what they call a side by side it’s you y’all know what a side by side is right it’s like a yes okay Pi pick pick the children up on a

Side by side and I’m thinking man you know I used to have to walk home from school and these people are picking their kids up on the damn j y my gosh oh man must be ni Catholic school we had skirts we would roll them up like golf carts we needed leg warmers

By time we got to school there would be bright red in the winter we walked me and my best friend am back in the day you know of course you know your childhood best friend away at 54 from the open and um but she was the nextdoor neighbor forever till

54 wonderful person anyway we would walk to school oh my God we smoked our first cigarette together we made out for the first time together not together together but I was making out with one boy cuz she met some boy I don’t know how but we ended up at the roller Rank

And the car oh my God Tom Collins it was just a story that’s for another day but um I love Tom Collins and and well listen we didn’t drink we didn’t know and um the woman who raised me [ __ ] he had a sports a sports car my best

Friend was in the back with some guy I forgot his name who was in the front seat I’m down we’re like 13 14 I mean I don’t even how I got out of the house I said I was going to the roller rink um

And we we We snuck down because all of a sudden I look over who the [ __ ] is sitting right next the woman who raises me I’m like I was like in the glove compartment I was like oh my God I’m gonna die I’m gonna die so they went up

To the roller rank but anyway so the first time we both made out no I was playing two minutes or Seven Minutes in Heaven oh before that I I was in those shortt jeans I had like the Ferro fored haircut um oh yeah I made out and my

Mouth was so dry the poor guy just was probably traumatized I because I was so nervous like what am I doing here was the first time I kissed a boy but the second time we were in the woods yeah we were in the woods and uh we made out as my best

Friend was making out with her older boyfriend his friend who was even older was with me he was like just grow you know when you’re in puberty and [ __ ] I didn’t know nothing that I was like a this old employ loves me likes me you

Know whatever and no I didn’t give it up but he kissed me and stuff and it was like um then you start thinking oh my god did I do it right I didn’t know I mean we’re 14 what the [ __ ] and these are 20 year old men you know young men

Young I don’t want to say men but young and I’m just like what’s she’s like oh my God I’m so in love I’m like we’re sacrificing ourselves to the tree on the corner like [ __ ] pretending we’re witches and you’re [ __ ] in love with a 20-y olds I’m thinking I’m still a

Salama in a [ __ ] tree what are you talking about I’m into basketball and I mean don’t love boys but don’t get me wrong oh I don’t want to say his name his name was Jimmy J I don’t want to say his name Jimmy and I said well because I

Was about to say his last name and he he graduated high school so in eighth grade you would get a ring so I forgot how many spins but let’s say it was 30 so you have 32 people but the 32nd person who spun your ring is the person

You love so is this Jimmy a oh I I I don’t know he was just so cute back in the 70s okay Psalm in 8 grade and I see him outside with my big feet in my cheerleading uniform even though I played basketball too and I just had

Always had big feet so I said would you turn my ring would you be the West and he just smiled and he turned my ring he took me in the bottom of the church okay oh I forgot about this this was the first kiss maybe oh [ __ ] I’m all [ __ ]

Up I out with a lot of people I was I didn’t have like intercourse a lot but I made out with everybody and their mother literally everybody and their mother um and um so we wereing at the church and um I remember he was trying to guiss me

And his sister who was in my class we had a duct down he’s like I don’t want her to know E I don’t want her to know you know so um one day anyway after that time we kissed I didn’t even know what I

Was doing but he was cute what but I got nervous I was like maybe he wants more you got to realize he’s in high school I’m I’m eighth grade I don’t know what’s happening so and I can’t tell the people I live with you know so one day I’m on

The phone with Amory my best friend and I’m like oh my God Jimmy he he’s outside and he it was snowing I remember remember he was all in white I’ll never forget it and he’s like I love and he wrote Wendy and he’s writing it on the

Back of my grandmother’s car I I’m on the phone with my friend Amry going oh my God what do I do because I’m like oh my God it’s Jimmy what do I do what do I do and there’s my [ __ ] grandmother four foot nothing running outside with a

[ __ ] broom what are you doing in my car that you and she was like I’ll beat ass and I’m like and and he’s like no no I love Wendy I love Wendy and my my was like you’re trying to vandalize my car so I so I’m telling my grandmother no no

That’s a boy I like he turned my ring he turned my R so here I go with my short short 70 shorts Jimmy running down the street just trying to stop and I’ll never forget he turned around you know he’s high school he was drinking I think he

Was I was eighth grade he was 10th grade he turned around he had a white shirt pants I don’t know but and he was drinking and he’s just like Wendy I love you and I just like a 10th grader dating an eighth grader well no we weren’t

Dating like we made out and then he came and wrote on like love you and then my grandmother chased him with a broom and guess what I never after that day I always wondered what happened if I married him like we like him away with a broom and then

So yes so actually God and then the second one was in the woods we my best friend was kissing somebody kissing somebody else and I was like Kiss I was thinking like I was far for no I really wasn’t but you know what I’m saying yeah she with the

Broom the 10th graders need to be dating the 12th graders that’s that’s if you’re if you’re a guy you want to date the 12th graders you know what we were in grammar school together we went to the same grammar I play basketball I don’t know if

He listen I just asked him he was ninth grade I asked him or 10th grade I think it was I said turn my ring because he was you know around sister was in my class yeah my ring so that means that’s the man I love and he loves me I’m just

Hey turn my ring leave me aloney old no no I got left back in fourth grade so he’s on the Junior varsity football team and he’s dating a junior H High chick God Dam man what’s wrong with that mother maybe I was caught back then leave me

Alone Wings come on I got I had game back then I had no clue what the [ __ ] was happening I would imagine a girl would feel like you know oh my God you know this older guy and [ __ ] and everything but Little D girls know that

If a guy is truly a dude I mean he’s a badass he is going to [ __ ] date a a senior he’s G to try to but but he knew me from grammar school I didn’t know he had a crush on Don’t Give A he was horny he’s horny you don’t give

A [ __ ] what he’s doing but anyway we never had sex all I remember is that’s why maybe I think about sex in church he made out with me because under the church we would have Scouts and stuff but yeah the peuk he brought me downstairs he was an older boy back in

The day I was an Ulta girl believe oh alter boy this is getting better bill yeah and we were on the stage and he was just making out I was in my cheerleading uniform and and he just oh hell God damn yep and he was T but anyway I thought

I’d be in love forever but my grandmother chased him with the [ __ ] broom never seen I wonder if he was happy yeah yeah and he’s like but I just love her and my best friend Amry she’s like there no way Jimmy’s outside I said look out your window cuz she lived next

Door to me she’s like oh my God so she comes outside in her flipflops real guinea I love her you know and I’m like like Jimmy I’m sorry I never seen his ass again he’s like oh that that that [ __ ] itan I mean that polish Ukrainian grandmother she’s [ __ ] and then my grandmother

Goes I’m so sorry I’m like can we come back like my life was over hone you look tired 197 that you look tired I’m not tired I’m just uh listening and uh and paying attention oh okay he’s trying his best you P it I love you I’m not tired trust

Me not tired my chicken homeown is a a cool dude yes oh my God wait up homegrown wait up said I want to get drunk and stone with HR he seems like absolutely he is yes um yeah I could have been married living a good life right now it’s my [ __ ]

Grandmother’s fault you [ __ ] you chased him with a broom what’s wrong with you what’s wrong with you what’s wrong with you I’m trying to figure out I’m trying to figure out how to send this VD this movie not a movie but a picture to Bill V but I can’t do it on

Myard however send it I got it so back in the day we would go to Murray’s skating ring and I was a great I I took ice skating lessons I knew how to ice skate but nothing Fantastical um roller skating I was really [ __ ] good did you just say

Nothing testical yeah testicle that’s what I said yeah that’s what the men here testicles they like so my grandmother oh she’s dead now but did back in the day guys you got to realize early no it was probably 1978 or 77100 sneaker skates back in the day I

Wanted these sneaker skates and she would bring me to the mother Mary and it was like a novena and you would pray and um the the woman who raised me her best friend I mean I lived in Puerto Rico for like six mon you know we had to

Hide from the mafia because they dated the mafia and they got on theive it was just whole bunch of stuff anyway so we had to do this Novena I got my skateboard so I said if I do the Novena what my grandmother likees you said um I’ll get my skates so

I got my skates right and there was an older boy it was always older boys and and I guess as I got older I realized no older older men are just stuck in their ways not that I’m not I it’s just not for me you know but um older boys and I

I was bigger guys I was more developed for my age you know I looked older and stuff like that I couldn’t wear makeup so we would go and my girlfriend Amry would sneak makeup and I would put it on in the bathroom and before you know I’d

Go home home because it it wasn’t good you know bad things could happen at home you know so anyway I met this this guy and um he was older than I was and I was like good I thought I was getting away with everything makeup and I’m skating

With them we’re holding hands and we’re going like we met like a couple of times was he in the 10th grade where I don’t know what grade this [ __ ] was and I met him at this roller rink but he was older than I was and I remember to

One of the older girls I was like oh my God what do I do I remember she was like his age he was like a couple years older than me I looked older than I was you know and I was like what do I do I had no clue

So I’m like if I get caught my ass is going to be beat so here I am sitting on the bleachers and he’s holding my hand and stuff like that I turn around what do I see the [ __ ] who raises me my Grand uh great some grandmother on

The other side and the [ __ ] dog in the middle and everybody’s going like this to me I’m like [ __ ] because what’s up way up dude you you could park on the outside and in so I was busted I thought I was getting away with everything here

I am wiping off the me I’m like get your hands off of me get your hands off of me um and I did go to basketball camp too that’s another story for another day but I went to basketball camp it was a lot L of [ __ ] fun um guys listen I’m gonna

Go um can we drop um um Lincoln’s link I don’t know where Lincoln is tonight I’m pretty sure half the country knows where Lincoln is all right but just in case because you know what I um something happened I got to talk to him my membership it said expired in January I

Wasn’t gifted oh you need to go there you need to go kick his ass I am because I hat take names later I don’t know what expired means but I I don’t know what happened so crazy brat do we know where he is which which where I’m looking

Thank you because he said to me he goes yeah you could be confused and I said did I have excuse me maybe a membership to one of the different channels I don’t [ __ ] know I don’t [ __ ] know Richard at basketball camp American PT no I know I really did that’s another

Story and I have to remember I’ll Google it I see I see he has he has one scheduled for what the 10th which and it says 1 a.m my time so 3 o’clock your time 3:00 a.m. your time wait there was one like at 11 in 20 minutes Richard

He’s the town crier oh he’s oh he’s on one of the three Richard what channel is he on he’s not coming on till 3:00 a.m. thank you Nar oh Nar you’re still hot he comes on at 11 p.m 11 p.m tonight yeah I got I got one that’s

Saying he’s gonna come on at 8 he’s already coming on at8 I just said 11 o’clock there you go oh so now it’s 11 my time what is that channel Johnny can you send it to me so I can put it I have yeah I don’t even

School before beer o clock I’m looking at right now I love you m it’s great okay I see it now do we got it now thank you just drop it in the chat Drop It Like It’s Hot well Drop It Like It’s lukewarm because B can’t

Drop um but I love everybody uh crazy Brad I love it says it says right here b v it says right here what it says doing stuff before bare o’clock 15 or waai oh is that Claire bear no no it says um before bear o’clock I don’t know what

O Okay eight nine 10 so honey he should be on right now I just don’t know which channel it is can somebody send me the channel so I could uh [ __ ] link it in the chat I put it in the chat all right guys oh crazy Brad is is

That now 11 o’clock my time is he on or no yeah he’s on now yeah all right guys so everybody I’m gonna just freshen up um I’m gonna run over to LC for a little bit love everybody thank you so much for being here have a

Wonder I love to see you I haven’t seen you guys see you later thank you bye Johnny guys adore you love you crazy love you B love you love you chal love everybody see you guys I’ll see you guys tomorrow


  1. Hahaha your thumbnail
    I was at my cousin's wedding i had Alot of fun love ya
    good morning Belle
    Hope you are well 🙏🏼😊

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