Golf Players

World’s best climber VS Impossible challenges

Check out Adam’s first-ever online climbing course ⌲ (open until February 18th)

Adam Ondra ▷ @AdamOndra

Shot by; Jan Vogl & Vojtěch Ličko
Edited by Markus Skaane
Thumbnail by Petr Chodura

World’s best climber VS Impossible fitness challenges – Adam Ondra and Magnus Midtbø

Intro 00:00
Walnut 00:45
Frontlever 01:54
Bench Press 02:45
one-five-nine 04:32
Holding breath 06:31
Human Flag 09:06
Kilter Board 10:30
One Arm Pull-up 14:02
Campus 15:37
The Splits 16:48
Rental Shoes 18:25
One Arm Dead Hang 21:22
Egg Cracking 22:53

I started laughing almost so many times especially when you were doing the shaking you were like shaking your head I was like what the hell are you doing that you didn’t get Pumped all right Adam so I have a bunch of different challenges for you some of them are on the climbing wall some of them are not a lot of things that you probably haven’t tried before some are a little bit silly some are very serious we can start with the first challenge

Okay and that is to crack a walnut only using one hand okay if anyone can do this I’m sure it’s you ju just don’t get injured okay I know that you’re still like trying to qualify for the Olympics and stuff I don’t want to mess this up for you with

Some stupid Walnut challenge I might be able to take advantage of my strong thumb okay maybe squeeze it like this and then like add three fingers on the top it’s so crazy how analytic you you know even comes to stuff like this you find like another method was the same

Thing when we did the grip stuff it’s like you find the octop way that would be very impressive oh that was close nice that was easy with this is pretty rotten though yeah I think that’s the way I could hear it crack you just need to find the right spot

Yeah there you go nice yeah there you go you just need to work him a little bit find the right spot and then start crimping your way there you go good is it good yeah we’re not going to go let any food go to waste in this video by the way Mhm so the next challenge is something I don’t think I’ve seen you do ever and that is a front lever I’m going to try to demonstr stra first yeah so just keep everything straight the best front lever in my life is probably not what I would still

Consider a proper front lever and I think it’s one of the things that if you compare to other good climbers it’s like the most ridiculous thing oh yeah I think everybody can do front lever except for let’s see it all yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but my

Butt is already down your butt is tagging a little bit but that was much better than I thought you were talking I think I’m in my best front lever shape ever but uh is that thanks to your coach the coach is standing over there by the

Way no but I thought I thought that was good that was much better than I thought it would be this is something that you probably never tried Adam oh I tried you tri there was like a one period that I was training under one coach for Speed

Climbing and we did quite a bit of this it doesn’t have anything to do with climbing it’s the opposite movement pushing what do you think you can do I mean you probably have some sort of idea if you’ve done it before maybe 70 I can

70 okay we’re going to start with 60 and see and work our way up from there 60 this is the good position you think maybe a little bit wider but you you should be good good easy not so easy not so easy so do you ever do it uh not that much so

I think my PR is around 100 1034 something like that so you put like your pinky were the first rail is yeah and then you should ideally touch the chest on you got It a little bit further down yeah 65 would be My5 so now you guys know the world’s best climber can proba do like 6 65 in bench press so I don’t think you have to do a lot in bench to be a strong climber I think that’s just super interesting to know

Like uh I mean it’s it has nothing to do with climbing at all it’s probably just a it’s beneficial to not be strong in this because if you’re strong in this you’re just going to have muscles that you don’t need that will just weigh you down so it’s probably for climbing it’s

An advantage to not be strong in this stuff same as like squats you know if you’re super strong in squats you have big legs and those big legs are just going to be extra weight on the wall pretty much so so the next challenge is to do 159 on

The campus board is something that I’ve never been able to do not even close I guess it depends a little bit on the distance the type of rungs and the steepness of the board looks like it’s 20 and a half 20 and a half okay we should also mention though that the main

Reason I’m here is because we’re launching Adam’s first ever online course it’s something that you worked on for half a year now right yeah that was quite a lot of work the course is 10 hours long it has 45 different chapters right yep I’ve Just Seen sneak peeks and

I was also there when he shot the course and it looks really amazing I can’t wait to take your course I think it summarizes 25 years of inexperience as a climber and being like really nerdy about all the possible details that you could think about it is for lead

Clamping but for sure there is just so many things that will be as true for bowering as well and I think even if your all your goals are in bouldering to do a bit of lead climbing is is is eye opening I think everybody should do a

Bit of both cuz it’s been cool to follow from the side because I can tell that you put the same amount of effort and dedication into this as you do to your climbing so I think this is going to be a very good course and if you want to

Check out the course there’s a link in the description or you can go to clim like I’ve never seen anyone do this before woo oh I don’t think I can do any better it’s also weird how you can almost use your knece on That and these are also like the big runks have you done it before uh I did it in cotela my home gym where I thought it’s 20 but it feels definitely a little less like because there the crims are actually not far away from being this good okay it just feels closer so

Probably we were not very yeah very precise precise okay this next one is a little bit strange it’s about who can hold their breath the longest I suspect you to be very good at this I haven’t tried for like 15 years yeah okay you ready okay we can one 2 Tre I wow so much Longer I started laughing almost so many times especially when you were doing the shaking you like shaking your head I was like why the hell are you doing that you didn’t get Pumped we did more than it I expected me too but I was also going to say afterwards that we should have lay down cuz we’re actually we spend a lot of energy standing up I think the trick is to really reduce your heartbeat to exact

First like lay in bed and then do it that will give you a more accurate reading but yeah no I I thought was pretty good for it’s strange that after 45 seconds I think like oh that’s over but it’s still possible you can still go for quite a

Bit you looked like when it was like minute five you looked like you were about to finish your no but I was laughing that was the thing cuz when you were doing the shaking thing and I was just like trying to control my laugh cuz I felt like I was

Spending so much energy you know laughing so I was like geez I can’t Laugh okay so human flag do have you done it before I was trying the last few weeks a bit and uh I was quite close okay it’s also one of the exercises I thought like everybody can do and only recently I found out it’s not really

Like that I’m not strong in that I think it’s a very specific move and it’s also not climbing related at all really there’s maybe some things that I don’t know like how much like tow hooking is involved like this this side ABS yeah for me it’s also easier if I start all

The way up here pretty good like your upper arm is quite extended I was like trying more with the bent arm with the bent arm yeah so what you’re about to witness now is Adam Andra trying a human flag on video for the very first time I think you need

More space between that’s going to be super hard oh jeez wow that is so because your distance your distance is like here mine is like here I think it’s easier that way I might Tred that would have been super impressive if you did it like that I wasn’t that far huh no you

Were pretty close yeah yeah yeah yeah nice yeah okay I mean that was very close good job thanks that was much better than I thought it would be that is super hard for me too now we’re going to move over to something a little bit more climbing

Specific though how much do you climb on the kilter board yeah quite a bit quite a bit how hard can Adam Andra flash on the kilter board slm moonboard we only have a kilter board in this gym so we’re going to do it on the kilter board but

What have you flash on a moon board on moonboard I think I definitely flashed many AA I think some 8A pluses that is so hard I think I flashed around like eight to A Plus on there Kil the board for me it’s completely different to do

That on a moon board though but how hard have you flashed on a Kil board before I think I flashed one AB another AB that go downgraded yeah I did quite a few abbs in a couple of tries 8bs that that’s pretty much how high it goes on

The kilter board now we’re going to see how hard he can Flash uh are we going to do it on 40° I think nobody climbs from 40° no no I mean no I think kilter board is like designed to climb on 50 just then the holes are like the perfect okay so I

Think like the holds are too Juggy for the 40° it’s just like it just cuts here too much that sounds like an Adam Andra problem that the hols are too good for 40° first of all you have to find a problem you haven’t done before yeah and

Haven’t even tried so and you only get one shot at this and I do as well I’m more here for a reference so you can see how hard it is but what are you going to go for you’re going to go for a plus or

Let’s go for 8 plus 8 plus okay a piece of beta here don’t go for the Jimmy Web problems there I think they’re hard actually the only 8B I flashed is from Jimmy it’s called Rose Bowl this is some 88 plus I’ve never tried right I feel like the beginning looks really hard

Though so the B problem is broken clock is right twice how many sents does this have 18 18 that’s not a Lot nice there you go so Easy come on man yeah easy Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nice woo yeah almost fell off I’m going to try it for reference though I think that the even the first move is going to be super hard for me but I was surprised I thought like it’s just two move crackes but it’s quite

Hard all the way yeah I saw that last Mo even like Drop in into the I didn’t think like this would be hard but it’s actually really hard okay nice really strong come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yeah that’s it that’s

It ah close close okay yeah I just stumbled a little bit with my feet there I’m not allowed to try it again what I’m expecting up for I you are come on okay I’ll try I Tred the last bit just to see if come on come on nice that’s pretty hard actually yeah

Yeah yeah but you use that food hole that I didn’t use oh okay that is I think that I think though that I’m going to say myself because we just shot a video for Adam’s channel that is out now on his channel and we’re also going to

Shoot one more video for my new channel more Magnus if you you want to see that jump over to my other channel so the next challenge Adam something else I haven’t seen you try in a while at least and that is the one arm pull-up I can try to Demonstrate so the funny thing is like my shoulder if I go as dynamic as I wanted yeah I think some years ago I could do 16 16 wow but the way if I really try to use all the momentum all right like that it’s like no effort it’s

Almost like doing pull-ups with two arms you know but can you do one strict again that’s coming back to like the strict strict I would qualify it almost as no no and it depends like how good my shoulder is so and I’m stuck yeah if I do it just

The yeah but that’s the thing though it’s my shoulder is fun so so the thing is like if you want to go really Dynamic that’s something you can do on a bar but you can’t do it on a crimp and I think this is actually going from the very extended arm is like

Something that you don’t really encounter in climbing actually so much yeah cuz there’s always like at least something that you can like overcome this and then just keep moving and also in most cases you can use your legs to Kip and like to still my shoulder stability could be much better for sure

But I saw that you tried it with your left arm is that the strongest arm when it comes to stuff like that and I’m a little bit sensitive about my right biceps now so I don’t want to try with right but the the left arm is actually a bit stronger

Okay so the next challenge is to see how hard we can campus and since all the bowlers here are like comp style they’re going to be very tricky to campus and also they’re not graded so we thought we do it on the kilter board instead meaning that you guys can try them at

Home also if you want to or maybe not at home I mean I guess most people don’t have a kilter board at home but in your gym you already found one this is how hard 7B 7B okay the name is 50° and it’s called dust swing through no matching no matching okay

Easy yeah that was pretty easy actually much easier than I thought it would be I don’t think I will make it look that as easy as you did but hi you got This all right good yeah the next challenge I have for you is to see if you could do the splits uh can you do the splits so you’re known for being pretty flexible but can you do the splits that’s the question I I’m going to try

To see how far I can get down first I haven’t done this in a long time so I used to be better but primer it’s pretty good I would say oh jeez wow that was easy for you that looks so comfortable so you are actually very flexible yeah in Split

Position in like the other way I can’t do 100% I think it’d be interesting to measure the distance between that twoo cuz you’re pretty tall so I guess you can cover a big distance like for example I’m not so flexible in this distance okay but I think in a full

Split and in so how would you be like this like this feels okay but you can also cheat with with this I think it’s actually better to do it when you are like against something okay this is actually a very nice challenge can you can you I’m going to

Tip I didn’t I my grandmother can do it oh yeah that that was uh that was an insult that was the biggest insult I’ve heard from my grandmother can do it that’s what he says too when I can’t do it B so hold your thighs like from the

Outside and then just kind of like Jump so this is something that the world has been dying to watch you do I think you already kind of know what’s up and that is you climbing rental shoes and the rules are we’re not allowed to downsize these I’ve actually done a lot of rental climbing shoes because I’ve

Done the videos where I pretend to be a beginners I have some experience using rental shoes but how much experience do you have I guess my guess is zero zero I don’t downsize my climbing shoes as much as I used to so let’s say my street shoe

Is 44 and a half sometimes 45 my climbing shoe nowadays is 40 or 40 and a half for training but I really feel if I take like 41 okay it just feels so bad well I can reveal that these bad boys are 44 cuz that’s your size it would be

Kind of big for me mine are 42 so you see they’re pretty much exactly the size of my foot yeah yeah pretty good yeah pretty good uh but you need socks in those all right geez okay so the plan is since it’s Adam I’m climbing with we’re going to find a

Problem that’s around like 7c plus 8A I’ve asked the root Setter he’s over there and and the red one apparently is a 7c plus AA man I think it’s going to be impossible there’s a pretty obvious tow hook to start with so I think this is going to be really hard I think

There’s one thing we can say for sure it’s the hardest climb these shoes have ever done if not I’m super surprised nice we tried for to hook yeah very good come on man yeah yeah yeah that was good job though thanks yeah about to to hook

Is I saw you first trying to heal hook and they’re like oh I don’t have a heal come on nice come on come on come on come on really good come on come on come on come on come on come on no I think I should have mashed that

And then but even the first move was hard that was uh you got it man yeah nice nice come on okay nice you got it that was good though I think with a with a normal shoes I would just from this position put the foot all the way

There the way there yeah I got to say though it is kind of comfortable to wear rental shoes so back in 2016 on the World Championships I was still competing in 38 oh wow which I feels impossible to put them on now yeah get it yeah there you go go on No nice Yes should we give up on that one or yeah next challenge so the next challenge is who can hang longer in one from one arm I’ve done it before I don’t remember exactly how much I could do three 2 one Go I don’t know what to do with my long neck you tried to make me laugh of Course oh no jeez you’re so good at that oh damn but after you fell I felt like okay 20 more seconds but then all of a sudden it’s like when it starts opening it’s just done I know it’s hard to straighten the arm afterwards I think this handlebar

Doesn’t really have so much friction could be easier if it’s taped and I think it would be easier to see your face too cuz I was like hanging and he was he was complaining about his neck and stuff and I was like starting to laugh yeah I think it would have been

Easier if I saw your face and I saw that cuz I didn’t like what should I do I thought you weren’t struggling at all so the next challenge is to see if you can CR rushian egg using just one hand this seems very easy but I’ve seen

Bodybuilders struggle to do this so the rule is you can’t crimp it like this you put it in the middle of the Palm like this and then you just wrap around and then squeeze mhm and the reason we cover the floor is because afterwards we’re going to pick everything up and we’re

Going to make a nice omelet and eat everything we don’t want to let any food go to waste you want to start all right yeah just do it over here though okay [Laughter] oh some food will go to it J it’s it’s going to be a small

Omelet I I think it’s pretty hard though put in the middle of the hand oh all right thank you guys for watching the video make sure that you check out Adam we’re going to do some more bouldering for my second Channel more Magnus uh so if you want to watch that

Go over to my other channel and uh check out Adam and see you guys next time all right we have some cleaning to do been bye


  1. Jump over to my new channel More Magnus to watch us try the competition boulders💪🏼

  2. But physics favored Magnus on the front lever and human flag. Adam is much taller, so his center of gravity was much further out from the fulcrum of his arms. So Adam was at a severe disadvantage for those maneuvers…

  3. Btw hyperventilating like that actually makes you not hold your breath as long. You need to breath slowly before holding so your heart rate can be as low as possible

  4. Awesome video, but theres soo many hand feats of strength you guys can try and showcase.

  5. Dude,,, the fact Magnus says his best bench was “only 103kg”,,,,, haha what! That’s about 230 pounds,,, he weighs like 150/160,,, and never trains bench……. That’s crazy

  6. Adam has evolved the ability to store extra oxygen in his wide forearms. He was shaking to release the reserves. 😂

  7. You got the egg thing wrong! You're supposed to line it up so the top of the egg and the bottom are in line with your fingers and wrist. An egg is almost unbreakable when pressure is applied in that direction due to it's shape. You try and break it when it's lined up across the palm, it's many many magnitudes easier…

  8. Adam wears rental shoes for 5 minutes and starts using the wrong holds. Must be cursed by the new climbers who wore them before.

  9. It's great cause Magnus is usually a pretty serious guy, but he respect Adam so much that u can actually see him loosen up and having a great time. Good chemistry

  10. Wonderful rythm, this video was truly so cool to watch !! I mean I like most of your videos and I just finished reading your books so I wanted to leave a comment. Congrats for everything you've done, the life you live, and although this video got a bit less views than the others, I hope you enjoyed producing it as much as I did watching it

  11. Weirdly, I tried holding my breath and did it for longer than both of them. 1:55. And I’m hardly in shape like them. Wonder why…..

  12. 1:20 Forearm envy

    I find it's easiest to crack walnuts by pressing the thumb into the seal and slightly twisting towards the index finger. Of course, it still takes a lot of strength whatever method you use.

  13. Great video, Magnus! Put me in a very good mood. What a great collaboration between you and Adam. Thanks for producing such great content!

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