I get my hands on the first bag made from recycled bottles from BERG SPORTS. Well, at least the first one on this channel.

BERG SPORTS sent out this bag for review at no cost to me. However, all of my thoughts, and opinions regarding The Manta are of my own.

Full detailed review coming soon!

Hey guys this is he with RIS and welcome back to the channel and I have a special one for you today this is a package that came from Australia and um the company that sent this to me is Bergs bags I believe they were known as burgs disport

In the beginning but their website says burgs bag right now and full disclaimer they actually shipped this to me at no charge to me so for the first time on this channel very very small YouTube channel um I have a product at no cost

To me to do a re a review on there’s actually one of the first companies I reached out to I believe I might have reached out to another company in the past but I don’t remember um um but so this is the first company and I typically don’t reach out to

Companies to request for product reviews but Mike over at Berg Sports responded within 24 hours and uh just said yeah that’s fine and he didn’t really ask me for anything in return basically he just wanted me to explore his products and give my overall thoughts and opinions so

This is going to be um an unbiased and completely honest and I know everyone says that about their videos but I’m going to go into a separate video as why I typically don’t reach out to manufacturers and uh my intuition just told me to reach out to Berg Sports as

The first man manufacturer for this but I’m going to go to a separate video about that later but for right now this bag is I believe called The Man he said he was sending me a bag that was under $100 because I wanted to start that segment the only bag I own right

Now that is less than $100 is this latitude 64 core bag it’s not a core Pro it’s a core bag I think this also retails for $699.99 um online but I got this for I think $40 or something but anyway so this is the first bag I actually have that I got on

Sale and this will be the next bag in the 100 or less dollar segment of my channel so let’s go ahead and dive into it right now all right so here we go I’m going to try to discuss in a different video about my interaction with Bergs uh it’s been very

Positive I haven’t had any kind of negative feeling my intuition is generally pretty strong about interactions even if they’re not in person obviously I prefer to interact in person but my understanding is that this bag I think there’s only three videos on YouTube that I could find because on on

Berg Sports Website there wasn’t um I I all I know is that the Manta is a recycled I’m sorry it’s a bag that is made of recycled materials so basically it’s made of recycled bottle bottle material or recycle plastic material and it’s made of a 900d rpet rpet just means recycle polyester and

I can’t wait to see this is the first recycled bag on on this channel this is the first bag that is um sent to me for review without me paying a dime so it’s very special to me for those two reasons but it’s not special in a way

Where oh I get a free product and I’m just going to review I’m just going to say whatever the manufacturer wants me to say no it’s special to me because that means I’m doing something right and my channel is going in a direction that

I really really want to go to so for me it’s more of a milestone and I think that’s why it’s special to me but here we are oh I’m loving the way the weave looks already oh goodness well I didn’t even need this knife this so my friend bought a

Paratrooper last year when he started playing disc golf and got to be honest the paratrooper look really cheap made to me so I’m actually excited to see what this bag is Holy Smokes oh my gosh this actually looks really good I am like a material like gear dork so anytime I see

Something that is like interesting to me I gravitate to it immediately okay so let’s go ahead and read the inspiration behind the Manta if you go to this website right here you can do all the research about the Manta which is a recyclable renewable um program that is going to be

Starting I don’t know if it’s already started or not since burgs uh has been through three different prototypes I believe but basically it’s this little machine contraption that it goes onto the Sea and the oceans and captures and grabs all the plastic bottles and materials from the sea and the ocean and

The waters to bring back to um land to recycle into materials like backpacks um clothes clothing and other materials as well so for recycled I’m sorry I keep say for a bag that’s made of recycled materials the zippers are actually water resistant and that is phenomenal I love that so for a bag

That’s at less than $100 I can tell you right now there are bags that are $200 that are not this good with their zipper qualities um so I’m on the right track this is actually really good for a first B especially made of recycled material

Like I can’t even tell that this is this is pretty flipping cool all right so let’s go ahead and start the back now it does it comes flat it I don’t think it has any um any kind of plastic materials there’s a desicant we don’t need that so I think it just

Unfolds and off the bat I always check for stitching I don’t care care where it’s made from I don’t care if it’s made in USA I don’t care if it’s made from Sweden Norway it doesn’t matter where I’m going to check for stitching in Al the B we got really good stitching so

Far nothing is fraying and this inner liner material feels really solid a lot better than some of the $200 bags I’ve used so that is very promising there are some foam and pretty thick size foam probably an eighth or a quarter foam on on the sides here and I think that’s going to

What’s going to help with the rigidity of the bag however I actually do like that it’s not plastic piece so that way it’ll keep the bag light but it’ll still have some rigidity versus um versus not having any and I’m telling you I don’t know if this camera will catch this but this

900d it feels like almost like a thousand D cordora which if this is what our pet is all about I am totally game and on board with this this is amazing and so the burgs this is the birs logo it’s actually stitched on here not it’s not like it’s actually stitched

Row by row with stitching to make the logo it’s not like a patch where they Stitch around it no this is actually full on stitching that is I haven’t seen that on a bag that’s pretty cool so the rest of the bag we have a Velcro strip

Right here that it probably makes to this right here so I am digging that and then it just unfolds itself and then you just start putting stuff in there there’s a top pocket here with also water resistant Zippers I’ve seen bags where some zippers are water resistant some backs are some zippers

Are not and then there’s the pocket which I assume is for a putter pocket or you can put your jacket or or hoodie in there that would fit if you’re only carrying 12 disc you can definitely put your jacket hoodie in there and then we got a handle

And the handle has a mesh right here a mesh padding and then we got two d-rings again I’ve seen some $200 bags even $400 bags that don’t come with d-rings so kudos to B sports for doing that we have a a mesh material right here mesh pocket

Here very simple design it’s stitch on the outside I mean it’s not the cleanest look in the world but that’s functional and I think I do notice that using bags so many bags over the years I do wish this would be a thing for bags or just some

Bags because when I put my my powder my um dry bag some of the dry bag are so powdery it gets in the pocket but I think this would help air it out a little more but who knows maybe the dry bag will get too wet if that happens so

I’ll have to think more about that about that statement again these Side Pockets very nice big side pocket pocket we also have the water resistant zipper and these zipper poles are like the ones on grip bags so that’s a solid solid right there and then we got the bottom which

Is that 900d the whole bag is 900d it looks like but it’s 900d r pet not cordora which is recycled polyester material and the thing cool thing about our pet is this is a recycled material bag this bag itself can also be recycled again so any rpet material can be

Recycled as long as the Dy gets taken off and it gets clean just like any other plastic so that is a cool feature in my opinion um and then we got this pocket over here for a water bottle and that is it looks like it’s big enough for a 32 oz or 40

Oz to be honest I’ll have to test that out and then we have a grommet at the bottom a drain grommet and then on this side we have this strap this is the whole umbrella or stool is what I’m guessing is for we have the same water resistant zipper on

This side there’s a little pocket here let’s see how big this pocket is it’s just a little pocket that you can fit your wallet or your keys in there so that’s pretty nice and then so that’s the front of the bag right there and the side of this bag

We got a big pocket here which you can put your phone in there my uh my guess and then the back of the bag is going to be this very simple strap there’s nothing you know crazy about it just a simple bag there’s no sternum strap but you got soft mesh material we

Got mesh right here we got mesh right here and then we also have o a water resistant zipper right here and that’s a big so I can probably put my phone in there that’s a big let me see I have my phone with me so oh yeah that’s perfect yeah look at

That that is pretty cool all right so yeah there’s a pocket in the back here that I don’t know if most people would find that cuz it’s like kind of like meshed in there all right let me go ahead and fill this thing up and see how

It looks here we go all right so this has been my bag this winter between this and the Lowa bag I’ve been trying a lot of disc so I I’ve been using this bag cuz it carries a little bit more disc and more stuff than the lore so I’m

Going to go ahead and try to stuff as many discs from this bag to here right now I have 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 so 24 disc let’s see if it’ll fit in this back here we go so

Let’s start with the main compartment here so it [Applause] holds and I apologize for the coughing in the background it’s my three-year-old she’s getting over a cold and I asked her to be very polite in the background behind the camera she has been really good so I’ve

Been asked she asked to go on her tablet I said okay I said well Mom’s going to try and do a video while you do that and she said okay mom so all right we got the here we go okay I literally stuffed everything that was in here in the main compartment here

It’s tight obviously but there’s 17 discs in there so it’s a little tight I’m going to go ahead and put this flap up like this and I’m going to try and stuff this top bag here the top pocket I mean so here’s my putting Putters okay

So there we go and then here are my other Putters so four Putters it’s a little tight I think it’s because it kind of impedes into this space right here so I’m going to go ahead and take one out and just leave three Putters up here go

Out honey go out go out the door to the bathroom and take care of your nose so if I do that that’s how it would look and if I put three Putters in here it will fit so three plus 17 is 20 now can I

Put a u like an Ro of it this is a Zone up here yes I can certainly do that and that’s how it would fit now I don’t know let’s see pulling disc in and out of it actually is that not bad I mean it’s it’s a compact bag so you’re going to

Have some sacrifices compared to a big bag for sure which is fine this is kind of what you kind of deal with when you have a compact bag and you want a compact bag um so there you go now it’s interesting because it does not have the

Sides it saves weight however in order for it to keep its shape you kind of have to leave your discs in here so far let’s see here we’re going to do this side right here I’m actually all right so that’s what the bag looks like so far I can tell you

Right now when you lift up this handle it kind of like fold in on itself right here so that’s interesting let me try I’ll have to play with this obviously when I’m on the course to get the quirkiness of this bag and figure out how it should be used but I’m going to

Go ahead and put it on and uh see how it looks okay so I got the water bottle in here it’s a small water bottle but I can I’m pretty positive this can fit 32 oz in there um so what I’m going to do is I’m going to put there’s 20 discs in

Here I’m going to go ahead and put it on and see how it feels oh my goodness there we go okay huh huh interesting I don’t know it’s just I’m not used to wearing bags like this but oh my huh it is it’s so tiny on my back

This is the tiniest bag I’ve ever used for Disc Off besides the Walmart plastic bag that I used the first time I disc off but I didn’t wear that on my back where’s anyway 20 discs feels really light when you use a very small bag to

Carry it that doesn’t have a lot of plastic panels and padding and things like that so the straps don’t do not feel bad they are a little thin and so the mesh material because it’s so thin the moment you put it on it kind of compresses a little bit I don’t know how

It’s going to be for long term when I’m on the course but we’re going to find out um the back of the bag right now the mesh material at the bottom it feels like it’s conforming to the back like like this and I think it’s more of

Because it’s um such a very thin wall of the back panel of the backpack so it kind of conforms to the back all right so my overall First Impressions is that this bag is lightweight it is compact in design it is of higher quality material at least it feels that

Way I don’t know as far as longterm use but we’ll see and um the it reminds me of the dynamic disc Trooper bag in design however it feels higher quality and there are there is a $10 difference between this bag and the trooper bag although you sometimes can find the

Trooper bag on a really great sale um I’m looking forward to see how this bag handles the course um for someone my size it’s super lightweight it’s super Compact and I really enjoy that component when I first put it on so we’ll see how that works anyways so I’m

Going to go ahead and use this bag get hit the course with with this but I do want to shout out to Berg Sports Mike over at Berg sports for sting out this bag and um I can’t wait to see what the next bag he’s going to send me yes he is

Planning on sending me another bag that is a little bit bigger than this I believe it’s their one of their touring bags and I’m excited to see what that bag has to offer so if this bag this his his uh $69.99 bag is already like this and it’s already made a really good

Impression on me like this I really can’t imagine what his next bag is going to be like so yes I am working with Burg Sports I am not sponsored by them all I did was asked them if they wanted me to review their product and um he said yes

And so I’m really really grateful for a small YouTube channel like mine to get my hands on something for a review at no cost it’s uh tremendously helps so I appreciate all of that consideration from bur Sports I will have the link in uh the description of this video of where to

Get this bag and uh you can get it from his um website out of Australia or you can actually get it from I believe 987 dis Sports who also is a retailer dealer for Bergs bags all right this is here with verisk and I will see you guys

In the next video comment below on what bag you want me to do a first impressions on and um I’ll talk to you guys next time bye


  1. Looks great 👍😊
    Best bag you have ..

    Pro tip : I have a trooper and all you need is a piece of cardboard cut with rounded corners that fits the bottom the size of the flap . Keep fitting to place till you no longer feel it on the lower back
    . You don't need a very big piece

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