Golf Players

Adrian Meronk BRUTALLY reveals the REAL reason he joined LIV

Adrian Meronk reveals the real reason why he went to LIV Golf this season after a hugely successful 2023 season on the DP World Tour! This has a lot to do with being snubbed by the Ryder Cup team Europe and Luke Donald on the Ryder Cup selection for the 2023 Ryder Cup. Question: Is his decision and the real reason he went to LIV Golf going to come back to bite him for a chance to play in the next Ryder Cup? Adrian Meronk BRUTALLY reveals the REAL reason he joined LIV

But lets go into the the Reason Why Ryder Cup snub made Adrian Meronk join LIV, Adrian Meronk: I would not have joined LIV if I had not received Ryder Cup snub, Adrian Meronk reveals Ryder Cup snub fuelled LIV Golf move but makes plea to Luke Donald

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So aan has finally spoke out after joining Liv Golf and I’m going to say two things right now one he throws the PJ tour under the bus a little bit and number two he said he would never have joined Liv golf if he hadn’t have been

Snubbed at the Ridder Cup last year now if you cast your mind back we were like in August late August start September there was a lot of speculation on the fact that AJ did deserve a pick to play in the Ryder Cup last year at the Marco Simone he woned that Golf Course

Back to back he was absolutely performing better than 99% of golfers on the European tour and actually probably in the world and we really felt that he was hard done to the fact that he didn’t get one of the captain’s picks now obviously in hindsight Luke Donald made

The correct decision because L Uber the hogard Twins and even Justin Rose they were some of the best decisions because look how the team performed but at the time it felt a little bit unjustified the media felt that go fans felt that and certainly Adrian and his team

Did now if you cast your mind back it’s easy to say now Luke Donald made the right decision but if you think did you think at that particular time that Adrian should probably have got the call up I know I’m going to hold my hands up I certainly did because if you

Cast your mind back to 2023 he was a European sensation at the peak of his career he also received the sevy bastos award now the poll this year is current ly second in the European tour DP World Tour order of Merit in 2024 and just narrowly missed out against Rory maroy

In last month’s Dubai Desert Classic so clearly this form has not stopped I mean couple of weeks after the Ryder Cup he won the Andalucia Masters which is seriously impressive Fe because there was a lot of pressure on him I guess just to prove a point let’s go into what

He says now because I totally get it I really really do but do you think he’s made the right decision let’s go into this I think there’s more to meet the eye what you got to look at here a lot of golfers just get pushed aside oh

You’ve gone for the money but I think a lot of us forget the schedule they run now I’m not saying I feel sorry for them one bit they’re living the dream but let’s go into this so said this asked about the Ridder Cup in Beth Page

Black which we now know is probably very uncertain because sanctions are due to be imposed upon him for joining live golf and that goes along with John RAM and Terell hatam so he said this yes I think so it has always been my goal when we’re thrown to ride a cup obviously I

Didn’t like how I was treated last time but if it’s possible in the future to play in a ride a cup and if I’m good enough I would love to be in one of the teams fair enough isn’t it like 100% fair enough I think a lot of people

Thought he was good enough at the time he goes on further to say this I will just work hard hard at my game play my best and see what can happen now I think this time along with John RAM and Terell Hatton he’s going to be very much in the

Space of needing a captain’s pick because of how the Europeans pointless works now he goes on further to say this I would have not have come to live if I had played in the Ryder Cup when I got the offer it made the decision to go a

Little bit easier and just think about myself and not care about what other people think it just opened my eyes to see how everything works I guess what he’s referring to there is simply the Cutthroat nature of professional sport and professional golf and if someone’s going to offer you a serious amount of

Money why would you not take it when everybody else already has now the rumors are that he got paid around 10 million so not what John Ram got certainly not what s Hatton got but certainly a substantial amount of money now it doesn’t stop there and this is

The bit which I find quite interesting because his timing to join live golf is is quite funny really he’s already established himself in the top 50 of the world so he’s going to be in all the wgc’s he’s going to be in all the majors he’d won

As a DP World Tour player and this year was about to embark on a PGA Tour card and also you got to think from that point of view he was going to be eligible to play in some of the Signature Events now that is a serious

Snub up to the PJ tour isn’t it like it sort of throws him under the bus a little bit because the whole idea was the rising stars or the best players of DP World Tour as part of the agreement between DP World Tour and PGA Tour was

That they could come over and play over on the PGA tour in America now him not doing that who gets that place one less person one less big star now you might think well Mor’s not that big well he’s certainly proving himself so far now

This is the bit that I say I find really interesting he said this and I think it’s forgotten about most golfers I think the most important thing for me was the schedule the last two years have been really great years in my career but to be honest I wasn’t enjoying it too

Much I was constantly on the road we didn’t have a proper home just packing from hotel to hotel airport to airport and I was sitting with my parents and my girlfriend during Christmas and I was just saying yeah I had a great year but I didn’t really enjoy it now I think

That’s a real big thing that a lot of people overlook for sports stars especially golfers because you spend let’s say probably 36 weeks of the year as a rising star or 36 weeks to sort of I guess 26 as a minimum going around the world now yes at the top you’re going

Around the world in a lovely place you’re going in nice hotels but I’ll be honest with you I bet that becomes a little bit monotonous and you become a little bit numb to all of that and it’s hard when you’re spending so much time away from your family like look if you

Want to grow a family at home how can can you be away for that long right can you see where I’m coming from so what I’m trying to say here is if has made a decision here to go and join live golf based on the schedule then there’s

Too many events too many events and if more people are offered that then well they’re going to go so he goes on further to say this I remember the times when I won in Italy waking up on the Monday and I said okay great I won a

Tournament but then I had to start all over again got to go to a new course get in my routine and again where was The Joy I think one of the most important things was the schedule and having more time to enjoy life with my family and

Friends now I’m going to cast your mind back so many people slated Brooks kepka Dustin Johnson for saying the exact same things but I honestly can see where they’re coming from playing a massive schedule and now playing far less events around 16 compared to 36 let’s say

That’s a lot more time at home and he’s going to earn more money doing it look at it this way I don’t blame him for his decision after what happened at the Ryder Cup will he have a second chance maybe it all depends on what happens with the merger going forwards but I

Think it’s a really interesting interview from a rising star within the European Golf circuit who now has joined live golf thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe for all the breaking news


  1. F the PGA Tour…just look at how they are conducting themselves. The entire organization is run by idiots! Lastly, you have to stop kissing the PGA Tours ass!

  2. Meronk got screwed. Luke picked his "boys". Lowry had been playing poorly all year. He didn't deserve to be there. The European Ryder Cup team won because of the great good fortune that several of the Euro players got hot at the right time, at the same time. Rahm even looked slightly embarrassed by his luck, at times. I don't blame Meronk for going to LIV and basically saying. "You guys don't seem to want me, they do, and I'll be paid handsomely in the bargain ".

  3. Meronk took the red pill and saw the lies of the pga tour. Until the pga is forced to come to the table they will continue to reject a world tour and be US centric. With each top player that leaves the pga tour we are one step closer to unification.

  4. No one blames Meronk or Hatton etc unless you are a complete PGATOUR shrill. The European tour and PGATOUR management have effed this whole situation up so badly its astonishing. The short sightedness of their strategies by instantly going "to war" and refusing to sit down and negotiate at the start of all this 3 or more years ago has lead us to where no tournament has the best field anymore. Yesterday i watched the ladies European tour in Kenya instead of Qatar masters because the DP World event literally had no one.

  5. Did Luke Donald make the right decision? You made the assumption that he did, but we will never know. Meronk could have won every match. We will never know. We just know the result.

  6. Did Adrian Meronk deserve a pick? I am a fan of his and would say yes but like any other team sport when it comes to relying on the selection process, there will always be an element of subjectivity. The cruel answer is don’t leave it up to others, control your destiny. Meronk is not the first to be overlooked and he will not be the last. From memory did this not happen to Matt Wallace? Whether or not he’s made the right decision, it’s entirely up to him but based on his comments I can’t help feeling the decision was more in a fit of pique and he’s undersold himself. Then again, maybe he’s not confident he can maintain the same high standard and decided to cash in. With regard to your point about travelling and the challenges of being a professional golfer, I’m afraid that comes with the territory and if he feels it’s an easier life joining LIV why not?

  7. 10 million$$$ I would Fire The Team, that's such a ridiculous low amount of incentive $$$, cutting your nose off despite your face…..

  8. How does anyone know how Adrian Meronk would have performed in the Ryder Cup? You can't assume he would have done poorly. The original Ryder Cup spots were earned based on two years of performance with the captains having only two picks. Again, the bias that the UK people have against the Polish people was on display. Remember the Polish pilots and solders were treated like trash during and after WW2 when they were stationed in the UK.

  9. I think he's made a great decision for himself. Him not being picked for the Ryder Cup was a disgrace. Living out of a suitcase soon gets old and a real killer for any sort of family life. Good luck to him and I hope he does well on LIV.

  10. Hate to be harsh, but… What about all the working folks that have to travel all the time? Consultants, service techs, etc. They have to figure out how to raise a family, go from airport to airport, and such. They don't make near the money that professional golfers do and most people who travel for work end up working twelve to fourteen plus hours per day every week of the year. They're happy if they get to play golf on a rare occasion whereas these pros get to do it every day. Sorry if they don't have my sympathy.

  11. Understandable the P.G.A. are Woke Nazis. Have you watched a P.G.A. round of golf this year? Just exactly WHO are these guys? What a pathetic waste of televised crap. I’d rather watch some good weekend warriors. I watch LIV to see the actual BEST PLAYERS ON THE PLANET. If the woke Nazis don’t do something spectacular soon the P.G.A. Is dead.

  12. Euro Tour tosses aside legends like Sergio, Henrik, Westwood and Poulter… etc. just shows the younger players to look out for themselves bc the tour won’t have their back

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