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2024 NHL All-Star Skills ⭐️ FULL EVENT

Watch the entire 2024 NHL All-Star Skills competition, featuring top superstars Connor McDavid, Auston Matthews, Cale Makar and more competing to win one million dollars.

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[Music] it’s Austin Matthews world and we’re  just living in it this weekend on this first   Friday of February we welcome you to the 2024 NHL  Allstar skills presented by DraftKings Sportsbook   scoa Bank Arena here in Toronto man everywhere  you look a superstar to be found and they’ll all  

Be showing off their skills to the world tonight  all the big boys are out there in a rather relaxed   and fun atmosphere looking to put on a show you  can’t walk a couple feet without bumping into   an NHL icon like Nathan McKinnon as you welcome  you upstairs I’m Steve Levy alongside Ray Ferraro  

Welcome everyone to the continuing Allstar  Weekend a year ago we’re on the beach outside   a tiki bar the Elbow Room in South Florida other  than it being colder there’s another difference   it feels different here in Toronto this year uh  it really does I mean let it’s the center of the  

Hockey world here in Toronto and there’s the most  media the most attention it comes to this place   the fan lineups uh in the in The Fan Fest or  you can’t believe how long they are it’s been a  

Really amazing start to the weekend and least it’s  about fun and this is fun it’s been great Ray you   played 35 years in the NHL one Allstar appearance  tell me about this what was going on here I’m in  

The skills competition I scored on Tim Chev at  Detroit four times a week earlier and I used the   same move well apparently he had the book and  he stopped one I mean I I think I get the last  

One here I was terrified being in the allstar  game actually I missed out you didn’t get the   last one no you weren’t supposed to be watching  but I was terrified being in the skills because  

I wasn’t sure that I really felt like I belonged  I like you try to do your best you don’t want to   fall down you don’t want to embarrass yourself it  was the best what was the date on that again okay  

It was January 18th 199 he remembers the exact  date in Philadelphia Emily Kaplan is with Will   Arnette Emily yeah it is good will you’re here  you’re wearing your leafes hat you’re with Conor   McDavid and Leon dyle on your team what are you  looking forward to and who are you rooting for  

Tonight well it’s fun it’s fun being here with  obviously Connor my my co- captain and Leon   who’s my uh my assistant uh it’s good seeing my  assistant doing well there’s my guy right there  

Come on there’s Conor he’s just a killer and then  uh this is so exciting I’m a fan right so I’m just   here I just met when Clark for the first time  in my life this is I am flying not like bé but  

I’m like are we allowed to is that out there it’s  out there it’s out there okay um no I’m just here   I I’m literally giddy I just met Wendell Clark  in an elevator not how I thought it was going  

To happen but uh it’s just so cool being around  all these players all these Elite hockey players   it’s just I feel like I’m 9 years old it’s going  to be awesome BCI back to you all right Emily I’m  

Here with Mark Messier played in 15 All-Star games  mess in had $1 million been on the line when you   took part of the skills what would that have done  what will it do for tonight it it would have been  

Massive and of course a million dollars is a lot  of money from where I came from but it’s not going   to be as big as being able to have a chance to  be crowned as the NHL’s most skilled player I  

Think that’s going to Trump the million dollars  in my opinion I think the competitive edges are   going to come out and we can debate all we want  about who’s the best skill but we’re going to   find out tonight if you ain’t first you’re last  tonight 1 million bucks to the winner we are  

Live in Toronto Ontario Canada for the new and  improved NHL skills competition here on ESPN new   and improved format if you haven’t heard here’s  what it’s all [Music] about get ready for an all   new NHL Allstar skills challenge where at the end  of the night we’ll Crown a single Champion here’s  

How it works 12 Allstars will compete across the  first six events earning points as they fly around   the ice in fastest gator whip pucks on the net  in one timers put it on the tape in the passing   challenge smash Pucks in hardest SHOT show off  crazy control in stick handling and nail Targets  

In accuracy shooting the top eight will then take  on our Allstar goalies in a one-on-one Showdown   the top six skaters to get past the goalies  will face the eighth and final ultimate skill   challenge the obstacle course A Champion will  be crowned and take home the $11 million prize

Alongside Mark Messier I’m John Butcher  gross and these are the 12 dudes who will   be competing for one million as Ricky Bobby  said if you ain’t first you’re last there’s   no second place prize here are the 12 dudes  in the ESPN bet odds to win no surprise mess  

Conor mcdavid’s the favorite well could you bet  against him he’s obviously the most electrifying   player in the National Hockey leag he has been  for years now he’s the fastest skater he’s got   the most Talent he’s got the most skill he’s got  the best hands so to rule him from winning this I  

Don’t think the uh odds makers in Vegas are that  naive to think that he’s is obviously a favorite   to win tonight and of course the NHL wanted to  improve the skills competition after the last   couple of years they went to Conor McDavid  to get his input some of these competition  

Tonight or drills he does in the summer like  the stick handling drill well I think for me   the interesting part is uh to see these 12 players  the 12 best players or 12 of the best players in  

The National Hockey League compete in this event  to see who could be around the the League’s most   skilled player and I think that alone is going to  carry a lot of weight these guys are competitive   anyways but they have the chance to carry that  mantle around as a League’s most skilled player  

I’m not going to say it’s going to Trump in the  million dollars but I think it’s going to come   close to trumping a million dollars there and  I think it’s going to be exciting because of   it competition number one is the fastest skater  McDavid certainly the odds on favor to win that  

He threee in this event between 2017 and 2019 the  only person to ever win it back to back and so to   get off to a good start start tonight and get  those five points for first place here are the  

Participants for the fast and all fastest skater  and you see the odds to your right McDavid a huge   favorite I think that McDavid if he enters  into this and he really puts his heart into  

It he puts everything he has into it I think  he’s going to win this event I think his other   players obviously they’re very fasf but he can  carry the momentum in the corners better than   anybody in the league and we’ve seen that over  and over and over again of course we have data  

For top speed and average speed of an NHL game  William nander actually owns the lowest top speed   of this Bunch so he’s a big Underdog and here he  goes participant number one for the evening and   participant number one in the fastest skater  competition here he comes down the [Applause]

Stretch so William neander finishes his lap the  clock for some reason didn’t stop so we’ll have to   figure out where it was when he crossed the line  so we we could have our first review of the night  

We’re have our first review you can see when he’s  coming around here it’s all about being able to   carry the speed through the corners as you can see  him going around there his legs given out a little  

Bit or skates his edges given out that’s costing  him time if you can carry the corners at full   speed and come out of with actually faster than  going into it h you got a chance to win this event  

You can see right somewhere right there maybe  that wasn’t the right one but one of the corners   he kind of took a little bit of a stumble so we  want to get an official time before Quinn Hughes

Goes so 14.16 4 the time to beat for now  you can choose which direction you go mess   which direction did you go back my left  side going going to the left was always   my better Side Y okay I think for most  lefties it is cuz you carry your stick  

To the inside so I think you’ll see most  left-handers go uh go to the left captain   of the Canucks Quinn Hughes American maid  played college hockey at Michigan for the Wolverines I don’t know what they did to the  Hughes boys there but all three of are amazing  

Skaters see if he beats neander he does so he’s  currently in first place I think we got to get   to the high 12s low 13s to win this event in my  opinion well we step it up now with Ma barzel  

And McDavid they’re in a little bit different  league but of course last year we saw marar   fall in Florida well that’s the thing is it’s all  in the corners this is going to win or lose it in  

The in the terms so McDavid who is going to go  last will now wait for a couple more skaters   let’s not to underestimate how difficult it is  for these players here with not a real proper   warmup as well you think falling Downs on his  mind right now after last year no absolutely  

Not great players don’t think about things behind  them he’ll be going left over right look at the   power in that stride right there all right he  makes sure he makes that first turn that is a   strong stride little coasting on the corner  as it’s going to cost him oh so jues hangs

On look how close that is kale marar  is now in second [Applause] [Music] place five points for first four for second three  for third 1,000th of a second Quinn Hughes hangs   on so that that matters as you’re trying  to accumulate points with each competition  

Tonight and we’ll keep a running scoreboard for  the folks at home and that’s the most exciting   part about it is that everything matters every  little point that you can get scrape out there   could be the difference of winning and losing in  the end Matthew Barelle 2020 champ he comes the  

Closest to McDavid in both top speed and average  speed categories during NHL games this year and   you can see him on that first turn Flawless  through the turn there a little hiccup there   in that third corner there but the first oh  that was easy yeah there we go easy peasy

Yeah so that’s the time McDavid  has to beat so Quinn Hughes does   slot down one but he’s guaranteed at  worst third watch him take this first   corner here never stops his feet  moving there accelerates out of [Applause] it who little speed wobble there  so Conor McDavid knows the time to beat that’s  

Going to be a tough that’s going to be a tough  score to beat got to watch Conor on these on   the first uh first two turns here McDavid the  odds on favorite he has reached the top speed  

Of 2358 mph this season his average speed this is  where he excels look at that that this just looks   different look at his feet never stop moving never  stop M looks different never stop moving well oh  

There’s a winner winner chicken parm dinner the  ability for him to hold the edges in the corners   at top speed is what separates him from most of  the players of the National Hockey League and  

That was on full display right there he grew up  in the Toronto area he did Nick a couple pylons   mess but those things are light didn’t affect  him at all didn’t affect him fourth win in this  

Competition most all time he can uh like I said  if he puts his if he puts his heart in to it and   he really goes for it I don’t think there’s a  faster scar in the National Hockey League and  

This is why right here watching his feet through  the corners but being able to hold the edge at top   speed a lot of strength a lot of skill a lot of  practice but Nobody Does it Better that’s going  

To be a tough time to beat so there’s six primary  events in round one the player picks which four he   wants to go in so David poock and William nander  who of course finished finished fifth in that   Matthew barzel just gets nudged out but he’ll get  four points yeah exactly after after competition  

Number one yeah you just got to get get some  accumulate some points coming down to the end   every little bit you can scrap together is going  to make a difference and again McDavid was looking   forward to this new skills competition he said I  think after last year everybody agreed a change  

Was in order I think crowning just one skill  Champion with a little bit of money 1 million   bucks should make it a little more entertaining  and a little more comp competitive hopefully he   was clearly competitive there mes you when you  when you just watch that that was 100% from every  

Player that just competed in that event there’s  not one person that mailed that in that that’s   that just goes to show you what they’re what  they’re competing for absolutely PK suban is   with the fastest skater Conor McDavid all right  ladies and gentlemen here with the fastest skater  

In the world Conor McDavid and the best player  Conor first of all tell me a little bit about t   Toronto and what this means to you to be at the  NHL allstar game in in your hometown it means a  

Lot to me um you know obviously this my hometown  this building means a lot to me grw up watching   the leaves here um special to be here in front  of friends and family great hockey Town um just  

A great event and like I said happy to be here in  my hometown you know you come out here you prove   once again that you’re the fastest skater in the  world how do you do it how do every year you come  

Back and give these fans what they want to see  you do it every game but every all start game   you’re here you step up and you do it how do you  do it uh you know what it’s been a while since I  

Won a past a skater a couple years ago I didn’t  even win an Edmonton so we got some good skaters   in Edmonton I guess but you know it feels good  to win obviously we’re all competitive out here   competing having fun um yeah just happy thank  thank you Conor thank you Conor McDavid fastest  

Man alive the skills competition continues  from Toronto a new competition in this year’s skills the onetime A Perfect Blend of patience  power and precision tonight that’s all on   display in the NHL onetime competition our  Allstars will take three one-timers from each  

Of three designated areas and points will be  awarded based on where the puug enters the net   sneaking in upstairs get four points score  into those two triangles earn three points   or put it right down the middle and get two  if a puup ricochets off one of the dividers  

They’ll tally one point but if the shot hits  the bottom barrier a post or the crossbar or   misses the net entirely they get nothing each  player gets one minute to fire all nine shots  

If a pass is not to their liking they can let  it go but can only get five total passes at   each location and if a stick breaks the clock  will stop most points win the challenge let it rip passers for this event the first overall pick  

Of the 2023 NHL entry draft number  98 for the Chicago Blackhawks Conor Bard and playing in his six NHL allstar game  the captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins Sydney Crosby so it’s the one-time competition these  are the players who chose to participate in this  

Again these players will pick four of the first  six competitions M I think the onetime or goal   is the most exciting offensive play in hockey  it’s explosive it happens out of nowhere and   these dudes can all bring it they can all really  shoot the puck there I I look at uh David poso  

And Austin Matthews has been the two favorites in  this uh competition they’re all great obviously   but those two to me are natural goal scorers and  we’ve seen it all year the way they can score   in many different ways but their one-timers are  some of the best May probably the two best in the  

League and as you saw introduced Sydney Crosby  will be one passer he’s left-handed and Connor   Bard being right-hander will be a right-handed  passer so Elias Patterson can really bring it   so it’s you’re looking for obviously to score and  there’s different score totals depending where you  

Put it each player taking three one timers from  each spot on the ice top of the circle now at   the dot that’s a post that zero point then he’ll  move to the bottom of the circle a maximum of five  

Passes you can take a pitch you’re allowed to take  a pitch like in the Home Run Derby and you can   see Pon not really taking a full Slap Shot he’s  more almost like a almost a snapshot but uh very  

Little back swing and that’s prob for accuracy for  more accuracy exactly so 20 points for pson and   again this is not so much we the hardest shot  competition later that’s more about obviously   miles per hour this is about accuracy and point  total just shooting off the pass it doesn’t have  

To have a big wind up in order to get it off and  this is to your point it’s all about the accuracy   and getting into the top portion of that to  collect as many points as you can so peton going  

First he’s now on the lead so as you can see our  live standings he’s projected with five points now   those aren’t truly earned until the competition is  done but McDavid got those five in the fastest get   McDavid not in the one-timers pon poock Miller  Matthews McKinnon coocher off dry setle barzel  

So Bard passes to the righties Crosby passes  to the Lefty so it’s Bard to Nathan McKinnon   well McKinnon I’m sure is going to have a little  bit of bigger wind up there and uh not so much

Actually they’re kind of slow passes here to  help them gather and snap and go for a point   obviously a pass with a little less Pace on is  much easier to time and get a good good uh your  

Good blade on or good wood in we used to say in  the old days but you can see mcken there very   accurate yeah that top blue bar is what you’re  looking for and you can see he has picking it  

Off picking off didn’t like that one again you  can take a pass that’s really important for the   passer to make sure that buck is coming to  fight you can see it rolling a little bit   which makes it a little bit hard but that’s  he was so he takes the lead with 23 points  

Bard and McKinnon don’t forget these players  are looking for that top shelf all time cuz   they know they got to shoot it over the goalie  stick so when they’re practicing this onetime   you know obviously in their practices they’re  going for that underneath that crossbar all the

Time so Sydney Crosby returns to pass to the  left-handed Leon dry Sidle hard to Discount   Leon dry Sidle when I pick Matthews and  Passa not because this is one of the best   ones with with McDavid feeding in the passes  all year long but we’ll see how he does he’s  

Got one of the biggest blades in the in  the league great shot there these guys   will be Olympic teammates with that great an  announcement today mass at the NHL going back   to the Olympics in 26 and 30 and Conor Bard  and Nathan McKinnon could be linemates one  

Day you asking every one of those players do  they want to play in Olympics they’ll say yes   so I’m glad they agreed that they’re going to  send the players and it’s a great opportunity   for every one of them Leon dry side he’s  probably the king as you mentioned of the  

Power play onetime getting passes from McDavid  mostly so 23 points from McKinnon the score to beat yeah he gets passes from McDavid all  year long and I was get pass Crosby in this   all sort of game pretty cool not too bad huh  he only goes top shelf when he’s at the bar  

Look at the big long stick he has there he’s  got a good angle on this sure enough that’s   pretty good so 22 points for dry Sidle that  puts him in front of Pon but behind McKinnon   yeah McKinnon was eating up that top shelf  and that’s where the points are going to be  

Made if you can get it up there you also  risk going over the net but unbelievable   Tru from that [Music] angle looks easy watching  it at home BCI but when you get down on the ice   with everybody watching the nerves are there  it’s not as easy as it looks what a year for  

Nikita COV being Lefty once again he’ll take the  passes from Crosby one of my favorite players in   National Hockey League to watch his offensive  Acumen is incredible that’s what we want back   scratchers that’s a true onetime yeah he’s not  letting it oh there he goes he I think that’s  

What the NHL envisioned with this it’s really  they didn’t expect a onetime to be a bunch of snapshots two-pointer there got to get those blue  ribbons that’s what McKinnon did so well a career   year for Nikita COV 32 goals 53 assists 85 points  in 49 games he’ll take that pass from Crosby

Oh Coo’s got to pick it up here  yep so a disappointing 17 for   Nikita kucherov oh looks like it’s going to be 19 so McKinnon holds on to his lead he’s gun  him for that Five Points that’s what happened  

There he hit that crossbar top there didn’t get  anything out of it that’s right cross barss are   zero that was unfortunate so you see the  shooters who remain as McKinnon looks on   if there’s a tie then they’ll split the points  so they’ll be four and 1 half and four and a  

Half if someone happens to tie M kinon at 23 JT  Miller what a year he’s having in Vancouver the   Canucks just got Elias lyol PK suban sit on  the point he’s their team to come out of the  

West of course the West is loaded that was a  massive pick up for a Vancouver L tremendous   hockey player plays a 200 foot game can play in  any situation good in face good in the power play  

Now they got a right hand drive on that power  play already that’s been so a dynamic JT Miller   born in East Palestine Ohio and he could be  a little bit of a sleeper in this competion  

Wow there’s a four- pointer mess from top of the  circle yeah he’s shooting with a lot of velocity too very accurate shooter always with a high  shooting percentage doesn’t have to have volume  

To get his goals well he’s a big strong kid and  I’ll tell you what he’s got a lot of skill that   it’s on display the last couple years in Vancouver  and I got to know him a little bit when he was  

With the Rangers good kid plays hard plays with  a lot of [Applause] power so JT Miller with 18   yeah he missed a net a couple on the high it cost  you he doesn’t doesn’t do that in the game no he  

Doesn’t and now you hear the crowd come to their  feet the greatest goal scorer currently on the   planet is a kid from Scottsdale Arizona on Pace  for 70 goals this year am amazing and it wouldn’t  

Surprise me if he does it to do it but the power  and the skill that he plays with is unmatched in   the National Lo league and he is definitely the  League’s best goal scorer right now 26 years old  

Grew up in the desert went to a Phoenix Coyotes  game and saw Alex gokin score that amazing goal   on former colleague Brian bue and he was hooked I  want to play hockey dad and here he is now amazing  

Sacrifice by his mom and dad in order to get him  to where he needed to go to play and look at the   results that we’re seeing now 40 goals already  this year again on Pace for 70 he needs some  

Blue ribbons to start dancing here in Toronto  to match his sweater went over and gave Sydney   Crosby a high five before the competition began  yeah looks like he’s going to fall a little short absolutely there is a time limit but when the NHL  

Kind of went through their experiments  no one really came close just goes to   show you what I know all my favorite  isn’t currently in last place yes he is our Emily Kaplan part of our coverage she’s  down on the ice with Tom Wilson Emily Tom you  

Got to be a spectator tonight what are you  looking forward to most uh it’s it’s great   hanging with the guys uh we got a front row seat  here so uh it seems like a really fun event and  

Just hanging out with the guys have a couple  beers we got the night off so watch the guys   uh go Toe to Toe who do you think going to win  this all I honestly I was talking to a few people  

About that there’s so many so many great players  out there it’s uh I don’t know it might have to   take a couple side Wagers here and take a horse  but I think Connor’s probably the favorite but  

There could be some sleepers well if you wanted to  give $1 million to one of these guys who would you   give it to if I wanted to give a million dollar  to someone oh I don’t know that’s a tough one I  

Guess Nate maybe cuz he picked me last night in  the draft so we’ll go with that awesome thanks Tom   and Jo few be thanks a lot I think he’s already  had a couple uh barzel out there now from Conor

Bard righty to righty thought coming in M  that Matthew would be one of these guys who   would really want to try to win this title oh I  think every one of them wants to win obviously  

But being at home in front of his home fans  and all that look at this is a lofty title to   be named the NHL’s most skilled player there’s  not a player in the league that wouldn’t want   that title just 13 goals for Matthew this year  course those Islander fans are always screaming  

Shoot when he has the puck he loves to set  up his teammates and that cameraman almost   took that one off the teeth right there you  better get out of that corner I think he took   it off the ankle ouch so Matthew Barelle 16  points one better than Austin Matthews keeps  

Austin in the seller and to your point even  if you don’t win these events you still get   points by being second and third there  so every shot counts got a hit the net though so our final participant is going to be  David poock 61 goals last year 33 goals this  

Year a one-time machine on the Bruins power play  got 11 Power Play Goals this year so he knows what   he must do 23 points to get the full Five Points  oh that hits the post shot number one two points  

There you go there’s the one he needed yeah he’ll  take his time I think this is smart you can see   the the timing he has on his shots not only  velocity but just perfect perfect positioning   adjust to the puck there so when it’s coming  to him he’s hitting right between his legs big  

Four-pointer there he’s got a chance three more  pucks he can take it hard to get it up from this   angle yeah 18 he’s got a shot mess that’s 21 here  he knows he needs this one he got [Applause] it  

24 he gets McKinnon by a point well I was I  was batting 500 one for two David poock one   of the League’s best Shooters shows off his skill  right [Applause] there clutch at the end from the  

Bad angle there he got him up high and so he gets  the full Five Points here’s the big clutch shots   Mass late yeah this this is the toughest angle to  get it on fire too not only to get from the angle  

But also CU you don’t have a lot of room they’re  pretty close to the net from there but he managed   on a one timer to get him up on one the event  because of it so Sydney Crosby and Connor Bard  

Has the two passers for us PK you guys ready I  got Conor badar down here Sydney Crosby okay Sid   this is your 10th All-Star game you know you see  a guy like this on the other side a guy that’s  

Just starting his career wants to be exactly like  Sydney Crosby in every facet of it what’s some   advice that you can give him being at his first  All-Star game all in I think uh great opportunity  

To see the guys um you know meet guys see familiar  faces after you’ve been there a couple times and   uh just enjoy this this weekend with the fans and  uh with all the players amazing Connor I’m sure  

It’s got to be like uh Christmas morning for you  seeing Sydney and all these guys what’s it like   being on the ice with all of these professionals  these guys that have done it at such a high level  

For such a long time you’re here now you’re on  the biggest stage for hockey how does it feel   to be around these guys yeah it’s great I mean  I think just growing up watching them and um you  

Know obviously Sid and all these guys looked up to  but uh in the end everyone’s you know human being   and it’s good to just get to know guys and uh kind  of build those relationships and and maybe learn a  

Little bit so it’s fun well we got the future and  the present here now we take over yeah I got it   I’m here with David Pano out of Boston beown the  North End pasta what was your strategy in that  

Round uh honestly the first three uh I was trying  to take it easy it was kind of far it looks way   far than uh in a game but after the first shot I  kind of blacked out so I I honestly didn’t even  

Know how many points I had until I came back  so well you had a lot ah thanks I honestly uh   just blacked out you know try to shoot and get in  the zone great job man keep up the best BCI back  

Up to you yeah David poso and Conor McDavid in a  good position we have breaking news they took two   points away from David Pasto maybe they just got  the wrong point total by sight and upon further  

Review it belongs to Nathan McKinnon now pasta  still gets three and a half because he was tied   with dry cidal so there’s the current standings  two events down four to go will eliminate two   after six events the next competition is  the passing challenge here’s how it works

Our Allstars can do a lot more than just skate  and score they too shall pass as it’s time for   the NHL passing challenge players will have  45 seconds to skate up and down the ice while   taking aim at clusters of targets set up  along the boards the smaller the target  

The more points it’s worth with chances to  earn one two or three points with each pass   after firing five passes as they travel  from crease to crease six more PS will be   waiting three in each end the player whose  passes earned the most points takes our top

Spot so this is the most popular event of the  evening the passing challenge returns after   a 4year absence there’s David Pasto he’s not in  this competition talking to William neander who   is in this competition and as you can you see  Nathan McKinnon now with five points at plus  

750 on our ESPN bet odds couple guys from Nova  scoa they’ll be teammates mess in the All-Star   game tomorrow yep not a bad Duo right there  Crosby was McKinnon’s first draft pick last   night in the players draft he grew up watching  Sydney Crosby and emulated a lot of his allight  

Work ethic and brought that to the rink each  and every day and one of the hardest working   players in the game as we know and the results are  because of it his results are because of it you so   righties will go first in the NHL All-Star  passing challenge attempting 11 passes all  

On the forehand a possible 33 points so Nathan  McKinnon Banks five after we eliminate two all   these points still matter all the way through  the end of the night so every competition every   rep matters we don’t erase and start over at any  point and McKinnon’s probably he’s he’s still a  

Little confused that probably happened right  right the skills competition do I have this   right you want to make sure you have it right  there’s a lot at stake here you don’t want to   be out there going through the wrong drill or  the wrong target so they’re really explaining  

To him now so make sure he’s fully aware of  what he’s supposed to be doing and this is   a uh this is a highly skilled uh event right  here for every one of these players a mckin  

Have a monster year passing the puck this year  he’s got 53 assists and here he goes [Applause] passing on the move another two-pointer there two nothing on that [Applause] one  he’s got to get he wasn’t sure what  

To do there now he’s to pass all the way  across the ice misses again so here we go got to hurry up now clock is winding down  he’s not going to get think oh he’s got to go  

Rapid fire here he’s going to get the buzzer  boom I don’t think that last one’s going to   count he didn’t have one on a stick controversy  so for now 13 points for Nathan McKinnon again   a possible 33 what he was at a little bit of a  disadvantage going first here because he didn’t  

Look like he knew exactly what was supposed to  be going on looked a little unsure of the uh the   sequence so again William neander also what do  I go first I’m sure the NHL sent these guys an  

Email with what to do and a video example my  guess they didn’t open it you got put on the   bottom of the barrel so William nander goes  he was in the fastest skater competition he   accumulated one point for that Austin Matthews  is the only guy hasn’t got a point get of course  

It’s early one it’s a two-point from nander  he’s flying another two so he you can see he   realized after the buzzer went off I got to  pick up the pace a little bit here get to my  

Next Puck there we go solid contact he looks a  little more sure what he’s up to now now he’s   to go all the way over with these this probably  will be the difference the guy who you know gets  

Three in a row here yep on the long one now  he’s going to get on his horse to beat the   clock and he will lot of time he can take his  time obviously the smaller the target the more points so neander finishing with  16 points that edges McKinnon  

By three he’s the current leader  as you can see nine more guys to go so you’re right mckinon was kind of  the guinea pig wasn’t he going first I   think no one knew really what to do I think  the players have a much better understanding  

Of the pace they need to do it with now to  get their all the shots all the passes in   and I think they know exactly the route  that they have to take so k m it’s a big Advantage car up next I think these  players are better when they do it  

A game speed they’re used to doing at a game  speed instead of kind of taking a little bit   of a l Fair attempt at it the quicker they  play that’s what their more natural instinct   is caros control there gets it back he  went for the big Target there missed

There we got that one got that one got that  one he’s won a rookie of the year a Norris a   Smite a Stanley Cup a Hobie baker man what  a start kale Mark Carr is going he’s going  

For the big one ohes hockey player 14 points  H needs to beat neander 16 nice one nice one   we got a new leader oh three that’s big well  done all the way up to 23 points neander with  

The hockey clap kale Mar is our new leader  that was impressive down the stretch did he   get points for that that looked like it just gra  the edge I know I was like I’m looking like where  

Matthew barzel is up next this guy loves the pass  certainly he’ll be one of the favorites in this competition I like Leon Dr settled in this  competition as well mhm one of the best passers   of now National Hockey League so here comes barzel  oh miss that swinging a Miss on pass number one  

Slower Pace here go he went for the big one and  nailed it and I think he went outside does he have   to stay inside the uh [Music] goes so now three  long passes only at nine points he’s got to get  

Some big numbers here misses that one I don’t want  to be a stickler on the rules guci but is he going   outside the Middle Lane there that he supposed  to stay in’s a little he made the pass a little  

Shorter that little orange scrip down the middle  of the ice I think he was venturing out of that he   needs big numbers here he misses it yes last one  got it so not bad 21 points in second place two  

Behind ma barzal got four in the pass a skater oh  wait you’re getting a little close to the Target though trying to get a GPS for this competition M  we need to Old School Direction they brought the   paper take a ride to the second light find  the Denny’s make the legal U-turn exactly  

I don’t know I don’t think they did enough  preparation before this one this seems to   be a little confusing for the players but they’ve  had enough opportunity now to watch what needs to   be done I think we can put the paper away now  all I think so so JT Miller disappointing one  

Timer competition a half a point he’s our first  Lefty to go starting at the other end obviously   lefties we mentioned righties go first the rest  will be left-handed they’ll start the other end   cuz they don’t want to move the targets just keep  in the same spot nice solid two-point start for

Miller misses that [Applause] one misses  that one picks up the puck of the blue line good one there I have to say you got to take  into account the nerves for these guys that   are you know not used to being in these skills  competition at this level and seems to be a  

Little nervous to me yeah he’s uh going for  the small Target missed all three only at   Five Points here with there is a little pressure  down there you know you don’t you wouldn’t think   about it but I remember doing the accuracy  shooting there going out and I can feel my  

Legs a little bit little little tremble little  little nervous absolutely [Music] absolutely   so JT Miller you sure voted in by the fans seven  points JT was just a little nervous uh you could   tell little hesitant up next Nikita kucherov we  talked about his monster season even better than  

His MVP season an absolute future Hall of cam  what a career he’s building John Cooper Raves   about his commitment so last year his season  ends and they lose to the Maple Leafs took   about a week off rented a rank in Tampa and  was on the ice every day yeah practicing and  

It’s showing this year he’s really kind of got  a good opportunity to rest because it didn’t go   deep into the playoffs but for me one of the for  me one of the I’m not sensing a lot of intensity  

Here m not quite not quite enough intensity  whatsoever here but I love the way he plays the game he might he might have got into Tom Wilson’s  cooler four points for COV this uh this is not a  

Good look quite frankly and the fans are booing  them and that’s what happens when you don’t try   your best and you’re in a hockey City like  Toronto they’re going to let you know yeah   that Fan’s not too pleased with [Applause]  it not a great look for Nikita coer off there  

He’s uh just a five-point effort not sure what  was going through that mind wasn’t really into   it from the start well that’s his first event  that kind of takes him out of the running for   the million dollars I would have to think yeah  he can’t afford a zilch right and uh now Quinn  

Hughes you can’t go through an event and not  get any points in order to expect to win this   it’s amazed how this young fella mes continues to  just improve on his game he’s a legit NH shelle   Superstar legit Norris Trophy candidate captain  of the Vancouver conuts well got thrust into a  

Leadership role as Captain of Vancouver conects  and is not baded ey his play has not diminished   because of it the weight of the captaincy has  not hurt him he’s played unbelievable in fact   he’s probably playing some of the best hockey of  his career and sometimes you know the pressure  

Of being a captain trying to do too much there  can weigh on a player but it hasn’t affected him   one bit nobody loves hockey like the Hughes  Brothers man Mom and Dad are here for the  

Week like the Hugh Brothers but you’re right you  get one son go to the NHL two three and they’re   all superstars and they’re all superstars  they’re all amazing skaters there would it   be unbelievable all three of them on the team  Canada unreal right Team USA team us team yeah  

Watch your mouth Team USA would that be amazing  or they’ll all be there I mean they’re they’re   that good and quinnon going to try to finish up  strong with a two can’t quite get it so he’s at 15 caror McDavid on deck US wouldn’t borrow  wouldn’t borrow the Hughes Brothers to the  

Canada for this trade we we’ll  trade you two Hugh Brothers for McDavid so Conor McDavid who won the fastest  skater competition with five points did not take   part in the one- timer I expect uh I expect him  to do very well in this competition right here 23  

Points is the number to beat kale Mar there are  live standings he’ll start off with a solid two   want to get some early see if he goes for two  here oh he went for little one he got it up to  

Five Points see where he goes here goes little  again didn’t get it D got that one he did miss   that he’s going big see if he goes big across the  ice no no he missed the middle one now he gets the  

Middle one so here comes McDavid he’ll arrive in  time to get all three of these off he’s only got   10 better hit the big numbers misses it missed  the two oh H David only 10 I did not see that  

Coming BCI oh good news for Nathan McKinnon he  didn’t want to get McDavid out too far in front   of him started out so good started off so good  you hear what I’m saying but it did not end well  

Emily Kaplan with Brady kachuck the allstar yeah  and Brady you got two friends here we got Kesler   whose Grandpa was your dad’s equipment manager and  Maverick whose dad is Rick uh taket the coach of   the kuu so tell me about these kids why you  enjoying it with them yeah well we know you  

Know got a history and kler and and you know the  Wilson family you know Shelly Stan’s wife was my   babysitter growing up and and of course M with  uh you know talk talk and uh you know of course  

My dad playing together so it’s a lot of great  memories and and kind of go back to memory Lane   you keep watching Big Walter cross mod how do you  think he’s enjoying this oh he’s loving it he’s  

Having a great time and uh know we had a great  time last night be able to you know share this   together and of course tonight tomorrow awesome  thanks Brady fell us yeah we talk about the Hughes   as one of those great American Hockey families  put like a Chucks right there Keith should be  

In the hall of fame most career goals by a guy  who isn’t in the Hall of Fame Matthew and Brady   full-fledged Superstars themselves Elias patteron  now nine points see what he does across the ice  

Goes for the big boy now he’ll go middle to get  some points he’ll go so he Ops to go two of the   middle ones M make sure I keep accumula up to  16 yeah you just got to get points you can’t  

Get a puck here especially at this point of the  compe or the event there and not get any points   oh that was a good shot there better har very good  oh stumble fumble oh nice we have a new leader you  

Got to finish strong in this competition got  to finish strong those last six shots are key   that was impressive from Pon what a year he’s  having in Vancouver he be paid handsomely for   it went for the little guy yeah and I tell you  what there something on the ice there you took  

A little stumble there ice is slippery little  sniper nice and slippery in the 25-year old   swed 27 goals this year after 39 last year that  little stumble is going to hurt MC David in the   overall now I think could we’ll see so Austin  Matthews failed to get a point in the one-timer  

Competition now he’ll try the passing challenge  to accumulate some points he’s got some room his   teammate William neander at 16 then the big boys  three of them over 20 barzal marar and Pon Here   Comes Matthews here where he starts he goes for  the big boy and gets it that’s a three-pointer big  

Targets one the medium two the little three and  he’s two for two with the three-pointer he when   I watch him play it looks like he was born with  a puck on his stick it is he looks so comfortable  

Out there and it’s it’s just oh four for four  with the little Target already up to 12 missed   that one missed that one another the long pass to  cross see if he trying to get some going to have  

To hurry a little bit here oh that hurt thought he  there get the two I thought he might go two twos   there he’s got to hurry a little up to 14 should  get all three off see if he can pass at least pass  

His teammate there’s a two he’s up to 16 bam  so he jumps all the way up to 19 he’s able to pass Hughes and McKinnon and nander so he’s  going to get these guaranteed points with only  

One passer remaining hson Ma marzelle and Matthews  the current top four as you see right there five   points for first four for second three for third  two for fourth and one for fifth I think Leon Dr  

For me is one of the best passers of national  hoey league it’s hard to say if as a great goal   scorer he is but Absolut his passing is backhand  forehand elevated anywhere you can put the puck  

Anywhere he wants see how he does here we’re going  to review Elias Patterson’s last shot we’re not   sure so we have to hold off the standings nothing  on that first one from trial this misses the three there it’ss that

Three-pointer nothing there got that one  now he’s got to get hot he got to get hot   bam three-pointer oh boy not going to do it  no certainly looking good for Pon or marar   like I said they’re reviewing Pon fam there’s  a three just missed that one just missed that  

One so disappointing 12 for Le on dry side  all yeah he W he was definitely disappointed   with that can see it look in his face there  he he was looking for better results yeah   well just think McDavid and dry Shadow  combin for 22 who would have who would  

Have ever that would have been third place if  you combin the two of them yeah so we want to   make sure this is official to make sure Elias  Patterson is your five-point winner [Music] on So currently Matthew barzel is tied to the  top of the standage with seven he’s with Kevin  

Weeks thanks so much appreciate that there bchi  up top in mess here with Matthew barzel the young   dazzling New York Islander take us through the  strategy how was it it was fun uh I missed my  

First one got got a little nervous I was like  oh God so I turned it up and it’s uh came out   with a decent run this looks tougher than it  actually people might give it credit for it  

Oh people don’t understand like we could hit  the one all day but I mean that three is like   that’s it’s pretty small target shooting  cross ice so uh yeah I mean I I’d love to  

See the average folk get out here and try it mes  made the point that this is even harder because   you’re not doing it necessarily at game speed  especially you you’re always playing at with   the afterburners on so well I think actually uh  if the targets were moving it might be a little  

Easier cuz guys are in motion you know during  a game so it’s actually a little tougher when   it’s standing still like that and we’re moving so  kind of like a weird deception thing so I liked  

It to be honest with it was fun sweet thanks so  much appreciate it back up to you Bui all right   six primary events so we’re halfway through three  competitions remain they’re still trying to find   out if Elias Pon beat the clock on his last shot  oh NHL Allstar Weekend begins first player chosen  

COV we’re going to have to go as Sydney Crosby I  think you do we got David pass that oh yeah get   over here that’s a of Toronto we didn’t want to  make him sweat too much we had to get him on our  

Team when it comes to picking hockey teams don’t  ask the actor I thought I was in Blades of Glory   for most of the time that I was out there  then I realized holy I’m at the NHL allstar

Game all right so Elias patteron looks like  he’s going to get the full five you’re supposed   to have the puck on your stick before it hits  zero you’re allowed to finish the play mes but   did he touch this last Puck before the clock  ran I believe he did but this little uh trip  

This little hiccup right there almost cost him  but I think he did get the puck on his stick   but by the time the clock turned to zero so Fi  we’re not going to be sticklers for the clock  

That are we or not there’s a million dollars on  the line M1 millionar hardest shot competition   is next you see the current standing seven points  a piece for Pon and barzal the rules for hardest   shot slapshot not just one of the best hockey  movies of all time but the centerpiece of our  

Next competition the NHL hardest shot our  Allstars get two chances to fire the puck   Place 30 ft from the goal line as hard as they  can they can skate in from the nearest Blue Line   to gain momentum and the shot must be on goal  to be calculated if a stick breaks or radar  

Malfunctions another attempt will be awarded  the hardest shot of the night earns the most points so simple pretty simple did you ever do  the hardest shot oh you kidding I I I couldn’t   have broken a pain of glass with my shot first of  all I never took a slap shot that wooden Northland  

What was your brand of stick with a wooden stick  back in the day Louisville you were a Louisville   guy well I first started with sherid but then I  then I used Louisville forever ni shs are the old  

Feather light they broke like kindling though that  was a problem and used to get penalties because   they would break there I couldn’t believe the  referees were giving me penalty for cross check   in my stickle break Bo all right so hardest shot  as you can see here the we have eight participants  

Elias P’s a big favorite here M defending Champion  the only player in the competition tonight who’s   won before and he’s really one of the fewer guys  in the league who still uses the slap shot a lot  

He kind of a Dying shot in the league and you  wouldn’t think that he could shoot the puck as   hard because he doesn’t look all that bulky but he  obviously he’s got tremendous power and his timing  

It’s all about the timing right in this event  a lot of the power comes from your legs course   we no longer use the gun we use the uh obviously  the tracking the puck now exactly so here’s Austin

Matthews and again he’s not really a slap shot guy  per se as well well he shoots him pretty good off   the one time on a slap shot but but the hardest  shot we’ve seen from him all season is 991.43 in  

A game well behind some of the big guns I think  the average fan would probably be surprised by   that he uses angles and he pulls the puck in and  positioning accur and positioning and knowing  

That goalie awareness when you’re when you’re a g  that oh there he goes again 96 he got behind that   one game average that’s very good again top speed  for him all year in a game is 991.43 he goes all  

The way up to 9622 don’t forget there this is  a lot stick related a lot of these guys don’t   have really stiff sticks they use a lot of Whi in  their stick so they can get it off quicker without  

Is much power but in this competition you could  get you could get your manufacturer like bow to   give you a little stiffer stick to get more on we  we should get PK and and we down there’re asking  

If these guys change their Flex now M can bring  it oh boy he’s not very he’s not very far behind   Pon for top speed and highest average oh that’s  going to be hard to beat 17 shots this year during  

Games with at least 90 mil hour that’s the most  of anybody being a defenseman he’s going to have   more Slap Shot opportunities every time I see him  he looks like he’s getting bigger and stronger oh yeah so 102 56 a nice lead as Matthews Falls to

Second David poast again more of a skilled  shooter like Austin Matthews how much power   can you know have when I talk about goalie  awareness is about when you when the pugs   com to you you see where the goalie is moving  from and you’re shooting a back against the  

Grain or into corners and sometimes it’s not  how hard you shoot as go where you shoot it   again we have to start talking about the line  as the competitions go on was pasta 9328 again  

Not quite the same power of a pson and my car  but that’s what I’m saying that he could have   just as much power but the stick the shaft  on the stick is a different release point so  

That has a big factor in this competition I  would be curious if any of these guys try to   stiff reflex for this yeah that was you could  tell he got that one more purely and it was 9527 you like going in a long drive contest  instead of using your regular size Shaft or  

Length shaft there you get another 3 or 4  Ines on it there as long as you can square   it up it’s going to give you a lot more  momentum on the swing so so ma holds on to   his lead comfortably you see live standings  if he could take this competition he’d be  

Up to 11 again you want to make sure you make  the cup but also accumulation of these points   to get that $1 million prize Miller’s got a  bomb Miller is a big strong kid [Music] mhm  

I’ll tell you one or two that’s he’s 1800th  of a second behind see if he can top that and   get in front of K Mar we’ll have one more  chance to do it Miller oh didn’t get that

One but a good effort from JT Miller currently  in second to kale marar as Elias Patterson we   mentioned this is the clear favorite highest Top  Shot speed of anybody in the group during games   this season defending Champion see if he can top  102.5 6 you think he can reach 103 misses he did  

Last time as defending champ 103.2 we’ll see  I you know it’s in him yeah I know we’ve seen   him do it before so it would be surprised  bam no didn’t get that one one more shot it’s interesting this harder shot you got to  hit the ice behind the puck in order to load  

That shaft okay and if you miss at it and  don’t time it properly you’re not going to   get the velocity as we saw there the 98 is not  what he normally would shoot this Puck at this  

One will be better that was his first shot in  this competition under 100 in his young career   bam he didn’t get that either you could tell just  you know sometimes you shank him right M time for  

Him that’s a shank for you and I be shanking a  little more than the he is currently in third with three Shooters to go all right our current  leader K Mar yeah he knew right away he he didn’t  

Time up he’s your winner so just five were in  this competition kale Mar takes the over all   lead PK suban yeah guys kale Mar here kale are you  surprised or did you expect to win this event oh  

I didn’t expect to win it I some of the boys told  me I should go in it so figured I’d never take a   running started a puck before so I might as well  try it rumor has it that you changed the flex on  

Your stick were you doing any uh fixing with  the stick before the event nothing before the   event I got a pretty stiff stick so I think that  gives me a little Advantage so and last question  

You’re so you’re such a great skater you do it  all like how are you so good everybody wants to   know how are you such a great hockey player this  early in your career oh that’s a loaded question  

I’m not good enough to beat McDavid today  though so um yeah I don’t know about that   we’ll take that win and we’ll move on well not  too many are good job K Mar hardest shot in the   world right [Applause] now yeah he can bring  in he should have been confident going into  

That competition the the NHL tracking info data  has showed us that so Mar is your winner Miller   Pon Matthews three poock and there are the live  standings Mar has a one-point lead over Patterson   as we prepare for competition number five of  six in round one so a cut line is coming two  

Fells are going to go home with two competitions  left Canada a fact eh with Will Arnette Maple Leaf   Gardens home of 11 times Stanley Cup champions  and the first NHL allstar game is now a grocery  

Store Center ice is on aisle 25 by the tuna the  only leaves here are Iceberg and [Music] kale Irv   there’s a cleanup in aisle 25 as we welcome you  back to Toronto the All-Star skills competition   here’s your updated standings look it wouldn’t  be a shock of any of these guys finished up top  

Little surprised about Nikita kucherov at the  bottom there but right now marar pon barzal   have the top three spots locked up and we got  lots more coming straight ahead we are through   four events and still have four events to go we  got the stick handling then we got the uh Cheetos  

Accuracy shooting can a brother get a goalie  yes and the players should be able to choose the goenda Obstacle of course two more events then  four players will get cut and we’ll move on win   or take all for 1 million big ones here’s Ray  Ferraro I’m Steve Levy so my takeaway is if  

You’re an alien and you just landed down here in  the planet you say that kic David is’s a terrible   passer okay that passing that passing challenge  was complicated and very diff difficult I thought   well I’ve been in the skills thing I’ve done  the the puck handling one and you got to follow  

Along it makes it so hard and I thought it was  pretty interesting some guys passed it really   slow that didn’t seem to work some guys passed it  really hard that sort of kind of work but that the  

Passing one for me was the most fun I I really  lik that barzel made an interesting point he   said if if you’re used to passing to a moving  Target yeah that a stationary Target and it’s  

Really small right the targets and that was other  takeway it it looks harder than it actually is cuz   you’re watching at home my buddies are texting  me how how can you miss it I’m telling you that   three-point Target is Tiny because it it’s not  you’re moving at a certain Pace the target’s  

Getting smaller as you move it it’s hard man time  now for stick handling this won’t be easy here are   the rules the shortest distance between two points  is typically a straight line but tonight our allar  

Stars will show off their silky stick work as  they Zig and zag in the upper deck NHL stick   handling competition each player will take a turn  down the ice controlling the puck around objects   in their way while going forwards and backwards  as they approach the goal they’ll have to show  

Off some tow drag swag firing a puck on net to  stop the clock fastest time takes home the most points John Butcher Goos Mark Messier back with  you nine players will participate in the stick   handling competition so there is a backward  skating aspect to this mess and we just have  

The one defenseman you got think that’s got  to be an advantage for Quinn Hughes no doubt   it’s an advantage for Quinn Hughes but all these  guys are going to be able to handle that not a   problem but obviously Quinn Hugh is practicing  and doing that much more than the fors during  

The game obviously practicing it much more  but we’ll see he’s a he’s a dynamic skater   hockey player and uh these guys have done this  drill many many times in their career now that   wide trip through the lighted targets now  here he goes this is where his backwards  

Get he maybe can help him you have to keep  control the puck you can’t toss it around   the target there it is beautiful transition  you have to finish with the puck in the net   oh yeah all right excellent we just don’t know  for sure until we see players go what’s a good  

Score yeah but he got he didn’t lose the puck  he was clean through it yep so Quinn Hughes   just over 29 seconds eight participants  to go here’s the initial yeah look at the edging and this is one of the competitions  this is a good beautiful little kind of a  

Tow grab maneuver to finish and you have to  finish caror McDavid a lot of his summer work   is doing this drill right here so this  could be an advantage for him because   this is what he trains on this is one of  his suggestions to the NHL when the two  

Sides got together to try to make this  skills competition a little better for   the fans create some drama some nervousness  maybe for the players cuz they’re playing for   1 million bucks no one does this better  than look look at the speed he does it

With now he’s going to wheel quickly oh little  stumble on the edge there you see the you can   see the transition is not quite as smooth as as  as a defenseman right but still not too bad K Mar  

Would do this one as well try he’s he’s going to  beat Hughes oh my goodness [Applause] unbelievable   the acceleration is just insane he is clearly  taking this seriously oh he does everything he   wants to win this I more than anybody out there I  believe there’s a little stumble on the left skate

[Applause] there and then just make  sure you get the job done there and finish so now Hillway Elias Patterson he’s  currently in second place overall with 10   points so he’s certainly among those a favored  to win it as each competition comes gets harder  

And harder now points will be doubled later so  you can come from behind if a leader stumbles   and you win an event here comes P wants to  be clean initially and then here we come down   Runway number five yeah that’s Beau Long Reach  can help now you got to show some acceleration  

Mess and he does get get to the turn nicely  very good oh and that’s pretty much do it for   him that hurt re-engage the target oh he’s  got to be disappointed he would have had an   outstanding timeing chance at it two still  wants to finish strong cuz you never never  

Know he could finish Fifth and get a point  and one point could be the difference for   $1 million in I do not believe he’ll get  any points out of this which is going to   really hurt his chances but who knows as you say  just barely over Hughes but yeah he was cooking

Good that’s too bad yeah see it just that  just gave R out on yep lost the edge side   of the boot oh he’s got to be disappointed  all right here’s our boy Nikita let’s see   let’s let’s focus on the int let’s go  buddy let’s go 25755 the time to beat  

Okay clean through there here we go now  we got a Sprint here Nikita this is a oh he’s going to finish where  he will left off there we go [Applause] not quite the McDavid intensity he’s hearing it from  the fans again this is what the  

NHL wanted to avoid when they offered  $1 million to to the winner but you   know the keeto makes 9.5 a year and  there’s a nice little wave to the crowd clearly not his [Applause] Jam I  don’t think mcdavid’s real happy about  

It either so con McDavid Remains The  Leader teammate Leon dry Sidle will be next I don’t know if uh Dr title’s blad’s going to  fit between the pucks here on this he’s got some  

Big boots and a big bow or look at that thing yeah  he definitely got the biggest blade in the league   accuracy shoot shooting will be uh the sixth and  final competition of round one then four players  

Will be let go to become Spectators or to join  Tom Wilson see how the big Leon can backwards   get a couple stries look like he I don’t if he  really let’s see that was better he not going to  

Catch McDavid okay he puts it in but but clearly  Hughes got through the backward skating seemed to   be much Clear cleaner than the uh than the forward  no doubt about it second place for Leon dry sadle  

Behind his teammate just in front of Quinn Hughes  who remains in third you can just see the speed   that McDavid plays with it and not only the speed  that he plays with but but under control with the  

With the skill that’s a good transition there he  kept his feet moving that’s what you need to do   you got to keep the speed up and the way to do  that is to keep your feet moving all right Nate  

Dog this guy certainly is going to give it his all  he can fly does everything fast super competitive   plays a lot of power very quick hands nice clean  pretty good through here pretty good through here  

Now see him yeah he quieted his hands down there  he’s a real uh choppy stick Handler just can’t   AFF o almost lost the puck on the gate he’s going  the fans can sense it oh little stumble there just  

Saves it oh sideways skating there he comes he’s  got a chance to catch McDavid going to be close   no no didn’t quite get it fully clean throughout  the competition he does as quick as he is yeah he  

In second place and he’s put positioning himself  well but absolutely came in with five points but   as quick as as much power that McKinnon plays  with and as much skill as he has you can see   the difference of mdav the way that he can get  through the the pucks there with speed accelerate  

Into the backward some forward skating and then  finish it off on the acceleration there 2 seconds   and this it’s it’s a lot of feet if you’re just  if you’re judging it by feet not seconds right   David P of course these Toronto fans don’t like  Boston [Music] Bruins yeah that’s they’re going  

To boo PA announcer said let’s let them hear  it okay that’s Boston pasta pretty clean let’s   see how he does here transitioning pretty smooth  there round gate one who wheelie here we go this   is proven to be a little more difficult this  backwards scanning from the forward than we  

Anticipated pasta is not going to catch McDavid  oh oh no don’t do that pasta [Applause] no oh Bak came in with four and a half he still  beat coocher off Believe it or I’m not sure if  

Was doing this competition I’d be that non schwant  on anything for a million dollars right his pasta   certainly was in a position oh just fell off his  stick and he knew he had to go get [Laughter] it one of the best faces in the NHL great  interview with Steve Levy and Ray Ferrar  

On Sports Center before we went on the air K MS  said if he wins the 1 million he’ll give all his   defenseman 100 Grand each they asked pasta would  he give Brad Marron any money he said not a penny  

That was earlier on Sports Center great player  and a great interview all right Matthew barzal   should be good in this competition he can stick  handle and he can skate yeah tremendous skater   little problem through the first line of Lights  this is smooth very good transition there we  

Go pretty good time this is going to be right  around the top three I think if yeah so can’t quick all right so he’s second now he beats McKinnon it’s Conor McDavid hanging on with  one player left William neander good effort  

By barzel though another four points could be  coming his way he has seven now look Williams   got great hands and I just don’t see him  being able to beat that 25 to so there’s   our live scoring MCH currently barzel is  tied for the lead with Mard McDavid tied  

With Pon with 10 so William nanders could  affect these standings if he can get in the   top five he should he can stick handle with  the best of them oh and there’s your answer   that hurt and I don’t think he finished those  [ __ ] either I’m not sure if he did either he  

Knew he had to do it all he had knew he had to  go full Full Speed Ahead but just couldn’t keep   quite keep it under control so McDavid will  be fine at one barzel is going to be fine at

Two here he comes pretty good finish really oh the  late stumble is going to cost him a second or two   in the end 27.2 and somehow finish third have  to go back a video replay on those [ __ ] down  

Here to begin with but that’s the thing about M  keep getting back to it the thing about McDavid   there everybody’s trying to hustle up and do this  as fast as they can but he’s able to do it under  

Control M neander did pour it on late and then he  really got down the ice quickly PK suban is with   David posn he’s on the cut line PK is he nervous  I’m here with one of the best dressed guys in the  

NHL pasta listen you’re in seventh place right now  you know how this thing is top eight move on you   know what’s your game plan to get some more points  you’re right on the brink of being eliminated and  

Tell us walk us through what happened when you  missed that open net you don’t miss too many   of those uh it was just a toin you know I have a  tough time with toins not used to those you know  

Well I like to work for my goals too I understand  soon as the goal is there now well I don’t know   honestly uh you know just took a shot I didn’t  missed it you know uh went to get my own rebound  

And got it in sometimes it’s just too good to  be true yeah that’s right you guys heard it from   pasta he’s got to get things going I think he will  I don’t know the only accuracy shooting remains   Conor McDavid wins the stick handling and Allstar  skills presented by Draft Kings sports book The  

Goali is to be part of one competition tonight  and they can win themselves $100,000 as they   help all these other players win a million Kevin  weeks with the [Music] tenders all right B thanks   so much I’m actually getting an invite B you’re  always talking about college hockey so I got a  

College hockey stud here from University of Maine  black bear and also Boston Bruins so keep up with   the Bear theme what does it mean to be an allar  uh it’s pretty special and uh I think you know you  

Just hearing you talk about college in Alaska it’s  uh an honor to represent those those places I’ve   been I definitely wouldn’t be here without them  and uh really excited to be a part of this group   and looking left and right week see it’s uh pretty  surreal seeing the names and incredible talent in  

This locker room so pretty excited about it well  you’ve earned the right you got some new pillows   huh yeah yeah first time uh had the All-Star  pillows so I’m excited to use them hopefully  

Mark them up a little bit that boy if not just  use the gloves like I told you off camera best   of luck thanks so much week appreci app thank you  all right we’re heading over to cam talot now of  

The LA Kings he’s in involved in the conversation  he’s got his two kids here going to see if we can   get talbo momentarily and there he is and there he  is talbo got you live on ESPN here congrats thank  

You let’s speak a little bit about your alma mater  if you will your college hockey Alabama Hansville   you like that one huh I love that one the the  original I love that story hey look you’re from  

Nearby here about an hour and change family and  friends what does it mean to you who’s here who’s   special what do you got of course your kids are  here but who else is here yeah obviously that’s  

The most special part for right there that are  in the locker room running around having fun with   the boys so that makes me the happiest right  there but uh mom dad stepmom stepdad uh wife   obviously my uh brother-in-law from Dallas bunch  of buddies uh flew up drove up from all over the  

Place uh guys came in from uh calonia today took  the uh my dad drove him in for lunch and stuff   like that so uh there’s a pretty good crew here  for the Tela Clan so I’m happy to have them all  

Here and uh it’s just been a great weekend so far  love it happy for you congrats thank you tto Sarah nurse former NHL and Toronto police great Steve Thomas two-time Olympic medalist  and forward for pwl ter Tonto Blair Turnbull and Cy Trophy winner and former  captain of your Toronto Maple Lea Doug

Gilmore accuracy shooting our final  competition of the first six of the   evening four players will go home after  this this is also a timed event a four   for five could beat a four for four  if the four for four guy goes a little  

Slow he a cucher out hit the first two he  thought he hit that one no now we blow the whistle here the stoppage only the I was just going to say I think  he wants new targets what do we do are we going to  

Start over I’m not sure what’s going on here but  uh he didn’t like something or hit something and   they didn’t count it or yeah I got the feeling  we’re going to start again he’s having quite a  

Night for himself the Cheetos accuracy shooting we  got to get the Cheetos logos in there come on we   got to get the check get the Lays a classic  event Mark fessier won it twice in 1991 and  

1996 you went four for four but again here you  got to go quickly too cuz a four for five can   beat a four for four all these Sharp Shooters  certainly I felt I felt better doing things  

At game speed to be honest with you I I don’t  wanted to shoot the puck hard I want the passes   to come like in game speed it just felt more  natural than trying to coo is obliterating the

[Applause] targets there you go yeah he cooch  is going to have an early exit tonight as he   goes over to talk and get a glove tap from  Maple Leaf Legend douge Gilmore Sarah nurse   and Blair turnbo also helping out the passing  tonight so the other end it’s nurse and Steve  

Thomas former mapel Lea what a great career Steve  Thomas had sure did played for 20 years scored   421 goals former teammate of Ray Ferraro played  for Chicago tono the Islanders the Devils Mighty   Ducks of Anaheim and finished up with Detroit  at the age of 40 he’ll be passing to kale Mar  

So Mar is our leader one for one two for two oh  H the post three for four Miss Miss got to get   this one oh oh that’s too bad he did exactly what  I done myself to get the bottom targets to easier

One I think he did too yeah yeah  he did so you see little little   little piece of that Cheeto right  there just a little dust on the fingers so Mar’s time will likely change but  they’ll get that official as we continue on  

We mentioned 10 players wasp Here Comes  onto McDavid take the lower targets first   that’s oh that’s the Mark Messier  advice they’re the easier targets to hit get a little rhythm going get a little  confidence BCI all right you know it’s like  

Making that first six foter six footer right  like don’t practice those long putts for a   round just go with the two Footers hear that  sound sorry RoR McDavid led the league in   goals last year with 64 got 20 this year  not quite scoring at the same [Music] clip  

Quinn Hughes warming up at the other end on  Deck just taking passes so now Mar’s time is 19.06.13 have to really pour it on McDavid  wants to continue getting points he wants   the overall Championship one for one two for two  three for three can he do it yes oh tremendous   oh and quick and you see the the way he shot it  with his velocity 9158 the new [Applause] leader  

All right M you said go low first he actually  went in order he did he went around the clock   around the world B really like the way he  attacked the target so remember he already   has two first tonight that’s one of the tie  Breakers later is how many firsts you get if  

You’re tied with a guy in total points so he  talks to kale Mar there live scoring if this   holds for McDavid he would be our new leader  Quinn Hughes now defenseman have won this in   the past Thomas cavet Ray Bor Jacob slaven and  of course yes Ray Bor nobody better than in  

This [Applause] competition Bor won seven  times here comes Hues oh wow oh that’s a Miss there we go excellent Mory won seven  times seven times winner [Applause] wow   for a second we got a whopping $55,000 for  those whopping 5,000 five grand to win an

Event 1 million tonight mess back back down  a bit for the weekend again four guys will be   eliminated after this event we’ll be down to  eight players competing for a million dollars   here comes JT Miller we mentioned how accurate  of a shooter he is in actual NHL games can he  

Get himself a big point total he’s right around  the cut line he’ll need a four for four here or   maybe a four for five could be okay he’s got  a chance needs these last two post there he

Goes pretty good speed there really good y 13.5  87 as he’ll take a couple fist bumps from Blair   Turnbull and thugy Gilmore on to McDavid Remains  the leader of the accuracy shooting got to let  

Your instincts take over in these bchi a lot of  times you see them just kind of throwing it at   the Target not doing it like you do it at game  speed or game intensity and if you do it at game  

Speed and game intensity your instincts take over  you’re not thinking so much seem to be the players   that actually have the most success when they  do it that way pasta needs a big point total he  

Has four and a half right on the cut line he’s  got hope he’s won this event in 2019 he’s the   only one participating who’s one in the pack o  he misses the first surprising and the second CR loves it turn them On’s  going to go home early I’m

Afraid yeah he just got off to a rough start  yep missed his first four finished it makes   such a huge difference if you hit that first  Target it it just relaxes you gets you in a  

Bit of a rhythm otherwise the soul out of body  exactly you can see it from body language hear   from the crowd too as they go a little more  anxiety so pasta will miss the cut go baby   and the prize for $1 million here’s Nathan  McKinnon boys good as the goalies take the  

Ice now cuz they can do a little warm up here  because they’re in the next competition see   McKennon he only knows one speed so he’s  going to do this at game speed get it and   rip it I can guarantee you that taking  passes from Gilmore and player turnbo

Kon has a second and a fifth so  far seven points if he wants the   overall title he needs a good  number in this one not a good start good Pace okay so McKinnon who came  in with seven points 15.9 [Applause] 58  

He’s fourth McDavid still the only sub 10 by a  strong number it’s like Tiger Woods at the US   Open at Pebble Beach yeah William neanders up  now Willie styles again he’s at Five Points he   needs a yeah he needs a quick yeah he does  that put him in good position if you can  

Get out here clean dry Ido and Matthews  are still to come they also both need a [Applause] win slow start all a stumble  give me Puck snap that one so Soul star   good finish [Applause] yep so he’s in a  position for third good effort by neander  

Who came in with five in this competition  he needs the those three points going two to go Austin Matthews will go last in this accuracy  shooting at home as Leon dry Sidle warming up  

Taking a pass from Doug [Music] Gilmore certainly  a guy you can see rip off for in a r mess yes no   question got to get that first one probably kills  you with confidence I it does now you may start  

To panic a little now now you’re under now you’re  under and0 for four yep now you’re now you’re just   flat out ped right yeah I think you got that one  all right now he’ll settle down oh maybe not now  

I just want to go home it’s like when you shoot 51  in the front Miss right you just want to go home   Nine and Nine and this is this is so cruel like  players should be able to just walk off at this  

Point w I’d like to see him kind of torturing me  [Applause] yeah there he goes yeah fist pump from Leon a lot of young boys and girls out  there watching these guys you got to you   got to finish it out that’s right never  quit no matter what happens you a lot  

Of lessons so Austin Matthews remains  mess certainly this would be a another guy so he really needs to beat McKinnon’s  15.9 to advance he needs a point or Austin   Matthews could go home early well this is his  Forte right here shooting the puck Nobody Does  

It [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Better  so Hughes 14.8 is his number otherwise we got a   tiebreaker so four he needs to get under 14.8 and  change let see if he gets that first one and gets  

Some confidence and some Mo here we go needs  that first one got it got it oh looking go four   for five and with a good time it’s going to be a  good time it’s a good time excellent he’s going  

To make it Austin Matthews comes through second  place four points for him five for McDavid McDavid   wins another competition the skills competition  he helped to reimagine and recreate he’s coming   through as Matthews is relieved Miller third  neander fourth yeah he was locked in there you can  

Tell he was locked in there it’s an all Canadian  win there for the top five PK suban with Austin   Matthews yes I am here with the star of the night  star of the weekend and he is representing for the  

Six and for the city of Toronto awestin Matthews  how does it feel to now be the best shooter in   the world I need to make up some ground there so  I’m happy I could I want to keep this thing going  

Some ground you did make up some ground but how  great is it to be able to have that feeling you   know what I mean everybody Standing Ovation how  does that feel yeah it’s amazing I mean I feel  

Like I’ve talked about it a little bit this week  and been fortunate to play some All-Star games and   um you know I always find the hometown guys I mean  they get so much love and support as they should  

So uh it’s been a great week so far and it’s you  know it’s been a great turn out here in Toronto   it’s it’s really been really special it’s got to  be special too doing it with your teammates you  

Got Willie here beside you what do you think of  his performance so far been great he’s been great   I mean uh you know we don’t call Willie styles  for nothing man he’s uh he’s a treat to be around  

And uh special person special player well as a  Toronto native I’m very proud of you and how you   represented the city Toronto I know you are thanks  guys Austin Matthews greatest shooter in the world  

And he he’s moving on PK one a performance he had  to come through and in the end Matthews gets it done bam and but four guys are going home now they  have missed the cut two events to go goalies will  

Be part of our next competition you can tell he  wanted that he wanted to move on so our current   standings you can see David poock Leon dry  cidal Quinn Hughes and Nikita kucherov fail   to advance it’s a one-on-one this is where the  goalies are involved they can win a 100 Grand  

With the most saves as the as many shots as you  want one-on-one event is coming up hustle pays   off first five pucks worth a point shots under  the hash mark only most saves gets goalies 100   Grand if there’s a tie save percentage is the  tiebreaker two more players will be eliminated  

Playing for the 1 million after the one-on-one  timed event and then we’ll have the obstacle   course where points are doubled and that’s  where you really can make a move and now the   the goalies get to play for some cash well  the goalies come in here in a little tough  

Spot too they got to get a little chance to get  warmed up which I think they’re doing but they’re   going to be facing some pretty good Shooters  right out of the bat and I’m glad that they’   decided that there’s $100,000 for the goalies to  win otherwise they’re just out here participating  

Right they can’t play hockey without a scoreboard  referees and goalies they’re all important Canada   fact with Will Arnett Nathan Phillips Square  named for the former Toronto mayor is skated   on by millions including our current mayor who  spends her lunchtime Wheeling around the square  

Dreaming of being Tess of virtue or tyomi depends  on the day eh welcome back to Toronto John Butcher   Mark Messier Steve Ley and Ray Ferraro are here  PK suban Kevin weeks Emily Kaplan so the goalies  

Will be part of our second to last event let’s  recap Conor McDavid got things off he won the   fastest skater competition McDavid has been in  four competition so far he’s one three and got   nothing in one Nathan McKinnon is in a position  but he’s got to really pick it up in these last  

Two he just has seven points so far he barely  made over the cut line Elias Patterson sits at 10 passing drill he looked really good  in the hardest shot kale marar was your   winner he also got a second in the passing  challenge he is tied for second with Matthew  

Barzel again mat we mentioned McDavid  he’s won three competitions just he does   everything so so quick so much finesse so  controlled he’s just one of those players   just has the ability to focus and execute  what matters most he’s doing this like a  

Game seven he know he wants to win and his  performance some so far as indicative got a   nice lead for $1 million all right the rules  for this next event the one-on-one here it is now that we’ve Whitted the field down to  eight it’s time to let our All-Star goalies  

Have some fun in the Honda one-on-one the skater  that sits in last place will go first selecting   the goalie they want to face as long as that net  minder isn’t a teammate we’ll put 60 seconds on   the clock and set pucks out in designated  areas on the ice the first five are worth  

One point and the rest are worth two players  must carry the puck of until they cross the   hash marks before firing on net and they cannot  score off a rebound if a player is carrying the   puck when the clock hits zero we’ll let them  take that final shot the highest total takes  

The top spot and the Five Points wasn’t it  for the goalies stop the most pucks take home $100,000 it’s time for the  NHL Allstar oneon-one let’s   meet the All-Star goalies is participating in this event from the Florida Panthers Sergey

Bosski from the Vancouver Canucks pater Demco from  the Colorado Avalanche Alexander gorev from the   Winnipeg Jets Hunter Helu from the Dallas Stars  Jake uttinger from the New York Rangers eigor shesterkin from the Boston Bruins Jeremy  Swan and from the Los Angeles Kings cam

Talit now please welcome Sports Net’s David Amber  and ESPN’s Kevin weeks right we’re down to our   final eight competitors and of course the goalies  are here as well and we’re going in reverse order   and we have William neander you’re eighth in the  standings but you can make up a lot of ground  

We’re going to have you pick your goalie so who  do you like you’ve been thinking about it I’m   just going to go with Cam talot he’s standing  right in front of me so I think that’s what  

I’m picking you said you said cam talit you’re  staring him down all right why cam talet because   he was standing right in front of me so I just  felt like that was a good choice all right all  

Right the the local boy cam Talbot’s ready to take  the net against William nander good [Applause] luck so William nander tied with Nathan McKinnon   just over the cut line with  seven points he’ll need a big

Event a timed event as many shots as you want  hustle pays off at the Puck is on the player   stick before the clock hit zero the play is  allowed to be finished two more guys get cut   after this [Applause] event and in the end the  goalies who are helping out this competition  

The one who makes the most saves wins $100,000  does not count against a salary cap Miss dander   oh and hustle pays off first five pucks are  worth a point shots under the hash marks only   H to get that one two more pucks for neander  he’s moving well oh big straight by tber he’s  

Going to have a new coach when he goes back  to work oh Beautiful Finish there by neander   got three points so far these pucks are worth  two points and he going to go all the way back  

To the blue line to pick them up as many  shots as you want 30 seconds left oh man   Talbot looks good I can see where fatigue  is going to come into a little bit of play   here absolutely [Music] [Applause] this another  save by S it’s tough to score against these NHL

Goalies the legs are beautiful shot 911 save percentage for  talet now naner can finish this as the clock   runs out oh oh in honor of Peter for Berg he  ends with the postage stamp Olympic gol and  

He is gassed that’s a good drill that’s a good  drill we’re going to incorporate that into the   practice session yeah M squirts peew everyone  good for cardio good for skating there’s the   first one mess yeah just at the skque he got a  couple through the legs thought a little opening

There yeah straight through the legs  that was a good shot there oh look at   this final move the first of eight oneon-one  shootout skaters here at ice level with Nate   the Great Nate Dog Nate McKinnon Nate I’m not  sure who you’re looking for here but I got a  

Sense it’s Sergey bosi you good with that  yeah he’s one of the best ever so uh I’ll   try my luck here see what I can do all right  Serge rasa to Florida panther you’re up Bobs   so again that’s the interesting part of this  competition the players pick their goalies  

And Nate McKinna will go against the acrobatic  Sergey bosi I mean just look at the lineup of   the goalies who you can look over there and  say there’s a weak point out there every one   of them incredible 911 sa Wily neander I’ll just  take the guy sitting me I like that 35-year-old  

Sergey bosi 621 188 the russan strong against  Nathan McKinnon early again McKinnon he needs   a strong effort here if he’s going to win the  overall legs up oh beautiful move [Applause] there he tried to shoot before he got

Set easy to forget that barosi broke in with  the Philadelphia Flyers all the way back in   2010 Columbus some great years under John  torella Bez than on the Florida with that   big contract well he just caught fire at  the right time last year and he brought  

Him all the way to the Stanley Cup Final it  was incredible to watch his perform seemed to   get better with each game more confidence and  the team rolled that confidence right into the   finals so Nate McKinnon’s in trouble [Music]  here he may not advance to the obstacle course  

In the final round he’s going so good job by  Sergey bosi having nice year 23 and 10 for the [Applause] Panthers this one goes between the  legs here but after that it was it was all Sergey that’s a beautiful backand there for

McKinnon look at that angle for us there  you look there’s nowhere where where you   going to shoot all right [Applause]  you can’t take your teammate Batcher   dempo so who you do want to select to go  one-on-one with uh I’m going to have to  

Go with sway yeah why why sway uh  I can’t score on any other guys on breakaways I love it all right go for it  good luck American on American yeah you   can’t pick your teammate so it’s  JT Miller against Jeremy swayman  

Don’t forget the goalies most safe gets  $100,000 so Serge barosi is off to a good   start there Jeremy Swan see how he does  that an outstanding year for the Boston   Bruins 924 save percentage second only  to Aiden Hill it’s an easy first save on [Applause]

Miller oh there’s a beautiful move  really good and these are it looked   like San had him shut down there and  he still found it these are onepoint pucks two through the legs so he gets two of  the five onepoint pucks now he gets as many  

As he wants here legs getting heavy that  this point bchi oh that one came out the   stick funny I think he tried a little change  up yeah a little knuckle ball little knuckle   yeah oh sweet oh that was nice swingan thought  for sure he was going back to the forehand try  

That moving in maybe oh oh bar and in I think  it was in the first time actually then hit   swan in the back and went in twice oh he not  going to score from there he tried to get it  

Before he got set but no way six points  did he take yeah that would have counted   he did touch the puck before the clock hit  zero so six points for Miller puts him in second so bosski had eight saves he’s  the current go tender leader for

[Applause] $100,000 yeah he beautiful  Moon by Miller all right what goalie   next will be selected to go against Austin  Matthews who will Matthews pick all right   we’ve got Hometown boy Austin Matthews the  NHL leader and goal scored let’s hear you

Fans yeah now you’re back GTA now you’re  back all right Max who you going with   I’m going to go with thater dco ooh the big  man from Van all right well he’s a teammate   tomorrow so maybe this is uh part of the  bonding get to know each other a little  

Better yeah or did you take AER that was  a long night Miss A of tall goalies down   there but that that Demco big boy he is a  big boy here comes Matthews he needs a big   goal total here eight points oh my that was  sick beautiful the coolest go of the night so

Far try to get him before he got set again  aats or Matts as his friends call him job   by Demco Demo’s mom and wife right here is new  baby new new Christian daddy so he saved four  

The first five oh man that was sweet Matthews  has 26 seconds to go as many as he wants well   you’re right coming on a big pass Tempco You  Don’t See Much next you don’t see anything  

Watching on the on the camera angle here there’s  oh was that sick up to five for Matthews needs   these last two oh there’s one oh that was really  nice through back he’s not going to have time for  

Two this will be his last [Applause] Puck oh  he couldn’t get had to get it up top he had   him beat he couldn’t get it up top that would  have tied him with knee Lander instead he’s at seven but some real nasty stuff from Austin

Matthews yeah he really had a Dem Co guessing  on that 920 sa percentage for D go this year for   Vancouver why they’re a big favorite coming out  of the West after getting Elias lolm they’re not   done either they may make it one more move in  Vancouver all right Elias Patterson is up what

Goenda Alias four goalies to choose from  two of them are vzna winners there’s no   easy decisions here who are you going to go  one-on-one with uh going Jake Ginger Jake   oner why why Jake uh we were at dinner last  night and yeah a little friendly Shar so the  

Side who pays the bill good luck good stuff I  like that Jake AER former bu Terrier Terriers   were winners tonight six to three over New  Hampshire so Pon all kinds of talent he’s got   reach he’s got a shot mess certainly a guy you  could see he’s trying to top knee Landers nine  

It’s a hockey player he’s got an incredible  skill set and he’s getting bigger stronger   as the years go go on here and seems really  maturing into a superstar in this [Applause] league three straight saves there’s  a nice one for Pon got 27 goals for  

Vancouver last year of course2 points 39  goals really burst onto the scene still   needs a contract he’s going to get a big one  I think the biggest thing for him this year   guci is his uh his consistency that he  played with 64 points in 49 games that’s

Beauty so he’s only got 19 seconds left basically takes about 7even eight  seconds to get a puck and then get   the next one so he’s got to hurry this  will be his last shot yep here here he goes oh the ler look very solid there BCI you look

Good the post is your friend if you’re net  minder is it ever so ainger stopped eight   of 10 s with bosski shooting percentage  is the first tiebreaker and you can see   right there in that goal there he he let  the golender make the first move and then  

You have got your choices after that Matthew  barzel a lot of Islander fans are certainly   watching and a lot of your family are back in  Vancouver in that area who you picking here   I’m going to pick my New York counterpart  eagor Sherin wow I like it smart little

Rivalry rival what we got New York all right New  York New York Big City of Dreams yeah Matthew   barzel just gets it that’s what you do here give  us a moment his all those Islander fans back on  

The island I’ll be there this Thursday with yous  calling their game against the lightning on the   ESPN that’ll be fun BCI that’s a lot of fun you  me and PK for The Islander Lightning game on   the on the big Network ESPN so Matthew barzel was  Islander fans watching back on the island Belmore

Wants to see their guy beat the ranger save by shurkin so tight oh that was a good shot got him  leaning there over the glove marzel’s going he   wants to get to that second level to get as many  shots as he will he will have oh that’s a heart  

One 37 seconds now to go a tough year for Rashia  sturken best 899 save percentage maybe this would   give him some confidence well he got hurt and came  back and hasn’t quite found his form but uh I have  

No doubt no doubt that he will find it by the end  of the year and it’s going to be a big influence   on the Rangers second half here oh beautiful still  doesn’t have a shut out yet he’s too too good a  

Goalie not to bring it back probably the first  time he’s really been injured too and coming back   off and iny is you know takes a little bit of  experience last fck for barza I think unless he  

Can get back there in 3 seconds I don’t think he’s  going to make it got got it this will count it’s a   big one oh in the post oh my [Applause] goodness  he’s an entertaining player he likes to put on a

Show great guy to talk to as well Matthew  Barelle fourth place oh man that’s that’s   a beautiful oh here to the legs and  it is just oh oh the top of the left   Pad but then hit the top of the right  pad and didn’t Bank into the net like  

You thought it might so eigor to St eor  they’re on that too he H and N it’s in the kale Mar’s up next what goalie will he pick  uh to be honest with you I don’t I don’t even  

Know I don’t I don’t I don’t know if I have  a chance here so it’s uh we’re we’re going   to try and put Pucks in the back of the net and  uh make the fans happy all right well good luck  

Don’t give up and Conor McDavid of course will  be against Alex gorv Conor all right to score   as many goals as I can it’s going to be tough  he’s a great goenda gotcha all right little   Hockey East flavor here you Mass Minutemen UMass  low against [Music] heluk so right now uh bosski  

And ainger are tied eight saves each with 80% save  percentage which is the tiebreaker if it ends this   way and they’re still the leaders they’ll split  the hund okay that’s fair I like that there goes  

The car now oh my goodness just a bit outside  taking a Long Way Around the Net taking a long   way oh there some power lethal oh number two so  he’s building points early on the onep pointers [Applause] see oh try the forber 34 seconds  left what you can hear blad cutting the ice  

From up here on the edges what a skater what  a skater and the power that he skates with   oh that’s nice oh he’s fell down get back  up kale R has time for two par 83 I got I  

Okay nope hurry they’ll get they’ll get get  more oh nice save by hu this will be it yeah this be a big one from the car if he gets  it and the overall save H goers are just so  

Good seven saves so auton Jer bosski still  your leaders in the go Department only one   man can beat them and he has to go against  Conor McDavid but first here’s ma against heluk that first shot by by Mar scoring there he  let that go so quick and so accurate no chance for  

Hellu but bounced back and great performance  by huk there as well Mar’s Alma Mo UMass did   win tonight while UMass low fell to Bon Collin  number one team of the country so here it is  

Our leader Conor McDavid has a nice nicely too  if he wins this one be in great position to win   the whole Fame and the obstacle course of course  the obstacle course is going to be his best best  

Event it’s the all unless his blade falls off  his skate here he comes my goodness he’s going   hard oh poke cheek great poke check oh now he’s  got him thinking about getting too close nowes   can’t get too tight exactly that was the first  poke check of the night wasn’t in Conor’s brain  

Another one another one I tell you that should  play without a stick in this competition that’d   be skill oh oh that was a good shot look at him  cover ground he’s are worth two points oh with  

This speed he probably has time for incredible  amount of ground oh try to go five ball no six   saves because of the speed of McDavid gorev can  pick up a number of saves that’s seven he’s two  

Saves away from winning 100 Grand he going get  a two shots in hereo he is oh so gorv will win   100 Grand if he makes this save it’s a $100,000  save for [Applause] gorv check him again nine  

Of 11 and he wins one 00,000 the Poke check was  his friend kept him away from the [Applause] de   again he wins 100 Grand courtesy the PO check  mess right there you can see him to Chang his  

Old attempts for McDavid there were some of your  opponents who poke checked well against you back   in the day oh my goodness uh Ron Ronnie XTO  Kevin weeks is with our $100,000 winner I’m   standing here with Alex gorv of the Colorado  Avalanche who looked a little bit like the late  

Great Johnny Bower or maybe like arur B with  the Poke check and you change the color the   blade tape on the stick tell us what happened  uh just try not to look like a barly goalie to  

Be honest uh yeah just trying to compete there  and uh enjoy the moment uh and just play them   fair you certainly did that so 100 Grand that’s  that’s a lot of cream what are you going to do  

With that 100 Grand you going to do anything for  the boys what are you going to do uh you put me   on the spot there uh yeah I have to I have to  put a little bit and uh uh I haven’t made any  

Plans but it’s it’s really cool experience for  sure awesome stuff you can always say that you   Stone Conor McDavid and you ended up winning 100  Grand congrats Georgie great stuff thanks a lot   awesome good stuff back to you bchi awesome  yeah pretty good night’s work for 100 grand  

So JT Miller and Nathan McKinnon now depart  after they missed the cut after round two PK suban sitting down next to Willie Styles PK are  we on we’re here all right here I am with William   neander doing it in Big Willie Style fashion  in his town in Toronto representing listen  

You’re three points behind McDavid you and Austin  Matthews can win this thing how do you feel about   that yeah I think that that shootout was huge for  us to get back at back in the competition for sure  

Okay also just this is just off the cup rumor has  it you’re one of the best looking guys in the NHL   which means you probably one of the best looking  guys in sports how do you feel about that I don’t  

Know about that rumor but uh I’ll take that thanks  Willie all right so here are our current standings   with one event remaining for $1 million in the  end JT Miller wins the tiebreaker over leus Pon   and so McDavid marelle neander Matthews Ma and  Miller it’s tight it’s anybody’s million dollars  

PK and weeky it certainly is thanks BCI we’re  down here at ice level on the bench and we’ve   got PK PK what are your thoughts right now we’ve  got the remaining fellas right now we got Big  

Poppy beside you here we got big poy a how did  you get that nickname Big Poppy is it Big poppy   poppy Chula what is it poppy just poppy uh yeah my  mom gave it to me when I was like born basically  

And just they called me Poppy and that’s all like  growing up in Arizona that’s all anybody knew me   at the rink like nobody knew me by Austin it was  just Poppy I love that there you go po Poppy I  

Love it I love it I love it but I like to mix in  the poppy Chulo every now and then when he’s on   a two game when he’s on a heater a lot of little  heater okay let’s get some predictions here who do  

You have winning the rest of this honestly I have  the hometown guys I think it’s going to be either   Willie or or Austin Matthews and he’s right here  I think they’re going to step up they’re saving  

Some energy for this last one a lot of pressure  on McDavid let’s see how he hand don’t sleep on   barzel though don’t sleep on barel yeah Bar’s  he’s he’s nasty all right bchi mess back up to  

You where the sheets reside back up to you what  are the rules of the obstacle course announcer man one final event with everything on the  line the Pepsi NHL obstacle course is all   that stands between our Allstars and a skills  Title First our skaters will show off their  

Speed again but this time car a puck then  we’ll see stick handling through a series   of light up Bridges from there it’s a test  of passing Precision into three mini Nets   then our Allstars will race to the cone course  and the event ends with a shot to a Target in  

The net fastest time through the course wins  the final challenge with double the points up   for grabs tally up the scores and the allstar  with the highest total takes home the million   dooll prize so that means 10 points to the  winner which means everybody’s in see leas  

Pson is out that’s because the tiebreaker  JT Miller had a second so between Miller and Pon and he did better in the one-on-one result   as well so we’ll go in descending  order that means JT Miller will go first in the obstacle course kind of like  the old school Superstars remember that on  

ABC sure do the last event was always the  obstacle course remember watching Wayne   Gretzky in that and Y tore the competition up  remember Lin Swan we used to hurdle the high   jump everybody else used to somersault Lin  Swan ran right over it he won every year all  

Right so JT Miller obviously needs a big time  finish only five points out of the lead 10 n 876 for first through fifth the dude with the  most points with $1 million the other players   can kind of get a refresher course of what I’m  going to do taking the puck around now through  

The little around the greens through the greens  around the blues there you go some sauce into the Nets it’s got to be tough mess huh oh  incredibly tough this one should be   easy it’s a big it’s a big wide one  got it Time Event around the Pepsi

[Applause] cans and you got  to shoot it right through the   middle that should not be a problem yeah  although they don’t normally aim for the logo so 49.3 51 again until you see someone really  do much better you’re not sure what a good time  

Is I don’t think that uh time’s going to stand  up now I think so looked a little sluggish got   a mixed up on a few of the uh Gates down here  so let’s uh see Willie neander is going to yep  

I think Will’s going to step up here step up  there and put a put a mark on the board that   everybody can shoot for this is where McDavid  probably will build a lead right because this   first ring round he’s going to have so much  speed faster anybody else’s nobody can do this  

Better than McDavid I unless he something his  blade falls off his skate uh yeah maybe Mar Ma   and barzel probably with their skating is the  one the two guys that could maybe hang so Mar   is going to go [Applause] first David just  can do it at such high speed under control  

Stick handling Puck handling edging three  players are 12 points so they probably fig   out the tiebreaker on who actually goes first  find those green ones and go between them oh   he lost there there you go floats it through  floats it through find the greens gets that  

One through now this is going to be a big part  of the competition someone goes three for three   he’ll probably win three for four three for  five okay now the wheels of Mard through the cans he’s going to beat

Miller he’ll be the new leader as long  as he scores that’s the big thing here   got to put it in and it is so he’s your new leader 43.436962 again it’s a finish still Gass Here  Comes poppy poy Austin Matthews enough to a   good start here get to the targets he’s got great  hands you can see him getting those little Nets   in three for three got to get through clean to  win this BCI no doubt about it he thre there  

Through the obstacles here obviously through the  lighted Gates get the targets down quick find the   green ones boom boom boom use the momentum of the  puck get Malin style clean now can he go three  

For three one oh he miss hit the pad oh oh Austin  one more to go oh it’s to post well this is going   to be the uh tough rck Austin now let’s see how  he finishes here through the cans and into the

Net stamina is a part of this obstacle course  some guys burn out early mess he’s not going   to catch the car car will hang on to oh look  at that that saves time BCI is sweet he knew   he was behind exactly his only chance was  to save two seconds which he probably did  

With that lengthy shot EAS two seconds yeah and  that passes Miller and he’s in second confidence   up with the confidence to take the shot from  there that’s some swag this is so cool boom   pump it and boom save himself a second maybe  second and a half teammate Willie Styles is  

Next as Matthews can only hope now that that  second place hangs on that would give him   nine points in 21 you see the live standings  it won’t be good enough he can’t pass ma car   I see neander having a good run so Mar the  only chance for a million but of course we  

Have other participants remaining who could pass  him naner is going he wants this just signed the   new be contract extension in front of the fans  they were afraid they were going to lose Willie   but he stuck around with the big eight-year  extension gets through cleanly this is where  

He can win it this is the spot that’s the real  Difference Maker look at the nice touch no okay go he’s going too oh he wants it Will’s given 100%  this is why they put the million dooll prize come  

On this is why oh a stumble that could cost them  he might have to shoot from distance it’s going to   be close oh no he can’t do bless his heart he  must be the sickest man in Canada oh he had a  

Chance at it he had to hit it oh I love the effort  from William neander that was awesome this is what   Conor McDavid was talking about I love the compete  so good just didn’t see that in years pass really  

Good he is absolutely Gass look at the death touch  though just a little sauce over there oh it just   fell off the toe and it was he lost it right  here B on the target uh on the sauce [Music] Target so there’s the live  scoring barzel as you can see

See he could pass ma with a second uh-huh  that would give him [Applause] 22.5 but   obviously he’d like to make sure he passes  Mar’s time yeah then make McDavid beat him   then make McDavid beat him exactly here we  go should be a good event beautiful stride  

Yeah he’s got speed of course he’s got amazing  hands lots of marinara in these Ms clean as a   whistle mess here it is this is the Difference  Maker who will go three for three or three for  

Four the Miss went for the big net first and  he missed it both times oh boy no no just get   one get one pulling them no oh this is  where it gets tough right you hear the   crowd moan you’re getting tired your spirit  has been sucked out of your body he going  

To ride a pucks well they’re going to bring  more over just in casage here comes the pck caddy we did not expect this no oh my god oh poor Manny is that it no just  finish off you never know abely someone could be

Worse yeah this is where you got to dig deep  and play just finish it for PR if you ain’t   first you’re last at the skills competition  in Toronto last too bad he was set out for a  

Good time he did everything else really that’s  Prov to be that’s proven to be the hurdle right   down it is that little net is n but you got  to just stick with one and hit that he missed  

The first couple then he went to a different  Target then he got a little bit of way off   balance there you got to stick with the same one  till you hit it second place is eight points in  

This round muscle memory bie muscle memory stay  with the first one eight points gets McDavid the [Music] win I guarantee he’s got a little  adrenalin run right now bii competitive   as he is so here it is getting crowned him  he’s got to beat mat 47.2 that’s his time  

Been debating it but now we’re going to  find out well a lot of people called this   the Conor McDavid Invitational if there was  no salary cap on the Range do we pay him 50   million so this is a way to get Conor an  extra million bucks let’s see I think he  

Wants to win 47 seconds for a million doll  that’s a good start oh just misses the this   is the narrow one this is the hardest one he  got it now this is an easy one for him that’s  

A piece of cake he’s going to do it just don’t  fall down Conor you’re going to win a million don’t fall down Connor and put the biscuit in the  basket $1 million shot here it is oh no problem  

What a performance what a performance by what  we thought was the best player in the National   Hockey League debatable maybe for some but now  we know BCI incredible incredible I love the compet $1 million to Conor McDavid the  man who help reimagine the event bring   some juice some drama mission accomplished how  

About the professionalism though  the compete that he shown just incredible a little rough  through the stick handling portion wo bar out was probably ahead of him at  this point but McDavid got the first net and then   finished off no problem just had a finish it  off here that was a unbelievable unreal what  

A performance all right the runner up was Kell  marar he’s with our Kevin weeks yeah he’s won   everything in this league he’s won everything in  the game and he was outstanding in this once again  

Take us through your run yeah just a little bit  of a rough rough start on the kind of Puck cones   there and uh knew just that knew that was going  to be the dagger so there’s one guy to beat today  

And it was him and do it what do you think of the  new setup I loved it this was awesome I mean you   get to do a couple extra things uh it’s pretty  late right now but uh no it was awesome like  

Just being able to interact with these guys and  then be able to contri or kind of compete in all   these events was a lot of fun I think these guys  have fun here too so uh definitely something to  

Keep in the back pocket for NHL fans hopefully  any family here from Calgary taking it in for   All-Star Weekend yeah some parents and stuff was  giv him a little look after that was a little bit  

A tough one but uh knew it wasn’t going to come  out my way when he’s going last so still a lot   of fun and kind of lost to a better guys though  great stuff long way from elbow Park keep it going  

Yeah I appreciate you so kale marar close second  place to our champion caror McDavid McDavid with   PK suban 1 million bones 1 million balloons  PK all right I’m here with with Conor McDavid  

Connor I’m sitting on the bench with JT Miller and  J looks at you and he looks at me and week he goes   one run for a million dollars and it seems like  every single time you’re on the ice you’re faced  

With the pressure the adversity to step up put  your team on your back represent your city you   do it how does it feel to be a millionaire now  and how do you do it every time yeah you know  

Obviously there’s money on the line and it’s fun  um you know special to go up against all these   guys here 12 12 of the best hockey players in the  world and um like I said we were here to put on a  

Show and hope the fans enjoyed it um I know I did  well you’re a consumate professional and you know   what for a lot of kids there’s a lot of kids  watching you’re a great example Conor McDavid  

Best player in the world right now folks shows it  again today shout out to Edmonton Oilers thanks   Conor appreciate that there we go Conor mcdavis 16  wins in a row currently they’ll go for their 17th  

In a row on ESPN plus Tuesday then he wins his  skills competition it’s pretty good to be Conor   McDavid right now who breaking news already was a  millionaire just so PK knows he was already Milli  

That’s true I just can’t I just keep getting  back to the same thing you know you come into   these events of course everybody’s a great hockey  player of course everybody wants to do well but   being able to do it well when the pressure is  on and in the moments the biggest Conor McDavid  

Came in here he was an instrumental in changing  the format had a big say in it and then came   out here and delivered it was just incredible  to watch what a performance by him and showed  

Why he’s the best player in the in the National  Hockey League and of course the best player in   the world getting the big check from Bill Daly $1  million now next on his agenda win a Stanley Cup  

That’s what uh he’s going to be putting all his  focus in to win a Stanley Cup and uh I’m sure at   some point in his career he’s going to do it for  Mark Miss I’m John bu Steve Levy take us home all  

Right bie excellent job from the main broadcast  Booth here with Ray Ferraro Ray we didn’t learn   anything tonight because we knew Conor McDavid  was the best player on the world and he proved   that once again here tonight nothing changed I  think Conor mcdavid’s the most evolved player  

Of all time I think he’s the greatest player  that’s ever played the game I think the game   will show that in history you watch him today  Nate McKinnon said last year he’s so much better   than everybody else and then you watch it when  they’re all together and it’s just remarkable to  

Watch him just think since just before Christmas  mcdavid’s won 16 straight games and a million   bucks has not lost since before the Christmas  season and McDavid said he enjoyed tonight kale   marar said he liked all the new changes NHL did a  really good job they got that right tweaking the  

Allstar skills competition so we’re 2third of the  way through this Allstar Weekend in Toronto the   Crown Jewel comes tomorrow the Honda NHL allstar  game we’ll see you all at 300 p.m. Eastern on ABC   it’s been a special night Conor McDavid he is your  champion and don’t forget about Alex gorv he won  

The goal tending competition 100 Grand to him a  million to McDavid thanks everybody for watching


  1. Fastest skater in the world…. hmmm maby not😂 in hockey league maby but i think there is "few" faster speed skater😁

  2. This was a disgrace to the game. None of these guys seemed to care that they were there. Go back and watch one from the 90s and see fun

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