Golf Babe

How LOW Can We Go??

In this latest video Gabby plays nine holes with Erin Lim Rhodes, the host of E!’s the rundown which has over 8 million followers on Snapchat she’s interviewed celebrities like Brad Pitt, the Kardashians, Cardi B, the rock, and many many more celebrities! Recently, she has found her love of golf and you know I had to get her on the golf course with me. We see how low we can go on nine holes, playing a scramble. We talk about how Erin got into the entertainment business and how she gotten into golf as well as much more!

This is Aaron Lim roads host of ease the rundown which has over 8 million followers on Snapchat she has interviewed celebrities like Brad Pit the Kardashians cardi B The Rock and many more now you can find her on the golf course because she has grown a true

Love for golf and I’ve always been a huge fan of hers so of course I had to try and get her on the golf course with me so here we go W woo all right Gabby I need to know what do you tell yourself before you tea off to

Fight your nerves and Jitters okay this is a great question that you just asked me because I’m like known for not known for this but I I do this a lot so I talk to myself positively like out loud people think it’s crazy but I literally say to myself I’m smashing this drive

This is going to be crushed I’m hitting it down the middle the only thing that’s helped me because I went through like a slump in my like Junior career of just getting so nervous and in like tournaments now I will go up there and be like I’m going to crush this drive

Watch this to myself and the other girls are like you’re why why are you talking to yourself and I’m like that’s what I do so positive selft talk is important how does this look is it good I love it okay so positive selft talk is so powerful

Like oh yeah even when it comes to career or just starting your day off like it can change everything it has been clinically proven yeah it when I tell you to change my golf game like it literally changed my golf game so has it ever happened where you’re like I’m

Going to crush this watch this and then it’s not yes yes and what do you do to shake off that embarrassment I just do it again like literally I’m I’ve trained myself to say if I hit a bad shot and I talk to myself positively and people

Think like and I’m embarrassed I will just go even more positive on the next shot like just step it up and it took me so long to be able to do that cuz I would get like embarrassed store I’d be like you know not positive be like shoot

I’m not doing this anymore but if I go Like A step above it even more positive like this shots going in the hole from like the trees I don’t know it’s just trained I’m feel so confident when I do that so it’s like that’s that’s my one

Tip to anybody who’s like starting out golf or even if you’re a top golfer and you need help like that’s what it is that’s just be positive I have not hit any shots no swim swings not even like a practice swing yet but I’m going to crush this anyways this is going right

Down the middle let’s get some swings in just practice this a little bit all right let me just change my mic cuz I do this every single time every single time all right this is going right down the middle I’m crushing this drive wow get right

Like even that was like an okay shot but you got to just step it up more positive the next time more positive I love that that was an okay shot for you when I would be so happy with that to crush this totally go all right let me just get a practice Swinging and we’re in the next Fairway that’s okay okay can I take another one yeah yeah Mullan on the first team Mullan on the first team totally good four it’s totally okay but you hear what I’m saying so after that shot be even more positive now like okay we’re going

To do this we got this I was a little nervous but it’s okay I’m not nervous I’m a badass yep smashed I’ll take it great shot that was crushed all right see what I’m saying you got to keep going away are you home school yeah so last year I

Turned to online school and it’s been honestly a Wonder because there’s no way I would be able to do what I’m doing yeah like it was hard enough to to juggle playing junior tournaments and everything um and going to school but now with the social media it’s even

Harder so we you hit a great shot that’s me that’s you so we can go there yeah totally you’re totally good actually it was pretty close though you crushed it so did it did it take some convincing to get your family on board with like my

Dad’s always wanted me to do home school so like it wasn’t that yeah it was always me that’s kind of like I don’t know and then as soon as I did social media I was like I got to do home schools no way wow nice here we go 61

Yards I think I should probably put my glasses on you don’t often see these come out but they’re coming out today it’s actually the first time I worn them cuz I lost my other pair so go go oh my go we’re draining it it’s all about the positive it’s all about the positive

Wow what we do that hey we’re on the green I think sit down I yeah we should take my shot right it’s totally good when do you think you’re going to get this hole in one oh I did I got it wait when did you get it I missed it I

Got it um 3 days ago oh my God I hly missed it what don’t include that 15 years had never gotten a hole in one I got one like recently a couple months ago and I was like you know what we should start this Challenge and I knew

It was going to be hard and then I got on the 14th day like that was so unexpected I can’t even tell you like I I wasn’t shocked I was just like this is impossible whose idea was it to do the whole like every we gain do you get one

Set um it was a group effort we kind of like all came up with like I forget who came up with the idea of the whole one not I came up with the idea of the hole in one no pause can we ackowledge you could haveen in go

Ahead um somebody came up with the idea of the hole in one I came up with the day challenge and someone else came up with the challenge of the money all right good putt birdie that’s one under so 158 yards um I hit SE I did play this whole yesterday actually for

The first time so I think I’m pin’s in the same spot I’m playing it like yeah I’m 160 six okay so you have the same thing so you have a six hybrid what Woods do you have tell me cuz I’m what did you say what Woods do you have I

Have a fivewood and 11 wood fivewood and 11 wood and then you have a six hybrid a six a five and a seven hybrid which I think I’m going to graduate out of soon should do a weight check to see whose bag is heavier oh my gosh we should do

That I would love to see that actually but do you have all the like up to five iron as well I actually don’t have a five iron but you have six iron I have a uh the hybrids I have a five hybrid a six hybrid instead of instead of those

Long irons that’s what I have seven iron eight iron got it that’s what I have yeah I have the same thing golf is not like it wasn’t big in our family at all actually like we’re not we were never really into golf can you beat your dad

Yeah my dad’s not a good golfer my dad shot an 84 he’s played 10 rounds in the past 10 years full rounds and he shot an 84 in his last round which is really good for someone who’s never plays I beat my dad by one stroke recently and

Let me tell it’s been months since and I haven’t played him since because I beat him and I just want to end on that get left get a little left I pushed that a little bit pushed it Go all right that I just hear George in my head no

Divot when you’re hitting a t- shot all right George in the hole Gabby oh I like that little move that’s definitely a George move I could tell oh yeah that was actually a good shot though it was a good shot in the wrong direction you hit it clean though I hit

It you hit it clean where it that’s that’s an improvement if you just like hit it clean like that every time it’s going to eventually start shaping out when it sounds good I’m happy I see this like like heish I don’t think it’s going to break

As much as it seems going to break as much as we think I think it’s like a foot and that’s it all right didn’t give it enough but he gave it a shot he gave it a shot definitely out right whoa that was not like yesterday they were Lightning

Fast all right all right it’s all on you okay inside right making this pet that was uh not what we want there I’m back to even that was that was not good that was really not good because there’s editing no well there we go that’s the P all right even so we’re

Even we needed fine we’re even yeah we’re fine we’re fine we’ll just get another Birdie on the next hole you know what learned that I love about this game there’s no photo on the score card no not except unless you’re videotaping for YouTube but then there’s this yeah andless you’re videotaping then there’s

The photo do you have golf XS what do you mean like like oh and someone does this on the golf course oh there’s a lot of those yeah no what’s your number one H that’s actually hard um I would say in a tournament I think it’s different but in a tournament when

A girl will be like try and like they try and distract you like they they do that a lot on tournaments like one girl came up to me and she’s like what’s your favorite candy bar and I’m like that’s a weird question to ask like and she kept

Doing that like favorite TV show before I would hit I was like that is so rude I was like bombing is d the middle of the Fairway wow get left I did the same kind of thing fine there how do we feel about it just hit a little bit right just kind

Of like faced out all right am I going all the way over there it’s all good we’re both on the right side we’ll be fine though so how did you get into golf how did you like start your golf Journey so in high school I played competitive soccer oh and I got burnt

Out and I was like I’m not doing soccer my dad was pissed he was so mad at me for quitting soccer this is what gets you into college this you’ve been doing your whole life what about all of the Investments we made into soccer I’m like

Yeah it’s not for me and so I didn’t have anything to do during six period when soccer was right and uh the athletic director was like Lim what are you going to do with your life and I was like nothing probably just focus on school now he’s like join the girls golf

Team and I said haha never done that not a golf he’s like no we need girls we’re begging you to join I’m like cool say less do I get out of fifth and sixth period And I I joined the golf team I sucked I didn’t know what I was doing my

Dad of course was stoked so this saved our relationship and so I like took a couple lessons I played like my last I guess my Junior and Senior year I was on the girls golf team um and was like the captain the final year but it was because we were a really

Bad team wasn’t that competitive Captain there was one girl on the team who was like really good anyway short a long story short I hadn’t played since high school and then my girlfriend Michelle was like uh come on my podcast and H LED better like they’re like hey come on our

Podcast it’s a golf podcast we know you go to the range we see at the range sometimes I’m like I don’t golf like that I just go to the range they’re like no come so I went on the podcast and then Michelle was like Hey playing this golf tournament with me the Celebrity

Golf Tournament it’s uh Justin Timber L’s tournament and I said absolutely not I’m not good I haven’t played since high school like no all we do is we have a good time we have a couple drinks we don’t keep the score like we just party

And I’m like okay let’s do it and I had the best time ever and I learned that golf was about camaraderie making friendships laugh you got the bug after that yeah we did scrambles so I was partnered with the legendary Eric C and I’m like a skateboarding tomboy girl

Like so it was so cool so fun Justin ter like an idol so Michelle an idol so it was just such a good time and then from last April I was like I’m going to get good I’m going to dedicate myself to this I’m going to and you got George I

Got on with George and so from April to now I’ve just been at it and addicted and here we are that’s a pretty good story I mean definitely got the bug I got theg in a different way I mean he knows George knows exactly what he’s

Talking about um I think to add that to that maybe from what I’ve seen is just like that speed at the ball thing that I said like if you can just get the top speed like all I do is worry about Tempo and crushing it at the ball because I

Think the face automatic turns over if you can like get that speed right because I think if you if you don’t have as much speed if you’re not hitting your max speed at the ball then your face just kind of like gets held up at the ball you know what I

Mean all right positive and smoke it at that ball just as fast as you can in between your feet I’m in a hole hang on this you have to scramble it’s all good all right go go go I’m happy it went in the right direction I mean that

Was dead straight it’s rolling up there actually that was a great shot thank you even on that drive I did I kind of let off of it and because I let off of it it goes right like that’s what I it’s the same problem that I have like if I go if

I’m slower here or I’m faster here and not as fast here I end up hit oh somebody hit it over here all right max speed at the ball is going right next to the hole wow go go go to see it little bit short maybe the

Wrong Club just a little bit cuz I kind I swung that hard do you ever talk pop culture on your show no but I’m like the biggest pop culture fan like ever wait okay so let’s talk who’s your favorite artist right now um my favorite artist

Is Hy and Justin Bieber oh Same Love Justin Bieber justtin Bieber is like yeah really she’s two and she loves the song baby that’s so cute it’s our Anthem and then wait who’s your like favorite like what’s your favorite show or your favorite movie right now okay so

My favorite show is not pop pop culture but my second favorite show is the Kardashians like I really am obsessed with the Kardashians I’m going to get so much hate in the you know that this is the land of the kardashi yes I know that’s why I’m so excited to be here

Tell you all the places you need to go to okay cuz I’m going to do it today seriously okay have you heard of Crossroads that’s yes that’s Courtney’s restaurant or it’s Travis yeah so that’s right over here in calasses um is that good yeah it’s really good oh really

Yeah it’s like vegan or vegetarian but it’s actually very good um let me think where else so the commons that little area that little shopping plaza they always there um like my heart’s going fast air is right here the famous airw thatone that what is it like a it’s a it’s actually a

Grocery store like a organic Whole Food Super Market but they have a food section great place to get lunch or a coffee or a drink they have all the smoothies the haly bie oh my gosh guys this is like my I I haven’t been to Calabasas yet I have to

Go go to a calasses you’ll at least see someone or two really um let me get my list together this I’m like this is this is oh wait you can move it up here oh yeah that’s right let’s see wait one two three four five six seven right by that

Air a scary moment for me right by the air is Kylie’s like HQ oh good chip that was a great chip okay come on go see the greens are so much slower than this we’re using my shot Victory all right you go ahead let’s not miss this one like the

Last one I’m like these greens are killing me today holy cow good putt that was an up and down all by Aaron by the way that was not entirely no the up and down was you that was oh that wait that was yeah that was

You oh my gosh that was all you love project gol you officially started playing when you’re five and your first tournament when you’re five yeah how did you do in that first tournament I came in fourth place that’s out of okay but out of six hey you still beat two people out of

Six and then like I think around my like 10th t no then the next tournament no on like my 10th tournament I won I won your 10th tournament but you have to understand us kids golf is like it’s there’s like five people that are playing so it’s like you win but it’s

Like hey I still shot like two over so nine holes so I was like excited six years old someone call you a prodigy Gabby has a fan out here yeah of course that’s so good that’s so cool yeah let’s take a picture he said put up 20 bucks on the

Shop around with Gabby and fans okay oh you saw that video yeah with George that was yesterday do it all right let’s take a picture grab that one two taking taking taking got it perfect nice meeting you guys no I don’t say gab I gab lope oh no isn’t that the other

Golfer thank you I don’t speak anything but English I wish just I can barely barely speak English I can barely I’m struggling with English so all right so this is over the water so I thought that was the hole yesterday oh over there there’s another

Over the water no this is we got to go for like the bunker here right all right let’s try and get my driver a little bit better right now hitting a little bit right but should be fine there yeah it’s fine I mean I watched a whole movie on that

Flight huh I watched a whole movie on that flight I was such a long I hope it’s good it should be fine actually good we made it over the water actually George gave me a lesson on this shot yesterday so my least favorite shot is anything from 30 to 50

Yards like I freak out when it happens okay same freak out but give me the tips that you learned so what I learned okay this is 64 the way I got a hit I I’m like so used to just bringing my L down and making it like a real swing for like

30 yards and he was telling me to like kind of be more Loosey Goosey with it and just like throw my hands through basically on that shot and it was working so I’ll take it so we’re going to try that today yeah so this is

64 oh buddy sit down all right I totally uh hit that off the What’s this called off I don’t the this part that yeah the neck that’s right all right let’s put it right next to the hole okay I may go half a foot left just because I feel like everything goes this

Way this is going right next the hole yeah right oo really long 64 yards is actually playing like 58 I probably should have just took a shorter swing on that I think it that was good speed it didn’t go oh it was right to left though

H was right to left it was a little right to left but I hit a little bit too hard where were you aiming I aimed like right here just a little bit it was like slightly all right let’s see wait so when you found out since you’re like a fan of my show

I’m a huge fan like I I watch it every single morning basically me so happy when you found out that I started golfing like what was your well I said to my dad because I follow you on Instagram and I was like i s to my dad I

Was like Aaron limb plays golf and he’s like oh really like cuz it’s not like most celebrities don’t really play golf you know like I’m little baby today us I’m draining these things I hit a million of these in practice so I got to make this one okay dead straight in the

Hole nice putt uh we had a par there so we need we’re still even right yeah we’re still even don’t worry about that we we got to get some more birdies though we do so wait you were like Dad you’re golfs I yes it’s exactly what

Happened actually I was like we need cuz we need to get more people into golf and I was just like you know I want to get DJ khed would totally get DJ khed do you know um hi lead better no I don’t really know her so her dad is like the

Legendary yes I know that I know that she’s a girlfriend of mine and she like is on a texting B DJ oh that’s so cool I think you need to golf with hie and she can totally intro you to DJ that would that would be pretty SI both live in

Florida Could Happen yeah oh yeah so he yeah he lives in my so giving away one cent to every follower until I D that’s that’s a good one if you if that happens I’m gonna have to come down there with you as oh yeah you’re totally you’re

Totally invited if we’re playing with DJ C he so I did a video with I did a video saying I really want to play with golf with DJ khed so comment DJ khed in the comments and I’ll give away like a pair of shoes and I said let’s get 1,000

Comments and I got like 3,000 comments and and he reposted it but he didn’t get back about playing so now we need to now we just need to follow up you know yeah we got to we got to blow it up he dm’ me but he didn’t like he didn’t he didn’t

Like bless up wait so what’s your favorite DJ c one liner oh my gosh my brother will say perhaps what is this the one where he goes with the with the drink so every time my brother grabs a drink he’s like and perhaps what is this

Brother he’s 12 oh my God but he’s taller than me just you two yeah it’s just us and does he golf no he hates golf more than anything he hates it more than anything wow he’s like you the only actually he met George yesterday and he

Was like he was like you know what I like George he’s a cool golfer like he likes that he’s cool and like chill he’s like he’s not like any other golfer that I’ve met I’m like he may spot he actually hit a shot the other yesterday oh that was a good one get

Left okay you’re safe there that was actually a good shot it’s going we’re going to need Gabby to the this is a narrow Fairway like this actually isn’t like two bunkers right there I’ll going a little bit right with my driver I’m going to have to fix that

Later but it’s working on this course so we’ll take it you like it thank you so have you been to the kingdom before no I haven’t been I’m excited to go i’ I’m I’ve been waiting so I’m I’m kind of excited but I’m sure it’s like an

Experience have you been I haven’t been to the kingdom I’m a Callaway girl oh okay so they they they have one though right C has like their yeah they have their car’s where you’re going yeah never been is Carl’s Bad nice yeah it is like be honest near San Diego beach is

Town I’ve never really hung out there other than like getting my we’re we’re not staying in C bad but um yeah I have to go to calabas I’m super excited I wanted to go today I was like okay so in the comments there’s this really cute little cafe called La La Land

Um oh health nut you got to get a health nut salad you know those big salads they’re constantly shaking health nut okay so I’m I’m going to be like a tourist and I’m going to go see all the sites so you should plot to on my page I’m going to

All of the places here but I can find the Kardashians Crossroads Health Nut um what was it oh air one yeah I got to go to that I say those three you should be good with your limited time I’m I’m like really excited High shot over this

Lip yeah this is a lot of green to work with so it’s going to roll go actually a good shot though that’s how you want to play it take that okay so this is probably like 30 yards I’m trying something new I’ve never never done this before but this is like not my

Favorite shot and George Gan has said for me to do like this kind of like more Loosey Goosey chip I’m going to try it here we go okay hey did it work sit down sit down clean chip definitely rolled out a lot but it was a clean chip

How did it feel for you it felt great I think I just hit it too hard I just got a little bit like pushed it up there you know what I mean all right so that’s actually for birdie though it’s not like an up and down this is a par for we just

Almost drove the green that felt good it just was a little bit little bit long I just took it back too far you know what it is cuz if I would have hit that was 58 degree would have been perfect I just was so used to hitting the it’s not that

Bad though wait so you didn’t answer my big question do you want to be in the LPGA so that’s a complicated question I would I I want to get through like I want to play D1 golf okay and then I want to see where I’m at like I enjoy

Doing the Social Media stuff like that’s what I enjoy doing and if LPGA comes like I don’t know what the future holds I if that comes obviously that’s an incredible opportunity and like you have to do that that’s just amazing it’s a dream of every girl’s dream to play on

The lpj tour but I I don’t know like I don’t know where I’m going to be at I don’t know what my thought process is going to be I don’t know ask you this what skill set do you want to learn by the time it comes to choosing your

Career that’s a very good question I never thought of it um I think I really do have to be honest I think I really want to be in the social media space when it comes to golf I just enjoy it like I love love love creating content

So I could my my mind could change and be like no I want to be on the LPGA Tour but I’m not sure you seem like someone who might want to do like broadcast journalism what’ you say you seem like someone who might want to do broadcast journalism yeah something like that television

Yeah oh oh get in the hole are you kidding me right now she just like drained it while talking to the camera she’s like that was that was awesome great putt that just went right in the hall I was like as soon as you hit it I

Said to myself this has a chance of going in that was a great putt I think it’s uh all the live TV that I experienced this weekend that kind of just so tell the camera yeah how did you get into your um broadcasting and everything that you do like how did what

Was that choice for you um so I knew since I was like a young kid that I wanted to be in entertainment I was always like making my own home videos stealing my parents camcorder or having my own fake talk show at home talking to

No one and so like I always knew okay I want to be in entertainment whether in front or behind the camera yeah my parents and my teachers at school always used to call me a ham and so I was like I want to do something and I was like

Maybe I want to be an actor and my parents were like maybe you should go to school so like you know I want to study broadcast journalism because I like pretending I have my own talk show and being a reporter doing fake newscasts so I pretty much just knew since middle

School I wanted to go to broadcast journalism school um for college and then I went to Chapman University in Orange County studied there and my last two years of college I pretty much treated it like it was my career and I was like hosting for the local Orange

County news station yeah during college and then once I graduated college I was like I’m going to move to Singapore and start my career there and I didn’t have a job offer out there but I visited Singapore saw that there was like Prospect and promise and and that’s what

Just you decided to do and you and then how did you get into Ean that’ll be a story for the next hole we were talking about manifestation earlier before I moved to Singapore it was like my goal to work at e work for E new oh really

Ryan Crest Juliana rans those were like my idols and when I was going to Asia I was watching E news Asia and I was like maybe I can get En New Asia and that can like train me for E Hollywood yeah so I move to Asia I host like a

Bunch of different shows throughout southeast Asia Singapore Thailand Taiwan Indonesia and then an e-s producer emailed me and was like hey I saw you in a newspaper clip I looked up your website and saw you’re real I saw that you studied broadcast journalism can you come in for a casting

For en Asia and I said absolutely that is my goal I moved all these miles away from home so I that and yeah I started working en Asia I was a producer and a correspondent there I did a lot more on the backend production side than hosting but anyway

I built my reel at en Asia and then I randomly came home to visit my family in LA and I emailed the E Hollywood team and I said I’m in town can I visit the HQ and they’re like how about we do an easia special direct from Hollywood

Great manifested my own special and then from there a casting person from E Hollywood like who’s that girl let’s have her be our new correspondent here in la oh wow and so yeah that’s crazy that’s a really cool story yeah um I had already had a Snapchat and I was always

Documenting my life and being like a little journalist just showing what I’m doing and then Snapchat was launching this uh separate type of Discovery Channel and they’re like our first show is going to be an E news collaboration and so it was the first show out of the gates on snap and I

Didn’t even know I was like casting for it they just brought me in to read a couple lines and say how would you tell this news story to a friend really casual um break it down I did it and then they pulled me into the office and they’re like congrats you’re hosting the

First ever Snapchat Discovery show it’s going to be airing in a couple months that was in September of 20 no 16 2016 it was like a hit out of the gates and at first it was one day a week then they’re like we want two days

A week now we want three days a week W there was a time they were like let’s do seven days a week you’re like now it’s four days a week all right let’s crush it all right there we go started hitting a little bit more straight off the t is

That what they call a stripe show I don’t know put this anywhere oh man oh four no but the swing looks great actually I have my days when my drives can be amazing but I haven’t taken I haven’t taken a lesson in so long like

Over a month and I’m like how do I gol sometimes it happens you get like a lot of sink I mean Nelly CTO was saying that she um yeah when she doesn’t see her coach and she’s on the road like on the lpj tour and they’re traveling she

Doesn’t see her coach like all these habits just come you know it’s so hard to come it’s so hard to just keep in check you know well yeah and it’s like every Club requires something different right driver’s not the same as a wedge with like a million like I have a I have

Notes in my phone where I’m like these are my D these are my CH yeah exactly all right here we go oh go get up see what you know what I’m saying all right I got it it’s not my shot go didn’t give it enough all right we can put that

Though not what you want when you’re 40 yards away and that’s what you when you’re 40 yards away and you have a chance for Eagle actually not that far though this is a chip in all right we’re making this chip got to make up for the last one wow wow

See we had to make it up after that chip over there that was beautiful all right we’re good so now what are we are we too under now yeah we’re two under you biring on the last hole and I be bir here two under on how many holes I don’t

Even know what hole this is I’m going to golf with you every time oh yeah we’re going to be scrambling we’re going to be like nine under on eight holes so have you messaged Justin Bieber to get a around in with him yet I have but I

Don’t know if he’s going to my mom’s a bigger is my mom is a bigger Justin Bieber fan than oh go that actually could be good that could be good uh we’d have to up and down it’s all good that was a good shot okay I’m H an incredible shot nice

Go go I hit that a little bit thin so o no wow Gabby thanks I hit it a little bit thin so it kind of went lower usually goes really high you’re taking me to school today I’m learning something so who’s your number one Tik

Tocker right now like who do you love to follow I don’t actually go on Tik Tok oh really yeah I don’t I don’t know why I just never kind of got into it yes I’m really on Instagram a lot let’s this three birdies in a

Row oh what am I doing I don’t know how tool today it’s all good let’s see I’m going to go about I’m going to go half a foot I thought that was in it was it broke a lot actually all right gorgeous finally made a today you

Did that with some confidence the last one that little tap in oh yeah I do that all you know I I saw someone say this when you’re playing a friendly match and like you’re within a foot just put it with one hand because if you miss it

It’s like you hit it with one hand so like it counts and I was like that is really kind of amateur but I’m going to take it I’m going to use it because like why not do with the little confidence boom just one hand because if it goes in

You look amazing and if it doesn’t go in it’s then no one no one’s going to say anything so when it comes to getting good like I want to be good like I see I’m making improvements here and there but then I have like I have like really

Lame shots as you’ve seen so like what’s your number one advice to make improvements I would say obviously going to the range is great but two things again with the positivity positivity um overwhelming positivity and I would say play as many rounds as you possibly can

The range is great like you want want to work on your swing but sometimes when you get into the like I got to do this I got to do this I got to do this sometimes when you just feel it out and you go out there and you just hit a

Bunch of different shots that can just make you like you’re going to get better at putting you’re going to get better at chipping saving par you know like you’re not just going to be working on the swing which is great and you have to do that but like I would say playing as

Many rounds of golf and just being super positive when you’re out there so if you don’t have time because eventually in life you will see you run out of time the older you get what like what is your advice for people who are just intimidated about how long golf is oh

Yeah I would say I mean you don’t have to like go out there and play 18 holes you really you don’t even have to go play nine like I would say I go out there I’ll practice and then I will every single day like play five holes

That’s it like I just go out there and I just put everything I can into the five holes that I play and like you’ll see a lot of golfers will just go out there and just play a few holes oh the go all right see made over the water

You’re fine all right here we go it’s going in the hole ni shot go wow oh my gosh I got scared actually my heart dropped I thought that was like at the hole that was gorgeous all right we’re good I need alignment tips I don’t

Think I line my ball up how I’m supposed to on the tea or just like on just like yeah when I’m taking I don’t know when I’m just do you step your feet apart before you swing cuz I find that helps so much what does that do like I think

It just you start if you start with your feet together and look at the line and then do one foot at a time I find that that just aligns my feet perfectly and you’re looking at something like a couple feet in front of you that’s in line with your target

Too much Aaron why did I pound it I want to retake I think cuz it feels like it’s straight but it’s actually downhill actually now I’m seeing a little bit of right to left making this PO little bit right to left just at the end all right so this is this is this

Our last hole here this is our last hole so what are we two under two under I’ll take that I I don’t we didn’t set our expectations low but they were it was a reachable goal you know it was tangible and like I said four under last time we

Played with like I did a scramble you might have been able to do that and we were like not even close number one celebrity you know personally like number one or like you have their contact in their in your phone oh my gosh if you have to think that means

There’s a lot well I’m trying to think of one that would that you would be like oh that’s cool I’m pretty sure I know most of gosh I don’t know let me think about it this is like my hardest question you can take some time to think about it I’ll take some D

Okay we’re going to crush this drive crush it here we go wow you know what I was doing on my drives the first couple shots I just wasn’t doing the speed I was teaching you to hit the speed of the ball but I wasn’t doing that on my drives uh go

Back to your alignment and I would just look at that spot make sure your Club is fac there make sure that your feet are fac there and just take it slowly slowly and then look at the actual Target your you actually face your feet to that little Target right there yeah so I

Would say which one where’s your spot okay like left of this or like it’s that it’s right here this is my spot right here this right here right there all right right here so go ahead and line up if this is your spot okay okay when you get up to the

Ball put your feet together and align your feet like point it like that like that perfect now make sure your face is aim there and now slowly take your feet yeah so now your feet are straight towards that align how does my line look from where you are looks good maybe just

A little bit more left like that way yep perfect how do I go all the way over there if this is my spot over there if that’s my spot the pole my face should be basically facing that way so if you’re hitting it right then you want to just turn your body

Over oh my gosh go go that was the best shot I’ve hit though clean it was so clean that was a crisp shot go that just might have been not enough Club but that was a great shot yeah not enough okay so this seems right to

Left what are you seeing boss I’m seeing a little right to left but a little bit left to right at the end got to close this out and make a birdie here I see okay I’ll okay you said a little right to left I see a little bit right to left

And then a little left to right at the end right oh come on get in the hole good putt really good all right we’re going to make it this is on you okay I think I see that it’s just dead straight basically come on Gabby okay no pressure this is for Justin

Bieber and djed oh my gosh almost saw this he almost saw I know two under on nine two under under on nine two under on nine holes we’ll take it we just played a rainy nine holes rainy nine holes and two under on a scramble so pretty pretty good I look

So ridiculous all right guys that was a wrap on nine holes scramble two under we definitely beat our score with Aron Lim she was amazing go follow her if you haven’t already in the description I had a great time at Aaron Lim roads um and go watch the rundown as well thank you

Much you carried us but you know I think one or two good shots she had that but she I mean she played great actually no I learn I learned a lot from you thank you for that I can’t wait to hang out with you again oh yeah definitely Aran

Crossroads yes that’s what we’re going to be doing today by the way what was the other place I told you um oh health nut yeah that’s where we got to go big famous Kardashian salad oh yeah thanks for watching see you guys next time


  1. I still can’t get over how this young lady has such an infectious attitude. She plays great and lifts everyone she plays with. ✊✊👌👌🙏🙏🙏

  2. A golf channel dropping lessons for life. To train your mind to step up to even next level positive when things don’t go well is such great advice. You’ve earned that strength through lots of adversity no doubt Gabby.

  3. I really loved this one!! Great golf and great questions between the two of you. And on top of that, also a couple of great playing tips 🙂 Go Gabby and Erin!!

  4. I don’t know who Miss Rhodes is, but we suffer from the same slicey hit the ball right challenge lol. As always, I like the different type of guest, and I always like on the course fun. Cool that you’re both working with George. Thank you, as always, Gabby. Can’t wait for the next one.🙏❤️

  5. In the 1980's, I produced a video with U of Utah's gymnastics coach, Greg Marsden. Greg's teams were NCAA National Champs 10 times during a 15-year stretch.. Greg was adamant that the most important thing he taught was Positive Thinking. And, Greg always had a Sports Psychologist on staff. I love hearing Gabby emphasize positivity in her vids. Gabby is 100% right, IMO.

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