Golf Players

Super Bowl champ Brad Johnson | FSU fans still pummeling Herbie | Wake Up Warchant (2/7/24)

#FSUfootball #FloridaStatefootball

(3:00) Kirk Herbstreit continues to get battered online by angry FSU fans

(20:00) Some NFL Draft thoughts

(25:00) Will Jordan get drafted?

(29:00) Kids driving Lambos lol

(35:00) Brad Johnson on a resilient football life!

Music: Toby Keith – I Wanna Talk About Me

#Warchant #MikeNorvell #FSUFootball2024 #CollegeFootball #Seminoles #CFB #Recruiting #Noles

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Florida State, Florida State football, FSU football, Seminoles, recruiting, Noles, FSU, Mike Norvell

From tally to Cali it’s time to wake up up is your ultimate seminal sport source and this is wake up warchant presented by Corner Pocket Bar and Grill one corner pocket now here’s ass on Hut of Vy and Cory Clark wake up what is up everybody it’s

Wake up orch presented by Corner Pocket bar and gr coming up on today’s show when and where will Kirk herb Street go into Witness Protection after drawing the ey of Florida State fans once again on social media and 40 good minutes with Brad Johnson Super Bowl 37 Champion we talk about

Everything his time in Florida State his time in London and yes winning a Super Bowl wake up War champ presented by Corner Pocket Barn Grill Tallahasse Florida CP the website 2475 appalache Parkway that’s the physical address top of the hill go check them out lunch special on Wednesday five

Piece chicken wings and french fries sauce of you’re choosing can’t can’t go wrong can’t miss the wings fantastic I would read all the in uh flavor varieties Corey but my goodness there’s I think probably 20 of them but not limited to Obi blend Mad Dog 537 Carolina gold uh Guinness

Barbecue wow they got some exotic I’m I’m just a buffalo medium guy Cory I’m a buffalo medium guy but variety of plenty for you over at the corner pocket bar and gr check them out and don’t forget tomorrow night Bingo 7:00 win money Corner Pocket Bar and Grill have you

Tried any of those exotic varieties of chicken wings Cory at the corner no I have I’ve tried the garlic parm which is good Stephanie gets that um she also gets uh oh I can’t remember the other one she gets that she really likes but no man mang habanero I’m pretty boring

Mild but it doesn’t matter any flavor you got uh it’s good I can’t remember the other one gosh darn it I will before the end of the show Teriyaki heat lemon pepper honey mustard Carolina gold s Carolina gold Carolina gold yep that’s a good one boom there we go had it that’s

A good one they’re all good I shouldn’t say that that makes it sound like other ones aren’t but uh Carolina Gold’s the one she’s had that she also really really likes less than 30 days until matrimony huh countdown who’s counting though aslon who’s counting the life together

Man it’s it’s going to be one day after another one day better than the next uh in uh Stephanie’s downstairs she just heard me talking it’s actually the lemon pepper to go along with the Carolina gold she does not do garlic parm I’ve done garlic parm and really like those

Too there we go your Ultimate suble Sports Source won’t you hit the thumbs up if you’re listening to us on YouTube maybe five star ring and review oh I should have had a podcast review up to uh list off but uh I don’t I failed everybody and I apologize Cory

How are you man I’m good buddy I’m good how are you doing good good we got a good good strong show in the middle of a a somewhat slowish week when you’re talking about college football really good interview with with Brad Johnson that’s fun everybody so stick around for

That one it’s like almost 40 minutes long yeah thanks for him for giving us a lot of time that was great we could have kept going too I feel like I feel he was in no rush so we appreciate him taking time out um he is a very beloved person

In the Florida state circles maybe not as beloved this happened a couple days ago but we haven’t spoke since I you know I I’m I’m I’m with you guys I’m on your side I I don’t have a pitchfork or a torch but I’m I’m on that

Side of the the fence when it comes to all this I don’t want to say I feel bad for this guy I just wonder what’s going through his mind Kirk herb stre the other day Cory you guys talked a little bit about this on headlines I guess uh

Four page thread on the tribal council Kirk just out of nowhere I don’t know man the Hornets Nest was all right man like the horn The Nest is being rebuilt DJ OU angal is here uh Lola is here like everybody’s here Malik B we’re rebuilding the nests we’re all right

We’re worker bees we’re making everything go and then he he he tweeted he he exed again saying no matter how hard this Lunatic Fringe portion of well no I would I would suggest you to go scroll down his page because it starts I can tell you how it started uh which is funny

Actually oh there it is those are all here are all the oh all the there all the quot tweets he went on he went on a rampage so what happens is he somebody tweeted out a picture of Montana some but somebody did a video of Joe Montana

Um score throwing a touchdown I don’t know against somebody they won seven to3 something like that in the playoffs then herb Street goes could watch Joe Montana All Day poetry emotions talks about Joe Montana so obviously like I told you guys would happened every time he tweets

About football there are going to be dozens upon dozens of Florida State fans tweeting about him about whatever he just tweeted about and turning it back to Florida State so uh TQ oh this is B says uh what are your thoughts on Steve Young as his backup should they have

Canceled the season when he came into the game for Montana uh # hypocrite and then herb Street has rolly Smiley emojis and that’s it and then just after that it just starts it starts going on and on what he doing somebody ESPN take the phone away from him well that’s the

Problem is like why does he and I said this on headlines like I have I don’t even know what I have let me look how many KB Street has Kirk herb Street has 1.7 million followers yeah I have like 40 some 40,000 43,000 or something

That’s too many for me to even look in the notifications cuz I don’t want to spend all day arguing with people or reading something not flattering about myself so I’ll tweet and very very rarely do I do I look at my notifications just because I don’t want

To be drawn into something because I know my personality and Kirk herb Street has 1.7 million followers and yet he’s rolling into those notifications deep into him looking for any sort of grievance that he can quote Tweet back and make fun of the floorida seemingly make fun of the Florida State

Fan and argue with the Florida State fan because they still haven’t forgotten what happened uh three months ago but read that so it’s a bunch of him people calling him saying calling him a clown a picture of him with a clown nose on it him retweeting that saying but you’re

The one that follows me blah blah blah I’m a corporate shill LOL all this nonsense but do read that last tweet the one where he kind of wraps it up and stops retweeting everyone no matter how hard this Lunatic Fringe portion of the FSU fan base tries

I refuse to hold this against the nolles and their real fans been a fan of null team since the early days of Bobby Bowen in the early 80s and will continue to respect that brand and its tradition for as long as I’m covering college football see in Ireland week

Zero so oh K it’s not it’s just not and I and I talked about this on headlines I just hope he doesn’t think he’s going to roll into a Dublin bar the Friday night before the game or the Thursday night before the game when whenever he gets

There or the hotel bar and think that he’s going to like be welcomed by the real Florida State fans what does that mean cuz the real ones are pissed off too man and again there’s not going to be any violence there better not be there should be that’s way way way above

The line and look he is a big dude I would not I I would not uh you know kind of warn you guys about trying to get into an altercation with him you don’t need to uh if you guys are listen I mean I get you’re mad but man you

He I’m not saying he needs a bodyguard for personal security I don’t think it’ll get like that but he is not imagine like we’re at the Dublin booster party the night before the game and Kirk herb Street walks in oh my gosh yeah no way it’s going to be nothing but booze

He would be booed so much he’d have to leave and those Kirk are also real Florida State fans they’re in Ireland they traveled across the flipping ocean to go watch the game so I don’t know that he thinks this is some small sect of Twitter that doesn’t speak for the

Whole fan base now look there’s I’m sure that he gets he gets tweeted a bunch of just awful stuff I get that those those are The Lunatic Fringe but the people that just tell him he’s wrong or making fun of his thoughts on you know Joe Montana and Steve Young uh you know

Those are real fans too and he’s he’s in it’s it’s an interesting situation that he keeps doubling and tripling down and even responding to it but he does so I that’s that’s what I don’t understand is why even look why even respond it just brings more and more hate towards you

And the hate not hate might be a strong word well no it’s not for that for how he handled himself people hate the way he handled himself for those two weeks well man you brought it on yourself so don’t act like the don’t do something that completely diminishes the program

That these people cheer for because they lost one player and then get upset when they get upset with your opinion you’re allowed to have an opinion people are allowed to disagree with your opinion that’s how that’s how interactions work and Kirk herb Street here we are in the

Early February we are what are we two months removed now from it barely yeah and he’s still he’s still egging it on it’s just bizarre yeah I don’t know I feel uncomfortable now I feel uh like I feel the I’m like like I’m being empathetic almost to him which I maybe shouldn’t be

Like I I I probably understand like what he’s feeling and I feel bad for don’t you don’t retweet people that tweet you nasty things no no because all that does is bring more people out that are anti Aon and they’re everywhere everywhere I go in Tallahassee I bump into people

Thaton falling out of them so that’s like I’m not saying you you you can’t feel well I mean look he brought it on himself because his his opinions were not they were just opinions though man imagine if he actually was on the committee like almost he needs he needs

He needs a docks the committee members like here’s their Twitter handle here’s their phone number but I think the people I think the people think that he has he has influence and sway over that committee and I don’t disagree he also says that nobody watches more live college football games than him which

Tom Lang has always been bothered by him saying this when he when people bring up his credentials and why he gets why how would he know who the best team is and he said literally he tweeted it nobody watches more college football than me he

Said I watch 11 to 12 live footb games every week and Tom Lang’s point is well that’s just a Flatout lie you don’t cuz you’re calling a game on a Saturday you’re also calling an NFL game on a Thursday so let’s say you watch the Friday night game which okay sure let’s

I’m sure you’re dialed into Syracuse and Virginia on a Friday night you’re watching every down of that you’re certainly not watching every down of what Georgia Georgia Tech when you’re calling the Florida Florida State game you can’t it’s physically impossible to watch now he can say he goes back and

Watches them on tape but he keeps making a point of saying I watch them live which is just bizarre because he doesn’t that is a lie and it’s a provable lie but and it’s not a misspeak because he’s tweeting it and he continually tweets it it’s like buddy you are not watching 11

Live football games a weekend that’s impossible mathematically with the job you have so I mean maybe he’s talking about having six going at one time but does that really count as watching them live that’s like when I’m at corner pocket on a Sunday I guess you could say

I’m watching those nine NFL games that are being played at once live but I’m really kind of dialed into the Browns or the Falcons so anyway that’s that’s neither here nor there but like he would he could earn a lot of credit back number one if he ever ever gave

Any like other than saying I get it I get it sucks for you guys but if he could ever like State the other side and say look I agree I see what you’re saying but that that Florida state was more than Jordan Travis and those wins should matter I just think that Alabama

Was better blah blah blah but he doesn’t really do that and then the biggest mistake he makes is he keeps interacting with them like why look asot if you had two million two million followers would you look at your notifications no no absolutely why is he

I don’t know man that’s weird right I guess he’s thinking that it should be done by now but to your point I guess he still does tweet you don’t look at it but maybe he wants to see how people are engaging cuz he’s he’s talking about has

Nothing to do with Florida State so he wants to see what people are you know hey like I I want to talk about this Stanford thing or something you know so let let me see what people are saying in regards to and it’s just two months every single day of hey our backup

Quarterback uh could you know like it’s it’s all it’s constantly that man like it’s just it’s that no matter what like yeah well I told you it’s like with the uh I I compared it to uh the Taylor Swift fans going after Kim Kardashian like every time she posts something on

Instagram every single thing and that’s her whole life that’s how she built a I guess an Empire all these swifties just respond with snake emojis to everything she’s saying she could be holding her newborn baby in the hospital and it’s going to be hundreds thousands of fans

Just re just sending snakes to her because of whatever their stupid uh I don’t know Kur fuffle was so it’s it that’s never going to stop and Herb Street needs to realize this ain’t stopping anytime soon and I I don’t know what he’s expecting in August I don’t

Know what kind of reception he thinks he’s going to get from norell uh how that how any of this is going to work I just hope it’s certainly not going to be a fun game day set for them uh wherever they are in Dublin although I guess

They’ll be in the stadium they won’t be downtown so that’ll help but his interactions with Florida the real Florida State fans these are real Florida State fans and they’re mad because the stuff you said was stupid and they all agree with it and so anyway

A lot of people ask this if we’d ever have herb Street on on the show and Ira said he he didn’t think he could pull off the interview uh Jeff said he you know maybe why couldn’t he pull off the interview cuz he’d get so mad that that

He he’d get so mad at him he he’d have a hard time keeping a professional remember Ira pretty hard now you were with him um so and I said I said he was fine he was fine he really was he was but but the

One thing I would say that I I said this on headlin so I’m going to repeat myself I apologize folks but that if I we should I was say we should do a sit down with him at Ruby Diamond like a KN with Kirk Cory and Kirk hashing it out for an

No obviously he wouldn’t do that but the one thing I would have a the biggest problem I would have would be I would ask him because I brought this up if Alabama doesn’t complete that pass against Auburn and fourth and 31 do they deserve to be in the the playoffs ahead

Of Florida State no they had two losses yeah I right but so so then you’re saying Kirk that record does matter either either you think they’re the best team or regardless of whatever it says in that L column or you don’t so you keep talking about how you’re tasked

With with figuring out the four best teams okay well then Alabama whether they completed that pass or not in your eyes is better than Florida State that’s one play out of a thousand football plays this year they complete that one and they’re better than Florida State and if they don’t complete it they’re

Not so do you see how that seems kind of subjective and and and not really it’s it’s not a real measure that that and I would want to see what he actually said about that that’s all and that’s where I might have a hard time like letting him continue to talk

Depending on what he said so when I was in television in Mississippi just there was nothing going on and I had to do a three and a half minute Sports cast but there’s there was nothing going on there was like no basketball games that day football was not starting spring there was just

Nothing can I ask you so when you did those the the television of Mississippi in Montana and I guess Dothan too or we repres represent yeah Dothan yeah so those little those those the the commercials they have for you guys like the 5c in Aon was sports

Right right this is your sto this is your you know Action News team right and they they put y’all all on the screen together yeah what was your pose um did you have like a pose like did you did you did you kind of look into the camera and point or did you

Like put your shoulder to the camera and kind of look over your shoulder at it what would you do we didn’t do a lot of those every other station did that made me upset cuz I funny enough more people probably saw me record teases which is like the 10-second thing you’ll see

During Wheel of Fortune where it’s like right you know like a big bombshell for the Old Miss football team we’ll tell you all about that it’s 10:00 you know like more people saw that than ever watch like a 1027 p.m. newscast but we did a couple promotion stuff but yeah I

Was like I’m off to the side cuz it’s the two main anchor and then the weather guy like flanked to one side and I’m flanked on the other side and know I’m just I’m just smiling and trying to look teenic with like my arms cross in front of myself or

Whatever so there’s no like there was no like all right like look everyone everyone look down and look up now and stare into an acre man yeah that was a lot that okay all right just Mak sure anyway go ahead so when you were in TV in Mississippi just I I will remember

This as long as I live and I probably mentioned on the show once or twice before I apologize but some something happened it was the headline on which was like the default like what’s going on the in the National world because like the six o’clock newscast you you know old traditional thinking

You probably have some stay-at-home spouses you know watching it so you’re like oh we can probably throw some national stuff in there that’s of Interest so they can talk about it with their spouse when they come home from work or whatever and like the lead headline even on that

Day was something about Sam herd who I think had left the Cowboys went to the Bears and was involved in like drug trafficking that was a lead story on for like 2 hours and like it was a pretty salacious story there was all these crazy details about him like

Making deals and like in the parking lot of like and I that’s all I had and I had no sound bites I had nothing and I went and talked about it for like a minute and a half on the screen with like two graphics and maybe 20 seconds of b-roll

And I was so ashamed of myself I’m like what a failure I am that I just made my audience have to watch this nothing Burger of a story and then we just talked 15 minutes about bullying Kirk herb Street and it just took me back to

That took me back to that spot I I feel but I feel like at least this has something to do with the people listening to for all we know they’re tweeting it the people listening to this are tweeting it they still probably are they still probably are so uh but look

It’s it’s just not going away and there needs to be uh and I oh what brought it up initially on headlines was I was like you because we were talking about Braden Fisk and and I asked them who they thought the third player would be and

Then how many guys would be drafted and and I said when do you think Corey Clark might tweet something if Florida state has more guys drafted than Alabama you think there’s any chance Cory Clark might point that out to lots of Engagement lots of would you tag him

Though would you tag him no I because I hate that I hate I about said a bad word I hate that stuff like no if he wants to see it he can see it I’m not gonna I’m not gonna pick a fight with like poke a

Bear with someone I just hate that stuff I hate when all of you folks and I shouldn’t include I shouldn’t say all of you cuz we’re all loves you he loves everybody but no but like there’s there are people that like if I say something that is insulting to I don’t know man

I’m just making something up a figure skater somebody will retweet that figure skater tweet at that figure skater and say hey this is what Cory Clark thinks about you and it’s like come on man what are you a the what are you a NC are you the

Cops man people would do like somebody would say something bad about me on Twitter and then somebody would tag me in that to like let me know and I’m like hey man awesome like I appreciate you bringing that to my attention like what what do you want do you want like a do

You want plastic badge or be a deputy on this case there Buckaroo but yeah people are out there not knowing how to use social media all these years later so well just you know I don’t I don’t want to intentionally look like I’m provoking someone but trust me I will I will make

It a point to uh to to bring that up even if it’s relatively close if Alabama has 10 and Florida state has nine I might say wow look at that and look at all these guys that were drafted before quarterback got drafted you know the oneman team they couldn’t compete

Because they didn’t have their quarterback that got drafted in the sixth round but they had all these dudes drafted before him and I hope Jordan gets drafted before that I’m just saying that’s that’s where he was mocked to go in one of these uh way way way too early

Uh mock drafts but yeah and and so yeah that I just think that that will never go away that that’s just bra Fisk is awesome he’s good really good he’s going to be drafted high so it’s Jared buron Keon Coleman and Johnny Wilson and Jem Bell and Trey Benson Renardo Green Kay

They’re all possible uh draft picks and they were not just Jordan Travis and uh it still bums people out the reality is this I think that even if Jordan Travis was healthy they would have found a way to get the two SC to to get Alabama and

Texas in yeah what is the number right now do we think the of draft EAS for Florida State have you guys kicked that around at all do you think I double digit I’m not smart enough I I think so the definites to me are verse Coleman Fisk Johnny Jahim that’s five uh Trey

Benson I think you have to draft him somewhere I know running backs aren’t all that valuable but that’s six um Fabian and then here are the ones that I’m not 100% sure on but I think certainly will be Renardo ahead of Fabian personally yeah no Renardo I

Think is almost a certainty um Fabian Delo AEM jaran I think all those guys could be drafted then that gets you to 11 but probably two of them will be drafted I don’t know who so I think he end up with about nine is what I think

Eight probably nine is my I’d set the over under at n and a half or eight and a half you’re right I’d set it up eight and a half I’ve tried to find this list I couldn’t find it but I I think Jordan was ranked maybe like the eighth best

Quarterback which I was like man if you’re the eighth best quarterback that’s right I didn’t even mention him yeah I I think Jordan will be drafted man don’t you yeah in a year where listen man like Drake May Caleb Williams Jaden Daniels those guys are all going

Like in the top 15 right I mean like two of the May top three they might all be the first three picks so like in a year where three quarterbacks at least minimum are going to go first round and then like you know bonick penck and they’re they’re probably day two picks

Obviously man if you’re the ninth quarterback I think that he was like the ninth quarterback on the Sy which again I don’t I thought on three retweeted and I can’t find it right now like I feel like that means he would probably get drafted by that math yeah and I think I

Think whatever Ira was talking about he saw a mug trap that had him going like the sixth round of the Steelers we talked about that like the the beauty for Jordan right now is number one he he’s not going to be expected to play right away but um you know he has an

Injury that’s an awful injury we we s we all saw it it was not a good injury but he is not Lamar Jackson in the sense that his last year he was rushing for a thousand yards you know he his legs are a part of his game but he proved that he

His brain is the bigger part of the game than than his legs I mean he ran for 150 yards this year that was not really a big part of his game and yet he was still really good in a Heisman Contender so I think that helps him a lot and I

Think also he’s a little bit older he’s very mature he’s a good teammate and you know what you’re getting out of that kid good person he’s going to work hard off the field you couldn’t ask for anything better as a backup quarterback and I’m not saying he’s always going to be a

Backup quarterback but when you’re drafting somebody in the fifth or sixth round they’re not starting for you on day one that’s that’s not the plan but you could get him into your system knowing he’s going to work hard and he won’t embarrass you if he’s thrust into

Action I I would definitely take him I just I wonder I worry about the physical like what what they find what they see and how that worries people because obviously he doesn’t have the strongest arm and he’s not the biggest kid his legs are kind of what made him stand out

Maybe in would have made him stand out in a combine setting but he doesn’t get to do that now so that’s that’s the only thing that concerns me but yeah I would I would love for and I’m Falcons fan I would love for the Falcons to draft that

Kid in the sixth round there’s no risk no like you know you’re going to back up you’re going to draft a backup center like nobody you draft in the sixth or seventh round is even guaranteed to make the team and I definitely think Jordan Travis is worth the shot man I think

He’s proven that he can he can play football at a very high level I’m curious to see if we’ll ever get if there be reports about what his the the full extent of the injury was cuz we know 99% sure like there was a dislocation of the ankle and then a

Break of the leg but there’s also ankle ligaments and things of that nature that are also involved so I wonder how much of that was also damaged because yeah I mean like you know you’ll hear Brad Johnson talk about a little bit later man he broke his he broke his leg but he

Came back like in the same season you know like a broken leg is not the end of the world broke he did something to his neck too right had neck surgery and broke his thumb like he had all kinds of injuries yeah and he came back that’s a

Really good interview by the way I hope you guys stick around it’s I I Aon did some real research I just kind of did my own like remembering what I what I remembered from a as a kid but you did some real research I didn’t even know he

Played in the world football league I didn’t until I started doing some research on it so yeah we’re going to again we’re going to try to get I I we’ve got an in now we’ve got somebody with a very robust Rolodex of former nolles and anytime I’ve asked him for

Somebody’s number he’s given it to me within five minutes and that person has responded to me so we got a good thing cooking here well hey ask for Jordan Travis we can get to the bottom of that injury yeah yeah we would uh it was CBS Sports they’ve got Jordan nine Spencer

Rattler Michael Pratt maybe the only two guys and JJ McCarthy maybe to some extent some dubious guys who Michael Pratt he’s a guy from T Lane oh okay so that was another thing we talked about Spencer Rattler because he had apparently had a good week at the at the

Senior Bowl yeah um and I mean I think he only threw four four or five passes in the actual game but had a good week during the week and it’s like man I just I mean he’s not going to be drafted High either I know his measurables are better

Than Jordan Travis’s but what have you seen from him in actual games the last three years that would make you draft him over Jordan Travis unless you just don’t think Travis has the physical tools to do it but because Travis I think well I think Travis is

Elite in uh in the brain Department in the football speed Department like diagnosing things quickly he is a leite you don’t only you don’t just turn a ball over what he turn it over twice in this last 20 games I don’t know what it was it was ridiculous unless you’re

Seeing things very very quickly um and use the middle of the field too I just think he’s I don’t I don’t think there’s a risk there at all to draft him and I I think Spencer Rattler will probably be drafted higher but there’s a you know he

Might be drafted so high as he could be called a bust and I just think that’s a mistake these guys get so in love with measurable sometimes and not just guys that know how to play the game and play it and and don’t make mistakes that’s a

Big the guy we talked who in this podcast Brad Johnson he didn’t set the world on fire with his arm strength he had a nice arm but it wasn’t Jeff George but he didn’t make mistakes man and he you know I don’t want to call him a game

Manager but he wasn’t he he was he was a he knew what you were getting out of him consistent dude solid guy good player um good arm big size but not incredible arm and he played in the league for whatever 12 years 17 years wow and won a Super

Bowl he he was 40 years old throwing touchdowns with the Cowboys backing up that’s crazy I thought I forgot about that what a and he played he started for half a season at Florida State and got beat out that’s a what a crazy story man just a really neat story yeah I mean

Spencer Rattler 61217 so it’s not even like a 64 specimen or has like out of this world speed and to this day this best season arguably was his you know like his red shirt freshman year in Oklahoma where he ended up getting bench for Caleb Williams he threw for 28

Touchdowns seven picks um for 3,000 yards I mean his first in South Carolina 11 touchdowns five picks second year in South Carolina 18 touchdowns 12 picks this past year 19 touchdowns eight picks and he completed a lot of picks yeah he completed like 68% of his passes in

South Carolina on average um but you know I mean that’s right around where Jordan was and he did not you know hand the ball over nearly as much as pencer rer so that’s that interesting and he didn’t lose as many games I know South Carolina played a harder schedule you

Could argue but uh he didn’t lose I mean Jordan Travis ended his career on a 19 game winning streak and 24-2 in his last 26 what are your thoughts on Carson Beck getting a Lamborghini love it yeah love it why not why not do you think he gets

Like somebody bought it for him or he bought it himself he’s leasing it right yes I would hope so hope he’s got a very good economical fiscal safe plan in place you know yeah sure I mean he’s the starting quarterback that just went 13 and one at Georgia he’s coming back oh

Yeah he should what’s he supposed to ride around in Nissan Sentra it’s a let try let him ride around a little bit I mean it’s a little showy maybe for my taste but you know whatever what what’s what’s Kirby thinking it’s a $270,000 car Atlanta Autos hooked them up on it

I’m sure there I don’t know but like because I live in Atlanta half the time uh especially during football season all I see on my TV during Braves games during in between innings are commercials of Kirby Smart driving in a pickup truck commercial drive around a I

Love my four yeah all dogs all dogs want a Chevy whatever it is it’s like man I don’t care what I don’t care what Kirby thinks he’s had he had I don’t think Kirby has bought a car for himself in probably 25 years yeah maybe 20 he was about off the state

When I was so in the 2000s so yeah since he went to LSU as the DC or to be on that staff I don’t think he’s bought himself a car they all get bought for him so I don’t care what Kirby thinks the caption Lamborghini is pretty solid

Though man Lamborghini is pretty sweet well check it out uh I’m sure Kirby does approve because the caption was from Atlanta Autos shout out to Carson Beck came through and got not the regular lamb truck but the hash performante so it’s a Lamborghini truck like SUV crossover looking thing right so Kirby’s

Probably oh all right that’s good rugged all right my quarterback want have some T kid oh grit um I bring that up because I thought when we were supposed to speak to DJ I think they said he was out getting a car I wonder if I wonder if

Have we got can we get our guy Lamborghini let’s see we’ll be in the parking lot you’ll be in the parking lot later on today right yeah who do we who we GNA speak to later today we should um let me see here we got it’s a lot it’s a

Big list Jaylen Lucas Marvin Jones Jr C lolaa and Cam Davis okay Thursday’s the big one Shawn Murphy Earl little Jr Jamari Howard Kai Bates Charles Lester II and then Friday we get more guys too oh no we get THC the Ultra Cool Tamir Hickman Collins Landon Thomas and Luke croman Hawk

That’s a lot man and I’m I love it again I love the access we get to players but it’s like that’s a lot you don’t want them to be stale that’s like what is so we’re getting 12 guys in the next three days yeah you better out some stories

Cory Cory Clark stories coming your way folks get ready um so yeah we’ll get Lucas Jones Lola looking forward to talking to L hea later today uh I guess Marvin Jones Jr as well because I I don’t think he spoke at all when he was on campus going

Through it the second time around so be the first kind of Glimpse then maybe we’ll get some clarification on what Jaylen luukas is going to be they have him listed as a running back for whatever that’s worth Cory okay all right so um yeah we’ll get DJ I mean

Shoot how who’s left after this I thought that well that’s we we that’s 20 I think we still got another 14 12 to 14 newcomers to go goodness that’s crazy all right well um we’ll do that but before that so I’ll be ready I’m going to take my vitamin energy Focus

Actually no I’m going to take the mood plus today why not I’m going to go to vitamin I’m going to put the promo code warchamp BOGO in there and I’m going to notice that I’m going to put a second item and that one’s free all of a sudden crazy just because I

Typed in some letters in the proper format in the proper order warchamp BOGO vitamin energy clinically proven clinically tested award-winning patent pending 26 M of all natural caffeine no smoking mirrors everybody 260 milligrams all natural caffeine no sugar no GMOs just pure pure vitamins and energy there’s camel meal flour extract lemon

Balm extract passion flour extract riola Rosa root extract valan root extract and five hydroxy El tryptophan so I think maybe this puts like you in the Thanksgiving chill mood all in one little convenient shot put in the fridge take half of it that’s the way I roll

Tropical Berry it’s delicious I like it a lot shake it and take it it’s energy with Benefits it’s vitamin energy I’ll go to vitam was the promo code again Cory warchant BOGO ason warchant Bo goo all right do it everybody sign up for it we’re gonna

Talk to a Super Bowl champion Brad Johnson right after this as advertised special guests on the program this week everybody we’re excited for this one six-time Letterman if I’m not mistaken at Florida State University Super Bowl 37 Champion Brad Johnson as the kids know him now Big Bad

Brad 14 on the internet Brad how’s life man ah I’m doing great doing great appreciate you having me on your show tell some Florida State stories and Super Bowl stories and all the above so but Life’s good though absolutely before we get to that though this big bad Brad

14 incarnation of your life this this third phase I guess chapter the trick shots everybody’s gotta go check this stuff out on the Ticky talk but um the one that I saw that that blew me away was you be behind the backboard two basketballs one in each hand and you

Threw both of them over the backboard pretty much at the same time they both went in what what is your most impressive trick shot to date so far would you say BR C there well you know when people get they ask me about that stuff I tell them

Three things one time it’s it’s first time first take that’s that’s happened sure absolutely it’s a lifetime of consistent practice and then it takes what it takes so some of those things have happened fast some of those things one one of them took me 15 and a half

Hours it took seven days of work and but the one the one you talking about basketball so I’ve gotten into the basketball thing of um so it it takes it’s just me a tripod camera and basketball is or football out there so so it’s just us I gotta entertain the

Camera but you got also got to figure out how can you get all those shots involved in one little video and U and so uh yeah that was a pretty cool one it was two basketballs into the hole that bounce it off the ground two go in then

Two over the backboard that go in so it’s pretty wild and right now I’m working on one that’s a sequ I I try to do them in sequence multiple shots in a row and I got one in right now it’s going five it’s a spin off the finger

It’s it’s two basketballs at the same time go underneath it’s two basketballs it’s two free throws and I finish with a kick and a foul shot at the same time it’s it’s wild so it’s they’re a lot of fun if people haven’t seen them that I have it’s true Jubilation when they when

They work man it sounds like you’re enjoying retirement it’s good yeah yeah yeah I got I had fun doing them and hopefully people who they get entertained by doing it too they get a few laughs Brad my name’s Corey by the way we’ve never met

But I grew up a people that listen to this and watch this know I grew up a huge Florida State fan and and when you were at Florida State that was kind of my sweet spot as a a sports fan I was like 14 15 years old um which probably

Makes you feel pretty old looking at this guy talking about being 14 when you were in college but I don’t think people realize what a good basketball player you were I mean obviously you’re known for what you did on the football field you won a Super Bowl you you played in

The league for 10 12 years 15 years whatever it was um but man you you started an NCA tournament basketball game at Florida State against Iowa um and I just looked it up before we started you hit all your three-pointers in that game you had 11 or 12 points and

If McLoud doesn’t foul out with a horrible charge call you’ll probably win that game so I guess I I just wanted to go back to uh how you did both how you were able to do both and do such at a high level because it was just like

Again we talk about Charlie we talk about jamus we talk about these other two sport guys well man you started at football and basketball at Florida State and they were good at both when you were there yeah yeah I was I was very fortunate very blessed with my career

And stuff and um coming out of high school basketball is my favorite sport was a 3A player coming out of the state of North Carolina could decide where I wanted to go on my recruiting visit to Georgia Tech with Bobby kerans as the head coach i’ went to all his camps as a

Kid and I’m sitting there and he said Brad you got a scholarship to come to Georgia Tech but uh what you know what do you want to do and he said I said well coach km I don’t know that’s why I’m here he says which one do you think

You’re better at he says I think I’m better I said I think I’m better at football in the long run I’m better at basketball now he said Brad do what’s best for you in your career and at that time he had a guy named Dennis Scott he

Said Brad you nor only play five and uh he’s gonna be all americ so Dennis Scott changed my life because I chose to go to play for Bobby Bal at Florida State and my first year at Florida State I was being reged shirt on the football team I

Went to coach uh coach Pat Kennedy and so I actually just kind of walked on to the team played two years there started for I think 13 games or so went to the NCAA twice but at some point uh I wasn’t dunking on anybody I wasn’t defending

Anybody and I was more just a shooter but we had some great teams there and just fortunate that I was able to play play two years of basketball there I got Charlie Warden I we actually played on a summer league basketball team at Dade Street uh with with a few other guys it

Was probably the most fun I ever had playing basketball was actually with Charlie in D Street but it was pretty cool to say I played both Sports and then obviously has been you know a few other guys have done that too how when we look at your career and I know it’s a

Different era it’s two eras ago really uh but like you didn’t get to start until your red shirt junior year I I don’t know that there’s a lot of quarterbacks in this state and age just because you didn’t you didn’t have the really the the portal at your disposal

And you’re living that life now as a dad as a dad of two really good college athletes but do you think if you grew up in this time your career would have would have turned out differently because it’s hard to wait man at least you had basketball to keep you uh I

Guess engaged in college athletics instead of just wa watching who would you have Peter Tom and Chip Ferguson and those guys you at least you got to still be a college athlete times were different they just they were different I mean we used to watch film on BH films

You know what I’m saying so and now it’s high everything is instantaneous it’s different and I’ll say guys are better players now coming out of you know coming out of high school because you’re used to doing seven on seven and um throwing the ball a bunch in high school

And middle school and so you’re a little bit more prepared but you know when I came out of high school we we we were asking to be red shirted like please red shirt me because you wanted that time to develop and grow and just you did we

Really didn’t expect to play to maybe our third or fourth year at that time there was when I came in was Danny mcmanis and Chip Ferguson and uh Peter Tom Willis and Casey well were together and Charlie Ward came behind me and Winky and u i it was just a list of of

Players and uh so um yeah and but actually my senior year going into my last year I actually wanted it I talk to Coach Rick about you know maybe going to the supplemental draft Maybe transferring to a smaller school maybe going Canadian Football League or maybe just quitting football in general going

Back to basketball my my football and basketball career wasn’t that great at Florida State from a from a uh uh performance level I didn’t get to start all those you know two or three years in football you know but it worked out and uh but great for for Bobby bout and mo

Coach Rick and and just the the growing up here and the just the competit that took place in practice was was incredible and it paid long dividends for for me uh throughout my 17-year career why didn’t you transfer well at that time I I just said

I’m going to stick it out and I don’t know I just had I you know not many people had done that especially dropping down to another level right I I you know I had to drop down to FCS at that time it was kind of to be eligible right to

Be eligible to play immediately you would have had to yeah yeah if you played if you went to a division one school you you’d had to sit out of year to drop down a level you could have done that but then I’m like my dream’s to

Play here and I said if I’m good enough um someone’s G me a chance somehow I got into the combine um somehow you know I was drafted by the Minnesota banss in the ninth round the guy that actually drafted me was a guy that recruited me

In high school Jack Burns uh who just knew about my story knew I was kind of a late bloomer and I knew they just kind of had a rough go in college just things didn’t work out for me so uh I was forward of that time and things just

Kind of worked out but I you know the transport portal it’s real and now what real is I don’t know if I believe in nil I believe in collectives I don’t know I don’t know if people are making money in nil to be honest right they’re making money in collectives where people are

Just here you go pay for play so things are a little bit different now and it does it does change things when when guy when colleges bring in players and they hear some collective money it changes things because that’s your starter and that’s your starter and then you know

I’m not your guy anymore coach so that’s it’s it’s totally different nowadays uh than when we grew up I think you’re a pretty good example Brad of of the portal being a big benefit to the athlete because look man you started half of 1990 then Casey took over and

They didn’t lose again until the wide right so he was very good but you were very good you know he finished second in the Heisman well I don’t know man you you were a very good quarterback that didn’t get a chance to Showcase your skills because you at the same school

With another quarterback who was the same age as you or the same year as you anyway so in that instance I I do like the portal like Brad Johnson go give your chance give yourself a chance to shine at Georgia Tech now you’re a different quarterback than

Shawn Jones but you could you could have played quarterback at Georgia Tech I think that’s the good part of the portal is giving guys like you that are very good players clearly you won the you won in the long run we see what’s behind you

Um you did all right for yourself but it would have been cool for you to get that senior year to play no doubt about it so I don’t blame I don’t blame the portal I don’t it’s it’s another opportunity if a kid needs it or you don’t know what

Coaches are coming and going a lot more than they used to coordinators and who they who theyve given in you know to selective jobs and and things are it’s it’s a different time now so I I I think you just got to know when you do leave

That you know you gotta have a burden of hand you don’t want to go out there without just like where am I gonna go like be careful of that you better kind of know what’s you know the opportunities of a school that you can

Go to so I was I was you know it worked out for me to stay but you you go through you know Caleb Williams he just won the Heisman and all that kind of stuff and Joe burough and the list goes on so it’s worked out for a lot of kids

To transfer portal I don’t I hate it for a lot of different reasons but it does give you a second or third chance two more quick questions I had about Florida State then Aon I’ll allow you to talk um best player you played with on the football team best or against and best

Player you played with or against in basketball yeah and uh in football playing with uh our secondary going against you know you look over there you see Martin Mayu who was a 14-year NFL guy won a Super Bowl and there was deeder Dodge who had seven-year career

And then then there was uh LeRoy Butler who just made the Hall of Fame and then oh my gosh was number two over there there’s Dion Sanders so Dion Sanders blows him away for me and tbuck too you play I guess you play tbuck too yeah but

Dion so you were a freshman with Dion or were you was that your fir okay he was a year he was a year ahead of me but okay Dion to me Dion was the best ever especially for me at Florida State um he took away the field he dominated the game

Um incredible NFL player all the above so um you know I will always make way for Dion prime time and then the best basketball player I played against I mean we I think going against Louisville we beat those guys we won the metro metro won the Metro conference one year

And uh never nervous pis and Ellis pervis Ellison and then uh playing against BJ Armstrong and those guys at Iowa and the in the championship then up in Virginia Tech bbo Kohl’s who was actually I think in Olympics and was no joke man was no joke that guy yep so

It’s it’s incredible I gotta play against a lot of great players football and basketball and just blessed to be able to do that who was the kid at Memphis that had the goggles that would always light y’all up yep Elliot Perry there it is that’s right that guy was

Incredible too yeah he’s up and down the court the Metro at that time South Carolina Virginia Tech Southern Miss two lane Cincinnati Louisville uh Memphis I mean I mean there were a lot of great players underrated players they’re just great great great players just to get

Just to get the naal attention but it was a tough conference and I assume you’d lock them down right when you’re on defense you don’t let anybody get by you I had five fouls to give you know so it was a man it was a fast game you just

When I realize you just can’t get your shot off you don’t get to like you not out there like playing horse you don’t get the set shot and then you got to finish to the hole and rebounding the ball like it’s a it’s an explosive game

But uh yeah it’s a it’s a it’s a long long arms game I had short arms short leg [Laughter] so Brad you know as Cory mentioned at Florida State you you get that opportunity to start uh during the season then and then Casey takes things over how did you go about trying to

Continue improve even though kind of the writing was on the wall I mean I’ve gone to the archives and read some stuff and I don’t know if you’re one of maybe the first guys on campus to have a performance coach and Alex sran but what

Were the kind of things that you did the goals that you had to try to continue your career even though you knew things were maybe kind of slipping out of your hands in terms of trying to play for Florida State at that point yeah uh Casey and I we talked about list of

Quarterbacks that were there that were competing with and then obviously Casey and I we were best friends we came in the same year they told me Casey was gonna be a scrawny kid from North Florida Christian he’ll never play there and they told him I’d be a skinny kid

That just play basketball you know we were both all- Americans coming out of high school and all that stuff and so it you know it didn’t work out well it I didn’t play Bad at Florida State I just didn’t just never happen it’s kind of

Weird I I started you know six games I think and and uh they made the move Casey played awesome was a runner up to the Heisman with number one team in the country and you know I just felt like man it’s just a matter of time and so I

Had a trainer there named Alex Serano he was actually from uh from Chile he ran the he a dor manager he had gu PhD and sports psychologist and we were very we were close and still to this day we did a lot of sand plow metrics and uh I

Don’t know if you remember out there the old volleyball court was spent a lot of days in that hot sand at one o’clock and uh Ming balls sand plows um you know everyone say I was too slow and all those kind of things and then we read a

Lot of different books how to control your breathing and so we knew that there was gonna be a moment that was going to come in my time for my career but it just wasn’t happening at that time in Florida State for me could not give up I

Was gonna give myself every chance to go to the combine to get in the NFL and just was afforded to you know be ready at the right time when it happens and uh so that’s what happened but um you know a lot of people have horror stories of

Their coaches and all they have excuses like I have all the even things things didn’t go well for me like had so much respect for Coach Bobby Bal so much respect for Coach Mart rig he’s now my my brother-in-law he hooked me up with his sister Nikki so I mean it’s it’s

Just a strange weird story that just it was kind of a you know I love going back to Tallahassee being back you know being a seminal like just very grateful for my time there even though my career didn’t go the way I wanted to go on the field

And but I made so many last relationships and and just a bond with so many players on those teams I you got that flag behind you Super Bowl 37 you obviously led the Bucks of that Championship the first in their franchise history but that wasn’t an

Easy path either I mean I kind of want to maybe zip through some of the parts of your career but can you can you walk us through 1995 and going and playing in the world league for the London monarchs was that something that you thought of the coaching staff administ had to

Allocate you did your agent talk to you about it what was what was that point like you were you married and did you have to move you and the the the wife London how’d that go yeah little all the above I was ninth round pick coming out

Of out of Florida State 14th quarterback chosen I was there with that Minnesota Rich Ganon Jim McMahon and then War Moon I felt like I was ready to play in my third or fourth year like I was ready but then I I was backing up War Moon

He’s a Hall of Famer and like how’s it gonna happen and so uh the world league had taken place back in like 1989 1990 and then went away it came back there in 95 I asked the coaches like let me take this I won’t take the chance so was the

Boldest move in my career to go play in the world league 19 19 quarterbacks went over there only three came back and you you hear the success stories of whether it’s mine Kurt Warner uh John kidna U some other couple other quarterbacks that went over there and they came back

And had success but you know went over to London got to be a starter make plays make mistakes uh for 10 games um the stadium I think we had nine or 10 thousand people in the stadium the end zones were only seven and a half yards deep and it’s the

Boldest move of my career to go over there and play and put it out there and then come back with Minnesota vikins then but my dad always told me he says it’s better to have it’s better to be prepared and not have an opportunity than to have an opportunity and not be

Prepared so I know I needed that time to go play because I didn’t play that much at Forest State hadn’t played that much in Minnesota my first few years and so I was thankful for that time to play for the London monarchs so you did it just

For game reps essentially just to get like with coming at you and and to feel the Blitz and to read a defense and instantaneously like that was why you were doing it uh all the above to go be a leader to go prove that I could be a

Starter and so the hardest part about it which I was it it worked out great for me being in Minnesota there for three or four years I knew the system then I had to go to London and learn a whole new system and then come back because you’re

Missing uh many camps OTAs and you start riding for training camp why already knew the system a lot of quarterbacks that go over there they didn’t know their systems coming back to an NFL team hoping to get back right so I knew it and that went as a backup eventually War

Moon got hurt and then I ran off with it but that time and in London was U pivotal for my career yeah so you come back and you finally get a team to lead obviously the Vikings uh in 98 there’s this rookie from uh Marshall that ends

Up being pretty good you threw two touchdowns him in week one Randy Moss you end up also throwing the ball to Kean Johnson but back to London real quick did was Lavar ball a teammate of yours any Lavar ball stories for us man there’s a lot of stories here in

London you know tell some save some don’t tell it all but I mean Lavar was on the team and he was a tight end and our tight end the starting tight end was Michael tiley he was great came from Iowa played at Buffalo for a little bit

But Lavar ball was man I was like golly who’s this big old dude these muscles and like golly he was always he always said he’s gonna be famous he said I’m gonna be famous and and every day off he he was in France or he was in Spain like

I don’t know how he got to where he got like it was and then you know just but I just remember this big guy didn’t play that much for us and then you know 20 years later I’m like I’m hearing about his kids and you know the big baller

Brand and all the above so but a fun guy to be around and uh kind of fun to hear the stories of him now uh what he’s done with his kids and all the above do you have any big baller brand shoes I do not oh that’s too bad I got

The BBB Big Bad Brad stuff that’s about it for you br was it was it Bitter Sweet you know 98 that was what 15 and one with the Vikings and Gary Anderson missed the field goal and you know Randall Cunningham gets a big contract after that and it kind of seems like you

Know you’re gonna have to move on again but the you know the commanders now with the Washington football team you know gives up a first round pick I think a second round pick a third round pick to get you I mean was it was it a Bittersweet thing were you excited to go

Work under North turn and see a team invest that much into you and know that you know once again you’re going to have a shot to keep a team as as a leader 98 was a crazy time for me a little bit uh because at the end of 97 I had a major

Major neck surgery I lost all the hand strength in my arm lost you woke up so can you I mean I don’t want to gloss over all this you just woke up one morning and things just didn’t feel right yeah in 97 at the end of the

Season we playing Green Bay Packers on Monday Night Football woke up with a crick in my neck I couldn’t move I I couldn’t drive the game my mom drove me to the game was playing during the middle of the game second quarter the ball was falling out of my hand it just

It was ugly they pulled me got me out of the game um next morning I wake up did a hand hand test I had 6% hand strength compared to my left hand was unbelievable couldn’t pick up uh couldn’t pick up my hat it was done and

Uh and 36 hours later had a neck surgery had to come back recover from it going into that 98 season started the first two games of the year got hot seven touchdowns I think the first two games broke my broke my ankle missed the next six weeks came back game nine broke my

Thumb and then I was out for the season so that team went 15 to1 but it was kind of a blessing in disguise that year because I don’t think I could have played with the injury that I had from my neck in 98 and then that’s when the

Move was made uh you know got traded to Washington love playing in Washington for North Turner uh impacted my career big big time was able to make the Pro Bowl we led the won the division there in Washington our first year and so it was just a change that took place it was

It was no animosity it just it kind of worked out for for Minnesota and myself at the same time you go you go to Tampa and Tony dung is the coach and then you you feel comfortable in Tampa you made the choice to go there and then John

Guden shows up was that like oh gosh here we go a new coach I’m GNA have to prove myself again what what were the emotions when Tampa made the coaching change going into 2002 yeah and uh we we we’ won the we uh we made the playoffs

With Tony dun as the head coach uh we get beat in the playoffs by Philadelphia next day the day before the the playoff game they Tony told the team he said listen I’m good the owner said I’m gonna be back next year let’s just go play we

Lose the game he got fired like what just took place and so for about it took uh the owners glazers about six weeks to decide who the head coach was going to be so they brought in John Gruden when they did immediately I called Rich Ganon who was you know the starter at

Minnesota with me uh and then he played for Gruden at Oakland at that time and and rich is like dude I’m I’m I’m ticked because you’re taking my you’re taking my head coach my play caller and B said I’m excited for you Brad because he’s gonna program you in ways that you’ve

Never been programmed before as a quarterback teach you offenses and defenses on both sides of the ball and just have you audible ready and all those kind of things he said you’re gonna love playing for him and uh so Gruden came in I had my first meeting

With him walked into his office and it was a dark like little small cave it’s always dark because he was watching film and he he turned on like a little light and he said Brad he says we’re gonna win a Super Bowl this year and uh we’re

Going to declare war on our defense the number one defense in the world Warren Sapp and John Lynch and Ronde Barber and how’s our defense gonna stop Blast Off The Joker right X short 22x drive halfback burst how’s our defense going to stop triple right F right 358 R scam

So what he did he brought in uh competitive juices on the offense and defensive size of the ball brought in about 15 fre agents that year uh from Joe Jer vicious and Ken diler and Ricky Dudley and Robin o and Michael Pitman list goes on and so was really I’d love

Playing for Gruden it was just a weird uh weird exit you leave Tony duner who been Hall of Fame coach and won a Super Bowl with Colts and then I got a great coach in John Gruden so it’s fortunate to play for both of them we’re we’re in

Super Bowl week obviously and a lot you know I was just thinking while you were talking like Brock py is getting a lot of attention because he was Mr Irrelevant he was the last pick well he was the last pick of the seventh round you my man were picked two rounds later

Than Brock pie so you getting to a Super Bowl is really a testament uh to to self-belief and and having and self-confidence and hard work uh and stick tutiven this and all that but but I wanted to ask what is it like you you by the time you had played in the Super

Bowl I think you had probably played in 110 NFL games what is that 10 minutes like before the Super Bowl or when you’re hearing the national anthem I don’t know who’s saying your national anthem but uh but but who what is what are the nerves like are they different

Are they crazy and how do you control them yeah it’s a cal it’s it’s it’s you make the hair tingle on my back right now so it’s uh it’s different it’s different and for the guys that playing it that lose they’ll tell you it’s the game’s you know it’s just a big party

And it’s overrated the guys that want it they’ll tell you it’s the best day of their lives yeah and Seline Dion saying God Bless America and the Dixie Chick saying the national anthem and wow Don schula and Bob greasy and Larry zoner out there doing the coin flip and and

You know you’re sitting there your whole life you’ve you’ve eaten popcorn and had drinks sitting there watching the game and then next thing you know you’re in that game and the world’s watching you and uh that that time there was only one week in between the Super Bowl compared

To two and uh it’s Mayhem when the game starts it’s it kind of turns into like another game but as it as it takes place and then at the end of the game it’s a little bit different because there’s confetti that falls and it’s it’s an

Incredible moment to be a part of during that game and actually at the end I brought a picture I don’t know if you can see it but this is the picture after the game I got to take a picture with John Gruden and my wife Nikki is seven

Months pregnant and I’m holding my son uh with she’s pregnant with Jake and then my other son Max he’s two years old and we’re saying we’re going to Disney you oh nice so it’s pretty pretty cool to be a part of that game but uh you

Know Rich Ganon Jay Rice Tim Brown Bill Romanowski Charles Woodson Rod Woodson like Hall of Famers on both sides of that field and uh so it’s pretty pretty cool to say you got to play that game and then to have won it and Derek Brooks obviously was one of the biggest stars

On that field and maybe I honestly maybe the best player on the field but I mean he was just incredible he was probably one of the best outside not probably he is one of the best outside linebackers that that ever lived well you were there

When he was a freshman when he came in all Bal Hood USA Today Defensive Player of the Year coming into Florida State along with Marquette Smith what did you think of Derek Brooks when you first saw him Derek at that time was I think he

Came in as like a strong safety yeah he was a safety and and you know you can bring in the list of all the guys that came in and you know so he signed 20 all Americans or what everybody’s all state all Amic whatever like you really don’t

Think anything about at that time all right here’s a new group of young freshman coming in and eventually Derek earned his way and then was an allamerican at at Florida State like he was in high school then became a you know eventually Hall of fam and the pros

And but just I remember he was he was one with u great leadership great work e great work work ethic and just uh the same guy he was then as he was now but he had to find his way as a freshman through sophomore and Junior year then

Become the man that he he became and and uh but that you know the stories that could be told at Bert rolds Hall you know from I mean it’s pretty incredible to listen you know just all the we got this camaraderie back at Florida State

Back in that day when you lived in a in a in an athletic dorm they had dorm checks and but I remember on Friday nights you know guys would be playing checkers or chess and then all of a sudden you know later it’d be a race out

There in the parking lot who’s the fastest you know you see Randy Moss and trell Buckley and you know out there train cars it was pretty cool time uh at that time Florida State right I know you know you know you’re not thear of college football I don’t know if you

Have any solutions but you know what is your take on the sport being a spectator obviously having two sons that are still playing the sport I mean we talked about nil and collectives and you know I guess a lot of us are just kind of told that

We need to embrace change and kind of deal with what’s happening to the sport I mean in your mind is this the best path forward right now what this sport is the track that it’s on or are you hoping that there was going to be some

Kind of sensible change done to kind of preserve some of the Integrity or some of the the tradition of the sport of of what we grew up watching and how you played the game yeah it’s different and good luck to all those parents and and high school kids that going through

College you know you can have great experiences and you want to get your education um the memories that you can take place and you know hope to be a part of a team that can play for a championship and and compete and have a a coach that you can look back one day

Like Bobby B and say that’s a man of integrity uh that’s who I that was my coach you know that was my team and things are different now it’s you know everything’s instantaneous from H social media uh you know how the the portal is interesting you can say great things

About it you can say negative things about it um the nil thing I don’t believe in N like I said I believe in the collective and so I I don’t know I wish there was a set guideline that they could take take place on this thing but

Now you’re getting kids in in high school U you start transferring in middle school if you’re a quarterback to get yourself set up for high school and uh so it’s it’s real you have an agent coming out of high school sometimes a Handler I wish there would be some

Guidelines on this thing and you know they never I think they they put the they put the cart before the horse on this one so good luck to all those making decisions and it’s a it’s a tough tough things for kids to go through but at the end of the day

You want those kids to have a great experience uh great relationship with their coaches get your education get your degree then hopefully you know you get your dreams come true as far as what you perform on the field and hopefully get a shot at the pros what what kind of

Sports dad were you are you you know growing up I was fortunate with my my dad actually got to coach me in all my leagues baseball football basketball and those kind of things and I was blessed to do the same thing with both my boys Max and Jake coached them

In all the sports all the way through through you know youth football all the way through middle school and high school and so it’s pretty cool to do that now I’m just a dad sitting in the stands eating popcorn are you nervous and um I don’t know if I’m nervous I’m I

Can’t yell down there and say hey here’s the Blitz and here’s what’s coming you know mean there’s there’s you know a&n there’s 180,000 people there both kids are in North Carolina but no you’re excited for your kids because you know they worked hard they’re prepared and

And you just wanted to be a you know be coached the right way and those kind of things and just let them Blaze their own path you know so I can’t really say I’m nervous I’m kind of excited for them and I know they’ve done the work and Trust

In that you know when they show these parents in the stands and I have a son that’s a 15-year-old uh baseball player not nearly at the level of your kids but I get nervous when he’s at bat just for him I want him to succeed and you’ll see

Some of these shots of parents in the stands and they look like they’re about to throw up they’re so nervous but you they’ve shown you in the stands a few times before too you don’t look you look you look excited when they do well but

You don’t ever look like oh my God he’s about to vomit on that person in front of well I I listen to I like to just sit right beside my wife okay she sits we sit right by shoulder to shoulder and I wear these big headphones with my little

Radio on there and because I like to listen to the commentators and kind of what’s going on in the game old school that’s old school right there I wear the big headphones you know what I mean I don’t know how to download anything I got this little AM FM radio listen

To so but U you know that’s the way I listen to the game we kind of we’re nudging each other the whole time and and those kind of things but um you know sometimes you got to cover up your mouth because you might say something you know

I got caught one time but but uh it it does happen but you you just want good for your all all the kids on the team yeah you know the work like the work level they put into it’s a lot and I mean there is a lot at stake every time

Those kids go on that field and but the end of the day you want them to live out their dream blaz their own path and do their own thing and and so for us it’s really strange as you know one’s a quarterback one’s a receiver I mean a

Tight end and so like you’re just um you almost become you know how was your day good day bad day you become a a psychologist at times you know what I mean how do you deal with this this one just had a great day this one had a

Tough day this one the coach Y and this one is praised and then you know then deal with all the social media part of it that’s that’s a whole different deal too so uh but you just want to be there to support your kids and that’s what try

To do we’ve kept you way too long I got I got one last question for for me Brad just back to the that Super Bowl game um you know obviously Michigan came under Fire into their uh path to a national championship because of uh their sort of

System of figuring out signs and things of that nature you guys did it the the right way the legal way the ethical way your had coach John gr obviously came from Oakland Bill Callahan took over that was his offensive line coach were you ever more prepared ever more

Confident going to a game oddly enough than the Super Bowl yeah it’s a great thing you bring up so a lot of people said Gruden knew we knew their plays because of Gruden you know what’s interesting for them they had guden for four years yeah they knew our plays

Better than we knew them because we were in the first year of learning them so but John Gro he was unbelievable when you came in the meetings every day like it was it was it was his his hair was on fire you were always prepared for what’s

Next the moment was never too big because the pressure he applied in pressure and and practice and uh so I love playing for guden and he had us you know he he spurred on the defense as much as he did the offense for us and uh

We had great coaches on there so I I love playing for guden he got you prepared like no other and so the Super Bowl was kind of for us is kind of animatic because us beating Philadelphia in the vet the last game of the season our Nemesis that was probably as big as

Anything to us beating Philadelphia on the road in the vet and then playing the Super Bowl after that that was that was where you want it right yeah we could we Philadelphia beat we played Philadelphia five games in a 19 game stretch yeah and uh two of those

Were in the playoffs and how the games went and U man great team great coaches and all that kind of stuff but beating them they were on Nemesis and beating them was like that propelled us to do what we did in the Super Bowl Brad I have a quick trivia question before we

We go do you know your longest career rush in the NFL how long it was I do I believe it’s 28 yards there you go it was a uh actually it was third and four and they had two wide three techniques the guards were kind of like

Wide and like holy smokes so I actually checked to a a QB sneak on third and four and it kind of surprised everybody and I end up running for 28 yards I’m running and I’m like please somebody tackle me because I did not feel good in

Space so so that was my longest run and are you still the are were you the last player to throw a touchdown to your yourself are you still the only player that’s done that you did do that right I did do it uh 1997 I believe it was

97 touchdown pass touchdown catch myself and then later Marcus Mariota did it with the Tennessee Titans oh man so we kind of did so but it was it’s was pretty cool to say you’re the first yeah right we when it happened we did not have a clue what it was we we didn’t

Know and then the next day we found out it was you know 12 points in fantasy football I was going to say that’s a big fantasy that’s a big fantasy play where you throw it in catch it so the guy deflected it you used your athleticism

To catch it and go house it in the end zone that was the remake of The Longest Yard so yeah sure and it actually ended up winning ESP for play of the year that year so it’s pretty cool and the noes play in North Carolina this year correct

Yeah yeah actually played down in uh played down in Tallahasse no I’m not gonna be dumb I know you root for your sons family trumps everything I’m not going to ask you that but will you uh will you go to some of your old hauns when you’re down here I don’t know how

Often you get back to go to Tallahassee but I assume you’re looking forward to that trip just to go down memory lane a little bit yeah actually came back I’ve been back a few times uh been back for a couple basketball reunions was just down

There about two weeks ago and uh man I got so many great friends and stuff all that there so yeah we’ll definitely be be be down there I’ll be dressed up blue this time the one the one time but uh right man I you know listen I lived went

To school there at Flor state for five years lived in Tallahassee for 15 years years after that right and then our kids were born in Tallahassee so I mean I just can’t tell you the impact of just that decision for me to come to Florida

State as a as a high school kid out of black m North Carolina was the best decision I made in my life because it was I was I wasn’t just choosing a school I I chose a place where um to play for Coach B and Coach Rick was like

Men of Integrity and just um thankful for everything that tassi and those people and the people tassi and people Florida State have given me over the years Brad Johnson y’all two Sports Santa Florida State Super Bowl champion thanks so much for taking time out this

Gota be one of the best weeks of of the year for you imagine right everyone yeah it just makes you pinch yourself like go that was us we got to go through that you’re excited for those quarterbacks because it’s a man it’s when you when somebody’s gonna win it

They’re not gonna sleep for three days going through the parade and going through the what what it kind of brings to their career and it just so hard to get there there’s only 3 quarterbacks that have won it there’s only 30 that are living and so it’ll be interesting

To see uh one of those two guys what’s going to happen for them that’s a great frat fraternity to be in man that’s like people that walked on the moon like that’s a very rare uh population to be a part of there’s only 30 of you guys still around that’s incredible yeah it’s

Pretty awesome I mean think about all how there’s more Kentucky Derby winners there’s more guys that have won the Masters more presidents right more uh guys I mean it’s just it’s a small Club to be a part of so it’s a pretty pretty pretty awesome find him on social

Everybody Big Bad Brad 14 on TI we’re we’re going to wait for that that five trick shot danzia it’s crazy it’s gonna happen it’s gonna happen this week it is nuts so the social media the Instagram and Twitter that’s brador Johnson _ 14 and The Big Bad Brad 14’s on Tik Tok but

It’s it’s it’s wild so have fun with it thank you I appreciate guys thank youall promo code warchant getes you an instant cash deposit bonus when you sign up for the first time over at big game this weekend y’all Niners Chiefs two points to spread Niners

Favored which I don’t know man I’m Ru for the ners but I wouldn’t be mad if the Chiefs won you know Taylor Swift and everything 47 a half total points just feel like that’s stinky kind of like the ners were favored by two like like who would bet against Patrick mahomes’s

Defense looks great they’re The Underdogs feel you have almost have to lean into the stink right and and say that the Niners are going to win I feel like that’s what they’re trying to get us to do but I don’t know I mean they want to get in your minds

And mess with it but you know better so make your pick promo code is warchant that promo requires a $50 minimum deposit and a rollover requirement of one time your deposit total including your bonus for withdrawal for full terms and conditions visit about-

Us all right that is a wrap for us thanks for tuning in thanks so much to Brad that was awesome I literally was like Hey man 1015 minutes on the podcast uh and then you know 25 35 and it’s like 40 minutes of it he’s awesome follow him

On social brador Johnson or14 or Big Bad Brad 14 on the Ticky talk uh that’s it for us very abrupt sorry about that we’ll have a mailbag maybe posted on Wednesday night Thursday morning we’ll take tomorrow off B working we’re going to do all these interviews later today

So that’ll be up on the website but we’re going to speak to a whole bunch of guys on Thursday as well so we’ll do a show on Thursday after we’re done talking to all these kids it’ll be about like 10 kids almost we have spoken to uh

And we’ll put a show together maybe some mailbag maybe not depending on how uh you know inspiring the comments and quotes from these young men are go to subscribe everybody you’re missing out Jeff Cameron show 1 to 3 o’clock for corm ason thanks for listening to wake up orch presented by

Corner Pocket Barn Grill


  1. Bethune will be FA signing probably he will at least get a shot to make a team because he has really good film. He only lacks measurable’s.
    Verse Keon Fiske Johnny Benson Delouch Green for sure I think get drafted. JT Jarrion Dent more than likely will be drafted but I can see them not being drafted and signed as FA’s with Bethune. Bethune has the injury that’s the only reason I don’t think he will be.

  2. RIP TK you will be missed. You are a true patriot who never turned down any opportunity to perform for the service members during the war. Brad Johnson you will always have a home in Tallahassee at FSU. Thank you for being a part of the school and for being a Seminole. Great video gentleman again you all knock it out of the park.

  3. With his logic the playoff committee should be made up of sports bar waitresses. They "watch" more football than anyone. 😂

  4. Kirk went out there a personally attacked a fanbase for righteous anger. FSU did everything they said to do: go undefeated and win a conference championship and didn't get selected. This puts everyone else in the media on notice about being a crash test dummy.

  5. The odds that folks who listen to WuW aren’t the same folks who troll KH on Xitter are about as high as Kirk’s odds of getting a standing ovation from an all Noles crowd on game day

  6. The real issue for Herbstreit is that he crossed the line into advocacy against FSU and for the SEC teams (AL & UTx) as opposed to simple reporting or commentary. He changed his view without a prompting event or change in FSU'S qualifications. That made the fact that he was a sellout to his masters and a bitter hack obvious. It is now his defining characteristic.

  7. Herbstreit's repeated efforts to double/triple/quadruple down will continue to paint himself a 🤡. Can't wait to hear his egotistical response when 8 or 9 Noles get drafted. Never let up NoleX. He deserves all his tomatoes. 🍅

  8. Jordan went to high school with billionaire's kids. He's smart enough for the nfl. Great guy and wish jordan the best.

  9. Don't say insulting words. You either accept the consequences or STFU.😂😂😂

    The person who re-tweets your words is the bad guy.😂

    As Herbie, the whores of college football, aka the CFP and their defenders. Every time, they open their mouth till death.😂

    Shakespeare: The evil that men do lives after them. The good is oft interred in their bones.

    Ice-T: Freedom of speech. Just watch what you say.

  10. I will NEVER let this herbstreit thing go . He said he has no pull in the rankings. Give me a break I guess someone who never went undefeated will never understand how hard it is do

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