Top 100 Golf Balls Tested | 100-90

Todays the day. What golf balls made the bottom 10%? Let’s find out!



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00:00 Intro
1:20 100
2:24 99
3:40 98
4:52 97
6:16 96
7:28 95
9:19 94
10:32 93
12:06 92
13:53 91
15:07 90

Welcome my fellow golf ball addicts it is the moment we have been waiting for for some time we have of course the beginning to the top 100 golf balls I’ve ever tested just so you know that number is 100 or 100 golf balls exact that I’ve

Tested um I’ve always said that once I got to 100 I was going to count them all now uh this has been something that’s been in plan for a few months and we’re finally here now first of all I’d like to say that if you haven’t watched the

Uh layout video I’ve done for this I’ll put it in the description it’s not very long you only have to watch it for 2 or 3 minutes but basically it just describes what I’m ranking these golf balls based on such as average swing speed such as uh you know like the the

Categories I put them into performance value durability design all that kind of stuff so just make sure you watch that video at least for a couple minutes so you know I don’t want to get a ton of comments on here that’s essentially like oh I can’t believe you ranked this ball

With and you just look silly because you didn’t read what it’s about so go check that out if you haven’t once you watch it once you’ll be able to watch any of the videos so uh it only takes 2 or 3 minutes like I said so uh let’s go ahead

And Dive Right In we’re starting of course with the worst golf ball I’ve ever tested uh in that honor of course goes to the Wilson Ultra 500 so uh this was a golf ball that when I tested it I knew immediately that it was just awful period I mean there’s actually not too

Many golf balls on the Channel that I actually will verbally abuse I guess is the right word I mean just flat out go off on really heavily criticize uh but there’s no mistake in it that Ultra 500 was terrible it had absolutely abysmal performance um now value wasn’t too bad

They’re actually really cheap but considering the performance is so bad and and considering the numbers are so bad um it really just doesn’t hold up and and there’s really no reason to get it Wilson makes so many great golf balls via the tour velocity the zip uh you

Know their tour balls are great the duo soft plus the duo Optics they have so many great golf balls I’ve heard the chaos is good there’s no point in using a golf ball like this one if it’s that bad and it just was it felt like a rock it felt like the old

Top flights back in the day so by far it is the worst golf ball I’ve ever tested number 99 the big Crusher okay so this was one of those golf balls I did not that long ago and essentially what I did was I uh I actually got a trial pack it

Was it’s genius marketing a lot of these direct to Consumer golf balls do it but they say Hey you for you know $3 you know or $5 you can get a sleeve of golf balls you know shipping included uh or just pay for shipping whatever and you

Get the sleeve of them and try them I’ve done that with a couple companies so I actually got an advertisement for a company called big Golf and they had a Crusher golf ball model and I really wasn’t crazy about the name but I thought hey if you can try a golf ball

For real cheap why not um well I understand why they’re trying to give them away basically because when I got that golf ball it felt extremely heavy it felt extremely dead off the club the numbers were absolutely horrific and really what hurt this ball a lot was its

Okay mediocre durability but also the value it’s extremely expensive for a two-piece distance golf ball it’s one of the worst values on the market and that actually pushed it down a ton so honestly it probably should have been the worst golf ball I’ve ever reviewed

But the Wilson 500 so was so bad that it was actually just somehow worse so really weird there but yeah the big Crusher is another one that unfortunately I think here in about a year we won’t even see it on the market anymore number 98 the vulvic XT soft so

I was pretty excited to try a vulvic golf ball for the first time mainly because uh I had seen them on the long drive competition Kyle birkshire had won you know a championship with them um and you know I was just excited because it was one of those Niche things where when

I talked to people who did like vulvic it was one of those underground things where they were like hey it’s actually really good but it’s just no one knows about it you know it’s like a secret club uh but then I finally got a hold of

One I tried it out and didn’t like it and then after I posted the review I realized that a lot of people didn’t like it either a lot of people who had tried one in the past didn’t really care for it either and that Niche underground

Group might be just weirdos I don’t know no offense if you do like it but it might just be people who have a very specific liking for that golf ball uh cuz to be honest with you it had some of the worst performance numbers I’ve ever

Had on the channel um honestly the value isn’t too great either they’re not easy to get a hold of um really honestly there was nothing pulling for the golf ball and after kind of looking at it just on the paper and seeing what it is I’m surprised this golf ball wasn’t

Lower I mean I know it’s 98 out of 100 but I’m surprised that actually there were two worse golf balls based on the numbers alone so um it the durability probably helped it out a little but other than that it didn’t have a lot going for it number 97 clear black I

Really wanted to like the clear black I liked you know the the logo of it I liked the idea of it it was from a former PGA player um and I I do like a traditional feeling for peace firm or golf ball they always don’t perform the

Best but I I don’t know I have a soft spot for them it kind of just reminds me of the old days I really enjoy them especially if they perform um around the green I was able to get some of that old four you know piece firm style it was

Able to stop quickly it was able to grip the green it kind of felt clicky which I kind of like a little bit just a little bit um but where it really felt flat was it just didn’t pop off the clubs uh I had horrendous numbers with it I think

The driver was really the only thing that was kind of okay and then not only that but then you’re talking a terrible value these are actually more than Prov v1s they are actually more expensive than Prov v1s they run almost $60 a dozen and again it kind of misses the

Point of direct consumer why on Earth would anybody buy a clear golf ball for $60 a dozen when Prov ons which are very very highly priced are about $10 cheaper a dozen it doesn’t really make any sense and you can just go to your local Walmart or your local Dick Sporting

Goods Golf Galaxy PGA you name it and you can just pick some up so why on Earth would you special order a more expensive unknown direct to Consumer golf ball really I thought it just missed the mark and unfortunately it comes in really low Number 96 Zio 11 uh

This golf ball I reviewed a long time ago and I’ll be honest with you the moment I hit it I knew something was off now first of all it is soft it is squishy and it does have some spring off the club that’s the good news but unfortunately the ball flight I noticed

Was really weird the first thing I noticed is just how high the golf ball went up into the air by far the highest launch I’ve ever gotten with the nineiron and it was just kind of silly it spun so much it went so high in the

Air I lost distance even with the driver it spun way too much honestly it was just such a weird performing golf ball there’s no way I could really ever trust it plus again you’re getting into a really expensive Prov type of price point which I mean there are some really

Niche underground Zio 11 enthusiasts I know over in Japan it’s a really big deal um but I’m just not convinced again why why would I not buy something like you know the uh uh tailor made tp5 or the prov1 if I was a tour golf ball

Player if I was going to spend $50 a dozen why would I not buy one of the big Brands wellknown instead of going with Zio for $50 it just doesn’t make a lot of sense and unfortunately it wasn’t that good so it gets a pretty bottom spot number 95

Union green pin drop so another golf ball that I tested pretty recently so Union green is an apparent company of Titus um Acushnet I I’m sorry I probably butchered that but I know it’s a company like that basically uh they own Pinnacle they own um now Union green which I

Think is on its way out but we’ll get to more on that in a second and of course tidalist um so these balls actually come out of a Titleist plant and the whole idea is this is their uh direct to Consumer Line This is their you know

Guys who wear their shirts untucked and drink beers and you know use beer cans as a tea you know that kind of that kind of thing um that’s what the golf ball was kind of intended for I was actually sent them to play uh but really it just

Again really firm really dead off the club not a great sound not appeasing to the ear and then when you looked at the stat numbers it was the same way and then the value wasn’t that great A lot of these director consumer companies just missed the idea that a director

Consumer cough PA is supposed to be cheaper and more value than some of the other ones on the market and so for example they had a a three-piece the pin drop is a three-piece value golf ball well for the same price I could go get the stricken qar tour which is going to

Be a lot lot lot higher on this list you’ll see it later but much later if you know what I mean so again why would I do that why would I invest in a company I know nothing about instead of just hey honey we’re at Walmart shopping

For groceries oh I need some more Q Stars it’s just a convenience factor a performance factor a durability Factor it makes no sense sense so unfortunately I wasn’t that impressed and like I said before I think they’re on their way out their social media is starting to slow

Down I’m not seeing the advertisements as much it seems like it’s not doing that well and unfortunately when it comes to having a golf ball company your golf balls have to be good otherwise the company doesn’t work that’s that’s pretty good if you own a restaurant the

Food’s crappy it ain’t going to last number 94 the Kirkland Signature version 3 so I actually in 2023 reviewed two Kirkland golf balls the Kirkland V2 and the Kirkland V3 and when I tried the V2 out um it was okay there was a lot of room for improvement but I understand

What they were trying to do and it had one of the best values on the market and you’ll see the V2 at some point in this list higher up however when they came out with the V3 this year I was extremely disappointed like a lot of other golfers because yes the value is

Incredible I know it’s amazing that you can lose a few of them and not have to worry about the money and it’s a urethane golf ball for so so so cheap but here’s the reality um they tried to model it after a prov1 they tried to

Make it more firm Tour golf ball like uh which just resulted in a worse feel more dead off the club and way worse numbers I mean by far if you look at some of these numbers it was way worse I actually did a video comparing it to the

V2 in my review of the V3 and you could see such such substantial differences they really made it for fast swingers only meaning that if you’re swinging under 105 the V3 probably isn’t much used to you unfortunately and so that’s why it gets a really big bottom spot number 93 the Quantic

F18 I think I’ve always had a soft spot for quantics because it was like one of the first golf balls I reviewed on the channel it was the the maxfly and the quantics were the two first I tested uh quantics of course is one of those

Direct to Consumer lines we love so much based out of Texas uh they basically have a golf ball designer on their team that used to work for maxfly and when I tested the original ones back way way way way in August of 2023 it wasn’t that

Bad to be honest with you I mean I wasn’t able to do a numbers test I didn’t have a launch monitor at that point but I was able to get on the course and play with them and I enjoyed them I lik the look of them it was

Different it was unique um kind of sciency a little bit uh I enjoyed it I enjoyed the price as well because they had them for $30 a dozen but that included shipping and so for a three-piece you know urethane golf ball you couldn’t beat that but here we are a

Few years later with a new model that came out I tested these new models and I got to be honest with you I was just so disappointed it it was awful it’s again more I don’t know why companies are doing this but more rock like more dead

Just no spring off the club I think that maybe these golf balls are intended for a little faster swing speeds but I hate when golf ball companies do that quantics only makes two golf balls an F35 tour and an F-18 uh this one and the other one the F-35 are both essentially

What it feels like meant for really really really fast swing speeds which means what about the rest of us what about you know the people swing 85 or 90 or 95 is there a golf ball for us so it just I think really limits your market number 92 Top Flight Hammer distance I

Mean here’s the thing you’re going to see a lot of top flights on this this list and you know you’re going to see some really really low in the 90s like we are right now you’ll see a couple up in the maybe 50s or 60s and who knows

You might even see one in the top 353 they’re just so spread out I honestly not sure what’s going on here because Dick Sporting essentially does own top fly they also own maxfly but their maxfly line is doing so well that I think what they’re doing is they’re

Essentially creating this big gap here and they’re saying hey maxfly is going to be our golfers golf ball you know we’re going to come out with the tour we’re going to come out with the straight fly these are for golfers and then you have the top flights which I

Think they’re pushing in a way of hey you’re going to be drunk as hell anyway you’re not going to be able to drive the car and you’re going to lose 15 golf balls so it doesn’t matter how they perform Top Flight but here’s the problem is that you have so many

Different lines and I hope they do come out with you know I think they’re getting ready to do a revamp for 2024 so that’ll be interesting to see um but essentially they have so many they had the Top Flight bomb they had the Top Flight Hammer distance Hammer control

The gamer um the XL distance just so many different golf balls that really all acted like they wanted to do the same thing but by far there was none worse than this one which of course being the hammer distance um yes is it a good value of course it is you can get

These golf balls dirt cheap but the performance was awful the durability was awful the design is awful I mean it just looks it looks cheap it looks bad it looks embarrassing I mean I like what top flight’s done with their revamp and their new logo but the way

The golf ball looks it just looks cartoony almost it looks like I wouldn’t take it seriously and it performs like I wouldn’t take it seriously so it’s a double whammy so hopefully Top Flight does better with some of their other golf balls but that’s by far the worst

One I’ve tested out of the bunch number 91 mauno 566 V now this one hurts because I have a soft spot for Muno I’ve always when I was a baseball guy I was a Muno guy I have Muno clubs I’m Muno driver I really like Muno golf bag I

Have it all um I really love mauno but this golf ball is dooky I mean there’s just no way around it it’s bad um you’ll see the other golf balls on this list as well you’ll see you know the tour the Tour X uh the 566 which I’ve had a lot

More success with but there’s just something about that middle ground ball of the 566 V the three-piece model in the middle I don’t know it just the performance wasn’t good the value isn’t really in the right place the price point isn’t great I don’t like the

Design of it really um it’s not as unique as as the just regular RB 566 V and it also doesn’t have that same you know black you know tour level finish I don’t know it’s just right in the middle I just don’t really like anything about

It I don’t like its performance uh and that’s how the score came up essentially and it didn’t have that great of durability either when I was done it was extremely scuffed up uh which I didn’t have that with the other Muno ball so there was just something about this one

Now I haven’t tested the newer versions hopefully the newer versions are a little bit better um cuz be honest with you I don’t know if they got they could have gotten too much worse number 90 Wilson 50 again you know Wilson’s really interesting because you’ll see Wilson at

The top of this list and you’ll see them all throughout the middle and you’ll see them at the bottom they just make so many different golf balls that they’re not all winners and they’re not all losers you know so they just kind of fit there but the Wilson 50 was another one

That honestly um I’m not sure if it was too soft and it was just I was overc compressing the heck out of it and it just wasn’t wanting to really go if you know what I mean it just wasn’t wanting to Spring off the club uh but I just had

Abysmal numbers with it I really did I mean of course the value is going to be there because you can get them for around a dollar golf ball but everything else from the design to the durability to the performance numbers is just meh and when you got 100 golf balls in the

Pot it’s just going to fall to the bottom that’s all there is to it and so this wraps up our 100 through 90 guys be on the lookout in a couple of days because we will have 89 through 80 as always keep watching and keep saving and keep learning until next time


  1. My question is when you are talking about swing speeds are you talking about your driver speed or your 7 iron?

  2. I thought I had it right. I was one off. I thought the Bigg Crusher was going to be 100. I remember it did not get a good review. I forgot about #100.

  3. My local course has a par four, where the fairway ends in a downhill into a LARGE ditch, and the green lies on the other side. If you over shoot, you will roll down the hill into the ditch every time. So, yesterday I had my wheaties and rolled it into the ditch. In the drop zone on the other side I found a Topflight hammer distance and figured what the heck, free ball. After chasing it back and forth over the green a few times, three putted the boulder of a ball into the hole. I promptly threw it away on the next tee box, and will do so from now on. Great series!!

  4. Howdy! Love the content (have watched many many of the videos) and have used your info. for ball choices multiple times!

    Question: When you start getting to the better balls and comparing them, will there be some data presented for the rankings?

    I know you have mountains of data from all the testing you've done, so I'm just curious.

    I know it's a HUGE task putting all this together all by yourself, so I'm grateful for all your work.

    Eagerly awaiting the rest of the rankings and thanks for everything you do!

  5. I love your marketing for the Top Flite Hammer. 😂 I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.

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