In The Bag 2024

Check out my 2024 Team Gateway in the bag! Check out my sponsors below!

Pure Flight Disc Golf –
Gateway Disc Sports –

Hey guys what’s up uh John here uh Team Gateway this year um and I finally got all my stuff in got to play some rounds um got to do some field work um bag is pretty much set for the start of the season um I have a frozen fingers

Tournament next weekend um and this is the bag I’ll be rolling with uh so hopefully that works out and let’s get started uh so for putting Putters I have wizards um right now I’m bagging a 174 lunar wizard that’s very soft um good for cold weather and then as things

Start to heat up I have these SS Wizards which are much stiffer but I feel like uh when the weather changes they’ll kind of give me the same feel this in the soft and this in the warm weather um Plastics will kind of feel the same um

So I’m going with those right now and then kind of got my throwing Putters up SL approach discs up here so let’s see here so to start uh I absolutely fallen in love with this disc uh this is the chos um it’s just so dead straight I’ve

Had multiple Ace runs with it in the past two weeks um plastic feels great disc feels great in the hand shallow uh sort of this disc and I’ve got suregrip Houdini uh this one is for um approach shots I’ve been throwing it more backhand approaches and this is

On stuff that um I’m not really running I’m just trying to get up by the basket and have it sit I’ll go with this sh grip Houdini if I’m running the basket um it’s devil Hawk all the way uh this disc is just so good um for the

Past almost two years I’ve bagged um an HD devil Hawk and then this got this new Special Blend um and this plastic just feels so good um so this is the one that made the bag then for my understable throwing putter I’ve got a glow Shaman um again straight to slightly

Stable can throw Hiser flip up continues to turn um this is actually a shaman is what got me into gateway to begin with a couple years ago um I was playing with a friend and she was throwing I think it was a Sure Grip Shaman um every shot

That called for a mid every up shot off the te on some shorter hole she was just ripping that Shaman and I said I have to throw that disc and I gave it a couple throws and immediately was like I need to get that um so

Shaman and then this one um kind of interesting I picked this up because it was on sale um it’s a Sure Grip demon and I heard it wasn’t supposed to fly like the normal demon that’s why they were um on sale because the in this plastic for some reason they didn’t fly

To the flight numbers but this this Su GP demon is dead straight um if I need and the sugar plastic of course is just grippy and it just sticks so if I’m throwing an approach shot that’s anything longer than what I would use the Houdini for um I’ll go with this Sure Grip

Demon uh let’s go ahead and move to these Side Pockets because I have some more approaches over here kind of utility slots um anybody who knows me uh knows that this is absolutely my favorite disc of all time the AGL bobab um amazing disc I have multiples

Backups of these um this it’s just ridiculous the kind of rollers I can throw with this I could throw a forehand um just a flick roll and get 350 ft dead straight and it just rolls dead straight and then Falls over you don’t get any any kind of fade either direction um

It’s just point and shoe roller um and then I decided to try um the baobab’s counterpart over here this is the shortcut from Full turn um and it’s slightly more beefy than the bobab and has a little bit more Glide um but still basically a good out of jail free

Card this other side pocket I think I have a few mids over here yeah so we have AG uh Magnolia and this is like my slightly overstable mid um feels great in the hand um flies great tons of Glide um not something I pull out a lot but if

I need um a headwind straight shot this is what I’ll go for um I also have storm disc wall cloud um I was looking for something to kind of fill that um Justice slot so I picked this up it doesn’t quite fit that slot but it is

Um absolutely a great overstable mid and it can handle a little bit of forehand torque too um if I throw it flat um it pushes straight and then it’s got a nice hard hookup uh yep storm disc wall cloud then I’ve got kind of my um headwind straight Fairway uh Diablo uh

It’s a 9502 um but it doesn’t really fly overstable at all um it’s pretty dead straight and can hold um backhand torque at least for me um I can throw it flat and it won’t ever flip over it just goes dead straight and then dips

Out again don’t reach for that one a lot because you’ll see I have some other stuff kind of in that slot but if I need a straight headwind um Fairway I would go with that let’s get to mids okay so we’ll go from understable to overstable so my understable mid I

Have a Mystic um Diamond Mystic feels amazing in the hand um great heer flip up or I throw it on some big backhand turnover shots um just really Dependable under stability then next I have of course an element everybody’s got to have an element this one’s um got

Some cool like red metal flake in it I don’t know if you guys can see that um but it feels and flies amazing it’s like I put it on a slight Heiser it pops up and just goes dead straight and it’s got a good finish um love this disc you got to have

This one then I’ve got the warrior uh Warrior is my go-to overstable mid um can throw it on hisers Let It dive back can throw it flat um and get a nice hookup also able to flex this one on backand and some uh forehand not full power um but some shorter

Forehands um can get a nice Flex out of it and then my overstable boy uh this HD demon um I heard some people saying that this disc was kind of weird and not what they expected it’s got this like this weird lip right here where the center

Section is higher than the than the flight plate um you can’t notice it at all when you’re throwing it it doesn’t affect your grip at all um but this ended up this is going to be my Justice replacement um I can throw it flat forehand full power push a straight

Solid hookup um really liking this disc and then we’ve got Fairways let’s see all right so for Fairways uh this is one of my favorite Fairway drivers from any company ever ever um it’s a Gateway spear um this thing is just tier flip up push dead straight forever so much Glide

Um absolutely love this disc in the woods then this is one I got because it seemed interesting I wanted to try it um absolutely love it reptilian disc chameleon um it’s got this blunt Edge so from what I’ve read it’s a the rim with is like a 10-speed Rim but the disc

Itself is actually a 8 and 1/2 speed listed um and it’s because the rim is just so blunt but I’ll say this is the most comfortable um driver I’ve ever held in my hand um just because of that that large rounded um Edge it’s so comfortable and I get such a clean

Release every time um flies dead straight uh absolutely loving this disc then I’ve got a superlow assassin uh this one is a little beat in um more flippy um actually it might be a little more flippy than my spear um but I can heer flip it up and then this is

Also my kind of turnover um if I want to throw a big turnover um backand this is what I go with and then I’ve got a blaze uh 7 speed overstable um metal flake really good feeling disc um haven’t played around with it much but when I’ve

Needed it it’s been very dependable um good overstable um Fairway driver then we’ve got a saber um this is another seven speeed this one’s a 76 negative -11 um absolutely six glide on this um Glides forever um great accuracy with the seven speed um again this one I can higher

Flip up um and also turn over um very very Dy um but flies great and then this one uh this might be uh my most used Fairway um right now it’s the AGL Locus um basically like a Thunderbird um throw it on backhand it’s reliably overstable throw it on forehand

It can hold some torque um get a nice turn and then a good hard finish uh great Flex lines in the woods with this and then I actually have one more Fairway and that’s my blade um kind of a Firebird esque um not as overstable though uh um but really good stability I

Can forehand this it can handle the torque um and still hook up and then on to my standard distance drivers so again from underst stable to stable I’ve got a diamond Journey um feels great um 11 and a half speed six Glide pop up just rides forever and then has a nice

Finish um it doesn’t get too too flippy to the point where it turns over on a backhand um and then recently I’ve also learned that I can heer flip this up on a forehand and get a big huge turnover shot on a forehand from heer flip to turnover um and it just carries

Forever then I’ve got the G1 uh this one very pop top huge Dome um and with my backand it’s pretty much dead straight um little tiny bit of Hiser flips up pushes forever dead straight um one of the gladies discs I’ve ever thrown in my life then we’ve got

Samurai this guy another one that’s um pretty dead straight on a backand um but I can get um a little more hookup out of it and it it can hold a forehand torque a little bit better than the um the journey or the G1 next I’ve got an ether and NXT

Plastic um I will say I got a couple discs in this NXT plastic to try out and this plastic is crazy good it feels amazing in the hand it’s grippy it’s not super soft it’s just ridiculously good and this disc is my go-to backhand distance driver it just carries forever

With a nice finish at the end next one is the realm um this is basically my um I would say Destroyer clone uh again an NXT plastic feels amazing um a little flatter Than The Ether um throw it on forehand I can pop this one up a a little bit and it just

Carries forever um also backhand it’s my overstable backhand driver um it’s got really good finish uh it’s going to be a Workhorse this year and then I’ve got the spell uh in Cobalt plastic uh this one’s a 12503 um I feel like that this it doesn’t have the turn um but the

Stability is more um late in the flight it doesn’t it’s not like a a meat hook where it’s going to just dump out of your hand and go this thing pushes straight forever and then dumps hard um also you can Flex it on a forehand um carries forever comes back

To flat and then you get the good hookup um by far my furthest flying disc um is the spell on forehand and then I’ve got my two beefy boys um so I got a diamond spirit this one’s very flat um I had another spirit

That was I think an HD Spirit um and it wasn’t nearly as stable as I was looking for it flew basically like the realm or the um spell it was it would push straight forever and then hook up and that really wasn’t what I was looking

For from that slot so I picked up this guy this is what I was looking for this is just straight beef 12sp speed um can give it a a ton of Annie on forehand and it always fights back gets a little push and dumps if I throw it flat it’s just a

Meat hook it’s immediately diving right um yeah and then this disc I’m not sure if it’s supposed to fly like this um it’s the AGL Cedar uh it’s an 11 speed 1153 um I had a a first run Cedar in a different plastic that was um basically

A destroyer clone um had that same exact flight um I was getting that kind of distance with it too but this guy this might be my like super overstable Firebird uh replacement this is the beefiest disc I’ve ever thrown besides a tilt um it’s pretty flat um feels great

On the forehand but it is straight up meat hook um can’t throw it flat probably over 300 ft um but it’s been great for what I’ve been using it for and I think it’s definitely going to fill that um Firebird slot and then I’ve got my my Gateway bag

Here um really was pleasantly surprised with this quality is great holds a ton of discs um this putter using this as a putter pocket in the front is absolutely clutch um easy to get in and out can keep other disc back here um love it so

Far um but that’s my in the bag and hopefully uh it leads to a good season

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