Golf Power Swing – Load and EXPLODE!

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Immerse yourself in the transformative Miracle Swing Experience Clinic scheduled for April 5th, 6th and 7th

Welcome to our ultimate guide to boosting your golf game with explosive power swings and precision power shots! If you’ve been looking to add some serious distance to your drives and refine your shot-making with more control and efficiency, you’re in the right place. This video is packed with actionable golf speed drills, golf transition drills, and insights into golf transition feels that will transform your performance on the course.

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🏌️‍♂️ What You Will Learn:

Golf Power Swing Techniques: Discover the secrets behind a more powerful swing and how to implement them into your game.
Golf Power Shots: Techniques and strategies to hit farther and with more precision, making every shot count.
Golf Speed Drills: Specific drills designed to increase your swing speed, ensuring that power translates directly to distance.
Golf Transition Drills: Step-by-step exercises that focus on the critical transition phase of your swing, improving both speed and timing.
Golf Transition Feels: Explore the sensations and muscle memories you should aim for during your swing transition to maximize power and control.

#GolfPowerSwing #GolfPowerShots #GolfSpeedDrills

So you get into that load and then you come through and then people get like straight arms right here yeah I’ve never been able to do that you’re going to get it here I’ve always been this that’s what we want what is going on YouTube good morning miracle swingers I am going to

Be talking about something that’s super duper important in the golf swing it’s what I call load and explode okay you can explode if you don’t load and this is a big part of sacred step number two and three in the miracle swing system you have to have a deep takeaway and you

Have to learn the power shift so I’m going to be teaching one of my students Billy in today’s lesson and he’s gonna start to really load and explode I’m gonna tell you something that man can hit a drive he almost drove the green on

Number four I was like oh my God once he got it he’s a big fellow and once he started to really leverage the club it got really pretty crazy but I gotta tell you this morning I’ve been talking with David lead better on Twitter and this is

So crazy a lot of people don’t know David lead better was my first ever golf coach yes it’s true 41 years ago 1983 lead better Training Academy at Greenleaf West in Han City Florida it was a long time ago but we caught up at the golf PGA show and it was just kind

Of crazy it’s just crazy we’re talking on Twitter but guys I want to tell you real quick the next Miracle swing experience is going to be the weekend of April 6th and 7th actually 5th 6th and 7th because on Friday night we’re gonna have a meet and greet at what what’s

Been rated the second best clubhouse in all of Southern California at Black Gold this is a big step up I’ve been invited by one of the Southern California PGA teachers of the Year Andy Gaither he has invited me to teach at Black Gold we’re GNA have the next msse experience over

The course of the weekend at this premium golf site April 6th and 7th the week before the Masters so hit me up Christo at Miracles swing if you’d like some more information about that amazing weekend it’s going to be something spectacular so let’s get into today’s lesson and if you have any

Questions about how I swing the club go to Miracles swing do yourself a favor and get the seven sacred steps of the miracle swing it’s changing lives in fact I’m going to read you a couple emails real quick first from from Pat hey Christo you are a

Genius been following you for years and recently joined Your Country Club watched your lessons and Shop par for the first time in my life at Seattle Country Club yesterday I’m a nine handicap thank you you’re inspiring and you have made my golf experience so much

More fun and then next up is Bill Bill wrote me and said I had my best round ever today got an eagle from 84 yards out on a par five hole number nine shot 41 on the back nine so many straight shots today it was amazing and I’m gonna

Get better at it so guys that’s what’s happening I get these testimonials all the time you need to change your and change your life try the over-the-top miracle swing and let’s get into today’s lesson so you get into that load and then you come through and then people

Get like straight arms right here yeah I’ve never been able to do that you’re going to get it I’ve always been this you know like I’ve always been like trying to fight it fight it through right so so get into your load like like you just were okay now this whole chain lead

Chain is going to extend Bend up and around oh okay so that starts it and then if that left shoulder keeps going back that club is just going to fly out to that position you were talking about okay so that left leg starts the whole that remember I Wasing you were

Talking about your shoulder I’m like it starts with the leg the leg presses and it comes up so then that’ll take some of the thought out of that because it’s I don’t I don’t even think about it yeah okay like you say right like lift and

Lo it it just looks a little late Billy still yeah so so check this out cuz I’m trying what I’m seeing is is you’re you’re inside and then you’re like getting here like what I’m asking is as you lift so it’s a simultaneous yeah it’s at the same time and then you just

Let go how’s that looking is it it it looks really really good now I’m going to move this ball don’t move your feet want these ball here okay now now hit it flare that foot a little bit on your front foot okay now do it that was closer pretty good that’s

Pretty I’ll say that’s closer you’ve never felt that right that’s a whole different thing okay let’s try it again that’s closer let’s try it again oh so yeah and then just let your weight fall into that lead side oh lost my balance that was better sweet that was

That felt more penetrating try it again that was that was good you were it was effortless leverage I could see how it’d be easier to control low Point like when you get this down you know the magical 4 in yeah your your your centers your swing

Centers um I talk mostly about center of gravity which is your pelvic Center yeah but this shoulder Hub has to get so those buttons are ready to be in front like my head’s not moving yeah but it’s just down and through that’s that looks good that’s

Such a different like get here so before what I saw is is this and then here we’re just going here so I was chasing it it’s two moves instead of three moves yeah and then you got to time it right this takes that timing right out of it

Getting there but you’re feeling it I know I didn’t get deep enough that time well be be willing to really turn your back to the Target and that that really gets you into that lead side so it’s more like yeah okay so when when I’m doing the half shot I wasn’t thinking

NE necessarily about doing that but give me a three4 just go ahead and hit it 3/4 nice and smooth like you don’t need to try and hit it like it’s it’s just going to unwind you see me fighting it I’m still I’m still fighting my arms

It’s just going to unwind the arms are coming along for the ride remember Ben Hogan said that yeah when you load right your arms can’t catch up to your pivot oh sweetie that was better yeah that was better right there man that was different okay like go back to the

Beginning all right so it it really truly is don’t be afraid of it the more you do it it’s it’s going to feel like I’m I’m too wound up I’m I can hit it too hard like i’ I’ve got so much I’m coiled so much yeah you know it’s scary at

First in fact the the the course of the OTC evolution is like can I do this more can I do it more and every time I did it more I’m like holy crap I’ve got more and more leverage you know and if you if you’re not trying to outrace your body

With your hands you just let them do this I feel like I’m going over as much as I can and it’s just you know just getting back to square there’s so much power you don’t even have to try and do anything it’s such a mental gymnastics little thing you know give up

Control to gain control oh how far do you feel like you’re back here when you’re here like are you maxed out when you say maxed out it’s like Turned as far as I can I can go so let me see if I can do this so

Here and then I just keep my chest to down and turn the corner yeah but there’s no arms in that the modern golf swing is wrong stop taking the club head back outside the hands stop keeping your lead heel planted and stop dropping it under these moves are biomechanically

Unsound and they can lead to serious injuries did you know almost all the champions from the past took the club back to the inside and lifted their lead heel did you know the top 10 winners in the history of the PGA Tour are all over the top that’s right they’re all Ott

Swingers the pi Pipers of modern instruction have led everyone astray getting them addicted to buying clubs and endless lessons to try and fix the very problems they’ve created Champions like Bobby Jones knew taking the club back to the inside lifting the lead heel and going over the

Top is the easiest way to hit powerful consistent golf shots hey guys I’m Christo Garcia the founder of the over-the-top miracal swing and I’m going to give you the secret to the whole program right here so when you look at the great champions from the past they all had an inside takeaway now

From there there’s only one place to go you have to go a little Ott to get the club head back on plane this is your kind of your body’s bringing the club back inside you’re up here just let the club fall on the ball it goes long and straight so Bob what’s

Your lowest rounded golf so far shot of 69 all right now I believe this video series is going to help end the insanity that’s happened in the world of golf instruction that was as pure as anything I’ve ever hit in my life and I hope you’ll pick up the seven sacred steps of

The over-the-top miracle swing or the Ott checklist until next time I hope you hit them long and hit them straight take advantage of our introductory pricing for this complete seven video Miracle swing course and be a part of the fastest growing movement in golf say goodbye to endless lessons that

Only reinforce bad habits say hello to a pain-free swing that will give you unbelievable power shot after shot take control of your future and pick up the seven sacred steps of the over-the-top miracle swing

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