Golf Babe

an honest review of the sims 4’s fan voted kits

let’s talk about the new castle estate & goth galore kits that released today!

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I don’t really know if this is good or bad news,   but there are two more kits  coming to The Sims 4 today. I say that because they release so many of these   things and the frequency and the size of  these kits can be kind of controversial.

But I’m not really here to debate the  existence of kits in general today,   I just want to review these two kits and let you  know whether or not I think they’re worth buying. I never want you to waste your money so I’m  going to show off every single thing that  

Comes in both packs and then talk about what I  like and what I don’t like from each of them. Obviously bear in mind that what  I like, you might not care for,   and what you love, I might  not be all that interested in.

Kits can be kind of niche and they’re not  necessarily meant to appeal to everybody, which is   why I want to give you the tools to see everything  and then make that decision for yourself. And these two are actually fan voted kits  because back in May of last year they had  

Us vote between two build kit concepts and  two CAS kit concepts and as you can see the   community picked the medieval castle  concept and the goth fashion concept. I’m really curious to find out if  that small community involvement in   these kits is going to make them sell better or if  

People will like generally enjoy them  more because they maybe voted for it. But I don’t really know because that  vote was so long ago and so simple,   we just picked between two images. So I don’t really think that anybody  has any sort of special attachment here,  

They’re kind of just like any other kit. If they had maybe given us some more  inside info along the way with like   some more concept art during the process  or something maybe we would care more? I’ll tell you right now that I am  really excited about the castle kit.

I’m more of a builder so usually the  build stuff is more interesting to me. You might not know this, but I have  a history degree so this is like,   right up my alley, it’s like my two favorite  things: old stuff and Sims building combining.

I’m not as interested in the Goth Galore kit just  because I don’t really care about fashion stuff. None of the CAS kits are  ever really a big deal to me. I don’t know if this is right. I’m trying to search it on  the EA App — yeah, okay.

I’m trying to buy them because they  should have come out like 5 minutes ago,   but um, we might have to wait a little bit longer. Okay, they are officially here in the game menu  and you can buy them from the game menu too,  

Or at least you should be able  to buy them from the game menu. I don’t know if it’s going to work, but  at the very least we can now see them   in game and then compare them  to the size of the other kits. So the most recent kit was the Modern Luxe kit.

These are all of the items that it  came with. In total there are 38 items,   although I would say it probably technically has  less because there’s two sizes of curtain and   there’s two sides of the curtain so like, all  of these items maybe could count as like, one.

Compared to the Castle Estate kit  which actually only has 16 items in it. Um, when you look at it like  that, it’s not so promising,   but this is more of a build kit, like  a build mode kit than a furniture kit.

And the only other kit that is like remotely  comparable in that way is the Courtyard   Oasis kit and this one obviously has more  because it did come with some furnishing. We had like a couple tables, a couple plants,   a couple lights, a couple chairs, and  then most of it was just wall stuff.

We had like the wallpapers, the flooring,  the windows, and the doors, and I find   this kit kind of hard to use because  it’s got so little of both categories. There’s like not enough windows to do a full  house, there’s not enough furniture to do a  

Full house, you just have like kind of a little  bit of each and it doesn’t really go very far. So I’m hopeful that there’s a more complete  build set in this one, but it is also looking  

A lot more sad in game than I was expecting it to,  so that’s kind of alarming, I’m not going to lie. I’m seeing this and I’m like oh  dear, that’s smaller than I thought. This Goth Galore kit has 24 CAS items which  is pretty similar to a lot of the other ones,  

The most recent one, the  Poolside Splash kit, had 29. Before that the Grunge Revival  kit had 25 so it kind of depends. I will say this is a little bit less than I was  expecting, especially since a couple of them are  

Makeup items and I feel like the makeup items  aren’t as big of a deal as the clothing so I’d   want to see like 25 clothing assets plus the  makeup for like 28 items, but I don’t know. Maybe I’m just being picky, but I always  want to see more out of these things and  

Both right now I’m kind of like aw man,  that’s smaller than I was expecting. I also can’t buy them, it doesn’t work. So we’re kind of stuck here. Well, while I sit here and try reloading  to see if that works. now is a good time to  

Tell you that I am going to be live on my Twitch  channel playing with the castle kit later today. We play The Sims pretty much every day over on  Twitch and I should have a couple of giveaway  

Codes assuming that the Sim sends me my codes in  time, but we should have giveaway codes for today. Okay, well seems like nothing’s happening on time,   but I don’t know, hopefully, hopefully I’ll  have giveaway codes for each of these packs,   but either way I’ll be there playing  the game and building with it.

I’m actually having better luck  buying these on the EA website. I don’t know if creator codes work on the website,   but I’m going to test it because I get 5%  of the purchase if I use my creator code.

You do not have to use my creator code,  but if you wanted to it’s just lilsimsie. I’m not trying to sit here and like  force you to buy the pack or to use it,   but if you are going to buy a pack  and you want to use it, you can.

You could also use a different Sims creators  code if you’d like to support them instead,   I just encourage you to use somebody’s code if  you are going to buy any Sims packs because that  

Way someone makes a little bit of money off of it  and EA makes a little bit less money off of it. And it’s free for you because  you were already going to buy   the pack and you just happen to be also  supporting a creator now while you do it.

But anyway, do I need to reload the  game for them to actually install? I don’t know, I don’t trust The Sims. Okay, here we go. Build something grand,  get inspired by the majesty of castles and   build using gothic arches, stackable ornate  windows, grand staircases, blah blah blah.

And gotta love a classic, parapets,  stained glass windows, arrow slits   and even a gargoyle are among the classical  details that will make your manor magnificent. And then obviously also with the Goth  Galore kit, you can be dark and distinct. Variety isn’t always about color, sometimes  it’s about textures and embellishments.

Add points of interest with mesh,  belts, buckles, straps, and harnesses. Also goth on the go, your Sims will  flirt with their dark sides in platform   shoes and sleek silhouettes that are  perfect for everyday wear, parties,   or any occasion where they want to stand out.

Okay, I say that we start with  the build kit because that’s   what I’m most excited for and also most scared of. My expectations are so high with the build kit   that I’m a little bit nervous that  my dreams are going to be crushed.

I actually started building a weird  shell of a castle on this Von Haunt   Estate lot in Windenburg just so we  could test this out a little bit better. It is by no means a good castle, I just wanted to  

Have something that would work to help  us test out these items a bit better. As we know there isn’t like any furniture to use,   it’s mostly things like foundations and  friezes and all those fancy build features. So starting there with the foundation,  this is that cornerstone castle foundation.

It comes in a lot more swatches  than I was expecting, ooh! Oh, that one is pretty, there’s like  some mossy clover stuff growing in it. So in total it looks like we have  quite a few clean variants and also  

A bunch of dirty ones as well that  are covered in this like dark dirt. I don’t like that one, this one is a  little bit more orange than I would like,   but I do like how we have some options here. It helps that we’ve got a  couple different color variants,  

It does come in solid white and solid  black so you can fit it in quite easily. Plus this bonus one with the pretty moss so that   should hopefully be useful for a lot  of different styles of castle builds. This foundation is quite plain as well,  

It’s like simple stone brick so you could  probably use this on like a cottage of sorts. I’m imagining like maybe the goth family gets  a new foundation with this dark black brick. I could see this being a little bit  more versatile than you might expect.

I’m always trying to think of how to use these  items in ways that it maybe wasn’t intended for   because not everybody’s going to build a  castle like every day so if you’re going   to buy this, you want to have uses for  it outside of just you know, one thing.

It looks like we do have  a staircase and this stone   staircase is one of the things  that I was most excited about. I know that sounds kind of weird, but we  don’t really have a lot of stone staircases.

We have a couple things like this, obviously  even like the Star Wars pack has one,   but this is quite useful I think for  like general community lot building,   like your library maybe  might have a stone staircase.

Any kind of build that has a sidewalk situation  I think you could get good use out of this for. This is like a good solid, literally,  type of staircase so I could see myself   using this a lot, that might be  my most used item from the kit.

Staircase pricing is always very interesting  to me, there’s a huge discrepancy in them,   most of them are kind of cheap, like eight  simoleons, and as you’re going through,   here all of a sudden it jumps up  from like 15, 20, to 32, 35, 48. The stairs get really expensive really fast.

So these are actually on the cheaper end  so they should hopefully be pretty useful. There’s two new fences, we have this  heirloom hand rail and it’s kind of fancy,   this is like way cooler than  I thought it was going to be. I thought from the original picture  of the Goth family’s mansion they  

Did that this was like wooden and  I was kind of worried about it,   but it looks like it is stone so it  has all those same stone swatches. We don’t have a lot of stone  fences, we have a couple, but like,   this one obviously is a completely  different vibe, that barely counts.

I’m picturing myself rebuilding  Vlad’s mansion from Vampires with   this stuff right now and getting kind of excited. This one also has a matching railing  so you can use that on the stairs. It costs 30 simoleons so it’s pretty  pricey compared to a lot of other  

Fences which makes sense considering  it is literally made of solid stone. And this is the Battlement fence, and this one,  this is weird, it has a very specific purpose,   but this is what I was most excited about  because this is what you can use to like,  

Really decorate your builds and then make  some really cool detailing like this on   your exteriors, like all of a sudden my  really weird shape looks like a castle. Before you were looking at this thinking  like Kayla, what are you building? This is kind of weird.

And then I add in this and all of a  sudden it’s like a million times better,   you can see what I’m going for and you can  actually tell that it’s supposed to be a castle. Oh, now what is that doing? Are you kidding? Stop.

Hold on. This is not really helping us, is it? Please, I don’t want you to become a  room. Please, please don’t do that. If you don’t want that to happen,   you can like move and drag stuff  so it doesn’t close anything off.

Closing off is bad, sometimes — no no  no no no no no no, what are you doing? Why are you doing that? Why  are you doing that to me? If I build the wall is it  going to do it again? Huh?

Okay, um, I don’t know if this is  specifically to blame the castle kit,   but I guess in reality I probably do  want that to be closed off anyway. I guess realistically I probably do want  to have a foundation in here anyway.

This is like a courtyard space so it can be up  to the same height as the rest of the building. Oh my god, again, I don’t think it’s the  kit’s fault, this is just The Sims 4. You know about The Sims 4, you are  used to The Sims 4 being like this.

Okay, and then we have a frieze,  this is the battlement frieze,   look at how cool that looks on there. So friezes can only be placed on medium wall  height or taller, but if you really want to,  

You can hold shift and you can place it on short  wall heights, normally it wouldn’t let you,   it says it has to be taller, but you can kind of  make it work however you want if you hold shift. Friezes in The Sims 4 are very  glitchy and very annoying.

That is not the fault of this particular frieze,  but that just is kind of how the friezes are. If you’ve ever used them, you’re  probably familiar with that. And then this obviously comes in all those same  stone colors, so we have a few variants of like  

Lightly colored brown stone, there’s some  gray, we’ve got a solid black, we also have   a solid white that you can use, and they’re  all kind of a stone texture on this frieze. Then there’s also an exterior trim. The difference between trim and  friezes is that friezes place on  

The top of a wall so you can see it  placed up here on top of the wall. Trim places on the bottom of a floor. It sounds  kind of weird because if I put this here,   it is on top of the wall, but  what’s actually happening is  

This is placing around the bottom of this  fence and it also is on top of that wall. I realize that sounds kind of weird and it’s  real confusing when you place it here and it   looks like it’s on top of the wall, but  what’s actually happening is this trim is  

Placing at the bottom of the fence which is  why you can use trim on short wall height. So I’m going to go through and add that  onto all of the tops of these buildings. When I try and place it here, you get what I mean.

I can’t place it on this wall, but if I move up   and try and place it there on the  fence, all of a sudden it works. So again, seems kind of confusing, but that’s  just how the trims and friezes work in this game.

I’m actually really, really liking  that, I think that’s super cool. I really like the detail on all of these,  there’s like some interesting carving happening. And again this has all those same  swatches as the rest of the things do.

Everything in this pack seems like it  matches which is good because if it didn’t,   that would be a disaster, but it  has all those same stone colors. We did also get one column,  this is the compound column. I typically like to use columns to place  them in the corners as like accent pieces  

Of buildings like this, so I don’t know, I might  go around and place those like all on the edges. And then maybe on the inside  here we could get some kind   of cool like decorative column stuff happening. Uh-oh, see, friezes, they’re  buggy, I tried to tell you. I tried to warn you.

There could be a roof on top of this, I don’t  really know what I want it to look like yet. Shockingly it looks like these columns  come in all of the same swatches,   you can see a bit better the difference  between the plain one and the dirty one now,  

You can see how it has a lot of that  dark dirt at the top on this column. I think that should match the wallpaper  really well, let’s test that next. So there’s only one wallpaper in this pack,   it’s the historic stone bricks and they match  — oh, look at that, with the foundation.

That just ties everything together  so well, those match perfectly. Oh, I’m so glad, it’s such a relief to have things  in this game like actually match each other. Um, weirdly it looks like there’s almost like a  line in the middle of it where it’s like slightly  

Darker brick on the bottom, and not in like a  dirty way because this is the dirty brick swatch. Oh, there’s like two kinds  of dirty brick swatches. Oh, look at that one! Oh my god, that’s so pretty, that’s  my favorite one. That looks so good.

Okay,, but there’s like a dirty brick swatch  that has the darker brick at the top so that   kind of matches this darker column so you  can see what I’m talking about a bit better. I don’t like the wallpaper  as much as I thought I would  

Mostly because I think I’m failing  to understand the textures on it. Why is there that like line down  the middle? It’s really noticeable. It’s not as noticeable on the second floor, but  it is still visible to me, but it’s not as bad.

How does it look when you delete the friezes?  Okay, it does line up nicely together. Am I imagining that? I’m not, you  can see it, it’s different colors. I don’t know how I feel about that. It  doesn’t look bad when it’s all together  

Though, like it it looks okay across the  whole building so I’m not really upset,   I’m just kind of weirded out by that. And then again, this one  comes in all the same colors,   I like that they have a nice solid  plain black and a plain white too. The plain white’s not really white,  

It’s kind of a light gray stone, but  at least the black is solid black. There really are a bunch of really nice colors   of this stone, it’s making me kind  of excited to build with the pack. We also have a single floor tile from  here, it’s these weathered stone pavers.

And these are cool, we don’t have anything  like these checkered stone pavers. Oh my god, look at that one! I  really like this mossy swatch. I really like how there’s so many different  variants, I can see myself using this a lot  

To make people’s backyards, I could do this  as like a nice paver for someone’s back patio. Because it looks like a castle thing,   but it could also really easily pass as like  a regular patio paver if you needed it to. So, so far I’m thinking the  stairs and this flooring are  

Probably the most usable outside  of very specific castle builds. We also have this gothic spandrel which we could  try and test out in here, what’s going on there? Excuse you, can I ask why it’s doing that?  Do any of you know know why it’s doing that?

The Sims 4 is Sims 4-ing,  it’s because of the frieze. When you have a frieze, the  frieze makes the spandrel lower,   I don’t know if you can see this here, but  the spandrel has to be below the frieze so  

If I delete that freeze and then I put the  spandrel back, it should stop doing that. Oh, or not. Is there a frieze inside? Oh my god,  I told you, friezes are so buggy in this game. It’s the fault of the frieze,  not just this spandrel does that,  

Any spandrel would do that,  even the base game ones would. Friezes are so annoying, they’re so annoying  to work with, it’s not for the faint of heart. But this is what that spandrel  looks like, that is so cool.

It also has a kind of cool mossy one, I love the  idea of making like an abandoned overgrown fairy   castle with these swatches, it’s making me want  to try and do that right now, I’m really excited. I might try and do that  tomorrow for a YouTube video.

There are two other decorative things,  we have this eavesdropping llama so this   is kind of an interesting weird  castle detail that you can use. It’s kind of a cool support  that you can add in places. I like that it’s a llama and it has a  shield, that’s very Sims in a good way.

If you’re well acquainted with  keeping secrets from prying eyes,   this wall sculpture is for you. Otherwise,  take heed. This historic sculpture of an   eavesdropping llama is known to listen  in on your deepest darkest secrets. Historians agree that mystery still surrounds this  piece, and then we also have this crest of Yore.

Like a wall crest, a finely carved stone  plaque from the notable Yore period. The artistry of this historic piece is  unparalleled and the crest bears unique   symbols that represent an ideal  of virtue of the castle’s family. Display it proudly as a reminder  of your family’s honor and glory,  

And it’s, I mean, this is kind of plain. Ooh, Freezer Bunny! Are you kidding? Why  do only some of them have that swatch? That’s cool! Grilled cheese, gnome, Freezer  Bunny, is that like a flamingo maybe? Huh, okay, well, crest of Yore.

And then last, but certainly not least, what I’ve  been most worried about are the doors and windows. So we have first this earl’s  door, it’s for short wall height. And that’s kind of fancy, it’s a wooden door  with a cool stone archway surrounding it.

Comes in all those same matching  swatches, lots of dark wood colors. That could work nicely as both an interior and an  exterior door for a big fancy castle like this. Oh my god, do I need tall wall height? Whoa, okay.

So on medium wall height we have the earl’s  double door, it’s the same, just you know, bigger. It’s a cool double door with  all those same color swatches,   I really like this one, I think that’s cool. And then it also has a matching archway so what  

I was kind of picturing is maybe  having the archway on the outside,   the arch is the same thing just without the door  in the middle, so it’ll have all the same colors. That one’s 780 simoleons, they’re pretty expensive  which makes sense because they’re so big.

And then there’s a tall Wall height door which is  even bigger and even fancier, look at this thing. With like a really fancy column  arch around it, that is cool. Imagine that as like Vlad’s front  door into his house, come on.

And this one is 1,740! Is that like the  most expensive door out of all of them? It must be, that is so pricey. And then lastly we have this cool  portcullis like gate almost entryway. This impressive archway originally  served as the well-guarded entrance  

To a castle’s grounds, now it only serves  as a decorative reminder of days past. I think that’s really cool,  I was kind of picturing for   this castle that you would have this  sort of thing like along the outside   wall and then like an actual door  onto the interior of the building.

I think that looks amazing,  I really like that item,   it’s only 200 simoleons too which is a  huge price difference from this thing. I don’t really know about that,  that seems like an oversight. And then we also have the windows from this  pack and in total there are seven of them,  

Which is a bit more than I was expecting  so I’m feeling pretty good about that. There’s one tall wall height  big double wide window,   I guess it’s actually triple  wide, it’s three tiles, right? Kind of a cool stained glass arch window — whoa!

Oh, there’s clear glass and then also a  couple really cool stained glass swatches. For medium wall height we also  have this tall two wide arch. I’m confused by that because it’s the  same size as the tall wall height Arch,   but it’s under the medium category.

That one also has the same cool stained  glass, but also some plain glass as well. I really like these, I think that looks amazing. And then for short wall height, we  have a little teeny tiny tiny window. We have these windows that they keep calling  stackable, they keep trying to tell you oh,  

You can stack them, oh, you can use  them to make the windows look bigger,   but we have these, there’s like a small two tile  wide one and then a taller two tile wide one. And then we also have this arched window  that fits on short wall heights as well.

These are nice and there’s a a bigger  variety of them than I was expecting. I was real worried about not having  enough to finish an entire build,   but actually this is kind of a decent  size of them, I’m feeling better about  

The doors and windows of this pack than  I did about the Courtyard Oasis kit. The only thing that I feel  like I may be missing is   that I think I would like to have a roof texture. Obviously most of these are probably going to  have flat roofs, they’re kind of going for this  

Style of castle anyway, but I think a new roof  texture might have been kind of interesting. And then maybe some like  roof sculpture type stuff. This was the original concept art and  you can see in this they have some flags,   they do have a roof, they  have a roof texture up there.

They have some cool banners hanging here, so  I think just a couple of additional decorative   details like the banners, the flags, some sort  of roof texture, would have been nice additions. I do think that it’s a bit smaller than I was  expecting it to be as far as like item count goes,  

But I will acknowledge that the creation  of like a new frieze is a bigger deal than   making like a random chair item, so they’re  not really directly comparable in that way. So you can’t really directly compare item counts  in that way because no two items are the same,  

Like different amounts of work goes into them. It just feels small, but I do think  that you’ll be able to successfully   build a castle with this pack  more so than I was expecting,   I feel good about what can be done with  this and I was really worried about it.

I kept talking about how I was scared it wasn’t  going to have enough windows to do a full build,   I actually think it has enough  windows to do a full build. It’s more just the other stuff that  is missing, but even then it’s just a  

Kit and I would argue that a lot of the base  game stuff could go decently well with this,   you could totally use like this fancy old sofa. A lot of the more expensive base game  furniture I think could pass for interior  

Furnishings in the castle, and then if you  have packs like Vampires or Get Together,   those would pair quite well with this as well. And that’s also better than Courtyard  Oasis because that one doesn’t really   match any of the other packs whereas I think that  

We have enough in the game right now to  successfully build a castle with this. It’s not as easy to build  something with that other style. The Courtyard Oasis kit doesn’t fit  in as well with the other Sims 4 packs   and that’s not necessarily a bad thing  because it’s good to have unique items,  

It just makes it a little bit harder to use. I keep comparing it to that pack because it’s the   only other build kit that  has primarily build items. Here’s an example of an interior by the way, this  is one of the pre-made styled rooms, obviously  

Using all base game furniture with this kit and  I think it kind of works together quite nicely. They didn’t use that much from the  kit, but they did use the kit in here. It kind of gives you an idea of how that  stuff might fit together and I think it works.

So overall I like this pack, I think  I’m going to have fun building with it. This is for a very specific  type of Sims player though. If you are not interested in  building, this pack is not for you.

If I’m talking about friezes and you’re listening  to me and thinking wait, what does that mean? This pack is definitely not for you. This is for people who really like building  in The Sims and use The Sims as like a build  

Building creative outlet because you might enjoy  building, but mostly only build houses for your   Sims and if that’s the case, you probably  won’t get a lot of use out of this pack. You have to really want to build a  castle for this pack to be worth it  

For you to buy and just not everybody  wants to build castles in The Sims 4. So for me, I’m going to have  a lot of fun with this and   I’m really excited to build with  it, but you just might not care.

And if that’s the case, do not waste  your money on it. Obviously only buy   this if you’re like really into  the idea of building a castle. So I don’t know, final thought is that I think I’m  pleasantly surprised by what’s in it, but I still  

Kind of wish it had some more items just to feel  as big as the other build kits are, but it is more   complete than I was expecting it to be and I know  those two things sound weird to say at the same  

Time, but I really had low expectations so I’m  pleasantly surprised by what you can do with this. And I still just wish that you could  do more, but that’s sort of a problem   with kits in general, I always  wish that they had more in them. Okay, now that we’ve seen the build kit,  

I want to go pop into CAS to  look at the new Goth Galore kit. I’ve actually seen a lot of discussion  on on Twitter about this kit not being   goth and people describing it  as like, alt or punk instead.

And then people argue back about how it  is goth and I just want to tell you now,   look, I am not the kind of person who  should weigh in on this discussion. I do not know anything, this  is not my area of expertise.

All I know is that it has  some interesting new clothes,   so we’re going to look at  it from that perspective. I’m actually going to use Vlad  for this, I don’t know why,   it just feels right to me today so I’m going to  try and test out the the new clothes with him.

Please stop doing that. Oh, maybe  I shouldn’t use a vampire for this,   they get so annoying with their constant  hissing, but I’m going to push through. Okay, so for masculine framed Sims  there are five shirts in total. We have this kind of cool jacket going on.

In the back I like this like lacing detail  that’s happening and there’s some zippers,   they were not kidding about all of the textures. And there are more swatches than I was expecting. With them talking about how you don’t need  swatches and color to make things cool,  

I was worried these were going to have like one  swatch, but it looks like that is not the case. This little baby pastel pink addition is  really nice, plus with this color you can   actually see the detail a bit better, it’s  hard to like make out the details in black,  

But in light colors you can  see those textures more. And then we have this t-shirt that has  some ripped sleeves on the undershirt,   it’s got like a skull on the front and it  looks like some kind of interesting textures. I like this one with the rips  and the red and blue underneath.

There’s kind of just a plain one, it  looks like with a sheer sleeve underneath. This one’s more of a mesh color, we’ve  got another different kind of skull,   we have this kind of cool pattern, there’s a  Freezer Bunny, but like a dead Freezer Bunny.

This one’s plain, we’ve got this kind  of cute pastel one with the blue and   purple and a pastel dead Freezer Bunny, and  a kind of nice reddish color with the skull. That’s not a skull, that is Bonehilda, I am so  sorry that I tried to reduce her down to just  

Being a skull, that is everyone’s  queen Bonehilda and I’m so sorry,   I didn’t realize straight away, that is  so wrong of me, please, please forgive me. The fact that we have not one but two  Bonehilda swatches makes me love this   shirt the best out of everything,  like nothing’s going to compare.

We also have this shirt with kind of a cool  belt detailing on it, it looks like most of   these swatches they’re doing a bunch of different  textures on the sleeves so we have like the rips,  

We have the mesh, this one has some red detailing,  there’s like a dark blue, this one’s red, this one   has some red detailing, there’s a dark blue, some  more red, there’s a pink and black one as well.

I don’t know if I love this pattern on any of  these, that’s not my favorite of the variants. And then we have this color as well, I  don’t really care for this shirt as much,   it’s not speaking to me like  Bonehilda did, but it’s fine.

I like the little ruffle sleeve that  this one has, that’s kind of cute. But this one is kind of like a tank top, it’s  a button- up, but the sleeves are ripped off.  I think it’s probably supposed to be  ripped, but it looks like ruffles.

Maybe it is ruffles, I don’t know,  I like it though, this one’s cute. This is that one that was mainly  in all of the teaser photos,   we have this kind of cool  jacket with the hood attached. And we don’t really have much like  this, there’s not a ton of shirts  

That have attached hoods especially hoods  that are up so that’s kind of fun to have. This reminds me of that outfit  from Realm of Magic, this one. I’m talking about this shirt, this is  just a hoodie, it’s not anything fancy,   but it’s similar vibes because of the hood.

Masculine framed Sims also get  three pairs of pants it looks like. I like the little zippers on these  and the attachment in the middle,   I think that’s kind of cool. There are also some kind of cool  varieties of different patterns,   same stuff that all of the items  have, they all have matching swatches.

I’m going to put him in red  because of the blood I think. Then we have these skinnier pants with  some kind of cool belt detailing on them,   again same swatches for everything here. I’m really impressed by the baby pink, I just  was not expecting that and I kind of love it.

I think I just like Vlad in  baby pink, he deserves it. And then we have these shorts also, again  in all those same matching swatches. We’ve got two new boots, two new pairs of shoes. Ooh, that one has like  rainbow chrome on the metal,  

And then it comes in a bunch  of plain solid colors as well. And these boots are like  platforms, these are really cool. They have all the same swatches including  that kind of cool rainbow swatch. Anytime The Sims does something  kind of fun with like platforms,  

I must remind you that his  height does not change, okay? His feet are actually like — eugh, look  at the shadow of his creepy fingers. His feet are actually flat under there,  they’re just like skins over top of his  

Feet so when I try and envision where  his feet would be in these shoes,   they’re not on the platform, but anyway,  sorry, it doesn’t matter, it’s just a game. It’s just The Sims 4, it makes no difference. We have one full body outfit,  ooh! I like the undershirt with  

The rips and the mesh that he’s  got going on, that’s kind of cool. It’s like a longer jacket and then it has a couple   swatches with some different variants of  undershirt, this one has no rips in it. There’s some more colors happening over here.

I don’t like this cut as much  with the diagonal cutouts,   but it is still cool and then we  have a couple other variations. I like that one better, I can’t explain it. Maybe   I just don’t like the swirly  pattern, maybe it’s just that.

I keep saying that, maybe it’s the  pattern I don’t like, I don’t know. There are two — can you  please hold your arms still? There are two bracelets here, we’ve  got this one, just kind of plain,   small bracelet, comes in a bunch of  different color swatches for us to use.

I like that with the rainbow. And then we also have these gloves and  you can use them both at the same time. I was worried that they would try and  count these gloves as bracelets and   then you wouldn’t be able to layer  stuff, but it looks like you can.

I was expecting these gloves  to be counted as bracelets,   but they’re not, they’re gloves  so you can have them both on. The texture on these is like completely flat so   all of the belt buckle detailing that  you’re seeing, that’s like painted on.

I don’t know if that makes you feel weird, it  makes me feel a bit weird that it’s not like, 3D. A lot of the other clothing does have  the 3D buckles, you can see it a bit   better here on his legs, but the gloves  do not, so something to keep in mind.

I don’t know if it matters that much because  it’s just a pair of gloves, but anyway. We also have this set of ear piercings,  we don’t really get that many jewelry   pieces in this game so it’s kind  of fun to have some new options.

These will obviously match all the  metal from the other items in game. And the piercings are different  on both sides, I quite like these. I like these a lot. And then we have this necklace as well and again  we don’t really have anything like this and we  

Don’t get a lot of jewelry so I’m always  kind of glad to have more items like this. There’s no hats or anything, but  there is a little bit of makeup. Only one of the new makeup  pieces is classed as being   for masculine framed Sims,  but there are three total.

This is the first one, oh my god. Vlad actually looks kind of iconic  with that, I kind of like it on him. This feels right, you know what I mean? So we have this eyeshadow and  then we also have this one.

I’ll test this out on a feminine  framed Sim so you can see it a little   bit better because sometimes the makeup  doesn’t fit masculine framed Sims’ eyes. They don’t do a very good job of  making it work on both frames,  

Sometimes the shaping is off as you’ve  probably seen with other items of clothing too. And then there’s this lipstick which I  don’t know if Vlad can pull off that well,   but that’s a him problem, it’s  not the lipstick’s problem.

And the fun part about the makeup is that you  can kind of customize it however you want with   the sliders so we have a lot more freedom  with these to kind of fit what we need.

I want to use Bella Goth real quick to test  out the rest of the CAS items, so feminine   framed Sims have six CAS items, three of which  are different from the masculine framed Sims. First we have this kind of cool  shirt with a lot of mesh around it.

Here’s all the swatches on that one,  whoa! They all look so different. It’s like the same shirt,   but the swatches vary so much that it  looks so different on each one of them. Because it’s not just color, they’re  totally changing texture with the swatches.

I like that a lot, that’s a  cool idea for them to be doing. Because you could have two  sims wearing the same shirt   and it does not look anything alike really at all. I don’t love this swatch very much, I  don’t like those two colors together. This one’s kind of cool though.

Ooh, that one has spiders on it. See,  that’s kind of fun, I’m kind of into that. And there’s also pink of course because  everything comes in pink in this pack. We’ve got that same leather jacket which  thankfully looks like it fits her pretty well.

We’ve got Bonehilda’s shirt again  with all those same swatches. I really like the high neck and the corset  vibes of this shirt, that’s really cool. I don’t love the pink swatch, I don’t like  that shade of pink I think is the problem.

I do like the spiders, I wasn’t expecting  the spiders, but I think they’re fun. We have that same jacket with the hood  over it in all those same swatches,   and then last we also have this top which has some  really shocking differences between the swatches.

Looks like a totally different shirt  because some have sleeves and some don’t. I’m really, really pleasantly surprised by that,   I totally did not expect there to be  so much variation in the swatches. I mean that is two completely different items.

I think it’s cool that they did that  for us, I’m pretty happy about that one. Although you’re going to have to go through all  of the colors because I don’t know about you,   but I’m going to forget that there’s like,  

Other variants when I’m just scrolling through  CAS and looking at all the items in the menu. Okay, and then for pants we’ve got five different  items, we have these little shorts it looks like. Kind of simple, come in a  few different same swatches,  

Lots of spiders, why don’t the masculine  framed Sims get spider swatches? I didn’t see any spiders for them. We do  have those same skinnier pants that we   looked at earlier, are these — I didn’t  realize there was a skull belt buckle.

Vlad’s shirt was covering it, that  makes me like these pants even more. That’s kind of cool, I like the skull belt. I’m happy about that. Okay, actually these  are my favorite pants now, I like those. We also got a little skirt,  this one unfortunately also  

Has the painted on detail  that I was talking about. Do you see how the belt buckle is completely   flat? Like you can’t actually  see the 3D belt aspect of it. It’s weird because this part  of the belt is not flat,  

If you scroll in real up close you can  kind of see — move your arm Bella! You can kind of see how this is 3D,  but this part at the top is not. I don’t like it when they do that, I don’t  like it when there’s flat things like that.

I think if anything this part could have  been flat and then this should have been 3D,   but I don’t know, it is nice that you  can see the belt coming off the side,   if her hands weren’t there, but you can kind  of tell a bit more now that she’s moved them.

And then we also have those same shorts that we  saw earlier as well, these are those shorts again. We’ve got the same boots for both  masculine and feminine framed Sims. Same bracelet and same gloves  for these Sims as well,   although her shirt is kind  of covering it, Bella, move.

They look exactly the same obviously on everybody  because they’re just a bracelet and gloves. We also have that same necklace and the  same earrings, not that you can tell,   but here are those earrings  just so you can see them again.

And last but not least, we have  all of the makeup so this is what   the makeup looks like on feminine framed Sims. I kind of like this eyeshadow,  I think it looks cool. I like how big it is as well because we don’t   really have too much that  fits their eyes this way.

Here is that lipstick again  which I must say I think Bella   pulls off a little bit better than Vlad does. I like the red lips for her,  she could totally wear those. And then this is that other eyeshadow, you could  wear them together, you could wear them separate.

Is that not in the eyeshadow category? I’m  actually really impressed by that, those are   both — oh, okay, this one is face paint, that’s  why you can tile them together, it’s face paint   so you could wear this and eyeliner and blush  and eyeshadow because this is a face paint item.

I’m glad that they did that because that  means you can really layer stuff together. It makes this a little bit more usable. Here is the first of the  styled looks if you wanted   to see how these things might be paired together.

Oh, it’s also the only styled look.  I like it though, I think it’s cute. Here’s the only styled look for masculine  framed Sims, again, it’s cute, I like it. Styled looks are always kind of fun to  have because it helps you see how they  

Imagine you putting these things together and  it also makes it easier to dress other Sims. Sometimes you want to give like a quick  makeover to a random townie and it’s nice   to have some easy quick things you  can just throw on them like this.

I almost forgot to show you the full body outfits,  okay, there are two for feminine framed Sims. So first we have this dress which I like a  lot actually, I think that’s kind of cool,   I like the fit of this dress with the neckline.

It’s a pretty simple dress, it has  some different variants of little   patterns and stuff on it, but overall  it’s not the most fancy dramatic thing. And then we also have the same full body outfit  that the other Sims had with the long coat. And that is everything from the Goth Galore kit.

Overall I like this kit, it doesn’t like  stand out as my favorite kit of all time,   but I also just don’t really  care about Create A Sim stuff. It’s pretty much exactly what I  was expecting out of this kit,   the only thing is that I  thought we would get tattoos.

This was the original concept art that we voted  on and I really liked this spiderweb tattoo. It’s kind of fun because you can see a  few things that did actually get made,   like the pants with the belt buckle, this  Sims outfit with the skirt and the shirt,  

We have a lot of things kind of similar to that. Again this was just concept art, it was  never like a fully fleshed out idea,   but it is kind of cool to see this and then  have it get turned into this here in game.

I will use this pack, in fact one of my Sims  and might Not So Berry Challenge on Twitch,   I think I might give a makeover to update some  of her outfits to have some of the new stuff,  

But like with any kit, it’s such a personal  preference thing, like this might be so not   your style and you might never get any use out of  this, and then obviously it’s not worth buying.  But if you like this, this is not  worse than any of the other CAS kits,  

Pretty much all of the Create A Sim  kits come with about that many items. This one’s just underwear and it’s got 24 items,   that’s the exact same size of this kit and you  might use this a lot more than the underwear kit. It really just comes down to how you like to dress  

Your Sims and what would be  useful for you personally. It’s hard to say that it’s worth the  money because that’s so relative as well,   but compared to the other kits, it’s the  same. They’re all kind of the same there.

This one is not better or worse than  the others as far as value goes,   they all have pretty much the exact  same kind of amount of content. I did see a lot of people complaining about  how this was too similar to the Grunge Revival  

Kit and I gotta say, I do not agree with  you or understand that criticism at all. These are just not the same kind  of fashion choices even remotely. When you look at these items  and compare them more directly,   you’ll probably understand what I’m talking  about, but it’s a totally different style.

And if to you they are the same, then just  don’t buy them, they’re not for you, you know? You don’t have to buy every kit  if you’re not going to use it,   there’s no point in worrying about that.

Well hopefully this was helpful to you to kind of  see everything and hear my thoughts on this stuff. I’d be curious to know which of  these two kits you like better. I am obviously, and no one is surprised by  this, way more interested in the castle kit.

And like I mentioned earlier, I’m  going to be live on Twitch today   playing with the castle kit  and working on a new build. I’ll post some builds here on YouTube this  weekend too, but I’m going to be live like,  

Right now on Twitch playing with it so if you’re  going to be around, I’ll link it down below. And if you liked this video, I always  show off any new Sims content we get,   anytime there’s a new Sims pack,  I am here talking about it. So if you’re ever curious about new things,  

Make sure you’re subscribed so  you don’t miss the next ones. With normal packs I make like  more organized formal reviews,   but with the kits I do more chatty ones like this. There’s just not that much to like, formally  review with a kit because it’s like,  

Just a couple of items and there’s no gameplay. But anyway, on that note, I’m going to go  and I will catch you all tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody. When I was a kid, I used to write up  pretend like castle stories and king  

And queen princess stories for my Sims, so having  a real life Sims castle is very exciting to me. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]


  1. wtf is the point of castle build mode things if we dont have castle medieval shit to decorate with

  2. This looks like it will make some cool old churches too! Reminds me a lot of the abbey ruins I used to live by

  3. It's actually ridiculous that they're releasing build kits like this when there are so many glitches already in build mode

  4. not to be a whiner, but there's no white face makeup. How are you going to make a Goth kit without like the iconic staple of goth style? I

    also agree with Simsie that there should've been some tattoos. I would've loved to see more of the accessories, shoes, and hairstyles that set Goth fashion apart from Punk, grunge, emo, and other Alt aesthetics. No cross necklaces? Or spider jewelry? No big, elaborate, over-the-top, gravity-defying hair-dos?

    I think all of the pieces in this kit are lovely, but the constant complaint that everyone has with kits – you want $5 for 24 visual assets with no linked gameplay? seriously? I feel like all the kits so far have felt incomplete and at the end of the day, the easiest solution to an "incomplete" set that's missing core elements is to expand the size of the kits. Give them a decent number of items for the amount you're charging. Then maybe everyone won't hate them so much and it'll actually feel worth it.

  5. I absolutely love the castle kit plan to use it all the time building with it. Goth eh not as much but I can see using some of the outfits for some sims but it's not a have to have kit for me. I had to buy castle kit when it was first released. I totally love princesses and castles and am into medieval type stuff so this is definitely up my alley. I only wish we had gotten some cas items as well in it.

  6. i thought i wouldn't like the goth galore kit because it doesn't fit what i wear, but i got it the day after it came and ive been using it non stop (i also got the for rent pack and the castle kit but haven't used them yet (i plan on making a castle apartment))

  7. I have noticed that some of the exterior wall options are darker underneath on the first floor but not on the second floor. This always bothers me a lot, but it's good to hear and see that it's not just me. Hopefully this will be fixed someday, if it's not supposed to be like this.

  8. If you want to build an church from the UK with gigantic stained glass windows and fancy doors, this is PERFECT

  9. Ima just say. I most definitely do not want to build a castle, I build houses and im a gameplay girl

    HOWEVER. I want the kit for different reasons. That wall texture with the pretty green is so beautiful and that pathway, and even the windows. Im definitely using the windows on like a old timey house. It can be used for much more than castles 😀

  10. Yea, the Goth Galore Kit is actually the first kit I've ever bought, and I have no regrets! Also, as you kind of show, the fact that it only contains 24 items is obscured a bit by the variety in the swatches I think (like the Bonhilda shirts are fire!). Are the others like that too?

  11. I refuse to buy any build or buy kits when mods exist for free. If you want to pay 5 bucks, pay it to someone who actually cares about the content they're giving you. Support your local cc creator today.

  12. Medieval hobiest. Obligatory note on being disappointed with the inaccuracy of the castle depiction.

    Like I know I'm being annoying but tell me you wouldn't love a beautiful plaster wall or super intricate murals or a massive stone hearth to be included in this castle kit. Be more creative, EA. Don't just give us some stone walls and Gothic windows and call it a day.

  13. I would really love a Kit that has new beds, it could even include the vibrating heart bed as a very small gameplay feature in a build kit

  14. I'm really disappointed about the goth fashion kit. There are so many kinds of goth fashion and all they did was take fishnet, buckles and black and put it together. I wish they added something like trad goth teased hairstyle, or maybe even cyber goth hairstyle, those are insanely cool. I'm not saying that is exactly not goth fashion, since i don't think of goth as fashion style more than a music based subculture. They just could have been more creative, especially because there's much more to goth fashion and there's many different ones, other than just trad goth, punk goth and pastel goth, these are all the kinds i am kind of getting from it. I also think it would be hella cool if they added like a Goth Rock option in the music. That would be very fullfilling.

  15. as a tradgoth I was so disappointed w the goth kit bc literally not a single thing in the kit was actually goth I was rlly hoping there’d be some cool teased hair or smthn 😭 it was more 2020 “alt”

    edit: tbf now that I’m looking at it the trench coat and lipstick can be pretty goth if styled right but it’s crazy that the VAMPIRES PACK had better tradgoth makeup than the actual goth kit 😭

  16. I'm just now seeing this video for some reason. Anyway, the castle kit looks pretty cool. I think it would make for a nice church or cemetery type lot.

  17. I don't feel any of the kits are worth the money. Feel EA do this just to get more money off people. Things like this should be a free update

  18. Have you played Palworld? Just what Sims4 needs, competition! It is getting old with us paying way too much money for way too little content! I've quit playing but I would like to!

  19. I wonder if the 'dirty' upper portions is supposed to simulate that the castle had a fire? (Or just fireplaces, those things back then did a lot of smoke damage even on a good day).
    I love the crenulation fence since I've been trying to fake it with half walls on this castle I started but these look so much better.

    Hopes for the future:
    more gargoyles (collect them all XD)
    Flags! Penants
    More stain glass colors — the windows are lovely, but I adore the ones from Realm of Magic. Looks like I'll need to look for someone doing a mod with more swatches.

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