Golf Players

England’s Hyderabad heist with Bumble| Vaughany & Tuffers Cricket Club Podcast

Ben, Michael and Phil reflect on a sensational victory for England after they pulled off the most unlikely of victories in Hyderabad.

They discuss the sensational performances of Ollie Pope and Tom Hartley, and another flawless display of captaincy from Ben Stokes. We also ask where it all went wrong for Indian skipper Rohit Sharma, with Michael raising questions about his captaincy decisions.

Cricket icon David ‘Bumble’ Lloyd joins the show to give us his thoughts on the series and England’s development under Brendon McCullum and Stokes. He explains to us how he believes Test cricket can be kept thriving and talks about his departure from Sky, too.

Plus, we discuss another thriller of a Test match in Australia as the West Indies picked up their first win Down Under since 1997!

#cricket #indiacricket #benstokes #viratkohli

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Away for another Vaughn boundary well he’s a great feldsman Philip tner he often Falls over and he’s brought it into his batting as Well hello everyone and welcome to the vny and tougher Cricket Club podcast brought to you by the telegraph Mike Phil and me Ben Wright with you once again and once again we are discussing a sensational win for England’s cricket team after they came back from a 190 run

Deficit to beat India in hyad they were helped on their way by a majestic 196 from ole Pope his first ever second inning Century before the debutant spinner Tom Harley ripped through the homeside with figures of 7 for 62 there was also of course some inspired fielding and captaincy from Ben Stokes

We’ll be discussing what he got right and conversely what the India Skipper Ro Sharma got wrong I’m also absolutely delighted to say that our guest today is none other than David Bumble Lloyd we’ll get his take on the series and as an next England coach his view on Brenda

McCullen plus we’ll also be talking about Sensational win for the West Indies in Australia and looking ahead to England’s second test next Week right so morning Phil evening Mike where you are um lots to talk about so before this Saturday we’d have said that Indian almost never loses at home county cricket doesn’t produce enough decent Spinners and Cricket in the West Indies is dead and buried so it’s been quite a

Weekend for test Cricket we’ve got to start with England’s win in hydrabad after the match Ben Stokes said it was the best win of his time in charge as Captain but Mike I know from your column that you think it was even better than that right yeah I do I mean uh I

Honestly I’ve been trying to Rack my brains about England’s Great wins and you kind of get back to 81 beef at headingly um we had a great winning karach early 2000s obviously ply 2019 but to win in India when you’ve got 190 run deficit on the pitch that was

You know let’s be honest it was spinning Square from pretty much well ball one um and to think that England had a b going at number three that in the first in looked like he he was probably better off B batting left-handed um I I was staggered staggered to see them get over

The line I I I just thought it was an incred ibly skilled performance um the way that ole poke played I mean I know he’s had a huge amount of credit over the last few days and many have talk even Ro Sharma said it’s you know one of

The great Innings of a overseas player in Indian conditions it it was incredible I remember Kevin Peterson producing innings in Mumbai and that was very very special and uh you know to think that ole Pope’s done it and Kevin was a brilliant player of Spin and I

Think o really worked hard on his game against spinner as I said in the first Innings it didn’t look like his uh hard work had paid off really um but then to see him play those reverse sweeps and the switch hits and you know just maneuvering the ball in the gaps the

Field was spreading just not the ones and the twos and to keep his composure with the tail end uh remarkable victory in remarkable Innings yeah Phil and uh obviously we talk about sort of adversity I mean if you think about the bowlers uh leech obviously was carrying

An injury uh rahan only played one uh test Harley was on debut we had lots of overs being bowled by one Joe root absolutely and Joe look Joe looked the best England spinner in the first Innings by a mile um the guys didn’t particularly settle Tom Harley didn’t

Settle uh ran armid you know in England you got sorry in India youve got to have some form of control and thankfully Joe in that first Innings gave Ben Stoke some form of control because it was pinging around everywhere I think England got a little bit Lucky in that

First Innings um a couple of the guys you know caught in the deep and I think India will be ruined those decisions you know couple caught deep Square leg and whatever you otherwise they could have gone on and got some more but it just shows um the resilience of that outfit

You know and and especially Tom Harley because he would have been going the bed and you know with all the best will in the world he he bowled poorly in that first Innings managed to get himself a couple of wickets but then to come down

And come back and do what he did in that second Innings um it’s a massive feather in his cap seven for uh in India and um you know and just bold wonderfully well a bold his side to Victory so an amazing performance by Tom Harley as well we

Said we said it last week about India they produce a pitch that brings England the equation England can win and that’s exactly what’s happened you know the pitch you know I don’t think Tom hary is a mass massive spinner of the ball I don’t think he gives it a huge rag but

The pitch did the rest and he was accurate in the second he’s com from that tall height I think he’s runs you know that that little Innings that he played and that partnership that he got with o Pope I reckon that would have given him a huge boost going into that

Second Innings with the ball in his hand and I think that England watched pretty much all of it working in Australia at the back of the commentary box we had the the iPad on watching England uh obviously I was involved in a great test match here but we were kind of glued to

The TV because everyone was hovered around just watching in particular when England batted um you can’t take your eyes off them and the crowd at the hydrabad stadium was huge particular at day three what was the reaction in Australia to what was going on in hydrabad well our game finished on the

Sunday afternoon and and and we all just went straight to a pub to to watch the England test match we had like the Super Sunday um shamario if bowling the West didn’t to Victory we then went to the pub and I never thought I would be able

To say that I probably was in a pub with 25 Australians it was me and Isa guhar and uh her husband rich and I reckon the whole of the pub was supporting England even the Australians were cheering Tom Harley on yeah it just it was it was

Well but I just think because of the way that England play and I think because India are this Powerhouse you know the pitch is always and rightfully so they’re allowed to have uh conditions in their that their kind of home favor um there’s something about I think people

Like to see the underdog and when you talk about you’ve mentioned that attack the England attack had no experience it had no kind of knowhow of how to bowl in those conditions yet they got the job done it was incredible to see a Pub full of Australians cheering Tommy Harley I

Think he looks like Bobby Char though Phil yeah he’s got that little bit of a com over really he listen Mike just just I’m gonna say this now right okay now you’ve watched the way the India and you were talking about spinning Pig ites earlier I think

England and the way they play with the sweeps and the reverse sweeps Indian Indians batting lineup don’t really sweep do they so on spinning pitches am I going to say that the England batting lineup is more equipped to score runs than the Indian batting lineup on on

Spinning pitches can I say that because I saw Ro I saw roit um sha trying a reverse sweep in the second dig I mean that’s flattery isn’t it yeah no I think I think you’re right look the series is Young there’s four games to go so I’ll have to see how it

Pans out but you know that reverse sweep in particular it’s caused chaos and I love Joe Root’s comment I think it was after day three it was obviously asked about playing The Sweep in the reverse s he said we just stare at the ball and hit it we don’t even think about missing

That’s the mindset that Bas McCullum and Ben Stokes has put into these players if you go out playing it’s a risky shot um you know is a it’s a hard shot to execute but if you have the mindset and you practice it that hard and your

Mindset is to hit the ball I honestly think you’ve got an incredible and also if you get out playing it you’re not going to get told off that’s the key if you get out playing message from this dresser and that you’re fine that’s the

Way that we want you to play we want you to go and cause a bit of chaos uh I thought Ro sharma’s captaincy feel was was average yeah you I thought he let the game drift I was staggered that the left armors Act of a challenge at Asia

Didn’t try over the Wicket to O pop yeah you know the late great Shane War you know on a pitch that was ragged if someone got in a right and guess what he used to do come around the Wicket fire out leg stom and say go on try and sweep

Me them from outside leg stom to think that they didn’t try that was was staggering they’ll come up with a couple of new tricks for the second test match I’m sure because they have to because if they don’t react and don’t come up with something to kind of counter out this

Reverse sweep as you say Phil I think it could go a long way in the I don’t want to say it yet it could go a long way having a bit more success on this tour um you know it’s a very very hard shot if it’s played well to Captain again

Because you you basically the whole quarter of the ground you need three fielders yeah and if you’ve got three fielders in one quarter of the ground the rest of the ground is so much of a a space so you go want to thank you have two there or there’s a boundary on that

Side very very difficult to play against and and Phil as a spinner can you explain to us why it is so difficult bowling to batsmen who are using the The Sweep in the reverse sweep absolutely well it becomes like a release shot as a spin

Bow he want to Bow a set of six get him under pressure get him pinned down for a start off you got to take one of your fielders and put him up Third Man almost you know and just cruising around out there and another thing that England did

They weren’t just getting singles from it they were scoring fours from it you know as you say Mike was saiding you’re going to have to have a couple out there because it’s just not that little reverse sweep trickles down to it picks it up throws it in one run which is

Still handy because it releases the pressure and you can rotate strike and everything but also it it’s one of your it’s a it’s usually a sort of a length delivery you run up you bowl a decent ball on middle of an off stump or something if you’re a left arm spinner

And the bloke hits your so-called a wicked taking delivery which is length yeah for four or a single so then that gets in your mind and you start going well hold on a minute my stop delivery is going for either a one or a four you

Know and so you then start going well I’m going to have to try and Bowl it a little bit Fuller to get it under his Bat and hit him on the pad and then all of a sudden oh well there’s the half volley that you can knock down to um to

To deep mid on and rotate strike so you think to yourself all right well I’m going to bowl it a little bit shorter hopefully to get one to bounce and get a top Edge and then if he sees that length early he rocks back cuts it or knocks it

On the leg side for the rotation of strike you can’t apply any pressure and it very very quickly runs away from you and you’re feeling that you’re bowling six decent sort of stock deliveries on middle middle and off stump length balls that can perhaps you know get an edge or

Get caught somewhere and all of a sudden you’re going at four or five and over and you’re go well hold on a minute what am I going to do here I’m not applying any pressure so that’s and it gets in your mind it really does I mean it

Drives you crazy because you feel that you’re bowling well and you bow five overs another for 35 and he and he clearly got to the India Bowlers didn’t it because you could see with Ashwin and jadea they looked they looked like it they were they were upset and Ashwin you

Know is is um is a very he’s he’s a student of the game Ashwin you know he thinks about everything and he’s like all release points and is he bowling like this and he’s got this and he’s got the Caron ball and you know he completely sort of like thinks really in

Depth about how to go about bowling spin bowling and you could see see that it got under his skin and he didn’t really have an answer and then all of a sudden that just knocks you off your Rhythm knocks you off how you’re going about things and it unsettles you and he

Unsettled Ashwin in India who’s one of the best Bowlers in the world and let as you said I don’t want to say too early he didn’t have an answer for it yeah I mean Mike do we is this a sort of classic example of a team versus a set

Of individuals because we discussed last week that on paper India easily the better side yeah I mean you could argue that that’s been the case with with India for a they’ve had two amazing wins here in Australia you know the only team that come to Australia and beaten this

Australian Juggernaut but outside of that you know they they are a team that like I understand it in India individuals get so much attention they get a huge amount of commercial value from you know their own personal brand so I guess we have to understand that but you know you’re absolutely right it

Was an England side that are just so together and they’re so committed to this this way of playing and it’s hard and I’ll go back the two years that the bad Ballers have been playing they’ve got the first the first test of most series they’ve got the opposition even

Australia Edge Baston they had they had them moral Victory you go back to New it takes a while to get used to playing if you don’t do your research and you don’t do your you kind of analy work of the way this England playing you

Just think you can turn up and just play and I guess after two and a half days know India would have been delighted oh they’ been delighted because they were controlling the game this approach it doesn’t take long for England to get back into the game you know you look at

The 190 deficit what was it 47 overs yeah and and the back the back on par you think you go back you know just a few years England would have probably taken 60 70 overs to get to that one and I would guess get bowled out my worry if

I was India is if you go back to the last seriesland went one up on a flat one it was really flat Joe got a double Sentry bit of reverse swing spin came into the play later on in the in the piece this pitch was like the pitches

That they prepared after that now this isn’t a pitch that England should win on when it’s ragging with that attack that England should not win that test match and now they’ve won it I can I mean jia’s out kale Raul’s out yeah two hugely experienced cricketers for the

Next test match um I’m I’m intrigued to see how India cope with this yeah yeah I’m really intrigued to see what they do to Counterattack this approach roach how they play what pitch they prepare because if they prepare another bunson from ball one Hardley if Jack Lee is fit

He doesn’t look like he’d be fit to me Joe root uh Ren I’ll just mention one thing on what I thought I thought Benin is in the first innings was special the 70 Ben Stokes got the oot 196 is is what we all should be talking about but Ben

Stokes is 70 just got in the just a little number it wasn’t a big number it could easily have been a 160 all out yeah yeah EAS and I thought his captaincy it was a master class a master class first in the first things with Tom

I was crying at the stream take him off take him off yeah he kept him on because he knows psychology and in the second just a little thing that he did towards the back end of the game where I don’t think he was ever getting towards an

Arpp but he was getting kind of close he put rayan armad on yeah yeah he put him on for a reason and the reason was he wanted that young kid to get the last Wicket yeah it was a psychological move that he was saying to the youngster I’m

Backing you and I want you to be the person that bows us to Victory he is not just the captain of cricket he is a psychologist he’s a genius of knowing how to deal with people and also on that Mike as well we were talking about Tom

Harley he got him his two wickets you know he got two wickets didn’t he and he burn he burned three in the first Innings yeah he burned three referal to get in the first 11 overs almost to get him that Wicket you know what I mean it

It was a bit of a master class but then also I think he learned from that in the second Innings mik as well you know you you can’t just start off you know with three or four men round the backat I know it’s attacking what have you but in

That second Innings he just gave him a bit of breathing space didn’t he he gave him a little bit of I’m not even saying it’s a defensive field having a deep Square leg to the left a deep midwicket to the Leander but he just didn’t he gave him that little bit of breathing

Space the spin Bowers as you say I thought he capped him beautifully in the second and the first Innings even though perhaps it was looking a little bit too hard for the Spinners just to get into a rhythm in that second Innings he he gave them some breathing space and it worked

Perfectly Mike you said you intrigued to see what India will do to to counter this um what what do you suspect they’ll do as you say R and jader are out jader especially is a massive loss I mean he was looking brilliantly brilliant in the first half of the the game he’s he’s

Probably one of the best all-rounders in the world at the moment isn’t he oh I think I think is I think he is the best allander in the world I think he’s absolutely fantastic um oh I think they’ll bring in Washington Sundar I think he’ll come in they off been a

Left-hand batter good player again an all around Cricket of uh huge skill in those conditions uh it’s more the mindset for India yeah is and in the field are they gonna are they going to spread the field again because as Phil was mentioned about Ming to these these players that reverse

Sweep and switch it and then sweep conventionally your best balls are going for runs and then you go challenging and chasing and you fire in then they dance down and whack you over the top yeah honestly the more more I see the baz ball way of playing the more you have to

Kind of squeeze them you have to gamble you have to almost say keep your feel as soon as you spread I think they’re learning very quickly thing they did it in the ashes that once the fields really spread they’re getting very good at just knocking it Knocking it into the gaps

And I would be saying to them right I want you to those reverse you look at uh Ole Pope he was dropped on 110 at a Batel backward point that that position for me is a very aggressive attacking Fielding position against the England side and even having the backward point

Up just ref they go keep trying it because if you allow this field to spread against England I honestly think they’re getting they’re playing quite smart yeah yeah and these aggressive shots we we kind of watching oh that’s that’s massively risky yeah play in the reverse not for these players they know

Exactly how to play the technical side of the way that they’re playing and the mindset of how play is absolutely spot on so India will have to come up with something it might be that they have to gamble and bring the field up and obviously we in the toss and batting

First could be quite a nice nice option as well but uh they’re not easy to play against the Bas Ballers very very difficult yeah and also on that it’s just a fantastic way to start the series you I mean India are now under pressure and they’re under pressure and that’s

Not just the players or the or the or the the new players that are coming in it’s the pressure of the whole you know India you know we know what a pressure cooker that is you know and and you know in the spotlight and what have you now

That just all of a sudden heaps even more pressure on this India side to try and U you know come up with something and that without juder no colei no K I had on the radio he he was talking and I love AR but he was on about the

Switch it is it is it illegal should it banned just because you’re getting a few runs You Can’t Ban it but you’re right this victory has just put them now in a bit of a quandry they don’t they’re sort of like hold on a minute as as you were

Saying Mike do we play them on spinners do we play them on they might have to they might have to leave a bit of grass on one of them if that’s possible over there I’m not sure because where they have got the beating of us shiras

Bumra semi when he comes back so it’s it’s made them a little bit confused in their thinking as well and that’s what happens when you win a first test match it throws the opposition into like oh my God what we going to do Now it gives me huge pleasure to Welcome to the podcast player umpire coach and commentator extraordinaire David Lloyd Bumble thank you so much for joining us first up how much did you enjoy England’s win in hydrabad well absolutely thrilled four o’cl in the morning is a bit of a allenge and after

Two days you think well this will be over very very quickly but you never write these guys off they’ve got an enormous belief and failure is something that they just don’t think about I thought it was a stunning win yeah yeah I mean as a former England coach um what

Have you made of the the impact of Brenda McCullum um what what’s what’s he getting right well they’re getting everything right and you know that the the new book that that’s out with nickol and laa Breo they’ve called it basball which baz doesn’t like at all but when you read it

His first introduction to the team he said are you ready for a ride well well that is fantastic when you’re dealing with young people of course they’re ready for a ride they’re representing the country don’t be stayed don’t be what if let’s go and do it and I think

They’ve captured the imagination of all Cricket lovers and I I think that we’ve really got under the skin of the Australians where because they’re still on about it yeah yeah yeah I was I was actually reading some I can’t remember who wrote the article but reading an

Article um after the win over the weekend and somebody was suggesting maybe it should be called baz bloke instead of baz ball because it’s sort of more about man management than tactics but it’s both really isn’t it yeah it is I mean man management is is Paramount I think when you’re dealing

With Elite Sportsman I mean the word coach is a misn noral because you know you’ve got say Kevin Peterson or somebody like that Michael vau you ain’t going to go up to him and say I think you’re holding it wrong I think you’re know you’re not holding the back proper you know you

You’re sort of preparing the ground and giving them information what you’re doing I think and what I tried to do is give players information of who they’re going to be playing against sort out the preparation prior to the game and then it’s over to them it’s over to the

Captain tactically and it’s over the players to to respond them to play so that I hope and I’m absolutely certain that they’re having a ball bble ters here mate um I I still can’t quite put me finger on it really I mean we’ve been involved in dressing rooms and they keep saying

About the messaging and everyone’s got belief I mean we’ve been involved in that as well but I mean 190 behind I think they were still 30 behind you know when they were five down is is there something that we’re not missing as sort of like media people on the outside that

They’re doing or is it just as simple as come on Lads go and give it a go well you look at the results they’ve had since McCullum came in and whatever they’re doing is absolutely working now if you watch the if you watch the interviews after the game and you know

I’m I’m in the UK and I’m watching it I thought they’re under the pump here this could end very quickly they interviewed Ben Ducket who said we’ve had a fabulous day and they were one down for 120 chasing 240 he says oh we we’ve had a fabulous day it’s been terrific and then

The interview jaw root and jaw root says right from now on we’ve got to work out how we win the game so there’s no question of right we’re in an absolute Jam how can we survive can we draw this can we come out of it with a positive

Which is always something in it I well the positives there are no positives when you lose mate there are no and so they were all talking about how do we win the game and I think that comes back to mullum there’s a fair amount of Rob

Key in it and a big dollop of Ben stalks right okay we’re under the pump right how do we win it did it that Rob key uh that you mentioned that that’s key isn’t it and I suppose there’s somebody who’s been in mccullum’s position how how

Important is it that you get the kind of air cover from the guy above you to allow you to do what you want I think that’s a a massive Insight Ben that’s exactly what you want you don’t want to be looking over your shoulder um if things have not gone

Right to I mean I had it that many times when and you got to go into a meeting and dealing with soups and what happened there and what at themed there you know they were better than us they played better Cricket than us you know we we

Would just coming upsh short and so when everybody’s singing from the same Hing sheet as they say that Rob K is a I mean he’s a massive M I knew exactly what they were getting with Rob key and it was Strauss that put him in that position and so there’s an axis that

They’re all looking the same way they’re all wanting the same thing and what are they doing in test match cricket they’re flipping it on its head and they’re saying T20 is here to stay we’re going to play test match cricket in a sort of way yeah coach should have we played more

Golf I I’d have love to have done it I I mean that I we only there for about three years or so and I I’m a huge believer in time away but your mate a a and Thorp and one or two others John Crawley they always wanted to be in the

Nets oh can’t we what we doing having we don’t want to day off well you know if they’re batting son’s po od’s got a ball at them and they don’t want to be you’ve got to look after your Bowlers you’ve got to protect your Bowlers get out on a

The best thing that we did cat we’re going on that John Paul get’s yacht fantastic we we got a it I mean it was called the totha G and it were better than the Royal yacht it were better than that okay explain this why why we why are you on John

Paul’s yacht how did that come about he he was was a cricket fanatic and he were he was in the West Indies anchored up he came to the game and he said to Bob Bennett our manager would you like to bring the boys on the boat of course we

Would and I can’t I think everybody went but I won’t be surprised if aain turned up late and he were in the Nets I’ve got a little story about that we’ve all gone on there and just say and it was like something out of death on the Nile it

Was an like old school is it all wood and beautiful that tree funnels on it and everything and we’ve all gone on there and there’s this wonderful bar and they all had staff and everything and I’ve gone up to the bloke and I and he’s pouring the champagne and I’ve gone um

I’ve gone I hope you’ve got a little bit more of that mate because the boys are a bit thirsty and he said would you like to come with me snel and he took me off we went in the lift down about sort of three stories and he opened this sort of

Like Aladdin’s cave and there was about a thousand bottles of Don Peron and he’s looked at me and he said I don’t even think you could get through that Mr T really don’t very young did you put a dent in it at least I I know that I know

Them ones had an absolute ball I’ve still got pictures and and marike elen bless him who was on the tour he got one of them what do they call them you you you sit on it like a motorbike on on the on the sea so he he didn’t know how to

Do it at all and he run straight into these rocks and it sunk it just disappeared so to get him back on the board and and they just said oh we’ll get another it’s all right we’ll get another one they just sunky run it into some Stone some rocks yeah so I mean

Phil if you were part of this regime I assume you would have liked a couple of days off didn’t you put your foot down well no absolutely but I mean I I tell you what I think must be going on um uh in that sort of dressing room it must be

A a very resilient dressing room but then also I mean let’s just look at that I’m just thinking of being arm spinner you know Tom artley in that first Innings I mean bless him he bowled poorly I know he was thrown the new ball which I think I mean Ben Stokes has got

So many things right but I think he might have got that wrong but who knows it might have been the sort of making of him in the second Innings I’m not sure but you I can remember you know if I’d have had that sort of day you know you

Sort of go on you go back into the dressing room and you sort of go all Cy O’Reilly things haven’t gone so well and a couple of boys might come up to you and sort of gone oh you know unlucky and everything but they must be they must be

Sort of like getting round people like that who haven’t had a great day you know what I mean and building them up somehow and I think that must come down to bend the Stokes the captain in that belief just to you know because then to

Come back after that sort of a bit of a Ming and you can see he was bowling long Ops and half volleys and everything I know it was his debut and everything so he was being nervous and whatever but then to come back and perform in that second Innings and get

Seven foot and bowl out the Indians in their own backyard is some kind of yeah kind of turnaround so you know what I mean there must be that sort of like and and I can only put that down to Ben Stokes and Brendan McCullum sort of like getting the getting your head straight

Again to go again amazing amazing performance well totally I mean I think it’s you obviously it’s Stokes but it’s this sort of clarity of purpose right yeah I mean Bumble you was saying that he they weren’t thinking about a draw well they’ve just taken the draw out of

The equation they’re only ever going for the win and if they lose in going for the win they’re happy with that and and the same with Harley right they he Ben Stokes after the match he said you know I backed him 100% if I’m backing him

100% I’ve got to let him Bowl so you you don’t pull him off just because he’s being tonked into the stands in the first Innings and that shows the the young bowler that the the captain has got his back and lo and behold he does that gives him the confidence to perform

In the second Innings yeah I mean he is good stop Tom Harley he his sort of background is is pretty steady um he plays at lanks and he’s probably at laner you might you might argue he’s the second left arm spinner Jack moley would play more red ball Cricket than he would

And and Tom Harley would may be seen as a white ball player but again talking to to Rob key throughout last summer and chewing the fat you know you you you Tau the the game what do you need what do we need in India and I said you know you

Got to be looking for tall Ballers who hit the pitch hard because you going to come against spinning pitches from ball one I said flight Ballers are not necessarily the way to go if you if you look at Shane W the greatest spin baller perhaps that we’ve ever seen his Optimum

Pace 49 50 mil an hour if you look at judia and Ashwin 60 M hour the big tall guys who drive it into the pitch and that’s what Tom Harley would be doing and bashier once he gets out there bashia would probably do the same and

I’m going to give you another one who I think will come through like with a wet saale I think this lad will play for England sooner rather than later and that’s deer’s down at middle SE because he’s tall balls a good Pace bats pretty well and he’s perfect for col them and

Dogs yeah yep no no no totally agree so there is a little bit more of a thought behind it I mean they’ve obviously I mean it it he almost like a clone of that ax arel that Tom artley isn’t it he bowls it with that sort of slightly round arm drives

It into the pitch looks to hit pads looks to bowl middle stump middle and leg and if there’s some turn hit the top of off so they’ve obviously sort of like horses for courses sort of gone for Tom Harley and they’ve absolutely nailed it you’re right that bashier Bumble he’s an

Absolute unit he’s he’s about 6′ five in here or something he’s 6’4 and so see I don’t think that they I don’t think that they this regime particularly look at Stats you know they look at the person and they’re attributes to what they can bring you know what I mean I think he’s

Played six six first class games El bashier but they’ve seen something in him and said listen if we back him we don’t need that we don’t need Pages full the stats of Howe bold at bloody you know Moran or something like that it’s a completely different ball game they’re

Getting it so right and also I’ve looked at some of the test matches you know Stokes and um Stokes and McCullum have played in this basball era there’s some sort of test matches I don’t know I don’t know how they can keep it going you know I mean it’s almost like they’ve

Got to be behind the eight ball to almost then come out and play I mean it’s just incredible some of the games they’ve they’ve produced under this regime I mean did did the fitness levels of of to be in India and the fitness levels are off the scale and talking

Fitness levels Ben I’ve got I’ve got to tell you about the cting uh we were in uh Jamaica and and it was a fitness day you had you have a fitness trainer he thrown to him Fitness and this fitness trainer like called Dean riddley says right we we’re going to kick off along

This prominade here he said it we’re going to have a threemile run he said it’s a mile and a half out and a mile and a half back so I look at the cat and he he’s not happy with this so I said you and me cat we’ll run at the back

We’ll go at the back but we’re not stopping I said we’ll go at the back and we’ll jog along at our paas to which he said well just that’s great I’m gone I’ll go and get me so he then puts his in his pocket and we go a mile

And a half out and come back a mile and a half and I thought he’s going to Peg out here he’s on his knees he’s coughing and wheezing and spluttering and I said how are you feeling now CS he said well boss he said if they ever find anybody

That can hit it three miles I’ll be able to fetch it back I think they did how many cigarettes do you smoke in a three mile run Phill well there you go there you go there you go but it was my coach David do he was the first one actually you try

To sort of see that in a squad you know that we were different people different people need different things you know some need that some need this some need a three mile run some just need a nice little net and then to go and play golf and uh that’s obviously now what they’re

Doing they must be very shrewd and um you know very good sort of like analysts on what make individuals tick you know yeah I mean Bumble how did how did you see the job because you you were obviously famous for sort of setting up quite a sort sport system for the

Players and also being open to new ideas yeah yeah I mean it’s a different era so I saw my job as as agitant to the captain it’s the Captain’s Team and whether it was Alex Stewart or or Michael Adon it’s their team so I saw my

Job as preparing and sort of sort out the practice and the facilities and so on give strengths and weaknesses of the opposition you’re going to come up against and then the lads would get on to it but you know from a time at length I didn’t want to treat 20 people the

Same you can’t say this is what we’re going to do and I always I I remember people saying with Phil Tel that oh be careful with him he’s bad news and just so he just said to him what do you want to do what do you want to do and if he

Says I’ll ball for 40 minutes that’s fine thanks a lot I’ll see you in a bit then and so you you’d see other people would say I wantan to I want a bat and and then I want to come back and have another bat all right well we’ll sort

That out as well um Dean Headley I want to work on me no balls I well you would really do want to work on them because you’re balling a lot of them and so he would work with Bob cotton your Wicket Keepers would work with Allan not so you

Know you’re just sorting things out you can’t say all 20 of us are going to do this because because they’re going to kick off they’re not going to do it and and I think also Stokes has got to have a huge pat on the back I see I was

Sitting there thinking that he might have got that slightly wrong in that England’s first Innings I think his Field Places were slightly wrong wrong but he learned from that very very very quickly in that second Innings you know you can’t have three or four men round

The backat you know you you’ve got to have a few sort of scouting there is obviously baz ball we know with the bat but there is baz ball with the ball as well and sometimes if you stick one out at deep midwicket it is almost like a it’s not necessarily a defensive

Position in India it’s almost like an attacking position because that’s their that’s almost their release shot and it’s funny that you know I think that he learned that towards the the end of that first Innings as well because a lot of their players on 80 got out in the Deep

Didn’t they a lot were caught at sort of you know the guys were patrolling so I think that he learned that very quickly with his Spinners in that second in is when they just let them get into the game a little bit you have your slip you

Have one in front short leg for pad bat or bat pad or whatever you and then just give him that little bit of time so I think he’s got to take great could he he he don’t get many think wrong you know Ben Stokes as a captain and I think you

Know he deserves great credit and and they’re obviously you know you know revering him so much these guys they really are playing for him you’re talking about McCullum and when Bumble was sort of doing the coach I think that sort of McCullum is now sort of you know Ben

He’s Ben stokes’s team you know and they are right behind him and they sort of love it you can see the love for him you know we’re obviously talking about England in in Hyderabad but uh it was it was a good weekend for test Cricket in general with the wy’s beating Australia

In Brisbane um lot of chat about test Cricket at the moment Bumble how optimistic or pessimistic are you for the for the future of the format well you know you’re looking at test Cricket in the UK and the sold out whoever we play We Sell Out particularly

The first three days um I my own personal view is the big three that Australia England and India have an obligation to share the wealth they they get the massive broadcast deals now the West Indies don’t have the capacity or facility to have big broadcast Deals they don’t they don’t have that facility

And it’s eye-wateringly expensive to play cricket in the West Indies because you have so many different islands and so the big three have a massive obligation to make sure that other test playing nations are right financially they’ve got to do that um because they’ll finish up playing Just amongst

Themselves so yeah that was a significant win for the West Indies and everybody loves the underdog everybody loves a young player coming through and achieving like Shamar Joseph did and so two test matches I did a thing before Christmas with with Clive Lloyd who was one of the greatest cricketers that

We’ve seen particularly captain of the West Indies and he said to go to Australia to play two test matches that can’t possibly be a series and test Cricket has got an obligation because in my opinion I’m certain Phil will be exactly the same when you’re growing up

As a kid I want to play test match cricket that’s what I want to play so the authorities have an obligation to ensure that it’s in good heart and of course you’re you’re going to be back commentating for this series um how good is it to be getting back behind the microphone

Again well yeah I’m a pensioner and and I’ve been out to work worldwide uh for a couple of years so you know I’ll be back uh doing radio which is where I first started I first started on on testm special and working with Peter Baxter who was a producer at

That time went into TV and so I’ve found my way back home I love doing radio and I’ll be doing the third test match and I’ve done it before off tube we you know technically now it’s it’s not that difficult to do it off a tube and not be

At the venue it’s always nice to be at the venue U but thoroughly looking forward to it and I’ve done I’ve had a couple of jokes with Simon Jordan and Jim White he don’t take any prisoners that Simon Jordan he I all to piece and

It were a bit bit too strong I wrote a piece in the paper and I thought was a bit too strong and saying that when bashier couldn’t get in and I said we should all come home and he ripped me to Pieces Simon Jordan and I was frightened

To death I thought hang on I’m a pensionary here leave me alone you’ve been involved in sort of multiple aspects of the game what what what role have you enjoyed the most sort of player coach umpire of course for a while um and and commentator what have you enjoyed the

Most well there’s nothing beats playing and that you know those days end and then you you get into other things I loved umpiring I absolutely abely love that because you know what they’re up to you know what the players are doing you know exactly what they’re up to and you

Manage that pretty well but I didn’t have DRS had none of that you just give them out or give them not out it’s as simple as that it’s what I see it’s not what you see unlucky um commentating I I’m I’m a pretty private block really

But for commentating if I give me a microphone and give me a cricket match and I’m like a little kid I just flip it and love it and that comes back to to an upbringing where my dad my dad were my mother were an absolute firecracker

She’d be in jail now she used to hit me with a frying P mother and she’d be in prison but my dad was such a quiet block and he just used to say just be yourself whatever you’re doing be yourself and you know I try to do that and if you

up you up yeah you know he he was a lay preacher right he was I you’re a lay preacher my mother wasn’t my mother we we they were aspin my mother they were from 13 brothers and sisters 13 of them and I’ve got me family tree going back to

1700s we were terrible we we were the aspin of dry by gum we we were we were we were it’s Ian were Street Fighter so you get stuck into anything and I I think you know I’m I’m pretty private but I’ve got I’ve got my mother’s Street sometimes if

Anybody crosses me they just just look out but you get the speaking that the Tre from from your dad and his preaching um probably you know I you won’t get me doing it anywhere else I me I go in the pub and I go in

The back room and there’ll be six of us or eight of us tractor drivers farmers and we just chew the fat about this that and the other so I’m not I’m not one of them so when I work with beefy and go you know they’re like fine dining they

Like going into Posh restaurants and give me a pint and a Curry and I’m happy and I I would go out with with Adon and Ian Ward that he he gets thirsty as ward he gets very thirsty um and NASA had got a pop along I’ve got I’ve got to tell I

So I like going in in pubs like City Center pubs into Manchester and I know I know me way around and I like going where it’s a bit edgy and I took I took nassa into this PO and you know P here have a lger have a Guinness what you

Want he said I I’ll have a glass of water please and the last behind the boy said we don’t do [Laughter] Cocktails now we have on the podcast I don’t know if you’ve heard it before but Phil serves up a few either oos okay here we go right there Bumble these are quite straightforward mate it’s just either oos uh and you’ve got to have a little thing and then see which one you

Fancy here we go so Lanier or Atron Stanley Arrington Stanley a okay lovely lovely facing Lily or Thompson Lily the other BL with crackers the other fell he said I like to see blood on the pitch I said well I suppose you mean mine and not

Yours right now this is a cheeky one okay sorry about this one but they got a few cheeky ones in there Alex Stewart or Michael Aon dead end absolute dead end both both absolutely fantastic um I’m not going any further than that they were brilliant love them

To bits move on I’ll let you off with that one and then last one TMS or Sky Jesus TS or Sky the sky was Gray sky was lovely but they let me go TMS get in there fair enough I think a chorus of Cheers around the around the

Land on that one Bumble it’s been an absolute pleasure chatting to you we could we could be doing this all day but it’s been a joy thank you so much for joining us cheers coach anytime yeah look forward to it see you soon see you cat there was of course another remarkable

Test match this weekend uh ours before England’s win the West Indies recorded an eight-run win uh away in Australia their first down there since 1997 and their first ever win in a day night test Mike you were there how was it oh it was great I mean two incredible victories I

Mean the West I mean Australia don’t lose in Brisbane there’s only India recently but they just don’t lose in brisb they’ve never lost the pink ball game the West inders are 60 for5 on that first afternoon we all were there going well they’ll get B out for 120 the OES

Will rack up 400 we’ll be out of here tomorrow night yeah the way that they fought and played and just kind of they’ve got this good this Shamar Jose is incredible box office right an incredible athlete he bowls quick he bowls sharp he BS little skidy Nipper

About 145 and it was remarkable when you think that the night before he gets hit on the toe and and we ruled him back he’s not playing again he’s not playing in the Test match so the West ends are a bowl then we arrive on the last morning

And it was absolutely hosing it down all morning there was never going to be any play and about 45 minutes to go before two o’clock start the clouds didn’t disperse but it stopped raining get some play here and then all of a sudden Shamar Joes if he arrives out of the

Dress he’s gonna ball like oh okay this could be interesting then they get a good start and then he just he got this one ball to Cameron green that just bounced off a length and then he he just it was it was remarkable to see a bow

And it’s happened a lot of times in the last few years where you get these great Bowlers on a on a run and they look like they’re going to get a wicket every ball and he did he was just getting these these deliveries in the right Zone just

Nipping back nipping away getting a bit of Bounce or it was special and to think that you know I was next to Brian l in the commentary box he was in tears and down the Box in in another radio station commentary box KL Hooper he was in tears

You know that’s what it meant to the West Indies it was it was special to be there and to see the celebrations of the young kid Shamar Joseph and all these teammates running around you know and those kind of famous West Indies celebrations and that is right up there

I’ve seen many from the 80s but that was right up there with with with real like Joy yeah and I again I said that the Aussies was which cheer in England on there was quite a lot I said the majority of the Australians were I want

To say delighted but they were happy to see this young West Indies side get that test match bit it was a special afternoon well world world cricket needs the West Indies doesn’t it it needs them performing it needs them winning yeah and I tell you what it is

It’s really good for the test Series in the UK in the summer yeah you know I know that the grounds will be full because of of the way that England play but you know I think if they can add Jaden SE to this attack they’ve got some

Pace you know they really have and they’re great to watch the the liks of Kavin hod who’s come here for the first time he’s he’s in into his second test mat a great character Kevin Sinclair Phil he does a somersault when he gets the Wicket he does a

Flip he’s got to stop doing that Mike he’s gonna he’s gonna end up in tears one day he’s got to stop that no it’s just the joy that they bring and and and also the skill levels that they produced to to push this Australian side they

Actually pushed him a little bit in ad for a day and a half but um this Australian side they’ve got to be very careful because I thought that they use this series to just blood a a couple more Bowlers and maybe a new spinner particularly in Adel a and played two

Spinners they’ve obviously got Cameron green at four and Steven Smith in the second he’s played beautifully opening the batting but they looked a tired team and I know they’ve played a huge amount of cricket they’ve won the World Cup and they’ve come straight back and played a

A five kind of test summer here in Australia pretty much backto back um they’ve got to be just careful that they they don’t get to a year and two years in particular for the ashes and some of those players are a little bit over the hill or they haven’t given any

Opportunities to other players and then suddenly get two or three injuries and I think this Australian team could be the could be there for the taken in a couple of years time yeah yeah well you talk you talked about the joy you talked about the accelerations and that last

Wicket by shimar Joseph uh if anybody hasn’t seen it they need to look up the clip he takes takes a wicket uh and then goes off on a Victory Run and his teammates couldn’t catch him till he’d gone beyond the boundary oh he’s rapid you’re not catching him he is yeah

No he’s a wonderful ball I mean obviously seen him in two test matches a remarkable story um you know the we is Guyana to think now that he’s getting all these opportunities in T20 leagues around the world but he said something you know in the interview after he will always be

There for the west inders and test match cricket I thought that was crucial wasn’t it and sort of however much money thrown at me I will all be always be available for the test team yeah and I think that’s why it’s important that the the West Indies players get a little bit

More in terms of uh Financial uh contracts because you know if if those contracts don’t arrive and these leagues keep knocking on the door he will eventually say yes to them yeah you know because he he’s got family it’s only a short career and you know I just think

That’s why the the purse the the kind of funding uh that we see from the powerful three just needs to be spread that little bit more I’m not saying that the powerful free shouldn’t get what they get they should get a huge amount because of what they bring but certainly

Some of the other teams could do with a little bit of a help in hand and if they don’t get that help in hand contracts can’t be somewhere similar in terms of the basic rate that you get as an international cricketer uh don’t don’t be surprised if some of these players go

And play in all these franchise leagues around the world and we have to try to stop that we want them all playing test match CRI for as long as possible Mike I like the way in the press in the Press are after us as well he thanked the doctor for his injection in

His he was on a hattick he was on a hatrick and me and Smith who was in the the con we we could interview him so we took the fine cam we interviewed him and uh I think question you know how you feeling he said no idea what the doctor

Gave me but it’s work but as you’re rightly said Benny it was exactly what test Cricket I I love all Cricket I love t20s I love I love t i just like watching Cricket but you just don’t get that emotion you don’t get that day in a T20 or a 50 you just

Don’t get and simultaneous test matches how good yeah yeah I mean I mean both matches on their own stand uh on their own but to have the two on the same day I was like what do I watch now well exactly but but if we could have had another four countries

Playing yeah test Cricket is the only product that’s being played around that time I think that’s where we we we could end up going in terms of trying to save test Cricket that we do have these windows and all the countries are playing Cricket test Cricket at the same

Time so you could have four or five games simultaneous starting on a Thursday you know finishing on the Monday or or maybe even dare I say these four- day test are pretty good as well you know you play aggressive Cricket on pitches that are quite in balance for

Bat and ball um I think and I hope that’s well will end up in a few years time that test Cricket has these little pockets these windows where that’s the only format that that’s being played at that time well if you got five tests like that finishing like that at the

Same time I think there’ll be a few heart attacks around the world that’s all we got time for today thank you Mike and thank you Phil and massive thanks to Bumble Lloyd for joining us too next up for England is a second test in vakna pattinam and we’ll be back with

You next Wednesday to unpack that one if you’re new to the podcast it’s good to have you with us and be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any episodes over the course of the series and while I have you a quick recommendation to sign up to the telegraph Cricket

Newsletter it’s free and it keeps you up to date with the latest cricket stories as well as featuring interviews with the biggest players and delivering analysis of the international game sign up to receive the newsletter in your inbox every Wednesday at crickety nerd that’s a bit of a mouthful

So I’ll repeat it crickety nerd until next week Goodbye


  1. I am an Indian but during the second innings found myself rooting for Bazball or rather rooting against the timidity of the Indian “superstars” and their insistence to play on rank turners.
    I wish Indian cricket and its supporters remember Gabba 21 and try to embrace that fearless and dogged attitude going forward.

    The other thing is that this is not the first time that Indian spinners have been clueless against the sweep shot. England won the 1987 WC semifinal with Gooch sweeping the Indian spinners out of the contest.

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