putting, partial wedge, full swing setups and methods #golf #golfswing #sound #golftips

learn the three basic golf swings

Okay I’m going to talk a little bit about the difference in setup for uh different types of swings and what things you do differently so I think most people know this but with a putting stroke and this is actually kind of interesting for putting because if you’re practicing your putting stroke

With this you’re going to just rock your shoulders you’re not going to be inclined to try to use your arms which people do you know use their arms to put but you want a completely stable lower body and then just rock your shoulders so it’s a good to just feel what a

Putting stroke should feel like this works well just rocking your shoulders keeping everything Square to path so you don’t want to have any rotation and I you know made this shirt so as a visual reference so pay attention to these elements when you when you set up and

Swing the trainer see what’s happening so you can relate the feeling of that to what’s happening also visually so a lot of people will have inclinations to do little things that you don’t really need to do so stable lower body little bit of a rock now next

Thing you do is like very you know small wed shots like 10 yards 20 yards getting a sense of feel for how much energy to put on that so here’s how that is going to look both the swing and the setup so the difference in the setup from a full

Shot is from a full shot people get keep their head behind the ball and have some spine tilt usually and shifting and a lot of things that produce power but aren’t good for having kind of a low power controllable swing so the way you want to actually set up is pretty ver

Vertical if you’re trying to hit a little 10 yard wedge is that pretty vertical see this as vertical and then rotate it slightly open that’ll give you sort of access to release the clove this way so a little bit rotated open and if I looked it down on this you look

Straight down your chest it should seem vertical and it should land a few inches in front of the ball so I set it that way and then this one the backstroke is not so much unlike putting in that you’re just sort of tossing it back to the right amount of energy but the

Difference here is when you come through you want to rotate everything through so that will keep the club square and moving at the same rate as your hands which I think is important so you don’t want to have to worry about this extra action there is

Some there is some Rel release but I think generally speaking you want to be moving the club head in your hands you don’t want a lot of hinge and release it has to be gradual and smooth through the whole swing so again that’s a way to minimize the and make controllable the

Amount of force you’re putting in the ball so watch the setup again I’m going to be rotated a little open pretty vertic pretty horizontal with my shoulders or vertical with my spine and so you can see if I practice that the club is just going to bottom in

The right place right if I set up like I would for a full shot where I get myself behind the ball and add some tilt and try to do a small shot my club’s going to bottom out back here and so then I have to try to manufacture

Something to get up there you a full shot I’ll shift rotate and move the bottom of my swing up here but I don’t want to do all those extra things so set up a little bit Square vertical slightly open you can be more narrow too I have

That got to get out of that habit narrow stance so I’m not really able to move back and forth so stable narrow stance just toss it up nice clean contact nice controllable amount of distance there 20 yard shot and then the distance is controlled by toss it feel it drop a little bit

That’s important too so you don’t want to start adding power that way you want to go with the club so the amount of energy is entirely dependent on the size of the back swing and what gravity that then brings into the ball basically so a little bit forward small toss turn through with

It how you get a nice reliable little swing where it bottoms where you want it to so it’s really important again I’m going to say this again get your center of your swing a little bit in front of the ball otherwise it’s almost impossible to have consistent in

Controllable contact so then I’ll just do the full swing as well since I’m doing the three swings I guess so full swing some people set up more vertical and add tilt I kind of like myself to start with a tilt it just seems like I kind of know where I’m

Going and I just come back to it so I would set up now moving my Center more behind the ball to start the swing and then this one so I’m going to set up see you can see with a little tilt again these I these are a reference

For my triangle of my arms and so I want to return that squareness related to how my arms are working to the ball so this one I like to heave up then what’s different is I am driving my way back coming back forward now I’ve moved the center right

Need it to be and because I’m rotating aggressively the club bottom is where I need it to so so you can see that my head is staying behind the ball and I’m coming in with some spine tilt here so those are basically the three patterns so this

One there’s a separation the lower body pulls everything through rather than just moving passively through the shot so those are kind of the three swings and then of course there’s all sorts of other specialty swings that you know great players know but those are the

Basics if you can get your Center just a little forward for a partial wedge you can have a very completely stable lower body for putting and if you can keep yourself behind the ball and come in with the proper amount of spine tilt for a full those are the basics

1 Comment

  1. Simple explanation to the setup for various shots. It took me awhile to (finally) learn the level shoulders (it’s a must!) for those short chip shots.

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