Owen Hargreaves sharpens his #release1 chip and run shot

So yeah you’re standing too far away from the ball right you’re away here yeah and then from here it it’s really just all this yeah so we need to get you in closer raise the handle up a little bit more so get the toe lower and we got

To get basically the the chest uh and the arms connected to torso more so it’s going to work more this way yeah whereas you’re all a bit loose low points way back here yeah that’s why you’re getting heavy and uh thin shots so we got to get

It more up we got to get it more rotated feel like your triceps are really going to stick to your chest more so it’s more connected then and know it’s just dead simple that’s Ben look how you facing so you look at the follow through now all matched

Up and I’m not hinging at allall yeah you like this again


  1. Dan at what point I.e. distance do you stop using a putting stroke and start being rotational like this. This shot could be played equally as well with a PW using a short putting stroke ?

  2. From the tundra of Duluth Minnesota, I'm watching Dan Grieve videos chipping foam balls in my living room into my kitchen, and coaching my girlfriend using Dan's techniques. And I'm telling you! This spring in gonna come out of the gate FLYING! Thank you Dan for all your videos! The 3 releases (especially #1) are absolutely changing my game!

  3. I’m obsessed with your three release method. I got up and down 3 times today using release 2 and 1. Thanks so much from California!

  4. I love your stuff by the way it’s just awesome! My triceps are glued from here on out. I was just chipping in my basement net.

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