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Vince McMahon Feels the Walls Closing in as Lawsuit Heats Up

As even more disturbing accusations against WWE founder Vince McMahon have come to light, he has officially stepped down from his position as executive chairman of WWE parent company TKO Holdings. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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Billion dollar pro wrestling empire is about to be shaken to its foundations by a teenage boy scandal, the Post has learned. All right, here’s part of the story, then. And Mr. McMahon, sir, you are the boss. You are what we would call in my neighborhood when we were growing up. A successful.

Big shot. This is some operation. You have over $1 billion in annual revenue. You have, throughout the 80s taken this thing that so many people snicker at. You have filled the Pontiac Superdome with the help of Hulk Hogan and an occasional

Theatrical idea that included Cyndi Lauper and the marriage of kind of pop music. With this. Through the roof, through the roof. The PGA should pray for this kind of these kinds of revenues. And now here you are being accused, Mr. McMahon, of, presiding over an organization that looked the other way while these,

Sex harassment charges were being, sex harassment activity was taking place. – Sir, you wanted to say we’ve never. – Looked the other way. It was not long ago Vince McMahon was in hot water for allegedly covering up another scandal. There’s nothing in my in my past and nothing in my future

That would indicate that in any way I’m associated with the word cowardice. Former WWE employee Janelle Grant accuses McMahon of sexual assault and trafficking. Up until now, you’ve been adamantly, adamantly denying that not only is this is taking place, but that and you’re saying that you knew nothing of it.

And and I just find that really difficult to believe. Well, there’s no reason. How do you find it difficult to believe that? I knew nothing of it. Why would I condone this kind of activity in risk, this alleged kind of revenue? Because, Vince.

Because you are the king of an empire and you have eyes and ears everywhere. And it is so common, at least the topic of conversation for 3 to 5 minutes every night in the dressing room, because a lot of the guys, they have to

Put up with it and they hate it because if they say anything, they’re out of a job. Former wrestler Barry Orton, who was sexually abused by men within the WWE network, confronted McMahon to his face on The Phil Donahue Show. And in any way, does pro wrestling contribute to the creation of monsters?

Absolutely not. You know, everyone that’s in this organization, to my knowledge, is well adjusted. Family people know they go to work like everybody else. In the lawsuit, Janelle Grant accuses McMahon of sharing sexually explicit photographs and videos of her with the wrestlers and recruiting men to have

A threesome at the WWE headquarters, even during working hours, while referring to her as his porn star. Do you believe that sexual harassment exists in your workplace? I believe that there is a possibility of sexual harassment existing everywhere. I want to get to the bottom of it. Would you.

Therefore believe that because of all these allegations coming forward and more and more corroborating evidence proving that, there’s no doubt sexual harassment is running rampant in the World Wrestling Federation, that you are definitely going to come public and do something about it. Why wouldn’t I?

If in fact, that is the case, why wouldn’t I do something about it? The lawsuit claims McMahon texted her, I’m the only one who owns you and controls who. I want to blank you. We have to move on and we have to progress in what we do, and we can’t.

We can’t hold back. We can’t keep things the way that they used to be for anybody. McMahon recruited individuals to have sexual relations with miss Grant and or with the two of them, the lawsuit read and expected and directed miss Grant

To engage in sexual activity at the WWE headquarters, even during working hours. The suit included screenshots of vulgar texts that McMahon allegedly sent to Grant, becoming more graphic, dark and sadistic. It appears now McMahon’s reign is over. Vince McMahon, the infamous founder of World Wrestling Entertainment,

Has resigned as executive chairman of its parent company. The move came a day after McMahon was accused of sexual assault and sex trafficking in a lawsuit. A former WWE employee, Janelle Grant, claims she was physically and emotionally abused by McMahon. He has denied the allegations and says he’s stepping down

Out of respect for the WWE universe. Though this very idea has been discussed for decades now. Still, in light of a new lawsuit, by all intents and purposes, McMahon should be done with the WWE. She’s been devastated, dehumanized, discarded, and she is really a destroyed person physically and mentally.

Janelle Grant bravely came forward with serious allegations against McMahon and the WWE. She accused him of essay and sex trafficking. The organization, along with corporate officers in the ranks, were mentioned in the suit. McMahon called it a vindictive distortion of the truth.

From the time he took over to present day, there had been a bevy of allegations against him. As we discussed last week, Rita Chatterton claim he awarded her. There were claims of abuse from Pat Patterson, the former head of wrestling operations, Terry Garvin and Mel Phillips using a casting couch

With male wrestlers and others. In the organization. Phillips was accused of grooming young boys. In 2006, McMahon was said to have assayed a tanning salon employee in Boca Raton, Florida. The headlines in 2022 circulated because of Grant, who was then nameless as part of a secret $3 million settlement.

It was said to have been an affair. Not what we just learned. This was June 15th of 2022 when this news broke. Then more payments. And just one month later, the Wall Street Journal would report McMahon agreed to pay 12 million plus dollars to suppress allegations

Of sexual misconduct and infidelity, an amount far larger than previously known. The details were shocking and gross. McMahon allegedly coerced a female employee into giving oral, or else they’d be demoted. He also. Per this report, sent unsolicited nude photos, harassed her on the job, and much more.

Initially, McMahon made that $1 million payment, but he stopped. A rather odd revelation in this story, as reported by The Wall Street Journal, involves a star in the WWE and UFC, and that is allegedly Brock Lesnar. McMahon wanted to resign Lesnar and offered up Grant as a sexual favor for inking the deal.

Lesnar reportedly liked what he saw now. After all this broke, WWE president Nick Khan updated the staff, telling them McMahon would no longer have a role with TKO Group Holdings or WWE, per a memo sent to Business Insider. But here’s the thing. UFC Hall of Famer and ex WWE wrestler Ronda Rousey

Said she’s not buying it on Twitter. Bruce Prichard is basically Vince’s avatar. If he’s still around, Vince still has a hand in the business. Vince was still running things through Bruce when he was quote unquote gone before. From the post. Prichard, who is 60, is currently the executive director of raw and SmackDown

And plays a major role in WWE’s on screen creative, which has been headed by McMahon’s son in law triple H, since the billionaire began his, you know, quote unquote, retirement in June of 2022. Prichard has been involved in pro wrestling since the 80s, and spent

Multiple stints by Vince’s side within the WWE, the latest beginning in 2019. In addition, they would write, and this is fairly important. Prichard was initially named interim head of talent relations for WWE, a job that is now part of Triple H’s duties and the rumors at the time,

Along with a report by the Wrestling Observer, was that the move was made. So McMahon’s to let a say in decisions. During his first hiatus from the company, he was replacing John Laurinaitis, who was ousted after his involvement in the hush money and sexual abuse allegations against Vince came to light from E!

Wrestling news. The belief within endeavor is that WWE could sweep out anyone who is close to Vince, or seen as a confidant, to have a fresh start in the company, whether or not Prichard is ex, well, that remains to be seen. Embarrassingly, triple H, aka Paul Levesque, did not inspire much confidence

In the executive suite of the company, caring at all about the lawsuit. Triple H is married to Vince’s daughter, Stephanie. He is a WWE executive. He claimed to have not read the suit accusing his father in law of sex trafficking.

Wrote defector, we all found out in real time when you did, triple H said. And that’s the truth. I’ll go back to what I said. This is an amazing week for us, and at this point, I don’t even want to get bogged down with the negatives of it.

I just want to focus on the positives and where we’re going. I feel like we are in the middle of something that we might not be able to put our finger on now, but five, ten years from now, we’re going to be saying, wow, what a time that was.

I want to focus on that. Here’s why this is a crock. The idea that WWE just found out about all this is absurd. This has been in the news before. The Wall Street Journal reported in June of 2022 that the board of WWE, then an independent public company, was investigating the secret

$3 million settlement to a paralegal with whom McMahon had a sexual relationship. That was Jenelle Grant. Her lawsuit alleged the WWE breached the NDA by leaking her name. Not long after the Journal report. Wrestling blogger Brad Shepherd did post her name last year.

A month later, the Journal reported a $12 million in payments to four different women who accused McMahon of sexual misconduct. McMahon was exiled from WWE that month, but he used his voting power to force his way back onto the board. A little more than a year ago. The stories kept coming out.

Last July, WWE revealed that McMahon was subpoenaed and served with a search warrant in its quarterly report.


  1. Bruces face was red in the past for a reason then

    Why this long though ? Thats the real question for some situations yes people find it hard to come forward but he was already accused last time but why not then

    I think its what shes into and clearly shes been pushed out by someone else and now come forward

  2. Vince still has a lot of voting power even without being on the board not as much before company sold but still second in voting power even with him sell some stocks in November still second highest share holder he still will be making decisions

  3. Tyt your going to love this Vince mcmahon is a satanic high priest 💯 FACT Everything about wrestling is satanic And the music industry and Hollywood. With all the evidence out there now you really, really would want to be the stupidest person on the planot not to know this.

  4. Why can't they say Rape or sexual assault. The words are regular dictionary words. Reducing those words reduces the value of what they mean! This is a way to slowly normalize sexual abuse.

  5. Vince is a sicko. Hes pooping on peoples heads like that was a power move by him not for sexual gratification. I dont think this women is innocent. She sent back alot of messages as well

  6. All guilty as charged. Boy, can't they gaslight zhit!! Good seeing Phil back in his role, even though this is some years back ❤

  7. i love how when these stories happen the world pretends to be in shock but imagine how many peoplearound him knew all this stuff and if she hadnt said something i bet you this would have gone on till he was too old to punish i wonder what will happen but i dont see how they will be able to sweet this under the rug

  8. ugly men that manage to get ahead and make money are going to want to punch about their weight. you guy's are never gonna have you bizarre utopia, clock's ticking

  9. I’m sure this has nothing to do with Vince supporting Trump! No way! Trump is also being accused of rape of E Jean Carol, isn’t that ironic? It’s almost like they can destroy anyone by just accusing them of rape with zero evidence.

  10. This report was good until it started veering away from facts. Stick to the facts and list the allegations. That way, if the accused is guilty, he's proven guilty by using the truth and ill go as far as to say that after this case, he should go to trial, found guilty and go to prison.
    If the accuser is lying, reports mixing falsehoods with truth would only help her agenda and lead to forever tarnishing an innocent man's reputation

  11. So, Vince McMahon was responsible for getting Capt. Lou Albano casted in that Cindy Lauper music video back in 1983?

  12. I don’t believe this, the lady is obviously lying, we need to see receipts of how much she was paid because she was getting payments then once it stopped now this coming out

  13. Another disgustingly rich human "COCKROACH" and we know how they react when the light suddenly turns on…….they immediately scurry into the cracks.

  14. I love how Janel Grant just gets a pass even though she's no better than Vince. She consented to all of it, and the text messages prove this. I'm tired of women getting a pass for being sick, disgusting degenerates, just because they're women, so they must be victims. In reality she was fine with all of it until Vince stopped paying. This woman is no victim.

  15. Blaming Vince McMahon for the poor choices made by his employees doesn't help. If they take steroids or murder their family, that's their choice. Focus on the current situation.

  16. Follow the money and power. That's not surprising it's been happening a lot. What's done in the dark will eventually surface to light. Corruption. Steroids for masculinity while trafficking and abuse of women.

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