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Matt Jones on the state of Kentucky Basketball after Tennessee game

KSR Host Matt Jones talks about Kentucky’s 103-92 loss to the Tennessee Volunteers on Saturday night.

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The cats uh lose to Tennessee you know that it was brutal most points scored uh by any team in rup Arena since VMI scored I think 111 against Billy Gillespie and the most points scored by an SEC opponent in rup Arena since 1993 cats never LED down the entire game

That really doesn’t happen very much in rup Arena either we’re a team where Kentucky never leads in a game uh it was a brutal loss and and look there are there are a lot of ways to to to to talk about this game let’s just quickly

Talk about the actual game for a second Kentucky was outplayed from the very first moment and got in a hole that they really never could get out of cut it to four a couple times cut it to one at one point but they came out not ready to

Play they got down 16 to5 and then they did the exact same thing in the second half I mean they cut it to four at halftime and then within three or four minutes in the second half it’s 12 so in the first and second half they

Just didn’t come out ready to play and you can’t win like that and what’s amazing is Kentucky gave up 103 points to Tennessee and their best player didn’t even play very well as a matter of fact for long extended periods of time in the clutch part of the game like

The 12-minute mark to the 5minute mark he was sitting on the bench they were they had their best player and their potential SEC Player of the Year sitting on the bench CU they didn’t need him the other guys were killing us uh a couple stats that were amazing to

Me Rob Dillingham and Reed Shepard and Antonio Reeves combined to score 72 points I was telling Billy Reed Sheard had 21 and shot 50% from the field it felt like he played a lot worse than that but they combined for 72 points the rest of our team only scored

20 our big guys Mitchell Bradshaw and Ugo combined to score four points I mean you’re just you’re not going to win like that so it was an absolute travesty of a game in my opinion some of the worst defense except for maybe an eight minute stretch at the

End of the first half I think it’s some of the worst defense I’ve ever seen a Kentucky team play Just guys just just completely driving past them I mean Tennessee doesn’t even put up a lot of points this year they put more than they have in some other years but they’re

Still and they just scored at will and we made no adjustments we gave up 10 points on out of- bounds plays and for I think the sixth time in the last four games gave up a wide openen dunk or layup off an out of- bounds play the

Fact that that’s not been corrected is is ridiculous but on a bigger picture this is an awful loss and has been an extremely disappointing few weeks just in terms of the way this program has gone I know DJ Wagner was out I think he’s really important but

We’re 0 and three without him Wilmington Florida and Tennessee have beaten us we’re 0 and3 without Wagner And if you combin their three rosters they would have fewer NBA players than what we have on the court without Wagner I mean how is that acceptable and it’s just more of the

Same thing and it’s part of a trend that if we are honest with ourselves has been happening since the covid year four straight years of disappointing results and rationalization or accepting of whatever happens it’s really more the rationalization we talk about about these four years and no matter what the

Individual thing is we find a reason to excuse it well it was the co year as if the other teams in the country also weren’t dealing with Co well you know it’s St Peters well that was weird it was severe wheeler was point guard it

Was this it was that it was it’s it’s always something well now it’s Wagner’s out well then when the in the Kansas game it was well we didn’t have any bigs okay well in the south Carolina game it was there to do was that I mean whatever

The game is we we find a way to excuse every single loss but it did feel like tonight just from the people that I talked to and looking on social media that it felt different tonight I had a friend at the game I ended up deciding

Not to go and I had a friend at the game say he couldn’t remember the last time rup was angrier leaving now I wasn’t there so I can’t say that that’s true or not but this person’s been to every game and says I can’t remember it being angrier than with when people were

Leaving and I got that sense tonight as well that there is a point of this is just not acceptable to people anymore now let me be clear there’s still 10 games left and there’s still a postseason and there’s still time to turn it around and there have

Been Kentucky teams that have turned it around in similar instances 2014 being the most obvious and this team actually has the talent where wouldn’t be CRA like that 2014 team where it wouldn’t be crazy if they did it but I think we’re setting up for a March where it’s really calip

Perry’s relationship at Kentucky comes down to March and that stinks because he’s had most of his time here has been a really really good run but the drop off has been obvious and real in the last four years and people who try to act like that’s not the case are just fooling themselves

We’ve lost back-to-back home games eight times in the history of Kentucky basketball we’ve done it three times in the last four years I mean just think about that stat just think it’s it’s unbelievable and I have said if you’ve listened to this show for 14 years March is random you

Can play really well and lose you can be a really good team go cold one night and lose John Wall’s team was awesome they got cold one night they lost right in 2017 Kentucky was the second best team in the country they just happened to play the first best team in the elite

A in 2015 we were the best team in the country by far and we ran into the one team that could beat us and they made a couple big plays and beat us at the end like stuff happens at the same time in 2014 we’re One Missed shot away from

Losing in the second round right in 2011 if Brandon Knight doesn’t hit a layup we lose in the first round so March is random but over the culmination of a career it becomes less random a one-year individual sample can be random or slice can be random but the whole 14-year sample is not

Random caliper has put himself in a position with his fan base where even though March can be random this year it better be random in a good way I don’t I think if we don’t have a good March this fan base is kind of over I think that’s just reality leave aside

Matt Jones’s personal opinion because contrary to what you would think with what people say online I tend to have even today remained more of a caliper supporter I think than the average fan at this point but none of it matters because the fan base I think has reached a point

That this March better go well and every loss we take along the way is going to make it harder and harder for it to go well in March we’re now looking if the tournament started tomorrow we would be a six maybe a seven seat because our our resume is so bad

And we still have to go to Tennessee go to Auburn host Alabama and go to Mississippi State and host Gonzaga there are more losses to get on the resume at this point I think if we have the best possible finish we can have we’re probably going to be end up a

Four three at best but probably a four so like you’re going to have to upset some teams to make a mark March run but I think this fan base has reached a point with Cal that this March better go well and if it doesn’t Kentucky is never going to fire John

Calary whether you wanted that to happen or not it won’t it just can’t and it won’t but it is going to become so tenous the relationship I don’t know how it could continue to go without it being miserable for everyone involved and that culminated to me

Tonight I texted Drew I’m just going to be I mean listen if you’ve listened to the show you know I just tell you exactly what I feel and what I do and our lives that’s what this show is so I texted Drew right after the game was over and uh he was

Just telling me about some of the stuff in the crowd and I said he definitely does the postgame radio show tonight right and Drew was like oh for sure he’s not going to skip this one and then he did he after a loss that probably left the rup Arina

Crowd as at least according to my friend as angry as they ever remember did not even show up to talk to the fans on the radio in front of Tom Le who is a friendly Voice who is going to say nothing but nice things to

Him he didn’t even do that and he sent Orlando to do it I think that’s one of the lamest things I’ve ever seen from a coach that makes $10 million a year that’s one of the lamest things I have ever seen you know he skipped a bunch of them over the

Years but sometimes it doesn’t matter he’ll do Road postgame radio radio shows where he talks for literally like for a minute combined and they cut it into three segments but on a night like tonight you’re paid to face the music you ask your players all the time this is Kentucky I can’t hide

You we all know that quote this is Kentucky I can’t hide you well then you sit there and don’t hide okay Justin Edwards that kid has taken more criticism this year than any player on the team and he has underperformed but he has probably taken more criticism than anyone on the team

They sent him out there and he had to do it and you didn’t that’s lame people can get mad about me saying that but that’s the truth that is lame to send that kid and make him do his responsibility for which he’s making zero dollar at least officially from the

School and you don’t do it and you make $10 million you want to know why the fan base is frustrated the fan base is not frustrated because we don’t have you know we’re too crazy or we’re basketball bennies or we should sit there and cheer and not overanalyze that’s not why they’re

Frustrated they’re frustrated because we are playing at a level that is not a Kentucky standard and if we’re honest with ourselves we’ve been doing that for the last few years and the relationship between fan and coach has been broken and it’s easy to blame that on

Other Figures it’s easy to blame that on social media it’s easy to blame that on negativity or overanalyzing or Matt Jones in Sr that’s the easy way out but you want to know why it’s like that because when you take the loss against the Rival that next to the one

Down the road is the one fans care about the most the Rival whose coach when you’ve been ranked in the top 10 is seven and one against you Rick Barnes is seven and one when kuy’s ranked in the top 10 against that rival in an atmosphere

That was as good pre game as you’ll ever see at rup arena in a day that people were so excited about even though you lost last week to Wednesday in that day you took a loss where we never LED were embarrassed and you didn’t even come out and say anything when it was

Over and Justin Edwards had to that’s why the relationship is broken results and a connection to the people that care about this program the most that has somehow lost its path I hope it can still be repaired I hope we go on a run in the next 10 games

And in March that is special I hope we look at this year like we did 2014 I hope it happens but at this point and it saddens me to say it I think it has to happen because if it doesn’t I don’t know how this keeps going it’s like a

Marriage where so much has happened and everything everyone does gets everyone so annoyed Cal’s annoyed by us myself Matt Jones included but he’s also annoyed by General things that happen and every the fans are annoyed by things like skipping the press conference so we better have a good March because if we

Don’t I don’t really know how it goes forward


  1. The NBA has taken president over winning at UK. It's been that way for a while but I'm loyal and the rest of us are loyal to a fault

  2. Does anyone believe that this team has actually had organized practice with Calipari Attending Especially on The Defensive End remember Kentucky Has 5 Assistant Coaches this Team Looks Lost Currently And been together since June 2023 8 months of nothing But playing basketball because i don't believe Any of these guys Have Class Anymore get real people they Just Don't, Last 9 years Has Been Like This time to Go Calipari please!!!!!!

  3. OK, whose fault is it? There is ONLY one answer. UK needs a basketball coach. They don't have one now. We can't be competitive without ONE player (Wagner), and we have a full roster of 5 star players?

  4. Our fans deserve worse than what they are getting… We arent getting a top level coach if Cal leaves… its not happening… So goodbye to that next recruiting class, goodbye to the 2 or 3 returning players from this year possibly more… Goodbye relevancy… People arent lining up to coach here at UK… Its an awful job… our fans are delusional… and know almost nothing about basketball, but pretend like they do… This team has work to do… but they will be fine.. we have 3 losses without our starting PG… Its not like we got blown out in those games… and he averages 12 ppg… Tennessee was losing without Ziegler? How good would Kansas be without Dejuan Harris? YES we have a lot of talent, but losing your starting PG is a big deal… BUT ask our delusional fans… WE dont need DJ Wagner.. they want more Reed Sheppard and Rob… cool… we can have exciting games we lose. I am seriously sick of our fanbase. The team is seriously playing against 5th and 6th year guys that NORMALLY wouldnt be playing college basketball… The Covid year really messed things up in that way… You think Tennessee is within 20 points of us if they didnt have Josiah Jordan James and Vescovi? Jesus, i get it guys, YOU WANT TO WIN EVERY GAME… But they played their asses off and made Tennessee play the best they have all season to win… AND OUR DEFENSE… ON one hand you love how fast we play and how exciting we play, on the other you complain about our defense… Want a newsflash… THEY ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE… There are no ELITE defensive teams that play with any sort of tempo… its how you juice your defensive stats… Did anyone notice how Houston got blasted by Kansas who is a pretty good offensive team? They play the 352th fastest in the NCAA… The defensive metrics are fools gold at best. Our team is fixable… these things are coachable… Jumping online to dogpile on Cal when its really on the players for why we are losing these games is pathetic, and short sided… We lost to Florida because Kentucky's Darling Reed Sheppard was guarding for a backdoor cut instead of denying the ball to Walter Clayton against Florida… I GUARANTEE EVERY COACH ON THE SIDELINE WAS TELLING THEM TO DENY THE BALL TO HIM… He made a mental mistake, it cost us the game. There is no coaching error there… no one was telling him to watch for the back door up by 3… Its on the players sometimes guys… Our out of bounds play defense, thats on the coaches to an extant, because its actually getting worse, they are ball watching and not guarding their man, and not communicating on picks. Anyway bbn im off my soapbox… do better

  5. I know z was sick for this game. But he said the last game he has to figure out how to play defense when he is in the game. How did he not know he couldn't play defense before then? Did he not see him play all the other months he wasn't eligible to play? Also the baseline out of bounds defense is absolutely mind blowing why they cant figure out how to stop that.

  6. This isn’t trying to be a smart ass Tennessee fan, but when will you Kentucky fans realize that Rick Barnes is one hell of a coach? OK, so he hasn’t fared well in the tournament. Barnes is one hell of a recruiter and a coach

  7. You got beat by a good coach and a good basketball team. You have your shot at revenge in Knoxville. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if Kentucky won in Knoxville

  8. Cal is a lot of bark no bite. He talk a good game but he can’t coach. Rick Barnes is a real basketball coach.

  9. I can handle all the missed press conferences or even the losses, as long as they play with heart and passion. But he has to admit that he don’t have the swagger he once had. And that lack of confidence reflects in his players. As a leader (coach) you have to take ownership (at some point) for the fact your teams start the year playing on fire and throughout the year, drop off the face of the earth. So I guess disappointment is really the biggest thing I am tired of. No matter how much I want to love Cal!

  10. I'm a Kansas fan. Let me preface this by saying, yes, I know UK came into AFH a couple years ago and shitwalked us. But that really was an anomaly. It basically never happens.

    No matter who it is, UConn, Houston, whatever, if they come to AFH we expect to beat them. And we almost always do. Rupp just doesn't feel intimidating anymore. I don't know if that's the fault of the old people in the stands, or because Cal is deteriorating or what, but you have to find a way to fix it. UT is a very good team, don't get me wrong. But it should be an uphill battle for them in your house. Instead, they were in control the whole game. Heck, it looked *easy*. Unacceptable.

  11. When I finished my round of golf, I was in the club house talking to the fellas about the game tonight, they all agreed that Kentucky was going to lose that game! and I felt it too! seems like they don't want to win? IDK what's going through their minds!

  12. From the start, Cal told everyone that all he cared about when he was hired was "To be Kentucky's coach and win(A)championship. "
    He fulfilled his goals, and now it doesn't matter he getting paid more than any other college coach out there😳. He knew he didn't have to do anything else once he got that lifetime contract.
    Now for him, it's just how many of these kids can he get into the NBA and brag about it.
    Hell, I just heard him bragging yesterday that there are going to be 12 former Kentucky players on the NBA allstars game….,like he had anything to do with how they actually turned out. Especially, since they only pretty much stay at Kentucky for a year😂.
    Cal, has been washed up for a long time. His own staff will tell ya that he doesn't even do 60% of his job.
    It's time for Cal to stop calling hisself a coach, so they can bring in a real one.

  13. He was in foul trouble from the best player setting on the bench talk. But yeah defense needs to be better. 🤷 Wagner averages 12 points a game just mark that in and it's a different game. We had a potential championship team when the shutdown happened. Oh well who knows. Cals teams usually turns thing around in March. He has done well overall.


  15. This is getting worse with every loss , the defense is nonexistent and these freshman are hard headed and refuse to change their bad habits ,I don’t know what’s more frustrating being a fan and dealing with these horrible losses or trying to get these young guys to buy in on defense from a coaching point , U know with the 3 big games Saturday I had no doubt that UNC and Kansas would hold it down at home ,Rupp at one time was harder to win than either of those home home courts , I will bleed blue forever but I’m not gonna over sell them either , even when they were red hot and everyone was saying title and final 4 i tried to be a voice of reason and say guys everyone is having their best scoring game of the season against us even in our wins and that won’t continue when we start to play good teams back to back and the reason is if we don’t score 100 we have no chance at winning at all , I think once DJ comes back we will be in a much better position because he is the motor behind this team but we still gotta improve on the defensive end of the floor to have any chance in March to early April of putting together a 6 game win streak vs the best teams in the nation .

  16. I’m a UT fan so I’m sure I’ll get blasted but I think UK can score with anybody. Good shooters who can make tough contested shots. Defense is primarily effort and will. Defense is a fixable thing and is more want to. As a Vol fan I’m not writing the wildcats off. They seem to always get better the last month of the season.

  17. For 3 years we have been hyped from
    the previous year, “just wait till next year” then fall to mediocrity by the 2nd month and have mid season blues come February. There is one common denominator of all of this, Cal.

  18. Coaching, the Lack of is our problem.
    Who doesn't tell thier team to foul before the 3pt shot when your up 3 with seconds left.? The Fla. Game showed me how inept the UK Coaching staff is.
    I'm done! Lifetime fan.

  19. Why isn't Big Z playing….he's essentially sat on the bench since his first game, only minimal minutes since. No show in Tennessee game.

  20. Something to think about, we were at our best when Mitchel was playing the five spot, and before we had our bigs available to play. Maybe just a coincidence but we've trended down since that point. Everybody was anticipating the addition to the lineup but we haven't been the same since.

  21. Matt Jones is a dramatist. I am a life long follower of the Cats. Cotton Nash is my earliest remembrance. Yes, this season looks like another disappointing one, however, there have been many over the 6 decades I have followed the team. SMH.

  22. In my opinion, the glaring downfall for Calipari is One-and-Done. It’s wrecked his reputation and ability to sustain program building seasons. He’s literally rebuilding every year and playing with fire. These are kids who have no idea how to play together as a cohesive unit. The raw talent is obviously there but it’s just not coming together. With as much talent that has gone through UK, he should have several more final fours and natty appearances.

    Duke is also suffering from this too – maybe not on the same level but it’s clear they’ve dipped in quality as well.

    It’s a shame because UK is basketball royalty. I’m optimistic that it’ll be easier to right the ship the sooner Calipari is out.

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