Golf Players

Wyndham Clark Wins Pebble Beach Pro-AM Following Final Round Cancellation I FINAL RECAP I CBS Sports

Doug Bell joins CBS Sports HQ to discuss the Pebble Beach Pro-AM being cancelled.


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We’ve got breaking news out of golf where the fourth round of the AT&T Pebble Beach program has been cancelled a storm in the Monteray Peninsula which postponed play on Sunday is expected to continue through Monday with strong wins as a result wendam Clark is the winner shooting 17 under through 54 holes it’s

Clark’s thirdd career PGA Tour title alongside the 2020 Bermuda championship and the 2023 US Open so if you look at the pre-tournament odds Windham Clark was at plus 7,000 so there weren’t a whole lot of people convinced that he would win but now he is the winner at 17 under after

54 holes so congratulations to Mr wendam Clark and for more on this breaking news we bring in CBS Sports golf analyst Doug Bell and Doug I’ll ask you simply put what went through your mind when you saw the news break that the tournament would be over after just 54 holes well it doesn’t happen very often

I remember I was in New Jersey back in 2011 when Hurricane Irene uh made that tournament a 54 hole event and that was a playoff tournament so it’s very rare but there was no alternative uh the weather just made it impossible to play and finish on Monday listen the PGA Tour

Is the best at what they do putting on a championship event Nobody Does it Better and they did everything in their power to make this a 72 hole event and that’s the number one priority but Mother Nature just wouldn’t allow it uh right now there’s shelter in place on Monday

Trees and power lines are down in the area the golf course is saturated and maybe they could have gone out and and sosed around a bit but it’s just too dangerous so the PGH war made The Prudent call and wam Clark took advantage of that magnificent six on

Saturday and now he gets an absolutely gigantic win here early in this PGA Tour season a gigantic win and 3.6 million richer so with all that being said Doug what is the significance of Clark getting this win after setting a course record because now he could parlay this

Into some momentum right well yeah and you were talking about the odds early think about the five winners we’ve had in the PG where the odds have been astronomical so that’s something to look forward to and watch the rest of this year but Dan your question wiam Clark

He’s 30 years old he was not a household name up until last year when he won the Wells Fargo Championship and then the US Open and then hit kind of an expected slump in the game he was on the rder Cup team did not play particularly well two

Events leading into this week a t39 and a t29 uh and he said his putting was terrible and so he really didn’t know what to expect and he comes into this week and on Saturday shoots that record setting 60 no other player in the history of the game has ever gone that

Low at Pebble Beach he has the best putting day of his career and likely will never duplicate that again I mean these players know how good that was especially himself so this sets him up now for an incredible season not only that money you talked about but 700

FedEx Cup points a regular event you get 500 now with these Signature Events you get 700 and he’s set up for what could be a serious run to the Tour Championship and maybe winning FedEx Cup uh this changes his whole season around and good for w Clark of course I’m sure

As a competitor he wanted to play one more day but then again why not celebrate this is a huge win for him even though it only goes 54 holes I would say he’s not complaining about having to only play 54 holes and getting all this money in the FedEx Cup points

As you mentioned I want to go back to something you mentioned earlier though about how the PJ handled all this a lot of people on social media are furious with the PGA because they said oh well they saw this coming they should have gotten 36 holes in on Saturday what’s

Your assessment with how the PGA handled everything from the postponement to now the cancellation of the tournament after 54 holes well it’s easy for those not involved with the PGA Tour and they’re watching the from the periphery and and it’s easy to say oh play 36 play keep

Playing until it gets dark no these are the best golfers in the world uh 72 holes is their priority there’s no question about it but considering the weather conditions and again power lines are down trees are falling in the road as cars are driving around the number

One priority is for the safety of the players the caddies the volunteers uh those people who working feverishly today trying to get the golf course ready to play uh so you have to take all those things into account safety is so important they wanted to play 72 holes

But it would be difficult to continue into Tuesday knowing that the WM Phoenix Open another big event is coming up next week and they have prams and things of that nature starting on Wednesday so the PGA Tour did exactly what they were supposed to do there was no other

Alternative uh that listen you can’t plan for the weather and even though the radar said this was coming there were it always changes curveballs always happen when it comes to weather but again let me just reiterate the PGA Tour the best at what they do setting up a

Championship sh golf course and if you’re here if you’re actually on property in the area you know how dangerous things are right now no other alternative they did the right thing yeah so the PGA 2 are making an uncomfortable decision but in the end as you mentioned probably the right one

Just making sure everybody is safe at the end of the day Doug Bell we appreciate your Insight as always man thank you and for more golf coverage make sure to download or watch the first cut podcast with Rick gaiming and a host of other golf experts breaking down the

Best golfers who’s rising up the ranks who’s kind of slowing down and so much more as far as Wagers and Bets we got it all the first cut podcast download it wherever you get your podcast baby


  1. Sucks final round should've been played Tuesday or Wednesday top ten players only to complete 72 and a PGA winner not LIV winner ❤😊😅😂 Brains of humanity David Givins Nhe!

  2. So he won't be getting any OWGR points since 54 holes isn't a real tournament, right?

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