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Gareth Roberts let’s talk Jurgen Klopp #jurgenklopp #liverpoolfc

Dave chats to Gareth Roberts from the late challenge podcast about Jurgen Klopp & Liverpool #jurgenkloop #liverpoolfc

Checkout Gareth & Paul’s The late challenge podcast 🔥


Okay guys we are live it’s Dave LC chats hit the like hit the share give us a sub show us your love that’s mine it’s copyright on a t-shirt coming to you I’ve got the legend with me Garrett Roberts the late challenge podcast with Paul cop absolutely legendary stuff

We’re gonna talk about that of course we’re g to talk about the Reds we’re gonna talk about all things liver pudan and scouser esque but before all that we’re going to talk about the moment was tomorrow was tomorrow last week in the morning I think it was 10:42 in the

Morning my bloody phone exploded it was in JFK moment where were you it’s actually a jnk moment Juran Norbert Club moment and it’s where were you last Friday when all this happened what what was your reaction Caris W I was I was in work mate so I’ve just uh I

Just recently started the job and it was only in my first week um and so you know I’m trying to be all sorts of are well behaved and H fitting with the culture Etc so I didn’t have I didn’t have me have my phone on silent and um and

Turned over just so it’s not like a you know distracting me but you know I’ve got I’ve got an Apple Watch and you know like importance of L like you know major breaking news or whatever pops up on me watch so it popped it popped up saying you know jagen klopp leaving Liverpool

At the end of the season and I was like well and I I was like staring at it for ages thinking oh you know must must be a joke or like it’s you know they’ve been hacked or something so I went on my phone to check it and and and I still

Sort of didn’t believe it it was just you know it came from nowhere didn’t it I don’t think there was any inclin that it was going to happen now I think um you know as many of us have said probably including yourself mate you know if it had come sort of last season

In some of the darker times last season you could see it all seemed to be getting to y and a little bit then it would have made more sense then I think but now it’s all you know Liverpool are on the up Liverpool 2.0 he seemed to be

Smiling again he seemed to be happy again there was actually rumors doing the rounds saying that you know there’s a possibility he could extend his Liverpool contract because he was he was happy in the area and all this so like it was just proper bang like you know

It’s was that type of news where you’re just like wow really and then yeah it I still didn’t believe it until I’d seen her on sort of three or four different sources and I saw Paul juice had tweeted there and James Pi Etc and I thought

That’s it you know it looks like it’s real and then you know very shortly after like everyone else I think you know I watched the interview with Jurgen and you know he showed once again what a great communicator he is apparently that was only one take that he did that video

In straight down the barel and you know I think you could see from that that it’s something that’s being weigh and heavy on him that he’s been thinking about for a long time and ultimately you know we’ve got to respect the decision haven’t we but it’s it’s a huge shock as

You say mate no it is a shock it was actually know I said it on a few podcasts since that it was actually like a bement of someone that you knew or friend I’ve never met him I know you’ve met him I’m gonna ask you about that

You’ve met him a few times and stuff with the rap and stuff but I’ve never met him but he’s the type of person that everybody thinks they’ve met him and haven’t met you know that type of person like like years ago pop stars or something you’d have a picture of them

On your wall on the back of your wardrobe I don’t think people do that anymore but you know what I mean when I was a kid growing up and you thought you knew everything about them if anything happened to them it was the end of your

World for you know for for a long time and from even Saturday I was waking up the next day like this hold on a second was was I have to check my phone what’s was that was that a dream like you know a bad dream was that a bad dream and

Look it is what it is the clubs look the club’s bigger no one’s bigger than the club even Ur club nobody’s bigger than that club and no one ever will be bigger than the club but as managers go as people go Stevie G wasn’t great when he

Left oer but I think this is even bigger for me this is huge for me Jurgen Club as I saying had an affin affinity with him I I’ve never met him I know the way he treats the crowd the fans the scowers the city of Liverpool itself the actual

The the concrete of Liverpool you know the grass that grows the the Shrubbery everything about Liverpool it’s it’s we’ve done videos before it’s even hard to get the bloody words out because he actually means he’s German but he’s really he’s really a scouser it’s a you he’s a German scouser there’s

No doubt about it I mean just unbelievable when he came in in October 15 my mom died um about October 8 my mom died October 20th in 2015 he came in around e or nth so my head was somewhere else my mom was somewh El she was in the

Hospital but even from then I just got a a lift you know what I mean after my mom had passed away I said geez now we can concentrate on Liverpool again Jan kops in bang and it was a roller coaster I mean it was a roller coaster roid late

Winners trophies could have won more should have won more should have did this hopefully we win a few more memories more memories to be made but I mean what does he mean to you I know what he means to the city I I I don’t live in Liverpool I’m quite close to

Liverpool I know a lot of people in Liverpool but to you a as a person on your like yourself what the what did he mean to you or does he mean to you sorry yeah I mean look look you know I’ve talked a lot on on a on my own podcast

Um I’ve written about it as well about you know I’ve I struggled a little bit in sort of later life with with football a little bit at times and the direction it’s gone in and you know all the Man City stuff and the money and the you

Know the concent of money the capitalism the you know moving away from certain values and stuff like that you know to the point where at times have been like do I want to keep investing so much money and time into it all but you know jgen K was someone who definitely you

Know made me love the game again and you know he he as you’ve said already Dave you know he understood the city the people the values um and you know I was fortunate enough to go to the very first press conference he did at Liverpool and straight away you know he walked he

Walks into that room and it’s full of journalists and you know journalists can be quite cyle and hacked and ask you know daff questions or whatever but you could see like you know he had all of them in the in the palm of his hand he’s just got

Like this sort of real order about him he’s a you know you can see why he’s a leader people stop and listen you know he he grabs a room he grabs your attention you want to be with him you want to be on his side you want to be

His mate whatever um and he’s one of them people you know where he’s in football but you know he could be a prime minister he could be he could be a CEO of a massive company you know he’s got he’s got that he’s got that in him

He’s got that extra you know one or two X Factor he’s got the X Factor yeah he’s got that extra one or two per that you know most of us don’t have and you know for that reason you know you’d run through a war for him and that’s what

We’ve seen all the way along you know you you think about the very first game he took charge of as Liverpool manager talkh him away H I went out to that that was one was that was that one n nil n draw yeah n nil but but you know you

Could see in on day one that the players were trying harded that they were running hard this the famous moment you know Lana falling into klopp’s arms when he um when he was substituted late on and yeah to to me he just sort of brought brought a big piece of Liverpool

Back that I thought might be dead um if you like because you know under like hoden or you know under even on look look you know what some people might I was say like some people might think it’s harsh because obviously we did have a unexpected title challenge but there

Was aspects of of the Reign under Brendon Rogers that didn’t particularly sit right with me and you know I still feel and I said it at the time and I said that at the end that you know I I felt he was fortunate to get the job um

And you know he did all right for a while but then it all went very much sits up and you’re going have to arrive and pick up the pieces and if you if you look at the team Dave the very first team he fielded as Liverpool manager and

The bench as well you’re like wow you know how how did he get to two Cup finals like that that season you know he comes in in the October as your reference and by by the end of the season we’re in two Cup finals okay we

Don’t win them but you know to to get that mindset over so quickly and I I remember being in Bal as well and you know that’s obviously the infamous scene of um they lose the final but he sort of insists they all have a party afterwards

And you know he lifts them all and gets them all on board and you know I just think that’s like one of the biggest signs of what a great man he is you know yeah most you know you looked at Liverpool before year and Claw and there

Was lots of examples of boom boom and bust like Liverpool would go close to the title and then it would all fall apart not just under Brendan under other managers as well we had as underclock we’d come close and klopp would somehow say to them okay well we know you got 97

Points but next time go and get 99 go and get a 100 you know you’ve lost the European Cup Final don’t worry about that we’ll win it next time like if if if most normal people said that to you you’d be like oh [ __ ] off you know

That’s that’s noten you know what I mean I think with Klo you know there’s something about him there’s a power to his words you know he’s a he’s a genius isn’t he and you know he makes you feel very comt able in his presence I mean

You know I was as you said I was comfortable enough fortunate enough to uh have do a couple of interviews with him and he was everything you thought he would be he was absolutely sound put you at earase acted like you know he’d known you a million years and you know very

Quickly he felt very comfortable in his company so yeah he’s a huge Miss he’ll leave a big hole at Liverpool Football Club and and and look it’s Waring in a way I mean you know for on the one on one and we can say Liverpool looking in

A very healthy state in terms of the players they’ve got the squad they’ve got the fact that Academy prospects are finally getting through to B team squad all of that all of that’s brilliant and as you say you know in the here and now we we probably need to get our minds

Focused on the fact that we can go one win four trophies this season and what you know water tar to to jgen clock that would be but of course another party will always think well what’s going to happen in the summer what’s next season

Going to look like and as I say you know it’s it’s almost impossible shoes to fill isn’t it you know Liverpool are gonna have Liverpool are going to have to go in a bit of a different direction obviously there isn’t another Jen Klo there isn’t anyone like Jen Klo and you

Know the decks are being cleared areny it’s not just him it’s pep linders who’s done that interview today where he’s he’s pretty much ring himself out I know people are still saying ah but he said V Kate and you know it might mean that he’s still coming back I think if you

Watched the interview today he’s not back is he’s G as well he’s gone sport director’s gone as well so you know that there’s a huge set of roles that need fill him with Top Class talent and you know all the best FSG really I mean I hope they’re successful obviously and I

Hope they do get the right people in but I think it’s a big ask given what’s just come before and and just just one one more thing sorry Dave you know to go back to your question like what does he mean to me well he’s he’s the man that

Ended the 30y year weight me and that that that’s always going to be top of the list in my mind because I’ve been going to anfield watching Liverpool since 1990 um so I started going um basically you know the season that followed after we’d won the title of you like so I was

Buying programs in the ground and it said on the top champions of England but I didn’t go the season before when we’d won it do you know what I mean so I I so I went to every one of those Seasons where we didn’t win it basically and you

Know there were plenty of times where I was coming out the ground scratching me head thinking we’re never gonna win it yeah we’re never gonna win it and you know it felt like it felt like a case it felt like you know we were Des never to

Do it and and we just had to you know we had to be happy with our lot of winning plenty of other trophies but not but not that one so he’ll always be the man for me that did that you know whatever whatever else happens in our lives I

Think we’re always going to remember that 30 after 30 years Jen CL finally went and did it for us yeah no absolutely I mean I mean I’m similar age I’m probably older than you I don’t know I don’t know what age you are but I’m probably even older than you but I do

Remember and I’m just saying even when we were what we something like 26 points ahead I think that season at one stage a ridiculous amount of points I was still worried I was still worried something might happen you know that typ way because Co would call the bloody thing

Off or just suspend everything and put an asterisk by your bloody name or something stupid like that but look we got over the line as I say we we’re we’re in a great position I think the foundation is there a lot of people trying to say it was like when when when

Ferguson left or even when vanger left it isn’t actually like that at all I mean we have a beautiful Foundation The Academy as you say young Lads Bradley Beck I mean even Ben do there he’s out injured and stuff like that Quan we have some amount of talent does even can our

Friend con Dy the the the young Irish lad who’s gonna be I think top top top notch with a name like Trent I suppose he has a good chance but I mean like the Academy’s there the Stadium’s looking really good now um Garrett the finances you know the store the whole online

Stuff with Liverpool the sponsorships the whole would you have to I don’t like talking about it and you don’t you’re not a money man either but it goes hand on glove now today in football the way it is you have to have the finances behind you you’re going You’re Going

Nowhere you’re going nowhere so the foundations is there but as you say it’s bringing in the right foran to start building the bloody building the apartments you can have a good foundation but if you if you don’t have the right bloody you know the right rules going up at the foran building the

Apartments they won’t last long or they be taken down so everyone saying Javy Lonzo I don’t know actually I just don’t know and I’m sure you don’t we don’t know we can say who’s favor who we’d like but who knows who they’re gonna get in but I think Javy Lonzo would be

Probably I like him I like his football he’s he’s obviously a Liverpool he’s liver basically lier pudle and I know he’s Spanish but he knows the club I think you got to get someone in that knows the history knows the heritage of the club do you not think know how

Important it is to the fans rather than just bringing in some guy off off a bus someone like Zaba Brighton or something or Frank of brenford I do you not think it’s important or do you or do you care no yeah 100% H you know I think one of

The appeals of K was you know obviously on the sa as it’s he was the most Wanted manager in the world after time really you know plenty of other clubs that had a Popa trying to get get them to go to their Club including man united H which

He you know allegedly called a adult Disneyland or whatever it was but but you know it seemed with Liverpool that he wanted Liverpool as much as Liverpool wanted him he you know he fancied that job he thought that he would fit in with Liverpool with the people of Liverpool with the culture of

The club and all the rest of it and if he did think that which should have appeared so he was absolutely spot on so you want someone of sort of that ilk I if you like as well rather than just any man I mean you know I always reference

Hodon just because of how bad he was um and and he he was a man that came in and was you know he was criticizing fans for um Pro protesting against the owners you know he said to a um a well-known journalist shall we say h in in a press

Conference once that um you know your problem is that you’re too scous uh you know you literally you literally Ro at a press conference for Liverpool Football Club so he he lost the people didn’t he early on that was his problem never had the people in the first place

If You’ ask me but yeah he’s he’s a prime example of just bringing sort of anyone in who doesn’t understand and it does need to be someone who understands because we you know we deify our managers we we put them on a a pedestal you know we almost appoint them prime

Minister of Liverpool Football Club we hang on the every word we we we’re looking at what the politics are we’re looking whether they fight our Corner we want them to take on referees or Dez Kelly or BT sports or whatever you know we want them to be on our side we want

Them we want them to fire us up we’re not just sort of consu consuming our football in a throwaway popcorn manner you know we love it we breathe it we think about it every day and we need a manager that that understands that and

Is on the same you know on on the same page as us if you like so I think with Alonzo obviously this the obvious thing to say first and foremost is that he played for Liverpool he understands Liverpool in that respect um I think I think he is someone that would demand

Respect from players U obviously in a different way to clock but you know he’s played for Liverpool he’s played for Real Madrid he’s won all the top trophies in football he’s he’s played at the top internationally as well so you think in that respect you know he’s

Going to have the year of of top players I mean one of the things that you know one of the many things that we’re going to lose when we when jgen K goes is the factor isn’t it yeah exactly that because you know if you think about

Under Rogers you know we had that story of you know stepen Gerard heex and players and things like that which is absolutely wild you know to my mind that a top football club was doing things like that because you know basically because Gerard had more gravitas than r

Is did essentially so you don’t want that type of situation obviously and you know and so many players have said it was klopp that was the deciding factor for why they came to Liverpool so we’ll lose that so we need to bring someone in who’s got something similar in terms of

A PO factor and I I think you know I’m who am I I’m just a football fan but I think you know Alonzo would have some pull factor to that extent obviously as we’ve both said you know the the current squads all the infrastruct structure everything seems to sort of be be in

Place so yeah I mean in that respect I think Alonzo makes some sense obviously some people are saying well how much has he done and how how long has he been a manager he’s quite young you know I think I think klopp had had something like is it 14 Seasons or something like

That as a manager before he came to Liverpool he obviously managed Dortmund yeah significantly less obviously for Alonzo but when you look at the field though they of of who being linked it’s not big is it it’s not big no I was going to say I hate to say it

But there’s not loads there that that sort of tles your fancy really you know your man nagles man whoar well who is the manager of Germany but he’s gone in July now I I think I think klopp will eventually take the German job eventually because it’s a much easier

Job than a 247 you know Premier League or a Bundesliga team I think he’ll eventually take it but look I don’t want to waste too much time talk who’s going to come because it’s hearsay really isn’t it I think Alonzo would be I think Alonzo would be good for the club I

Think where did he go for him and an experience seems to be a factor there possibly because it is a big it’s a big job it’s a bigger job B ever go you know that type of way it’s a big big job but we shall see and you know what it is a

Risk it is a bit of there is a bit of fear there I have to say has to be fear from where where do we go you know do we go left did we go right did we go backwards did we go forward who knows

But one good thing is as you say we have the foundation we have a really good squad of players there and I’m hoping we can go forward it’s going to be hard but I hope we can go forward so rest of the season we just talk for the next five

Minutes really really in a good place I mean League of final against Chelsea who we beat last night were you at the game last night yeah had I went last night yeah got a season so what did you think of that I was watching it on telly but I

Mean the first half was as good as I’ve seen a long time yeah it was great wasn’t it I mean I think I think there was a little bit tiny bit of you know trepidation in terms of okay we bed norch but you know Chelsea would be a

Little bit of a a different catle of fish I think I think the last seven games between the sides have been draw lot of draws lot of draws yeah and and you know when you looked at it and and how tight it is at the top I think we’

All going to it thinking well the draw is not good enough yet we need to go and win and we need to go and win well and looky we at it we ear the three from the first whistle it was like it was like

You know klopp had T the key in the back of every single one of them and they all come out absolutely fired and and blew Chelsea away they had no answer for us I mean that their one goal that they get only comes when you know he’d made all

The substitutions which I think upset the Rhythm a little bit but the performance was Unreal and you know it should have been more you know we scored four poor old Darwin what poor old Darwin Lun has at the woodwork four times and you know I wonder if he’ll go

Into carpentry when he knocks off from football he seems to love love the woodwor but um but yeah you know we we could we could have had a cricket score there and and no one would have better than Island and said it wasn’t deserved um so that’s what we’re capable of doing

And as you say we’ve now got I I don’t I I said before and you know that it was massive to win in terms of the league but it was also massive to win in terms of the league League Cup in terms of the psychological aspect yeah like if you’re

Chelsea now and you’re trying to prep for for Liverpool for the for that final and you’ve been blown away and then you’re seeing uh Tren come on Robertson come on the Cavalry come on you must you know they must be quaking in the boots because what’s their answer to that and

You know and who we were missing weren’t even there Mo Salah Thiago exactly sa you know they could be back for the Cup Final who knows exactly that and you know you’ve got Lads like you know Conor Bradley coming in Man of the m and you know an unbelievable performance great finish

Great assist you know you know what I loved about his performance and I’ve not seen too too many people mention it there was a stage in the game where it just felt samfield was you know but I thought the atmosphere inside anfield was good it was positive they got behind

The Sid you know everyone was a little bit stunned on Sunday which you can understand and there was a lot of gabbing going on and every emotional emotional yeah this felt like this felt like you know the manager asked for it to be back to business let’s get b side

Let’s make it tough for Chelsea I felt like we responded to that the C was good anyway that’s where I am you always get the thing of you know I’m in the cop so when I come out and I see people moaning about the atmosphere I think well it was

All right by me but I mean I can’t hear What It’s Like on the Telly or even what it’s like at the other end of the ground but seemed good to me but there was a little bit where Chelsea seemed to get like a bit of possession and the crowd

Just sort of quiet and down a little bit and it was almost like Bradley took it upon himself to go and win the ball to go and make something happen and I I love that about him you know he’s got he’s got ability he’s shown he’s got

Ability but he’s got like a he’s got a little fire in his belly he’s got aggress tenacity tenacity he yeah do you want to look for his goal where he where where he won the ball yeah and then went forward and like Robertson to be fair wasn’t it better Robertson very much

Yeah very much like Robert and I ABS I absolutely love that and I I just thought you know that sums the lad up because you know he’s put the B he’s put the goals a great finish um and you know the the balling for I think saos Li

There that’s that’s a fantastic ball you know so just basically said that to just put me head on it you know it was it was all about the cross that game but it it’s that tenacity it’s that fire it’s that aggression to want want want to go

And do something that I really like about him because that’s what you need in a winning side and we’ve got loads of those type of characters in this side and you know obviously you’ve had a bit of a narrative from you know the the national media that you know the people

Who don’t support Liverpool essentially and they’re saying well you know will all this with klopp affect them will will will moam miss will that affect them whatever they keep saying whatever bit of negativity they keep throwing at Liverpool Liverpool have an answer for it and that’s got to count for something

There’s only 16 games left now isn’t it I think in the Premier League and you know I I want the Premier League don’t we always I think I think you look at that you look at that fixture list da you know when when you get up the call

Get it up on your phone look at those 16 fixtures you tell me Liverpool can’t win every single one of them I tell you what we’ve a tough one the weekend it’s still gonna be a tough one and we the big one in the middle of March at anfield

Against Manchester City I think we’ve got to win that game if you win that game because you know the seasons we we lost by a point we didn’t beat them they usually beat us at their ground we drew one one Trent with the goal lat on to

Get the 1-1 we can beat them at that’s a six-pointer it’s a famous six-pointer and imagine what it’s going to be like in the ground for that because you know we’re going to be up for it we we can be up for it people criticize the atmosphere at times I’ve done it myself

You know at times it it hasn’t been great but when we need to be up for it when it when the G when the circumstances call for it then anfield delivers and I I think it’ be absolutely massive that game guardio will absolutely hate it he won’t want to come

There their side won’t want to come there and and and look you know we’ve seen it with the old man shaking his fist at the Clow at the cloud thing that he’s done a few times he absolutely hates it there so we we’re all we’re already on the front foot because we

Know we know the man city manager doesn’t like coming here in the first place so yeah let’s make that a crucial game and let’s get out of sight let’s get the thing one and let’s get the other let’s get the other trophies fall in be it as well I’ll tell you what and

I mean there is a possibility not just the way the stars align but the Europa League finals in Dublin and and that will be his last game in charge senior game imagine winning a quadruple in Dublin I that’ll be just dreamlands that’ll be just Dreamland wouldn’t it I

Mean look I’m not saying they’re gonna do it I’m hoping they’re GNA do it the main thing is for me we can win it one or two one big trophy anyway a definitely one big one The League Cup I want to win I want to win everything

Because it gives you if you win the league against Chelsea in three four weeks time that gives you to put it to the side but it gives you the impetus going forward doesn’t it yeah 100% I mean you know you go back to like say

You know 2001 when you know we were we wi in three trophies that season yeah and you know yeah we you know we struggled a little bit to get past Birmingham but once once the the penalty shootout was done and the trophy was in Liverpool’s hands then you know

Everything kick rolled on from there didn’t it and you know what gets lost when people talk about that season is yet we won three sopies and it was fantastic top four we also qualified for the champions We got that we got that done as well and that was why it was the

Overhead kick from foul I remember against Char away wasn’t it absolutely brilliant so that shows you when you get on a roll when you get the momentum and I what I’m seeing from Liverpool now I it feels like that we’ve got that already that’s happening now like the

Seems you know I I always talk about like weird narratives that I seeing from from National newspaper journ because they don’t follow Liverpool week in week out they don’t live it they just turn up and write about it and and some and you know sometimes some of the stuff they

Come out with it doesn’t chime with what I’m I’m feeling or I’m seeing and I you know I’ve seen like it made out as though this is a bit of a rag tag bunch of players and that you know we’re somehow fluking it that were like top of

The league well I’m sorry but anyone who’s watched that performance against Chelsea anyone who’s watched that performance against Newcastle this isn’t a rag tag bunch of players they they deserve to be where they are they’ve only lost one game all season and we know all about that game we know about

That and I will not let it go and um you know we should have got something out that game we you know it’s a absolute you know it’s a disgrace that we didn’t and now you know the replaying games in Belgium over v v incidents but we’re

Told we can’t do that in this well I’ll tell you what gett if we don’t lose a game this side of end of May we are the invincibles I don’t care about that sports game yeah simple 100% let’s get the t-shirts printed if that happens yeah the VA are

Invincibles look let’s let’s just win everything I mean let’s just win everything I’m gonna go now in a minute because you’re a busy man as well but before we go I want you to talk about the late challenge podcast yourself Park hope it’s going well anybody who hasn’t

Seen it the link will be down in the description but um it’s going well yeah you’re loving it yeah still plugging away mate um you know not without it its challenges ironically but you know I’m I’m now working fulltime so that’s a challenge in itself in that you know

We’re now having to sort of record of an evening on a Monday and things like that but we did a big special this week um a big long show about Jen klopp why he’s gone now what’s next that kind of thing um it felt it felt cathartic to do it um

And a lot of the feedback that we’ve had so far is that people have found the cathartic to watch it or to listen to it as well so yeah that’s out there and then um yeah we’ve got like a sort of you know a a hardened core of supporters

Who have followed us all the way from you know went at the Aur rap into the late challenge onto our patreon and you know throwing us a few quid each week to brilant help it all turn over so yeah the plan is Dave keep it going you know

We’d really love it I would have loved it if it absolutely took off and it could have been mid day job that’s not the reality of where we are right now who knows though M might kick yeah kick off look how happy to do it um cop’s

Happy to do it and while that remains the case we’ll keep it all going well brilliant J as anybody hasn’t seen to check it out the link will be down in the description well Garrett Roberts I think we’ll leave it there absolute Legend as coming on if I’m over in

Liverpool I’m hoping to get over two or three times this side of May and hopefully they’re coming over here in May to Dublin for the Europa League final hopefully see you there Dave meet you for a beer baby thank you very much you’ll never walk along cheers guys


  1. DLC AND TLC!!! Now THAT'S a golden thing…
    We're never going to get another JK, it's like replacing yer departed Mum or Dad or someone else you loveand can't replace. As long as we don't get someone who does the 'coached media-talk' and all that tired old robot stuff then at least we'll have someone who acts human. It's almost irrelevant about 'experience' when you've got HEART and HONESTY. THAT would be something… if y'know what I mean?
    Nice one Dave!! 👍👍👍

  2. My Mother passed in 2015 too, so I understand how Klopp was the perfect companion to navigate the choppy waters of grief. All the best and keep up the good work 👏

  3. I'm Liverpudlian born Irishman Dave (worked as a Journo for Newstalk/Team 33 Raf Diallo)but I hope to see a United Ireland team in my lifetime (40's) only to see Bradley, Kelleher, Ferguson and others (McConnell) play at Aviva one day.

  4. nothings bigger than the club sure…. but what does the club stand for! Klopp was the beating heart and the identity and passion! Klopp was the ambition! Klopp SINGLEHANDEDLY bought LFC back to life gave LFC a boooming voice a cheeky boooooming voice!

    IF it comes out FSG is the main reason Klopp has left then yeah they know what theyve got coming! Losing Klopp and everybody the backroom staff is huge! The prem losing Klopp is huge!!!

    If FSG is the main reason! good luck to Alonso or whoever is trying to fill klopps shadow! FSG SHOULD be expecting blow back when we stumble! AND THIS IS THE BIGGEST STUMBLE potentially into a FALL!

  5. LFC dropped the ball with this one! IF Klopp was tired FSG shouldve ensured that Klopps burden was alleviated! The way Klopp moved heaven and earth for the RIGHT player!

    We shall see how FSG and LFC move following klopps departure to see what FSG are all about

  6. Great chat boys i love gareths roberts work!! Xabi is looking like the one, its not going to be the same, but i hope for thr best, gareth, look very tired mate!! Have a good rest

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