Golf Players

Detroit Lions BEAT THEMSELVES In CHAMPIONSHIP Game Against 49ers!

The Detroit Lions literally could have gone to the Super Bowl

#detroitlions #onepride #nfl

We all knew that the season had to end at some point but I know for most Lions fans they were not expecting it to end with this massive of a let down we’re going to talk about in today’s episode folks so stay tuned we used to be a team no one

Respected we used to be a team no one feared that was then this is now first victory of the year on the line golf’s got it back looks grow and yes you know who we are F Enzo touchdown Detroit Lions and you know where to find

Us we won’t be far we’ll be on your front porch waiting for you we are the new Air allons and we are driven by Detroit hello everyone and welcome back to to another episode of MCM Motor City Mania I’m your host David T Pike and as always we’re diving in right right now

But before we dive on in I just want to say thank you all to those that are tuning in my show for once again thank you all for devoting more time to the show it absolutely means the world to me they have such loyal fans and

Subscribers and I just want to say also to those that are tuning to my show for the very first time thank you for devoting some of your time hopefully you guys enjoy the show but even more so I hope to gain your subscription if I’ve earned and deserved it and with that

Being said to everybody I just want to say I hope youall are having a great day I hope you all are doing well and with that God bless and let’s dive into the show here really quickly so here’s the thing folks I’m going to try my best to be as

Levelheaded rational and logical as I possibly can with this episode so for that let’s understand something here this game against the Lions and the 49ers we have to start with the good first and foremost the fact that the lions got to the conference championship game that’s a great accomplishment the

Fact that they’d won two playoff games to get to the conference Championship game great accomplishment won their first division title for the first time in 30 plus years great accomplishment again the point of the matter is is that the Lions had done a lot of good things

This year to get to this point and despite the loss against the 49ers on Sunday night that should not at all in one iota diminish the fact of those accomplishments that the Lions had gained because they had a really great year they have a very very bright future

With with the rookies that they have the team that they have the core nucleus that they have the Lions have a SE have an extremely extremely bright future and that has been proven to be the case based upon what the Lions have currently right now and like I said what I’m trying to

Do here is I’m trying to point this out here so that way Lions f fans don’t necessarily feel as angry disappointed let down as they possibly could be feeling at this moment because it’s like listen despite the loss there’s a lot of things that we

As lions fans can be proud of this year the accomplishments that we made this year we have a lot to hold our high hold our head high with now having said that I’m going to say this right now as a former player you never ever ever like to lose

And there’s never ever such a thing as a moral Victory cuz you can say all you want like I just said hey the Lions did this this this this this and they accomplished this this this this this but you know what this is what everybody’s going to say did you win the

Super Bowl if you can’t check that box off for most people The Season’s a failure now I know this is the kind of situation that Lions fans are in right right now can you honestly say the season is a failure if you don’t get to the Super Bowl this year it kind of

Depends on what way you want to look at it because hey we didn’t expect to get to the Super Bowl most people’s expectations were when the when the division championship and win a playoff game the Lions not only succeeded in that but they were able to surpass that

With a second playoff win and getting to the conference Championship game so in terms of winning in terms of building the credibility and the respectability of the program it’s a definite winning season and also in the literal sense you had more wins than losses but if you’re talking about from an ultimate

Competitor standpoint if you’re not able to Ho hoist that Lombardi trophy then it’s not a win and that’s where it’s kind of a difficult place to be for us Lions fans now having explained all that so that way people cannot accuse me of having an so mindset now let’s get into

What you all know this video is going to be about I’m just going to say this right now congratulations to the 49ers winning the game sincerely congratulations San Francisco 49ers you won the game you go into the Super Bowl congratulations but I’m going to say this right now the

49ers did not beat the Lions the refs did not beat the Lions you want to know who beat the Lions the Lions Beats we beat ourselves in that game it showed multiple times it showed in terms of coaching it showed in terms of you know players it showed so many times on that

Game on that field and it showed up in the worst possible situations from the absolute worst possible times cuz you have to think about it here we went into that game and we heard it from all the announcers hey the lions are coming into this game as The Underdogs nobody’s

Expecting them to do anything they’re playing with with house money and that’s exactly how the Lions played for the very first half of the game they played with Reckless abandon they did not care they were just going to go out and they were going to play their game and they

Came out and they socked the freaking 49ers right in the mouth like the 49ers could not believe the lions that they were playing in the first half and it showed we were up by 17 points going into the half we had completely taken the 49ers and completely rocked their

World because they were like wow we were not expecting this Lions team to come out because we were being precise in our execution we were being efficient with how we were running our plays we were doing all the things that we knew we had to do right all those little things that

We had to do right we did and that first half that we had against the 49ers complete total utter domination we completely stole the show from the from Levi Stadium in the San Francisco 49ers in the first half it looked like that we were about to run away with it and

Here’s why I say that because the first half the lions were able to come out and shock the world they shocked the Niners they shocked everybody CU it was like oh damn the Lions they’re for real they came to play and then the second half came up

And then that’s where we saw the dichotomy if you will between a team like the 49ers and a team like the San like the Detroit Lions CU here’s the thing I remember seeing this diagram that they showed during the game that showed how many games had the four 49ers

Had all together with all of their personnel and versus the Lions I don’t remember the exact number for the 49ers but it was a vastly Higher One versus the Lions the Lions only had together for all the players that they had in all the championship games that they’d been

To only seven the 49ers on their hand they were like well up in I think it was like the 60s or something so you’re talking about a team that has vast much more experience in a championship setting versus the Lions now granted the Lions came out and they did a great job

Shocking the 49ers but the one thing I can say for this is that even though as exciting as it was to go into that half period I was like listen this game ain’t done we still got three we still got the third and the fourth quarter to go

Through and this is a 49ers team that’s just not going to just bow out they’re not just going to quit and then that’s when we started seeing how the 49ers ability to rely on their past experiences came into play and the Lions started beating themselves started shooting themselves in the foot and it

Came from all fronts it wasn’t just the players it was also the coaches and let’s understand it was on all sides first and let’s first and foremost understand this I’m going to say this right now I’m going to say it with all honest love that I can possibly give I love love Dan

Campbell I love again what he means for the city I love what he means for the Lions I love what he has done for the Lions but my god there are times where I just wish he would just stop and think for half a second how this could

Possibly have an outcome on a game cuz you have to think about it folks we lost by three points and we were in a position where we could have kicked two field goals where we could have possibly been up by three points at the end of

The game or even if we hadn’t made one of them and only made the other tied with the game and possibly gone into overtime those are that’s a six-point swing right there that makes a massive difference now everybody’s going to say well you can say that looking now back

On hindsight but at the time it’s like you have to make the decision in the moment it’s like what decision do you had to possibly make the 49ers have had one of the better defenses all year points are going to be at a premium you take the points you take the

Points it’s like listen I don’t care if we’ve been doing really good it’s like okay here fourth and three fourth and four it might get it you might not do you really want to risk it coming down to a three-point spread at the very end when that might be all it’s going to

Take to win me personally no now I understand you go with the person that brought that you go with the person that’s gotten you to the dance dan Campbell in his style has gotten us here he got us here with everybody else that’s on this team so it’s like listen

You can’t question the results once you get there but it’s like listen Dan Campbell was smart enough at the end of the half to say hey you know what rather than going for the touchdown and really putting it to the 49ers let’s score the field goal and go up by 17 rather than

By 21 why couldn’t you you gone with that same approach when it was on Fourth and three and again on the other fourth down that we didn’t convert on that’s a six-point swing right there that you could have possibly used to have the game still in your back

Pocket that’s what I’m saying right there those are decisions that keep people up at night those are decisions that get very very critical of people’s decision-making process because it’s like listen you take the three points or you at least give the opportunity for your kicker to make those three points

I’ll take that versus you know what it’s a it’s a do or die you got to potentially make this so it’s like listen sometimes you just have to learn it’s better to take the safe approach I understand you want to be aggressive and that’s fine but you have to learn when

Not being aggressive is a better choice than being aggressive and Dan Campbell did not exhibit that on Sunday night he only did it one time and great he did it one time but there were two other times he should have done it and he didn’t do

It and again I love Dan Campbell but I couldn’t be a podcaster if I couldn’t sit here and honestly give constructive criticism to say those were bad decisions and they came back to harm the Lions so that’s that’s person number one person number two that really helped the Lions beat

Themselves I’m just going to say it right now the wide receivers because let’s be fair and honest here Jared G played about as good of a game you could possibly get from a 49ers defense that was literally as good as he’s ever played against cuz again you take a look

At that front four you’ve got Nick Bosa hardgrave Armstead you got Chase young you’ve then got Fred Warner you’ve got green law you’ve got all of these freaking 49ers defensive talents and golf played a clean game no fumbles no turnovers and was remarkably accurate with his passes but yet that didn’t seem

To matter for some of our wide receivers because there were multiple drops that could have really helped us in certain situations Josh Reynolds had two key drops that screwed us over on 1/4th down he dropped a pass that golf evaded pressure stepped up got it to him

Clearly hit him in the hand he dropped it then there was a third down play where Josh Reynolds hit him Square in the damn stomach he drops it these are plays that Josh Reynolds has made over the course of the season it’s like in the biggest moments that got to Havoc

Kind of catches he failed then you take a look at other players like St Brown St Brown almost is a it’s a very rare entity whenever he drops a pass but when he drops one it’s like dude how did you drop that that throw it’s like I

Understand it’s a tough catch but you have to make it and again I’m not saying because of one catch that made the difference but it’s like you start adding up all these catches that I’m talking about cuz Josh Reynolds had two St Brown had one leaport had one you

Start adding all those up those really start making a huge impact because what does it do it stalls drives and when you start stalling drives those possessions start adding up where you’re not getting points because if you go back to the very first half what was it we had five

Possessions we scored on four out of five of them the entire rest of the game we only scored on one possession that right there shows you how critical those drops can be because if they start stalling out drives you’re stalling out your opponents you’re start you’re stoling out your opportunities to score

On your opponent so yeah the wide receivers they definitely did not help us because they were dropping passes that normally they caught all year player person number three and I hate to say this because other than this one play he played a great game jir Gibbs jir Gibbs I think he is a

Spectacular talent and I think he’s going to have a long career in the NFL but that fumble that was like a back breaker at the worst time possible first and foremost he already went the wrong way his wrong arm was up because it’s like listen if you’re going to the left

The opposite arm needs to be up if you go back and you watch that replay he had the wrong arm up so he was already screwed up from the get-go so that right there didn’t do any favors but then the fumble completely screwed over because now you’ve given the 49ers the ball in

Your territory close to the freaking Red Zone and then on top of that they adjust scored so now all the momentum that you had coming out of the half has completely swung to the 49ers and at that point the 49ers knew okay there’s blood in the water we have a chance to

Completely swing momentum and get the ball in the momentum back on our side of the field which is exactly what they did they went from being down by 17 points at the start of the first half to by the middle point of the third quarter they were only down by literally

Seven that right there is a problem that’s a huge problem or was what was it maybe maybe they were down by three I don’t know I don’t care the point is that fumble along with the other touchdown that he gotten just prior to that completely swung all momentum and

Now at that point it was like okay now the lions are going to have to restart once again so that right there that’s person number three or group number three whatever you want to say out of this whole whole slew and then the final group I’m just going to say this right

Now I can’t Point any particular people on the freaking defense but I’m just going to put it out there Aaron Glenn once again proved that he cannot do it he cannot get the job done again looked great that defense in the first half along with the offense that came out and

Shocked the freaking ners but after that it was completely the entire opposite we only saw a couple more plays after that where the defense really really stepped up which was when they got two back-to-back sacks on py and honestly that was about it the rest of the time

The ners were pretty much having their way with the Lions defense and it’s like dude some of those plays yeah I get they were lucky bad bounces for us because the one interception that vildor should have caught that went right off his face mask that’s not on Glenn that’s on

Vildor it’s like listen you got to make that it literally hits you squ square right between the eyes you got to make that play but there are other times where it’s like where’s the container on Brock pie three separate times Brock pie went right up the middle he didn’t go

Outside he went right up the middle and he burned us for gashes of like 15 20 yards where’s the containment the the announcers literally said in the game Brock P’s no freaking Lamar Jackson but yet when he needed to make a play he made plays and where was our guy where

Were where were our guys trying to cover and keep him in the pocket nowhere Cameron Sutton once again was not able to keep up with an injured not even a fully healthy and injured Debo Samuel missing tackles missing coverages and again just just ridiculous stuff ify meanu missing a sack that you know

Freaking Brock pie rolls out and gets to the fullback the fullback who made two spectacular catches to convert on Downs it’s like how does this happen how are you not able to do simple assignment defensive football Aaron Glenn how are you not able to make sure your players

Are in the right spots it just makes no sense to me it’s like the by the time you get to NFC Championship game level your defense should know the ins and outs of everything they need to do on that defense they should know their assignments they should know who they’re

Covering and they should be at the top of their games so I’m going to tell you this right now those people that I mentioned Aaron Glenn defensive members offensive members Dan Campbell like dude those are the people that really cost us the game we didn’t lose the game because

The 49ers just outplayed us we didn’t lose the game because the refs screw us the refs I thought actually did a pretty good job despite the history of cleat blakeman who really lost the game was the Detroit Lions we beat ourselves there’s no way F of butts about it now I

Know this for a fact some people are going to say well David the fact that we only lost by three points to the 49ers when we were supposed to lose by seven you should still take some comfort in that okay I can take some comfort in

That in just one simple manner I know for a fact that come this off season Brad Holmes is going to go like crazy trying to fix this defense for yet a third time every single offseason Brad Holmes has gone crazy on trying to reinforce the defense and every single

Off season it has not worked very well this was the first year where we got some decent returns because of a great Stout a great Stout run defense and we also were able to start getting some better pressure but it’s like listen we still have a huge problem in the pass

Defense we still have a huge problem with very very poor coverage on cover on cornerback we could use some we could use another Improvement on the edge rushers it’s like listen this off seon Brad Holmes has once again got clear marching orders you got to fix the defense because at

This point it’s like listen we saw what the offense can do they went out and scored 31 points against the 49ers in the championship game at their place you normally score 31 points you’re going to win a game yeah the offense screwed up I

Know that too cuz I know a lot of people are going to say oh David you can’t blame the defense if the offense has literally almost the entire second half or it doesn’t score any points to a certain extent I’ll agree with you but at the same time if the defense was as

Good as what we thought it was supposed to be at this point just like the offense you wouldn’t have to score that many points to try and win that’s my whole point to end this whole thing the Lions didn’t lose to the 49ers the Lions lost to themselves the Lions beat themselves

And honestly that I think is probably the biggest let down of this meltdown is that listen we could have won we could have gone to the Super Bowl we could be in Vegas we could be on our way to playing in our first Super Bowl but if

Not for a couple of individuals doing their jobs correctly and not beating ourselves we could be going to Vegas right now it’s that damn simple and that’s what makes it that much more damn painful but anyway folks enough of this going to let it lie let it rest so you

Know what great season All Things Considered I’m proud of my allons I just don’t like the fact that you know what we could have had it and the reason we didn’t have it is because we beat ourselves that’s what has me the most upset otherwise I’m still proud of my

Allons I’m still proud of all the things we accomplished but with that having been said I think this is a good point to end this video so I’m just going to say thank you all for watching another episode of MCM Motor City Mania if you

Like what you saw by all means I highly encourage all to watch The Next Episode I also encourage you please to do one of these three things like comment and subscribe to the channel if by chance you subscribe to this Channel and you’ve done it in the past or you just

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Push out again subscription numbers are always going up we’re literally this close to getting to 5,000 subscribers folks and I’m ever so thankful for all the growth and support that I’ve gotten from you all it really means the world to me to help in that endeavor I want to

Ask you all to please share this content with your Lions friends and family members share here on YouTube share it on Twitter share it on Facebook share any anywhere and everywhere you can with everybody and anybody that you can the more we share it the better the channel

Grows and the better the channel spreads and with that being said folks I just want to say again to all lions fans out there it’s been an amazing season regardless of how the season ended and I’m so thankful for the journey that you guys have been on with me for this

Entire season now as we get ready for the off season but with that having been said hopefully you guys all enjoyed the content and with that I just want to say God bless and until the next time we meet I’ll see youall in the next episode You


  1. This reminds me of when my high school team lost a tight game. The coach was yelling at us. I raised my hand and said, "I didn't get to play so I don't feel like I lost." Everyone started throwing things at me and the coach threw his hands up 😂

  2. David I cherish what we accomplished this season, and I am so excited what we will become in the near future. But that second half of that game was a SOL half of football. SMH

  3. They Got it All Backwards It Happened and It Was on Couple of the Team …Over Throws..Not watching the Ball and Not Blocking for Each OTHER….but GO LION'S Next SEASON ( I know O Wasn't out there Playing) 😢😢😢😢 but ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Love My LION'S

  4. Thanks for a great show this season. This morning I went and unsubscribed to EVERY Lions YouTube channel but yours. I WAS subscribed to 8 or 9…..there was just no way I could look at all that this morning. Every word of today's video is correct. And you know, I would have rather gone into this game and just saw them get their breaks beat off like they did against Washington in 91-92 in that 41-10 killing. Somehow this loss is even worse, it always stings and hurts worse when there's nobody to blame but yourself. And no, SF didn't beat us…we bullied them up and down the field for practically 3 quarters, we DID beat them…..lastly, I feel like SOMEONE has to pay for last night's debacle other than the fans. We as fans don't just get to hop in our BMW SUV and head off to the Florida Keyes for a nice vacation to forget about it all… fans who live and die with this team are the people who truly suffer…..after yesterday I'd almost rather lose Dan Campbell than Ben Johnson, I would truly rather them fire Dan Campbell and promote Johnson to head coach than lose Johnson and keep Campbell…'s REALLY gonna hurt losing him…..he's a genius…..and you can't just let an offensive genius like that walk away…..I'm serious, as a fan I'm NEVER going to forgive Dan Campbell for last night…..every time I look at him I'm going to be reminded of ONE thing…..and sadly it's NOT gonna be the wonderful turnaround he has been a part of like it should be…'ll be for making ridiculous mistakes even a washed up alcoholic middle school coach wouldn't make….what a shame…..I've been waiting since Detroit's final snap of the 91-92 season for……..this?? And people can give SF as much credit as they want……I refuse to, I give them zero……ooh yeah, they beat a team while they were down and bleeding profusely from every orfice…..they didn't best anything…..Detroit handed them the knife and stuck their throat out. Oh the field day Kansas City is gonna have with The 49ers…..because ladt night we proved through nearly 3 quarters that The 49ers are GROSSLY overrated

  5. I have been a Detroit Lions Fan since the 1970's & being a kid. And young. We have come a long way. This is the Best that the Detroit Lions have played in their whole years being a NFL Team. I love Our Head Coach Dan Campbell & All of his Coaching Staff. And the Detroit Lions Detroit Lions Owner Sheila. I love Our NFL Detroit Lions Team QB Jared Goff & all of the Guys here on the Team. We played better than Popular NFL Teams out there & some of the other great Teams. Which did notake it to the AFC & NFC Championship Games. And we made it. Other Teams cant say that. We are in the same Boat in a sense like the Baltimore Ravens. But, we played in many ways a lot better than the Ravens. But, we lost the Game. We are still Winners. And Victorious. We had a Outstanding Season & Spectacular. So, I am happy anyways. Wether we lost or Won the NFC Championship Game. And we did not make it to the Super Bowl. No one is peefect. Not even the Chiefs & 49 ers.

  6. Well, we are bettering Ourselves these last 3 years with Holmes & w/ Campbell & Johnson & Glenn& Others. Each year we got better. This was our best Year . This year. We are not the last NFL Team in The NFL World. Not no more. That says a whole lot right there.

  7. Bangley is not an outside kicker. He’s 9-20 and that would have been a disaster if they attempted him with those 2 fgs.

  8. Great year for sure. Should be in the superbowl. but,,,
    Once the gods got
    involved with the facemask catch and easy passes dropped are onething but that defense wont ever allow a superbowl run- fix that- a new DC and somemore playmakers

  9. The 2 4th down calls DID NOT lose the game, if u think that u are a same ol lions fan. We would not even be here without Dan's aggressive style. Dropped passes, missed tackles, fumble and a miracle catch cost us. Great start! Foundation is set, let's get it next season!!

  10. Agree Lions have bright future but the errors made were JV high school errors. Professional WRs who can;t catch the ball in the 2nd half. A coach who doesn't;t know to take the point to make it 2 or 3 score game – he was smart enough to do it in the first half but somehow forgets to do it in the 2nd half. Something does not smell right….this is why people are starting to believe NFL is fixed

  11. I am a fan of San Francisco and I want to congratulate you for your podcast, so focused and located. They are definitely already a young and great potential team that will give a fight to anyone. They will be taken into account in the future but they must control the impulses of a very temperamental Head coach and not as cerebral as they need, they actually let us live and that pays dearly with a team with so much history and titles on top. Thank you, I am already part of your podcast and I will follow it throughout the year

  12. They looked like a completely different team in the 2nd half and that has been pretty consistent but not to this extent. It’s like Ben Johnson and Aaron Glenn’s heads were somewhere else while they were supposed to be preparing for this game. I don’t know what else to say. Sad but we are closer than we’ve ever been and the future is bright. Excited to see them next year nonetheless 💙

  13. I texted my best friend immediately after Dan Campbell passed on the kick and turned over on downs and messaged him that the Lions just lost the game. I didn't even need to finish watching it.

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