Winter Wonderland Wedges: Boost Your Short Game in the Cold!

Unlock the secrets to ❄️ winter golf success ❄️ with our exclusive guide to mastering the art of chipping in chilly conditions! 🏌️‍♂️ Dive into the world of snow-covered fairways and elevate your golf game with precision and finesse. 🌨️ Our expert tips will have you turning winter hazards into opportunities, scoring birdies even in the coldest weather! 🐦❄️

Discover how to keep your short game sizzling on frosty greens, as we break down the essential techniques for winter chipping. From choosing the right club to perfecting your stance in the snow, we’ve got you covered. ❄️🏌️‍♀️

Join us on a journey through the winter wonderland of golf, where we unleash the coolest tricks and strategies to dominate those icy chips. 🌨️🏆 Don’t let the cold weather freeze your progress—watch, learn, and conquer the frozen fairways like a pro! ⛳❄️

🔥 #WinterGolfMagic #ChippingMastery #SnowyShortGame #GolfTips #FrozenFairways #WinterWonderlandGolf #GolfHacks #SnowGolf #ChillChips #BirdiesInTheCold 🔥

So chipping in the summertime can be difficult chipping in the winter time can be even harder I’ve got a simple little hack that will make you a better chipper save you shots around the Green right so we all know that chipping in the summer can be difficult but chipping in the winter can take it to another level you’ve got portal ground conditions particular at the moment everything’s got wet and soft and you know you’re going to get worm casts on

The ground um po lies where trollies have been and stuff like that makes it extremely difficult when you’re around the green sometimes to get it up and down this is a pretty common example so here we go we come onto this hole so just off the edge of the green off of

The Fringe and just into you know what would be probably some sort of light semi- rough now obviously you’re not going to get pick and place here in the winter so you’ve got to be able to play it as it lies playing these shots is

Difficult if you don’t know how to do it effectively you’re going to get that Leading Edge digging into the ground taking some horrible strikes and getting inconsistent results we’re talking fats thins struggling to get the ball to the hole so I’ll show you how to play this simple method that will improve your

Game so this is you know for this shot we’ve got slightly elevated green so I’ve got to get over a little bit of um longer grass so it sort of takes out the options of hitting um like a bump and run like an eight8 iron or anything like

That but as we’re practicing that that’s not something that we do anyway so go if you’re practicing make it harder go for the more lofted clubs and see how you get on so I’ve got a 52° wedge here and and this kind of light I put

The ball down and you can see it’s sitting it’s sitting down ever so slightly elevated green and the problem is always going to be getting a decent strike to get that ball going towards the Target and then make it so close enough so that I can hit a decent part

To make par now what I would recommend trying is this so you get a here we go simple ball marker just as a practice drill obviously you’re not going to do this on the actual hole but the ball marker just inside the the ball there so this is

Just a practice tip now as you’re chipping you want to feel like the handle of the club is a lot higher your going to get a lot closer to the ball than normal and then as you hit the Chip Shot hit the ball but avoid the ball

Marker so if you were to play a normal shot there put that a bit tighter maybe if I was to play a normal shot I’d clip the ball marker with the inside of the club the whole idea of doing this is to avoid the ball marker and just catch the

Ball so a little bit stand closer handle up toe down line up see the p and then just think that and then as you’re playing the shot kind of feel like the toe of the club got to be hitting the ground you don’t and it’s so that’s okay

Like it might make the club twist open a little bit but that’s okay so yeah close enough to the ball handle up tow down chip that on and get it running so you can see there nice bit of elevation to the shot didn’t really clip the inside marker and you get a decent

Contact that’s going to make it much more consistent then you can even try that in some poral lier so here for example where’s obviously being a bit of water or something very very little grass yeah so move it to somewhere like that so the ball position you can see

Underneath there very very little grass that’s difficult shot so you’ve really got to make sure that you get a decent contact to get that ball going but follow the same method so get in little stand a little bit closer get the handle of the club up there so just the toe of

The club’s pointing into the ground going forward you get a decent contact and you see that’s a fair point there so as I bring the club in you can see there that the dirt on the club is purely in the toe because that’s the point that’s made the contact not

The whole sole of the club just the toe the one so that’s going to really help when you get those difficult lies you’re struggling to get a bit of confidence going in the winter and you want to hit some better shots give that a try give

That a practice and see how you get on if you like that video and you want to check out one of my latest reviews on some of the new golf clubs that have come out check out that one about the new Callaway Paradigm AI smoke driver

1 Comment

  1. Good tips on raising the heel up. It will move the face to the right so people should practice this. Don't forget to accelerate. People need to practice more on the short game. Thanks, from Iowa in USA

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