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10 Best Royal Rumble Matches | Tables, Lists & Chairs

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10 Best Royal Rumble Matches | Tables, Lists & Chairs
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Written by: Luke Owen, Tempest & Oli Davis
Presented by: Luke Owen, Tempest & Oli Davis
Edited by: Adam Witney
Thumbnail by: Brandon Syres

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Welcome to tables lists and nailed it did not go back around chairs the show we do here on Wrestle talk there’s one way this could have gone and it went the way that we all expected I’m Li I’m joined by Tempest I’m joined by Oly and welcome to TLC

This is how this show works if you are new here to this fine format we are going to countd down our own personal top 10 Royal Rumbles of all time we’re going to reveal those to each other as we go around and at the end of that they

Will have a definitive Point score and a winner will be crowned the number 10 entry earns one point number nine entry earns two points so on and so forth we will Crown an ultimate winner and that will be categorically defined as the best Royal Rumble ever with no other

Questions ever being asked about it it’s settled it’s like cage match yeah we’re like cage match but better that’s the new wrestle talk slogan 3 2 1 interesting 1990 this is the first great Rumble I don’t know what it was about this specific year because they didn’t nail

It before and they didn’t nail it the year after 89 is boring 91’s boring but 1990 they just happened to get it right it was like one of the only times that they actually used The Rumble in the early years to further storylines and like Hogan and perfect were the final

Two they were feuding at the time I think Perfect’s a really good like final adversary I would have wished that he maybe got the Wrestlemania match but even still you get the Hogan Warrior showdown in this Rumble there’s an energy about this Rumble that when you

Look at more modern rumbles a lot of the things that people like about it start here so you’ve gone for more of a historical importance no this is a great match I love watching it it’s the the first great Rumble well just just relax don’t go crazy at me right now

Yeah I’ve gone for 97 it’s not one that I’m like I I don’t have a huge affection for but like it is a star studded match again like it’s Austin gets his first Rumble win I like the kind of the controversial finish of it as well and

Then sha Michaels loses his smile and it kind of builds to a match of the the next payper you and stuff 2005 I’m mean what what more do I just need to C right I just need to do the promo it’s a very spe what’s what’s the lyrics a very

Special Rumble tonight yeah there’s going to be a Royal Rumble tonight so it was great before the rumble even started the match and then it had the greatest finish I mean just that elimination of Batista and Cena going over could not have been done better no they have tried

A million times to do the both men hit the floor at the same finish thing for a Battle Royal and they’ve never done it as well well as the time they did it by accident 3 2 1 ooh okay very evenly spaced out yeah nice 92 I don’t love the match this was

One more of it’s got a historical significance to it it was widely regarded as the best Rumble but you can’t deny Ric Flair entering at number three loved how he comes out at number three and not number one last all the way through it’s one of those it’s a

Really unique ear in in wrestling in w f as well where you’ve kind of got the old AGS cartoon period and at the same time you’ve got the the people who would be a sha Michaels is coming through so it’s like I always say it’s like when you’ve

Got those pictures in the 20s of horses sharing the roads with cars yeah and that’s that’s Shawn Michaels wrestling I don’t know who’s who’s a warlord yeah we had that in the 89 Rumble the 88 Rumble as well when Shan and Onre the joner in the ring like what are you two doing

Here my my my 2k game is glitched what are you doing here so this rumble’s like really highly regarded by a lot of people this is a top five Rumble to certain people it’s not for me I do love it obviously you’ve got the edge comeback which holds a very near and

Dear place in my heart being my favorite wrestler and all there is a lot to like in this it depends more on your taste whether somebody stopping the Royal Rumble to give a sermon is what you want like my dad hated this Royal Rumble because he’s like it’s boring get him

Out of the ring which is the point but also you do spend the first chunk of the Royal Rumble listening to punk talk as opposed to watching people wrestle maybe that’s to your taste maybe it’s not I like it just fine but you also have the alltime great elimination of Shawn

Michaels just fighting to stay on the apron it’s beautiful an amazing cell afterwards you of course have Edge the returning winner it’s a really star studded Rumble and they hype this up as the most star studded Rumble ever ever at the time whether that holds true or

Not I don’t know but it’s a very solid solid Rumble I’ve gone with the 2021 women’s I’m looking back at my list now and you know potential spoilers for for what’s coming up here I’ve got a lot of really recent rumbles and I think that is mostly because you mentioned earlier

A lot of the early ’90s ones they didn’t do them very good and then a lot of the mid90s ones are filled with like just Lads and then obviously there’s some in the early 2000s that are that are dead good but I think for me as as a fan from

Like 20 2005 up until 2017 there’s just Lads there’s just a bunch of guys in rumbles we’re going to disagree so that’s why you’ve gone for women a bunch of women well that’s why I’ve gone for like one of the more recent ones because this feels like when like the companies

Finally figured out how to do rumbles again and sort of get stars in there it’s the right level of Legends and you know cool finishes and stuff and I think this is a pretty good Rumble 3 two 1 ooh so a bunch of lads well yeah okay I

Know I just said like a bunch of lad R but it’s only two lad there’s two big Lads in this one and they’re the two best Lads in this one I don’t give a solitary about anyone else that’s in this Rumble apart from the two Lads at

The end of this one cuz these are the two best boys at the end of this one 2004 a controversial obviously me picking this does not condone anything anyone in this match might have gone on to do but I think you know I watched this at the

Time I was a huge Chris benoir fan I’ve gone for stuff that means stuff to me personally uh as as I was growing up as a fan lasting from the number one spot it’s a great story when Kurt Angles in this match everything that benoir and angle do they’re kind of having their

Own match and they just keep coming back to each other I I’ll be honest it’s not on my list for reasons but I watched that for the first time a couple years ago and went sh that’s a great Rumble you know it’s the wrestling Rumble and the 2023 our most recent Royal most

Recent Royal Rumble the men for the men yes of course Survival Series rules which one came later I really enjoy this Rumble this Rumble has aged very well for me I didn’t enjoy it I know but I’m just saying when I watched it a year ago

I was like hm maybe critiquing it a little bit too hard cuz they didn’t have that many like surprise entrance you had like book T Edge had come back after being off for a while but there wasn’t like the big surprises that maybe we were hoping for but you look at it and

It’s a just a solid Rumble top to bottom you got Gunther breaking the record you got Cody winning it from 30 that’s a perfect final two they have like the new mini match for this generation’s Royal Rumble and just there’s so many storyline threads that are being tied

Together and woven that lead to WrestleMania whether it’s the Mysterio or Gunther Sheamus and Drew or so much that you can pull from rumbles and this is the perfect followup to the Abomination that was the year before 3 2 1 hey matchy matchy no we were close ah

Close but no cigar oh 2023 men’s or women’s oh men’s sorry I don’t I spoiler I won’t have to make clear what I just it’s all M I’ve just gone for a big sausage Fest of a top 10 I’m afraid oh hello Oscar Meer weener hover good good

R everything Tempest said there’s loads of little spots in here as well like Gunther and Lesnar having that little stare down Gunther chopping Cody when he when he leaps off the top and killing them that way Dominic coming out under Ray’s mask the Beth the Beth Phoenix bit

And Ria Ripley when they attack Edge yeah I really Ricochet oh my God yeah the the double springb they actually did a viral thing properly with a in my eye it’s it’s a legendary Rumble it took everything that worked about 90 and then actually gave it Stakes for the WWE championship Ric

Flair wins the title for the first time in one of the most star studded rumbles to this day definitely at the time the most star studed Rumble so far and you’ve got Bobby heing having an Aller on commentary that day it’s not fair to flare an Aller of an Iron Man

Performance and then a weird ass finish where Hogan helps the heal three two one oh that’s a good match though yeah the women’s one is is great I mean let’s start with that well when I watched it and I mean I guess still now this was my

Preferred Rumble of the two there were the Royal Rumble surprises and character moment things in this match that I was hoping to see throughout the whole show whether it was Asuka coming out and Conor or whether it was do drop not drop anymore Piper the rebranding

Rumble yeah it was Rumble it was Triple H being like it’s okay guys look we fixed it it’s also it’s like right time for the right winner yes and like that’s that’s this is well as why I won 2019 like I don’t really can’t remember much else about the match other than the

Moment that people remember this match for which is the Irish connection Becky being allowed into the match and winning the rumble I there’s a reason why people think this is the main event cu no one cares about the men’s one cuz it’s really boring and and boring and

Predictable but this was rad that that would not have featured on my list really I I like this Rumble as well oh AJ of got like you just said the 92 Rumble but of course Championship was on the line here got the AJ Styles Invasion at number three you had Sami Zayn and

Kevin ens having that hockey fight was that the first time on the main roster that they really sort of went at it yes and obviously Triple H wins which I didn’t like that storyline at the time but I remember cheering so hard because Roman was losing and there’s that brief

Moment there where you’re like Dean could win this yeah I remember sitting on my friend’s couch when Roman goes out and it’s just trips and Dean and I went it’s going to be Dean oh my God three 2 one ooh ooh so close close ooh big boy

Big boy really is on this list for that moment alone nothing else could have happened this R but o big boy is makes this like top 10 Rumble of all time and then you know the true eliminations rad The Edge return this is a great Royal

Rumble and we had no idea what was coming yeah had no idea what was coming this Royal Rumble was nearly ruined for me by Andy datson and he didn’t and I’m thankful 2007 yeah well we’ve already covered the the match beond just because it’s kind of like there’s a a tag match

At the end of that Rumble as well because rated RKO versus Undertaker and sha is the final four and then it becomes Taker and sha and they’re both down sit up Kip up oh it’s there loads of ECW stuff in that as well you’ve got Sabu you’ve got sanman coming down one

Night stand well man that one night stand to would have been the previous year but yeah yeah I love this Rumble well this is the one year where you could challenge the ECW Champion if you wanted to in this Rumble we’re the ECW champions in it just imagine if the Undertaker I want

A challenge for the eastw championship you Bobby Lashley I’ve won all the titles that I can paron debb debie but I will get this one 2008 2008 this is my first Rumble I started watching wrestling two days before this show so I was just like buzzing around

This time I my mind had been exposed to something that would change my life and they ended up my parents bought me the DVD for this like 3 weeks later when it came out and I watched it endlessly I could tell you every person that’s in it

In order thankfully it’s a damn good Rumble cuz you got immediately following this Taker and Shawn starting the one negative part is Michael Buffer doesn’t know Shawn Michael’s name he announces him as the Heartbreak Kid full stop he did once he did once refer to Bret Hart as Brett The Hitman

Clark you’ve got a lot of like really fun Madison Square Garden stuff here I love the short ramp that they have here reminiscent of 2000 I wish they’d bring that back such a CO hyper and snooka have their deal Triple H and Cactus eight years after the street fighter

Here and then of course it’s Cena coming back which everybody forgot for 10 seconds how much they hated him because I cannot stress how superum this is like it’s been 15 16 years I still can’t believe that this man came back from a torn peack in like 3 and a half

Months so so just as a spoiler this isn’t on my list at all no still angry you know when I was looking around everyone was like oh it’s top top three or top five or whatever some people’s number one but whenever I think of this Rumble I just think Of 3 2 1 oo it is good isn’t it it is a good Rumble though isn’t it good I mean it’s everything that you said and just really like it it’s just a really good match like this is a good night for WWE 2010 it’s this was lower and then I watched

It again I was like I love this Rumble kind of similar to like the more personal stories punk in at the start and cutting those promos I know your dad hated it I I was like the biggest Punk fan because I was hating W hate watching

WWE at this point and punk was my guy and then you also had the Michael elimination which is just just magnificent but the stuff building up to that as well like him teaming with trips and then throwing him out like that’s how much this means to him it’s one of

My favorite things they do sometimes in rumbles where there’s a rumored winner and they go out like halfway through and I’m not I don’t mean like not in a Daniel Bryan way cuz that’s rumored and desired but I mean like in 2017 when Braun strowman was rumored to be winning

Or in this year Triple H was rumored to be winning the Royal Rumble and then all of a sudden he goes out halfway and you’re like well who’s it going to be then you’ve got like a whole rest of the rumble to really get into it and hype

Yourself up it’s a really fun Rumble I feel like same with 2020 the same thing yeah everyone was like it’s really about who’s eliminating Brock and then who’s going to win the rumble and it being the same guy a guy that I don’t think it’ been on many people’s Radars going into

The show either that he’s going to be the guy make that’s what makes that so special it I mean yeah this is a a brilliant Rumble where there are so many that kind of blend together even the great ones where we might have to go which one was that was that this because

They follow a formula and it’s a good formula and it should work this is one where they did something different which could backfire but they did it and it worked and it also helps that they have a great winner and a great crowd and an awesome return from Edge that I nearly

Shed a tear watching but you have a great Moment In The Middle Great Moments leading up to it and a great ending all time Rumble yeah 3 2 1 o three three you a bit higher with this one then haven’t you well yeah obviously obviously there’s only two more numbers

Left Cody Gunther greater sign Michael’s taker oh I disagree with that but you know you’re your own person you can make your own mistakes Michael’s taker greater sign Cody Gunther this match is rules this match is so so good and I remember at the time actually like you can probably go back

And watch my live reactions I questioned it CU I was like Cody’s coming back he’s going to be probably win the Royal Rumble why wouldn’t you have him in the number one spot and go the distance and then have to face up against the nasty

Heel but hot dog do they work it that the big nasty foreign heel at the disadvantage somehow becomes the big heel and the guy who’s coming fresh as a daisy is the underdog it’s real great and everyone wanted Sami Zayn as well around that time yeah that is the number

One only reason Cody is number 30 because everyone knows Cody’s still yet to come out so there’s no chance that it’s going to be Sammy and everyone then has to accept it and move on such such a risk it is because otherwise he nailed he could have been Rey Mysterio coming

Out at number 30 like that but yeah love this 2007 I love this match so much we’ve talked about it a lot already you’ve got Taker and Shawn the mini match and I will defend this to my death this is not a bunch of lads this is one

Of the best rosters that a Royal Rumble Match has ever had cuz again or twiter no this match is awesome you got rated RKO you got RVD Kane Booker T you’ve got an unbelievable roster great col e can’t find the hard camera and Shawn Michaels has to be like hard camera hard camera

So I assume this is your number two uh probably well we’ll find out shortly I guess it’s a great it’s a great Rumble and it it’s a more innocent time of WWE where we I guess that’s rectified itself now with Triple H back in charge but this was they might make something of

NXT call-ups with Nakamura winning and that great final six old versus new felt like it really was going to be the changing of a guard finim Balor Nakamura and Roman isn’t it with Cena Orton and Ray Mysterio that heat transference on the Roman there yeah like I you like

Finn and Nakamura right you like this guy too huh he’s also knew uh he yeah he also wrestled in New Japan three two one [Applause] hey yeah yeah I mean do you want to go on that one I’m a little bit shocked honestly I thought I was going to get

Chastised at between two folks that might have been watching wrestling in the Attitude Era this is just like it’s the best Rumble yeah if we’re talking best this is the best Rumble it’s everything you want record setting hilarious comedy spots the right winner the best roster of all time it’s

The Attitude Era at its peak yep the peak of the Attitude Era for WWF is the first three pay-per-views of 2001 and they are perfect Kane’s eliminations cool cool looking Kane as well Drew Cary who did he do anything else ever in WWE no he was he was there to promote a

Pay-per-view that he was doing he was doing a comedy special pay-per-view he so he just did that and he got inducted in the horr of Fame yeah that’s how good that spot is and then just uh that that through line of rock and Austin and it coming through at the end and just

Austin’s covered in blood yeah oh it’s brilliant it’s the best Rumble ever 2018 men’s 2011 sucks 2012 sucks 2013 sucks 2014 sucked 2015 sucked 2016 sucked 2017 sucked 2018 it was like finally a rumble I enjoyed I’ve been waiting for a rumble I’ve wanted to enjoy for so long with a

Winner that I actually like and I finally got it this is a this is a cathartic Rumble for me as a wrestling fan that’s the Journey of DC [Laughter] fans 3 two one wow yeah I mean this is no surprise yeah like I mean Raven in it like I I can’t

Believe you guys didn’t have this one high this it’s the greatest Royal Rumble ever like I love 2018 but this for me is like the it was like my Peak as a wrestling fan uh when I was a teenager it’s a perfect perfect Rumble the 10 spots perfectly paced the mid like the

Twin 20 perfectly paced final 10 perfectly paced it’s a perfect Rumble it’s got a video package that is so good at the end of it you’re like oh Bob you can and could win this I would say this is also a perfect Rumble it is this I went with the

Emotional pick because I was there for this and my God I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I bought a ticket to the Royal Rumble and this was in Philadelphia the same place that they absolutely over with Daniel Bryan bull years before and they said you know what

Let’s give him a break let’s give Philadelphia a break and have a brilliant Royal Rumble I could go into like every bit of this that is brilliant but we do not have time for that just go watch it again again it’s kind of like a personal thing I’ve gone for this we

This was the last thing we all did together before the pandemic so just keep sort of coasting off of that memory of what hanging out with people felt like for a fre year but also I really like things that I initially hate and then I realized they’re great because

It’s like oh I’ve had a trick played on me that’s really smart and it it’s like Brock Lesnar and Goldberg in Survivor Series 2016 I hated it then I realized this is amazing I hated Brock Lesnar eliminating people and then then for the like half the match and then Drew kicks

Him out I like that’s one of the best bits of booking I’ve ever seen for anything and then like you know obviously The Edge return as well where he can’t handle his own emotions he’s got like such a face that’s me too yeah yeah I I love

This Rumble yeah yeah Adam may I have the results please as we clarified at the start of this show all of our number 10 picks earn themselves one points all of our number nine picks earned two points etc etc so we can now reveal what is factually there’s no there’s no

Arguments to be had the best Royal Rumbles uh Adam has written a note here to say you’ll never be Pete so thanks for that yeah how dare you stand where he stood at number three the 2020 men’s Royal Rumble mhm well deserving Y at number two the 2018 men’s Royal Rumble

Which means at number one absolutely the right call the 2001 Royal Rumble it is the best Rumble ever well done 2001 well done 2001 well done Raven Andrew carry thank you for watching this episode of TLC if you enjoyed why not subscribe for more and like the video and if you

Enjoyed us talking about the best Rumble matches of all time why not check out us talking about the worst Rumble matches of all time click the video on screen to watch that now Ro I know I know the wor of that


  1. Controversial opinion, but I’d probably put 2018 outside the top 5. It’s good, but just lacked something. Plus, I think the matches that Nakamora went on to have with Styles taints that win just a little bit.

  2. No way a 2021 rumble match made the list!!! No crowd was AWFUL!!! I dont care what anyone says. 2021 men's is the worst rumble of all time and 2021 women's is the 2nd worst rumble of all time.

  3. Legit Surprised 1998 wasn't one anyone's list, that was a great Rumble Match
    The Rock going the distance, Stone Cold's win & his war with everybody and mainly, Foley entering 3 times as the 3 faces of foley

  4. what are you doing the biggest wrestling story of forever just happened with Cody being screwed over l more than 24 hours ago and you haven't done a story on it this is shameful you are my source of news involving wrestling and you are dropping the ball here

  5. I’d like to think the 2024 Women’s match would be high on this list if the video was made after the Rumble

  6. Any video involving Luke and Oli together is automatically the best wrestling content on YouTube. They’re so good

  7. I’m sorry but the 2023 men’s rumble was boring for a major reason that I just could not ignore : we knew Cody was winning, so him not being in the match until the end meant the match had no tension for me. I was waiting for Cody to enter so we could finally get some “ooooh, Cody almost got eliminated” spots.

    Like, the content of the match was, fine, but I didn’t care about anything until Cody was in 🤷‍♂️

  8. I will say it’s picky but one of the reasons I haven’t like the womens rumbles the last couple of years is I felt like it was so long between men rumbles where someone won in the first 3 entrants for the 3 of the last 4 years that’s happen which makes me feel the only reason there doing the iron women thing all the way is because there no over enough through bad booking and that will overlook there booking which has worked but cause of how many times they’ve done together makes me not enjoy it 💯💯💯

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