Golf Players

Florida Gators Talk: Shane Matthews, Franz Beard, Scott Carter

Join Florida Gators legends Shane Matthews, Franz Beard, and Scott Carter as they discuss the latest news and updates surrounding the team. Get an insider’s perspective on all things Gators in this lively and informative talk!

Read Buddy Martin and Franz Beard on GatorBaitMedia


Well hello there Mr Martin how are you sir Mr Martin good to see you again sir back on the job again today and uh RAR and to go here on a melden law Monday yeah happy meldin law Monday to you I feel like it should be like a greeting

Hey make sure if you’re watching this show for the first time you don’t know what we’re doing here smash the Subscribe button uh if you’re watching on your phone uh you’ll just have to clear the chat room out we pull it down and you’ll see a subscribe button and if

You’re watching on your computer there’s a floating I don’t know icon red thing on there and you cover over it and says subscribe then you’re in that’s it it’s free that’s all you got to do buddy that’s it that’s all I gotta get say got Shane Shane Matthews in the gor and blue

Room so we’re not going to let him wait much longer buddy if you don’t you know have anything to say then know Chan he’s got stuff to say all right well then uh I guess we should just uh I should just find what I’m doing and we’ll light this candle there we

Go time again for Buddy Martin call him up and tell him what you’re thinking but be kind because he’s doing the best he can better stronger faster mama said that alligator are owner because they got all them teeth but no toothbrush hey what if the voice calls while you’re gone take a

Message bye you ready CH I’m ready for this my whole life I’m incapable of small but that’s why you love me right kind of intimidating to be in the presence of so many great Athletes He well good evening meld law mondy I’m buddy Martin he’s Rendon Martin and there’s the shery he’s out of the dark and walk through the light now and uh I can almost see that shirt but I’m not sure what does it say on the front say Under Armour buddy okay I know that

Group yes Shane good to see you again man I know those guys yeah watch out I know you coming buddy Martin don’t mess around hey Shane how’s it going man I’m doing well guys how are y’all we’re doing good you’re doing good so can I just before we talk

Anything like super crazy like I’m trying not to pretend you know and I’m not a conspiracy theorist guy but it sure felt really weird at the end of the game you know yesterday when I watched three drop passes and muffed uh special teams I mean I’m of course I’m joking

But you know what happened what happened to the lions at the end there I mean how do you fall apart that bad because to me that’s that was just you know fundamentals well look I I I I didn’t care who won I picked the Lions and the

Bengal back in August Ser Bowl uh it’s unfortunate the Lions dominated the first half yeah and you know if they kick the field goal Midway it’s almost about six or seven minutes left I guess in the third quarter they go up by 17 and uh they have a drop pass and then

The Niners hit the big pass play they score then they fumble and then they had another opportunity to kick the field goal to tie it up so but Dan Campbell’s done that the whole the whole year but boy if he M if he kicks that field goal they go up 17 I don’t

Think there’s any way they lose the game I really don’t so you think you blew it well they did I mean they they dominated the game and then you got to give Brock perie a lot of credit man he’s a heck of a player and uh he made a

Made a lot of plays to help that team win the game I really found myself rooting for the Lions although I really do like the Chiefs but the Lions the Lions such a great story um and uh I thought they had it right the 49ers are a very difficult

Team to play a team if you get down 17 to you ain’t coming back except Brock birdie did come back and I give him all props um that was a one of the best pro football days I don’t watch six or seven hours of NFL but I watched it yesterday

And got I always do this time of year and I I will raise this larger question to you Shane we’ll come back to the game and the decisions that he made and whether he cost the team the game and he did clearly u in is in a way the game has

Changed Shan think about this the Michigan Wolverines won the National Championship with Smashmouth football all right the kind the NFL used to play and yesterday I saw teams playing so fast especially well and even even the 49ers when at the end especially the Chiefs they’re playing so fast Shane it

Reminds me of how college ball used to be and now it looks like NFL is becoming more like you know they sort of swap places the NFL’s playing college ball and college teams are playing NFL ball does that strike you as being odd um I mean

Look I actually used to be a college guy over NFL but I think I’ve switched now I think you have too I think happen yesterday you saw three of the best play callers in all of football with Kyle Shanahan Ben Johnson at Detroit and Andy Reed um look what the Chiefs are doing

And I said this a couple of summers ago and I got blasted by it but I don’t give a damn I firmly believe Patrick Mahomes will go to more Super Bowls than Tom Brady did uh he’s been a starter for six years he’s going to his fourth Super

Bowl in those six years and think about the two times he did not go he lost in the AFC Championship Game to Joe burrow and to Tom Brady um I think he’s the best quarterback I’ve ever seen play in that League um he’s he’s he’s extremely

Talented but he just he’s a winner man and I think Andy Reid’s one of the top three coaches to ever coach in the National Football League and I don’t think they’re going anywhere and I think they’re going to beat the 49ers what a play he made on that where

He Zip Zip Zip and then got the ball off and I guess it’s Kelsey he made thr to Kelsey how he even got that ball off I don’t know how he got it down near a receiver I don’t know and Kelsey made another great CH what a game Kelsey had

Man oh man oh man incredible by the way I’m a fan of of his girlfriend by the way I love picture of the mat the game uh you know and and and just I think the fans love it love a good L but anyway you’re right in I was thinking of you

When I said college football has become more like pro football and vice versa because you have to raise the question and this is heresy govern from guys like us Shane we’re Advocates of college football NFL could become a better game well I think it is right now I mean

It’s uh there there’s so many good teams with great uh players at the quarterback position in the National Football League right now and I think that’s what uh drives that league and you know you got the highest paid quarterback I think he may not be but he should be he’s right

Up there making 50 something million a year and you got a kid making about $900,000 think about that playing against each other yeah yeah well it was certainly high level football plays made at such warp speed I couldn’t believe it and you’re right I don’t know if anybody

Could ever do what momes does and and kelse is such a great compliment anyway it was really good football I got I felt sorry for this for for your Lions although you don’t claim him but U it was a good day so Shane there was a little news in college football among

The Gators they finally did something did you read about the Special Teams guy they got yeah I saw they got an analyst he he coached a little college ball been with the Patriots so um Joe Houston just so people know he’s not gonna be a guy in a regular coaching outfit yeah analyst

He’s an analyst yeah and do you think that answers the critics need for a coordinator I don’t think it does but we’ll see I mean it’ll help I mean I I I’ve said that I felt like a lot of the game management stuff uh it’s not on the head

Coach because he’s got he’s calling plays the other people need to do their job and I don’t think they have and maybe this will help yeah my man David arnoff who lives up here he’s a Swifty also now Taylor Swift you know I think it’s great so yeah uh Shane did you not

I probably didn’t know Mark Martin Finley I don’t think did you I do not know who that is I I did see on Twitter he passed away yeah um but I I had no run-ins with him that I’m aware of um don’t so I don’t really know him well

You wouldn’t had run-ins with Martin Martin not run I didn’t mean runin like that but I’m saying you never had never had an occasion to be involved yeah I never spoke with because I know a lot of media guys even back from one of my playing days but I don’t I don’t know

Him at all it was kind of after your playing days anyway Martin was exceptional right and an exceptional person and well loved by many and a good man uh and tonight a little later on we’re going to have Scott Carter on he was real close to him um and uh we’re

GNA talk about Martin and some of the things he did he’s kind a guy that leaves him that leaves a Mark when he leaves because he cared about things that not everybody else did kind of person went out of his way to do stories on people that didn’t normally get

Noticed and a beautiful writer and a terrific person 65 years old dropped dead of a heart attack on Friday many people including Pat 40 wrote about him it says what a shock it was so we’ll pay we playing tribute a little to to him today as well so all right so we’re

Setting up now for February Shane used to be a big college fan you like Gator basketball I’m sure you watch the Georgia or some of the Georgia game your thoughts you know unfortunately buddy I didn’t see one play uh I was spping spp I was listening to it in my golf cart

Playing golf with my golf group so um I was blown away that we blew a 21-point lead but yeah look we won the game that’s all that matters uh this team’s four and three now in conference play now we really got to find a way to win

One of these two this week on the road I don’t know if we can uh kuy’s an animal man especially at home and then A&M just got upset at home they’re a very talented team and that’s going to be a tough one as well who’s in

Your Golf Group I bet you’re not the one Nick likes Nick Sabin had did you see that Nick Sabin played a group in a group with 50 Cent okay Adrian Peterson Marcus Allen Jack Nicholas whole bunch of guys down there in his new HomeTown

He’s loving it well I I play in a golf group that has about 25 guys and we play we play Friday Saturdays and Sundays and it’s very competitive golf I’ll just leave it at that do you have a guy like % in that group I don’t think we don’t have

Anybody that’s a bad player I don’t think there’s no way a superstar perform right we we don’t 50 Cent would lose a lot of money in our game got a bunch of sharks out there what you got let me get back just to a for a second about the crow

Football while we’re saying have you seen the numbers on these games 49 comeback Victory against liance 56.6 million viewers Shane fed the most on Fox ever for that round since 2012 uh the fourth most nons Super Bowl telecast Network in history so up 19% from last year’s NFC Championship game

Eagles 49ers so so I saw where uh I don’t know if I read it correctly but I know that’s Greg Olsen’s I don’t know if it’s his last time he broadcast on Fox yeah which he is outstanding and he’s being replaced by Brady but uh Greg

Olssen is as good as he he’s got he’s probably the best color guy on TV he’s good well somebody s want they you never know but yeah I don’t know if I just know he’s not gonna be the number one crew they may bump him down to the two

Or three I don’t know the whole situation but boy I don’t he’s he’s good he’s really Romo effect you know payment zon dollars and for everybody else so well Brady’s getting $325 million to do it I I know buy those that’s like you Shane that’s the reason the radio network yeah they

Pay me that no doubt everybody else can get hired because you make so much money so um all right can let’s let’s do this real fast if I can’t Brandon let’s go do our spot at melon law second no no no we not going to do that yet I’m still

Download night so you’re going to have to Vamp and do something else tell folks about M while we’re waiting and they will play the spot later that is said melan no it want you to know if you have a lawsuit out there you’re not happy with you’re not getting

The kind of results they will take a give you a second opinion and you can call them up for free and talk to them and they’ll tell you if they take the case or not and they’re available and they have actual lawyers from meldon law like Jeffrey says we have a meldon

Getting t you so uh they’re really they don’t talk much about being a law firm because they’re talking about being the support of the Gator but uh they’re they in Gainesville and okal Lake City and uh they do a terrific job with the community so if you have a need go to

Mel law Facebook page or whatever melin melin there you go check them out and find out what they got they got good they serve their Community I believe we got my man Scott Carter in the house and that’s what come him hello Scott how you doing buddy how are you

What’s up guys how you doing man sorry about your loss of Martin I know he was a very close friend of yours and you wrote some beautiful things about him lots and lots of people did including Pat 40 yeah he touched a lot of lives and Shane didn’t

Know him so we’re going to do our best to explain to Shane who he was and I think the best way to do it is to tell him those stories you you heard a beautiful one today and I I reposted it about who Martin Wass to you uh and and

I’ll tell a quick story about me I didn’t know him like you guys did you guys all had hung with him so if you want to share one of those stories today you told uh one the one I posted or otherwise about Martin Finley who he was

I know he was really special to you yeah I mean when you’re talking about Martin buddy and any if you worked in Tampa Bay media for the last 2530 years I mean Martin was you know a voice down there that was so unique I mean his his writing ability was there was nobody

Equal and he also just had this uh this Human Side to him it didn’t matter if uh you know he just got through interviewing you know Tony dunie or Warren Sapp or whatever he treated you the same whether or not you were a new a new guy on the newspaper or his next

Door neighbor he was just that kind of guy above all else he was just a master Storyteller who who really cared about what he did and I saw Martin work so many times in the Press Box on Deadline and you know he was a guy that nothing

Was I mean every word to him mattered so much in what he was writing in the next day’s newspaper and uh he was just if you met him you just never forgot him and obviously the last time I saw Martin buddy you saw him too because I remember

Getting on that golf cart that you were on going up to the Tennessee game and he came up that day to the game and just as a fan him and another friend of mine and uh we hung out with him before the game me and Chris Harry and David Whitley you

Know some old friends and we had a good time but uh he wasn’t feeling that great that great that day uh but you know Martin just every time you saw him man it didn’t matter if you’d seen him you know three weeks ago or three years ago

You just connected right away and I mean I’m just the stories though I could tell you guys some stories he’s the funniest guy I’ve ever met uh by far I remember when the steroid Scandal was going on in baseball one year in spring training I was cover to tell Ras you know Martin

Went out uh he wrote a column but to write his column he went to an actual like Quest Laboratory and got steroid tested and then he ran the actual results in the newspaper paper and he wrote it in such a funny way that I mean

Only he could have done it but when you read it you just laughed I mean you just laughed out loud I mean I was just the kind of guy he is and there’s there’s tons of stories from everybody at the tribute you know we became close over

The years but like guys like Joy Johnson and him they’re kind of Kindred Spirits uh Chris Harry obviously has a ton of stories but just the probably one of the two or three most unique people I’ve met in my life David Whitley of course too you guys are all hanging together uh

Shane just bear with us on this one second Scott you tweeted a bunch of stuff today and one of the things that struck me by one of your last memories he was a strugg he was struggling with the heat ready to find shade but before

We parted he put his arm around me and said I’m proud of you Scotty one of the few people has ever called me Scotty he always had that big brother approach going to miss you Martin you mood people by the way I have called you SC you just

So you remember I’ve called you st before right I’ll give a quick memory and then we’ll we’ll talk about journalists In a Different Light there people I know Shane doesn’t know he knows a few he is friends with journalists I don’t like any of the journalists they don’t like you either [Laughter]

Pal I I really remember one particular thing Martin was after my time he had my old job at sports columnist for the safy times and he’ been at for a while and did it beautifully and I was going to a raise game my daughter was taking me

With my grandson on my birthday I want to say six or seven years ago maybe more and I’ve been out of the business for a while some people know I’m going to watch up old guy and some people don’t uh anyway so we’re walking up the the

The up to the Luxury Box where my daughter paid 200 bucks a ticket to sit and watch the game and Martin was running up the stairs to get to the Press Box in a big hurry you know we’ve all been there and I know he was going

To get us a seat in the first pitch and all that he looked saw us quite a ways away he waved and came all the way over and said hi and KN only that looked at my grandson said your grandfather was one of the best ever to over to write

That was special you know for him to be able to see hear that from somebody else what a moment it meant so much to me and that’s typical Martin fing that’s what he would do he makes you feel special yeah I mean his I think those people who

Read him regularly I think he had that human connection that unfortunately it’s kind of lost in their business today you know back when he was in his prime you know you got to know the athletes and coaches on a more personal level and he really connected with so many of those

People uh but Martin was also never a big he was really truly an eist guy he he would you know cover a Bucks game or a World Series game and the next two nights later he might be out at the uh High School soccer match because there’s

An unbelievable story out there so he never put himself above really any story that gained his attention and I think that’s something else that you know he wasn’t one of these guys who shouted from the rooftop he he wasn’t an X Ando guy who you know challenged every

Coaching call or or interception or whatever he he really tried to connect on a human level the good the bad and and that’s I think that’s what people that’s the kind of writer that I think connect with readers the most again unfortunately it’s a little bit of a

Lost art where journalism is now and it’s all clickbait on the internet but you don’t you know you’re we’re losing those kind of voices and it’s really sad but uh Martin really appreciated the craft the history the people who came before him but while I

Was so close to him he he had me by about 15 years but at a critical stage of my career you know he kind of took me under his wing and really helped me and uh you know that’s what that little story on Twitter today was what he saw

Me to for the last time I mean that was a little bit connected back to that and yeah you know it’s it’s been a rough 24 hours but I know we’re gonna all get together yeah we’re all excuse me we’re all gonna be laughing a lot the way he

Would want us to because there’s no way Martin would want us to all be together you know crying over him he want us to laugh this last thing on your Tweet and then we’ll sprin it over to Gator football maybe Shane can get involved in this I

Know he’s talking looking like a guy thinking who they talking about but it be like one of your teammates Shane or somebody you play with passing you know uh for these guys I didn’t know him as well Peter carer Solus you remember him Peter was down in Coco job one of my

Other jobs um and he’s he wrote this about him today he’s talking about Martin he says he enjoyed see seeing people do well remember having an in with Bob Hay’s daughter and she was going to take me to her father’s grave during the Super Bowl Jacksonville I

Brought Martin with me instead of having the story all myself why because it was Martin yeah that was one of Martin’s columns I remember most I mean that was when the what was it the Eagles and who played in that Super Bowl I can’t remember but Eagles and somebody and

They played over in Jacksonville and he went out there with Peter and wrote this unbelievable call him on Bullet Bob Hayes you know at the time he was he was an icon in his days the fastest player in NFL and Olympian and it just brought

Back a lot of memories for someone who a lot of people had forgotten about and Martin was great you know the Forgotten people who would loved me love Shane forgotten people Shane you had some special relationships with some writers yeah I mean um you know back in

My playing days obviously you know Chris was here Chris Harry biani uh Frank frangie all those guys you know you saw them on a daily basis back in those days yeah Robbie and yeah the local guys Robbie and Pat for sure um you know and now you know Scott’s part of that and

You know I get to see Chris you know being part of Florida so it’s kind of cool and you know frangie still around and but bian’s got his show going and you know Pat and Robbie are are retired now but they’re still around radio do radio are you well it’s a

Different bre breed today I don’t mean to knock the young people today because some of them are very good the good people but it well it’s definitely different you know I’ll I’ll never forget I mean I don’t know how many I can’t remember was it coaching Jerry’s coach and Jerry’s one of their

50th wedding anniversary 50th birthday and I was it was something we had down in Daytona I can’t remember what it function also had a 50 bir games on and the anniversary you yeah and it was it may have been it was also maybe a football oh it was the the spur era

Reunion I think was down in Orlando okay and freaking bian Chris Harry and I think like dly and you know there’s like four Sports writers that were there yeah and it just goes to show you their relationship they have with coach you know a lot of people wouldn’t you know a

Lot of coaches nowadays wouldn’t be inviting Sports Riders exactly right it’s a different deal different era on suan so well so since we’re all here together at this meeting and we have these lustrious Minds going what do we make of and Scott you have a little more

Insight we do of the so-called changes we’ve seen last couple of days the assistant coach Joe Houston is that his name uh from the England Patriots who’s going to be we thought he’d be the special teams coach but he’s analyst working with Chris Coles is it so he

He’ll he’ll be doing that and then uh we’ seeing a little boo in that regard Shane what was your initial reaction to it and do you think there’ll be more Shane do you expect you don’t expect an offensive coordinator to be a name or do

You Shane I don’t uh you know I don’t know if there’s going to be any other changes but I don’t think there’ll be office coordinator uh you know if somebody’s named offensive coin I think Billy still call it plays that’s just my gut feeling um you know you got got an

Analyst help Chris couch out help all the again I try to tell people this the the Special Teams coordinator everybody is involved every assistant coach is involved in special team so it’s a collective effort and we obviously need to do better in that area next

Year yeah I think uh we all saw that that they need to do better I like this guy uh from a standpoint I think they just need a a stronger voice with that group and this guy’s background obviously speaks to that more than the setup they had with Chris couch he’s a

Young guy really hasn’t been on this level before uh I like some of these offseason changes I think they’re Shoring up some things that needed to be addressed and I’m kind of with Shane I mean I’ll be very surprised if we see an offensive coordinator uh moving in any

Time soon I I think uh you know with where the program is and with everything that Billy has said if you’re going to read the te leaves I mean he’s going to he’s going to do it his way it’s either going to work or it’s not I think part

Of that still is for him to be call him play so unless something drastically changes or has changed very recently you know I still expect him to him to be the offensive coordinator I have a hard time every time we take Chris couch as a special teams coordinator because Chris

When I the Chris couch I know was an All-American golfer here at the University of FL that’s right that’s right well I don’t know if this one plays golf no probably not here’s interesting take the Eagles fired Brian Johnson who to me was a very interesting coach I like what he did and

I noted early on what he was doing I wanted this normal I found her out and it wasn’t and Shane you probably knew this but he took every all three top quarterbacks and gave them people reps were the number ones I never heard of that before but when the time came for

Kyle trash to step up he was ready because he had taken the snaps with number once he seemed to be a really good balance for Dan Mullen the offense was clicking his last year here and he went to the Eagles now he’s gone I I know it probably won’t happen but I’d

Love to see a guy like that come back here but he may stay with the NFL because it’s a lot better life and easier and no recruiting what are yall’s opinions of Brian Johnson and would he be someone that thought I should look out start with you

Scott well I mean I love Bri Johnson I thought he was a very good coach I love talking to him you could tell he was very smart new ball connected with the players because of you know he played at a high level at Utah went out with a big

Win over Alabama in the Sugar Bowl one year and he built you know his coaching under Dan Mullen but yeah I mean yeah he would would be a great thing a great hire if you could get him but I think we’re going to see fewer and fewer guys

Come back to college after they get a taste at NFL I mean I’ll be honest man if I was a coach right now and I got a job in NFL I would never come back to college as long as still is where now I’m just I’m just gonna coach ball make

My money in the NFL and just worry about coaching plays and if you get fired guess what get another job yeah I mean Shan what do you think of that uh I Brian uh my son loved him he played for him here that’s forgot

About that but I will say this I I don’t think Brian’s an offensive coordinator right now especially at the NFL level because uh watching them they were the least amount they they had the least amount of movement of any other team in the NFL and you have to you have to

Motion and move people and they had I remember the I guess it was it a playoff game yeah the Eagles played the Bucks in a playoff game the Bucks Blitz them and they had no answer for them there was no hot routes or anything so anyway I think

He’s a tremendous quarterback coach I don’t know about offensive coordinator though good point I think you’re right I like the way he approached the practice so I like but like like Sky said there’s no way in hell if I’m Brian Johnson i’ go back to college football yeah yeah

Shane you you wouldn’t do it would you if you ever coach pro ball but I had I had opportunities to coach at some lower level colleges this year and I told him no thank you yeah you don’t think you ever will nope he’s got too much gol to play man

What are you talking about yeah he’s they’d have to give me so much money buddy they’d be like comical be like they gave this guy this kind of money to go coach yeah it’s just it’s not worth it I love I used to love college football I still do not like I

Used to but I I’m with Scott when a guy goes to the NFL all he has to do is coach football he does not have to worry about if is that guy talking to somebody else and gonna leave at the end of the year no they got a contract they the coaches

Don’t even worry about any of that stuff all they do is coach ball yeah I am glad guys you guys have probably seen this too it it feels like there’s finally some urgency about this whole thing I mean ever since that Orange Bowl with Florida State and Georgia than Kirby

Smart saying what he said afterward you’re seeing a lot more meetings and a lot of people talking about this has to get fixed man I mean it’s three years in nil and they’re no closer to having a plan as they than they were back in 2021

So it feels like some things are moving in the right direction but there’s still still a lot of work to get done yeah does like that well right so um so Shan I’ll talk to you again tomorrow morning we’ll talk more about the super Super

Bowl One have you so often it seem like the best games are the League championships though you know Super Bowl never quite reaches that level most of the time um and we’ll see how it works out but Scott I’ll leave you this thought Shane and I were saying that the NFL may

Have a better game now you all the way around it’s just we’re college football nuts and fr joins the show uh and we all are love college football but they got have change some things or yeah fell the numbers they’re putting up 56.6 million yesterday and the way the game is and

You got changing Styles you got a Michigan team looks like the old days of the NFL who were just a bunch of Smashmouth players although the quarterback’s good player uh you got a different style team winning there and now you got these these uh these magical tight rope Walkers playing quarterback

And running the fast fast fast making incredible acrobatic plays uh in the NFL which is what it seemed like college used to be I don’t know great think Scott is it changing well I mean I do think I mean the NFL has always been a superior game

Just because of the players I mean that’s the best in the world but I I do think what you’re saying it’s become a more exciting game in the last decade because of some of the athletic quarterback play some of the rule changes that obviously favor offense more uh and I think what’s hurting

College football now guys is a lot of what you know we’ve talked about it’s just you know what makes college football so special in the first place is you get to identify with these you know these kids who come to your school they want to be

There you don’t have that anymore I mean the Gators in the last 15 months if you want to go back the last two seasons have had more than 50 scholarship players enter the transfer portal how do you get to know these guys I mean you don’t so when that happens it’s only

Natural that interest is going to you know kind of take a hit or at least passion so I I think that’s why you’re starting to see some real urgency with the leaders of this industry getting even if Washington has to get involved they’re at least talking realizing hey

We’re we’re kind of broken right now how can we get this thing fixed because the NFL I mean it’s it’s hard you’re never going to catch up with it but you don’t want to be losing ground like you are right now so all right let’s get changed

Thought and we govern FR I know you got to go uh Scott and probably also um Shane he’s got to get up early morning do a show with me so uh let’s get Fran let’s get Shane’s thoughts about the game changing again repeating and they’ll get fans’s thought and we’ll say

Good night to a couple of you guys well I I agree with Scott I mean the NFL it’s the best players in the world um you know I always love college football because of the passion and the Loyalty of an around anymore uh so that’s kind of where I’ve kind of switched my

Thoughts on uh more NFL um I thought the the games this weekend were outstanding I think you’re gonna have a hell of a Super Bowl in my opinion as I said before the show I think Pat Mahomes is going to go to more Super Bowls than anybody we’ve ever seen

When it’s all said and done and he’s playing against a kid that nobody thought could be a quarterback in the National Football League and may win the MVP and he’s got a chance to win the Super Bowl Mak him about $800,000 so uh should be a lot of fun you got probably

The two best play callers in all of football in Shanahan and Andy Reid it should be a good one sir all right go ahead FR get your two cents birthday there good evening to you friend hey good evening guys I agree with what Rick neisel says put the

Coaches in charge of handling the issues with the portal let the coaches be in charge of handling nil and this will get solved in 30 days I agree with that I think the coaches know what’s going on the problem is we have college presidents and I said this last week and

I’m and and I and I really mean it for the longest time we’ve been sold this bill of goods that they are the best and the brightest among us what we found out is they’ve just gone to school longer than the rest of us that’s all they have

No clue about sports none whatsoever I look at Florida Florida has not had a good president I’m hoping Ben sass changes that that that but we have not had a decent president who had a clue about sports since uh Lombardi Lombardi new sports appreciated Sports Chucky young what a disaster my gosh Bernie

Matching I do give Bernie credit for one thing he did bring Urban here and we won a couple national championships but he was clueless uh the last guy brard perer the last guy my gosh I mean he I operate him right there with Chucky young as as bad as bad as it

Gets I’m hoping Ben sass is different but my point being this you got to put people who really know what’s going on in charge you would not you know for example you wouldn’t have Shane and me as the pilot and co-pilot of a 747 and just give us an owner’s manual and say

Fly it disaster well might I’m not hopping on that plane it might be a shame but we might get off the ground you never know but the point being is that we keep you know we put Sports in charge of the College presidents which is what the NCAA is and they are

Clueless the presidents have no idea their idea is well gee we all have to have have the same advantages well that’s not how life works you know I mean Kareem Abdul Jabar was 7 foot4 you know if if you’re G to make you know if the college presidents had had their way

Because they eliminated the dunk because of him for 15 years if the college Presidents had had their way Kareem Abdul all right that’s good stop it right there we let these guys go to bed you and I are gonna continue own this conversation I want to talk to you about

Your column today some things that you said and we’ll talk about that and how about DJ lagway being named the number one quarterback in the country according to on three number one stand by Scott thank you you so much Shane thank you talk to you in the morning thank

You break talk about meld law see you fellas see you Jeffrey you do a show where you ask a lot of questions I’ve got one for you right now okay regarding how do you know whether your case is being handled right and what to do about it in medicine you

Can get a second opinion if you’re not satisfied with a doctor doctor’s opinion that they have and do do you have that in law can you do that and with lawers yeah buddy as a matter of fact we get quite a few calls from folks that uh

Have signed up particularly with the big box law firms that uh they do a hell of a good job of uh putting ads on TV but after that they don’t really uh measure up to the way we try to uh create a client experience it’s outstanding and

We’re always willing to review a case and give a second opinion just like with a doctor because uh not all law firms are created equal I guess that’s a normal thing just go to meldon law Google and find out and just give them a call and like you say

If you come in you get to see a meldon you know get you don’t get shuffled off to somebody else you get to see a meldon and that’s good to know because a lot of people don’t know how to do that stuff like me and maybe you can coach your so

Melin law they won’t back down they will take your questions about your case if you have a question yes whether it’s a new case or an existing case uh give us a call we’d be glad to go over it with you there’s uh no no uh charge to uh

Review your case with you and a lot of times it makes good sense just to get a second opinion good stuff from Elden law they don’t back down but they will give you a second opinion all right back to my buddy France beard and France U we had some

Changes over the weekend we talked about was Scott um and uh Shane uh and it looked like there was going to be a big change in special teams we’ll see about that turns out this the guy they hired is just an analyst and Joe Houston uh there there are some things being changed

What’s your take on that and what do you think about what Billy’s doing well here’s the one of the things I want to point out to a lot of people have you looked at the record Dan Campbell had his first two years at Detroit he won won game his first year I

Think he won three his second year and now in year four he’s in the Super Bowl Eli drinkwitz at Missouri two consecutive losing seasons and now all of a sudden everybody’s talking about what a brilliant coach he is it is a Personnel game you get the right people whether we’re talking the

NFL or college you got to get the right people you got to get people who can play the game the way you want it played but part of the Personnel game is you got to have the right coaches with the right schemes um there was nothing wrong with Dan

Mullen and off and Florida offense the problem was you know getting stops as evidence in 2020 when they go you they go to they give up 52 to Alabama they scored 46 points on Alabama scored enough to certainly win the ball game and that was giving away points in

In in spite of giving away points um you look at the last two years in with u Billy Napier they’ve scored enough points to be 19 and six really um last year with for example with special teams uh as I pointed out could have won the Utah game with good special teams

Could have won the uh Arkansas game with good special teams could have won the Florida State game with good special teams but we lose those games at some point in time you got to have the right combination of personnel and coaches to to do it and sometimes that doesn’t happen

Immediately um which has been the case with Florida now the Gators could be a vastly superior team in 2024 than they were in 2023 or the previous year and yet not have a significantly better record because the schedule is absolutely brutal you look at how the Gators are

Going to end that season my gosh those last you talk about a gauntlet those last four ball games when you’ve got when you’ve got Miss LSU and Florida State holy cow I mean that’s that that’s just unbelievable but they could be better I I was looking at the schedule

Today and buddy I you know I’m not pred making predictions but they could be six- one going into the Georgia game they could be one and six going we had we had that conversation with Shane about a month ago six and one and then those are last

Six games easily um but you don’t know you get momentum you know it’s like Missour everybody was talking about this past year with Missouri they just got momentum going early on and all you know teams get on a role and all of a sudden they start believing in

Themselves and a team that believes in itself is a dangerous thing as you well know 1960 Gators and 1969 Gators were two good examples of that oh both those teams got running and they liked it and they were they rarified air and magical things happened 1990 Gators Steve

Spurger comes in here and he puts in a guy named Shane Matthews who had two snaps in his collegiate career his biggest Advocate was John Reeves on the practice squad he spoke up for him but here’s the thing we went into that first game with Oklahoma State

And everybody thought Oki state is going to win Pat Jones said had had had some really good teams coming in there and those guys got hit like they never been hit I mean first yeah what was it five plays down the field boom boom boom boom boom like that Florida’s ahead they for

Get a three and out they get the ball it’s the same thing over and over again and that’s a team that nobody but nobody really thought was going to do it Jack Harriston and and you I think are the only two uh people who were on the who were

Writing for daily newspapers who gave the Gators a chance in 1990 and y’all did it basically because because you had this undying belief in Steve sper I mean but the Personnel was pretty good Steve will be the first to tell you he inherited some pretty good Personnel

About it of course you go to Alabama next and what happens there yeah exactly they win a defense everybody is saying well Spurrier you know certainly yeah he beat Oki state but now he’s going up to Alabama abama where they’re gonna have to play yeah yeah they’re gonna have to

Play defense well guess what they did they played defense will white intercepts three passes they block a punt for a touchdown and they win that game by playing defense Angel son whose Name Escapes Me wrote something SP never forgot I can’t remember his name now he’s no longer was only there for a

Couple of years he said spur said he wrote Alabama played like Florida and Florida played like Alabama yeah Bill King was the guy that wrote that thank you is yep um but so we got a question you know we see Billy Napier making these changes and he’s making changes with the

Roster um I think we addressed this last week he has addressed all three levels of the defense I think Ben troop is the one that that really pointed that out he’s gotten Joey slackman in to solidify that defensive line and this guy’s a stud I mean he could play for

Anybody in the country and he chose Florida which is amazing he could have been drafted second or third round had he chosen to go to the NFL draft but he came to Florida um all of a sudden the defensive line looks better because of that you get Grayson Howard coming in here yeah

You lose Scooby Williams but guess what you get a 6’4 250lb guy that moves and can stick people and you know what their big problem has been in in the middle of the line making tackles sticking people and put them on the ground you get George gums in from Northern Illinois a guy

That comes off the edge and is super super quick free sa veteran safety you bring in three safeties so you’ve got you’ve got the Carol kid from Tain try Bridges from Oregon and then you bring in ASA Turner who is an absolute Ball Hawk and the

More I talk to people about him they say this is a guy that is a grab people by the lapels and shake them silly if they’re not getting the job done leader what have we talked about in the Press Box these last two years leaders about about defense the lack of

Leadership got R you wrote this in your column today Gator by the way if you folks have not subscribed do so and while you’re at it go down and smash subscribe on the show but Gator B where you get the good stuff uh you wrote yes seasons are changing but apparently so

Is Billy Napier who 2024 Florida coaching staff continues to evolve the defensive staff has been gutted with the replacement coaches on The dline Joe Chapman for the lane and secondary Will Harris for the Los Angel charges when inside linebackers coach Jam baitman took a job with defensive coordinator at

Texas A&M Napier hired Auburn defensive coordinator Ron Roberts to come to UF as co-coordinator and inside linebackers so there’s a lot of that change right there let me stop you right there do a quick commercial we come back I want you to tell me what does it mean the news at

On3 is now made DJ lagway the number one quarterback prospect in America that means the classes rating is going to go up so another good blow for Billy’s team right there let me tell you about our friends over at Titan it’s worth the short driver by the way if you’re in

The area to go up there um no insurance no problem uh you can pay with cash or card same day scheduling you don’t get that many places for your MRIs so you should start feeling better today about that because Titan mri’s North Central independent MRI facility come see while

Hundreds of patients are visiting our games for location local The Villages and surrounding areas as Titan DJ lagway the touted recruit as a finish as number one ranked quarterback and number two overall player nationally in the final on three rankings for 2024 like way moved up from

Number 16 overall Ohio State receiver signing Jeremiah Smith of would can you imagine they would have gotten him sham Madonna landed in the number one spot what does this mean France well I look at it like this the kid comes here and he’s not going to have the immediate pressure of being a

Firsttime starter he’s not going to have to go out there and from day one be a stud he’s got Graham Merz who by all accounts is a tremendous teacher to guys below him a guy who takes the time really explains it and the ultimate film junkie this to me sounds an awful lot

Like 2006 when we got that Tim Guy what’s his name TBO or something like that heard of him yeah and Tim TBO we’ll tell you to this day that he got mentored nicely by Chris leak Chris doesn’t get enough credit for what he did at Florida you’re talking about a guy

That I think in today’s in today’s world probably transfers two years and he’s been here two years with an offense tailored to him and Along Comes Urban Meyer with this brand new scheme that asks for a quarterback to run the football ball holy cow we got a non-runner in Chris League

Perfect nobody’s ever thrown a prettier spiral than Chris leag you got to admit that I mean ball had no wobble it just went there went to all the places it’s supposed to go but he was not a runner so it took a while and then they bring in TBO and all

Of a sudden now you’ve got your running running quarterback that you can bring there as a change of pace and then you got Chris leag to do the other stuff and it worked well they won a national championship doing that you uh we tend to forget that the Synergy between those

Two was really good that year now the question is going to be this can Billy Napier create that Synergy that positive Synergy between Graham Merz and DJ lagway can he make it so that they want to come to work together every day they want to help each other succeed they’re constantly

Pushing each other Chris leak did that to with Tim TBO Tim TBO did that with Chris Lee can that happen can you recreate that because if you can Florida might end up being a lot better than people think they’re going to be next year um I 12 game 12 game play friends

12 12 team play I think it’s going to be 12 teams buddy for two years and I think in 2026 when they get the new contract for the playoff I have to believe it’s going to expand to 16 just like I told you with friends you’re gonna have you’re gonna have

Eight conference Champs and eight at large teams that’s what I believe you’re going to have I think for the time being from everything I’ve talked about was a lot of people for the time being buddy I think they’re going to try to incorporate what we call the group of

Five into the whole scheme of things that’s why I think they’re going to expand the playoff um ultimately they could do what you think is have a have a group of five national championship and have a Divi and have um an upper division championship that could happen but I

Think from all things that I’ve been able to discern from conversations with people who are a lot smarter than I about this I believe they’re going to try to integrate this I think we’re going to have eight conferences eight conference Champs eight um with automatic bids and eight

At large teams and I think that’s a great scheme I think that’s a terrific scheme and uh it’s going to be the death of the BS the BS are going to become officially the N and’ll Play off spots eventually they’ll do playoff spots thanks pan they’ll get TOS

Eventually but I think this is what’s going to have to happen the college coaches I believe have the answers and I believe they can make the answers I don’t trust non-football people to make football decisions um people say well you got athletic directors yeah but athletic directors have to walk that fine line

Between their coach and the and the school president give the G give the game to the to the coaches and I think we come up with solutions that work yeah give it keep the game in the hands of the presidents yeah and I think college football is going to be unrecognizable

In five years all right well listen I got one for you I’m going to do a renstar commercial read I want you to talk about the basketball team huge way over Georgia Mike White got got a little angel Mike White but boy two big games this weekend after that last weekend uh

Let me tell you about renar first of all one of our favorite people they have been a great sponsor friend friends of ours have a reputation and justifi shows the high quality patient center clinical research facility wiar brings Cutting Edge clinical research trials toala and areas like alzam psoriasis osteoarthritis migraines and

Fibromyalgia along with many other things that affect us in our community since our Inception 1998 wstar has participated in more than 700 clinical research trials continues to partner with prominent Bal companies so check them out online you might want to take part in one of their clinics RAR medical research seeking tomorrow’s

Answers to the health questions of today how about those Gator Hoops where are they going and will they ever break through friends what a ball game Saturday um for 30 minutes I think they showed just how good they can be for 10 minutes they showed just how bad they can

Be and yet in those last five minutes they regained their Poise that I thought was vastly overlooked because we’ve seen over the years buddy you and I we’ve seen too many times when a team loses their Poise they never get it back and then there’s a carryover from it um

Losing can be really contagious uh had they lost that ball game I hate to think what the mentality would have been this we week um with Kentucky and the Aggies on the road and then you got a midweek off and then you get Auburn the next Saturday um SK talking about brutal

Schedules this basketball team’s got one um so but to be able to reboot your Poise in the Huddle and I like what Todd golden said he said are you going to feel sorry for yourselves or are you going to start playing like you played the first 30

Minutes well Zion pulling I think set the stage right off the bat he goes in there fearlessly goes up against their 610 7 foot guy who’s probably weighs about 275 280 draws the foul hits the free throw and from that point on I really thought that Florida had regained its point they looked

Like they started looking like the team that had won the first 30 minutes so handily um thank goodness at the end of regulation that little point guard loses the ball and doesn’t have a chance to get it to RJ Melendez because he was in a Shooters coma and I think anything he

Would have thrown up at the end of the ball game would have gone in um but again you know God works in mysterious ways and he he the the ball just he lost control of the ball for no reason whatsoever it just got away from him um and did you

See how close uh will Richards final three-pointer he he banked it and he’s hit as he did and there’s no call um I don’t know if you really paid attention to the zebras they got in there there were at least three different occasions when um Kenny Cross who’s next to me who’s one

Of the better one of the better basketball people in the country um and I I said is it my imagination or are these guys arguing with each other and he said there’s no question about it they are arguing with each other that you did not have a zebra crew working in sync now

There were a lot of blown calls and and this goes to both sides Mike White I talked to Mike and Mike can’t you know I can’t tell you what Mike said but he wasn’t happy I know Todd wasn’t happy uh the officiating sucked on both sides officiating didn’t cost

Anybody the ball game but it wasn’t good officiating and yet two teams got out there and Florida got a chance to show what it can do for 30 minutes and then showed that it can regain its Poise and Georgia showed tremendous resilience in being able to come from behind and play desperation

Basketball and almost come up with a win there so I think it was a win-win day for both teams but Florida got the win that counted the Gators have now won three straight SEC games I think that I I I will stick by my statement that I made last week nine and

Nine will get you into the NCAA tournament I have no doubt about it if you’re in the SEC and you win nine games you’re going to do it because it’s brutal Auburn starts out five and0 in the SEC beats the hell out of everybody goes on

The road and loses twice you know uh everybody’s going to have this this problem the road is not going to be kind you’re going to have to steal a game Florida lost a home game they’ve won a road game they’re going to need to steal another road game they really are if

They’re going to get to nine wins I believe they’re going to have to steal another road win to do it but if they can steal another road win I think they can do Nine and Nine that would be good that would be good should make a lot better opportunity to follow Francis as

Usual great stuff great analysis both on football and basketball you can read fans every day almost uh this popular column thoughts of the day on gatorbait he appears on shows all over the country all the time he’ll be on Rob Brown in the morning our show at night

Somebody he’s America’s guest does a great job he’s our fan Spirit Frank you bu you have a good night we appreciate it all right you can go ahead and click us off BR if you want to click yourself off friends all right folks we’ll say good night after that um thank you very

Much for listening and watching tonight appreciate good to be back from honeymoon back on the job tomorrow night we’ll be talking to David Whitley and others uh and we’ve also got Tony Barnard on on Wednesday so we’re back we’ll be doing stuff here on Gator and

SEC Sports and stuff and so I’ll just say thank you for listen good night holding it all together with a bunch of bailing wire and chewing gun back all right son love you tree had the tree fall on one of the cables in the

Back there oh boy okay not a tree a tree limb no trees okay all right well I’m sorry about that I’ll talk to you tomorrow it’s fine because I’m a genius I just put it all together no problem you are you’re I put you’ve always been

Able to do that oh boy I got issues there’s another set in there’s another set in there somewhere the white yeah well well here we go yeah we got it see I’m holding it all together with shut down good night folks good night everybody good night thank you see you Tomorrow


  1. Not that it matters I’m hoping it doesn’t hurt him this year but Joey slackman is coming off a biceps tear and had surgery and should be ready by spring I think that’s a big reason why he didn’t go pro. He wants to show what he can do in his last year in college football and I think he is going to be a beast!!! Go gators!! 🐊

  2. You've almost destroyed college football. Expand the playoffs to 16 teams and just put a dagger through the heart of the rest of the college football. I mean who the hell's going to give a fuck about what happens in the regular season. And who the frags going to care about anything other than the top few teams that's going to make the playoffs. You took a wonderful college football and destroyed it in the last couple of years. Just like they destroyed Disney you guys destroyed college football.

  3. Why the hell didn't you guys just watch college basketball and leave college football alone. Nobody watches the regular season of college basketball because all that counts since the 64 team playoff. Now nobody's going to watch college football because anybody's going to care about is the soon to be 64 team playoff in college football. Hell college basketball couldn't stop at 64 teams. Everything I loved about college football is gone.

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