Planting Shatzer’s Hybrid Plinia trunciflora mother tree and more Live w/ YearOneOrganics

Yeah it was like Kobe Bryant [ __ ] or Lebron James Michael Jordan rest in peace Kobe ruts Roots no oh you did it again it’s tough ain’t it you get little by little he throws it to you right yeah I taught him that oh you got

It do you need the other shovel cuz that shovel sucks there’s one by the door that’s way better wonder if I could use this as a camera holder oh I dropped your nuts seaweed see C oh it does work this thing makes a perfect camera hopefully the qu body is all right the

Scen let me get in there with the axe for one second got to get it look at that worm right there oh for the chicken right by your foot scub yeah it’s all good throw him out into another pot he wants to live another day there he goes oh he can’t live over

There he’s good he got stabed by a spike you got to give this what’s called a Mississippi peel back so when you go along the edge sideways peel that [ __ ] back choose the hardest plant Rex bring it here you heard Jimmy crack horn that song mm yeah my version Hunter smoke crack

Watch porn and I don’t care that’s an inside joke watch I think we’re almost there yeah let’s start Excavating oh wait a second wait just a second Mississippi peeled oh right there look at 8 10 in plate steel we forgot to watch that gu I need a I need a

Reboot I wish there was more on him I literally think he committed suicide to get the insurance payout guy’s a genius he was like so bummed on his ideas and inventions not making money that he just drove himself off a cliff and got the insurance payout he’s like

There you go wife I left you something hey nice day I just wor my Plum more myself out digging this hoe whe I got the perfect phone holder right now where I don’t have to hold it I can read the comments too bad you can’t use those roots for anything you

Know like feeding gophers or something I guess you could burn a fire with it that you can make charcoal out of it I guess dry it out and burn it or maybe find a way to burn it I don’t know I seen people make charcoal and what they

Do is they put all of the wood in a in a barrel and like a metal drum they pack it in there real tight and they burn a fire around it make sure that there’s way for the gas to escape you know what I mean have you

Ever seen them do that no it’s crazy and you can make your own charcoal but you got to burn wood around your wood and you don’t burn the wood you just heat it up really hot you don’t turn it to Ash yeah you just literally like vaporize it almost making a

Vaporizer yeah sounds good they’re close let’s go over there and shoot let’s walk in front of their targets and say hey we’re your neighbors when I came out here one time yo my stream’s going to get banned for even talking about it let’s just stop dude they’re strict on that [ __ ] well

Dude I just showed my [ __ ] and they were like sorry you’re banned for seven days I was like what yeah don’t even talk about those things yeah it’s so stupid rat my name is D brat maybe got to water those seedlings today too or the

Graphs I would say this this this lot is easy to plant in you know that hole don’t need need to be quite that wide the real trouble is going to be getting this tree out from where I have it watch out second he still got to peel it back watch out

Rex Rex come here come on this way dang I missed all that chickens keep knocking over my seedlings one thing I’ve noticed about planting on a in a wet lot like this where the the table is real high if you have to cut a bunch of roots out it’s

Usually a good spot for a tree that doesn’t like it too wet it means it’s got all those roots to absorb all that water that should be good you want me to get in there and dig some let me see what I can dock thank you lady apprciate oh I got rejected first

Go I need that axe real quick hold on I guess I don’t have to be that wide actually maybe I can cook it a little bit oh wow there’s a lot of nice Roots here like you got to etch it out I need to axe real

Quick I got to switch my golf club to a N9 iron here we go oh one time I um when I was a kid I had a 2 L a 2 L full of water and I went to hit it with aluminum baseball bat as hard as I could on the

Ground and it goes boom right back to my face you know boom just plastic plastic 2 L full of water on the driveway I hit it with an elus Slugger aluminum baseball bat as hard as I could on the ground to break it the bat bounced right back to my face and

Hit me full force in the face that was one of the best times I’ve ever been hit in the face I’ll tell you another time this is the maybe the hardest I’ve ever been hit in the face was uh one time I had this Pitbull she was pretty

Strong and she would always chase birds and [ __ ] you know she would get off psycho whenever she’d see like you know those white herand aquatic Birds hanging out by water well I had her over by me Gardens no no not meat I’m sorry ailia Park you ever been to ailia

Park Winter Park no you’d like it there it’s cool they got a bunch of like aelas and there’s a lot of birds that come there it’s right on lake mland in Winter Park but it’s a nice public park there used to be a there I actually saw this

Kid get his finger ripped off on that jump sh we spent the whole day look for his finger and they did find it and they couldn’t reattach it and then I got a call from that guy’s lawyer like four years later he’s like were you there the

Day my client got his fingers torn off I was like yeah maybe I don’t want to talk about it y’all trying to take away my jump tree what was that talking about oh yeah the other time I got hit in the face well it was at that same park where the

Kid lost his finger I my girlfriend and my dog and I seen I had my dog on a leash and it was these old leashes like uh my I had a dog trainer at the time and he always told me to keep my dog on a leather leash thin leather leash six foot

Leather with a little buckle on the end well I had it on that leash the leash about that wide about half inch thick like a cube and uh I seen the dog setting up like like stalking like a panther getting low like this looking at this

Bird she’s about to [ __ ] the bird up and I I let her get a little lead on and I had choke chain on her with that that thing and I was like right when she was about to take off [ __ ] choker she goes boom and takes off like a bullet night Boom the

Choker and the Buckle must have got like kinked up where it was able to rip off it it broke it like slipped the ring slipped out of the clask for the the the leash and it snapped back at my face like a [ __ ] slingshot boom the buckle hit me right

Above my nose and I was reaching for my face being like Oh felt like I got shot with a gun my dog ran off after this bird and there there’s a canal that separates the Lakes this The Chain of Lakes inner part Chain of Lakes well she

Fell into the canal and she was like drowning cuz she went after the bird and she couldn’t she couldn’t get out she was like drowning so I’m like making sure I have all my teeth I’m bleeding everywhere that hurts so bad and I went over to go

Get the dog and she’s like drowning and they have this scenic boat tour it’s like a boat tour they do of the Lakes where it’s like a pontoon that’s loaded with like 30 people and like I come up and like I see my dog drowning I just

Reach in and grab the side of the canal by the Scruff and got her like this and like I want [ __ ] out of her I’m bleeding out of my face I want to get to [ __ ] her up but everyone boat tour was like these old ladies and

People they were all clapping like this and they were all clapping and then uh the dog was licking the blood off my face and I couldn’t I couldn’t spank her I wanted to spank so that’s my story that was the hardest I’ve ever been hit sure there was another time About UPS down other time I got hit really hard in the face I used to work at this I used to work at this place for autistic adults autistic adults and children and they would switch you around from client to client like they had people there that you had to watch after well

One day I got switched with this new kid and no one [ __ ] warned me about this kid dude this is they’re such he this little kid bro he was functional he hit me so hard in the face with this toy bro he was just sitting

Down like with the toy looking at it and he did this to new people but I was like just hovering over him like making sure he wasn’t doing nothing wrong just looking at him he was down like this he had like one of those toys where you

Press all the buttons and it makes it sound and he was like about that big he just comes up boom off the side of my face I was like I never been hit that hard and you couldn’t do anything you couldn’t react you had to ignore it and like whole they

All ran you call for backup and they pin him down on the mat and he’s just like laughing about it he’s like I got your ass it hurt dude youed world it’s terrible yeah no one warned me that this kid will violently attack you he will set you up and violently

Attack you they just waited for it to happen and people knew he did that they like oh yeah don’t oh watch out he will violently set you up for Destruction like what no no one said watch your back and he did it within the first five

Minutes I I literally wanted he was not [ __ ] like he was smart he would play games like he was not autistic he was pissed to be there 10 maybe 12 he had a brain that had been put in when he was young that [ __ ] him up but he was fine dude he

Was just pissed at the world and he had been raised by someone who hated him probably like if he was my kid it would have been different Maybe I’m Wrong actually whoever had him couldn’t deal with him had to whoop ass and then he was whooping my

Ass I’m so glad I don’t work there anymore that was just everyday stress vest anyway and then the other time I hit really hard in the face there used to be this boxing they had a boxing place at downtown Orlando it’s called Roxy you could box there actually to be honest that wasn’t

That hard of a hit but my nose did break had a little break that hard that hit wasn’t that hard I’d say the hit from the little kid was harder and the one from the leash for sure and the one from the Louisville Slugger another time I took a hit to the

Head my friend had that same baseball bat and we were on a vacant lot and we found empty like a spray a spray can and he’s like pitch it to me I’m like no dude it’s going to hit my head I got back [ __ ] 20t 30t pitched it to him

He hit a [ __ ] line drive to my temple with the [ __ ] aluminum can I was like dude it’s going to hit my head I was like sat there and debated him about it for five minutes and then I finally pitched it from as far away as I could

Get and he hits a [ __ ] line drive to my temple how did he do that it’s like he did it on purpose when your kids you know you get hurt by stuff you know huh you know what I used to do at the beach for my dad put him in his pants

While he’s sleeping I did that to him one time and he looked at me like he wanted to kill me when he woke up he was like what in God’s name has gotten into you to make you want to put a sand flea in someone’s pants while they’re sleeping

He is so over it and they weren’t the small ones dude I would find the nasty ones like I remember finding world record ones and I get a handful of them too like 12 and I threw him in the front of his pants like he’d be laying face first out

Getting sunned out sorry Dad he looked angry when I did that I think it’s cuz he messed with me all the time that’s why I did woo he used to take me in this little inflatable boat and go we’re going to capsize we’re going to capsize

In the in the pool and I’d start crying and go we go we’re going to cap size we’re going to cap size cap size I remember one time I got bit by a duck real hard feeding at Cheerios I was a little dude I was a little kid like three years old feeding

Mccoi ducks [ __ ] Cheerios and one of them got a hold of me and bit me so hard I I freaking felt like he ripped my finger off dude that [ __ ] hurt I was just looking I think we’re getting deep enough cuz I don’t want it to be too deep and and

We’re getting right there Me we hit the white layer the white Meat karate I think we’re there we might have to add some don’t look like much on camera I bet that’s a lot of roots yeah we got through a lot of roots what are you put in there will what tree mhm uh the shatzer’s mother

Tree it’s a it’s a trunk of FL red hybrid we’ll go grab it Soundset oh it is one of my favorites so look here trunk of Flora hybrid not even about 6 to8 feet away 8 feet maybe uh the red GMO hybrid the mosies and then red grimel hybrid Kimbers

So we have the Kimbers that I just planted the mother tree which is a red grimmel hybrid mosy just planted red grimmel now we’re going to plant the chaters right there let’s go do that some of these trees need some water it’s going to be hard to get this

Out maybe I might ask you to film for a second can you Andrea you just maybe just stay on the outside of this and hopefully we don’t get cut off but me and Seth will go in here and grab it but then you might have to like walk over here

Maybe sometimes we get cut off but oh well so I made this little uh shade house over here this thing’s worked out really well to protect the fruit it’s just those posts and shade cloth may have been enough but I added some chicken wire and it’s it’s barely secure

The chicken wire watch yourself on this but you got to pull that open and then come in here now I don’t want to mess this tree up here pull that out of the way a little bit that should be all right and then these can come out of the way here need

Water this this little grow housee is great because the plastic doesn’t get any weed on the bottom this is the tree I want to get here you need my help draging it out yeah I think so let’s find out hold on maybe I don’t nice some what nice Tas those are nice

Yeah those are for sale on the website I’ve been shipping them out I think I only get $10 a piece but pretty good money got all right yeah wait let me let me help you tip it it’s got flow it’s okay it does have flowers yeah wow they’re open right now

Nice You Can Let Go sure yeah I didn’t realize it had flowy we might get some fruit uh yeah now we can just drag it over to where it goes yeah there’s some flowers want to get the doll or no might be able to get it that I’ll grab it I got

It it’s a pretty tree I tell you so so I want to plant it a certain way I think like this maybe like how old is that I don’t know probably like 10 or 11 by now seing wow that’s crazy I want to find out the perfect way to plant it we also

Got a measure the cuz it looks nice and high we got this to here it’s about it’s a little low get out a little bit of this back it’s going to settle once you plant it like what you think is the soil level not could raise this up quite a bit I’d

Much rather not have it planted too deep I don’t like that we got to go get some papers I’ll find them they’re everywhere I wish the water good they really haven’t water yet well the water table is so high yeah it’s kind of moist already yeah no it doesn’t need Water kind of this that should be better this should be a lot better right there now how you want that thing turned in the hole what I’m thinking I kind of I wonder if we can get it out without hurting maybe like it is maybe you could do it like that kind

Of and I’ll straighten it out I kind of like that want me to lift it on the pot yeah we’ll go like this down and then you can jiggle the pot hold this I’ll lift a little bit and then yeah separated so to reach means I got to lift it up it be

Good I forgot I just transed it looks good though all that extra soil yeah those roots look great at the bottom check out the I don’t know I feel like maybe a little too deep but we can lift it up as we go no problem a little deep we’ll find

Out just keep raising it grab by want me to throw some dirt under there while you wiggle it we can literally just do this thing definitely going to need to put some ters at the bottom cuz that’ll help if the wind tries to blow it around it will help a little

Deep we dug that hole a little big probably not a bad thing maybe plant something else there no no this is where it goes what we got five viewers uh nine people got jobs oh dang I got to pull these out couple seeds when you saw yeah there’s just one I

See we got here he’s come with me got a yeah I got to borrow a little soil from you buddy put some sand with it I don’t know how they do in a pot with the sand but that’ be a fun experiment all right let’s see if this works out and I

Find a little I think it’s a little shallow maybe but we’ll lift it up more let’s just fill it in and we’ll pick it up may have to get some dirt somewhere else yeah just put it by the base and I’ll she up no the dirt is really compacted over

By you you stuff on it a lot I did didn’t yeah it still needs to be lifted up about 6 in up would be better even though I could probably leave it like this I’m going to try to uh take it we’re getting there now I don’t want to

Damage it too much more but I think we’re there I just want to encourage it to grow the right way but work trying to find the way I want it I think something do all looks good need some more on that back side over there right all over thanks for fing mhm Wo it’s not too bad yeah looks good now we got to get some want to it all around M [ __ ] you I’m going to put this dirt up a little more I need to like push this up on here a little better over here needs them in this region here yeah over

Here on this side right just doesn’t have a lot of contact for that smell like fungus oh I found part of my grill years been looking for this for a while now what a treat big time can’t believe that’s not rested out it’s been under in the dirt for years

Trying not to find that floor to GL Florida has one of those what Florida has one you never seen a Florida blue that are poisonous they’re [ __ ] huge they’re like in you could use a little more but that should help quite a bit I’d like to put one right

Here it’s pretty good to me it’s is straight too thanks Andrew a lot not a lot yeah that’ll be easy to cover so there they are thanks for filming what do you have in this line there we got the shter hybrid that we just planted which is a trun of for red

Hybrid one of my favorite hybrids and I I’ve got some of these planted out it’s flowering but it’s hard to see on side they are on your side yeah that there oh yeah there a lot of them coming a lot of them coming and then dude rats chewed the the

Bottom of it and it was like halfway girdled and now that’s the only mark from it I think unless there’s a mark on the other side no that’s the mark and so that’s the G uh grimmel red hybrid called mosy hybrid you see this one takes after the grumel a lot you

Know what I mean as far as hybrids go it’s got a really interesting flavor like if you get this fruit spot on perfectly right I’ve had it before where it had this flavor like unlike any ever had the best like um passion fruit almost dude and the pulp isn’t yet it’s

Not white it’s like a piss yellow like you know like a light piss yellow like that guy’s beard last night oh you weren’t watching never mind anyway uh but this one over here takes off more of the red but this has a really small seed and it’s very prolific it fruits a

Lot more than the mosy hybrid so that’s kimber’s hybrid right here we just planted it so I got all three planted in a row two of them are red they all have red in them but the two have grimmel and one has trunka Flora so and we put Pavers at the base

Of all of them they’ve got really good sunlight filtered by these oak trees in a protected location I probably don’t even have to cover them ever they’ll do just fine this is a wonderful spot and we just kind of wait for them to settle in hopefully flow and fruit

They um have all flowered and fruited before quite well and they’re showing signs of putting out a bunch of flowers so if these do start to fruit I’m probably going to sell the fruit fresh and just ask a premium and they’ll be sold in really small lots and then it’s

Up to you to find the next hybrid boys and girls you’re going to write the story book I’m just going to be the freaking the guy on the back that signs the you know executive producer that’s it I should do some grafting now but I’m probably going to

Wait on that or I mean I’m not going to film it thanks for watching thanks for helping yeah we’re going to and maybe you can help me take that off of there too all right

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