Golf Babe

A warning to the Disc Golf Pro Tour… they’re coming. These pros are poised to have a break out year in 2024- some will make their name known for the first time, and others may take home their first Elite Series win. Who do YOU think is going to have a great 2024 disc golf season?

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Armory disc golfers welcome back to another video the 2024 disc golf season is just around the corner and as always Hope Springs Eternal everyone wants to be at the top but the talent is deep and it’s getting deeper every year however despite the odds there are always a

Handful of players that are able to move up the ranks and make their name known in the disl world either as a respected player on tour or as a champion among professionals today we’re going to look at five players that I expect to burst onto the scene in different capacities

In 2024 two newcomers two Corner Turners and one final future Legend let’s get into it to start us off we have the dgpt Rookie of the Year Luke Taylor he won the Rookie of the Year honors for the dgpt by having the most points on tour among rookies he finished with 237 of

Them good for 50th fifth place overall in the point standings which isn’t bad for a guy that only played in Eight events and could still be playing in a junior Division if he wanted to Luke is an absolute Prodigy that won the junior National Championship in 2021 during his

Sophomore year in high school he’s also got some o Vibes with the sunglasses falling off the face look which gets bonus points from me he’s currently rated 1031 which is significant for deeper reasons that we’ll get to in just a minute but just at the surface level

That’s insane and it places him as the 26th highest rated player in the world I expect him to continue to improve by that metric as he ages and gets better at the game and if he’s doing that while on tour I’m expecting him to be a top 20

Player this year a great way to crack into the top 20 is to perform well consistently which he’s shown the ability to do in nine Elite series events last year he cashed in eight of them and while he didn’t top 10 any events I expect this year to be the year

That he not only does so for the first time but does so several times throughout the season I don’t think that he’ll pick up his first win on tour this season but I do expect him to make lead cards and to start to get thrown into more discussions about future superstars

Of the sport next on our list as a newcomer and probably also a future Superstar of the sport is 2023 PDGA Rookie of the Year Paul cray this award as a opposed to the dgpt one is based on how well players perform at B tiers and

Above in a given season which I’ll have more to say about those performances specifically in just a minute I know that it’s not the boldest call to say that the two players that won Rookie of the Year are set up for breakout years but these two young men are on a

Trajectory that places them among the superstars of the sport over the last 10 years the PDGA rookie of the year has been rated 1011 or below eight times many of those are players that have gone on to be solid contributors to tour Luke humph May Ford and Chris Dickerson among

Them the two that were rated above 1011 in the last 10 years were all the way at 1025 and 1027 respectively any guesses as to who those might be if you guessed Kyle Klein and Ganon Burr you’re right non- coincidentally in my opinion those two guys are also two of the top 10

Players in the game right now and being on a similar trajectory as them is a very good sign this year cray won Rookie of the Year while boasting a 1023 rating and Taylor took home the dgpt Rookie of the Year honors with that aformentioned 10 31 rating ratings aren’t the Beall

End all for how good a player is or how good they’re going to be but especially as early on in their career as they are the signs point to something special going on here Paul is most well known for his frequent appearances on Simon’s blogs but we’re about to know him for a

Lot more than that if he continues to progress how he’s projecting it’ll definitely get a click from me whenever he pops up on coverage and I’m excited to see what disc MVP gives him which I assume will happen for the first time at some point this year he’s also known for

His lethal putting his 89 % from c1x placed him at sixth on tour last year granted that’s in a limited number of events but he’s also shown that he can make the big ones when they matter his win at the main state championships wasn’t only an a tier win it was also

One where he made multiple big putts down the stretch and he is a proven winner he had 16 podiums last year in those B tiers and above with eight wins I’m going to repeat that this dude took 16 podiums at B tiers and above and won

Eight of them I dug around a and the only person in the last 5 years that I could find with a better number than that was Chris Dickerson who bullied people all year long in 20120 and even that was largely because there was no national tour that year and he was a top

Five player in the world at that point I say all that to say there’s something really important about knowing how to win when it comes to winning and cray looks like he’s well on his way to showcasing his ability to the world to do just that another player that I think

Will finally showcase their ability to win this year is is the first in our Corner Turner category Aaron gosage gosage currently has zero Elite Series wins to his name but he’s been all over podiums the last two years his six Podium finishes at Elite series events

Are the most of anyone without a win over the past two seasons including guys like James Proctor and Anthony Bella multiple of these Podium finishes include playoff finishes where he came just short his epic battle with McBeth in the 20122 world championships and the heartbreaking in to the Portland open

Last year are two of the most notable the thing that has played gosage in these events and that’s kept him from being a multiple time winner on tour is his putting in these clutch moments pressure bursts pipes and when it’s come down to the wire he’s come up just a bit

Short in these moments I mean it’s hard to blame the guy I do battle with myself mentally at local SE tiers so I can only imagine what the pressure must be like on the Pro Tour stage but if you want to be on the Pro Tour stage you’ve got to

Make them and I think that this will be the year that he finally gets the monkey off his back and brings home an Elite Series Victory or two Gossage is one of the top two-way players on tour his power both forehand and backhand set him

Up to be able to attack just about any hole that lies in front of him pressure bursts pipes but it also makes diamonds being in those situations over and over breeds familiarity which I think is going to help him feel more comfortable and more confident this year and I’m

Excited to see what he’ll do honorable mention to Anthony Bella in this spot who might have the highest potential of anyone on tour but I’m giving a slight Edge to gosage another honorable mention is to Armory dis where you can find all the best discs at the best

Price from all major manufacturers if you need a restock or a hot new drop come check us out thank you all so much as always for your continued support you’re keeping this thing rolling and we can’t express our gratitude enough back to breakout predictions another player

That I’m excited to see this year and that I think is poised to turn the corner is Ezra Robinson if you’re a fan of Ezra or prodigy or really just follow the goings on of the tour you may consider 2023 to be a breakout season

For him but I think that this year will be the year that he becomes known as a legitimate threat to win on any given weekend instead of just as Isaac’s little brother from 2022 to 2023 he jumped from 69th in the dgpt standings all the way to 12th but a large part of

That was because he played in more events last year than the year before however he’s not just playing more he’s also playing better the percentage of times that he placed inside the top 20 of a Tour event went from 16% to 62% and his top 10 percentage went from 0% to

31% he took a Podium finish at the De Moines Challenge and he won afdo a silver series event I’ve seen a few comments disregarding or discounting that win because afdo was the week before worlds so the field wasn’t as deep as a typical Tour event but my guy

Shot a 1073 rated event there have been very few events in the history of the sport that popping off like that doesn’t win regardless of field size or depth and it shows the level of play that he’s able to get to if Ezra who is himself

Still 21 and is already a top 15 rated player in the world can have any sort of similar jump this year like he did last year we’re going to have two Robinson Brothers in the top 10 of the sport since ending last season with an eighth place finish at the dgpt championship

Ezra rattled off four wins in a row followed by a second place to Big Bro at a B tier earlier this January in these last five events which is 11 rounds overall he’s been shooting an average of 1042 rated golf which is no small feat according to an ulti World analysis done

In 2022 the average top five finish on the dgpt requires a 1052 rated event if you’re averaging 1042 that puts you on a very short list of people that can not only reach that Mark but that is expected to reach that Mark with relative consistency hopefully Ezra can

Carry that momentum into this season where he’ll get a crack at two wooded courses at the Invitational and Waco to start his tour and if we’ve learned anything about Robinson’s it’s that they love the woods our final feature for this video is the player that I’ve labeled with the future Legend

Potential and it is no other than elzra middling at only 16 years old and already tossing dang near 500t bombs elzra has the potential to do things that we’ve never seen on the foo side of the sport last year she won the fj8 national championship by 20 Strokes I’ll

Remind you that she was 15 years old when this happened she also won her first a tier in the open Division and finished 10th at the throw pink Women’s Championship even with an extremely limited tour schedule she’s already shown flashes of what we might be seeing

For years and years on the foo side is it too early to call that she will be a future Legend absolutely but she has has the tools at her disposal to absolutely break the game at the foo level she reminds me a lot of Eagle McMahon and

Simon lazat about 10 years ago they were a little before their time in a sense and their ability to throw as far as they do opened up opportunities for them that their competitors simply couldn’t do do I think Ellie is going to surpass and supplant Kristen as the best female

Player on the planet well certainly not this year and very likely not within the next few years but she’s coming neither Simon nor Eagle were the number one player in the world even though they threw farther than everyone else so I don’t think Ellie is going to take

Kristen’s spot on that alone and I don’t think she’s going to do it at all anytime super soon but she could legitimately be the best fpo player in the world and a world champion before she can even pop the champagne to celebrate it midling just signed on with

DGA for this upcoming season and though I don’t expect her to be a top five player I certainly do expect to see her rattle off hot rounds and tournaments and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if she took home her first Elite Series win this year with players this young and

This new to the game it’s hard to say how good they’re going to be and how quickly they’re going to climb the ranks but she’s been pretty consistently and linearly improving her rating over the last year and a half since she joined the ranks of the PDGA if she continues

The pace that she’s been on in terms of just her rating which again I know isn’t everything but it is a good barometer of a player skill she’ll be in the top five discussion very very soon she reminds me a lot of Ganon from a few years ago with

Her potential to burst onto the scene as a teenager and completely Dominate and I hope that she’s more present on tour this year so that she can I assume her sponsorship with DGA provides her and her family the means and the incentives to play more tour stops this year and I

Hope to be able to watch her several times along the way with the dawn of a new season there are hundreds of players that could make their own case for being included in a list such as this who do you think will have a breakout season

Either as a newcomer that we really get to hear about and know or as a corner Turner that starts picking up wins on tour is there another Legend waiting in the wings out there let me know in the comments below like the video subscribe for more and I’ll see you in the next



  1. Thanks for the kind words about Paul. We can't wait to see what he's going to do this year. And he's really excited to get going on his career.

  2. Eliezra blew Big Jerm and Nate Sextons mind at a distance event I watched earlier with her power. Cool content!

  3. I think Zach Arlinghaus has been steady climbing, and this is the year that he can climb to the threshold of consistently noticeable performances – maybe even some podium action

  4. I think a factor to consider, but difficult to determine, is who has the most hunger for it? Who is putting in the extra time, practicing like a madman with steely determination to get to the top?

  5. Those stats about Paul Krans are INSANE!! Sky is the limit for the young lad.

    Rewatching that spitout from the Portland Open for the Goose makes me so mad every time. You know all he has done this off-season is PUTT (& urban disc golf). His breakthrough is coming. Calling AT LEAST 2 tour wins for him this year.

    cough CHRIS CLEMONS cough – sorry, allergies.

  6. Dallas Garber is worth keeping an eye on. His trajectory is something special.

  7. I will keep an eye out for Cole Redalen, solid player and still very young too.
    And not in the same league (yet), but curious to see what @BodanzaDiscGolf will do 🙂

  8. I'm a fan of Krans because of Simon. But Luke Taylor's backhand form is so clean

  9. Ver ygood video! Being tired of the "[X] made a HUGE mistake"-rhetoric, and not knowing your channel before this, this was a very pleasant surprise. Keep it up! Also, I have a gut feeling that Paul Krans' ceiling is insanely high.

  10. Your editing and videos have gotten really really good. High quality DG content Armory!

    I predict proctor to finally take down an elite series.

  11. Definitely excited for Sophie Eleinko. She is a 4 year old playing in the FJ6 division, and is the youngest sponsored touring player ever. (Unofficially) she's also my daughter, so I'm very much biased. 🤣

  12. There are some talented juniors in Finland as well. Rasmus Saukkoriipi, Onni Arminen, Onni Ruusunen. I hope they will make it to pro tour this season.

  13. I think Joseph Anderson and Sullivan Tipton are both well on their way for a huge season this year! I would definitely keep an eye on them as well as Braeden sides

  14. Evan Smith will be one to watch this year. Almost made tour championship last year and didn’t tour until college spring semester was over!

  15. I think its going to be the best season this far for Calvin Heimburg, time to take those big wins home. And sure as a finnish guy, i need to give my vote for Niklas Anttila. Those are the top2 players i'll be watching closely.

  16. Cheering for Aaron and AB big time this year. Ezra is inevitable for sure. Can't wait for the season to start. Good video. Yall going to be at the Texas tournaments this year?

  17. Oh and last year watching…uhh Ezra medty….nevermind. lol. She throws like a beast. She is gonna beat Ella in distance this year. Her backhand is something I've tried to mimic to see what's up with that off arm.

  18. A couple of names you forgot or looked over is Jake Monn and Evan Scott. Evan had one win last year on the tour and both are set to have breakout years this year.

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