Fairway Wood Fitting (Tom Fits) – 15 Handicap Simon Peters

Watch our Precision Fitter Tom Bushell get to the bottom of this client’s fairway wood troubles. Please note the client’s current FW had a very strong and flightless launch. Thie object of this fitting was to reign back distance, increase flight, land angle and consistency.

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So we’re looking at your Fairway Wood yeah yeah so just been thinking about over the winter um I hit the driver since I got fit with that last year has been great hit that really well um so I’m not hit three with off the tea at all okay very very very very

Rarely yeah so I’m thinking why am I carrying a three wood and fivewood in the bag yeah um am I better of putting I used when I played a lot of golf 15 years ago I used to hit driver forward used to be my go-to okay to put

Something like that back in the bag but then cuz that set 20° Crank that down to 18 yeah and then I’m going to get you to didn’t get that one reshafted when I got the rest done get that put that back in the bag as my four iron yeah Crank

That down to 18 so I want something between the driver and for predominately off the deck yeah okay perfect yeah that a little bit more L just that confidence yeah yeah yeah okay perfect any injuries since I last saw year no um I’ve had the only thing I’ve had is

I’ve had scal nerve damage on my shoulder okay but I have no problem with it I’ve got full movement and whatever it’s just Physio and cool on a regular basis perfect and getting older yeah yeah unfor we’re all doing that so um what ball are you playing with at the

Moment uh probably want prics perfect good right should we get you warmed up get yourself moving yeah yeah cool find gloves around as well what size glove do you wear uh medium large medium large let me grab you one so yeah company’s kindly giving us gloves to give out to our clients to

Okay test and keep with them uh so they’re coreta lever glove from GX um essentially based on the sort of higher performing gloves compressor Lev ones but their biggest selling point is one that probably about half the price that you would see in stores um they do like

Sign ups so you can do monthly drops or buy them in sort of yeah really good that’s a really good fit um and he’s probably one of his proudest achievements is this little packet that you can keep the glove in after okay so where a lot of gloves go

Sort of crusty yeah if you actually keep in there if it gets wet let it dry out and then put it back in it just keeps it fresher for longer okay um but yeah that’s something you can test if you’re interested all the information is on

There as well so you can uh look at that further we uh do have a code as well so use Precision golf uh they at the moment it’s a little bit temperamental but once it’s reset you get extra 10% discount so yeah yeah yeah it works out quite nice

And cost effective uh do you want to warm up with an ey get yourself um yeah got that down there so all you other clubs have been going well though yeah I’ve been play I mean I played once I got got used to them I played finished the back half of the

Season pretty well yeah won a couple of ball comps at the club so which is got K being Bandit yeah cuz I should have won the big one should have put the 36o right delore trophy yeah I shot net 72 net 66 to lose by shot 5 Second by shot

The 60 the 72 had a a 10 and a nine in it and the the 66 had two eights in it blind me yeah that is good game you’re yeah but that’s my that’s my golf yeah all over so yeah get rid of those sort of big mistakes making really which is

Why I W the club match play because I can afford to do that and then yeah drop one hole pick out the rest yeah yeah I beat um guy at a club called Doug Park who’s the won the national over 65 okay up at wood spar I beat him in the the

Final five and four right okay he’s off plus two so that’s good guide yeah so what’s the handicap now uh 15 so I’ve got 14 147 I think it is now yeah good um getting down there yeah just getting rid of those it’s consistently of that though I’m consistently playing to it so

It’s now got rid of the and if I get rid of those cut the big numbers off the card yeah so the aim aim for this year is to get down to 10 is the okay Target good right let’s see if we can help you in the fairy [Applause]

With and everything else good outside the GOL yeah it works just exceptionally busy yeah so what’ you do again for what I’m sales director for Doo batteries okay so yeah so so you never have a quiet period then no I mean we’d had a really tough year then all sudden

In Q4 yeah it’s like the whole world needed to buy batteries they do normally but even more so okay all those Christmas gifts it’s any lessons all lately no i’ I’ve got one end of the month uh no middle half turn week so okay that’s kind of my start

Season yeah of tuneup lesson with her get you all fireing ready for April that feels ready yeah yeah perfect I hate hitting but I’m not a not a hitter of of hitting loads of balls n that’s abely fine right so what we’ll do is go your Freewood yeah happy off the ground happy

Yeah yeah perfect yeah if you uh just hit a few down there for me and uh see what’s going on obviously we can chat through the flight and then yeah we can start discussing that sort of yeah forward idea and how we space it accordingly uh if you go forward you can

Come yeah that way or or to the left if you want to that’s cool yeah just so you can get a nice lie always has a little bit of a Groove there if you’re on the course sort of distance– wise with this what would be a good hit would you say

200 200 yeah sort of yeah 210 200 210 if I’m probably where I play It’s So dependent on the Wind yeah because it’s windy all the time being on the coast so you Nick the M yeah sort of confidence wise over the ball when you stand over yeah yeah I would

Say I’m probably more confident with a wood with a fairway wood and hybrid in my hand than I with an iron okay so good just left it hairs open cost you a little bit on the total sort of carries consistent sort of lowest one’s been 172 best one 180 just squaring it off

And yeah sort of really good results have a couple more and then we’ll uh from there that’s out the hill yeah it’s just really that balance I mean that’s actually probably the worst of the balance but I’ll take that out just probably not relevant to what we’re

Doing there so yeah when we look at your average first smash a tiny tiny bit down for where I’d expect it to be so it’s just probably as you loosen up getting into the round sort of consistency of strike when we look at your best one there sort

Of 143 smash we’d like to push that up maybe 145 to 147 uh still give you that control don’t want it coming out like a missile um but yeah you can see around there 180 carry sort of 210 little bit left so maybe that adds about four five

Yards to it but that’s pretty good and to B that’s what I’ve since last year since I’ve did the fitting yeah that’s now my my shot yeah that’s getting that more in that place and I think that’s looking at how you were swinging it where the balance was it’s just a little

Bit out of syn in terms of like the shaft and the timing yeah yeah um I would like to see if we could just pop in a little bit more flight just around no no yeah I’m conscious I hit I hit it well but H is slow yeah yeah so I mean

If we can bring that up like say 6 in half that’s probably going to solve a lot of those problems for us um in terms of your attack angle it’s a little bit on the shallower side so again when we come to that average we’d love to have a

Little bit down but we know that you’re tending to always play a little bit more that way um so that just means in terms of head choice we just need to be aware of that make sure we don’t give you something too deep that again hitting

Lower it will spin up but it’s not really effective in that flight um but yeah I mean they’re not bad you can obviously see where you’ve progressed which is good you just want to try and move it on yeah no exactly another level from there which it’s good um any heads

In particular that you’ve had your on or no I mean to be I like the I like the the head look of that I’m I’m pretty I think we talk last time I’m pretty classic kind of yeah um the I like I like the look of the

Tight list I’ve I’ve just been looking I’ve not really looked that closely the to the TSR yeah um two TSR 3 I like that yeah that head I still struggle with the the Paradigm with the the split head and the yeah as we talked last time yeah

Yeah that’s just doesn’t suit my just don’t know why it’s probably the best club for could be the best club for me but it just doesn’t suit my eye so yeah what we’ll do is you like the tight list and the sort of that look I think let’s

Fit off of that get the right shot for you cuz we know you’re confident on the look of it and then what we can do from there is test out a few other heads that’s Co there we go and that also gives us that nice opportunity we use a

16 and a half degree head and go yeah cool so good I have to say that GL was lovely yeah really good yeah know they proved pretty popular to be fair um like I say for what you get the quality wise yeah but actually also the feel like and how it

Plays when they’re cost and what they are technically you can pretty much have two for the price of one yeah yeah so even if you wear for them or if you’re someone who plays quite a bit they actually work out quite good value for even the go maybe two or three times a

Week thatum you’ve been busy over the winter yeah it’s uh been great we’ve not really slowed down to be honest Christmas is always one of those times of you’re going to get that drop off we have a few days where we’re closed um but yeah other than that it’s been really really

Good dar’s picking up obviously new releases of yeah of course Callaway Taylor Made C all those sorts of things so yeah now it’s been um it’s good dar’s looking healthy so we’re not going to complain never complain about being busy got much planned this weekend um Palace Arsenal tomorrow right so uh

Yeah Mrs is nappy cuz I’ve been busy all week not been around and then I’m going to football tomorrow yeah always the way yeah yeah what are you expecting um I’ll be happy with the point for Palace yeah I’ll be be happy with the clean clean

Sheet if yeah it’s uh to be fair I suppose uh Arsenal been a little bit in and out yeah um suppose depends what team turns off yeah exactly I’m not sure if we’re playing at the best time they they lost three on the spin had a break

So yeah it’s always that woring one think on now now they’re going turn it on for you uh yeah so we got tsr2 here um now actually gone similar shaft pretty much identical to what we”ve uh Gone Drive last time so just gives us a nice starting point of how that relates

To how you deliver it um that sort of tip end Feeling Again which as we found out would like the IR everything like that it just seems to suit your game so yeah have a few see how it ‘s up shouldn’t be too far away but we can uh dial it in from

There bit thin yeah I say that would probably be the only just fin we just have to keep an eye good with the attack angle a little bit more down but yeah we just got to keep an eye that that strike doesn’t come low out the with a little bit of a

Deeper profile compared to what you used to just kicked in I’ll let you have one more yeah just to see it look looks close or it looks for my eye it just looks a bit closed little bit closed yeah okay again probably just a smid in L on

The club but definitely move through that a little bit better yeah that’s not a Million Miles Away in terms of that weighting so sort like I say it’s consistent with the driver so it s low 60 G I am going to crank up a little bit

But just not tip balance as much cuz that bad one just can drop in a little so I think we need a little bit more weight there but probably not just quite as heav in the tip so but no I mean not a bad start I’d like to see a little bit

More bit more consisten strike right so yeah going to give you a vist pro 65 it plays pretty much around that 65 g mark so we’re just going up a few grams here a little bit more balance sort of still in that lower section just

Not right at the tip end um so yeah hopefully that’ll just feel a little bit cleaner on the swing through and then just see if we can uh stop that drop off yeah just essentially strips about point out of it in terms of Swing weight just a couple of grams change

Um yeah I think it so be interested to see how you feel that extra weight at all or if you don’t really notice it actually yeah just that just a little bit further yeah yeah yeah nice yeah got down to the bottom that a little bit more she’s

Good just behind quite yeah just behind wasn’t quite as good a move but no interesting shapewise a little bit more consistent what you doing though which is good even a bad one if it’s shaping the same way that’s a good sign just a little bit

Out what I’m going to do just going to add a touch of weight I just want to see yeah a little bit more on there so I think the Sha SW a little bit better fraction more weight there see to be comfortable I just wonder if where

The head’s a little bit lighter than what you used to yeah yeah you quite enjoy that feel of knowing where the head is so so yeah just getting half a point on there so just an extra gram will say yeah gave you a little bit more feel for

Where the head is and yeah popped up slightly got across it but that’ll be good to going on S of 174 yeah 175 carry just under the 200 Mark yeah so definitely just a smidge in more head weight yeah helps you find that slot a little bit better interestingly this one just

Slightly going across it yeah last one for me but yeah more control in the face which is good just next the last yeah okay that’s good so yeah touch more weight not too much of a problem there obviously the OD bad strike is just getting that pick up

I say possibly we could look at a shallower profile as we get further down the line of that I reckon you might find that a bit more successful okay we’ll see how we go but you’re not hitting this bad I’d just like to see a little bit more coming from it yeah

Sure so yeah just going to keep jumping up so jump up another three G um essentially just testing how much you can handle yeah um I think we’re getting closer I wouldn’t see you as someone who I’d probably want to put in the sort of

7075 I just think that might be a well feel like you’ve got to put a lot of effort in just to get something out of it okay yeah liking the we so yeah graphite design the sort of Fairway 65 just yeah see that’s it’s probably just

Probably I’m used to for me that just looks closed that’s why okay compared to that but just that a little bit yeah I mean the nice thing with the sleeve setting we can always set it we play a little bit more open if we needed to so that’s not a problem

Yeah it’s interesting that one just that little bit more that yeah it feels heavy tip heavy and then yeah yeah have one more go just to just from a swing rate point of view I just want to look at cuz it’s in a window where I think could be quite good

Yeah good well we found our upper limit yeah you just see then you’re dictated by the weight itself yeah I I feel I’m fighting it a little bit yeah which is the last you want to do OB see in that 68 G so yeah that sort of says

Probably you swung yours quite nicely at 62 65 went up to that was still manageable so we’re going to try and hang around yeah that’s fine and then we’ll just find what’s the best balance for you from there right so the next one I’m give you

This is aventus red so I’d almost say this is a little bit of that play on that Vista Pro just VOR a little bit more of a stable tip section um of the free well technically there’s more now of the TR range but yeah of the wide

Called a red blue and black this is the more High flighting of the three um so it generally tends to use a little bit of popup um again D2 and a half so quite a nice swing weight for you that should be pretty close yeah it’ be intered to see how this

Feels versus at Vista Pro that worked reasonably well okay interested think that was a bad swing rather yeah I mean I know best is interested in the sort of dynamic swing clear that off cuz I don’t need to see that yeah actually one last go I know they’re not

Your two best yeah don’t worry about sing it in that Groove you can yeah yeah so where interesting that sort of structure where you get the V element it creates a really stable sort of tip environment but at the same time then you can see that you’re just not the

Club’s not really working for you yeah you’re almost having to force it in a different way the last one you had to force it because of the weight this one you had to force it because of how the Sha feels so that’s okay I mean the

Weight in you can see you can swing it it just doesn’t deliver the same as of Mr Pro good okay so this is another one from graphi design so this is their uh cq6 which basically again one of those that was designed to Pop the ball up a

Little bit higher give it a little bit more flight um still sort of has those qualities of the graphite design that sort of tip section quite nice and stable but we’ll feel like it will give a little bit more swing uh 66 G so again pretty much within that sort of

Tolerance range that we’ be looking at okay that wasn’t a Million Miles Away good way yeah probably just a smid in high spin of where he lik to see it but not far off at all that definitely moves a lot better just just sneak the have one last one for me

Better than a few others I’d still say that this Pro probably looks the best so far yeah just catching in there yeah okay I’m going to change it up a little bit now just give it a little bit of a change in balance as well see how you handle

That okay so yeah again just a one G change back back to 65 so this is a C6 blue so bit more of a mid balance shaft right won’t feel as heavy down the bottom end so it will feel like it’s nice and easy to clean through um be

Interesting yeah again I’m going to start you at the lightweight just to see how that we can always add a little bit more head weight if needed yeah good swing yeah that’s nice that feels such a different balance yeah just what it’s almost doing with that change it’s letting the top

Half feel like it clears through a little B easier and then it really it’s just down to as long as there’s enough head weight there for you to feel where it is yeah you can find the slot just got a little bit early into the impact that’s fine that’s more swing

Rel than Club have one more that’s first two those swung really nice just a little bit open left there a littleit open okay that’s fine might come back to that it’s good yeah no so it just really allowed you I mean obviously with the irons and what we’ve done like that how you

Approach it of more down and through it the driver being that little bit tip balanc but because you’re a bit more up so I think looking at this is actually trying to make sure that the club is light enough that it can swing through all the balances up there and then you

Can just feel the connection with the weight head itself but now that it’s good is that swung nice we’ll just stretch it a little bit further we’ll take it to one in the family so this is C6 red so it just essentially moves the balance point a little bit further up

But actually keeps a very similar sort of weight profile um head style wise it will just feel a little bit more sort of mass around that head so could be a positive one for you if you’ll feel the head a little bit more it’s just whether it’s a clean enough

Strike as you come through just lose that point as it goes away a little bit have one more go yeah you see just as it starts to STP out it’s almost separating too much you’re right and then you can see that the head almost gets l slly whereas that was much more

Continuous joint together all right so just giving you a TPT 19 High here so again going back to that more mid balance but I always like these shots I feel like they give a little bit the bottom end can sort of give it that kick but without feeling like it’s out of control

Right okay scratch that one struck y That’s fine right I’m going to go back just want to try the Vista Pro one F it’s definitely that link for you of continuity of the sh feeling like it’s very joint together as one seems to work better as a profile even if the weight

In as soon as it sort of separates or it becomes too far apart you just almost lose that contact and the strike really gets compromised okay there there you go perfect right see how this does second time around okay that’s me not working my hands yeah that’s F yeah

Better one more go with that that’s the thing we’re looking for yeah I’d obviously FR you off with those other shars need to get your Grove back definitely from a sort of head performance we’d want to try and get a little bit more out of it cuz we’re dropping down a little yardage

Um obviously we’re going to possibly give up a bit we might improve it in terms of that but we’d still like to keep it closer to that 200ish no that was quick yeah that’s all right have one last guy now I’m going to pop the C6 back in just see how those

Two feel as they differ yeah yeah not bad I mean okay one leads a little bit but definitely a bit more consistency you can see a little bit more fluid a little bit more joint together I just wonder now when we go to that where we just lifted

It up a little bit I think that’ll make it easier for you to clear right but I sort of wanted to try them side by side because you get a really good feel for how one swings to the other and you can obviously give me your

Feedback for what you enjoy from that as well okay right just a little bit low on the clock yeah yeah good see that’s time just looks easier it it feels easier to swing on the other shelf yeah it just looks like it just clears a little bit better through smash is at

144 so we’re sort edging up there which is good one will go for me but yeah I mean that’s the one just caught the ground yeah so yeah but it certainly feels easier to swing than yeah you can just see orbe actually similar weight profile just one being a

Little bit lower down this one just allowing to sort of sweep off the surface it just seems to suit your sort of attack angle how you deliver the club and then really it’s just down to consistency com from there and what you work on yeah that’s the Sha

Good right so we’ll test some different heads out if we find at this one we’ll come back and we just tweak it where we need to um but yeah like I say I just want to get a little bit more out of it if we can we’ve definitely lifted up so

Our spin rate’s a little bit better we’ve got a little bit more flight on it yeah um which is good so when we come to your sort of mid trajectory you can see the initial launch is really good beenin okay fractionally off but not too far so we’re not a million miles away

From where it expects us to be in terms of 168 carry 162 and to be honest I reckon we could almost sort out just from maybe a little tweak of the club itself yeah yeah okay so right keep that one here give it a little bit more M right so yeah that’s ping

G430 so yeah sort of diving into where I said earlier of that shallow ahead Dynam yeah uh so what I’ve set this up on is 16° so essentially they’re plus one yeah um so yeah half a degree in it we can always go that extra degree and a half

And get it up to that 16 and a half plane okay possibly a little bit heavy yeah feels yeah that feels really heavy that’s fine I’ll drop it down a little bit was interesting yeah so that was going back to more of a swing weight that

You’ve been used to in other clubs um so yeah interesting to see so that’s taking about three grams out of it now so see how that swings I’ll get the editing team to get rid of that one that’s right cheers see and to me again same that just looks

Really closed but it may be see now we have a choice here in terms of because I’m having to Loft it up with the p actually starts to close it slightly right now you could go to the five with the 18 and play in its lowest setting

Which is essentially 16 and a half but it’ll probably open it up a little bit so immediately that sound like you just picked up like the strike a little bit better off the face itself yeah once it uh loads up it’s just taking its time the swing yeah the swing felt yeah very

Different H if you just give that a second on it’s just a there you go it’s just debating what he wanted to do just a little bit out of the shot one again more just little bit swing related that yeah no on Sunday I got trapped on it just get feel having not

Played much just uh yeah yeah it’s just not quite out staying releasing is it there better there I know you can get a slightly better strike on that it’s interesting when you say about the club feel a bit close I think you almost try and force it open yeah it’ be

Interest don’t worry if you hit this one miles left just nice big sort of release on it it would just be interesting to see how you do that because that will then lead us into do we go for a bit more Loft with and tune it

Down just didn’t quite get a strike no I have another go at that one but definitely a bit more commitment there which is good not quite picking up that low point last one for me yeah not any faster just a little bit more yeah

Good I know again you can pick that up a little bit cleaner than what you did but you can see there you actually let the club yeah go a little bit more and then that brings out a sort of more powerful number albe it’s still a little bit

Higher than you are so okay what I’ll do is I’ll grab the five wood and I’ll tune it down and I’ll see how that sits in yeah cuz that might be the better option or better way to go for this slightly lighter right so yeah on Our

Sleeve this is sort of tuned down to 17 block so you can just take it a little bit further y but yeah see what you think of how this sits now just a little bit of tap there you go yeah see that’s for me that’s Square

Yeah yeah so I mean it’s just that case of probably a few of the more modern heads some of them just sit a little bit more close as well so just getting in that open position for you sits a bit better yeah an almost a commitment to hit through it yeah comes out

Again yeah head probably just a touch of spin there yeah which why we just lost a little bit in total but that’s good yeah I don’t feel that one I feel I’m scared that I’m going to hit it that way yeah yeah whereas that I just feel yeah

Confident yeah yeah good now that’s fine that’s just had a touch just going to add that tape back on I think that just came off there oh night stayed on seeing things yeah just left a hairs breath open the face but it definitely looks like you’ll

Want to even that one where you left it a little bit open you definitely look like you want to give it bit more of a hit through which is great we can definitely see that it wants to pitch up a little bit higher yeah which is good

Yeah again I know there’s a tiny tiny bit more ball speed than the tank but so much better in terms of how you’re swinging it how you’re trusting it and you see that from the results in bit more consistent oh that was quick yeah this is the bad one where you quite complet

That’s fine good on link course yeah run for Miles although not at the moment yeah have one more go with that that definitely looks better than the free lofted up oh I’m again okay just didn’t quite what I’m going to do TR uple more heads yeah yeah

Um then from there what we’ll do is we’ll come back around I’ll probably then get you to hit your hybrid yeah and just see where that’s pitching out so we can work out a will Gap and just make sure that yeah sure what whatever head

We’re going to is the right Loft and The Right Flight for you but yeah I’ll keep that one here cuz that definitely flew nicely I’m going to ask a quick question I know you’re uh yeah oh will hit yeah I’m happy to hit it I just still doesn’t look good on the eye

No I just just struggle with I don’t know the split Crown but yeah but I don’t know but I don’t know why because um going back when I play um Cleveland launcher which that scoop in the back of it so I don’t know why it bothers me but no that’s fine but I’m

Happy to yeah got for okay all right try the mauno so the stz 230 again fivewood lofted down just to see how that sits for you yes it’s what it looks just pulled it over a little bit add a little bit of distance but that’s good again that’ll be anything with it

Being that slightly deeper faing yeah yeah just the ping you picked up or will pick up a little bit better in my opinion yeah yeah I think shape of the head looks great M but it just looks you say the face just looks yeah quite deep yeah one more go

Yeah just try to pick up yeah okay thank you right let’s try the AI otherwi I Ping’s looking like a good Contender is whether we then look at do we set it up flatter so they’ve got a setting essentially we can add a little bit of

Loft but keep it flatter in the free so it still sits little bit open but we keep the distance there cuz that’s the only thing we’ve been giving up a little bit compared to yours I just don’t want to leave you too far short yeah yeah of

Course it’s always that um attach 22 though yeah you want height you’re going to lose a little bit of distance generally um so yeah it’s just how much you’re prepared to sacrifice but like I say that’s then just seeing how far the hybrid’s going yeah yeah sure for

Okay yeah so new AI smoke this is the uh 16 and a half High launch one as they call it pick that up nice that’s was good 165 188 how do it look on the eye it looks actually it looks right it looks better than the last one yeah

Better than it looks better probably cu the driver is that much bigger it’s down I me what helped with this head in terms of how they’ve obviously a little bit of re-engineering but the color on top where it almost was a mat to what I’d call like gloss finish yeah it was

There was a very big contrast between the where this almost looks like it Blends in a little bit more with that matte front quick right just a couple of B swings yeah day time so yeah just nice reset get yourself into that golf hole mode come on it’s interesting with this cuz the

Only biggest difference with this and the Ping because obviously they both have quite a nice shallow face this is playing a lot lighter j a little bit of a light ahead which based on the dynamic of we saw it a ping if we went tooo heavy it goes a bit control but just

Having the right amount of weight there Works quite nicely for you yeah then you can see it just you lose a little bit there you haven’t got the timing so when the swing goes maybe a little bit off like it’s doing now yeah there’s no feel for the club head

And no how it plays okay I’m going to pop the I’m going to go and grab the Ping freewoods I’m going to set it up as if it was a little bit flatter and then we can just gauge how it flights and what it’s doing um in the

Meantime what I want you to do if you grab out your hybrid for me just going head what we to do is just have a few hits with it yeah and we can just gauge how far that is traveling and then go from there yep cool first oh come on Simon

Swing take your time yeah yeah just closing up a little bit there so rather than letting your body yeah yeah always way haven’t played too much in a while sometimes the arms start to get a little bit active there you go that’s a nice much more sort of turn

Club do the work for you yeah much more sort of consistent so I’ve been looking at those first initial sort of couple you caught quite nice take that other one there cuz that’s a really good hit I know he slightly turned it it’s definitely on

The sort of Lower Side of spin so the only thing I’d be a little bit questioning is if we’re going to keep a little bit more Loft yeah whether we actually do need to tune that down right okay um because looking at where your carries

Are going with this sort of going to be in that 155 is area car um with the forward or what we’re doing around that we were sort of 165 to 170 off a good hit yeah you pinched the ground yeah that’s sorry swing was much better in the

Groove there just literally a little bit of stri but that’s fine quick yeah just just didn’t quite stand shot yeah it’s one of those that’s actually really close just the last second that fractional movement just makes it look a lot worse than what it would have been but unfort well that’s golf

Unfortunately small fractions yeah just a little bit of this sort of body movement yeah that’s all just where you little bit arms and the sort of chest tries to accelerate up yeah your sort of smoother one as it looks even though the speed is actually still as good if not better is just

Where you stay more in that shot that transition which it’s that time of year where if we’re not playing as much it’s always the Rhythm drops out why we then spend well most of us spend sort of middle of March trying to get it all back before

April yeah you see there just allowed your body to use itself a little bit more through the shot I know there was a tiny bit of hands but definitely a different sort of Swing all together okay one more for me and then we’ll pop this Freewood back in your

Hands it’s quite that’s okay so yeah what I’ve done or bit is going to play a little bit lower in Loft and we were just make a count that in the numbers this is essentially on the Ping sleeve the sort of flatter setting right so hopefully on your

Eye that will sit a little bit better y just popped up a little bit that’s f almost so it’s definitely pointing to what you’ve just done with a hybrid what you’re doing here yeah like say well I’ve got it in the flat setting but it’s not necessarily added Loft it’s still a

Bit down um that the loft idea is the way to go so I think if we gave you sort of that 16° of L that would just help you keep that flight a little bit better I wouldn’t want to go much faster I me that 16 6 and a half because otherwise

We start to give up a bit too much distance yeah um we just want to make it comfortable where we feel like we can get a nice flight yeah good swing okay maybe a hair is breath just below the equator but yeah then you can see it’s not a

Perfect strike but all of a sudden your smash goes up a little bit the carry is better the total is better it’s a better number all together and then with a little bit more Loft and a slightly cleaner strike you just get more carry but the total doesn’t change too much

Yeah yeah they definitely from a club head point of view it’s more comfortable on your eye you can see you’re a bit more comfortable releasing it yeah so I’d say looking at that i’ I’d still be reluctant at the moment to change the hybrid Loft right I’d almost want to let

You take the club out play and just see what happens but I actually think when you look at the sort of totaling of where that was and what it’s doing I know you didn’t give me your absolute best but I think get this right little bit of time spent get that swing

Grooving this should be a sort of one 65 170 carry club and probably maxing out at 200 and then your hybrid sort of 180ish 185 but yeah that all of a sudden looks like you’re just able to pick it like I say we haven’t got the right loss it’s

Just the carry is a little bit down for where it is but to me I just think that in a what they call their flat sort of slightly Loft up setting yeah puts you at 16° in the 15 head but it sits nicer for you and then you can actually swing

It through and then all of a sudden we’re not we’re at comfortable yardage we’re giving up a little bit on yours on the total but actually from a carry point of view I reckon we can get you pretty much coming back to that so yeah sort of 172 so yeah I

Reckon we’ll give up probably off your best one get that in the right place yeah about five six yards through the a which that equates to that can I hit my fivewood yeah yeah go for it just a it compare yeah if you tank this one through the air at

170 leave it as it is yes I don’t think this was that bad last time when I saw you just a little bit yeah that’s okay no that’s right take your time yeah come on S trying to hit you now yeah it’s interesting now that when you’ve gone to something essentially that’s

Heavier again yeah more of that tip weighting now you’ve got used to something that’s a little bit easier to manage swing and cleaner this all a sudden becomes a little bit hard yeah I can see that I think like in your full flow like best swing it’s fine you

Get the my bad but your bad one you can just see this is almost the same as when that ping when it just had the heavier weight it it was almost unusable so it’s fantastic yeah yeah so you can see there that it’s the weight’s almost just forcing you

Away yeah so no matter obviously I get we’re a few more swings in now we can accept Club speed’s probably just reached its peak and dropping down the other side so yeah early on in the round sort of mid round when you fully warmed up you’re probably just about okay but

If any sort of bad swing or tiredness you can see how that extra weight is yeah no so not loading it but yeah enough to cause a problem yeah no I can see that now yeah yeah so I think it’s just your dynamic of where you’ve improved and how you’ve

Changed your swing yeah and obviously we fitted shafts around that and what we’re doing to help you it’s just really those Fairy Woods now for where you delivering yeah at the time you can feel the weight now it’s that extra weight just causes you a problem with balance you’ve got

Lighter shafts but with the weight there yeah yeah which is pretty much what that’s like a little bit lighter and then sort of the head enough weight to feel like you can feel the sort of club and impact but not so heavy right okay yeah yeah St down so I’d say yeah that’s

Where I would be fairw wise cuz I think you can pick that up nicely like say set it at 16° I think that just gives you a l but making sure that it’s in this setting where you can see at least it’s neutral or slightly open rather than uh yeah see they they

Both look neutral to me or Square to me so yeah you can see it from here so it’s just that little small tweak is needed just for your ey line and then from there you can really just start to deliver yeah but yeah like I say I

Wouldn’t change the hybrid for the time being okay um it’s one of those easy things of just subtle changes go down the nice thing is at least if we are dropping the hybrid down in L we’re opening up yeah so it’s going to suit your eye whatever happens but looking at

Those numbers at the moment for matching your swing and what you’re doing I’d say there’s enough of a gap there to keep okay that at 16 leave that at 20 and then go from there yeah yeah yeah okay can I hit a couple more yeah go for it

Yeah yeah’ be interested to see now you do that again after how that feels yeah amazing first one is yeah yeah F just having hit that then now hit this and now feel like I was fighting that last one my pip would well just you could almost see you were

Trying to give it more effort say that and then the actual hands got a bit too active just purely based on you having to put more into your current fivewood just didn’t quite pick up yeah yeah even that one that okay just slightly pushed into it a little bit low

That’s what I mean about getting away with your bad shot yeah it’s like you doing that your fivewood we just saw it was like tanking off over there yeah actually with this you can just see just got a little fraction more time as I’d almost describe it to readjust or get away with

It interesting attack angle really likes sort of hitting more down which is good as well so keep that improving that will allow you to pick up the good context right that’s probably one of your better ones today and yeah that’s literally when I see that of what you’re

Doing with that touch more Loft it just brings a spin it brings a launch up essentially a carry will go more through the air the total like I say it doesn’t change that much it maybe comes back a little but it’s all much more that way and then yeah it’s just more user

Friendly all year round and this is you only spending a little bit of time with it get used to it and I think it will be close to 200 still but yeah your bad one with that is 100 times better quick right SP armsy yeah yeah okay we’ll get rid of

That but yeah I mean when we come back to where you started wasn’t a bad place we were just looking for something that was a little bit more sort of that way especially with the one you catch it can just come out a little bit flat um so yeah when we get then

Into that one there in mind we’re going to add L to this cuz we’re playing it slightly lower anyway but that’s just going to give you that flight give you that lift give you much more spin your spin was already more anyway there we’re going to be chucking another probably 5

600 RPM into that right so yeah all of a sudden it’ll be much more in that window that launch will come up a couple of degrees so be more there that’ll come up to 500 so technically you’ll be nudging on that optimal line yeah which being that you’re someone who is always shallower

You’re Going to create that little bit of that Dynamic it’s very hard if you’re squeezing it up you’re going to really sort of fire that up a little bit more but yeah that will get us pretty darn close a lot closer than where yours comes out yeah okay and I just think a

Little bit of an easier one if you get a little bit out of sorts or a bit out of syn yeah yeah so it’s not gaining any distance it’s just gaining better flight long term easier to use and like you say you can almost you get two for the price

Of one you can drop yeah the three and five out add that one in yeah yeah I say see how the goes and then there yeah no makes sense yeah yeah any questions from that no not really I think say I was contemplating whether to

Do itly come up now or come up middle of the summer yeah but then if I come up middle of summer I’ve then wasted half of year he gives me then time to yeah get used to it and hit some balls and yeah I think that’s I’m not to be sh I

Mean the fact I play Sunday was only I don’t we start playing till March time yeah it was only because my PA’s partner ented Us in the win win winter match play which without telling me yeah so always what you want to know yeah so yeah F me so F so we’re playing

Golf Sunday right really yeah thanks and like I say i’ not picked up Club since end of October right okay so yeah Fair yeah so I’ve not hit anything at all apart from that Sunday and today say yeah so I mean so which which was also also my thought was that’s probably not

A bad thing to to do knowing that I’ve not hit any balls if I’m swinging it really really well in the summer and come here yeah I could be hitting anything and then so my bad shots could be yeah a lot better yeah what you’re

Seeing there like I said is just a start of what you’ll achieve from it yeah as you start to get that grooving but to me yeah you’re completely right of you put some good swings put your sort of probably gamer swing in there yeah but then you put some bad ones but actually

The bad ones you got away with so yeah a little bit of a layoff not a bad thing it probably just shows us the true colors of what this club will do yeah I think it’s only onwards and upwards from here yeah that’s the thing of way if you

Haven’t played a lot it’s just that consistency yeah cuz the lines and everything what you’re doing there but just that little pinch of mat bit early to one you’re catching you’re only talking probably yeah that much change but it’s doing it over and over again and yeah like you

Say once you get back into your Rhythm you’ll be fine yeah and again to me that’s just a little bit of timing while it’s probably just started up that left hand side and like I say once we got a bit more Loft on there we’re just going to

See a nice higher flight as well which is great yeah yeah yeah you see there’s enough there it’s nice and easy and to me you’re just going to use your body better go through so yeah I mean that’s the choice and go from there okay yeah

Yeah good and then yeah like I say see how you going with a hybrid once you got it yeah we can uh yeah we’ll go from there yeah we can always make a tweak yeah yeah get you back and uh just tidy up yeah the one thing I do want to do is

I’m going to put that back in my bag which is the one yeah you shafted the five wood the five wood I’m can you res shaft that for us yeah absolutely no problem the same yeah just get them nicely in line yeah yeah absolutely fine yeah we’ll build them in the same spec

All right done perfect uh same grip as before a line yeah same GP as before yeah brilliant good it’s good cheers well done


  1. Interesting fitting. Can't fathom for the life of me why they didn't agree that his current 3 wood was working fine/better than what Simon ended up with. Ended up losing 20 yards. Maybe a mixture of lack of playing time and confidence but I couldn't see any Improvement from what he had originally. Seems his lack of getting through his left side may have been due to the fact he was wearing Jeans? Why would you not dress as you were on the course for a fitting? Jeans are so restrictive on your swing and trainers also? Replicate your course playing conditions for your fitting. Still Fair play to Simon for sticking at it and to Tom for persevering. Look forward to more of these fitting videos.

  2. The balance point change continues to amaze me. Out of interest, what’s the balance point of the Diamana GT ? I’ve had success with that shaft is heavy back weighted drivers but not in forward weighted drivers

  3. Lets state the obvious, he slowed down his swing after hitting his own club, as you can see with the swing speed stats.
    You're not really looking for distance so much in a club fitting, more dispersion and consistency in finding the centre of the club more often.

  4. Arsenal ended up stuffing Palace 5-0 – Probably took some juice out of this Duracell Bunny at the end of a busy week 😛

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