Golf Babe

High School VS Division 1 College Golfer

In Gabby’s latest series, Gabby (a high school golfer) takes on elite Division 1 golfers many different places across the nation. 9 holes 1 V 1 Matchplay at Arroyo Trabuco! Her next match is agianst Amber Davalos, representing Cal State Fullerton. Gabby traveled all the way to Southern California from South Florida to play this match. And it got intense, Gabby almost made a hole-in-one!

Amber’s got in to golf at the age of 14. Despite a later introduction to the game, she has successfully played Division 1 College Golf. A testament to her commitment!

Watch to the end to find out who won!!

Amber Davalos

I set out to challenge the best D1 golfers in the country my next stop is Southern California where I challenge Amber doblo from Cal State Fullerton 1V one nine-hole match play at a royal truko in Mission vao California this match gets intense you are not going to want to miss this

One come on sit down I flew 3,000 miles across the country to California to challenge Amber dblo from Cal State Fullerton not only we were going to try and finish nine holes but Amber you said there’s what out here there are mountain lions tarantulas and rattlesnakes that is my

Biggest nightmare I hate that she said she saw one tarantul I’ve only seen one tarantula so hopefully we don’t see any today any other animal can like stay away honestly yeah I just don’t want to see the tarantula that’s it like honestly i’ rather see a rattlesnake

That a tarantula honestly I feel like now you brought it up I hope your luck it just doesn’t pop out of anywhere or something like that the words today if we lose any balls I’m absolutely not looking for them I’m not going to play them we’re taking a draw this is your

Home course right like from a kid you were playing here right um so I grew up doing competitive swimming and then from there I transitioned into golf at 14 so that being said I didn’t go to a D1 right away I actually played at a JC right across the street over here at

Saddleback so we’ve had a lot of like our like matches here and like this is our home course so I haven’t played here in quite a bit so I I actually love that and I would say to anybody who’s watching especially girls at a young age

Like you don’t have to start when you’re 3 years old you could start like she did at 14 and still pick it up and be an incredible golfer just takes the work and put it time in and you’ll be totally good we’re going to play a one V1 match

Division one golfer here we go nine holes thank you yeah cuz you get a huge kick from that right side and it’ll just roll out so yeah yep that’s good all right we’re good off the first SE you’re right that did take a kick yeah no this is aoo is known for their

Undulating Fairway so you really can just pick depending on the H I’m our dog leg right dog leg left like you just play the right side and it’ll kick and it’ll roll out yeah that’s like with these Mountain corses yes for sure trying to grow our social media just for

Like nil deals so like so oh popular for sure yeah no it’s it’s it’s kind of everybody’s taking off with that especially I think in golf too I’m seeing more and more yes so 82 yards 93 to the back and I feel like this is kind of

Amber was telling me it’s like very Rocky and hard like Fairways and also greens feel like everything’s kind of dry and just going to run and bounce so I’m going to play at about 80 yards I’m going to hit my 54° I think that should be good here

You’re all the way up there that that really got a kick though like I saw it land yep it just rolled out forever going right looks good yeah nice gozy bounces though Wicked bounces all right should be fine there went a little bit shorter than I

Thought it was going to kind of held off a little bit that bounced like from right to left crazy same thing as my I’m just going to pull up there so like she asked what came why did we want to do the idea of challenging D1 golfers

I think it kind of highlights the players a lot and there’s a lot of people that want to see what like women’s de golf is like Oh I thought it was an awesome idea I I thought it was really cool especially you being like a girl on social media and you being so

Young and I feel like you can like influence a lot of people and like hearing other people other like women golfer stories cuz all of us are different like none of us have the same see the story at all no absolutely not it people kind of want to know the

Players and I think that the players like it because if they are trying to go pro they kind of want that exposure early get their name out there so I think this is a good for both of us yeah for sure so how are the greens out

Here well depending they I heard they were fast but they’ve slowed down so I that’s all I know so far feel like uphill it does tend to be a little bit slower yeah and the putts do break yeah against the M yes like wow I did not turn thank

You come on yeah good speed that’s crazy break I’m not going to lie it’s like looks like a straight for it’s not at all you want out uh yes please thank you good pot thank you all right pars on the first hole head to the next one all square all square here we

Go so you said you’re originally you’re not from Mexico your family’s yeah my mom you born here though I was born here I was born in Newport Beach okay and then I grew up in Santa Ana and then as of like seven years ago I moved to testing California I don’t know where

Any of that is maybe they will know so saying okay this for like them no usually they’ll I’ll show you where I last saw one we’re not to that hole yet they’re usually like but between like some Ravines like they’ll just come out of there or whatever at my um home course

Out in like um yinda that course I’ve seen 10 tarantulas like they just live eat breath there and there’s like a um a mound on one of the holes it’s like a dog leg right and there’s like a huge Mound next to the green and one of the

Greens keeper was telling us that he saw like a hole in next to the mound and he poked the hole all these tarantulas came out oh that may be a little too much o that went in a bush nice extremely close should be okay all right

Right I right there oh my goodness where are you pointing right under the oh right here no that is not me I came in like right here I don’t do well with with just wildlife in general but especially insects all right yeah I’ll just take a

Drop this is one of the longer par fors on the course for sure yeah um like 390 after this they bu there’s like a par4 that’s very short like they just change in length honestly yeah see for cuz I don’t want to be long here I really don’t

Although Li kill me all right I know what I’m going to hit I’m going to hit my 17518 cup just be safe that’s so many head covers it’s just like and I don’t have anything like written on so you have to look for it’s all the same cup mhm

All right four hybrid choke down because we fly nice good on a little bit low if I had hit that higher I would have been able to control it a little bit better that’s kind of a deceiving shot cuz I thought mine was going to be super long oh yeah it wasn’t

Long at all it was like it is a little down turn this way all right speed down good come back come back nice could even play out more to the right because it pushes and then it comes back I think you win this hole Gabby all right

So one up after two holes yes all right here we go good perfect so that was two par fours in a row this one a little bit now we have a par five now we have a par five have you been to Florida like do

You go often I’ve only been once and I did not yeah and unfortunately I didn’t have the opportunity to play golf there so yeah I it was a while ago I went were you in Florida I could not tell you I could tell you where we stayed it was like

Near like Disneyland cuz we did go to Disney yeah Orlando yeah got it got it you got to come out you do have no I yes I would love to I will say they have the best gos there yes oh I know you really do you guys have a lot of tour players

That live out there right oh yeah B we got here car five pretty straight away yeah it does slope right to left yes yes mainly do you play tournaments do you do anything like that I play all junior tournaments and I’m playing some amateur events and everything like that but I’m

Just kind of like focused on both now like playing tournaments and the Social Media stuff I haven’t really thought of like college yet like I’m sure I will they can’t talk to me until next June so oh yeah you know are you a sophomore sophomore okay yeah what’s your plan

Like your senior you said you were going to take an extra year because you’re Co um but do you want to be on the LPGA Tour or you just like just playing golf what’s your I’m playing college golf and the the plan is to go on to like the

Epson tour and then obviously from there try and go to yeah the LPGA Tour okay to go oh okay here you have honors because you did oh your thing this thing is going to keep falling off RI fin this drive here we go nice hopefully I don’t they’re not play

Right no you’re good okay good I’m just like totally not good at dep perception good shot oh my goodness did they come back did they come back yeah they came back they were over there right I’m not crazy trust me they came back I think she had to

Rehit whatever or or she’s hitting my ball yeah that’s I hate doing that that’s like no it’s not your fault it’s not your fault so um the woman up there did hit my ball and she said to go find the divot right here this is a fresh

Divot this is where she hit my ball from so I’ll pick it up from here I’ve actually only had yeah I’ve had that happen just this time I’ve never had that happen before really yeah so that’s never happened to me but I don’t think that happen ironically

You’re here and like it happened yeah you don’t get penalized because obviously it’s not your fault and they didn’t look at your ball so yeah right and I think it’s also a two stroke penalty if like okay maybe you don’t hit the group behind use Ball but if you

Like are in the um if you’re like in the hazard and you pick up a ball and you just decide there is a ruling I’m not sure maybe someone can correct us where if you’re in a group and say we’re playing and I hit your ball and you hit

My ball we both get penalized yeah I think yeah there is that rolling I know that there’s yeah that’s the that’s probably true I think that’s hilarious though how far are you just for like 214 okay so I’m 206 cuz I was also getting 240 I just want to make

Sure oh good shot thank you great shot go that’s really good thank you good shot I thought that would roll up there but it took a little weird bound yeah just the again those Hills just kind of like all right we’re going to go for it which is something you don’t

Usually see me do ever like I don’t think anybody see me do that but since you went for it I feel confident now I’m one down I got to go for it go go I choked down on it so hopefully it just goes a little bit further both

Got that bounce though they did all they just stopped there so I wonder why usually it will roll out uphill yeah yeah it’s probably like that uphill face because sure I mean I did choke down a little bit to get more control out of that shot mhm but I probably should have

Just hit it regular I so she’s going to play the epor qualifier in Palm Springs I should be able to do it I think I can do it this year because then after next year in the summer I can already have status to play events so I don’t just take a

Full break or anything like that I actually do know that area we we filmed videos there we went there oh good that was really cool 16 SLE all right good CH all right I’ll put this one close all right I got it I’m going to go two feet

Right land It Right On The Fringe down ball settle I did not change it I just hit it too far I didn’t think it was going to roll out like that at all all right do you like it in um I want to take it out we’re both in like the exact

Same I think that the green was faster there than normal because I Tri it like the last scen and it it will check but I don’t think yeah that did not move at all no or it did move big pot here need a birdie this my hole right

Here going right in the hole nonnegotiable head down nose over the ball nice P thank you all right I needed that because I didn’t hit the best chip I kind of like you got to be a little bit closer when I was pretty close on that

Chip good putt nice birdie all right I’m one up through three we both had birdies on that hole which was really good okay what’s that little Hut up there it’s like just by itself up there I think it’s like a well or something like that yeah I’ve never really seen um

There are some hiking trails here okay so I believe it’s something like that see that’s something I would absolutely never want to do hike with rattlesnakes and franches I live behind um Peter’s Canyon so like I have a whole Canyon so I have like mountain lions and all that

Like yeah like wild cats things like that I actually the mountain lines I don’t think would bother me you know ironically the te’s are not here this is interesting the white te are usually back back there not this second T box but all the way back there like kind of

Yeah one less so that’s kind of cool a shorter one like that especially downhill since even playing less mhm how much do you think this is taking off probably like five five Ys yeah five five six nothing crazy all right here we go it’s beautiful come on sit

Down whoa you almost made a hole in one H the hole that’s crazy oh my me and just the part three isn’t hole aren’t you doing a video where like if you make a hole in one I it that’s crazy so I’m like never got a hole in one ever like

In my career in the past like 6 months I’ve had like two hole in ones and like three attempts at hitting the pin oh my good like funny I thought that was in as soon as I hit it good shot you almost hit that bird I know that was

Crazy good shot thank you all right two good shots there that was so crazy I almost hit that Hawk poor thing know Wing like almost hit it that’s hilarious is this where like they would come trans um I’ll show you right now we’re on the

Next hole I’ll show you where we saw he was like just crawling he was really friendly though he didn’t do anything so I was like okay I almost feel bad like at the same I know like ew disgusting e like these Ravines oh yeah you want be careful here be careful oh wow

Yeah what a great shot I really thought that you hit the pin though that you got robbed that’s so unfair that would have totally gone in that was uh two pretty good shots we’ll take that all day I mean Wow Let’s see where that divot Mark

Is I want to see where I landed it I landed it right here yeah you took a big hop and hit the the pin that could have been in actually the thing is is that it did land like up here so it would have had a dunk in or it have been like

Probably back here yeah yeah go ahead if you’re ready nice good putt nice birdie wow we’ve been playing some good golf on all right so I am one up after four holes we have had both B both of us have had birdies on the past two holes which

Is great back to back birdies and um yeah we’re just need more birdies almost a hole in one too almost a hole in one would have been crazy that would have been that would have been insane insane get left sit down sit down oh wow get left get

Left I’m fine you know what actually happen on that I kind of hurt my right side of my neck with this mic it just pinched me in the neck as soon as I swung totally just hurt really bad feel like I’m in the wild west right now it’s like see the little leaves

Rolling by like you just need a tumble weed to Cal down and then it’ll make it perfect I know we’re setting the scene out here actually the bushes that are out here are what makes the temple weeds if you just wanted to know yeah then there we go I’m so short I can’t

See all right oh that needs to turn not sure where that went 7 iron I’m playing at 150 I’m going left edge of that tree oh it’s really good be good yeah that should be really good thanks okay well there it is you’re good yeah this hole is this hole I saw the

Tarantula oh no no but not here like more further up where like that way it’s to scare the crows oh so it’s not real no it’s not oh my gosh I almost had heart no it’s cuz like there’ll be a lot of crows here and then they cost too

Much wa where did you see the trantula that’s most important up there yes no it’s fake it’s not real trust me weird that’s a bizar sit down sit down sit down sit down all right not bad from there oh got hit a little bit harder that also wasn’t fineing at all dead

Straight all right good thanks all right good try thank you all right so two up two up was that five H yes okay oh there you go mountain lions I don’t mind them like I feel like they’re cute and cuddly not when they come and prounce at you do they actually like are

They really that dangerous I believe so yeah have you ever encount encountered one no thank God cuz I don’t think I would be here good shot thank you all right we’re good if it’s only 250 then like should be under 100 yards with the six9 let put it right next to the

P little bit of a pull get right should be good it’ll work out but it’s little little py that looks good good shot thank you yeah I just C I like last minute decided to just close the face a little bit and when I swung I swung it it

Wasn’t a bad CH should have May kicked and rolled a little bit bright I really like this course yeah right big fan of this course um are you good with it out from here yeah thanks okay this is going to be really left right I’m going out here this is my

Hole right here go go go all right try leave it a run but you don’t want to be long on that part oh good putt see that one rolled out I think it’s just bumpy I think bumpy I also kind of just like you had

The right speed and I think I did too I just well I just played that way too far but that’s better that you’re better off being there than just being short kind like things part five right yes oh I definely stay left it’ll kick right all right or go didn’t you’re good

Good shot thank you that’s the perfect shot on this hole thank you basically that’s what I’m trying to do because no that’s good I’m just scared it’s going to like go you’re good sit down wow that’s crazy that roll yeah all right that’s a good shot now you

Have you take that bunker out of play now too um no I just was testing out both flavors so I opened both and took a sip each funny and then I decided this one sucks yeah good shot thank you wow yeah so there are nine of us there are only three

American girls including me and then the rest I have two UK girls one from Australia wow one from Denmark one from Austria oh I’m sorry it’s four of us I forgot there’s a new girl she’s from Santa Barbara and like but we all have like come from different back backgrounds different ethnicities it’s

Really cool and so like the American girls are they mostly from California or are they just yeah we’re from California yeah okay that’s what I thought it feels like with those schools when they’re American they like to pick from like the state that they R yes especially cuz I’m

Live in a prime State I mean Southern California I can they’re like my teammates went back home they’re like in snow rain cold and I’m out here like in a jacket I’m like I’m chilling I’m having fun so I am really fortunate lucky enough to be playing yeah all year round yeah for

Sure 130 come on get right get right all right oh I HTE that not so good all right we’re kind of hidden the same amount of distance of a shot yeah you have a dog oh what kind of dog migan oh mix of Shizu and Yorkie oh oh

And a Yorkie oh yeah he’s so cute I they going to chip this or putt it I feel like putting it but then again it’s uphill so I could try chipping it one two three four five six seven eight my eight to nine yarders have been good

I chipped in yesterday from this yardage so I I feel like I need to chip it I just feel like that’s 1 to one 58° this is yeah you don’t want to cut through this it’s all a wonky I’m going to hit over where this like dry spot is

Cuz it’s really pulling out so this is kind of playing I say it’s playing nine yards all right oh really good thanks it’s like my favorite chip in the world is anything under 11 yards like I know it’s the easiest CHP so funny good pot nice try thank you you’re good there don’t

Wor some girls are like you have to pet that no no that’s that’s ridiculous like okay the you just play it on the back of your foot and kind of like hit a little down on it use like the edge of the CL I

Step I step out my chips and I like I have a formula for every I just recently went back to that cuz when I was little I had a short game coach who would tell me to step out my chips and do one to

One with each Club so like a 58° 1 to one would be like 11 yard and then a 54 degree 1 to one will be like a seven 17 yard chip and I was like when I was little I would chip in everything and then I stayed away from it and my

Chiping got bad so I went back to it and it’s working hey at least you figured it out and you went back shout out to Judy if she’s watching she was the best best coach sure shees I’m going to rip it at the ball get right yeah you’re safe there that is

Really left like I couldn’t have got more left than that good shop thank you I lost that in the sun to hit it little bit of a back stop in the back too great P sit down really nice sit great shot thanks it’s the right speed I thought I

Honestly that broke so much at the end yeah it did like you just didn’t even look like that go in oh my gosh that almost hit the hole I was like that has a chance that has a chance all right coming down to the wire Here you win this one Gabby I think you won that was a really great match great competition she was amazing such a great person and we honestly had a great time like that was a really close match birdie birdie again like everybody was just like following each know thank you nice with

You guys I’m going to link Amber socials in the description go follow her on her journey to LPGA Tour I hope you make it I I’m certain you will she’s a great person thank a pleasure no we’re going to do it again guys keep an eye out for

It we need more people like Amber in women’s golf so go follow her thanks for watching see you guys next time


  1. Battle of the ponytails! I keep sharing your videos with my granddaughter trying to get her interested in golf. This is the perfect format.

  2. Compare and contrast the DOD King-of-trash-talk to the Sugar n Spice huggy-huggy girls golf. LOL! Then ask yourself why more people watch men's golf than women's golf. (Just sayin'.)

  3. Any chance we could purchase shares in gabby. I feel this kid is going far in the golf world. It would be like purchasing apple shares. 🤔🤔👍👍🙏🙏

  4. Golf courses are nature, even though they’re groomed and stuff. Gabby: “I don’t do well with wildlife!!” Cracks me up. By the way, always carry a club when you’re searching for balls, especially when you know there are snakes and other creatures that might be around. Amber was fun, and I like how you two got along. Thanks for this, I like these D1 matches. Whether you decide to go to university or not, you are putting yourself out there. Can’t wait for the next one. Thanks again. 🙏❤️

  5. My father taught me that if you are looking in a wooded area for your ball always bring a club! You may need it for self defense.

  6. Amber Davalos paid for ever miscue and Gabby, you were swinging the club maybe the best I've seen. Fun match to watch.

  7. Dope course. Great to see young women going often their goals. Great example for my 3 year old daughter to look up to!

  8. Throughout the entire video, I thought your bag was gonna fly off the back on the next bounce. Really like the series.

  9. Anybody else thinking these two could be sisters… I can barely tell their voices apart on the video…fun to watch two great golfers compete and enjoy hanging out. Thx

  10. G3 you’re just a playa playa ! So confident. Amber is just a sweetheart with skills to boot. Probably a little nervous being on camera. Wish her all the best. Glad no critters, especially rattlesnakes !!!! In fact any snakes are a game killer for me 🤣… Great match and you gals were a joy to watch…Keep it rolling Gabster ! Mark🏌🏼‍♂️

  11. Not to be rude but I don’t care if the other Girl had Chipotle dumps for an entire week. I’ll eat Chipotle while she’s dropping deuces. I love golf

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