Golf Players

Stephan Jaeger credits his daily meditation routine as a game changer in his life

Stephan Jaeger credits his daily meditation routine as a game changer in his life. Farmers Insurance Open.

For me uh I got in and meditating a couple years ago out of it was even it was out of nowhere I wasn’t even working with anybody um and that really kind of started that journey of of kind of making sure like hey we need to work on

This as well um I still do it every day um it’s something I I that’s part of my routine even at home even if I’m not playing um you meditate every day every day how for how long 10 10 15 minutes not very long and how do you feel like

It has related to the golf course and and your play from shot to shot well not everything I work on is because of the golf course right like that’s that’s kind of the stigma that like we golfers just work on mental stuff because we want to win tournaments uh I wanted to

Be a better husband I want to be a better you know uh father to my child I wanted to kind of be a little more mellow I I used to get pretty pretty angry and frustrated and um you know wanted to kind of start that Trend in in

The right direction and uh that’s what kind of started it and it really helped with you know like golf as well U now there’s a million other things that that can be done um for the golf course but uh it didn’t start that it didn’t start

Because of that do you feel better as a person after all this work yeah I mean you know it it’s it’s you’re always a work in progress as a person um and you know we just had a baby little over a year ago so there’s new challenges and

There’s new you know stressors in our lives that we didn’t have before so to be able to kind of sit in silence for for a little bit um is really nice and and and sometimes very much needed

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