Golf Players

1/30 – Sportlandia 235 with the Prez, Wiley77

Wiley talks PGA/LIV, NFL, Pebble Beach Pro AM, RPS and the cult of business success.

Ah golf landia not golf landia sport landia sport landia 235 235 powered by run peer sports that was a banger song on the intro the podcast people heard it the video people did not because you can’t put those songs on the video but here we are podcast 235 of sport

Landia change the form powered by run pure Sports of course run pure Sports the pre Wy 77 thought I’d do these every week um we’ll get to run pure Sports in a second but use code run pure 15 15% off signing up monthly weekly annually all sports or

You can do our Golf package brought Andy lack on we do a show Monday and Wednesday and it is uh it’s been great chopping up in the Discord right now with the boys Andy’s in there Snider’s in there I’m in there just got some Intel from the golf course had a h

Caddy black call me while he’s on his practice round just to give me a few little tidbits shared them with the Discord but here we are sport landia was the conversion from golf landia because you know and I’ll talk about it in a second but golf just golf

Just was in a bad spot last year it’s very tough unless you’re Andy lack who has a great podcast and who loves diving into courses and interviewing Brian kersner uh it’s tough for me to find the passion week to week in golf that some of these other guys have which is

Great but sport landia allows me to dive into topics that I do have passion about sports the business of sports branding marketing topical things going on in in different sports right now ghosts ghost culture The Haunting of this office ladders behind me um and this office for sure is haunted

We did our Sunday show our Sunday football show and uh for sure things were happening behind me people were saying people were saying uh this show brought you I said I’m in the zone right there Wy 77 for those on the video part of this Wy 77 in the

Zone uh this is brought to you by I don’t know AutoZone get in the zone or get out that should be their that should be their tagline not get in the zone it should be AutoZone get in the zone or get out hey can I get an air

Filter yeah are you in the zone uh no then get out take aisle three go past the lube and get the [ __ ] out of here that should be the UT’s own way I would have tremendous respect for them any other sponsors uh uh Bonefish Bone Fish ask about our secret menu today code

RPS code RPS secret menu at Bonefish get the win wings uh fantasy Guru Drew so I wasn’t going to do a podcast well I did one with Jeffrey Benson and then we had a gap because I thought well I gotta find a really good interview and those are tough to find

And I it’s I mean RPS takes up a lot of my time uh doing a ton of content with with our group here as pre with Tony Big T um but I put a nonsense tweet out which is typical for me today not today typical typical for me always uh and fantasy Guru

Drew DM me he said here’s the best 45 seconds of your podcast ever and it was me talking about three things I wanted to eliminate I think one was Burger King for some reason oh from the commercial number two was the Empire State Building for being dless and um having Eagles and

Chiefs colors last year at the Super Bowl in New York and the third thing I wanted to eliminate was fantasy gur Guru Drew himself for being good at NBA and um yeah for NBA being so difficult so he he texted me that clip and I said I

Really should do a podcast he said yes you should so here we are thank you to FY Guru Drew you’re back uneliminated because you encouraged me to do this show again um Liv the other thing I tweeted was well about the Sunday weather at Pebble Beach pga’s had three good weeks

Of golf uh elevated event this week and I’m not going to dive deep into golf but let me just pre uh reference what I’m talking about here I said the weather this weekend’s going to be terrible and um I think that set up uh what fantasy Guru you’re talked

About but I also text or tweeted last night because I love getting killed on Twitter uh except for some people some people do actually bother me most people don’t I don’t take things really that seriously you can’t take things seriously on content at all if you do

Take things if you do take yourself seriously in content you’re going to be killed so there’s a word of the wise for people who want to get into content or struggling with their content don’t take yourself too seriously what was the last thing I was called on Sunday on the morning show for

Football someone called me I think someone called me a sweaty lesbian so they don’t believe I go to Super Cuts they believe I get face peels and Botox and injections no we don’t secret to life is one thing ride the bull ride the bull out of all the brands that frustrate me and

I’ll talk about that in a second Red Bull does everything correct it understands its consumer it doesn’t [ __ ] with its packaging it’s in a space all to itself that is impenetrable it owns the space it is the space and it connects with its consumers in different ways because they recognize

What it is they are delivering their Their audience a rush energy exhilaration let’s send a space man up to space and have him jump out and fall back to Earth and sponsored by Red Bull yeah yeah you’re getting it now good job conversely you know I said you know live

Gulf up of of course this is their inaugural weekend of the year they’re pumping the hell out of John ROM rightfully so I miss John ROM of course he’s a great golfer but there you know it’s basically the countdown to see John ROM and I said you

Know Rah no one’s no one’s counting down seeing Rah in an exhibition no one’s really missed him these last three weeks no one’s checked out a gulf on mass because they couldn’t see John ROM and um there’s a lot of reasons for that you know unlike other sports this is not a star

Driven um this is not star driven in terms of garnering your audience in my opinion this is not about us seeing Gulf shots Matthew pavon can win just as much as John Roman on tour proved it last week uh Kevin Yu can beat Scotty Sheffer by 10 shots week to

Week Stars change week to week uh NBA different sport I mean I think I think you know I think you can really you take the top 20 30 players in the NBA who have Transcendent Talent where no one else on Earth can do that and you’re in trouble I’d be be very

Afraid if the live people Saudi people decided to uh say you know what here’s a billion dollars for the first for the top 20 players in the NBA start a league over here uh oh you can’t buy enough golfers in the PGA anyone Gonna Miss Terell Hatton no

There was a picture of of Abe answer on the live page or on their I forget where it was but I had to Google who it was I I did I forgot his name and and and that’s okay it’s nothing nothing to do with politics it’s nothing to do with assigning my beliefs

To a golf tour and I don’t know why people on Twitter consistently believe that I’m assigning my beliefs to the PGA Tour because live is something stop being fish or sheep or sheepy fish or fish sheep it doesn’t matter I don’t care I’m tired of being gaslit is the

Point that this is something team team Golf and these people who get no views tgl included in terms of their which has made it worse which is actually worse that they co-opted a failed product that this is something that we just don’t get yet that this is what we

Want the only frustration I have with all of this is that the fans the people that did the heavy lifting the true people the true audience of golf was left out of the equation the entire time and they force feed us this team concept because they believe that congregating four people hitting golf

Shots is going to be 4X the one person who we never really care about hitting golf shots in general only one person can hold our can hold our attention for just hitting shots and that’s Tiger Woods perhaps the only person ever of course they’re very talented people and exciting people spe brory Kevin

Yu that you’d hate to see go but the GOL but golf is so much different is that anyone can shoot 6 look at the winners these past three weeks and the PGA Tour has been excellent the last three weeks you had Kevin Kirk Chris Kirk Kevin Yu doing well you

Had Grayson Murray winning again Matthew pavon they’re all 200 to 400 to one shots they all can do it and it doesn’t make it any less exciting but we we’re never listened to it’s they know we don’t this is what’s best for you you don’t know I

Know we know how about we know how about you don’t understand your brand or your audience history high stakes uh a theater of golf with meaningful competition Stars change week to week that’s it and whoever we’re on in terms of DFS best are betting period not just seeing talented

Players hit golf shots they all can do it tension and drama is created week to week based on who’s at the top of the leaderboard and how much it matters to us but also how much it matters to them right I mean Matthew pavan’s third shot at Tory

Pines and I said cancel all wagers because he cheated I was just that’s just tongue and cheek welcome to my Twitter account but people assume that he stepped on the grass behind the ball to get a better lie in order for that shot to stick like it did which was

Insane but that is that is going to be a shot of 2024 period that approach when he’s drawing dead from the rough over the water to stick it to seven to 10 feet and make the putt to win that’s that’s iconic I mean CBS could play play that all year

Long that’s what it is that’s what golf is so buy keep buying golfers keep doing it Dunlap winner didn’t think that was gonna happen pavon Don laap Chris Kirk and Grayson Murray all four weeks have been exciting all four weeks you haven’t had Bryson you haven’t had had a aner you

Haven’t had TL Hatton and that’s the difference NBA I’d be worried PGA why is Jay flying over to Saudi Arabia that’s the big that’s the biggest irrit the most irritating part to me is like just protect what you have use your defenses don’t give them up you sold them Jimmy Dum sold

Them just gave it up live owned it live owns it now so it’s not about politics it’s not about you know assigning my beliefs to the PGA Tour I could care less PGA Tour has frustrated me as much as the Liv tour has I mean TL Hatton and the and the you

Know Boston Common the the gas letting of teams Sports and golf with Boston Common I thought T Hatton was a major component of Boston Common gone does anyone tweet about tgl did anyone in America get upset that TL hatton’s leaving Boston Common there’s literally zero if Austin Matthews less left the

Leaves you would have grown men crying in Toronto for years uh T haton leaves Boston common tree falls in woods that’s the point quit trying to Gaslight us that that this is what is best for us and GF quit trying to copy a failed business model yes they’re owning your [ __ ] PGA because

You let them the theme of this show today is Cults you want to be successful in American Business start a cult Dave porty started a cult Elon Musk for the most part started a cult content is King control public perception and opinion and you control the world or your

Brand J Monahan is not the front-facing hard charging uh bold defender of the PGA Tour Greg Norman like him or not he was out there pounding for live so hey and I was GNA volunteer to do it I said I would do it for the PGA

Tour I got I I mean it doesn’t take doesn’t take much to get me to have an edge or be angry about something as you’ve noticed at times on my Twitter account or this morning when Big T put in my face some audience numbers for our Monday show on PGA and he showed

Me who’s beating me right now I was pissed doesn’t take much for me to get an edge or get mad you put me to try to defend the PGA Tour oh no problemo no problemo get angry defend your product defend your brand be vocal get out there

Stop stop going on CN BC and being basic stop going across seas and giving everything up you got a whole audience of people out there fighting for you for free fans of golf fans of the tour fans of the history fans of the moments fans of the tournaments all of

It [ __ ] it [ __ ] it let’s copy range goats there’s the ticket uh um it’s like horse racing you know here’s the theme cult cult leaders horse racing doesn’t have one Mike rapole might be one if anyone who follows horse racing bold passionate billionaire owns

A ton of race horses uh I think he owned okal mo one of the best sers in the country that’s what the horse racing needs of course the Old Guard much like golf it’s very similar to golf in horse racing so scared of disrupting disrupting the history of this very important

Game well you know what you’re GNA lose your sport maybe have some guts and be bold swear a little and uh and protect and protect and grow your sport get a cult leader like that so and if you do want to get involved in horse racing we’re looking

At doing a big purchase this year and getting some people involved who’ve always wanted to own horses um more on that to come with Showdown Kings racing but success has been there for us I think we’ve got one of the top three-year-old Turf sprinters in the

World uh he’s going to run stakes races at San Anita this week or s this month next month what is this month January February um Keenan Stakes Etc so horse racing is exciting but the industry needs a leader much like golf NFL now look at NFL speaking of

Leaders who who are the who are the biggest brand advocates for the NFL within the within that ecosystem the Kelsey I mean the NFL has been gifted the Kelsey and Taylor Swift to expand their brand who was the new audience uh Circle that they were going

To draw around that had not heard of the NFL yet and who expanded that Circle this past season the Kelsey and Taylor Swift say what you want about Taylor Swift you’re probably wrong I mean my daughter knows one my my 11-year-old knows one NFL player and one NFL team Travis Kelce

And the Kansas City Chiefs because of Taylor Swift and so if you believe that the NFL was didn’t have the entire ambition of the Chiefs being in the Super Bowl they would never state that but they are very thankful and I’m not I’m not a conspiracy theorist I didn’t believe that Roger

Goodell was calling in to the refs and and asking them to assign five personal fouls on the Ravens he did in order to have the chiefs secure a victory but networks and the NFL are delighted that they get the Chiefs and they get the 49ers I think

They would been happy with Alliance too it’s a kind of an Underdog Story for Detroit but Chiefs for sure you get Jason Kelce brother of the year and by the way how would you not want Jason Kelce as a brother as a big brother what a dude shirtless Kansas

City chief uh honorary Kansas City chief now wearing the wearing a Kansas Kansas City chief wool hat I have to say wool hat because I’m in America but it’s really a toque not a tobogan not a wool hat it’s a toque and Taylor Swift for free for free Andy Reid retires

Jason Kel’s retired Travis Kelce retires someone said on Twitter goes on one knee and proposes of course of course that would be ideal instead of the Disney World [ __ ] can you imagine that you imagine the ratings and the audience for this in Vegas God there’s your leaders for the NFL

Your cult leaders the Kelsey boys great in content hilarious real I mean the Jason Kelce bit in Buffalo that’s one of the most iconic memes maybe ever in the NFL it’s awesome what else do we want to talk about Today rure sports it’s been great um our membership is great our

Discord is the best in the industry it’s not for everyone I get that and I get I get you know beat up on Twitter about being part of a Content site oh my God oh my God the Crusade against content sites waking up and just you know wanting to

Defend the universe from content sites and optimizers like sabersim what a noble fight you’re fighting but I get it I need to take the incoming that’s fine again someone called me a sweaty lesbian on Sunday if if you really if if this stuff bothers you now there are things that are go

Across the line and affect the business that I’m part of and and I own and will not be tolerated but making fun and having jokes hey that’s part of it you know what doesn’t bother me because I’m in the zone and that’s why it doesn’t bother

Me so I suggest the people are upset about me being an RPS that you get in the zone or get out get out no air no air filters for you but it’s been great we added golf as a single sport uh the discord’s been amazing discord’s been amazing Andy lack

Has been awesome our content’s been great um you know we’re chopping it up in there 247 there’s no right answers to anything the advantage to what we’re doing is you get to discuss issues with people who have have followed this game or played this game or invested in this

Game game for a very long time and it synthesizes a tremendous amount of data information for people that don’t have a ton of time to do the same thing or can’t or can’t create seven years of history in the sport to get to the same everyone’s

Going to make their own decisions but to say listen here’s 95% of the stuff that you don’t have to waste your time on I.E never play Harris English ever so it’s been great and code run pure 15 if you want to talk to us in the

Discord you can do that today I’ll talk to you today I’ll will talk to you right now um just check in Discord as we speak we got some messages I need to respond to and then golf itself Pebble Beach this week briefly on this subject I think it’s going to be I think

An elevated event is great uh I don’t mind the no cut events because then you don’t have more CWA missing Tory Pines and crushing 40% of your lineups or Jason again the weather on Sunday as I put in my wind model on Twitter which is basically me just copying and charging people to look at it I said you could look at my wind model on Twitter which is just a screenshot of one time per household but every additional household member who views that tweet has to pay money and someone venm moded me 99 cents

Derek I love people who get the bit um cut sweat team by the way has been awful awful we’ve had danc and Deb we’ve had yib spelled Gibb pronounced yib uh we’ve had unknown we’ve had Lou fast Lou all of them have absolutely obliterated the guessing on the cuts on the cut

Line so that will change I will not tolerate that at run pure Sports we have a high standard for content and um the cut sweat team has not been cutting it so but the wind on Sunday is going to be egregious I don’t they’re not going to play Sunday they’re

Not going to play in in uh one inch of rain and 65 M hour gusts they’re going to get the F out of there so that is what we are looking at in terms of do they do they do they punt the proam do they punt the antics of Bill Murray um do

They just do 72 holes in three days do they do 54 holes do they do 72 holes in a Monday finish I don’t know but don’t think they’re playing on Sunday Pebble Peach is a tough track when it’s windy that headwind on the back headwind on the back

Nine um smallest smallest Greens on tour uh it’s tough Marine layer that’s why you get so many random winners Ted Potter Jr Nick Taylor remember that Nick Taylor but this week if you want two picks that I love Jordan spe obviously he’s the one guy that if he went to live I’d be

Really I’d really miss that guy tiger Jordan SP and then what have a low low price Brian Harmon they got that number wrong 7 400 I think for Brian Harmon is that the price for Brian Harmon on DraftKings Bob dhy what are you doing 7600 for Brian Harman

Lefty Lefty short game short guy short hitter makes putts we’ll kill you we’ll kill you if you don’t play him let everyone play Denny McCarthy you play Brian Harmon allamerican so that’s it sport landia just just wrap just chopping it up I remember you know

And I did these video this this on video because I remember someone on Twitter in the industry uh chastising me for not going on YouTube well I’m on YouTube now and I don’t need guests and I don’t need a partner I could talk for hours on this subject no notes some notes

Um so I appreciate I appreciate fantasy Guru Drew for forgiving me and other people will hate him for this because I’m back but I appreciate him giving me some some encouragement to do a podcast so I wrote one today not my best not my best for sure but uh in a

Couple hours I wrote something I said you know what I I kind of want to do one every week if I can um so you’re back in the good books and I wanted to name three things I wanted to eliminate every week like I did with earlier when I talked about I

Want to eliminate Burger King the Empire State Building and fantasy Guru Drew I’ll I’ll I’ll say one thing every week I wantan to want to eliminate uh this week is the people who do content or put content out in a video format and say wait for it you know I

Have a video and their own their tweet caption is wait for it yeah I’m gonna wait for it yeah I’m going to wait for the end of this video I don’t get three quarters of the way through a good movie and just say oh that was good I’m out I will wait for

The end thank you you don’t have to say wait for it we’ll wait for it and everyone in the uh RPS ecosystem and the Discord believes I don’t watch movies which I don’t or TV series I’ve seen no TV series Sopranos nope the wire nope um the one with the guy doing drugs

Nope none of them I’ve Seen Nothing Game of Thrones nope none of them I’ve seen nothing I like to read instead so maybe edicate yourself that’s it for number 235 sport landia this is easy we can do this every week sit here Rock back in the chair

With the mic real close get in the Zone Auto Zone get in or get out you’re not in the zone get out I want a new tire are you in the zone no get out aisle five walk down turn left and get the [ __ ] out of AutoZone it’s not how we roll here

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