A Critical Feature of the Driver Golf Swing

GRF Golf Head Coach Marcus goes through some golf set-up adjustments and golf swing direction awareness with Simon to gain control over his driver and learn how to hit better driver shots in golf rounds.

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#CoachYourself #GRFgolf #Golf
Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

Okay right now this is going to work opposite so you’ve probably tilted your shoulders to get more Airborne or yeah see if I go like this okay you’re trying to help yourself yeah what you’re doing though is you’re moving yourself back yeah and we we have a problem with this

Already being high yeah too early yeah now you’ve lifted it yeah now you swing now basically from here you’re so far behind it you’ve got to move to it now you are starting to shift and it’s better but your body typically to get to it would probably be well it’s over it’s

Rotating early and you’re trying to that’s getting you forward but the problem is it’s going back round and up so you’re always too far behind yeah okay therefore you’re always moving to the ball to try and get to it as opposed to if we start More Level and swing and let ourselves go

Down and then up yeah yeah so we’re actually going down as if we’re hitting an iron to then spring back up and let the club go up as opposed to just swing back rotating and the only thing that’s getting us forward is a bit of shift and

Trying to get our body forward but all the time we’re going forward this is going back round and up yeah so we we’re struggling to get back to the ball and it’s generally a bit left and then you’ve got to start maybe swinging down

A bit as well cuz we see in we’re seeing a downward angle of attack to the left def so your body’s probably doing this rotating to try and get some angle yeah whereas if we start more level with the shoulders cuz naturally just by having the right hand on the club and having

The ball forward you’ll tilt yeah so you shouldn’t have to add any tilt because the ball moves forward to do it so this is better now face is open now you can start to rock and you can really start to shift what we’re going to do is just

Start to use our spring but a later spring so we’re not trying to go early which is what most people need to do we’re going to go a bit later now move let’s move that ball further forward in STS that’s it shallower sh really good hold on okay cool yeah

Better so ball forward shoulders are going to feel almost yeah that’s it just level and now you can start to rock and use well done yeah different feeling yeah now this is giving us license to start to move the body cuz you’ve not you’ve not compromised yourself from the

Off it’s like here how do I get down to get into a three when I’m here here now I can rotate and start to move cuz we’ve got still got oh we’ve got to drop big time cuz we we’ve got a spring right cuz the power as soon as you spring that

Releases the club yeah so you we’ve need to level shoulders you’ve tilted that’s it then you can really drop and use your spring yeah Ian that was a better hit no worries obvious yeah yeah we’ll go again I want to get this now your ball position probably because you’ve been releasing and firing

Earlier you’ve moved it back yeah so take your setup see this one the ball wants to be here so you need to go for that way more that’s better oh wow people use the feet it’s not the feet that’s important it’s where it is in relation to this right so that’s way

Better okay shot there we go okay now you can start to shift get it out to the right out to the right I want to explore this path set up away from the ball for a little practice and just start to feel your swing Direction More

To the right so not taking it back square or straight I want you to swing swing the club this way for me that’s it back and through and feel where the club has to go on the way back to get you out here wow yeah yeah that’s right over

Here so you’re taking it back on your back swing over there yeah and then rotated and you fight you’re struggling to get out to the right that’s it a lot of people aim right for the Dr or start to move around the ball to make it but

You can just use your body movement use your takeaway so you can start to say use your takeaway just start to use your back swing so much earlier just feel the arc straight away it’s there yes there you go there you go yeah try that now

That use that path yeah come around this way with your feet a bit more there you go and then use that path you just fell the that’s it yeah open Pace a bit more that’s it hi guys the grf travel Club is revisiting the glory resort we’re in

Turkey from the 10th to the 15th of March fourstar venue amazing courses five nights four days of coaching with myself and one of the JF staff Plus on the course with our grf Tour player Mark Foster we’ve got six places guys follow the link in description and we look forward to seeing you

There very good yeah yes it’s a bit strong but you got a path to the right this is what I’ve got to build up isn’t it yeah you you’ve got to just trust going to the right going right all the time that’s not too inside for a

Driver that I mean you we’ve got remember we’ve got to swing out to the ride so the whole swing’s got to be this way yeah but just but not that way yeah cuz you’ve you’ll get that so just move around this way a bit more that’s it yeah

Perfect okay excellent yeah that was a better Miss now you just didn’t release it no you just hung on to it but see the launch yeah it’s going up it’s going up as the ball goes further forward we need to move around with it yeah that’s just a

Little bit then you can you’re opening up all that space behind you then that’s it yeah that was a better shot yeah yeah now this finish is a little bit constrained yeah you’re not really letting yourself go so I just want you to make another practice swing yeah big

Swing hold it there let your elbows fold let this club let this club go now just let it drop in front of you let your arms fall down the let the club fall get used to letting this club drop and then fall yeah take the tension so

Much tension see if I borrow the club a second look at this this club we want it to we want it to release like this look at the button at no point is it going that way it’s going down and then it releases it is going to

Swing this way but it’s not us that are physically moving as soon as we move that away we get in this yeah so the problem we’ve got then we have to tension whereas if this Falls it’s actually still lagging and then I can spring and it just releases so I’m just

Letting these levers using these levers more naturally so that has to drop so the Finish see how it just Falls instead of me physically moving it forward and then having tension to control it here and you’re just feeling the BT fall you’re basically developing a feeli that transfers throughout the whole

Motion yeah that stop trying to control it that is the same as this yeah yeah so the finish going to let it go yeah I’m holding on yeah but you’ve been used to swinging left and holding or swinging down and holding yeah so you can let

This go now until finish just have a practice there let it drop down in front that’s it have a shot and do that so we get the ball forward moving around just don’t aim too far right it’s more the rib cage and the ball’s for bit

More forward with the ball that’s it and just let yourself finish awesome yeah that took all the I took all the tension out the back swing yeah that’s but that’s I was getting the tension on the way back yeah instead of just letting it let my body

Control the weight and using the board the grf you’re about to use that momentum just to let your arm switch off even more and just use the weight of the club and let that react and then use the body to fire it so just let the whole

Thing react more to the to the momentum that’s it and just use the imagine you’re on the board that’s awesome yeah that’s up there wow yeah that’s right up there different feeling yeah it’s my arms taking the arms out yeah but you can do now cuz you got body

Movement yeah you can let it go let it go both ways cuz the the drop’s going to bring it stop it exactly otherwise I keep thinking it’s going to do that but no the drop Will tension it so just ball forward there we go so what have it almost feel

To me like it’s here it’s not really it’s here yeah just like literally that’s awesome look at that fly yeah that’s more like it is it yeah wow that’s better at that yeah that’s awesome that expensive that’s half the effort literally half the effort yeah didn’t quite get the uh all right

But again the thing is you’re launching it yeah yeah and you struggled with the launch with that yeah I don’t know whether I should go to a slightly softer I think that no I think this is perfect right that flight’s awesome you just all

You want to do is just get used to just get to the range that’s a couple of range that’s a range session that that’s all it is just getting used to the shape and then getting confident uh actually letting go more when you spring yeah and you’re about to

Launch it even higher yeah but just just um now you’re swinging out you see so you can swing out and up whereas when you swing in round you you start to come down all right mate brilliant thanks really enjoyed that yeah me too that was brilliant well done yeah thank you that

Was fantastic happy with happy got got got what you wanted yes yeah yeah I just don’t want to lose it now you got the video and everything and to be honest it it basically you don’t use other exercises to support all this but when you start your practice session you work

On this video from back to front so you’re in this place you’re in now the mindset you take with these exercises and then all the other exercises support they facilitate you developing your awareness using these exercises here so I’ve got to be looking for a ball that

Starts right yeah with your you’ve got a fantastic draw shape it’s like just got to you just got to refine your your awareness for tuning refine your awareness for it just to regulate it just letting myself do it yeah but that obviously we’ve been at it a while so that’s become more

Natural yeah you when you watch you swing at the beginning and now it’s obviously on your video you’ll see a big shift in your movement and you’ll see where you’ve took yourself and you’ve really committed yourself though you practice I know it sounds nuts but I’m

Going to take a picture yeah yeah of this CU this is like the visual template cues that tree yeah well done M you enjoy enjoyed that nice to meet you you too


  1. Setting up your driver with your lead shoulder is much better than trying to set up with your feet. Also, moving your body around the ball, just a little with the clock method, and swinging out to the right, just a little, really improves your golf swing. Cheers.

  2. I realized the other day that I had shifted the ball position too far back. I was hitting knuckleballs that driving straight down. Moved the ball forward and kept club face in the same spot. Immediately starting hitting up on the ball. Just had to aim body a touch more right and it was golden

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