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Bruce Prichard explains why he believes the Punjabi prison match could be the worst, if not, one of the worst gimmick matches ever created by the WWE.


#bruceprichard #wwe #professionalwrestling #gimmickmatches

Well listen let’s talk about it Undertaker he’s out hurt Mark Henry he’s out hurt Batista is looking for somebody to work with edges up yeah that’s when you go in your back pocket and you reach for great kie great klie wins a Battle Royal and he becomes champ he’s so excited he

Holds the world title upside down once he wins it and who better to be uh feuding with Batista over the title than great K Le they get programmed together at SummerSlam I know what you’re thinking to yourself well Batista didn’t win it at last year SummerSlam he’s got to here

Uhuh had a little Lex Luger itis couldn’t get it done at SummerSlam well God was a great KAG big difference between the great K and yeah there is a great difference between great kie and Yoko huge Yoko could work well it I mean Batista couldn’t do it the year

Prior at at with Booker T either like eventually I’m Batista I’m just going to say you know what holler me after SummerSlam uh because he winds up winning the title but it’s in a three-way with Ki and Mysterio that almost sounds like a setup to a bad bar

Joke great K Batista and Rey Mysterio walk into a bar yeah that’s not how you tell tell me how you did it well probably not like that uh that sets up your favorite match one of your favorite matches of all time I know you personally came up with it we’re talking

About the Punjabi Prison Match at no mercy in October it’s uh maybe one of those things that look good on paper but maybe not so good well it was Terri in execution Batista’s gonna jump from the inner structure of the bamboo cage to the outer structure and then Escape he does

This before k so he wins uh how let’s pretend that someone is listening to this who grew up watching wrestling and then they shut it down in like 95 so they have no freaking idea what we’re talking about a Punjabi Prison Match whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait a

Minute can I just clarify one thing yep we had no idea what the [ __ ] we were talking about we were talking about what is a Punjabi Prison Match who who says those words first okay you have to understand The the realism of the situation The Great Khali who is a wonderful man nicest guy in the world he when people come up to him when he’s really tired and people come up to him want want a picture with him and want an autograph and everything and you can

Tell man he’s just ready to all he wants to do is be left alone and sleep he he he tries to give the mean face but he can’t because he’s just too nice so he does it and he probably utters things at them in Punjabi and you know they don’t know

What they’ve been called said but the great KH legitimately was a prison guard in India didn’t know that did you I did know it so he was a he was a prison guard so we couldn’t call him the big boss Lee because that would have made it

Accurate but he you know they became the big you know the giant khi but he really was he really and truly was a um a prison guard man in uh in India for many many years it was like like the biggest baddest he was the guy that that if you

[ __ ] up you had to go and and meet with uh dalip once you guys I mean if you had to guess I know you don’t know off the top of your head but if you had to guess yes how much do you think the Punjabi Prison cage cost to make huh two

$200,000 no too much whatever the [ __ ] it cost it was too much I think you guys used three times Undertaker and Big Show and a six Batista and great khi no mercy and 07 and then and you can’t see through the goddamn thing that’s the that’s the real

Issue now when I take a look at this I wonder they did that for the toys like that’s got to be the only upside that some kid would see it and he wants a Punjabi Prison set who would want a Punjabi Prison eight-year-old Dave Silva’s little kid who we call

Brother well yeah he may have wanted one tough [ __ ] um something else he won’t get uh but it was like okay what what is a Punjabi Prison and trying to think you know and asking Kali and you got uh Dave kapor who was his manager great guy the hell do we call

Him um that matter but he’s a wonderful human being um and he’s translating and so it was they use bamboo you know bamboo instead of uh you know like steel bars there’s a lot of bamboo and somebody was like oh yeah a lot of bamboo lot of bamboo in India I have no

Idea if there is not I have no clue I research I I didn’t I didn’t want to know bamboo and it it it was like okay let’s it’s abundant yeah it is abundant okay well maybe that’s why they use it MH and so you wanted to make something

Different than the Hell in a Cell you wanted to make something different than the elimination chamber you wanted to make something different than big big blue you wanted to make something different than the regular cage match well enter the Punjabi Prison there you go so now that you’ve got kind of okay

Well now in my mind I’m thinking all right well we just have a pun Punjabi structure prison structure that’s made of bamboo the structure itself is made of bamboo we can crisscross it we can do different [ __ ] with it what makes it different I don’t know you got to eat like the

Hottest curry in the world to get through the door well I don’t know and then like I think it had to be jokingly I think you know Vince was like What if they made it from one to another and then the idea is to escape which going back to cage matches

In general I hate cage matches where they have to Escape it’s illogical that’s what we did we did a pun jobby Prison Match now no one had seen it because I don’t think it got finished until two or three days before the event this is an06 now I don’t know yeah

So it gets done they put it up and try to figure out what the [ __ ] are we going to do with this and I’m actually trying to figure out a way to set it on fire in the back and just have a match like oh my God the Punjabi Prison

Has been set on fire what are we going to do now how about a match oh that’s a great idea you know um that was terrible my that was like GI Gonzalez was my gift to take her great KH was my gift today Batista there you go yeah oh man the pajabi

Prison Jesus Christ that that will go down next to the dog kennel from Hell match yep that that will go down as the number one worst gimmick in the face of anything uh the other one was that silly ass King of the mountain horse [ __ ] that

No one on the face of the Earth has ever been able to explain to me you don’t like Jeff Jarrett’s creation I think it’s the stupidest silliest thing I’ve ever heard in my life what do you think of those Prince of Darkness matches the blindfold matches I didn’t like those I

Love blind blindfold matches why they’re great you can’t see your opponent and then you got to the fans tell you and if you’re the baby face they cheer yeah that’s him that’s him yeah yeah yeah that’s that’s him that’s him but if it’s a if it’s the heel pointing and they’re

In the right direction and they won’t they don’t tell him so if you’re baby face you have the advantage do you think uh Hunter you think Hunter was a bigan of the hog pin match damn yeah no I don’t think so he did it


  1. All the fair weather trolls out in full force because of some ill informed comment from Ronda Lousey.
    Cannot fucking wait for Bruce to tell his side of the story 💸💸💸

  2. You need to go, Vince is gone (again and we hope for GOOD this time) and we will not allow you to be his envoy

  3. I'd just stop posting at this point, Conrad. Ronda Rousey of all people just bitched Bruce out after these massively problematic Vince allegations. Distance yourself from Bruce ASAP.

  4. As someone from India who has been to Punjab several times, I've never ever such a prison anywhere in our country! 😅😅

  5. I don't see the criticism here. His boss gets in trouble for being a deviant.

    Everyone here. Bruuuuuuuuuuuce. You just smeared sh all over the business like it's his fault.

  6. You people realize its likely that all the peoplle that weasels like Pritchard has bashed through the years (like Hellwg) are probably the good guys in this industry.

    95% of these guys in this industry are garbage

  7. Just remember. Absolutely none of you know what you're talking about. If anyone asked you to prove your comments, you'd be completely lost.

  8. LMFAO, Bruce looks so aged! He isn’t looking too good these days. Don’t let him off himself, Conrad. Bruce’s destiny is to die alone in prison.

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