Golf Players

Tour Striker Booth PGA Show 2024

In this video Garage Golf visits the Tour Striker Golf Booth at the PGA Merchandise Show 2024 to showcase what’s new at Tour Striker and what golfers can expect with options in 2024 from Tour Striker as well.

#garagegolf #tourstriker #pgashow2024

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Hey fellow garage golfers Roland and Gilbert and we’re here at the PJ Merchandise Show 2024 here with our Good Friend Martin Chuck good to seeing you again put there how you doing so we’re always interested to see what you guys have here at tourist Striker tell us a little bit about what

You guys going going on this time crazy golf coaches here at tourist Striker this stuff is all born on the on the driving range yeah we coach a lot of golfers we have a ton of fun so the the thing is a big deal with golf is how

People you know one how they get their hands on the golf club and then how those hands transmit energy to the golf right through the golf club obviously so we made we had a we had a product called the educator that we I came out with

About 10 years ago worked it was good it was a little flimsy so we fortified it it’s a pretty sturdy event now like it’s a nice solid unit there so what happens is we teach people how to get into this impact position and then from Impact we

Go okay that’s that’s like this delivery position rather and then we say okay here’s a dress there’s your golf ball and then we kind of teach people how to take that Club learn how towi that on the difference between a dras impact that’s a big deal so that’s one of our

This new new educator is really good okay so that’s a tourist Striker educator tour Striker educator it educates your hands then when I put it up in this other configuration what’s cool is it shows you how to have this three-dimensional behavior of your wrists starting off in the middle okay a

Dress position and then as you make your swing the golfer learns how to get the club heads mask behind the hands so we go from a dress acquiring some opportunity for leverage the club can work down so you see this kind of weird little yeah de

That it does it goes on either side of your forearm yeah and so in putting too I can put it on a Putter and you could see if I got two hands you’d have that behavior or I can just the putter peacefully nice um this guy the flex

Click hold that yeah here I’ll give you that for a sec yeah cool so the fleux clicks this an audible tactile device that you start off with graduating from your left hand because people grab a club Four Leaf what they do is they kind of hold it

Here and then they go I can’t grip it I say well I don’t want you to grip it there I want you to learn how to get this grip this club behind this indicator when you can do that the Lea hands on mildly extended and then in the

Way down if you’re so inclined to add a little bit of shallowing or let the club get a bit more behind you you’ll feel it that way then you can it on the lead side where at a dress the lead hands Bend back a little

Bit nice okay and then as you take it back at some point that’s going to flatten you can kind of hear that hear the noise and into impact it stay pretty flatten and post impact that’s going to come out okay and then finally we teach a lot of pitching and punching shots

Shorter shots with on the trail hand where the golfer starts off with it flat develops some leverage hits the shot and kind of holds on the body so educating the hands obviously you guys have seen the smart ball the lanyard inflable a lot of T players like

Warming up with that because the more you manage your arms the less you have to worry about your rist right and then a lot of people don’t really make a good turn so what the ball does is when you have the ball in the air it really kind

Of inspires you to actually create a nice X Factor shoulders to body okay and then you’re standing by the toolbox yeah so the toolbox is a pretty fancy P Square where we have you know we can set these on the angle we want these on okay

And then we have the ball cuz these are adjustable clutches right and when you practice you have your target line ball location line sens of plane line this one’s a little bit not in it there we go get it in its appropriate hole Yeah so

Now you have this sense of where to take it not zip it inside out nice that keeps you from going over the top too and that kind of stuff just functional stuff that helpers waste less time practicing very cool awesome well thank you for sharing with us today Martin I appreciate your

Meeting with us click if you guys have any questions at home reach out to me anytime roll in at mygarage till the next time as always keep on golfing we’ll see you on the next one thanks Again

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