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Crimson Dynasty: Trouble at Tennessee! Countdown to A-Day! Bama at the Senior Bowl!

Crimson Dynasty: Trouble at Tennessee! Countdown to A-Day! Bama at the Senior Bowl!

The Crimson Dynasty is back with top tier entertainment! There’s a lot going on with Alabama football and across the college football landscape. Not mention, there’s a bit of drama swirling about! We will cover it all!

First, Alabama is heating up the recruiting trail! Ryan Williams and Jaylen Mbakwe have been secured. That doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. They are hitting the road and social media to reel in Jaime Ffrench. It doesn’t stop there! We talking about all the Crimson Tide are doing win the recruiting battle!

The A-Day Game has been announced. So, what are Kalen DeBoer and his newly assembled staff’s objectives heading towards that day? What steps are Jalen Milroe, Justice Haynes, Malachi Moore, and others taking to make an impact at their respective positions? We take a look at the inner workings of the team leading up A-Day.

The Senior Bowl is quickly approaching! Former Tide players Justin Eboigbe, Chris Braswell, and others are showcasing their talents for NFL coaches in Mobile. How are they doing? We give updates!

Next, we take a look at Alabama in other sports. Men’s basketball and women’s basketball are making noise. Gymnastics continues to do their thing. Nick Dunlap turns pro! We look at the entire picture!

Lastly, the Tennessee Volunteers are in trouble yet again. This time, it centers around NIL violations. It appears that Volunteers quarterback Nico Iamaleava is the middle of the controversy. We take a look at Tennessee and other schools involved in NIL wrongdoing!

Crimson Dynasty is hosted by C’Chi Payne, Hannah Stephens, and Dan James of “The Final Whistle”.

All content produced by The Bama Standard Network©️ and is exclusive property of The Bama Standard Network©️. Usage of any content must be obtained by expressed written consent. Failure to do so could result in legal action.

#CollegeFootball #AlabamaFootball #RollTide

Round a champion a chion this is me it cuz you hey hey hey and happy hump day welcome to the Crimson Dynasty look we’re so glad to have you here I just want to say welcome to those who are new and welcome back to those who have been

Here before we know that we have some very loyal supporters and y’all always show up in the live chat so we really appreciate it now before we get started be sure to hit that like button and also be sure to subscribe I mean you don’t want to miss out on the great content

That we have we have about four shows right now on the Bama standard Network and and Counting so make sure you subscribe and turn on the notifications as well now I like I said this is a crimson Dynasty we’re a sister show of the uh the bamama standard Network so I

Know that a lot of you are familiar with them a lot of the guys I know the familiar face that we have here tonight with Dan so before we get started we do have a lot of hot topics for tonight but before we get started I have to give a

Shout out to our sponsor workspace Solutions so we do have their website Below in the banner listed on the screen now if your business needs a digital presence or even a full-fledged marketing team at an affordable price be sure to visit their website and check

Out what they have to offer and you can also contact them directly be sure to let them know that we sent you over and I’m sure that they could hook you up so like I said this is a crimson Dynasty I’m your host my name is SEI I’m a huge

Bama fan graduated from there all that good stuff so you know we have some hot stuff to talk about like we’ve had over the last few weeks uh but I do want to mention that we also have two of Our Guest co-hosts you know I honestly I

Can’t say enough about them and they both bring something just so unique to the show that I know that a lot of our viewers just really enjoy now we want y’all to light up that live chat tonight we always enjoy that I try not to pay too much attention to it throughout the

Show but I do go back and look at it so just don’t say nothing crazy because I might have to you know call you out on the next episode uh but I do want to introduce one of our uh guest co-hosts Dan James the forth now a lot of y’all

Are familiar with him from our Tuesday night show the final whistle and he has we he’s been dubbed as the lead recruiting analyst and for a reason I mean this guy you can mention any name currently or in the past or even in the future and he’ll know a lot about them

So he’s kind of like the go-to guy when you have questions about a recruit or you know maybe some pass ratings for certain guys so he’s definitely the go-to guy for that and so we also have hannnah Stevens now she’s our new addition to the show and she made her

Debut on the Crimson Dynasty last week she has very uh fresh perspectives and she has a lot of experience as well she’s been on several college football shows even just recently and she has a sports broadcasting degree from Alabama so she’s you know well-versed in Alabama

And not even just football but like just so many different sports across Alabama and so we’re going to get into that towards the end of the show where we just kind of talk about you know maybe basketball golf gymnastics because we definitely want to shout out not just

Football but you know our other sports as well now it’s also worth mentioning that Hannah also has a radio show on ESPN Radio in Huntsville Alabama and she has a sports podcast and she records about two podcasts per month so we’ll be sure to have Hannah drop that

Information towards the end of the show but like I said I do want to thank you Dan and Hannah for being here I know I just said a mouthful but I I you know I just had to be sure to introduce y’all how are y’all feeling tonight uh I’m watching watching uh the

Basketball game I’m I’m a little I don’t know now you know we we’re not playing our best game at Georgia you know what I’m saying living in Georgia I hate it well Dan I watched the end of the IR you know last week’s basketball game and we

Won even though I watched so maybe the curse is broken Okay right right well hopefully we win I mean I mean we look across all the sports we’ve been on fire lately and so you know we’ve been we’ve been giving Auburn L’s including Ryan Williams come in to Alabama so we want to keep dishing out those L’s so the first thing that I

Really want to get in into tonight is just Tennessee right all these nil you know issues that are going on and you know it’s not even just Tennessee there are issues going on across the NCAA but Tennessee is one that I really want to you know talk about because we know as

Of this week they’ve been under another NC investigation due to what’s being called major nil violations ac across multiple Sports so not even just football but one thing that I wanted to note is that you know it’s been less than a year since Tennessee was hit with multiple violations under Jeremy puit

And they’re still under probation so I I do think that that could be one of the reasons why this is you know gotten so big because you know I would think that if you’re currently under probation and then you kind of have some similar issues you know the penalty is a lot

Worse now I do want to kick things off um I’ll start with you Dan on what are your thoughts right now I mean when we hear about you know part of the violations they’re not really being too specific about what’s going on but part of the violations from what I’m hearing

Is you know it has to do with your 2023 quarterback uh Nico Yama Yama yeah it’s kind of hard to say it but shout out to our Polynesian and Samoan uh guys I love Hawaii but um so he’s out of California and basically the allegations are that you know one of the

Tennessee n so they have five nil collectives uh for the University of Tennessee one of the collectives basically they’re saying that they flew out Nico to Knoxville on a private jet and you know he was still a high school student at that time and it’s also being

Said that Nico signed a deal in 2022 with this Collective I think it’s called spire and he was technically still a junior at that time and so to me this is you know one of the major things that are coming out of it like I said they’re still not being too transparent right

Now but I do want to get both of your takes on this so I’ll start with you Dan um what do you think about just you know Tennessee basically being under Fire again I mean are you are you surprised how do you feel about this definitely

Not surprised but I I am aall you know I think there was a tweet saying in the last 15 years they they’ve had 48 am I correct 48 EAA investigations I mean what what are we waiting on you know and all they been getting is slap on the

Wrist you know I’m saying jerem one guy you know he got he got punished you know Jeremy Pro he he was the big F guy so what are we waiting on we waiting on the death by a Thousand Cuts I mean what are we waiting on with NCA with with the

Tennessee Athletic program you know hey if if they were to fly me in the jet I’d take the fly you can’t blame the kid you know I’m saying eight you know you can’t blame him but you know something got to be done about the athletic program you

Know it all it all WS of fat feel yeah I said it fat pH not fat pH uh Hannah what are your thought thoughts about these uh allegations I mean do you for one do you do you think that there’s I mean they’re calling them major violations how

Serious do you think this is and the fact that it’s across multiple Sports and you not only were you an athlete at Alabama but you have a lot of knowledge across Sports so what do you think about this yeah so I think a couple of things

To note I mean if you’re gonna make the joke about Tennessee they low down they dirty they some snitches right but you know um a couple of things so yeah when I was at Alabama I was an athlete my freshman year I was a rer and uh you

Know I remember being in there and I don’t know if you remember Jesse Williams he was a football player at Alabama and uh he and I actually were in the same room the same time going over all the you know I remember being stressed out because they’re like if

Someone that is not related to you or in your family Circle gives you a Christmas gift you can’t accept it I was up here scared like what if someone from church or something gave me a gift am I gonna get in trouble right yeah so on one

Level you have that right and now you have this kind of a gray area between nil and NCAA and I kind of talked about this last week when I talked about how nil and the transfer portal in and of itself is not bad it’s the lack of fora

And I think we’re seeing that now in this situation because you look at how old these kids are you look at how players are being recruited and you’re like well how soon does the nil take place right how soon does someone like you know an arch Manning right let’s say

This was two three years ago the nil Arch Manning is going to be making nine figures before he even steps foot on campus right so I think part of the issue and you kind of have to as much as you want to blame Tennessee you kind of

Have to blame the NCAA because I the NCAA has not done due diligence to make it clear I mean I know as an athlete they were constantly sending emails on this and that and you can’t do this you can’t do this you know the rules are

Changing but as much as you want to look at Tennessee and be like well y’all are stupid which they are at the same time you have to look at NCAA and say you know how like how what’s what’s the boundary you know what are the legitimate rules you’re going to put in

Play for nil that will affect Juniors and seniors in high school because if you’re listen if I’m a junior senior in high school I am the cream of the crop at my school if I am being recruited by a division one school I’m already an nil in my local town right I’m probably

Getting free hamburgers I’m probably getting the local dealerships probably like we’ll drive our car around school so if a university approaches you at that age then what’s there to say you know they don’t understand the rules so anyway it’s just kind of a gray area but I think think we are honestly just

Seeing the beginning of what’s to come and I’m going to be honest with you I’m not surprised who seeson first SEC but they’re not going to be the last agreed agreed and those were really good points both from you and Dan and and I agree

With you there are so many great areas I I’ve had an issue with this from the start because you know I do agree that the players should be paid it does not make sense for schools to to profit off of the athletes and the athletes not get paid and those little raggedy stiens

That they we’re getting that’s not enough now I do think that one way around this too because you start to think about you know just a few years ago it was just a matter of the guys competing on the field for for a spot but now you have you know these

So-called nil valuations like how you really can’t put a value you when you really think about a person’s character how are they on and off the field their integrity things like that can you really put a value on that and so I just think that it’s starts to it kind of

Deviates from what football is all about you know that competitiveness because now you’re at a different layer which is the financial side of it and then you have guys who are trying to grow in their maturity but then you’re giving them all this money and they’re sitting

Here competing for a position with their teammate who you know his valuation may be 1 million versus the other guy who may be 100,000 you know just to think about how that may affect them mentally so I I definitely agree and it’s so it’s to me it’s so crazy how over the last

Let’s say couple of months there to me there are three different things that have been brought to light like you have the college football playoff rankings that came out where Florida State felt snub and there were some great areas in you know regarding you know the power

Five rankings and just you know if a player is injured etc etc certain things were spelled out but certain things were not and I think that that gave Florida State a false sense of hope thinking that all they had to do was just win but

Then when you look at the you know level of competition is different so that was one and then the second was when coach sa retired and now you have this wide openen transfer portal for 30 days that makes absolutely no sense you know and now Michigan is you know starting to see

That but then now you have the nil I don’t know I feel like there’s a lot that they need to clean up I think the NCAA they are definitely uh they’re liable for this and so we know that the ten Tennessee Chancellor wrote a letter to the NCAA you know yesterday that went

Pretty viral and she essentially stated that the nil rules are unclear they’re vague and they’re contradict and honestly I can’t say that she’s wrong and like you said Hannah you know they’re not going to be the only SEC school you know I mean you could think

About Ohio State and maybe the you know you talk about about the Caleb DS of the world and just certain deals that we’re hearing about you know what are those great areas because then you look at Florida State and their offensive coordinator and just kind of the rumors

Around you know them them being hit with sanctions because of nil violations for basically using nil payments to induce recruits in which one of them happened to be a guy that ended up you know committing to Georgia so those those great areas need to be I think filled in

And quickly because it’s going to I I think because Tennessee has gotten in trouble you know so many times um you know over the last few years I think that that’s one reason why the penalty may hit them harder I think you know the Tennessee attorney general filed a

Lawsuit against NCAA today you know they’re saying that they could actually face you know a charge of lack of uh institutional control which is so much more serious and so it’s going to be interesting to see how this play out now I do want to get yall’s opinions uh on a

Couple other schools I mentioned Florida State but also uh Colorado you know coach Prime um recently it said that you know Colorado they self reported 11 minor minor violations since Deion Sanders has been their football you know their head coach or whatever and so I

Mean I how do y’all feel about that I mean do y’all think that that I know they’re saying that it’s minor do you feel like there may be some Grace given since you know technically Dion Sanders you know first time coaching a D1 school and I will say uh let’s see a comment

From Todd they want to not put up clearer guidelines so you have 49 states doing 49 different things yet then the NCAA wants them follow guidelines exactly you’re 100% correct Todd and then you think about these states like Texas where they have this oil money I remember interviewing with one of the

Huge oil companies out there and I’m just like what they were willing to pay fresh out of college I’m just like y’all are swimming in money there to me they’re even need you have the University of Alabama that has only one nil Collective Now technically we can

Have more uh Jeremy Sanders NCAA not trying to get smacked by the supreme Supreme Court again they probably will because when you think about it just think about it Texas they literally have no ceiling so you can have however many you know nil collectives and pay these guys whatever clearly Ohio State and

Then Ohio State you have CJ stoud who’s donating a bunch of money and so you would think that these funds are being distributed to the you know to certain players and so I definitely think that uh it’s going to be some major things coming out of this uh Willie Bean not

Surprised about Minor violations at Colorado it won’t be the last time either it won’t be because a part of what was being said about Colorado is that coach Prime you know he was kind of using social media and I saw shador do the same thing where they were as soon

As the portal opened after Co Sav retired he posted like Alabama players you know lock in and it’s just like there there has to be a decorum around that and you would and I I I get what the NCAA is trying to enforce but I just don’t necessarily they shouldn’t have

Implemented until the rules and the the foundation was actually uh laid out now there’s one other school this one we haven’t really heard too much about but Oregon now I don’t know if you all have heard about this but to the end of last year there was actually a lawsuit filed

Against Oregon by 32 of their women athletes and basically stating that so there’s a federal law the title for federal law basically stating that you know um the the 32 women felt like they were being deprived of equal treatment and benefits including athletic Aid so many things opportunities to participate

In the uh in the a in the Athletics and so you know I think that it it’s going to become bigger than just one school you know and we’re seeing it kind of play out uh like kind of how the nil when you think about the percentage of

Course football at Oregon is is a little bigger and so they could say was percentage based but at the same time all the other sports matter as well so I want to get y’all’s take on that when you think about schools like Oregon as big as Oregon is and you have these

Internal losses being fouled 32 female athletes you know where they feel like they’re not getting access to the level of I guess um equipment or you know facilities that these male dominated sports are what do y’all think about that and I’ll start start with you Hannah you know just woman Toom how do

You feel about that and because you were an athlete at Alabama do you think that there’s I guess some validity Acro in regards to that across the board not just Oregon yeah and I’ll say this when we were learning about nil you know as it was kind of becoming a thing you know

Over the last couple years I literally said that this is going to open up a can of worms via Title Nine because you look at you know now if if I am a you know I’m a firefighter so I always into everything like worst case scenario you

Know if you prepare for the worst and that happens you’re prepared but if you prepare for the worst and it doesn’t happen then you’re set in stone so I feel like that’s what NCAA hasn’t done um they didn’t go into this preparing everything like it should be it should

Be plain on the walls where that you know because people are GNA argue well because it’s beach volleyball obviously right beach volleyball doesn’t make us not make as much as or uh football right well yes that’s true but none of the sports have never been fair you know I

Remember being an athlete and I’m not bashing Alabama obviously I love them Roll Tide you know uh but when I was a rower it was very easy to see the gear we got versus football players or men’s basketball players and were they making more money for the University yes but

Actually the Alabama rowing team would and only the female was division one we were the only program that actually were not in any type of deficit when I was in college because obviously they were building all these facilities and stuff but point is when you look at something

Like this and you’re like well it’s not fair for the women who aren’t getting paid as much there has to be a clear line between the if football is bringing in $10 million a day right for example and you break that down statistically for how many players on the team well if

Volleyball makes a million dollars a day then it has to be the same percentage of both and that’s kind of what the issue is is they don’t feel like they’re getting their fair share and once again I’ll go back to saying this is what happens when you don’t think things

Through because you open up a can worms and now you have females you’re like hey you know because there are some schools like if you want to talk about maybe Yukon or South Carolina or maybe even LSU right now where their women’s basketball programs are bringing in even

LSU gymnastics bringing in more money than some of the men’s programs and so when that goes into effect I mean I think we’re gonna see this happen more often than not these conversations but I would be really interested to see what roles they put into place because this

Is really just starting and I’ll say this I don’t know if you if you noticed how Hush Hush this got um over the last you know couple of months when this was making news and all of a sudden like sh We’re not gonna talk about this because

They don’t want to it’s an uncomfortable conversation but it’s one that yeah yeah look you said it you definitely said it uh and I see another comment from Willie oh yeah those coaches and boosters at Colorado are willing to do whatever they can to win

You can see how they talk and move about on campus yeah and all these you know rappers and stuff that they have at their games I mean if you want to do that that’s cool but you know to me it’s just it’s it’s all around a distraction and you’re rightand it’s actually title

N I think I said title four Title Nine essentially focuses on gender equality by these large institutions that receive funds and I will say this before I hand it over to Dan so I did hear that the NCAA uh president he had actually previously addressed possible inequalities that could incur due to nil

You know deals and he kind of felt like there could be a a a situation where the nil opportunities goes towards more of the male dominated Sports and so my thing is like okay but you’re the president of the NCAA at the time it was President Barker uh Baker Charlie Baker

And I don’t know if he’s still the president but the fact that this was called out to me it lets me know that they were aware that this could have become an issue so my question is well what are you going to do about it because it’s going to continue to be

Women in sports and actually a week from today it’s going to be national women’s sports day so you know something needs to be done uh ASAP now uh Dan what are your thoughts on this I mean we you know this this Oregon ordeal and the lawsuit

Was filed towards the end of the year I think December of last year it’s a little different than what we’re hearing in regards to um you know Tennessee and Florida State and even Colorado but what are your thoughts I mean I know coming from a male perspective you could view

It a little differently but what do you think about that well uh it all comes down to you know taking care of your student athletes you know they’re student athletes so they should have access to the weight room you know yeah you know it’s no different than going to

Planet Fitness anywhere you know why why do they have to use a little rundown weight room yeah they’re contributing to the university they’re bringing in money to the university yeah so why can’t you know why can’t they have access to a nice weight room the athletes you you

Want your athlete to have access to the the nicest facilities you know so you know I I don’t blame the the female athletes at all when it comes to that as far as uh the Colorado thing you know they reported some amount of violation but you know that that’s common for

Schools to do Alabama does it every year they you know self-report uh you know infractions you know because they’re gonna happen right that’s why it’s good to have a very good you know coach saing was probably the best the best at it you know yeah you know uh Crossing DT eyes

And Crossing te’s you know you you want to make sure you catch little things that why you have a compliance department now what’s going on at at at Tennessee and A&M you know that that just ridiculous you know so there’s no telling but like as far as

The the NCAA goes you know this what happen when you don’t establish guidelines you know what I’m saying Hell we don’t even know what the NCAA role is now you know yeah yeah yeah that’s true and and you know it’ll be interesting to see how this plays out I definitely

Think it was worth you know shedding some light on this because just seeing the amount of tension that it’s gotten even you know I think the Virginia uh uh attorney general Tennessee so it’s so many different voices that are speaking up now I I still feel like a part of why

Tennessee is honing in on this a little bit more is because they were already already on probation we know that they lost you know certain amount of recruits you know since the whole Jeremy puid and had to pay a certain amount of money so we definitely need to keep our eyes on

This I think that this is going to they may use Tennessee as an example I think they they may use them as an example and I think that that lawsuit that they’re filing I I just I I don’t know how far that’s going to really go uh but but you

Know hopefully it doesn’t do too much damage I mean I wouldn’t want to see people fail you know in terms of Tennessee I think that every school can agree that the rules need to be more defined you know but you know I hate Tennessee they some snitches so uh but I

Do want if it ever was a university if if asking for it was a university it’ be Tennessee it would it would be it would it would say one more thing on this yeah yeah yeah because I’m I’m reading Todd’s comment about uh about the self-governing subdivision and I’ll say

This I feel like maybe this is the point I’m trying to make so use that verbiage is you know my best friend hus my best friend’s husband is a state house representative so you know I’ve kind of learned more about politics and never cared to know but point is is you have

National government you have state government you have local government right and so the NCAA is like the national government so to speak they’re kind of over all of it and then you have the universities right like I should say the conferences so it goes like the national government NCAA the state

Government would be like you know SEC and then the local government be Alabama so you have things that they can you know self-regulate but I think the biggest issue with nil and with Title 9 is that it was here and now they’re trying to put all the responsibility

Down here so then you know you have whether it’s conferences or you have um programs that are mad when really all the negative comment should be going to the National because they’ve not done their job of setting those boundaries and those you know responsibilities correctly and so you know because I

Think there’s some things University should be able to do right like Dan was saying like how Alabama’s done really great at you know whenever they’ve done something minor that they report that but there also has to be uh someone up top taking responsibility for what’s going down so I think that’s kind of

What we’re seeing right now is the lack of responsibility the in is taking and they’re putting all the blame responsibility on people below them exactly and and that’s a really good point and I do want to shout out uh Don Parker thank you for the Super Chat without naming names the players that

Transferred to Texas and Ohio State you have to ask yourself what’s that Lambo worth it didn’t coach Nick tell you I agree I look Don honestly and and I honestly I want to focus tonight’s show because I feel like a lot of just our shows or other shows you know we’ve kind

Of hon in on the guys who have left because it was quite a few of them who have but I I think about that sometimes I know that both Seth mcgoffin and Caleb DS they you know released a statement this week basically stating why they

Chose Ohio State and all that but I do feel like it’s almost like a safe face because we know what it is you know we know the reality of it more so for Caleb n it’s maybe not as much you know for Seth but um I I you know there’s no way

Around it and I and I want to uh kind of piggyback off of what you just said um before we kind of you know change topics uh Hannah that’s a really good point and I think too if you’re GNA treat the collectives as a separate entity then do

That you can’t pick and choose when you’re going to do that and so Don Parker thank you again for the Super Chat Rocky flop out here doing Rocky flop things I mean that’s all they know right that’s all they know how to do no I I I agree with that uh sentiment they

Need to be you know treated as a separate entity you can’t pick and choose when you’re because I know that that particular uh nil Collective put out a statement basically stating what they did and didn’t do in terms of the nil violations and so it’s almost as if they’re trying to take responsibility

For but if that’s not outlined in the fine print by the NCAA then that’s just all for not so we’ll see what happens you know I I honestly I I would be outraged if I was a Tennessee fan because they’re really going to come

Down on them so we shall see but I do do want to uh Kenny heathcock Hannah roll tight roll roll tight Roll Tide and I do want to uh just kind of pivot a little bit to coach D’Or right like he’s been on fire on that recruiting Trail even in

The transfer portal to Su degree and it’s more so us getting guys from Washington because we really can’t hit the portal like we want to but I do but I do want to mention a comment uh Paul fine bomb said something a couple days ago that I agree with wholeheartedly he

He said that he basically belied that people overreacted to the news of Coach sa retiring and he he essentially said that people panick but he also said one thing that I think uh should help a lot of Alabama fans who are still kind of on the fence are still a little down about

Coach sain leaving he said that coach dor is one of the best coaches in the SEC even on his worst day and so that goes kind of to the guys who would have started at Alabama had they stay but they decided to leave you know for the h

Many millions that they got you know and I know I think that sometimes the parents may you know kind of affect that but that’s why I felt like they should have given it a little bit more time uh to make that type of decision but you

Know to each his own so we’re looking at recruiting we’re on the we’re on that trail that you know we’re lighting the the trail on fire of course we had Ryan Williams and uh he he spoke volumes you know as far as coach Jabor coach Jabor

Really just had to re-recruit him and I know that that’s not easy to do but we also have to give props to you know Jaylen and bway who’s coming in he’s a 2024 class quarterback and roll TI Willie I believe that they both played a huge role in getting Ryan Williams but

Also some of the guys you know from uh Washington that came in now I want to get y’all’s opinions on this so coach dor he was se he was uh seen at the uh Reese’s Senior Bowl practice and of course everyone wanted to interview him and he just seems so optimistic I want

To get y’all’s grades now if you had to grade coach dor on how he’s done so far keep it in mind that he’s only technically I guess Friday would be a full what two maybe three weeks three weeks three weeks I think three weeks yeah yeah yeah I want to get y’all’s

Graad how well do y’all think he’s doing right now because because he’s actually been out you know physically going to different places recruiting particularly in the Southeast but I want to know how do y’all feel he’s done between an A and an F I’ll start with you Dan what would

You grade uh coaster boore right now on recruiting hey hey easily you know the energy that he he brought you know he I mean he had to pick us way up you know we were hit with a bombshell you know that coach ni Sab was retiring the goat

That a lot of new fans wouldn’t understand you know what I’m saying because Nick Sab is all they’ve known you know me being a oh man a stallins guy you know that’s how long I’ve been a fan I’ve been a fan since 92 so I’ve been through it you know so you know

Um doing coming in in three weeks being able to do what he has done you know and you know and we had now we really did we had the make the right High know because a lot of other coaches you know what I’m saying we be piecing together a team by

Now oh yeah you know what I’m saying so for him to come in and have to re-recruit the guys that was that was on staff you know and then you know hold the class together you know and and and still you know be able to bring his guys in you

Know he’s done a tremendous job and he hit the ground running with this 2025 class I said oh man we we started losing guys immediately after 2025 class he doing a tremendous job like even today you know we we lost Z Grady top 50 uh player in the class DN

Out of Alabama and we we lost him and he was his plan was to visit Georgia this weekend but we got word today that instead of visiting Georgia this weekend he’s gonna come back to Tuscaloosa you know that’s because coach D’Or you know coach went visit him today

And he convin him hey don’t go to Georgia you know come come to see us so you know the job that he’s done you know he he come in I mean he’s been on fire and he kind of reenergized you know the Alabama Nation agreed agreed so you’ll

Give him an a he’s been on fire Hannah what what would you great at coach deor in terms of recruiting so far I mean I agree I mean you have to give him an a I mean I think he has done an amazing job filling impossible shoes to fill because

I mean no matter who was going to be the next coach they were never going to be Nick sain and I think you know I think what you say is correct and I agree with Paul that people panicked but I mean it’s just insane to think about I

Mean I don’t think really anyone I mean even Kristen his daughter said that they knew it was gonna happen sometime but they never thought until that day she didn’t know it was gonna retire either and so I think when you look at how quickly everything’s happened and I say

This I think my biggest complaint with Alabama fans was not giving him time to do his job because it’s like kids are reactive right like these are like teenage boys I mean they’re some of the most reactive people on the planet teenagers so when they they’re like oh

The coach I was gonna go no I’m I’m done forget them like I’ll go make more money somewhere else right they’re reacting emotionally they’re not reacting logically and so I think what you’re seeing as some of these players been like oh Nick sav’s gone well the whole

Program’s goingon to go to pot you know they have these kids who Mike sh is right they don’t know how bad a program was you know and so I think um you know I think for me the most frustrating part was seeing them react to not giving him

Time because like Dan said he had to go in order he had to go there and I think the first people he had to win over weren’t the current players it was the current coaches because I think he knew that if he could get the coaches to buy

In then he could get the players to do so as well because he knew that the assistant coaches were really the glue it’s kind of like the people who were keeping that team together um even a guy like Jeff Allen right who has been there forever and you know some of these guys

Who have been there for the last three or four coaches so I think that was the first part and then he had to re-recruit the current players and then had players that were you know 2024 2025 were like well you’re not giving me time of day

And we’re like listen he can’t he has to players on the team or else we’re not going to have a team to put on the field for a day and so I give him an a because I think not only has he done a good job keeping coaches bringing in new coaches

And I think we’re going to be very surprised in a good way even with our defensive coordinator whether our you know our new offensive coordinator we’re going to see a different type of team but I also think that I am very excited about how he’s handled the players that

Have been coming on campus like Ryan Williams he made a decision to let his entire family dress out with him yeah what Ryan Williams was it was family and I think or has done an amazing job adjusting and making a new identity he’s not trying to be Nick sain but trying to

Create his own identity I think that’s kind of where people were panicking but I think honestly there’s no better coach for Alabama than kayin deor and and and 100% I agree with both of you and I would give him an a I’d almost want to

Give him a plus at this point you know and I see we have a uh kayin dor fanatic that’s joined Justin r head of the top tier fan club bigger than swifties absolutely and I got to ask Hannah are you sitting in the First Baptist Church Lee Pastor chair oh my

Gosh no I’m at our office and um this is like photography uh photography um stuff you know like you sit families on a couch so so you taking those Glamour Shots like we used to at the mall there’s no glamour coming for me so it’s it’s funny going back to what

You’re just saying kind of rounding it out the reaction of Alabama fans exactly mirrored the video that funny man did about Alabama losing the first coin toss everybody losing their mind ready to kick D’Or out the door that’s exactly how we act it was very foretelling and

We lived up to that and then you had the fans around the nation who acted like a bunch of teenagers like you said very irresponsible very immature de Dawn the Witch Is Dead the dynasty has crumbled to the ground and then you also have people even on the OWN fan base saying

That this is quite possibly the worst hire that Alabama has ever had again I think Dan you said it it has to be the new age Bama fans who have not experienced anything like what we as the older generation have seen I wasn’t old enough to understand what Ray Perkins

Went through but that generation can definitely attest to this isn’t the worst hire Dan and I endured Mike schula Dennis franchon Mike price for 20 minutes and then I don’t think we’ll see kin de Bard a strip club anytime soon so I don’t think so either no well he does hang out with

Marvin constant in a couple weeks time will tell never know and so and then Mike schula and everybody says that that those coaches are better than Mike D’Or no slight to Mike sh matter of fact I think Mike Shilla gets a bad rap I’m going to go ahead and say it and

Probably he will probably going to be wanting to burn across on my door for for even mentioning this schula was not bad let’s take a look at Shula inherited he inherited a program on probation a program enduring Scandal limited scholarships and he was said here best

Of luck and expected to work a miracle with how much of a roster and then when things start to kind of get going for him he loses half his roster to injury not once but twice when people are finally healthy he has everybody on board Brody Crow does have a hangnail

They go 10 and two in 2005 and they they come this close to making it to the SEC Championship and even the national championship of course then the next year kind of went down south and and then you know what happened next Nick saan in M Shula out but I think that the

Knee-jerk reaction across the board was just really immature and it was more wishful thinking of all the anti- Alabama fans who were just making their decisions and their their hot takes off of bias yeah yeah I agree and I mean literally Washington just went to the National

Championship like to me it just didn’t make sense that you just throw him away don’t even don’t even give the guy like coach sa made it clear that he was going to have a hand in choosing who would be the next head coach so you would think

That with that being the case not that you just put all your faith and trust in coach Sabin but just with that being the case I I would think that he would just hand the program over to someone who he felt like was just going to fail and

Didn’t understand the fundamentals and I like how coach dor and even I think Ryan Williams mentioned this too just how you know that focus on Faith and family that’s a that’s a a huge component of it I mean they spend the majority of their time in school anyway you know and I do

See uh trick Dawson the OG sugar dad oh God I’m not gonna comment on that um and I think that comment probably just annoyed Hannah because I just saw your facial expression oh no I’m all of our F trucks are going by I’m like what

Am I missing okay okay I thought you I thought you about to go off on the sugar daddy don’t even act like you don’t have groupies already they seek you out in public places CI oh gosh please be quiet Justin no don’t don’t don’t do that um okay uh

Ty Alexander Hannah look like she about to preach a sermon in that CH she might she might take us to church tonight and we probably need it hey SEI you left out the SC and the apostrophe and then what’s up Uncle Dan look look Dan had the day off so

He’s just full of full of light and just he’s just you know he’s on one today now I do want to stay on this topic though because we talked about um you know one of the we actually talked about the 2025 class and how you know coach dor has

Been out on the recruiting trail and I think that that’s important because I think the same day or maybe a day after coach Sabin announced his retirement one of our 2025 wide receivers Jamie French he decommitted unfortunately but Ryan Williams has been working to get him to

Recommit so I think that this could potentially be a win and I want to call this out because there’s another guy who he’ll be visiting uh Tuscaloosa this weekend dalen Upshaw now he’s out of Phoenix silly Phoenix City Alabama and he would be a part of that 2025 class as

Well he’s also a wide receiver so I think getting Jamie Jamie French to recommit getting dalen Upshaw to come in and just buy into the program you know the goal is to re-recruit the South you know I mean think about the Courtney up Shaws of the world and just those

Recruiting classes that we had where they were just so hungry but a part of that was because they grew up with the tradition you know they grew up watching the Alabama games they grew up understanding you know this whole B SciFi you know um mindset and so a part

Of this that I wanted to mention too is that you know our 2024 uh class wide receivers you know we have a quite a few of course Ryan Williams you know we have Rico Scott coming in Amari Jefferson but then also those tight ends Caleb odm and

Jay Lindsay so I think from a receiver core and just what you know Ryan grub what he accomplished at Washington and what I believe he’s going to accomplish at Alabama our our WI our uh offense along with the defense are really set up for success I think the fact that you

Know guys like deanii Jackson the cornerback from uh USC who had transferred to Alabama before coach sa retired and also that uh I think L LT Overton from Texas A&M the fact that they you know announced that they were transferring to Alabama before coach sa retired and and they’re still coming in

To me that also speaks volumes because you would think that guys like that you know part of why they wanted to come to Alabama you know had something to do with co- so the fact that they’re staying I think that that speaks volumes now I do want to mention um let’s see

Neil y’all are babies my first game as six years old was Auburn 1965 Joe nameth was quarterback awesome huh he’s got some muscles I see look he wanted you to see that Hannah he wanted you to see that I think he posted it just for you just probably

So maybe so he want to let you know like look I got some knowledge about alab too so uh okay but then it was a couple other let’s see uh Todd hey Dan isn’t Courtney upshaw’s cousin on the team I think Quay rousa out of Montgomery no

It’s it’s uh Jon Pierre is Jon Pierre yeah why do I get the mixed up so Jon Pierre is Courtney upshaw’s cousin I wonder if dalen Upshaw is related to him I think uh dalen uh Upshaw is related to uh cam Coleman the uh the five star receiver that’s committed to Auburn

Auburn yeah yeah yeah okay well we’ll see I mean he’s visiting Tuscaloosa this weekend so fingers crossed now I also wanted to mention that we just hired uh North Carolina State’s director of football scouting jatavis Sanders and now he’s been hired as our director of recruiting strategy and now one thing

That I wanted to mention about him is that he’s actually from the state of Georgia and he was a high school football coach in the in Norcross Georgia so I think that this really helps us yeah this is a huge win some people look at the fact that oh he was

At North Carolina State well that doesn’t really mean much with you know his ties to Georgia so I wanted to mention that because I I want to get y’all’s opinions on us hiring him and shout out to I believe he was also in the Navy was it uh jatavis that was in

The Navy or maybe one of the others but I wanted to mention him but then all no it was actually the next guy so we also got an announcement today that coach dor will be adding tcu’s defensive analyst and recruiting coordinator Aaron Hodges now he served in the Navy when he

Graduated high school uh after he graduated high school and then he went on to college but but he was on staff at Ohio State for their football program during that uh 2015 timing and he was also at Louisville so I want to get y’all opinions on this how I mean it

Just seems like coach dor he’s one of those chess type of guys like he’s making strategic moves where you know you have jatavis Sanders you have Aaron Hodes how big do y’all feel like these wins are oh huge hu huge they already paying dividends because you you look at uh I I

Suggest y’all go to uh Bama online and look at the visit list for this weekend it is it is heavy Geor contingent coming in you know we got a California contingent modern day this list is loaded you want to see a loaded visitation list it’s loaded it’s gonna get probably the biggest recruiting

Weekend that we will see yeah University of Alabama be this weekend as far as the 2025 class concerned because they’ll start to get smaller and smaller but th this right here is going to be a huge weekend just just go and look at the list of names and a lot of top players

Out of Georgia visiting and we have to remember we got Justice haes out of Georgia you know Caleb DS Jake Pope I think Dylan Lan is from there uh so that you know we definitely want to continue to recruit the South Hannah how big do you think

These hires are J Tavis and Aaron I mean people sometimes Overlook the schools you know TCU in North Carolina State but do you think that they’ll have some impact to who we’re able to get going forward absolutely because I think people tend to forget that you know

Every coach had to start somewhere right and I feel like it’s very maybe Alabama of us to assume that we’re just going to get like all these big names I mean we got incredibly lucky that several head coaches wanted to no longer be a head coach and become

Coordinators I mean and that says a lot about kayn deor as well but I think we’re seeing different people come in in different roles than we’re used to but I think that’s because I go back to my earlier Point kayin dor is doing his thing and I think that’s one reason why

Washington was so successful and let’s not take let’s not forget that they made it to the national championship game with not the amount of talent that we currently have on our roster right now so I think that Kaylin dbor is probably one of the most strategic coaches in the

NCAA because he is he’s kind of like myself in the I mean not that I’m any kayin debor but he’s a forward thinker and I think he’s thinking what can I do now to affect five 10 years from now and I think we’re seeing him bring in people

To have different or new roles to help the maybe it’s the emotional connection with players and their families maybe it’s having an idea of I mean let’s be honest some of the coaches leaving stung just a little bit you know we know exactly who I’m talking about saying his

Name anymore but I think having someone come that has experience in Georgia is huge because I feel like we kind of have a pipeline between both right and we’re kind of comp competing with Kirby to get all these players from Alabama and Georgia but I think more than that kayn

Dor is doing what he can to not only win national championships but to do it consistently and I think that’s what Nick sain did but see we didn’t have all this then when Nick sain came years ago which felt like a lifetime ago everything was different the way recruiting happened the way media

Happened the way social media has happened and I think that’s becoming important and you have to bring in guys with different ideas and be like social media how do we connect guys social media and let’s be honest Jen debor is the first coach at Alabama football to

Have social media exactly I’m like this guy can tweet yeah I’m like uh what do I do about I mean do I like mention them do I tag him like I need to be careful you know but we we’ll see how he utilizes his social media I don’t know

It could be it could be I don’t think he’s gonna be a lan kein for sure but you know but we’ll see we’ll see now I did want to quickly uh mention of course a day the official day has been announced April 13th April 13th now I

Want to know so this is to me going to be the debut for Coach dor it’s essentially The Rebirth of Alabama football now he’s of course I think from a marketing perspective he’s doing really well as far as like the different interviews he’s been having leading up

To ad of course between like once he got to Alabama and up till now and I do believe he’s going to continue that trail I mean he was on Pat McAfee just a few different you know uh big shows and I think that that that’s good I think it

Shows uh how likable of a person he is because a part of Str a part of success is strategy and that was the word that you mentioned Hannah just how strategic he’s been and I think that he’s gonna he’s going to continue to do that and

Like you said it’s going to kind of lead towards just that consistency factor that we’re used to you know at Alabama and so I do want to mention though I’ve seen a few people mention that we should have a night game as you know our a day

And what do y’all think about that I mean do y’all think that that’s something that like it’s almost like a literally like a rebirth I mean how impactful do y’all think that would be and I’ll start with you Hannah on this one well I think it’d be lit right I

Mean I think everyone and I think what’s so unfortunate is like how few night games we get to actually embrace the lights right because you look at the Iron Bowl you look at and hopefully this year homecoming will be again is Missouri right hopefully that’ll be a

Night game but a lot of times you have like LSU Auburn you have Tennessee those are always afternoon games and if the sun goes down early and up you can have the lights but I mean it would be lit but that’s not Alabama I think Alabama is the most tradition-based program out

Of any country any U program in the country like the uniforms right Alabama is never gonna have insane uniforms they never gonna look like the Oregon Ducks never gonna look like Baylor but also I think it would be fun I think it would be fun for the players but I just don’t

Know if Alabama’s ever going to be willing to I mean honestly getting the lights was like mind-blowing like yeah yeah got that and then of course Georgia had to get theirs you know they’re always behind the little brother yeah they’re the little brother little brother syndrome we got Li they have to

Get oh we did this we gotta do it you know so I mean I would love it personally because I think it would bring a different Dynamic but also I think just the history of it and you get to see things differently I think you

Get to do more you know I don’t know we’ll see but I mean I think personally it’d be fun but with Alabama I mean being the way they are with tradition and not changing anything thing I mean yeah sing El like no it’s always afternoon so basically don’t get your

Hopes up Dan with the lights or without it would be interesting you know you know I I would be all for it I think it would be awesome you know yeah I think so to I think that would be a very good uh introduction for Coach theor to

Come out there I mean they we may see coach s run out there you just he’s all over the place right now you know he’s out Boogie boarding and doing everything golfing and we’re gonna get to that later too but I did want to uh just kind of mention something that’s going on

This currently this week as far as practices but also this weekend as far as the game so the Reese’s Senior Bowl now I think that you know this is something that to me this is a a really good opportunity for the guys to just showcase their skills in person because

You know a lot of these coaches who you know coach the different teams the national and the American team along with some of the staff that they have for the games you know they’re familiar with these guys but at the same time to me it’s just completely different when

You have them live there you know in person to see you play so we do have a few guys who are going to be playing of course will rard I think he’s going to do great Chris brasswell and justiny Boye and so I’m excited for these guys I

Think that when you look at you know just kind of like um some of the coaches right like some of the the assistants Co coaches and the staffers you know they’re kind of pulling them from different professional teams Tennessee Titans New York Jets uh so I I think

It’ll be I think it’ll be good but I haven’t heard too many people talk about another game that’s going on the East West Shrine Bowl that’s going to be uh in Texas tomorrow and you know you don’t really hear people talk about it but it’s one of those bowl games that kind

Of ties into uh the Shriner’s Hospital and I think it’s I think it’s a beautiful thing because you start to think about community service and so this bowl game is for a much larger cause than just having guys play on the field it you know it’s to to benefit the

Young kids at the Shriners Hospital and they actually had the kids media day earlier today now I did see that one of our players jayen ke he accepted the invitation to play so you know hopefully he’ll he’ll get out there you know get some good play time have a good time

With the kids but I I I want to get y’all thoughts like how how impactful do you think these bowl games are in terms of just setting the guys up for success for the upcoming draft and I will start with you Dan on this one oh yeah I I

Think it’s uh huge you know it shows competitive nature it gets you in front of more coaches is very helpful you know and um actually you know it been very beneficial to a guy like Chris Bradwell you know he checked in at 63 257 pounds

And he he was uh stood out as one of the top he was named one of the top five performers on uh day one according to sport you know so it’s always good to you know to get more coach’s eyes on you so you know the more coach you get to in

Front of you know get to interact with you know it’s very beneficial to the player I agree I agree what about you Hannah I agree and I mean I think one of the players you know from Alabama that probably all time had one of the best performances was OJ Howard and I think

That Senior Bowl probably improved his draft talk so much um and that you know because I’ll go down to my grave saying that O.J Howard was the most underused and underutilized player ever to go through Alabama because he had and I think it’s you kind of saw that you know

Once he left yeah you kind of saw Nick s be like okay I’ve really got to utilize a tight end position um but OJ Howard needed the Senior Bowl to really get the Reps needed to get the like Dan said kind of get the opportunity to be

Playing in front of a lot of different Scouts and people otherwise they wouldn’t have seen him play because they yeah he had clutch moments in Alabama I’m not saying that you know don’t come maybe that he did great at Alabama he just wasn’t used enough and I think the

Senior Bowl really helped him and I think a lot of players regardless and I love the Senior Bowl because I feel like it gives players an opportunity not only to better themselves but to work with guys who they may play with in the next league and I think it’s just a really

Awesome opportunity also what you’re mentioned this rers bowl I mean I think that’s great you mentioned that because that is I think uh very forgotten you know because it’s kind of going on the same time but you know I love when there are charity events that players get involved with

Because it shows that it’s more than just a game right it it’s a connection with the community and it’s a way to serve so I mean I think both are amazing um but I just think you know both have amazing opportunities for these players that you know hopefully they can utilize

The next level agreed agreed and and I I like I said that community service Factor like you mentioned it’s really it’s huge it means a lot now I will say we were going to have a special guest on tonight one of our current players uh jayen Roberts uh he had some scheduling

Conflicts so I’m gonna actually do a ad hoc show this Friday right now is scheduled for 6:30 Central so you know some of you if you’re available be sure to to tune in it’ll be right here at the Badman standard network but we’re going to try to get a quick session with him

Um I don’t know if Dan and Hannah are going to join this is kind of you know something that that uh came up where we really we just really want to sit down with jadden Roberts he had so much success last year so we’ll see wait in

Where I’ll be there all right well look look well y’all look if y’all don’t have anything else to do Friday or you need something better to do than what you currently have planned this is a place to be 6:30 Central Standard Time 7:30 Eastern Standard time we’ll be right

Here unless something something changes but y’all will know in advance so I did want to mention that before we move on and I know we’re coming up on time but I did say that we were going to shout out our our other teams I mean we spend so much time talking about football

Rightfully so but I do want to kind of get into a few other sports and then I’m going to get y’all’s opinions uh Hannah and Dan so in terms of golf we do know that one of our guys Nick Dunlap he is going pro and I’m I’m proud of him

Congratulations to you Nick he’s officially accepted the PGA Tour membership last week I know he had a very emotional moment when was talking about it so congratulations to him uh and speaking of golf we did catch coav you know just enjoying his retirement he was out golfing at the Mr October you

Know Celebrity Golf Classic so a few people Sugar Ray Leonard Grant Hill 50 c Dave Chappelle a lot of people who were out there and so look like he’s just enjoying his time yeah yeah it’s a it’s a lot it’s a lot Kirby tried to get in

But they wouldn’t let him no they would like no you got to sit this one out sir but we did see him I think uh boarding out surfing on the waters he had a little attitude when that wave hit him and I’m like okay that’s the co- saav

That we remember uh but I did want to mention to our hockey team now they beat Auburn a few days ago 20 to zero I mean they just like sent they just sent them back to where they came from but I will say that they did pay homage to the

Alabama football team and I thought that that was powerful so they wore helmets that are similar to what our football team wears and their uniforms were actually a part of the Red White and boom promot so our hockey team they have a long-standing relationship with the American Legion Post 555 and so the

Proceeds that they’re receiving they’re going to donated to the military appreciation uh Jersey Auction so I think that that’s powerful so shout out to our hockey team you know our men’s basketball team we’re playing Georgia tonight we want to be consistent like we we just beat Auburn we beat LSU we

Scored 109 points I think against LSU so we set a new program record sixth time this season where we scored 100 points or more so that’s awesome we were ranked number 24 after beating Auburn and then just I want to shout out to coach Nate you know he’s been Nate oats he’s been

Doing awesome but uh hopefully we beat Georgia tonight A couple more that I want to mention and then I want to get y’all to take on what y’all think as far as our other sports and how well we’ve been doing so our women’s basketball we picked up our first SEC win this past

Sunday against Kentucky Sarah Ashley Barker she scored a career high of 34 points that is awesome our next game is tomorrow against Arkansas we’re playing at Arkansas and then our gy Fantastics team like we are undefeated as of this week we’re ranked number six in the road

To Nationals rankings and number four in the NCAA Power Rankings behind Oklahoma and Kentucky and California but we’re going up against Kentucky this weekend at our Coleman Coliseum so if you’re in tuscalo or the surrounding areas be sure to support our girls now I want to know

From y’all I’ll start with you Hannah out of all the sports I just mentioned which one just really fired you up like any any of them whether it’s the women’s basketball the gymnastics any of them i’ say women’s gymnastics because I think when you look at how this program has

Transformed um I mean Ashley who’s the head coach she was a former B gymnastic you know gymnast herself and so I think it has been so exciting because I’m friends with her like I I’m so excited to see what she’s done with this program but to go to Florida to go to

Gainesville and to win on the road in the fashion they did and honestly I know people don’t necessarily understand gymnastics with your ties and stuff but we tied with Arkansas in a meat that honestly at the beginning I was like oh we’re losing this hands down the composure and the confidence those

Gymnasts showed to continue to not only perform well but to like do amazing like it was incredible and so I think for me I mean I love women’s basketball I’m very proud of them I love seeing us become more competitive in the SEC but I think for me

Just the transition that we’ve seen the last couple of season with gymnastics I mean I am super excited honestly I haven’t seen a program a you know a gymnastics program this like I don’t know another word unified or maybe like since we saw under Sarah and David

Patterson and that’s win winning SEC and National Championship so I’m excited to see what this program does this season awesome awesome I agree with you and then what about you Dan who are you most impressed with I guess all of them really but who who would you say struck

You most of of course Nick Dunlap that that that was impressive you know I’m saying hey you know he needs to go cash in basketball team you know uh before tonight you know I I was getting excited they they brought me in but we go on the road and lose to

Georgia you know he hav’t lost yet yeah I mean I’m sorry we going we’re down by 12 to Georgia so so when y’all see D turn his neck to the side when he’s over there like just know that he’s watching the game I know it’s going to get stuck like

That you keep we lose that passion when we get go on the road that’s one thing that frustrates me you know but we got we got a young team we really do so are Lear on the road ain’t easy this year not not you know I mean they lost two in

A row so look at Tennessee you know they lost to South Carolina so yeah you know but georia see I live in I live in Georgia so I’m gonna go fight my neighbor soon we get off you know I’m going I I hate I hate the dogs man I’m

Still wearing my Alabama stff you know y’all just watch CNN tonight we don’t want to see you on the news y’all we are coming towards the end of our show but I do want to give you an opportunity to pop your socials where our viewers can find you I’ll start with

You Hannah do you have any social media any podcasts any shows that you want to mention yeah a couple of things so you can follow me on Twitter obviously at theea sign girl if you don’t know me I was the B sign girl um and then you can

Find me on Facebook as well Hannah Stevens UA s girl and then um haven’t quite renamed my podcast uh one of the ones I’m working on I’m also on um several radio shows which you’ll find out on my social media um and yeah I’m just I’m so honored to be here with

Y’all and I love this it’s a fun group of people to get to talk to and kind of feed off of and I love how we think alike but think differently at the same time yeah I agree with you and it’s been a pleasure to have you here we look

We’re we’re looking forward to having you on more frequently pretty much every show unless you can’t make it you have really really valuable insights and I think being a former athlete at Alabama that just provides you know even more for our for our audience so thank you

And then Dan do you Dan yes pay attention sir and you look you either looking off to your right or you have your head down oh I was taking notes I was taking no you w taking no look I told you was goingon to call you out you did you did

Okay what’s your social media huh social media you know you catch me on Twitter at the final whistle Dan you catch me on Instagram Dan James the four and you catch me Tuesday nights right here on the very Channel you know the uh we have a a great show the final whistle

Wednesday nights you know every wednes you know I’m I’m I’m I’m blessed to be around these two beautiful ladies here uh every Wednesday night the uh the the Crimson Dynasty you know and we got a special show like you say this Friday catch me this Friday you know we’ll see

All right all right y’all heard it from Dan and Hannah and you can find me on on Instagram at Beauty ofor intelligence I am on Twitter but I I rarely use it I to be honest I don’t really care a whole lot for social media but I’m trying to

Just be more active it’s it’s just a day-to-day thing to be honest uh Willie Bean Hannah drops jewels on all of us she’s very much appreciated and that’s one of our loyal uh viewers so and then Todd Hannah is a great addition awesome awesome awesome yeah yeah yeah so that’s

Really good to to hear thank you for the feedback you know those who are in the live chat and then I do want to mention we have another show that’s airing shortly after this te’s take and it’s hosted by JT and George Teague it’ll air right after right here on the Bama

Standard Network 8:15 Central Standard Time 9:15 Eastern Standard Time and remember since a day has been announced April 13th your game day even if it’s a day is not the same unless you have a title towel so visit whitwill to order yours today and be sure to use

The promo code standard for an exclusive discount so we want to thank everyone who’s tuned in uh be sure like I said be sure to like be sure to comment be sure to subscribe hit the notification Bell so you don’t miss a beat and be sure to

Share this video so that those who you know or who even if they’re Alabama haters let them watch this video they can learn something if they’re a hater they need to learn something so be sure to send the video to those you know and look J see she I heard some wild rumor

That booger M Farland said the only reason Alabama got into the college football playoff was the committee got win that sa would be retiring this year and it was going away present a do you have a response to that is that a joke or are you serious or

Well you had g off you had g off well I I know that that’s what you’re doing and you know what and I rebuke you Justin because you I told y’all last week anytime I go off it’s because of this one he’s usually behind the scene stiring the pot she called me

This one this one this one no if that’s true if Booger McFarland actually said that it’s it’s just another delusional comment from booger he has nothing better to do he’s still sour from his college career and maybe rightfully so but he needs to keep our names out of

His mouth unless he has something positive to say so mind your business booger and like I said before you are the Ninja Turtle of the football space and you need to just sit in the corner where you belong because you don’t need to be talking about Alabama unless you

Have something positive to say now you can come to aay and you can rock your title towel so be sure to visit with Will Sports and get your title Tower and show your support because honestly haters are literally just secret fans and disguise and they just haven’t

Accepted it yet so maybe in a couple of years he’ll come around and he’ll realize you know what I really do like Alabama I know that I could never be them I could have never gone there but you know what I mean they just they win

All the time Keith hul you go girl yeah we just G to go and booger needs to go too yeah don’t get me look Justin I’m not going to buy into this because he always wants me to just go off on my tangents but yeah Booger McFarland AKA

Ninja Turtle he needs to be careful so yeah what’s what’s what’s the cut off age of a grown man being called booger you know what I’m saying at some point he gotta be okay it’s no longer Booker but it’s a choice like you have a choice

To change your name like you can legally change your name and he chose to keep it and so I mean he could go with Michelangelo Donatello who the other nin his real name is Anthony booger huh what his real name is Anthony oh wish I could have screenshot that you

Were like oh that made my day that Hannah Dan that cannot be true there’s no way that someone Google it please do because I I I will not believe tonight that that boer’s real name is Anthony it is no no no there is no way could went

With a Tony anything but he went with booger y’all his name is really no why would you choose that maybe he ate him a lot probably oh no no booger is um any person or thing especially one regarded as Troublesome unpleasant Etc and he said as a child he got as a child

Because I was a bad kid getting into a lot of wild stuff well apparently he still is cuz he’s still a wild kid that’s TR why hasn’t changed it what did my Angelo say when someone shows you who they are believe them believe I was not expecting this tonight

I’m like honestly I’m gonna literally Google that I’m just gonna believe that someone like updated the Wiki page about him and somebody put Anthony there because there is no way that you’re choosing to navigate through life and being called booger as a grown man and you looking like Ninja Turtles your face

Look like mind blown Emoji when he said that oh my gosh so I just can’t I can’t accept that right now so I’m just gonna I I can’t I can’t there is no way Booger McFarland if you hear this like you could have chosen anything else and

That’s what you chose so we cannot take you seriously Willie Beaman he played for my bucks his name is really Anthony no lies all right well I mean I gotta accept it like he shouldn’t even be on television being called booger and people the fact that people actually

Call him that like how are you going to y’all we’re in a fallen State I I I just don’t know what else to say I thought we were going to end this on a high note but uh can I yes yeah someone that we need to call out who who

Actually we did in on a very high note thank you CI goodbye Justin uh Hannah you had someone that you wanted to mention yeah I’m just scrolling into these comments you know I’ll just say this I don’t have to call anyone out you know the difference between Alabama fans and all the other

Fans what is that we live rent rent free in their minds and we no one lives rent free in ours when we lose a game when we lose a game we go about our day you know because most programs don’t realize how few games we lost under Nick sain but by

Golly when they beat us they Rush the field you know they this their national championship game when we win it’s just another game on the schedule but also we don’t troll other people’s pages yeah they troll us so keep it coming I me you can’t what was it was it whis Khalifa or

Was it DJ who was it you can’t hate from the other side of the club and you can’t even get in who was that well as hell it’s gonna be us tonight we’re taking that tonight I mean I honestly see that’s why Hannah I don’t I look at the

Live chat but I try not to pay too much attention because anyone can get bold behind comments you know but the fact that they have nothing better to do on Wednesday night than to sit on an Alabama show I mean you saw the title you knew that this was about Alabama you

Know but yet you still came on our show so in one breath we appreciate the support thank you and be sure to come back next week but in another breath I have never spent my quality time go not even just trolling but going to the accounts of another team like there’s

Literally nothing there for me and I see another comment from Keith Mark Twain said never argue with an idiot they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience that is very true and that’s the same thing about arguing with the fool because y’all both end up

Looking like one so honestly Hannah you handle that with Grace because I’m glad I didn’t see that whatever it was that they posted because I don’t know if I would have handled it with such Grace but Dan how do you feel about these haters I mean what what you feel like do

You be going to to Georgia or Tennessee or anyone else’s Ohio States any of their Pages like do you just feel the need to care about what they’re talking about I have no desire you know I hear them run their mouth 365 all year round you know what I’m saying Georgia

Tennessee I could care list I didn’t even know they existed till tonight you know but I I there’s no way there’s no way it’s too much B in me to be going worried about you know looking at a Georgia or Florida or Auburn podcast oh my goodness I I I couldn’t do

It I I don’t know how you have time to do that but you know what I’m saying you know it’s easy for them all they have to do is look up we don’t look down that’s right I mean that’s the difference right between a eagle an eagle and a pigeon I

Mean hey the only way Dan looks sideways he look her now he’s looking sideways exactly y’all seen all night the only direction that Dan is looking is either up or sideways that’s it he he barely paying attention to us I gotta call I gotta call his name say Dan come back to

Earth we just cut it to five we just cut it to five you were I told you we still got time still got time don’t be coun us out no but that that that’s a good message we may need to clip that what uh Hannah and Dan said as far as the trolls

Uh Willie Bean trolling is so beta on a live chat I just don’t understand it is very it’s a beta male it’s someone who doesn’t know their purpose in life right I mean people who know their purpose and their calling they’re not sitting up there trolling they’re not saying

Negative things about a team who will mollywop them any day or time they weren’t sitting up there watching our some of these people they watch our games they’re more tuned in than we are like I might be making some Rotel Dipper or buffalo chicken dip or something and

They’re literally grew to their and they’re tweeting about it I mean we appreciate it I think that it’s just all it does is just help our ratings continue to go up and y’all are gonna really have something to watch on April 13 so just saying all right so we’re

Coming to the end and I just really hope that y’all enjoyed the show we definitely you know appreciate having you here and we appreciate everyone who’s live in the in the chat and you know being active and engaging even the ones who have hate to I mean at least

Y’all are here we’re not on your channel so you know nothing to watch there but Circle huh I said welcome to the winner circle I mean but they they never experienced it that’s why you have to tear down goal post that’s why you have to do those types of things because

You’re you’re not used to winning you know and that’s just what you do so hopefully y’all develop a different attitude you know whatever whatever it’s going to take but I don’t know Booger McFarland we G have to have a talk about that I mean I just hate to believe that

These National professional networks are allowing someone to sit up there looking like a ninja turtle in a suit calling himself booger and you are a grown man and you have the nerve to talk about Alabama and say that we didn’t deserve to be in the top four sir you are a

Booger you are Troublesome you are an oversized Ninja Turtle like do not talk about Alabama keep your name keep your mouth off our names and I’mma leave it at that hopefully he hears and hopefully he changes his name because you can do that legally so we just need to send

Some prayers to for booger because I I mean at least we weren’t like Washington got blown out in the na championship game I mean we went in overtime so we shouldn’t have done that honestly I know we shouldn’t have I mean don’t even get me started on that but I’m just saying

Like it’s not like you know it’s not like we got blown out by 35 points in the Rose Bowl I mean we went in overtime with one of the worst games of the season so I’m just saying you talking about Florida State and uh no because

That they lost by what like 60 points against no I’m just saying I was just giving a number like at least we didn’t go in there and get our Tails whooped on nashille tevision oh look told you Alabama would lose I mean yeah it was extremely intense I was at the Rose Bowl

And I had to leave because we were in like we were really close to the like we were in the bottom part of the Rose like you know and everyone it’s like I don’t know if y’all been at the Rose balls my first time going but I felt so

Claustrophobic and I don’t even have claustrophobia I don’t even struggle with that but we everyone just kind of like as the game got more intense people just started like cramming down I had to leave my row and go stand in the handicap area because I feel like

Couldn’t breathe because as soon as we went overtime I said I’ve got to I’ve got to leave I I can’t do this anymore I’m have to go get some breath because I was it was intense but that’s how intense it was Washington Washington Michigan I’m like you know but if we

Would have gotten we would have gone there and gotten blown out people like oh see Alabama shouldn’t have been in but we deserve to get in there ain’t no way for us they would have taken them to overtime yeah there is no way there is

No way Ty Alexander I love when CI Rants and Uncle Dan just be smiling yeah he do he does be smiling when I go on my rant and Justin provokes it so I rebuke Justin because he likes to provoke me this class this classic rant moment is

Brought to you by our Tik Tok page at theore Bama standard where SEI is a star y’all are just y y’all are funny yeah well I don’t know y’all I guess I turned into a meme tonight with my facial expression because I had no idea that booger is actually I’m gonna go

Back and watch this and no because when he said that you’re were like like it that that was the highlight of the night for me oh Hannah I don’t know I just I still I I cannot accept it I think tomorrow I’ll do the research or whatever and figure out if that’s I

Don’t know why you would choose to go through life like that but you know he made that choice so we just cut it to three all right Dan well maybe you gotta have faith oh you have little faith as much as you wonder why people you wonder

I’m like why are y’all Auburn fans like you can be anything in the world and you choose to be an Auburn fan or a Tennesseee fan I mean bless your heart you just got to pray for him honestly cuz it’s delusion I said before delusion is at an all-time high and that’s why

They watch our networks they don’t have anything else to watch so you know Dan I think they like to see you cutting up you know when you take your long breaths when you’re like we know you got something crazy to say yeah it’s crazy because now sometime

Even with Georgia fan when I when I get into argument with a fan I’m five minutes in before they even tell me who who their team is you know do y’all get that you know what I’m saying I’m like wait by the way who is your team go there like what what are

You even talking about like most relevant fans like South Carolina like when have you been relevant like we’ll be likeon I’m like oh yeah like why are you here like you know no like you’re not welcome in this conversation in Georgia what well anyway all right well this has been a

Really good show and I’m done with my rant and it’s been fun Hannah Dan it’s always awesome G TI game see listen We’re Half teams all of our teams are second half teams they are that’s not good though we need to do better than that I know I’m just saying oh I

Know you’re right start a fight do what I’m gon go start a fight now up by two y’all we are up by two okay oh well fingers crossed we win at Georgia that would be huge that would be maybe they heard what we had to say I

Don’t know I don’t know but y’all this has been awesome thank you so much for everyone who tuned in and be sure to come back this Friday 6:30 pm Central Standard time until then have a great night and roll TI roll roll TI roll I’m gonna go kick some puppies please Do


  1. Im sorry but i have to disagree about paying the players. These players should not be getting paid at all. Their on full ride scholarship. Their food, tuition, housing, education and medical is all paid for. All they have to do on their end is just keep they're grades up and perform well on the field.

    I played at a D-1 school back in the mid 2000s and i was on full ride scholarship and was out of state. I had everything i needed. Now players are just going where the money is. Meaning theres no more loyalty. Its all about the money. Not about winning.

  2. I agree that Coach Mike Shula got a bad wrap. Shula was always in the for top recruits. Also Shula teams had some football stars. He did thelis when Bama was not a desired job because NCAA sanctions and national media dog bama for 8 years.

  3. Not hating I'm from North Alabama and have been due hard roll tide roll all my life and I'm 45 but why Justin ain't calling blinker it rynes with booger😂 lmao I'm justin don't get mad bud messing

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