Golf Players

Tabitha Peterson vs. Christine McMakin – Draw W5 – USA Curling National Championships [FEATURE]


Tabitha Peterson (#12) of St. Paul, Minnesota playing Christine McMakin (#80) of Minneapolis, Minnesota in Draw W5 of the 2024 USA Curling National Championships produced by Curling Stadium from January 27 to February 4, 2024 and hosted by The Rink at American Dream in East Rutherford, New Jersey. United States. [Sheet C]


# WCF World Team Rankings:

Everybody Sh In 2024 the USA curling national championships come to the New York metropolitan area and we are past the Midway point of the round robin play as we get set for draw five on the women’s side from American dream in East Rutherford New Jersey the rank it

American dream is our sight and as we take a look at the standings on the women’s side it is Sarah Anderson taba Peterson Delaney Strauss all at 3 and one and the Peterson team is the one we feature here this morning going up against Christine MCM at 2 and2

So an opportunity for MCM to get a win and pull level on a record of three and2 with the reigning national champions and you can see for tapi the Peterson that three and one one mark and a team that suffered a setback in their first game against Sarah Anderson but

Bounced back including a big win yesterday over Delaney Strauss so it’s been some exciting curling and for Christine MCM well they get to see what they can do against one of the top teams here in this competition along with 2018 Gold Medal winner Tyler George I’m Joe

Tson glad you’ve joined us this morning this is the first of three that we will bring you here today and as we We Get Set uh the challenges the expectations if you’re Christine MCM and you know the the pressure but also the excitement to go up against one of

The top teams in the country yeah we see a moving day coming up for these teams we got cousins and Ryan on sheet a Anderson Shield sheet B Delany Strauss Rachel working sheet D and of course our feature game on sheet C tab with the peters and Christine MCM three teams at

Three and one three at one and three and two in the middle of the pack at two and two those three in one teams are going to try to pull away and secure one of those top four spots one in three teams at the bottom not out of the competition

Yet maybe having to run the table to have a chance to make the playoffs two and two obviously could go either way but no team eliminated from this competition as of yet this is a big day two games for both for all the teams involved moving day just like they say

In golf we’ll see what occurs here but for a team like Christine MCM to you know the the challenge that going up against one of the top teams in the country presents facing tabi the Peterson but also the excitement to see you know how you measure up against the

Best and for team MCM it’s not really about do they have the talent to compete it’s about can they string together enough good ends and good shots we see the flashes of Brilliance from them in particular Christine MCM with some big shots in the the games that we had

Earlier in the competition uh they can play with anybody here they just need to do it more consistently and for Tabitha Peterson some ups and downs Maybe quite playing to the level that they expect but that’s not unusual for the beginning of a competition even for the top teams

They’re far enough into the tournament now where they expect to play sharp this is where you see teams like tabs really kick things into gear now with these two games today they’re looking to get to 5- one by the end of the day no question they are still the favorites The Front

Runners we expect them to come out fire in this morning well you look at those top three teams Anderson defeated Peterson to open up this tournament yet yesterday we mentioned Peterson over Strauss and then our second women’s game this evening at 7 Eastern 6 Central is Strauss and Anderson so we’ll see how

Everything works out with those top three clubs and again by the end of today we’ll know a lot more on what the playoff picture will look like yeah only three games left on the women’s side so today is a huge day for everybody involved I think

Uh I would expect tab to come out firing early here 95 short I’m going to predict the center guard even too oh I heard 90 so maybe they go top four I think that’s a split time for coming in the house maybe tab wanting to get comfortable with things first

Seven I think it’ll be okay we hear a lot of different numbers Tyler 76 was the first one we heard yeah well no but we hear 4.3 we hear a 138 we hear and and now you’re throwing out a 70 or an 80 when you’re talking 70 80 what does

That number represent compared to some of like the hog to hog time that we get when we get a 138 or a 145 that high number the 7080 would be the split time so that’s a 3.70 or 3.80 we’re looking at usually about a four to get to the button right now so

No surprised that went a little bit deep the 138 the 14s those that’s the hog to Hogs talking the time it takes to get from one hog line to the other and that’s the most accurate time for timing Stones as it doesn’t matter who’s throwing it once it’s out of the

Shooter’s hand all those times are the same you see a hit there played by cor Ferrell Squad Kora skipping and throwing last rocks for team MCM this week so conservative start for both sides a lot of times if that first rock goes to the back of the 8 foot you see

The team with hammer go to a corner is it’s not really a dangerous Stone but MCM wanting to get a feel for the conditions for the morning draw if you’re going to see a change in things overnight is when it’ll happen usually this is the fastest game

Of the day with regard to the speed of the ice early in the morning second Stone from burrito Chef extraordinary the best of the best she wasted no time in making sure we knew she was the one that made for those that didn’t listen earlier in the week the greatest breakfast burrito I’ve

Ever had in my life uh when her and Lance wheeler were helping the junior camp we run out in Denver Colorado so finally have a guard out in front of the house with the roll out by Becca Hamilton on her takeout that allows MCM to go to the

Corner Peterson now following suit with a center guard of their own trying to pull the game to the center of the sheet Tara Peterson expecting an inspired game from her today with husband John showing up in the facility about 50 ft to my right you’re up top in the

Booth first stone of the morning for jenesy to on the center guard rolls over to a corner they’d be just fine with that but over curls and rolls off off might see tab go right up to the corner and peel that off now that we’re past five

Rock they’re going to stay a little more aggressive and go to the center guard no same we scoped it the more broadcast friendly call this is more Three L’s a little tighter two and a half Rock really curling hard and going to cross the center line if they want to get it

Tight that cuts off the draw path a little bit for the corner guard though now Switching gears is Ferell under drawing under this rock as it’s not on the center line so they’re not really afraid of that protecting the button for a possible steal don’t mind

The call here mine is good top eight top eight is good foot and a half a difference making the decision easier for frell based on the line heavy bring it back here then coming down coming down coming down turning over nicely should bury a good piece okay that’s good didn’t want to

Sweep it too much more and go behind the T line that’s a good spot say just Midway through this first end couple of takeouts to start it and now Cory T’s good shorts okay got a little room Cory playing the Inn freeze on this rock in the top of the

For foot line good chance to get an early rhythm with draw weight here line it’s not quite on it yet finish up good judge really nicely done there by Cory good read by the sweepers like hack here okay here hack the call from frell they want to unlock that yellow stone sit on

Top of the red but still keep the yellow in the house room whoa whoa close wa Cur C that’s good pretty good shot there red poking out a little bit sitting second and third for MCM good way to set up a big end I don’t love that nice weight by Christine it

I like 95 95 yeah okay so the strategy here then for tab of the Peterson you you’ve talked through the week about getting rocks in the house but also from a standpoint of not having the hammer being able to move stuff around if you can to avoid a big

End yeah early in the game they don’t want to get themselves into too much trouble letting yellow rocks stack up in the house just playing the hit this is really curling though little redirect off their own loses one yellow but maybe an opportunity now for frell

To play a hit and roll either make the double roll or possibly both depending on the weight they play Roll is the biggest thing here if they can get undercover doesn’t matter if they’re Shot Rock right now but possible to get both that roll and the double Christine second Stone of this first

End close online here go cor go go go go go go go sitting at least one really good result there over curled just a hair almost made the double and roll but they are sitting shot Rock taking a look to see who’s set freeze there might have been second for

Sure but that red stone at the back spun back a little bit bit of a spin there sometimes the curling gods are on your your side early doesn’t mean you trust them for later in the game though you want to be all the way to it tab yeah we can be

Yeah this angle it looks as though red might be second doesn’t change the shot though for tab Peterson playing the intern free freeze doesn’t need to be right on that stone as long as they bury a good piece in the 4 foot they have that yellow as a jamstone as

Well tab of the Peterson first as we are now at skip stones l l got a curl still running not curling yet usually that means that it’s a little heavy need this to finish yep yep both of you yep it’s just fine hard go go go go go go

Go really good spot there tough to dig that out without jamming on your own in I had a 12 on yours I think maybe they can get close to nose with a it’s really tight to that guard to not jam on yellow worth a go yellow yellow yellow

Rock would would this qualify as the Christmas Tree lineup that you talked about pretty much is and what’s the advantage of that well there you’d need another one to be in there above the one that’s in the 4 foot to be a a Christmas tree for for the advantage to to come into

Play so you can only hit so much of any of the stones you can see we saw a little mishap there in the hack with a red rock waiting for Correll not a yellow one she spotted it and got it switched up so cor farell with an in

Turn yes he’s on a tight track right now but needs to be really close to the guard to make it sweeper going hard okay oh just hairs it see if it sits goes back into the 12 foot so doesn’t out count the red in the back eights move that guard a little

Bit can’t really but does that open up an opportunity here for tab Peterson tab is in protection mode right now yeah those two Reds are lined up for a double if it’s left open for a pile for MC it’s only for two like you know or G yeah I like

Tight I feel like Edge is going to be close okay I agree I think yeah throwing another in the house here it’s really precise placement for a spot where you’d out count the number two for yellow but still protect your own from a tap for two so tab is going to play the

Guard instead I think this is correct call just throwing it tight to the House ready not sure there’s much of an opportunity for more than one that isn’t too big a risk for MCM if they play this could end up forcing the draw for one final Stone of the end for tabi the Peterson clean go ahead Becca care and it’s an okay

Careful mine’s good just trying to get to a tight guard terra terra don’t want it any deeper than three needs to finish up should be okay for line Y keep going yes hard hard go go go go go you’re good you’re good was all the way in the house

But on a good angle being able to get all three of them for four yeah there is a possible triple for three here now with this this in the it looks like it goes into that yellow though this and how much of that was you said before

About three I don’t think you cat this one just outside the house only for one and how much of that has it changed cuz all of a sudden it was go go go go go and it was almost like we need to try and get it deeper into the house now

Almost to freeze because we didn’t get the shot we wanted they were trying to get for line they needed to cover their own up first so they were turning it to make sure they Protected Their Own yeah was a little further out than a little

Bit of a risky shot for three if they wanted to the triple but they think that at least one of the Reds may jam on a yellow if they hit this in the right spot so they’re just going to draw for one crisis averted for Peterson last Rock for team MCM it’s cor

Farrell who’s calling the house and throwing last Stones I’m good with the draw almost seemed like she was having second is there enough risk reward early in the game like this to go ahead and try that there is if you think that it’s there and they’re not sure it is so they’re

Just going to draw I don’t think you need to okay Line’s a little tight oh Line’s good this looks like plenty of weight right now still gliding a little bit don’t know that this is going to stop in time that’s okay 12 yeah 129 129 yeah that’s about through the

House weight so steel for Peterson after things got a little dicey for a while but they get the single so first end a steal for Tabitha Peterson one to nothing second end coming Up Twin City’s Orthopedics is ready to go with more doctors specialty services and convenient urgent care locations Ready Set TCO Back at American dream we are just underway in the first of three today two on the women’s side one on the men’s side and a steal on the first end for Tabitha Peterson against Christine MCM weit nice full starting to Cur first stone is on its

Way from Becka Hamilton yeah kind of an up and down first end for both teams with changing gears two three times from defense offense offense defense first one for Hamilton goes the back of the eights again the first end they had Clare Moors hit that stone second and now they’re going right to

The corner guard wait if you can those little things Joe make a big difference in who’s able to be the aggressor they may have thrown the corner even if that was in the top of the 4 foot but it’s a much less concerning Stone in the back of the

Eight moving keep it moving so pretty easy decision there for frell to go to a corner guard that’s good good now the first end how much of that was more let’s get used to the ice nice so we can trade some hits and stuff and and figure it out and that’s the end

You expect to see that in the most just trying to get comfortable again this is the exact same situation as you saw in the first end and this time opting to throw the corner obviously there a one zero score instead of z z but I think they just wanted to

Throw a couple simple shots get their feet underneath them and that’s not uncommon in the least bit but after play in the first now they got the speed they have the conditions non-threatening Rock in the back of the eights go right to the corner guard absolutely the right

Call and now a center guard right on that line what you have on that one yeah so he can’t tick it off but at the same point while there is a point to steal it is the first in let’s not make too big a deal out of that after all yesterday

Miranda sh was up six zip after the second end and ended up coming up short hasn’t curled yet nothing against team Shield but uh rallying from a big deficit against Tabitha Peterson probably a a little different than the young charges wonderful comeback by Rachel working yesterday never give up well actually I

Shouldn’t say that you you can give up early sometimes we prefer that you do if there’s a large deficit but but don’t give up after the first or second end well you can’t fortunately I had I had a game I gave up after two ends once in a bon Spiel

Because there’s no restrictions outside of playdowns okay but it was enough of a lead and enough the fact that my team really didn’t want to be out there anymore I think it was against Ben jukic forever ago Ben became a professional baseball player so he made pretty good decision

There he was 80 or something after two that was enough curling for the day for us nice draw by Tara Peterson right to the top of the fours surrounding that fine too cor doesn’t like the way these are set up with these angles so going to peel open things

Up that task Falls to Jen breski yes y because we are clean five rocks in everything’s fair game yellow great K good throw Maybe it’s nice speed here going to replace that try to make cor waste a few more Stones two and a half two Line’s good two and a half little higher than your broom a cur finish it y finish it guard just trying to get to a three again tight

Guard dead in front of that pile and as simple as it sounds when you say three three feet in front of the house uh three is just total distance so we do this in in areas a high guard is a one okay and back line is a 10 so everything is just in

Stages between those numbers one is high guard two middle guard three tight guards to four is top 12 five top eight six top four seven tline eight back four nine back eight 10 back 12 I’m glad I asked nothing to do with actual distance for numbers it’s

Just think of it like a scale 14 one being the highest 10 being the farthest away the intern while still in play what yeah you think we can tap it a bit with the intern it’s an easier way to to communicate quickly as opposed to saying top four

Top eight even more brevity freeze is okay just doesn’t finish super hard yeah or we could just like freeze in there again I don’t I don’t have any of it so it does look a little hard to tap but if we freeze and kind of line up an angle maybe wey

Coming down to talk to Tabitha Peterson cuz TC is the one who’s going to throw these Stones yeah harder now I like getting another one in I think we want to show some so we can use it yeah agreed yep although it’s probably just jamming right now but could go this way I

Guess I don’t know what do you guys like what’s the discussion here it’s just about if they want to go on the offensive or continue to just protect what they have they have no problem with a force I like this call here inter turn freeze stack another one on top of your own

You’re really setting yourself up at least to force MCM to one but when the rocks are stacked like this you want your opponent to be the one that tries to move them around they’re happy with leaving these just as they are because of the draw paths and because of their control they have

At the top of the for foot they don’t want to wreck the guard though whoa curl wait too bad don’t think there’s enough of that red it’s a slash with the weight they need to to lose a bunch they can jumble these up a little now

Here can you run that Red Guard just back into him if you really want to bust it up while you’re running their Stone into a pile where you’re going to move your own around so they’d probably just peel if they were going to do that but

They’re going to try to hit the one in the house as much as they can see so there is a little space between that red and the top of the button and the number one counter yes so they want to get this as tight to the guard as they Can just like that really well done that was the issue with the the bump they were playing that freeze it it bumped off enough and changed the angle so that that double was there tab only wanted that to come freeze to that stone and not move the Angles

And explain to people how big a difference it is to have just that little bit of space in between the stones and not frozen right next to it you can pick that stone off and not move your own because of the space between them a little stay close for line Becca

Hard Becca and now Cory T second got go Becca Cory just trying to replace where that red was freeze on the Yellow Stone a little tap but a good spot and that got close enough to the guard that that’s okay to move it a little bit good angle again that may frell calling for the outturn draw through the staggered Port difficult

Shot but sets up a great angle if they can make it and you’re okay with tapping this red a little bit now too you might need to throw enough to tap in order to get through the port and stay on the angle they want and Christine mcm’s final Stone of this

Second and she is throwing third work where Curl close curl curl straight now straight straight hard straight right to it right to it well through the port just a little bit of a misread on the path of that stone calling for it to curl turning it over and now crosses all the way to the

Opposite side they wanted that to stay on the right side of that stone the center line side and set up an angle maybe to move that red you think the call a curl may have been from what she was seeing she’s afraid she’d hit the guard right well

They they thought they needed to curl to get through the hole to the line they were playing they just misread the line Half like yeah I like thinking guard but so down to skip stones in the second end tap what this oh hard but I like

Getting another one in I think okay so back line back line I like that is he there yeah that looks good yeah it’s not going crazy here I like getting another one in said Cory yeah there’s looks like yellow is first and third having another one Frozen on that

Yellow is probably your best guard at this point I wouldn’t want to leave the Rocks sitting the way they are right now because it’s possible they could come through that port and chip that red out can’t see much of it but the way it curls you could get to

It so an inter turn draw from T Peterson here in the second end you wouldn’t mind if this over berries too if it gets by the guard and actually crosses the top rock a little bit I think they’re going to move him too get shot rock on a nice angle

Too looks like it goes right onto the yellow right it goes onto this yellow but I don’t know if that is bad like I think if you can get low on it you know at all Here where I think you have to get as close to nose as you can yeah y to try and leave our yellow in a good spot too what waight like to get there bumper yeah that’s what I see is that enough just 115 yep cuz I think if we leave

Stuff in the back of the button that’s okay yeah they definitely want to move these rocks and try take red out of count sit Shot Rock and you heard 115 meaning they want to play close to backboard weight okay enough to Jumble these up you he

Him say it’s okay to leave stuff on the back of the for foot as long as that angle’s still good with wherever their shooter ends up they should be able to stay Shot Rock no matter what and with the three Rock transfer they need to play at least board weight

Just to make sure that those rocks move enough to get shot first stone for cor Farrell here on the second end in turn and if he can shake it up just enough to get sh who close a little softer than what they thought

Go to move these St too no roll on it no roll good that’s really good I think that angle worked out really good looks as though the if they ever try to hit the top yellow that the yellow is just going right into that back red yeah all depends on who shot it

Looks like I think red shot red might be but still angle good maybe a little unlucky with where that rock spun in the back of the fors but our Red’s not going anywhere either no no that’s really dicey yeah so holding shot what’s the option here for

To of the Peterson you think you ever try to get through the port and like tap this but if you get through the port you’re tapping it right or if I there’s two shots to score right now for MCM as is one shot for two one for one

Yeah she can easily get through that hole and just hit the red for two so that’s the shot you want to make sure they don’t have you can concede the shot for one on the intern side the same one that they just played do you want to just throw the

Straight then that might be EAS like a three four I think that’s fine I yeah I think that’s what they’re going to do they’re they’re content with giving one in this situation still leave this right but I think this is this is a hard spot to get to though with the

Court there I think you’re going to end up curling too far yeah she’s going to have that regardless right can also play an inter turn heavy draw around the outside of the Red Guard chip off that and roll in a little bit try to take both shots

Away probably still going to have a shot for one regardless though would that be enough to take away the shot for too that’s the most important thing is you have to chip in and take away a piece of that Port she does yeah it or Clips it

Yeah I don’t mind the freeze I like getting another one yeah yeah and I think if we’re clipping we just clip that red one thick right I think we want we’re not around thin is bad yeah yeah little bit of a risk here for Peterson trying to come through the

Hole this is not an e easy port to navigate they’re trying to just freeze to that yellow stone I think there’s still a shot for one with the inter tap so I’m not sure what they think they’re accomplishing by coming through the port if they just throw the guard on

That hole then I think it’s the same result as if they come through but still trying to come through the port so tabi the Peterson last Rock in the second end to try and minimize what cor frell and team MCM can do on their last stone for line Becca Becca

Hold on you got to go Becca hard Becca whoa hard Becca go go go go said about a guard do they really have to go they need to get by the guard that ends up being a guard but is that so horrible well the results great I I just I’m not sure what

They would have accomplished by getting through in the first place maybe thinking that this is there for one though if you if you really just want to score that’s there I I like this okay maybe they were think frell was going to play this angle R now that she ticked

It this way you like that one okay could see from Over the Top who’s sitting what we can tell how many they’re actually throwing for if they play this angle run the seven looks easier now that she okay yeah it could maybe be for three if

You hit it just right you got to get pretty tight to the guard to make it in the first place looks like it’s high this is definitely a risk reward shot you you don’t make it you could give upbe a more another steal and go down 20

But maybe if you hit this at just the right angle oh they’re actually playing The Higher One now I was going to say they play The Higher One or do they want to play the the St the top of the house based on where those are sitting this is

Actually there for three as that back Rock we thought that red might be actually out counting the the yellow in the back eight but I think this is for three so that would be the reason to have another one in the house if you were tap that makes

A huge difference they I don’t think they’d play this if it was for two which is why we thought they’ just play that tap on the other side and no reason to come in but now yeah this is this is a run for three they need to make contct

With that other red and have them both spill out on of throwing be big moment here for Coro Farrell with her last Rock of the second end it’s really close need to get up a little bit get it get it looks good great shot so three for team MCM yeah just that

Rock being third count in the back of the eight foot made all the difference in that decision great shot playing to win the game well done so MCM counters the steel in the First with three of their own in the second and Lead 3-1 with the third in coming

Up and Steve’s curling supplies America’s number one curling equipment supplier for over 50 years is proud to support USA curling no matter your skill level or budget we have all of the top products from the most popular brands in the sport and right now you save $10 on

Any purchase of $100 or more when you use the code USA curling tin at checkout that’s Steves back in American Dream as we start the third end with MCM up on Peterson 3-1 and the first stone coming from Claire Moors just trying to throw to a tight

Guard with the two-point lead and keep the pressure on that’s about as tight as they get there you think that’s on Cor that would be the three and seven8 but they’re going to take a look and see if it’s on or not yeah right away tabi the Peterson is that on for us

So you know what she wants to do and cor agrees that it I have to go this way I don’t know what I am doing so a couple staggered guards looks like she wants to split but yeah with the way those guards are staggered I think you want to just

Get in first maybe top eights and second Stone here from Becka Hamilton this short so going to stagger again up top and that first stone when they agreed that it was on that was a perfect example for people just because you saw white doesn’t mean you’re clear because the surface of the stone

Underneath is a little is smaller than the full width of the it’s all about the over the top view if you can see anything between the Stone holding it out there and the house it needs from looking over the top it’s not about if actual Granite is touching the paint all

About the over the Cur I got it go go go hard to bury it hard to bury it you’re burying a pie now jenesy they’re trying to bury and they’re just not going to get enough maybe a missed opportunity for frell to to get underneath tab still thinking we don’t

Like this setup we’re going to bail go to the next little surprised the two-point deficit and fairly straightforward hit and roll on that rock in the top of the fours instead Tera Peterson does indeed break everything up a good result there two Corner guards out of it middle now open

So really good shot by terara I I thought I heard a 143 but you still would have preferred the hit and Roll Just stack some numbers up in the house well if I knew the Rocks were going to react that way and end up with two corners then I think that’s a

Perfect shot the other option is just to try to get underneath but you’re going under three centers no pretty high we’re pry easy we’re pretty high close go ahead then yeah both of you C Cur Cur both of you hard hard go go good good and a set her

Guard to protect that shot Stone in the house yeah pretty much completely buried the nice thing for Peterson is if they keep replacing this Guard if they leave a piece of the Rock open on either side they can play a bump and roll under either corner so these guards need to be perfect and Tera Peterson over curls maybe accidental run back from terara there but a very good result obviously right

Now it work MCM playing the out turn draw trying to get underneath team Peters Stone instead of their own always curl C this is the side of the sheep that we saw more curl on last night looks to be running a little straight right now twice in a row

Now ra didn’t quite get that to curl enough to bury to keep an eye on going forward yeah yeah okay and first stone of the end for Cory t a little big with my relas what point cuz we’ve talked during the week Tyler about good judge setting up to score

Maybe setting up to blank it is there a break even point where tab Peterson asked to say we’re going down One path or the other it’s it’s less about when it happen happens more than just as much as the the setup of the stones they have multiple rocks they can use to go

Underneath they have enough of this to play hack try to roll under the corner that’s the worst case just to touch leave the guard there and go by but they definitely had enough of that to play the soft hit and try to roll to the corner with a two-point deficit too it’s it’s

Much different than playing tied or or down one where maybe you’re thinking still well blank is fine this is a more aggressive end for them where they would much prefer to score a two than to blank and Christine MCM an outturn draw here can’t she get it to freeze against

That other Stone this one hangs straight too and and they sit right next to each other really not getting much curl on that side that’s okay probably make it that way hey whatever you’re seeing make it both just peel yeah TC trying to hit this right in the

Pocket and lose both yellows I’d really like if the shooter would stay in the house too needs to be almost simultaneous just curls a little too much gets both but rolls off and now that does allow Ferell to draw underneath again I doo so down to skip stones in the third

End Christine MCM with three in the second they lead 31 want to the here be easy on the line because we’ve had to finish these this is still looks like a pretty conservative broom based on how much these rocks haven’t been curling he said they took a little less that they may

Need to finish see if they can get this to turn over cor farell off the hack and as we’ve been seeing the outturn draw okay Line’s good let it work a little bit yep straight little different path here yes St still looks to be pretty

Good he whoa who curl whoa whoa who no don’t curl it don’t curl it where now that it’s inside the edge of the 4 foot path it’s really turning over over burying coming out into the open side okay it’s okay good judge guys now Rock’s pretty much wide open through a

Small Port yeah okay so maybe a a break line there somewhere around the middle of the 8 foot where if you start on that path maybe just outside middle eight you get a good finish but starting edge of eight may run a little bit first stone for for Tabitha

Peterson tab electing to play for two play the draw smart shot decent chance of getting a skips Deuce if tab can get this in let’s find out easy got out turn draw Becca’s Rock Becca’s Rock top button Line’s okay still got room it’s really Runnings kind

Of coasting a little bit a little more rotation too really running hasn’t gotten into that path where it turns over yet so you’re not even you’re not on it I think you got to let it that’s just going to go by looks like just a little bit different path

Little different throw yellow still Shot Rock it yeah I’d like to be right there I didn’t think frell quite got out to the broom on her first it definitely looked like a different path than tabs was on even though the broom was pretty similar does she want to leave this in

Front of those stones or try and Nestle it up in that pocket she’s probably throwing right to the top of the button and wants to bury it completely underneath that guard if that yellow is still open through the port then you really need this rock to be shot so they can’t just

Play the open hit through the hole for two so final Stone from Coro farell for team MCM in this third in the error needs to be over Barry yep need full four girls full Four full four worst case use the back keep looking keep looking keep looking really nice line four want this just to get the top button on this line set good that’s really good just a hair deeper than they would have liked if that sits another even four Ines higher that’s

Dead perfect yeah thinking you just probably still a good shot best tab can do is a tap for one I just would hate to do that yeah I mean they’re already sitting to I guess so it doesn’t really matter but but I don’t know if you can score that way we

Get yeah I think you probably just draw I don’t know how we score really is there even a discussion here of a double to try and get two there is no double no not with those angles the only way you can clear both yellow Stones

Would be an angle run back and way too much risk on that shot already down by two if you can get a point you’re still in pretty decent shape and ended up in a really good spot tab just needs to try to tap this rock or come around the outside of it either

Way not sure which they ended up going with we’ll tell from the call it’s an out turn draw to try to pick up a point here in the third end only and this is just a draw to the side of the button trying to get more of the

Button than that yellow stone worst case give one 146 got to curl it Becca full four girls full four needs to finish now sweepers trying to get it to the button that’s about the best they could do giving one so a really nice draw there from cor Ferrell sets up the steel

But a good throw by tab to make sure it’s not more than one so one for team MCM means it’s a 4-1 Advantage as we move into the fourth end and warm room hero is the intuitive Curling Club software that takes the stress out of schedules registrations

And more war room hero a platform built for curlers by curlers so check out warm room Hero at docl Club he hey hey hey he hey hey hey he hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Back at American Dream as we get set for the fourth in between team mcmed against team Peterson in a 4-1 Advantage for MCM 2018 Gold Medal winner Tyler George I’m Joe toson glad you’ve joined us this morning for draw five in the women’s curling national championships Peterson three in one

Record coming com into this MCM 2 and two yeah pretty tight I like the the Gold Medal winner reference Joe because it’s mysterious you it doesn’t say what it’s for it sounds like it could be like for a a 4 auction or something like that I’m apology if I left out Olympic that

No I I enjoy it because I think of all the things I could have won you know just Branch out in life maybe there’s something ahead of me still under I don’t know what else I’m good at though I don’t think I have much going forward well from all the Olympics I’ve

Covered it’s ingrained into me now you are a Gold Medal winner the ioc really does not like the term medalist I don’t know that that seems to be the most common term St hard hard you got to get it by hard okay okay get the get the rug all

Right 54 yeah she was just end up with piler oxs out front already for for both teams that’s good for team Peterson with all these guards up plenty of options to go underneath none of them on the center line either one semic Center just a little bit off the center line so

Peterson having Becca Hamlin go to the corners and Joe this is where they they try to set up a big end indirectly you know not always going right to the center going under that corner guard they’re hoping they can make that count eventually nice throw by Becca good result so first stone coming

Up for jener chesky question for is they were walking away after that last Stone played by Clare Moors somebody said oh the handle was really lazy yeah that means that they just didn’t Spin The Rock very much and rocks tend to curl more the less that the RO seems counterintuitive but the

More a rock is spinning the less it curls because there’s less friction it’s not grabbing the surface of the ice as much get so the more rotation a rock has the farther it carries and the less it curls so that’s a good pickup there okay I always kind of tended to throw a

Little bit of a lazy hand on myself but it was consistent and you can see a little difference too in the two skips in this game tab at the Peterson cor Ferrell I wouldn’t say that tab throws a spinner and I wouldn’t say that cor throws a

Lazy handle but tab definitely has more rotation when you saw those draws coming down in the third end cor’s got a nice finish on close to the same line and tab just kind of ran there was definitely more rotation on tab’s throw and that affected the amount

Of curl so sometimes you have to pay really close attention to your opponents throw not just follow their broom but say did they throw with the same amount of rotation or the same positive release and that’s part of where you need to broom for your own players and knowing where you need

To put the stick so Terra Peterson clears a guard but leaves a guard yep double peel attempt here from Jenna breski that’s really well done opens that red stone Up tab will go right under the center but it’s a little bit of damage control uh yeah I think that’s good for

MCM with a three-point lead that stone will always be accessible for them I like it and second Stone coming here from Terra Peterson terara just trying to get to top of the 8 foot somewhere in there needs to go for weight has to get paint no matter what is in the house sitting

Two and now Clare MCM her first yes Christine trying to play the RO underneath here he bruised a little bit with the sweep I had cor apologize ran a little bit more true than they thought didn’t curl up but still sticks around for Shot Rock tab’s trying to keep things spread

Out right now they they don’t want to roll to a point where a freeze kills the end you can roll wide yeah I think so you can roll all the way across to the back of the eight foot if you do play the roll underneath you’re pretty much

Daring MCM to play a freeze against a possible three-point end and Cory T that’s her first go Miss a hit R Hamilton trying to get it to turn just rolls a little bit probably the one of the worst spots to leave it to allow a hit and roll for

Ferell you talked about how yesterday the side of the ice was curling more now it’s running more how m to me it sounds like it’s absolutely maddening that well that’s curling it’s changing all the time and a lot of times every bit as important as the execution is who reads

The conditions better I don’t see either side really curling more than the other one right now they’re both a little straight Cur Cur still enough curl to make shots hard curl any roll any roll okay again that just doesn’t quite get there again just really big okay what was my last

One now the roll is a good opportunity for Peterson this will be above the T line no question they’d love to get this underneath let’s see if Cory TC can do that last few stones have run pretty Straight that’s going to be nose too and sometimes when you you see enough of these in a row where the Rocks just aren’t taking the turn that you expected from earlier in the week you you throw it to the sweepers so if you over curl fine but give it a chance so I’m

Thinking there for 10 I like that I like it throw it on a line where the sweepers might have to hold it but especially for tab on that shot even if you roll all the way open to the opposite side it’s better than leaving it right where it is

So getting more aggressive on that roll definitely the right way to go and now another opportunity for Ferell really big shot here we’re on skip stones if they can get underneath could be an end killer first of two in this end from Coro farell for team MCM whoa close y whoa whoa

You see a little less rotation again on cor’s Stones than the others she should get more C go go that’s really good nice shot by pharoh to be above here those of us that throw those quote unquote lazier handles can get those rocks to dance a

Little bit more I think ideally we go here cor is a kindred spirit that I mean is just if you don’t make it and we leave a guard and then she sinks another one could be a little dicey still have a chance for two if you make this she still just draws around

Again so outturn draw to the back of the forefoot is the call for tab the two there’s three options really for this shot that the shot they’re playing they could play the inter around the corner guard to try to touch the side of the forfoot which wouldn’t leave a

Freeze and MCM would likely have to throw the the same outturn that tab’s playing right now or play that run back but then depending on where the the guard ends up that you run in you might not have a great opportunity for to anyways and it’s a higher difficulty

Shot so tab electing the outturn first stone for Peterson of this fourth end you right looks really hot yeah I’m just worried about a turning um are you hanging on to a piece of the four and still running hasn’t started turning and Glide all the way at least to the back maybe

Through does bite in the back I like it now opportunity for Ferell to come in again I never want to touch our yellow and I don’t want to leave it double it’s better to be back here than up there I agree but let’s put it here yep you got it 132 on

Theirs cor is content just to throw this in the back of the for foot and let tab follow for her one make sure we get past the top yellow because we never want to leave a double but ideally they show half on the top of the button that’s going to make a

Score really tough for Peterson it might even make her consider throwing the Run double should be a double run double so B Big Stone here for Coral Farrell and team MCM so really put some pressure on top of the Peterson you see the difference close forra in that rotation on frell’s

Throw you’re okay Line’s good Line’s good Line’s good should start turning now yep got to be really deep now yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep taking it all the way back to back four nothing wrong with that good safe shot by frell what does it mean for Tabitha

Peterson she just got a follow exact same shot that frell just threw now she has a little bit of backing so there’s there’s more margin for air than if this stopped on the top of the button you would have had to get closer to the Yellow Stone and frell said the last

Thing they want to do is touch their own or sit next to to it and leave a double cuz that’d be for three so she was never going to get anywhere near that rock in the top of the 8ot top of fours so last Rock in the fourth for

Tabi the Peterson as she tries to draw for one got a little room right now where where it’s always becc they don’t like the line on this one either you got to carve it it’s not as heavy as the pre shot matter how much it’s going to turn over and heavy

Again and ends up a steal of one for MCM so three in the second for MCM and then back-to- back steals to go up 51 as we move to the fifth we came brother you’re left should be on the left side couldn’t get Back back at American dream and E Ru of New Jersey side of the 2024 men’s and women’s USA curling national championships and Christine MCM backto back steals to take a 5-1 Advantage into this fifth end and the first stone coming from Clare Moors tight great tight that’s good curling

Now curling now make sure we’re at least tight can’t over curl here and this is going to be a guard too which I’m sure tab doesn’t mind I think that just came up short supposed to be in the house let’s try that way seeing ice just a little bit

Straighter today than previous games and just clean cor Ferrell’s rotation on her stone is is getting her more action that hit and roll she played got a little more curl and the draws both fed down a little more tab’s just kind of sticking that delivery the same way

She normally does but not adjusting the broom Tighter and these rocks are running it’s definitely the straightest we’ve seen so far this week and and that’s an adjustment you have to make as a a rock thrower and a skip for where you’re brooming and she’s brooming herself you can Stone

From Claire mois for team MCM and I want touch on that in a sec is this try and bury it behind that Center guard sure if it’s going to get over sweeping just a little piece underneath nice weight from CLA we were talking between the ends though and you said

That there’s not much difference in the delivery so to speak I don’t know and and speed and everything between cor frell and Tabitha Peterson well the the delivery is the part that’s different because the it’s the release of the stuff the speed I guess yeah they’re not throwing much different paths but the

Rocks are running differently because of the release and tab needs to tighten the brooms up for everybody with her Squad but specifically for herself because the Rocks just are running straighter carrying farther with more rotation and that positive relief you can’t really follow the path the Broom the rotation

That Ferell is throwing the rocks are running completely different so just it’s an adjustment that they need to make and we’re in the fifth end of the game and you know the scoreboard Bears it out I’m sure that if it gets to the break that’s going to be a discussion with Coach

CIO bring it behind straight but again I mean even watching breski’s Rock coming down the sheet me that’s probably three rotations that that rock has the entire way down and then you see quite a bit more on most of Team Peterson Stones like you really just need to give

These rocks a chance tighten the brooms up let your sweepers have them if you end up missing narrow you miss narrow but when you’re missing wide consistently need to make that adjust trying to get when you say tighten the broom up that’s the spot to just account for Less

Curl well the yeah I mean where they’re giving the reference point where tab is putting the broom down just take less broom for what you’re playing nice board maybe a little down Terra Peterson with the six Stone of the end it you got it love that to stay under the center

Come out a little on the other side that’s good shot by Tera good aggressive broom there from tab line is good top eight top eight is good running running easy second Stone from Jen chest on the line line is good street street yeah y get it here full eight

Foot has to be full to get this all the way to the eight you really got to go even if it came out the other side a little to protect that bump not a bad spot even another couple inches would have been perfect still a pretty good result not much of that red

Rock accessible run the guard yeah I just wondering if we want to run it in or just straight peel I think it’s better to run it at this point or like think we want To I think you do need to run it in get some rocks moving around the angles aren’t playing out real well could be yellow yellow red yellow here and the delivery from Tara Peterson and this one little on the wide side just going to get the guard see what happens with the corner

Here sticks on that rock in the back quadrant Cory said bad luck thought maybe they could get that one out too and bring the Red Rock underneath the corner guard into play now Coral Farrell just wants to have Christine MCM replace that [Applause] c plenty of weight on this guard

Definitely going to be tight it here just put it here okay needs to stop really want this to stop and not make this run easy all right guys that’s yeah that’s not a good result there unless I don’t know if it drags or not just about I don’t really have it

Definitely drags matter where it drags too okay but I think the double jams that might have been really unlucky there for Peterson but it’s not exactly a large port and the Stagger might help us we can get this under the Stagger and roll I don’t like leaving this here is

My only thought yeah but it’s a stagger I don’t it either well that’s why huh you don’t think you can hit that into there I have like just a piece I do too so if we make this I’m just worried the double we’re going to get rid of one of our own so

Why don’t we just I kind of think so too huh I think it might yeah I don’t know if it Clips it well we you want risk it I thought so too I think it’s closer to hitting that I think it could hit both either of them right I still just don’t love

Leaving it is my only thought they can’t seem to decide if they like having that stagger up there or not I I agree with Cory I don’t like those the way they are so in a situation like this tabi the Peterson at what point for lack of a better term does she

Say I’m the boss this is what we’re doing or how much do you have to say this is what your teammate’s comfortable doing they’re just trying to figure out where they’re going to go if they move these like where is it going to catch that Redstone if they hit

It is it just going to jam on the center one is it going to go through the hole is it hit the first red and then go to the other red you could play this soft just to move them around you don’t need to

Hammer it as long as we hit it right is it nose to not Jam okay we can try do you like a nine you think it’s nosea do you like8 five pretty close it looks like they’re going for the two at the top you heard nine or 8 five I I was

Thinking 995 and then at least if it does catch the red it doesn’t have enough weight to lose the side red too sounds like 85 so firm weight this should be interesting to see where these end up there’s only a tiny bit of Separation so there’s going to be

Drag effect if you hit anywh nose or inside let’s see what Cory TC can do right here I think it may end up catching yeah just like that to both Reds but does move that yellow back so even though you lost your own red it’s not a terrible

Result you get shot out of it light’s okay I what I don’t think so I think I think light is okay just really unlucky there for for Peterson with that guard coming deep but still angling right to that double Jam if that bumps a little bit it’s a nose hit to

Lose both and maybe setting up a possible three or four needs to come up no bounce here no bounce make sure we’re full Fort straight Line’s really good for the freeze right now straight hard okay pretty good yeah good call to the nose that’s that’s pretty good what yeah excellent touch from the

Making we’re shot but our rings are very small so I don’t know if we want to try doing that yeah that that term rings are pretty small meaning there’s no scoring space right now for Peterson they’re sitting one but could kind of tap it here they’re not sure where two or three

Is coming from with how these yellows are set up Peterson down to 18 minutes right now like this definitely behind on time still three shots to go and talking about this one too and Joe in the past with with Peterson’s team this has been an issue for them with game Flow when the

Conversations are going on for a long time the indecisiveness it’s not just about running the clock it’s it’s about there’s no real Pace to their game the longer you wait to throw these shots the less Rhythm the team has at their best when they’re playing a little bit quicker I mey could

Try and just should give you an idea under 1730 on the clock now Christine MCM at 2448 yeah there’s a reason obviously mcm’s playing a lot sure more simple shots with the lead but still that this was the case early before they’ pulled away that there’s just long conversations here for for team

Peterson and you kind of get a little cold then too just to tighten up a little bit the more you’re standing around TC trying to play the in off but ends up right on the nose we’re trying to come off that into that rock in the top of the 4 foot and

Make the double instead just replaces it leaving another so now skip stones in the fifth higher than yeah I I like that I think I I mean no matter what we’re going to leave this is their this is their best best shot for two though right we play

It I don’t think so I don’t think we do but I mean you can it’s it’s then you might do can they nudge that shot Stone back a little bit they don’t want to move anything right now they’re happy with the way these are set up so they’re

Trying to protect things yeah the only risk is you might do that and you know no I agree I think any guard on this side is pretty good yeah so I I think this is safe for that so they’re just throwing a guard in that hole they think that the

Inof with the Yellow Stone on the tline is Peterson’s best way of trying to score more than one so they’re taking this entire side of the ice away they don’t think that there’s much of an angle with the in off on the other side that’s dangerous for

Them so content to concede one here and move on to the six with a hammer they’d love to give one that’d be a great situation for them are we are we positive who shot Rock here too sounds good we’ll take a good look after this throw and

See it looked like it was Peterson was shot but now cor Farrell either team scoring one is great for MCM right now so it’s really immaterial for them sounds as though they’re that Peterson is shot my you can go now curl now we got to get over the line

Curl yep hard you have to Cur hard hard hard looks like it should get there you’re good good sweep guys good job no inof available there now try this just move that a little bit just very flat but I like it I don’t see anything else yeah Peterson definitely Shot

Rock like firm firm heel there is a look at that clock now running under 17 minutes my only very likely by the time this end is over that Peterson will be over five minutes under or over Pace I should say for the second half of the game

So in off for tab really flat trying to have this go straight sideways to move that other red or yellow stone in the back of the [Applause] button does sit looks like two for red yeah very nice shot there could probably pick that off though there’s a good piece of that

Open be surprised if they don’t just try to kill that way easier than red stone that but what leit he like that may be bored now taking a look at it do you like that or you like the run which one I just don’t want to like open it

Up I’d be very hesitant to play anything opening this up and moving those rocks around you clear this red it’s a very tough shot for two have to make contact with it I think that should be good for 11 we did see mement in the first and up

By four is given two into of the world no it’s not bad at all but I it’s a really difficult shot for two if they move this tab would have to probably draw the side of the button on that same line to get the second Point not leave the same shot so heard

115 right around backboard weight maybe a little less right between Bard and hack just need to make contact with this back red touching the back of the Button final Zone from Coral farell in this fifth end who yes this is going to turn yeah got to go don’t want to

Wck just touches the guard just a little late on the sweep there got to be by first now is there a way in for three somewhere is there a way in for three do you risk taking the one laying two and pushing it back all depends on what you’re looking

At they’re looking at the corner guards it’s really hard it’s really hard you have a little bit of like kind of a catcher m i mean you can kind of hit this one a little bit there is a long either run or tap on this corner looks a little tight ice to me

Can use the rock in the back of the button for yellow little more High degree of difficulty here but worth the risk down by four and because where that yellow Corner guard is it’s kind of protecting against taking your own out it’s a very low probability of hurting yourself with

This shot because of where those rocks are positioned about the only way you can hurt yourself is just papering by The Rock The Yellow Rock in the top of the fours and touching the number one counter but very unlikely so definitely worth the risk of playing last Rock of

The fifth for tab Peterson and it’s Cory t said we have a little catcher mitt right here let see if she can hit it Y close no just about hack weight with this yeah just going to hang out too much not sure it even had the weight to

Push it in for another counter but it is two so pulling two back but still trailing 53 as we will move into the sixth in with Team MC Mak in front and it’s time for the mid game break brought to you by broom Fitters where you’ll find a full selection of

Curling broom shoes and Equipment along with unique curling apparel gifts and more visit broom for good curling gear back at American Dream mid game break with Christine MCM up on top of the Peterson 53 Peterson just getting two in the fifth elsewhere Elizabeth cousins leading Kim Ryme

3-2 Sarah Anderson up on Miranda Shield 54 Joe Tolson with 2018 Olympic gold medal winner Tyler George Well that’s where I won that thing that’s right so mid game break what if in this particular Junction with what we’ve seen through five ends what were the discussions for each team I

Think for team mcm’s side it’s we’re one shot away from being up three at the break with just barely click that guard doesn’t change anything about your approach get stones in the house keep things open keep executing keep good Pace the way they have been you see they still have

22 on their clock and for team Peterson if I’m Cathy o I’m saying it’s we’re only down two got the two back we’re the we feel we’re the better team but we need to make adjustments on where we’re brooming for these shots with the The Ice being a hair

Straighter give the sweepers a chance give these rocks a chance I think they threw a few better in that fifth end and got a little more execution but really yeah you you have to make adjustments for the conditions two and a half play to the

Ice put a few good ends together and lot of game to go and and Becca Hamilton gets us going here in the sixth Rock gliding a little bit needs to stop real close John landsteiner it’s always quicker at the break and does slide into the Rings

So exactly what we’ve seen the last few games these rocks continuing to glide into the Rings at the start of the six easy decision for phell CLA Moors will dispatch SED Rock hoping for maybe a bonus getting spin on but hangs out nothing wrong with that for mcm’s end of

Things though and Becka Hamilton already with her delivery because time is of the essence for the remainder of this match for team Peterson this one looks really tight too and sweepers walking behind it hoping it hits the breakes got the exact same time they said so all right just ends up short this

Time difference of half a foot good enough second from CLA Moors line is this will be a corner guard not just coming around the center work very important shot for the end trying to take position gliding going to be behind the T line same thing that one going a little

Deeper and into the back of the 8 foot like the one she put it so far out the way the ice has been running I didn’t think they’d be able to get it back so now terara Peterson just calling a one so getting aggressive with really running guys is really fast second Center up but yeah now they’re saying it’s running and this this Line’s gliding quite a bit but that’s an adjustment you expect going in if you’re surprised by the fact that

It’s a little quicker at the start of the sixth then then you haven’t been paying attention to curling for the last few decades but that does stop short of the other Stone good shot from Terra back one this one really wide out of hand okay goes by both sorry how we

Have and maybe in a little opening now for team Peterson two centers and a rock in the back could be a catcher I was going to say so by throwing that through how does that change strategy here for T Peterson well if there’s only one guard up they may be

Replacing it with a second Center again now with two easy call to go around right to the top of the 4 foot top of the button still gliding too now started to turn over Hamilton trying to finish perfectly done by terara really good shot 142 at the Double peel now probably

Now Jenna beresi her second talking about a double peel yeah they love to get both Reds moving if they can to this one a little wide out of hand too just getting the top one good TOs see if this jams on the side almost spun that one into the Rings

Too yes yep okay so quick replace here for tab good time to bank some time Line’s a little tighter kind of felt there to me looks heavy like this maybe a one and a half keep some distance between between the guards but this is probably going a little past

That just about a two nothing wrong with that that’s a good spot dead lined up and that line Joe really important because any double peel that you make has to be really close to hitting the nose of the stone so the shooter stays in that area if they’re staggered you

Can slash and the shooter rolls off no matter what and opens things up so they are going to try to still move both these Reds but the shooters going to have to stay pretty close to nose to make contact with both and it’s Christine MCM okay just ends up being the single peel

Again and rinse repeat here for Peterson is exactly what they want they’d be happy to do this this twice more and then maybe throw one in on their last I it a little bit he L Line’s good running right where the previous one was be great no deeper than

That sweepers just taking the walk with it enjoy the show almost identical to the previous a shot deadlined up again good job by TC okay Peterson looks like they’re getting a little bit of a rhythm going now okay tide may be turning a little bit MCM actually electing to come in here

With third second Stone really important shot needs to Nestle right up to that rock in the top of the four flot not deep make sure deep Cur now looking like it’s going around that stone top curl hard curl hard hard go go go go go

Go go no no no okay that sucks ends up getting shot but yeah tap it a bit pretty open like uh back eight just talking about playing a tap on this rock really got to get a lot of that red or that yellow stone though to

Not bounce open if you’re going to tap and that’s the danger here for Peterson I thought almost they’d play a hit and roll away a little bit just kind of want to get to and tap you don’t want to tap it very far but you want to be shot

Just but if this hangs a little and Taps and rolls open that gives MCM a chance to play off of that bump and roll Underneath so Tabitha Peterson her first to the sixth really curling yep yep you got to by that guard yep yep yep yep yep yep Taps their own Stone instead not sure who’s Shot Rock but looks to be red I think MCM can get to that rock on the intern side though

Back okay I don’t think you have to throw quite that much but if you see the ice for that I see it yeah okay we see some curl here I like back I like back line maybe there do you like it I think so so

Trying for that stone at the side of the button I think this looks good I was I’m thinking this looks maybe throwing maybe back fours to move that stone I’d say back eights what you need to move it off the button they can sit too if they just

Move it a foot they don’t want to clear it they want that rock to be behind their own still you want to get at least to nose if she does make this tab will have the outturn tap into the pocket of the two yellow Stones try to get out of

The end maybe still get a steal stone for Christine MCM said they just need nose cor would like to get to as much of this red stone as they can as close to nose as possible and cor frell throwing skip stones for Christine mcm’s team close close who close close straight

Straight whoa curl straight right to it go go go okay does sit two now but hit that a little harder than she want yeah it’s two options now you could slash and try to kill both yellows and sit two or tap the red into the pocket you can tap it on

A maybe a little thin to play the slash is probably the shot it’s pretty thin I mean this is essentially same line right I know but I have to like I have to move this right Tapp is no good right and I just don’t know if we can get the right angle with

How much I can see how much does she have here okay but if it ever does this they’d really like to play the slash if they can it’s just really Thin think it seems like T of the Peterson almost favoring it Cur she likes it cuz she’d sit two kiss this one a little bit and tapping these at the wrong angles could set up a shot for two or three our best it’s so thin Terra clock’s still running too now 1320

Really not good she has a hit for four at what point do they get really concerned well their biggest concern right now is scoring trying to but you you need to figure this shot out it’s it’s important to take the time to to know exactly what

You want to do you just you don’t really start thinking about it too much until you get to the last few ends but I mean if if you get under 13 minutes here with four ends to play you already know you’re playing with a pretty good Pace about

Three minute ends the rest of the way out yep and here’s the last Rock of the sixth for tab Peterson where’s the she is playing that outturn tap trying to get shot Rock sweepers think it needs to go for weight too off hard come on you got to go it’s over curling

Again so all the the misses running wide they definitely are tightening things up as we said but just come to not getting on a track that The Rock will run once you get closer to the center line those rocks will curl I think we’d probably go

There then okay and I’m just going to throw T line to top four yep Coro Farrell there t lineer top four and there’s nothing touching forf foot for can peton yellow we can touch it all they need to do is you hear from cor if they get to nose of their own Stone

That’s good enough to get shot so it’s just a draw for three an opportunity to go up 8 to three after six ends Christine MCM in the hack and ready for last Rock of the sixth end and an in turn draw for what could be another big number it

Curl it’s just sweepers think it’s fairly close it’s turning over down to it it’s got to be down to it yep yep yep yep yep I think you both got to go yep yep yep hard hard go go go oh sers leave it short wow they could

Sweep that at any point in that shot just to make sure it’s there that’s just a misread and a big one that’s a that point could Loom large later great throw by frell we’ll find out instead of three they’ll settle for two but still go up in this one 73 as we

Head to the seventh end Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Hey Twin Cities Orthopedics is ready to go with more doctors specialty services and convenient urgent care locations Ready Set TCO back at American Dream draw five of the Women’s National Championships and Christine MCM up 7even to3 over reigning national champions Tabitha Peterson and Peterson with the hammer in this seventh

End and CLA Moors delivering the first stone line is really top I’m sure MCN happy with a four-point lead looked like Peterson was in great position to steal virtually the entire end it’s trying we’re behind theam I think both teams unhappy after the the finish of that end as it

Definitely looked like a pretty straightforward draw for three that was made by cor Ferell that stopped short and for Peterson looking like they thought they were going to it’s a good steal for quarters of that end ends up giving up a two anyways see Clare Morris’s Rock going

Right to the back of the 12 foot a look it’s not really Becca Hamilton immediately throwing her Corner guard now at 1233 left on their clock it’s close over on cheat B Miranda shield with two in the fifth and Steels two in the sixth now leading Sarah Anderson 65 after six ends of

Play Delany Strauss with two in the six and Lead 73 over Rachel workin Elizabeth cousins a stea one in the six to go up 421 Kim Ryan second from so it’s running again okay and neither of those stones any concern at all for Peterson so if anything they

Help as rocks that could be catchers or something that could be jammed on later in the end so this is the start that Peterson is looking for if you’re going to set up a three-point end you can use all of your shots to play to attack and play

Offensively with those stones going to the back of the house good Becca nice this rocks a little bit close together for Peterson’s liking but two corners from Becca Hamilton and fifth Stone of the end coming from jener Ches okay call for top eight just kidding I don’t know why I said that top eight yeah I was right that was quite a slip trust yourself Christine you were right all along that was supposed to be a tight guard and ends up being all right that works into the top

Eights now tab will go right under the corners I like it yeah the weight’s there Terra Peterson the inter draw line should be good just need to carry it on that line to Barry you want to get this deeper yet because you may end up stacking a couple

Under those Corners that’s a good shot by Tara Peterson if fral is not able to clear both these Stones then there could be another one coming under Corner again I don’t think we care right now I’m just calling firm as opposed to Peele thinking they want to roll to the

Center and this is where Joe you start to get a little bit too cute you’re up by four the double peel is your main objective but they’re thinking they can roll to the center this is just going to be no instead does clear both corners but leaves the shooter get

Out out and that one’s going to stay on the paint too so 14 on your big break there for Peterson but that comes from playing to try to roll center with a little less than peel weight instead of just trying to kill Stones similar weight simar weight now as we mentioned going back

Underneath the corner guard and all of a sudden three red rocks in the house and it looks like two of them are going to be completely buried that’s a really good pair there from Peterson perfectly done how much do you have here getting very interesting probably enough for the [Laughter]

Run how much do you have enough for the run so none it’s just that that’s a I like that one I might steal that I might steal that one and peels no good I don’t mind it okay like the run and roll the center is again talking about these rolls with

Where the shooter is going to end up yeah you really got to concern yourself with making the Run making the peel whatever you don’t need guards in play you’re playing kill at this point if you make the run it ends up being a center guard fine but don’t

Worry about where this shooter is ending up make the shot you’re playing kill the red stones and Christine MCM hard for the peel hard for the peel hard hard you’re good you’re good you’re good up narrow and just peels on the inside so no guards in play but three Reds in the

House tab’s thinking she wants at least one more guard first and that responsibility will fall to Cory T EAS just a mid guard a two would be good interested to see if this guard is made easy if frell will have them play the run with a red rock to Two

Reds that’s a good Guard from TC I think I like this yeah yep like normal out here I I like this call yeah stay away from the big end if you can if you can roll this into the eight foot it’s still going to be hard

To make those both those Reds count over there the one full eights may be a little bit easier I think tab was hoping that maybe they try that run again so Christine MCM trying for a hit and roll this is going backward not Jam hard okay does miss the back ones but rolls

Out so I think you might see a hit and roll away from Peterson could also freeze to that back one in the back of the eight foot too which I think might be the best option I don’t know if we need to play the roll do this or we could do

This they’re thinking about stacking there too but that was what I was haven’t really looked at that freeze on the stock in the back the eight foot yet this is a tailor made three-point end right now for Peterson if they can execute close yep yep yep you got to go

You don’t want to hit this on the nose and now there’s a they make the double but there’s a double opportunity right back for MCM off this top one so as much as they like clearing those too that’s that’s not the spot you want to leave that Red Stone like normal

Okay yeah normal or firm I was thinking firm but I like normal I feel like normal there is even a triple too if you fire this this come off that right into the pocket of those two Reds I think they’re just playing to get two of them

Though is that the discussion of normal and firm or would it need to be heavier than that even are we playing the roll or are we playing the double okay we playing normal or firm I I’m in kill mode right now if I’m him so I think you

Got to play at least firm this should be peel for me Coro farell another look at the situation at the other end of the sheet now into the hack and her first stone of the seventh end yes yeah and hard though okay okay that’s all right it’s we’ll see if they’re still sitting

Two Stone it’s still second count will end right I mean are we okay with we’re good with three right so that would mean going open right make sure we’re te or better well T line I think yeah here or even back eight so there’s no roll I

Think we got to be back eight just drawing open side they want to be at least t okay under 11 minutes now on the clock tabi the Peterson you want this rock to be the number one counter here too mine’s nice all you back eight girls all

Youa come on hard dig Terra come on really got to go to get this there on you got it you got it keep it moving keep it moving go go go come on just get it they don’t want to leave a double back again even if it does get to the

Paint but that’s not going to get there how much do you have here that’s frustrating for for Peterson had this end set up perfectly for three now maybe a way out again for phell okay you can come around with pack weight with the inter play the yellow into the red and

Spin in front of it and have the shooter roll into the 8ot maybe I’m I’m all in on the freeze too if you like that do you like this Jenna Christine MCM thinks she’s all in on the freeze as well are you all in on the freeze

Okay should be like there they think they can see enough on the the outside to maybe make the double on The Two Reds coming around the outside of the corner guard I think when she gets to the hack she’s not going to see nearly as much as she thinks she

Can if you kill one red stone it’s still not bad but let’s see if she still likes the double once she looks at it from here yeah still thinks she can see enough so she’s playing the double well could have been three for team Peterson cor Ferell Knight now

Trying to force to a one see if she can do it really fired this one okay only catches a tiny piece now a draw for three anyways for team Peterson I come back to that that inter hack weight on that yellow they don’t think they can see much of it but you

Catch any piece of it your worst case is giving up two and that shooter still rolls in but it will be a draw for three last Rock of the seventh for T Peterson to close to within a Point’s nice need a piece of the eight got to be eight Foot this one not heavy either need to touch the eight foot think they should be able to get this one there good sweep s by Hamilton and Tara Peterson for that third point back in the ball game and it is three red eighth in coming up Christine

MCM with the hammer and a one-point Advantage it is 76 Steve curling supplies America’s number one curling equipment supplier for over 50 years is proud to support USA curling no matter your skill level or budget Steves has all of the top products from the most popular brands in

The sport right now save $10 on any purchase of $100 or more when you use the code USA curling 10 at checkout that’s USAC curling 10 so go to Steves back at American Dream heading into the eighth end and Christine MCM seemingly in control but all of a sudden back into a

One-point game after three in the seventh from tabi the Peterson and it is 76 with the first coming from Becca Hamilton that rock just crosses the center don’t think it’s on the center line but MCM still electing to go around instead of playing The Tick Clare Moors with the inter

Draw is great top eight Line’s good C running a bit back eight we’re over seventh end a battle of attrition at the end there had before make sure we have space back here Peterson gets their three by virtue of really the front end play getting set up

Those two stones that ended up scoring under the corner guard were both from second Tara Peterson and the reason they were able to use those Corners really with no fear of having to chase in the middle was those two stones going deep early from MCM with Clare Morris’s so no stones

That they really had to chase at any point they were playing offense that entire end and that’s where those threes come from really Cur yeah the weight’s nice okay good Becca hamlon comes into the top of the for as Peaks out a little bit on the out outside of the

Guard there Tyler mentioned CLA Moors put her to deep in the seventh end you’re killing it where are we okay curl side curl ahe yep yep keep it going 15 you got to go you got to go get it on keep it going keep it going every

Inch Christine hard okay that ends up short I heard 15 for hog the hog that’s definitely short and those are staggered a little bit again on the guards green light for team Peterson again and it is Tara Peterson one one and a a c nice a little deeper just playing a

Guard here thought maybe they’d come in but want to make frell waste a few Stones first really good ter and the high Center guard nice placement from terara Tara’s really picked things up here in the second half of this game winning the battle at her position the team definitely follows her energy

Too those that no Tera there’s never a lack of that it’s a reason she’s a standout at our charity event in duth every year she comes now Jenna breski C roll okay clears Two Reds leaves the shooter up there I don’t think that was right again the the plus side of lining those

Guards up the way that they have straight on each others that’s the only way you can lose both if unless you throw a ton of weight is to hit very close to no he on those guards second Stone from Tara Peterson try to set up another guard right at the top of the

House right gets to the center line now with the way they’re staggered if they want to run those guards they could get I like that all three of them moving and maybe even a bonus with that yellow tight guard shooting back onto the one on the

Top of the fours looks like they’re just going to play this one first on the center line that’s the most dangerous guard so slashing the red over the top of the yellow and hoping that that yellow goes back into the red on the top of the fours and here it is jener chesy

Okay it only gets one just got a little jumpy there swept early and backed that rock out it’s nice here right so replacing the guard again eventually maybe come down stack another one in the top of the 4 foot on their own Line’s good Cory T’s first Line’s good take a look

It looks it looks pretty close yep right here want this one to curl a little more than the last one and does that’s really good position there from TC no slash run in this time now if they want to clear those rocks they have to start with the top yellow One okay okay yeah I see it this way but I only have I have a big half a hack here I don’t feel like this is giving us a lot like I feel like it’s like they’re playing the intern tap they don’t want to chase those guards anymore move the red

Yeah I’d like to move it out of the four do you think hack is enough then I don’t mind okay right 11 thought I heard 115 with this meaning that they’re trying to play the yellow into the red and move it not just a straight tap it’s a little dangerous to play that

Much weight if this shot cuz it makes it all nothing M I don’t think he’s over come on catches a piece and goes by and that’s the danger of playing that much weight at that ended up being about hack somewhere in there instead of just a

Tap where you don’t really need to go to the red very close to being made perfectly though too yeah and now with three guards up there this is the time to come into the house for Cory tii and she will do this with an outturn draw Line’s good Line’s good mine’s good mine’s

Good mine’s really good oh I got room where waiting for this to turn so they can finish if they need to weight’s all there already though it sit let it sit that’s fine settles into the back of the forest touching the button for Shot Rock sitting two this goes here but I

Don’t took a few inss Tyler but they seem to have made the adjustments to figure out the ice here in the E getting a lot better results more out of their shots turning the tide so that team MCM has been chasing after front end Stones too that’s made a big

Difference and the final Stone from Christine MCM here in the E Cur get a lot of wait for that shot too playing run instead of tap well this is almost wide open now I think we just have to straight guard that right so to skip stones and you can

Hear but they have a double right now they want to place a guard well they’re talking about that there is a double right now but as Becca is saying if you come right to the top of the button and over Barry here then that Double’s not there that’s exactly where

You need to be Becca very emphatically came in there every once in a while front Enders you got to come down and say nope we got it do this let’s go I I like that from Becca there and that’s absolutely the right call yeah C may have seen that from another

Hamilton a few times in my life so first skip Stone to the eighth end it comes from Tabitha Peterson 856 on their clock so Line’s really good played a good Line’s really good solid Pace the last couple ends not nearly as short on time as they were

Per they really want this to come all the way into the fors and even over Barry a little bitra come on a little farther that’s pretty good I like that spot a lot a lot you’re now forcing MCM into the draw against a pile of points and and cor needs to make

This on her first one it may not be there again on the second yeah if that rock carries another foot on that exact same line This draw becomes that much tougher top button here that’s what we were thinking I had a 47 on hers T MCM up by a point here in the

Eighth end and now cor frell with her first stone of the end trying to see if she can preserve the advantage for her team big it was a big out turn draw whoa It’s gliding right now she said it was a big ad down to this one yeah definitely looks like

She gave a little too much on the end there really not much they can do with this either for the sweepers they can’t turn it over they don’t want it to carry any farther they do get third count yeah it’s all systems goal for tab coming right in again now right and how

Much is that stone that cor Ferell just played help tab of the Peterson doesn’t really help or hurt on the angle they’re playing if tab came back to that stone it would actually make ferral’s last easier because it’s more backing so if you’re if there’s a Miss on this shot

It’s short you definitely don’t want to be deep but tab yeah trying to come right to the top of the forest top of the lid Here Comes her last Rock of the eighth end really spun this one too even more than what we’ve seen for some previous draws it’s running like a yeah

That’s it just looked like that positive pop on the release that’s about the worst spot she could put that considering right on the back of the button and just cannot throw that one deep you got to give it to the sweepers and right out of the release

You could see the way that rock was spinning is just going carry that much farther almost yeah so frustrating it’s a foot and a half shorter on the same line and it’s a great shot and instead now it’s backing for Corell not an easy shot still but

Now you can use that red for a stopper instead of a clean draw and on the face of it so that was a slow kick not an easy shot but easier for Coro Farrell with her last Rock and need to draw for one off the hack out turn draw and it just comes

Down to Execution is out wide right now needs to turn oh boy nowhere near that pile as now just fired this one that’s through the house weight that’s a danger on that shot Joe that you have backing so you throw weight for backing but put the broom down for the clean draw doesn’t curl

Goes right by and it is a steel of three for Tabitha Peterson and now 97 going into the ninth end and warm room hero is the intuitive Curling Club software that takes the stress out of schedules registrations and more warm room hero is a platform built for curlers by curlers check out

Warm room hero do Club hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Back at American Dream leads for Elizabeth cousins Sarah Anderson Delaney Strauss and what was a 5-1 Advantage for Christine MCM making after four ends is now 97 in favor of Tabitha Peterson as we start the ninth a steal of three in that eighth end just a lack of execution

For team MCM basically that entire end put it here started again from beginning Stones chasing but never could make that double peel never could open things up and then two chances at the intern tap both of them overthrown with too much weight and then good throw two chances at the

Outturn draw and same thing I mean that’s it’s not hard to see where those points come from when the end comes down that way unfortunate for MCM after playing such a strong first six ends of this game really might have to Cur it a bit second Stone here

From Becca Hamilton they already have one yep hard Line’s getting good keep going keep going at the back of the button yes hard really good Becca nice and a nice Center guard here right on the line go play there six feet more here curling no different than any other sport to Joe

With when the good team starts putting pressure on you can see the walls is closing in now the time clocks no problem really for Peterson at this point 826 to go pace is right on for what they need for the last couple of ends shows you how easy it is to

Actually play to the PACE that you should when you focus on it and it’s not the first time this week we’ve said when a team is behind on clock and started playing faster they started playing better you can enough of it I like it just and that’s always the case for

This squad with tab Peters when things slow down and the game becomes a slog that’s where they struggle but when they’re getting in the hack playing with rhythm this is where they’re at their best fifth Rock of the end comes from Tara Peterson it R bring it right in on that nice shot

From terara I I I really think joi’s been the difference in turning this game around I don’t know if she’s missed a shot since the break really good rock placement good energy keeping the team moving uh for Becca Hamilton good energy some big sweeps and again that last end

Being emphatic but here’s what we want to do sometimes those front Enders got to keep the back end in line I was going to say it’s like we we saw yesterday as well and it it’s the front end that’s starting to make a difference here compared their play compared to the

Front end with Team MCM yeah and it’s leading by energy leading by example and by execution too you know when really picks things up the way that they have it’s it’s contagious even if you don’t realize it that’s energy by osmosis execution same thing and it can go the opposite way too

Which we’ve kind of seen for for cor Ferell Squad that the execution really hasn’t been there for the front end and then not only are they playing tougher shots for the back end but that same energy of uhoh this is starting to turn against us I like that you can feel that

In the back of your mind as backend players and you got to be mentally strong to overcome that and too say we got to hold this lead we’ve been the better team for the entire game and now still this game isn’t over down two in the ninth got to at least

Find your two get yourself back in this Tara Peterson with her second it’s okay seven Line’s good nice six exactly where they want to be this is on a nice path Again no broadcaster jinx this time nicely done again by terara as it buried behind that Center guard so what option does it leave here for Jenna breski jenet coming down following on that outturn path maybe trying to just tap that red that Peterson just threw line

Right now sit right in front of them right now that looks like maybe freeze weight no bounce notc might see a guard just freezes right on it were going the back no we W okay Taps off but not a bad spot hard to get to inside and not jam on

Something I like freezing on the inside yeah okay so 142 freeze to the pocket now for Cory TC and even with 735 left and no concern about clock you can tell they’re still playing quicker I got a little more because it’s what theyve doing the last three four ends and it’s it’s helping

Their their execution those brains just get in the way sometimes just get in the hack and throw the Rock and really well done by TC there too good angles for team Peterson here lineup change mid-season by team MCM flipflop Christine MCM and cor frell frell calling the house I think we

Want to move these throwing from the skip position bump this one out to here and stay on the high side here okay I like that yeah do you like uh hack weights that was what I was seeing 125 I like it 12 try Sarah Anderson with two in the

Eighth end to take the lead back on Miranda shield now 76 she with hammer down by a point in the ninth first stone here of the ninth for Christine MCM and it seems Tyler just that red stone at the top of the four is what they want to try and tap out of

There well they want to change the angles they’re not not moving any probably out of the house unless they think that second one spills but mostly they just need to move these Reds around they want to hit this on the high side come on hard curling the nose the yellow back had 12

It shot shot yellow shot Stone so what does this mean for Cory T well you can get rid of both yellows right now with big weight hit that I have almost all of this rock that was just thrown and H on a hair high red goes into yellow yellow goes

Into red and spills off I think we probably hit what I can see right yeah as much as I can see but I think if you’re a little high it’s okay it should still clip this I don’t think it’ll don’t you think yeah they’re close enough together

There might not be a ton of action on that shot rock you can get it out count may or may not go out of the house depending on how much of this top yellow you can hit other option would be to guard with them only sitting one it’s tough to get

In there for a second counter right now only three rocks left but playing kill mode and here it comes from Cory TC this is really wide out of hand Becca you got to go Becca spills the yellow to the side of the 12 foot catching it wide a good result sitting

Four and really putting the pressure on Christine MCM and coral Ferell cor Ferell to get more than one in this end wall of red stones in the front need to move that one on the center line to have any chance of scoring two line okay so same

Weight I don’t know and you don’t need to roll under if this red stone is in the back of the 4f foot still plays into a jam I think they’re just playing back line and trying to get cross the red in the top of the fours just a little

Bit be shot here it comes from Christine MCM curl you need to curl well that’s it we’ve heard that a lot this morning will and will it C that’s the question Roll It Roll get about a half Rock on the outside and roll right over with the other and

Now all those Reds stacked under the center guard she could still make this freeze true right so maybe we want to show half I think so right on the center Line’s pretty good you’re in prevention mode now for t look at say where is their out where do

They score and that would be the freeze so still coming into the house not throwing a guard but taking that draw path away so 8ot we made a big deal about the time throughout this game Tyler and you look at the other ones and other other games

Are in the ninth end and everybody has less time than than tabi the Peterson now it does tend to happen that way where you’re so concerned about time that you play with that pace and all of a sudden look up and say well now it’s not a problem anymore mine’s nice and

First stone from tab the Peterson here in the nth hey go trying to get to top eight it want to tuck a corner but no more it yeah just leave it it just going to be short so they’re going to leave it as a center guard instead is that so bad

It’s not a bad result no that freeze is going to be tough this angle still I had a 49 on that one okay do you like that ice I think so that looks good what are you thinking for T 14 so there any options here for Coro

Ferrell to get two you’re going to need a Miss to get two and there scoring space is so so small remember let’s place this on the T line so they get to te even if she makes this perfectly in order to get a second point you still have to outcount those Reds

Right and there isn’t really any spot for that so on the kick right if this is made I mean maybe there’s an angle running with those two yellows to get some of the Reds moving but first you have to make this freeze otherwise it’s a Point Line’s

Nice and cor Farrell with her first to the ninth and just needs to draw it in we’ve seen cor heavy with a couple draws last few ends this one have gliding again too I know was that that heavy that’s going right by and there will not be two for team MCM in the

Ninth okay the hole really she only has the think so the the draw that she just threw or the hole what is she have the double tap on those two corners yeah haven’t seen this much this week but it looks like a guard here for the final

Stone it’s always a good thing if you’re guarding and you’re sitting three or four which looks like it is four now yeah they’re going to switch to the intern side to throw this guard essentially I think the only shot that frell will have is that double tap

On those two yellows the corner guards which is lined up right to where they need to go but extremely difficult shot and only for one and tabi the Peterson with their last Rock of the ninth end if they can get this to a tight guard it takes that Tap Away too they want

Thisy easy as tight as they can but yeah now it’s over curling so they’re just going to let it die yep close so I believe they will play that tap on the two yellows and we talked earlier Joe about that draw for three in the sixth end from MCM coming up

Short Ferell threw a perfect Stone they could have swept it basically at any point came up 6 in short that point is looming very large right now close to you’ve been you’ve been saying this is very difficult to tap the high stone run it into the next and see if you can

Get it looks difficult how but how diff I mean like if you had to handicap it what kind of percentage are we looking at uh I mean if if I’m saying how many times out of 10 you make something like this two okay that’d be probably a a

Generous game yeah yeah I think so and that’s for just about anybody too that’s not you know if I went down and threw it I’d give myself maybe one out of 10 right now so the good thing is the angle plays well for it they don’t have to play you

Know to cross and Chip or anything like that if you hit it on the nose of the stone that’s about the angle you need to make the T sawab and these shots Joe are actually easier when you have another rock lining it up the way it is if it was just one

Stone that they were tapping it actually makes the shot tougher right because these being closer together there’s a little larger spot on the high stone you can hit it gives you a little more margin for air than if it was just a single tap I was about to ask how much margin of

Erir they have it’s a it’s a little more because of the second Stone so it’s probably about a almost board weight shot because you can use the red for a stop or two so you always want to make sure you have enough here cor Farrell off the

Hack out turn and needs to try and run a stone to give them shot key point in this game right here not sure has enough right now has to get there too I just didn’t have enough to get it there anyways that’s when you need to

Air on the the heavy side with those Stoppers so it is a steel of three and that’s probably handshakes now at least three they’re looking for a fourth point and if I’m if it’s close and they can’t tell if I’m Peterson I probably just say three and kick it out because it’s already

Game tab see it’s yellow okay so steel of three to make it 127 and that’s it wow three consecutive threes don’t see that all that often especially trailing to that point yeah trailing 5-1 after four and then tabi the Peterson turns it around by putting up 11

Points in the next five ends and that’s the mark of a champion too they’re the defending national champions the Olympic team for a reason backs up against the wall when they played their best again I’ll I’ll go back to that energy and shot making from Tara Peterson coming

Out of the break she was near Flawless in the second half half and and you could see the way she drove the team keep moving keep making shots and Becca Hamilton same thing some big sweeps some good input front end brought some energy kind of picked the back end up and then

They all four had all systems going the last couple ends you can see that from the scoreboard elsewhere over on sheet a it is cousins and Ryme and they are level at six as they are at the 10th end and Elizabeth cousins holding the hammer there and Sarah Anderson trailing

Miranda Shield 87 in the 10th but Anderson with the hammer and over on sheet D it is Delaney Strauss leading Rachel warin 85 as they play the 10th with warin holding the hammer but on sheet see our feature match come from behind win for Tabitha Peterson over Christine MCM 127 Peterson

Goes to 4 and one and we will be back at two Eastern one Central we’ll get our first look on our feature sheet of this Championship from reigning men’s national champion John Schuster as he goes up against Ethan Samson for Tyler George and our entire crew I’m Joe TS

And join us again two Eastern one Central for John Schuster against Ethan Samson as we have draw five on the men side this USA curling national championship What a Shot

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